Gut Microbiota: No Longer The Forgotten Organ

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Vol. 78, Suppl.

2, 20-21

Gut Microbiota: No Longer

the Forgotten Organ

Hania Szajewska, Warsaw

Editorial Board
Andrew Prentice, Banjul/London
Raanan Shamir, Tel Aviv
Hania Szajewska, Warsaw

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Reprint of Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism Vol. 77, Suppl. 3, 2021

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Vol. 78, Suppl. 2, 20-21


11 Editorial
Szajewska, H. (Warsaw)

Gut Microbiota: No Longer the Forgotten Organ

13 Focus on: Microbiome and Infection: A Case for “Selective


14 Microbiome and Infection: A Case for “Selective Depletion”

Hill, C. (Cork)

10 Focus on: Impact of Delivery Mode on Infant Gut Microbiota

11 Impact of Delivery Mode on Infant Gut Microbiota

Korpela, K. (Helsinki)

20 Focus on: Gut Microbiota Development: Influence of Diet

from Infancy to Toddlerhood

21 Gut Microbiota Development: Influence of Diet from Infancy

to Toddlerhood
Laursen, M.F. (Kongens Lyngby)

35 Focus on: Microbiomes and Childhood Malnutrition: What Is

the Evidence?

36 Microbiomes and Childhood Malnutrition: What Is the

McGuire, M.K.; McGuire, M.A. (Moscow, ID) © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/

S. Karger AG, Basel
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S. Karger AG, Basel

Reprint with permission from:

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):1–2
DOI: 10.1159/000519223

Gut Microbiota: No Longer the

Forgotten Organ
Hania Szajewska
The Department of Paediatrics, The Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

While the gut microbiota was once called “the forgotten the concept of “selective depletion,” where pathogens can be
organ” [1], it is no longer forgotten. On the contrary, it is a hot reduced by narrow-spectrum inhibitors, such as bacteriocins
topic for research, as documented by the rapidly increasing or bacteriophages (phages). The microbiome is protected and
number of scientific papers on this subject as well as coverage can play a role in reducing the spread of infection by sup-
in the lay press, TV/radio programs, and social media. pressing the growth of pathogens.
The aim of this new series is to highlight recent develop- The mode of delivery affects the gut microbiome. The
ments and hot topics in gut microbiome/microbiota research. World Health Organization estimates the cesarean section
These two terms are often used interchangeably. However, rate as 10–15% of all births if only used when medically nec-
there is a subtle difference between them [2]. The term mi- essary. However, cesarean delivery is increasing in prevalence
crobiome refers to all the microorganisms (and their genes) worldwide. Based on data from 169 countries that included
living in a specific environment such as the gut. These micro- over 98% of births worldwide, cesarean section almost dou-
organisms include bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses. bled in 2015 compared with 2000 (21.1% vs. 12.1%, respec-
The term microbiota, in principle, refers to the microbes tively) [5]. The second paper by Katri Korpela [6] from the Uni-
themselves. If only the genes are of interest, the term metage- versity of Helsinki, Finland, discusses the impact of delivery
nome is used. mode on the infant gut microbiota, its consequences, and the
Regardless of the terminology, a balanced gut microbiota interventions to restore the microbial dysbiosis created by ce-
is crucial for health. Conversely, dysbiosis, which refers to al- sarean section.
tered gut microbiota diversity and composition (i.e., changes Diet is a key factor that has a substantial impact on the
at the level of phylum, genus, or species) [3], contributes to composition and function of the gut microbiota. The third
the development of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal dis- paper, written by Martin Laursen [7] from the National Food
eases. Among others, the microbiota mediates colonization Institute, Technical University of Denmark, covers the most
resistance and influences susceptibility to infectious diseases. important factors controlling the succession and establish-
The first paper, by Colin Hill [4] from the APC Microbiome Ire- ment of the gut microbiota in infants after birth. Considering
land and School of Microbiology, University College Cork, Ire- how the early-life gut microbiota impacts our immunity, a
land, reviews advances in the research on infections and the better understanding of the process could potentially lead to
microbiome, which provides a barrier to infection but can also strategies modifying the risk of diseases later in life.
serve as a source of novel antimicrobials. He also introduces © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ Correspondence to:

S. Karger AG, Basel Hania Szajewska, hszajewska @
Some children have too little to eat, while others consume position of the gut microbiota and the regulation of body
too many calories via junk food and beverages. Consequent- weight.
ly, malnutrition consisting of undernutrition, overweight, and In summary, gut microbiome/microbiota research is a hot
obesity is a major public health concern affecting all countries topic and is booming. This series also documents that the gut
– low-, middle-, and high-income – although in different microbiota is indeed no longer forgotten and is increasingly
proportions [8, 9]. In the fourth paper written by Michelle Mc- recognized as a potential key player in the pathogenesis of
Guire and Mark McGuire [10] from the University of Idaho, several diseases.
Moscow, ID, USA, the authors discuss data linking the com-

1 Marchesi JR, Adams DH, Fava F, Hermes GD, Hirschfield GM, Hold 6 Korpela K. Impact of delivery mode on infant gut microbiota. Ann
G, et al. The gut microbiota and host health: a new clinical frontier. Nutr Metab. doi: 10.1159/000518498.
Gut. 2016 Feb;65(2):330–9.
7 Laursen MF. Gut Microbiota development: influence of diet from
2 Quigley EM, Ghoshal UC, editors. WGO Handbook on the Gut Mi- infancy to toddlerhood. Ann Nutr Metab. doi: 10.1159/000517912.
crobiome. World Gastroenterology Organisation; 2020 [cited Aug
8 Hawkes C, Ruel MT, Salm L, Sinclair B, Branca F. Double-duty ac-
22, 2021]. Available from: https://www.worldgastroenterology.
tions: seizing programme and policy opportunities to address
malnutrition in all its forms. Lancet. 2020 Jan;395(10218):142–55.
Erratum in: Lancet. 2020 Feb 1;395.
3 Hooks KB, O’Malley MA. Dysbiosis and Its Discontents. MBio. 2017
9 The double burden of malnutrition. Lancet. Dec 16, 2019 [cited
Aug 22, 2021]. Available from:
4 Hill C. Microbiome and infection: a case for “selective depletion”. double-burden-malnutrition.
Ann Nutr Metab. doi: 10.1159/000516399.
10 McGuire MK, McGuire MA. Microbiomes and childhood mal-
5 Boerma T, Ronsmans C, Melesse DY, Barros AJD, Barros FC, Juan nutrition: what is the evidence? Ann Nutr Metab. doi: 10.1159/
L, et al. Global epidemiology of use of and disparities in caesarean 000519001.
sections. Lancet. 2018 Oct;392(10155):1341–48.

2 Reprint with permission from: Szajewska

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):1–2
DOI: 10.1159/000519223
The future of smart antimicrobial therapies may not involve pathogen
elimination with collateral damage to the microbiome (broad-spectrum
approaches), but may well lie in restricting the growth of pathogens to a
point where they cannot cause disease while harnessing the power of the
microbiome to ensure a return to a healthy state

Reprinted with permission from: Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9

Microbiome and Infection: A Case for “Selective Depletion”

Colin Hill

Key insights Fecal microbiota

transplantation Selective microbial
Microbial infections can be recognized as a disruption of the consortiums

normal homeostatic relationship between a particular

microbe and the host. There are many instances where the
pathogen is not acquired but is already a member of the Healthy
Probiotics microbiome
microbiome, e.g., Clostridioides difficile, Staphylococcus Purified
aureus, or certain strains of Escherichia coli. Often, these bacteriocins
organisms only cause disease when the surrounding
microbiome is compromised, enabling the pathogen to grow
and result in disease symptoms in the host. Thus, the Bacteriophage lysins
microbiome itself should be treated as a virtual organ and
protected during therapeutic interventions. A targeted Mining the microbiome has yielded a variety of therapeutic strategies
approach towards eliminating unwanted microbial pathogens for the treatment of infections and chronic diseases.
is termed “selective depletion,” whereby pathogen numbers
are curtailed by a narrow-spectrum inhibitor, but the
microbiome is protected and can thus play a role in restoring Practical implications
health and suppressing pathogen outgrowth in the infected
patient. What is it about the microbiome that keeps pathogens in check,
and can we harness the microbiome itself for selective therapies
against specific pathogens? Microbiome-derived anti-infection
strategies have ranged from using an entire intact microbiome,
a selected microbial consortium, or single biological entities.
Current knowledge Recent advances in mining the microbiome have taken this one
step further. A targeted approach involves the isolation and pu-
From birth to adulthood, all our exposed bodily surfaces be- rification of bacteriocins, toxins produced by bacteria that in-
come colonized by thousands of different microbial strains. hibit the growth of related bacterial strains. For example, thuri-
The human body consists of hundreds of micro-environ- cin CD is produced by a strain of Bacillus thuringiensis and is a
ments that facilitate the growth of various microbes (the mi- very narrow-spectrum bacteriocin targeting C. difficile. This ap-
crobiome). In turn, the microbiome fulfills many functions proach paves the way for selective depletion of pathogens with-
that are critical for human health. Under a normal state of out collateral damage to the microbiome.
homeostasis, the microbiome acts as a “virtual organ,” con-
stantly signaling to the digestive, immune, nervous, and en-
docrine systems in a process that maintains health and pre- Recommended reading
vents disease. Infection can be viewed as any interaction be-
tween a microbe and the host that results in damage severe De Maesschalck V, Gutiérrez D, Paeshuyse J, Lavigne R, Briers
enough to be manifested in the form of disease symptoms. Y. Advanced engineering of third-generation lysins and for-
mulation strategies for clinical applications. Crit Rev Micro-
biol. 2020;46:548–64. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/

S. Karger AG, Basel
Review Article

Reprint with permission from:

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9
DOI: 10.1159/000516399

Microbiome and Infection:

A Case for “Selective Depletion”
Colin Hill  

APC Microbiome Ireland and School of Microbiology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Key Messages virtual organ within the human body, and we would surely
hesitate to advance any therapeutic approach that would
• The microbiome is a virtual organ that should be protected in cause substantial damage to one of our organs. This is one
therapeutic interventions.
consequence of many broad-spectrum antimicrobial thera-
• Narrow-spectrum inhibitors can “selectively deplete” the
pathogen while protecting the microbiome. pies. There may be instances where a more precise approach
• The microbiome itself can be a valuable source of antimicro- would be useful. I have termed this “selective depletion”; a
bials. concept where pathogen numbers are curtailed by a narrow-
spectrum inhibitor but the microbiome is protected and can
play a role in restoring health and suppressing the outgrowth
Keywords of the pathogen in the infected patient. It may well be that the
Bacteriocin · Bacteriophage · Probiotics · Infection · best reservoir of microbiome-friendly antimicrobial agents is
Microbiome the microbiome itself, and I provide examples of where the
microbiome has been mined for novel precision antimicrobi-
als. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/
Abstract S. Karger AG, Basel

In most instances where a pathogen has initiated an infection,

the primary goal of the treating physician or pharmacist is to
eliminate the pathogen. In the absence of knowledge of the Microbiome, Pathogens, and Host
precise identity of the problem-causing microbe, a broad-
spectrum antimicrobial gives the best chance of success. This As a rule, microbes are good for us. We interact with trillions
approach has saved many lives and is an invaluable tool in of microbes every day, and almost all these interactions are
fighting infections. However, perhaps our current apprecia- mutually beneficial, or at the very least are benign. Our most
tion of the importance of the microbiome in human health important microbial interaction is that between us and our
should give us pause. We can regard the microbiome as a microbiome, our fellow travellers on our journey through life. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ Correspondence to:

S. Karger AG, Basel Colin Hill, c.hill @
Colonisation resistance Infection





Access to
other organs

Fig. 1. A diverse abundant microbiome (left) can act as a barrier to infection through a variety of mechanisms, includ-
ing direct inhibition, colonisation resistance, or educating the immune system. A damaged microbiome (right) may
be more susceptible to infectious bacteria causing damage.

We are born into a microbial world, and as adults, all our ex- between the pathogen and the host in terms of survival, colo-
posed surfaces are colonised with thousands of microbial nisation, growth, and ultimately damage mediated by viru-
strains selected from the millions we have encountered since lence factors such as invasive mechanisms and/or the pro-
birth [1]. We provide our microbes with a somewhat protect- duction of toxins. The damage caused can result in mild
ed, albeit highly competitive, environment. It is more correct symptoms or death depending on a myriad of factors. These
to state that we provide hundreds of micro-environments or factors include the identity of the pathogen, including the ge-
niches. We as hosts provide sustenance and permissive envi- nus, species, and even the genetic complement of a given
ronmental conditions, while our microbial partners fulfil many strain; the possession and expression of virulence factors; the
functions important to human health. We share the same dose; the circumstances surrounding the exposure in terms
chemical language, and so there is constant communication of food carriers or breach of barriers (skin or mucosal surface);
between our microbes and our nervous system, our immune the genetics of the host; the hosts immune status; and of
systems, and our mucosal surfaces. In a healthy human, these course, the commensal microbes present at the site of infec-
interactions with our microbial “virtual organ” [2] is important tion (the microbiome).
for maintaining health and preventing disease. The microbi- There are many instances where the pathogen is not ac-
ome is a valuable partner and, as with any other organ, should quired but is already a member of our microbiome, for exam-
be protected insofar as possible. ple, Clostridioides difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, or certain
In this context, we can see microbial infections as an aber- strains of Escherichia coli. These pathogens often only cause
ration where a specific microbe has broken with the normal- disease when the surrounding microbiome is compromised in
ly benign or beneficial relationship between microbes and some way, and the pathogen manages to grow and use its
hosts. We call these microbes pathogens or opportunistic virulence factors to cause damage to the host. We can regard
pathogens. Infection describes any interaction between a mi- the microbiome as a barrier to infection (Fig.  1). Antibiotic
crobe and a host that results in damage that is severe enough treatment can be an effective solution to reduce or even elim-
to be manifested in the form of symptoms. Infection usually inate a pathogen but can also lead to further damage to the
follows a very prescribed path, initiated by acquisition or ex- microbiome. For C. difficile, this can result in recurring bouts
posure to the infectious microbe (pathogen), engagement of diarrhoea and even fatal outcomes. Most microbiomes will

A Case for Selective Depletion in Treating Reprint with permission from: 5

Infectious Disease Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9
DOI: 10.1159/000516399
Faecal Microbiota Transplantation
Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is perhaps the most
(Microbial consortia) dramatic example of mining the microbiome for solutions to
infections. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis con-
Probiotics cluded that there is high-quality evidence that FMT is effective
(Postbiotics) in breaking the vicious cycle of recurring C. difficile infections
[4], although a similar success rate has not been reported for
Phage non-infectious diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome [5].
(Phage lysins) Essentially, FMT involves collecting the entire microbiome
from one individual in the form of a faecal donation and trans-
Microbiome Bacteriocins planting it with minimal processing to the colon of a patient
with recurring C. difficile infections. The generally accepted
opinion is that FMT “repairs” a microbiome that has been dam-
aged by the antibiotic therapies used to/try to control the ini-
Fig. 2. Mining the microbiome for selective depletion strategies.
FMT, faecal microbiota transplantation.
tial infection(s) and allows the recipient to use this more di-
verse microbiome to suppress subsequent outgrowth of the
pathogen. Another strategy linked to FMT is using an unde-
fined microbial consortium composed of spores purified from
recover from antibiotic exposure and will revert to a level of a faecal sample and transferred to a patient with a similar ob-
complexity and community structure that approximates the jective of restoring diversity and suppressing pathogen-in-
pre-treatment microbiome, but of course, there will also be an duced damage. This intervention had less successful results
undesirable selection pressure for the emergence of antibi- in published phase 2 clinical trials [6] but has the potential to
otic resistance in both target and nontarget species. A link be- be the platform for a range of microbiome-based intervention
tween microbiome composition and sensitivity to viral infec- strategies.
tion in humans has also been reported recently [3].
What is it about the microbiome that keeps these patho- Probiotics
gens in check, and can we develop effective therapies aimed Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in
at selectively depleting the pathogen during an infection? I adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host [7].
use the term “selective depletion” to describe any treatment There is evidence that probiotics can be used to prevent and
that causes minimal damage to the microbiome but reduces treat infection, and some of these data have been generated
the pathogen to levels that do not lead to symptoms or cause in humans. The strength of the data is not entirely consistent,
long-term damage to the host. What kind of strategies would since most meta-analyses and systematic reviews are per-
meet this objective of selective depletion? Perhaps the best formed across a range of different probiotic interventions,
place to start is the microbiome itself. Can we explore the mi- dose ranges, and disease outcomes. Nonetheless, there have
crobiome for strategies that can prevent and even treat infec- been positive outcomes. A recent meta-analysis on the abil-
tions? I will draw upon some of our own work in this area to ity of probiotics to prevent necrotizing enterocolitis in pre-
illustrate some of the possibilities of “mining the microbiome” term neonates concluded that there are “significant benefits
for novel anti-infectives. of probiotic supplements in reducing death and disease in
preterm neonates” [8]. A similar analysis for the use of probi-
Mining the Microbiome otics in upper respiratory tract infections concluded that
Microbiome-derived anti-infection strategies have ranged “low-quality evidence provides support that probiotics have
from using an entire intact microbiome or a microbial con- potential efficacy for preventing upper respiratory tract infec-
sortium to selecting single biological entities (bacteria, fungi, tion episodes in adults” [9]. Yet another meta-analysis con-
bacteriophage, or bacterial metabolites) (Fig. 2). In most in- ducted on the use of probiotics in children with acute diar-
stances, the objective is one of selective depletion, rather than rhoea “supports the potential beneficial roles of probiotics
the broad-spectrum approach typical of many antibiotic or and synbiotics for acute diarrhoea in children” [10]. There are
antiviral strategies. Much of the data generated to date have also single clinical trials with impressive evidence, for exam-
been acquired from animal models since it can be difficult to ple, a randomised clinical trial in India involving over 45,000
design and perform experiments on humans with respect to children using a symbiotic composed of Lactiplantibacillus
infection. plantarum together with fructooligosaccharides reported a

6 Reprint with permission from: Hill

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9
DOI: 10.1159/000516399
significant reduction in sepsis and death in the treatment co- Bacteriophage and Bacteriophage Lysins
hort [11]. Bacteriophages (phages) are bacterial viruses that often have
Mechanistic insights have also been generated in animal a very narrow-spectrum of inhibition. There are several ad-
models. We were able to demonstrate that bacteriocin pro- vantages and disadvantages to using bacteriocins to treat in-
duction is responsible for the protective effect of Ligilactoba- fections, a concept often referred to as phage therapy [25].
cillus salivarius UCC118 against deliberate infection of mice Disadvantages include the narrow host ranges, although, of
with Listeria monocytogenes [12]. We showed that the bacte- course, this could be regarded as an advantage in selective
riocin was highly active against L. monocytogenes and that a depletion strategies. This disadvantage can be addressed by
non-bacteriocin-producing genetic knockout had no protec- using cocktails of phages to cover a wider spectrum of target
tive effect against the pathogen in the same model. Other bacteria, or by carefully selecting the correct phage from an
anti-infective mechanisms could include interacting with the existing phage bank to use against a specific pathogenic strain
immune system or improving barrier function [13]. Bacterio- infecting a patient. Another disadvantage is the ease with
cins represent another example of the “selective depletion” which bacteria can develop resistance to the phage attack,
concept in that they are usually narrow spectrum and should again an issue that may be overcome by using multiple phag-
be rapidly broken down by proteases and peptidases in the es in cocktails. Advantages include their widespread distribu-
gut and therefore unlikely to select for resistance. tion in nature and subsequent ease of isolation in many in-
stances, and, of course, their ability to multiply at the site of
Bacteriocins infection. However, the clinical evidence is scarce. Phages
Concentrated or purified bacteriocins have also been ex- have been used for decades in eastern Europe, and it is logical
plored for their potential in preventing or treating infection to assume they must have benefits in that they have survived
(reviewed by [14–16]). Bacteriocins have been largely tested as frontline treatments for so many years [26]. In the West,
in laboratory animal models, although a broad-spectrum lan- phages have been used in some high-profile instances in sin-
tibiotic, nisin, has been used commercially to prevent mastitis gle patients with infections that were recalcitrant to antibi-
in dairy cattle [17, 18]. Some bacteriocins such as nisin are otic therapies [27, 28]. Phages can potentially be applied on
relatively broad spectrum, but an attempt has also been made the skin, by inhalation, or by ingestion [29].
to use narrow-spectrum bacteriocins for “selective depletion” Lysins are enzymes produced by bacteriophages that are
of specific pathogens. One example is the discovery of thuri- responsible for lysing the target bacterium following multipli-
cin CD, a very narrow-spectrum bacteriocin targeting C. dif- cation of phage particles. Phage lysins target the cell wall and
ficile [19, 20]. Thuricin CD is produced by a strain of Bacillus can also act from outside the cell. Lysins can be broader spec-
thuringiensis that was mined from the human gut microbiome trum than their carrying phages, but are still limited to the spe-
in an extensive screening program. It was subsequently dem- cies or genus level, making them good candidates for selec-
onstrated in improvised models of the human colon (faecal tive depletion strategies. There have been many attempts to
fermentations) that thuricin CD could dramatically reduce C. use phage lysins to target specific pathogens (reviewed by [30,
difficile levels in a highly complex microbiome without caus- 31], particularly on the skin [32] and in the respiratory tract [33].
ing substantial collateral damage to the other members of the As is the case for bacteriocins, these gene-encoded antimi-
community. Antibiotics or broad-spectrum bacteriocins de- crobials can readily be engineered for greater efficacy [34].
ployed in the same model also reduced levels of C. difficile
but also caused significant shifts in microbiome composition
[20]. While this approach has not been validated in humans or Conclusions
animals, it provides a glimpse of future developments in this
exciting area. The microbiome provides both a barrier to infection and a
Bacteriocins also have a potential as antimicrobials for source that can be mined for novel antimicrobials. While
treating skin infections, some as broad-spectrum inhibitors these antimicrobials, including FMT, microbial consortia, pro-
such as garvicin KS and micrococcin P1 [21, 22], but others as biotics, bacteriocins, and bacteriophages (and their lysins),
potentially narrow-spectrum inhibitors that could be used in have often been analysed for their solo impact on infection,
selective depletion strategies. Because bacteriocins are gene there is no reason why these could not be used as combina-
encoded, they can be engineered to improve their physico- torial treatments. Perhaps the most attractive feature of these
chemical characteristics and/or inhibition spectrum [23]. Bac- microbiome-based inhibitors is their potential narrow spec-
teriocins can also be used in combination with other antimi- trum of inhibition that would act to selectively deplete the
crobials for greater effect [24]. pathogen, while preserving the complexity of the surrounding

A Case for Selective Depletion in Treating Reprint with permission from: 7

Infectious Disease Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9
DOI: 10.1159/000516399
microbiome. This might require precise identification of the Statements of Ethics
pathogen before initiating treatment, but this is not a signifi-
No ethical approval is required as there is no original data in this ar-
cant problem with chronic infections and is becoming less of ticle.
a problem with speedy high-throughput bacterial identifica-
tion becoming more accessible for acute infections [35]. The
future of smart antimicrobial therapies may not involve patho- Conflict of Interest Statement
gen elimination with collateral damage to the microbiome
(broad-spectrum approaches) but may well lie in restricting The writing of this article was supported by Nestlé Nutrition Institute
and the author declares no other conflicts of interest.
the growth of pathogens to a point where they cannot cause
disease while harnessing the power of the microbiome to en-
sure a return to a healthy state – a strategy I designate as se-
Funding Sources
lective depletion.
The author is an investigator at APC Microbiome Ireland that receives
funding from the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) (Grant No. SFI/12/

1 Hill C. You have the microbiome you deserve. Gut Microb. 2020; 11 Panigrahi P, Parida S, Nanda NC, Satpathy R, Pradhan L, Chandel
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2 O’Hara AM, Shanahan F. The gut flora as a forgotten organ. EMBO
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A Case for Selective Depletion in Treating Reprint with permission from: 9

Infectious Disease Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):4–9
DOI: 10.1159/000516399
Emerging evidence suggests that antibiotic exposure during
birth can be likened to a chemical C-section from the
microbial perspective, eliminating the natural transmission of
gut microbiota, especially bifidobacteria, from mother to infant

Reprinted with permission from: Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19

Impact of Delivery Mode on Infant Gut Microbiota

Katri Korpela

Key Insight
Exposure to maternal gut microbes
Infant gut is colonized
C-section birth or exposure to intrapartum antibiotics by specific maternal
Infant Vaginal birth microbes
eliminates the normal mother-to-infant transmission of (bifidobacterial and
beneficial microbes. This alters the development of the infant Bacteroides species)
gut microbiota, with negative consequences on immune and Exposure to skin microbes, microbes
metabolic development. C-section deliveries are increasing from the hospital environment
Lower abundance of
worldwide, affecting over 50% of infants in certain regions. In bifidobacterial and
Infant C-section birth
developed countries, over 30% of infants are also exposed to almost total lack of
Bacteroides species
antibiotics during vaginal birth. This suggests that natural
microbial colonization at birth is currently disrupted in up to
half of infants, even in regions with low C-section rates and
C-section birth eliminates the normal mother-to-infant transmission
good antimicrobial stewardship.
of beneficial microbes.

Current knowledge
During vaginal birth, the infant is exposed to diverse maternal addressing the microbiota imbalance in infants born via C-
microbes, of which specific fecal microbes colonize the in- section and in infants exposed to antibiotics before or during
fant’s gut. However, not all maternal gut bacteria have the birth. The impact of antibiotic exposure can be modified by
ability to colonize infants. It is important to note that the ma- feeding practices: evidence shows that formula-fed infants
ternal gut microbiota is not transmitted as an entire commu- who are on antibiotics are more severely affected by antibi-
nity: only specific members are able to establish persistent otic exposure. Breastfeeding and probiotics are particularly
populations in the infant. The dominant maternally-derived important for infants with disrupted gut colonization, as these
colonizers of the infant gut are bifidobacteria and Bacteroi- measures enhance the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Fe-
des. Infants born by C-section are colonized by bacteria from cal microbiota transplant from mother to neonate has also
the environment, including potential pathogens from the been shown to restore normal gut microbiota in C-section-
hospital environment. Therefore, there is a pressing need to born infants but requires careful screening of the mother.
restore normal gut microbiota composition in C-section-
born and antibiotic-exposed infants.
Recommended reading

Practical implications Korpela K, Helve O, Kolho K, Saisto T, Skogberg K, Dikareva E,

et al. Maternal fecal microbiota transplantation in cesarean-
Gut microbiota development is an important part of the phys- born infants rapidly restores normal gut microbial develop-
iological development of infants and should be considered in ment: a Proof-of-Concept Study. Cell. 2020;183:324–34.e5.
clinical practice. Attention should therefore be paid towards © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/

S. Karger AG, Basel
Review Article

Reprint with permission from:

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498

Impact of Delivery Mode on Infant

Gut Microbiota
Katri Korpela  

Human Microbiome Research Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Key Messages with maternal microbes, preventing vertical transmission of

gut microbes. Consequently, infants are colonized by bacte-
• Gut microbiota development is part of the physiological ria from the environment, including potential pathogens from
development of infants and should be considered in clinical
the hospital environment. Recent studies have shown that
• A large proportion of infants are exposed to C-section birth intrapartum antibiotic exposure has a C-section-like effect
or intrapartum antibiotics that eliminate normal mother-to- on the infant gut microbiota. While the composition of the
infant transmission of beneficial microbes, altering the gut microbiota largely normalizes during the first year of life,
development of their gut microbiota and consequently epidemiological studies suggest that the aberrant early mi-
immune and metabolic development.
crobial exposures have long-term immunological and meta-
• Breastfeeding and probiotics are especially important for
infants with disrupted gut microbiota colonization. bolic consequences. Because of the high prevalence of pro-
• Faecal microbiota transplant from mother to neonate has cedures that prevent normal gut microbiota development,
been shown to restore normal gut microbiota in C-section- effective methods to normalize the gut microbiota of neo-
born infants but requires careful screening of the mother. nates are urgently needed. Even more importantly, attention
should be paid to the microbiota imbalance in C-section-
Keywords born and antibiotic-exposed infants in clinical practice.
Antibiotics · Bifidobacteria · Breastfeeding · C-section · Breastfeeding and probiotics are particularly important for in-
Infancy and Childhood · Microbiota · Pediatrics · Probiotics fants with disrupted gut colonization.
© 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/
S. Karger AG, Basel

Microbial colonization of the neonate is an important feature Colonization and Early Development of Infant
of normal birth. The gut microbiota has a central role in the Gut Microbiota
programming of the host’s metabolism and immune func-
tion, with both immediate and long-term health conse- Although the notion of infants being born sterile has been
quences. During vaginal birth, the infant is exposed to diverse contested by the detection of both bacteria and bacterial DNA
maternal microbes, of which specific faecal microbes colo- in the placenta, amniotic fluid, and meconium passed within
nize the infant’s gut. C-section eliminates the infant’s contact hours of birth, the expert consensus is currently that micro- © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ Correspondence to:

S. Karger AG, Basel Katri Korpela, katri.korpela @
Microbial signals to the host Microbial signals to the host

Clostridia Enterobacteria

Relative abundances

Relative abundances
Bifidobacteria Clostridia


Age Age
a Weaning b Weaning

Fig. 1. Temporal development of the relative abundances of the dominant classes of bacteria in the infant gut in
vaginally born, breastfed infants (a) and CS-born infants (b). CS, C-section.

bial colonization of the infant, that is, the establishment of broad range of HMOs [13]. In contrast, Firmicutes and Proteo-
replicating microbial cells, does not commonly occur in bacteria generally do not degrade HMOs, with the exception
healthy pregnancies [1, 2]. In any case, all infants are colonized of certain Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus
by microbes during birth. The microbes that have been ob- strains with narrow HMO utilization spectra [11].
served in utero do not include the normal infant gut microbes, The importance of early maternal colonization is exempli-
which must be acquired during birth. fied by the finding that maternally derived microbes colonize
During birth, infants are exposed to maternal vaginal, fae- the infant essentially permanently, while non-maternal mi-
cal, and skin bacteria, which colonize the infant body sites that crobes are more transient [6]. This is suggestive of special
provide a suitable habitat and nutrients. Each bacterial species compatibility between infant and maternal microbes, poten-
has specific habitat requirements and cannot permanently tially related to partly genetically determined factors such as
colonize inhospitable body sites. The infant gut is colonized breast milk oligosaccharide composition, gut mucus compo-
at birth by maternal gut microbes [3–8], while maternal vagi- sition, and immune system.
nal microbes do not colonize the infant gut [7, 9, 10]. Not all While the gut microbiota is generally characterized by tre-
maternal gut bacteria have the ability to colonize infants, and mendous interindividual variation, the microbiota develop-
it is important to note that the gut microbiota is not transmit- ment during infancy follows a fairly clear and uniform pattern,
ted as a whole community, but only specific members are dependent on birth mode (Fig. 1). During the first year of life,
able to establish persistent populations. The dominant mater- ecological succession takes place in the infant gut with a con-
nally derived colonizers of the infant gut are bifidobacteria sistent temporal pattern across cultures [14]. The first stools
and Bacteroides [6, 7]. Several species of Bifidobacterium and harbour a highly diverse microbiota of mostly transient pass-
Bacteroides have the capacity to ferment human milk oligo- ers-by [7]. After the first few days, the diversity decreases as
saccharides (HMOs) [11], which very likely explains their suc- specific microbes bloom while others disappear [7]. Initially
cess in colonizing the infant gut [5]. While certain infant gut- dominant species include aerotolerant taxa such as staphylo-
adapted Bifidobacterium strains, such as B. longum subsp. in- cocci, enterococci, and streptococci as well as enterobacte-
fantis, B. bifidum, and B. breve, are specialized in HMO ria [12, 14]. Within weeks, the composition changes as breast
utilization [12], Bacteroides spp. are substrate generalists. milk oligosaccharide-degrading bifidobacteria outgrow. Bifi-
Bacteroides fragilis, thetaiotaomicron, and vulgatus are effi- dobacteria are usually the dominant group until weaning after
cient HMO utilizers [11]. They exploit the same pathways for which taxa that utilize plant-based carbohydrates, mainly
host mucus and HMO degradation and are able to degrade a members of the clostridial families Lachnospiraceae and Ru-

12 Reprint with permission from: Korpela

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
Table 1. Consistent gut microbiota patterns observed in CS-born infants compared to vaginally born

Increased in CS Decreased in CS Reference (large birth cohort

studies or meta-analyses)

Bacteroides x [12, 14, 16, 17]

Bifidobacteria x [12, 14, 16]
Clostridia x [12]
Gram-negative pathogens x [14, 18]
Gram-positive pathogens x [14, 16, 18]

minococcaceae, begin to gradually increase in relative abun- It has been suggested that in terms of microbial contact,
dance [14]. The abundance of Bacteroides can be high already CS delivery after rupture of membranes would more closely
very early and remains fairly stable through the early develop- resemble vaginal delivery than elective CS in which the infant
ment [14]. This likely reflects the generalist nature of Bacte- has no contact with maternal birth canal microbiota. While
roides species in terms of substrate utilization potential, in- the exposure of mother and infant to the labour process un-
cluding utilization of both diverse dietary polysaccharides and doubtedly has physiological effects, there is no reason to ex-
host-derived glycans [13]. There are some geographical dif- pect much benefit for the microbial colonization from labour,
ferences in the average gut microbiota composition of in- even with rupture of membranes, as maternal faecal microbes
fants. African infants show an increased relative abundance of are unlikely to be present in the birth canal of healthy moth-
Bacilli, while North American infants have more Bacteroidetes ers. Indeed, the hypothesis has not received much support in
and less Actinobacteria than infants in other continents [14]. the scientific literature. Only a few studies have compared the
Whether these differences are caused by technical or bio- effect of different CS types on infant gut microbiota. Emer-
logical reasons is unknown. gency CS seems to result in more drastic and long-lasting
changes in infant gut microbiota [18, 20], possibly due to
health differences. To conclude, there is currently no evi-
Impact of C-Section Birth on Gut Microbiota dence suggesting a beneficial effect of rupture of membranes
or CS during labour versus pre-labour CS on infant gut micro-
The natural microbiota transmission from mother to infant is biota.
disrupted by C-section (CS) birth [6], resulting in a deviation Thus far, only a few studies have looked into the viral com-
of microbiota development, most notably in the first 6–12 ponent of the gut microbiota, the so-called gut virome, in
months of life [14]. In fact, CS birth is perhaps the factor with early infancy. Recent results show that most of the viruses in
the most uniform effects on the gut microbiota across indi- the neonate gut are phages, that is, virus-infecting bacteria
viduals and studies. A large study on nearly 600 infants found [21]. There is evidence that phages are transmitted from the
delivery mode to be the most important factor influencing mother at birth together with their host bacteria [5, 22]. Con-
infant gut microbiota composition, with a stronger effect than sequently, total virus and phage diversity has been shown to
postnatal antibiotic treatments [15]. A particularly prominent be reduced in CS-born infants at the age of 1 year, with par-
and ubiquitous feature of the CS-born infant’s gut microbiota ticularly low abundances of Anelloviridae and Caudovirales in
is the low relative abundance of bifidobacteria and almost to- CS-born infants [23]. In fact, the effect of birth mode on the
tal lack of Bacteroides [14], that is, the taxa that would nor- gut virome was much more prominent at 1 year than the ef-
mally be obtained from the mother at birth and that are large- fect on the bacteriome [23]. This indicates that birth is crucial
ly responsible for breast milk oligosaccharide fermentation in for the acquisition of the gut phageome, and the potential for
the infant gut. These patterns are observed in practically all postnatal colonization, for example, via breast milk or the en-
studies investigating the impact of CS on infant gut microbi- vironment, is limited.
ota (Table 1), including several large cohort studies of 600– A meta-analysis of the dominant bacterial classes revealed
1,000 infants each [15–18]. In addition, the relative abundance that the differences between birth modes gradually even out
of pathogenic bacteria is often increased in CS-born infants. and mostly disappear by the age of 12 months [14]. However,
These taxa are common in the hospital and are transmitted only a few studies have investigated the associations between
from hospital surfaces to new-born infants [19]. birth mode and gut microbiota development after infancy.
Reduced diversity of Bacteroides spp. has been reported up

Impact of Delivery Mode Reprint with permission from: 13

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
to the age of 2 years [24]. Another study found reduced rela- Table 2. Consistent gut microbiota patterns observed in vaginally
born infants exposed to intrapartum antibiotics compared to those
tive abundances of several members of Lachnospiraceae and
not exposed to antibiotics
Ruminococcaceae in CS-born children at the age of 4 years
[25]. Comparably, a study using fluorescent in situ hybridiza- Increased Decreased Reference
tion found a reduced abundance of clostridia in CS-born in exposed in exposed
compared to vaginally born 7 year olds [26]. A study using
Bifidobacteria x [30–34]
quantitative PCR found significant differences in gut micro-
Clostridia x [20, 30, 32]
biota composition between CS-born and vaginally born Enterobacteria x [20, 30, 32]
young adults [27]. In particular, relatives of Bacteroides fragilis Streptococci x [30, 32]
and Lactobacillus sakei were reduced in CS-born children. Gram-negative pathogens x [18]
The results suggest that birth mode effects on the gut micro- Gram-positive pathogens x [18]

biota may in some cases persist even into adulthood. Notably,

the latter 2 studies employed quantitative measures (FISH and
qPCR, respectively) that can estimate the absolute abundance
of the bacteria, in contrast to sequencing which only reveals teria from mother to infant. Antibiotics are not selective be-
relative abundances. Clearly, future studies need to employ tween pathogens and non-pathogens, so if the transmission
methods that allow the absolute abundances to be estimated of pathogens is prevented, so must be the transmission of
[28]. non-pathogenic bacteria with a similar antibiotic sensitivity
In studies investigating the impact of intrapartum antibiot-
Impact of Intrapartum Antibiotics on Infant Gut ics in vaginally born infants, bifidobacteria appear to be par-
Microbiota ticularly strongly negatively affected by the antibiotic expo-
sure (Table 2). There is discrepancy regarding the impact of
In most hospitals, antibiotic treatment given to the mother is intrapartum antibiotic exposure on Bacteroides, with effects
an integral part of CS delivery. Therefore, there has been some varying from negative [17, 20, 30] to neutral [20, 31–33] to
unclarity as to whether the effect of CS birth is exclusively due positive [30]. Importantly, the impact of antibiotic exposure is
to the lack of exposure to maternal faecal microbes or partly modified by feeding practice, with formula-fed infants more
due to the antibiotic treatment. Considering that regardless of severely affected [34–36]. Overall, the emerging evidence
maternal microbiota composition, CS eliminates the contact suggests that antibiotic exposure during birth can be likened
between maternal faecal microbes and infant, thus preventing to a chemical CS from the microbial perspective, eliminating
colonization, and any additional microbiota-affecting treat- the natural transmission of gut microbiota, especially bifido-
ments seem trivial. If a microbe has no contact with the infant, bacteria, from mother to infant.
it cannot colonize the infant regardless of exposure to antibi-
otics. This view was recently confirmed in a study comparing
the effects of pre- versus post-CS antibiotic prophylaxis on Consequences of Disrupted Vertical Microbial
the infants’ gut microbiota composition [29]. No significant Transfer
differences in gut microbiota composition were found be-
tween infants exposed and not exposed to maternal antibi- Due to the age-associated microbiota succession, the host
otic prophylaxis, demonstrating that antibiotic exposure is not receives specific microbial signals at specific age windows
a driver of the CS-induced microbiota imbalance. Along the (Fig. 1). If these signals are altered or missing due to abnormal
same lines, in an analysis of 700 infants, stratification by intra- microbiota development, the host’s immune and metabolic
partum antibiotic exposure did not alter the results regarding development may be affected. Deviations from normal mi-
the effect of CS birth on infant gut microbiota [18]. crobiota succession in infants and young children usually oc-
The effect of antibiotic treatment during vaginal birth is an cur without overt symptoms, but can increase the susceptibil-
important issue in itself, since a large proportion of infants are ity to later health problems, such as allergic disease [37–39],
exposed to intrapartum antibiotics either due to prophylaxis autoimmune diseases [40], and overweight [41].
or treatment of maternal infection. In some countries, all Bifidobacteria normally form the dominant taxon in healthy
mothers who carry group B Streptococcus are given antibi- vaginally born breastfed infants, representing up to 90% of the
otic prophylaxis during labour. The aim of intrapartum antibi- total gut microbiota. Due to their abundance and metabolic
otic prophylaxis is to prevent transmission of pathogenic bac- capacities, they have important effects on gut microbiota

14 Reprint with permission from: Korpela

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
Increased risk of allergic disease and overweight in later childhood

Altered immune and metabolic programming

Pain, gut symptoms

Altered microbial Reduced colonisation

signals to the host resistance against
pathogens Inflammation

Altered SCFA and

bile acid compositions Increased pH Weakened gut barrier

Low abundance of Bifidobacteria

Fig. 2. Effects of low abundance of bifido-
bacteria in infants.

composition and function and host health (Fig. 2). Unfortu- Not only are bifidobacteria important for early-life gut
nately, bifidobacteria are perhaps the most vulnerable bacte- health but also have widespread immunological effects,
rial group in infants, affected negatively by all unnatural prac- which is particularly important during the time of immune
tices such as CS birth, antibiotics, formula feeding, early system development. Indeed, numerous studies have shown
weaning, and even maternal stress. Bifidobacteria are the that a low abundance of bifidobacteria, especially B. longum,
dominant HMO-utilizing group in the infant gut. and a high abundance of Proteobacteria in infancy is associ-
As a consequence of the reduced abundance of dominant ated with an increased risk of allergic diseases in later child-
HMO fermenters and lower fermentation activity, an increased hood [48–51]. Several studies have shown that low early
intestinal pH and decreased levels of the short-chain fatty acid abundance of bifidobacteria is predictive of later adiposity, as
propionate has been observed in CS-born infants [42]. As well [41, 52, 53].
HMOs constitute approximately 20% of all carbohydrates in As a demonstration of the clinical consequences of the
breast milk [43], and the majority of them are degraded by gut disrupted microbial colonization, several large cohort studies
bacteria into short-chain fatty acids [44], HMO fermentation and meta-analyses have shown that birth by CS is associated
represents a significant energy source for the infant. This indi- with long-term health effects, including increased risk of
cates that CS-born infants do not receive the full nutritional chronic immune diseases and obesity [54–56], with some of
value of breast milk. Furthermore, the altered gut pH has been the negative health associations reaching into adulthood [54].
shown to be permissive for pathogen colonization [42], and While some associations may be caused by confounding ef-
indeed several studies have observed increased abundances fects, the clear alterations in gut microbiota and the impor-
of pathogens in CS-born infants (Table 1). Bifidobacteria have tance of the gut microbiota for host physiological develop-
anti-streptococcal activity, indicating that a low abundance of ment support the causal attribution.
bifidobacteria in the gut may increase the growth of patho-
genic streptococci [31]. In addition to the increase in patho-
genic microbes, there is evidence that a microbiota with re- Correction of Infant Microbiota after Disrupted
duced capacity for oligosaccharide utilization degrades the Colonization
intestinal mucus, potentially leading to weakened intestinal
barrier [45]. This together with the increase in pathogenic mi- CS deliveries are increasing worldwide, affecting over 50% of
crobes is likely to stimulate inflammation both systemically infants in certain regions [57]. Additionally, over 30% of infants
and locally. Indeed, signs of pain and distress in infants are cor- are exposed to antibiotics during vaginal birth in developed
related with low abundance of bifidobacteria [46, 47]. countries [58, 59]. These figures are alarmingly high, suggest-

Impact of Delivery Mode Reprint with permission from: 15

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
Benefits Disadvantages

• The cheapest and least invasive • Efficacy dependent on

method maternal genotype
• Promotes normal microbiota • Ineffective at full microbiota
composition and function restoration
• Additional health benefits for
Breastfeeding both infant and mother

• Can be effective at normalising • Ineffective in formula-fed

bifidobacterial abundance infants without added prebiotics
when combined with • Effect is strain-specific
breastfeeding or prebiotics • Ineffective at full microbiota
• Safe and widely available restoration

• The most effective method • Requires careful screening of

• Full microbiota restoration the mother and monitoring of
• Restores vertical transmission the infant
of microbes from mother • Only in hospital
to infant • Not suitable if mother carries
Fig. 3. Studied methods of microbiota • One-time application potential pathogens
normalization in CS-born infants. CS, C-
section; FMT, faecal microbiota trans-

ing that natural microbial colonization at birth is currently dis- low abundance of lactobacilli, but those are gut adapted or
rupted in up to half of infants even in regions with low CS rates food derived, rather than of vaginal origin [61]. Whether the
and good antibiotic stewardship. Therefore, there is a pressing transient exposure to vaginal microbes during birth plays a
need to restore normal gut microbiota composition in CS- role in, for example, immune stimulation, is currently un-
born and antibiotic-exposed infants. Only a few different known.
methods have been studied in terms of their efficacy in restor- A few studies have tested the efficacy of probiotics as a
ing normal gut microbiota in CS-born infants (Fig. 3). means of microbiota restoration in CS-born infants. A
A study comparing the microbiota found on different in- 6-month daily supplementation with a probiotic product
fant body sites within minutes after birth and meconium sam- containing several Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains
ples taken within the first 24 h to maternal skin and vaginal has been shown to alleviate the CS- and antibiotic-associated
samples showed, unsurprisingly, that vaginally born infants, microbiota disturbance in breastfed infants [62]. Importantly,
still covered with vaginal fluids at the time of sampling, har- the treatment reduced the incidence of allergic diseases in
boured vaginal microbes, and CS-born infants harboured skin CS-born infants, demonstrating that gut microbiota-targeting
microbes [60]. These results were interpreted to mean that interventions have beneficial health effects [63]. However, the
the infant gut is colonized by maternal vaginal microbes at effect of the probiotic intervention on the gut microbiota was
birth, although faecal microbiota was not sampled in the dependent on breastfeeding and failed to increase bifidobac-
study. However, the samples were taken too early to distin- teria in the exclusively formula-fed infants [62]. In another tri-
guish colonizers from transient passers-by. In fact, it was al, Lactobacillus reuteri-containing formula was fed to vagi-
shown already in 1990 that vaginal lactobacilli do not colonize nally born and CS-born infants for 6 months, with beneficial
the infant gut [9], and later research has confirmed this [7, 10]. effects on the abundances of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in
The adult vagina is a very different environment compared to the CS-born group [64]. These results are very promising,
infant body sites, and consequently microbes adapted to the demonstrating the effectiveness of such simple, safe, and
vaginal environment, predominantly specific Lactobacillus cost-effective interventions. However, probiotics represent a
species, are unlikely to find suitable habitats on the infant small fraction of the total microbial diversity that normally
body. Human vaginal lactobacilli are highly adapted to that colonize infants and cannot fully restore normal gut micro-
environment and rarely observed in other body sites [61]. biota. Importantly, probiotics are not maternally derived. It is
Therefore, vaginal microbes are not useful in terms of infant likely that maternal strains are adapted to the specific mother-
gut microbiota restoration [8]. The infant gut does harbour a infant dyad and have been preselected by maternal immune

16 Reprint with permission from: Korpela

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
system and gut secretions to suit her infant and her breast milk Conclusion
Breast milk is highly bifidogenic, so breastfeeding could be Because CS eliminates the contact between infant and ma-
expected to restore the low abundance of bifidobacteria in ternal faecal microbes, natural vertical transfer of gut micro-
CS-born infants. Exclusive breastfeeding has been found to biota from mother to infant is prevented. This results in aber-
have a beneficial impact on the gut microbiota of CS-born rant gut microbiota composition with reduced abundance of
infants, especially regarding bifidobacteria [65, 66]. However, breast milk fermenters and increased abundance of patho-
the effect of breastfeeding is dependent on breast milk oligo- gens during the first year of life, possibly longer. Intrapartum
saccharide composition [67]. The oligosaccharide 2′fucosyl- antibiotic exposure during vaginal birth has a similar but
lactose in breast milk alleviates the effect of CS birth on the somewhat weaker impact on the infant gut microbiota as CS.
gut microbiota, but not all mothers secrete 2′fucosyllactose Accumulating evidence indicates that the disrupted gut colo-
[67]. The presence of fucosylated oligosaccharides in breast nization in early life carries long-term health risks, including
milk, the so-called secretor status, is determined by the moth- increased risk of chronic immune diseases and overweight.
er’s FUT2 genotype. The results indicate that infants of non- Due to the high prevalence of both CS and intrapartum anti-
secretor mothers and formula-fed infants are at a particular biotic use, methods to correct the infant gut microbiota are
risk of gut dysbiosis if born by CS. Overall, the results show needed. Breastfeeding together with probiotics, especially
that breastfeeding should be considered essential for infants those containing bifidobacteria, can be used to alleviate the
with disrupted gut colonization. microbiota imbalance and are highly recommendable for all
Due to the fact that infants are normally colonized by ma- CS-born and antibiotic-exposed infants. The efficacy of
ternal faecal microbes during birth, birth can be seen as a fae- mother-to-infant FMT in correcting the infant gut microbiota
cal microbiota transplantation (FMT) event from mother to has been recently demonstrated.
infant. In a recent pilot study, CS-born infants were given an
oral FMT, a few grams of faecal matter mixed with breast milk,
from their own mothers within hours after delivery [8]. The Conflict of Interest Statement
treatment fully restored normal gut microbiota composition,
The writing of this article was supported by Nestlé Nutrition Institute
validating that maternal faecal microbes are the natural colo-
and the author declares no other conflicts of interest.
nizers of the infant gut. While all procedures transferring a
community of microbes from 1 person to another are inher-
ently risky due to the potential of transferring pathogens, FMT Funding Sources
from carefully screened healthy mothers was shown to be
safe [8]. The writing of this article was supported by funding from the Univer-
sity of Helsinki.

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Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):11–19
DOI: 10.1159/000518498
Early childhood development of a mature and
diverse adult-like gut microbiota, which is
stable and resilient towards perturbation,
appears to be an important asset of health

Reprinted with permission from: Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34

Gut Microbiota Development: Influence of Diet from Infancy to

Martin Frederik Laursen

Key Insight
Birth mode
Upon birth, the infant gastrointestinal tract becomes colonized animals

Gut microbiota
with a diversity of microbes, which gradually develop into the diet Antibiotics
complex microbial community known as the gut microbiota. Infant feeding
Contact with and diet
The gut microbiota interacts with the gut epithelium, immune siblings
and nervous systems and influences metabolism. Aberrations Geographic
Rural/urban location
in the gut microbiota have been associated with a range of environment
inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune, neurological, and
metabolic conditions. Thus, understanding the processes that
govern the initial colonization and establishment of microbes Infant feeding and diet are key forces that drive the development of the
in our gastrointestinal tract is of great importance. gut microbiota from infancy and throughout childhood.

species in the infant gut. The metabolites of Bifidobacterium

Current knowledge species lower intestinal pH, creating an environment hostile to
pathogenic bacteria. In addition, they exert anti-inflammatory
A key factor influencing gut microbiota development in early life effects, protect the gut epithelium, and regulate the immune
is diet. The succession of microbes from infancy to early tod- system. These properties may result in reduced risk of infec-
dlerhood is driven by the type of milk-feeding and complemen- tious and immune-related diseases for breastfed infants har-
tary feeding. Breastfeeding maintains the gut microbiota in a boring these species. The addition of human milk oligosac-
state of low diversity, enabling Bifidobacterium species to pre- charides to infant formulas may constitute an avenue for im-
dominate and favoring saccharolytic fermentation. Formula-fed proving the gut microbiota in infants that cannot be breastfed.
infants have a more diverse gut microbiota, characterized by Lack of diet-promoted maturation of the gut microbiota dur-
higher prevalence of potentially pathogenic taxa, such as Clos- ing complementary feeding is associated with poor growth
tridium and Enterobacteriaceae, and a higher degree of proteo- and neuro-, bone, and immune development. Further studies
lytic fermentation. The gradual progression towards comple- disentangling the complex interactions between infant diet,
mentary feeding results in further diversification and maturation gut microbiota and health are warranted in order to approach
of the gut microbial community, as well as expansion of bacte- clinical implication.
rial products from saccharolytic and proteolytic metabolism.

Recommended reading
Practical implications
Laursen MF, Bahl MI, Licht TR. Settlers of our inner surface:
Due to the abundance of human milk oligosaccharides, breast- factors shaping the gut microbiota from birth to toddlerhood.
feeding promotes the growth of beneficial Bifidobacterium FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2021;1:1–14. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/

S. Karger AG, Basel
Review Article

Reprint with permission from:

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912

Gut Microbiota Development:

Influence of Diet from Infancy to
Martin Frederik Laursen  

National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Key Messages Abstract

Early life is a critical period as our gut microbiota establishes
• The gut microbiota develops drastically during the first year of here and may impact both current and future health. Thus, it
life and is influenced by a range of external factors, with diet
is of importance to understand how different factors govern
being a major player.
• Breastfeeding versus formula feeding strongly affects gut mi- the complex microbial colonization patterns in this period.
crobiota composition and metabolism during early infancy. The gut microbiota changes substantially during infancy and
Breastfeeding promotes the dominance of specific human milk toddlerhood in terms of both taxonomic composition and
oligosaccharide-degrading Bifidobacterium species in the gut, diversity. This developmental trajectory differs by a variety of
which may contribute to protection against infectious and im-
factors, including term of birth, mode of birth, intake of anti-
mune-related diseases. Formula feeding results in a more di-
verse gut microbiota with a higher prevalence of opportunistic biotics, presence of furred pets, siblings and family members,
pathogenic bacterial taxa and proteolytic metabolism in the gut. host genetics, local environment, geographical location, and
• Complementary feeding and the increasing dietary fiber and maternal and infant/toddler diet. The type of milk feeding and
protein intake induces a shift from the milk-adapted gut micro- complementary feeding is particularly important in early and
biota and metabolism toward one with vastly increased diver-
late infancy/toddlerhood, respectively. Breastfeeding, due to
sity and proportions of the fiber-degrading bacterial families
Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Bacteroidaceae, and the supply of human milk oligosaccharide into the gut, pro-
their major metabolic end products short chain fatty acids. In- motes the growth of specific human milk oligosaccharide
adequate maturation of the gut microbiota during comple- (HMO)-utilizing Bifidobacterium species that dominate the
mentary feeding is associated with poor growth and develop- ecosystem as long as the infant is primarily breastfed. These
ment in early life.
species perform saccharolytic fermentation in the gut and
produce metabolites with physiological effects that may con-
tribute to protection against infectious and immune-related
Keywords diseases. Formula feeding, due to its lack of HMOs and high-
Gut microbiota · Diet · Breastfeeding · Complementary er protein content, give rise to a more diverse gut microbiota
feeding that contains more opportunistic pathogens and results in a © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ Correspondence to:

S. Karger AG, Basel Martin Frederik Laursen, mfrla @
more proteolytic metabolism in the gut. Complementary complementary feeding, characterized by increased con-
feeding, due to the introduction of dietary fibers and new sumption of dietary fibers and proteins, results in a further
protein sources, induces a shift in the gut microbiota and me- diversification and maturation of the microbial community in
tabolism away from the milk-adapted and toward a more ma- the gut with increased abundance of the bacterial families
ture and diverse adult-like community with increased abun- Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Bacteroidaceae, as
dances of short chain fatty acid-producing bacterial taxa. well as expansion of bacterial products from saccharolytic
While the physiological implication of these complementary and proteolytic metabolism.
diet-induced changes remains to be established, a few recent
studies indicate that an inadequately matured gut microbiota
may be causally related to poor growth and development. Practical Implications
Further studies are required to expand our knowledge on in-
teractions between diet, gut microbiota, and health in the The breastfeeding promoted Bifidobacterium species pro-
early life setting. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ duce metabolites that lower intestinal pH and thus creates an
S. Karger AG, Basel environment hostile to pathogenic bacteria, they exert anti-
inflammatory properties, protect the gut epithelium and reg-
ulate the immune system. These properties may result in re-
Key Insight duced the risk of infectious and immune-related diseases for
breastfed infants harboring these species. Formula fed infant
The healthy fetus is devoid of microbial organisms, but upon are more frequently colonized with opportunistic pathogenic
birth our gastrointestinal (GI) tract becomes colonized with and toxin-carrying bacterial species and exhibit a mostly pro-
a multitude of microbes, gradually developing into a com- teolytic metabolism in the gut, which may influence the risk
plex microbial community during the first year of life. This of infectious, but also metabolic and immune-related diseas-
community, termed the gut microbiota, interacts with our es. Lack of diet-promoted maturation of the gut microbiota
gut epithelium, immune, and nervous systems and influenc- during complementary feeding is associated with poor growth
es our metabolism. During the last decades, the gut micro- and neuro, bone and immune development, although the ev-
biota has been linked with a range of gut inflammatory, in- idence base for this is extremely limited at present. Further
fectious, allergic, autoimmune, neurological, and metabolic studies disentangling the complex interactions between in-
diseases. Thus, understanding the processes that govern ini- fant diet, gut microbiota and health are warranted in order to
tial colonization and establishment of microbes in our GI approach clinical implication.
tract is of great importance. A key factor influencing the gut
microbiota development in early life is diet. This article re-
view our current knowledge of how the type of milk feeding Recommended Reading
and complementary feeding affects the microbial ecosys-
tem in the gut and how this may impact current and future Laursen MF, Bahl MI, Licht TR. Settlers of our inner surface:
health. factors shaping the gut microbiota from birth to toddlerhood.
FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2021;1:1–14 [1].

Current Knowledge
Gut Microbiota Development in Early Life
Type of milk-feeding and complementary feeding dictates the
microbial succession throughout infancy and into early tod- Despite recent controversies, the general consensus is that
dlerhood. Breastfeeding keeps the gut microbiota in a state of the healthy fetus is devoid of microbial organisms [2]. During
low diversity dominated by human milk oligosaccharide-uti- and following birth the neonatal external body surfaces and
lizing Bifidobacterium species that produce various metabo- gastrointestinal (GI) tract rapidly becomes colonized with a
lites characteristic of saccharolytic fermentation. Formula multitude of microorganisms, reaching >108 microorganisms
feeding allows for a somewhat more diverse gut microbiota per gram feces in a matter of hours to days [3] and over weeks
to colonize and is characterized by higher prevalence of po- to months increase up to 1011–1012 microorganisms per gram
tential pathogenic taxa such as Clostridium and Enterobacte- feces [4, 5], comparable to the microbial densities found in the
riaceae and a higher degree of proteolytic fermentation. The adult gut [6, 7]. The infant gut microbiota undergoes drastic
gradual cessation of milk-based feeding and progression in changes during the first years of life in terms of taxonomic

22 Reprint with permission from: Laursen

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
Within individuals
(alpha diversity)
Microbiota diversity

Relative abundance


Between individuals
(beta diversity) Bifidobacteriaceae
Lactobacillales Enterobacteriaceae
1 2 3 4+ 1 2 3 4+
a Age, years b Age, years

Fig. 1. Development of the gut microbiota in early life. a Develop- average gut microbiota composition with age, showing the relative
ment of gut microbiota diversity with age [97]. b Development of the abundance of the major microbial families/orders [11, 13].

composition and diversity (Fig. 1). As a function of age, the in- siblings and family members, geographical location/popula-
fant becomes exposed to and colonized by a range of new tion, growing up environment (i.e., urban vs. rural), maternal
microbes, increasing diversity within the individual (termed al- diet (through breast milk), and infant diet (Fig. 2). While all of
pha diversity). However, differences in gut microbiota com- these individually have shown impact, infant diet has been
position between individuals (termed beta diversity), is initial- identified as a major contributor to gut microbiota develop-
ly high, resulting from individual exposures to various different ment in early life [11, 12]. In this regard, early infancy diet, such
environmental sources of microbes, but these differences as formula versus breast milk has been relatively well studied,
gradually decrease as selective forces, such as diet, converge whereas much less is known about the effects complemen-
microbiota compositions (Fig. 1a). Thus, the individual infant tary feeding on infant gut microbiota composition [13]. Given
continuously acquires new microbial taxa with age, but when the dominating influence of breastfeeding on gut microbial
comparing across infants the gut microbiota gradually be- composition as well as its protective effects against infectious
comes taxonomically more similar. Aerotolerant and faculta- and some metabolic diseases [14], and the involvement of gut
tive anaerobes, such as lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillales bacteria in regulation of host immune system and metabolism
genera, such as Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Lactoba- [15], it is of great importance to obtain a deep understanding
cillus) and Enterobacteriaceae are among the major initial of the potential microbe-mediated host effects of feeding
colonizers of the neonatal gut, but their proportions rapidly mode in early infancy. Also, the complementary feeding pe-
decrease within days to weeks and the gut microbiota in riod (6–24 months of life) coincides with a critical period in
breastfed (BF) infants becomes dominated by anaerobic gut microbiota development, transitioning away from the in-
breast milk-promoted Bifidobacteriaceae. As the gut micro- fluence of milk-based diet. As early childhood development
biota develops during infancy and early childhood, abun- of a mature and diverse adult-like gut microbiota, which is
dance of other anaerobic bacterial families, such as Bacteroi- stable and resilient toward perturbation, appears to be an im-
daceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Ruminococcaceae increase portant asset of health [16], assessing how dietary changes in
(Fig. 1b). In early life, the gut microbiota is unstable and less early life affect gut microbiota trajectory is of great value.
resilient to perturbation than the adult gut microbiota [8], but
the ecosystem develops in alpha diversity until around 3–5
years of age, where a stable adult-like microbiota has estab- Early Infancy Feeding and Gut Microbiota
lished [9]. However, before this state is reached, the gut mi-
crobiota is more susceptible to modulation by external fac- Breast milk is the recommended first nutrition for the infant,
tors. Factors influencing the infant gut microbiota develop- providing all necessary nutrients to support growth and de-
ment include (as reviewed in [10]); term of birth, mode of birth, velopment, as well as passive immunity to protect against in-
intake of antibiotics, presence of furred pets, host genetics, fectious diseases during infancy [17]. After lactose and lipids,

Diet and Infant Gut Microbiota Reprint with permission from: 23

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
Mode of feeding
(early infancy diet)

Antibiotics Maternal diet

Term of birth
Mode of birth Furret pets

Host genetics

Geographical location/population Gut microbiota

Siblings and family members

Urban vs. rural

Complementary diet
(late infancy/toddler diet)

Fig. 2. Factors influencing the gut microbiota in early life. Gut micro- environment, such as urban versus rural and geographical location/
biota vary by term of birth, mode of birth, oral antibiotics, mode of population [10]. Mode of milk feeding and complementary diet has
feeding, maternal diet, presence of furred pets, host genetics, pres- been identified as the strongest determinants of infant gut micro-
ence of siblings and family members, complementary diet, and local biota composition [11, 12, 89] as indicated by the arrow sizes.

human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) represent the third Throughout the GI tract, they can exert direct biological func-
most abundant component of breast milk, reaching 20–25 tions, such as antiadhesion of pathogens and modulation of
g/L in colostrum and ranging between 5 and 15 g/L in mature epithelial cell responses [18], but in the colon they also serve
milk [18]. HMOs are short saccharides composed of 5 mono- as metabolic substrates for gut bifidobacteria. Some of these
meric building blocks (Glucose, Galactose, N-acetylglycos- bifidobacteria harbor an arsenal of membrane transporters
amine, Fucose, and Sialic acid). From these 5 building blocks, and saccharolytic enzymes which cleave and internalize
>200 different HMOs structures have been identified [19]. HMOs [20] to implement the monomers into the central cat-
Whereas lactose, protein, and lipid serve as important macro- abolic pathways, leading to the main end products lactate,
nutrients for the BF infant, HMOs are virtually ingestible by the acetate, formate, and 1,2-propandiol [21–24] (Fig.  3a). Al-
infant’s own GI saccharolytic enzymes. Therefore, HMOs pass though other bacteria (e.g., Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, and
through the upper GI tract and reach the colon largely intact. recently the Roseburia/Eubacterium group) exhibit some de-

24 Reprint with permission from: Laursen

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
Breastfed Formulafed

HMOs Breast milk Formula milk Proteins Peptides Amino acids

5–15 g/L 100–150 g/L
>200 different structures
Some proteins (and peptides) escape digestion and
HMOs are not digested in upper GI tract and reach the absorption in upper GI tract and reach colon were they are
colon were they are degraded into monosaccharides degraded into amino acids and fermented by gut microbes
and fermented by gut microbes

C. perfringens C. difficile

B. breve
B. bifidum
B. longum subsp. infantis
E. coli
HMO degrading Bifidobacterium species Protein degrading species
(e.g., B. bifidum and B. breve or B. longum subsp. infantis) (e.g., Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae)

HMO catabolites
Acetate BCAA catabolites
Lactate lsovalerate
Formate Isobutyrate
1,2-Propanediol AAA catabolites
AAA-derived Co-HMO metabolism products p-cresol
ILA Phenylacatate
PLA Tryptamine
Potential benefical health effects
Fewer opportunistic pathogens Potential detrimental health effects
Fewer antibiotic resistance genes More opportunistic pathogens
Lower gut inflammation More antibiotics resistance genes
Protect gut epithelium Higher gut inflammation
Immune system regulation Increased risk of metabolic and
Decreased risk of immune-related immune-related diseases?
a diseases? b

Fig. 3. Mode of feeding influences early infancy microbiota and sac- ed protein, peptides, and individual amino acids are metabolized by
charolytic versus proteolytic fermentation in the gut with potential gut microbes, including opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, such as
implications for health. a Breast milk contains HMOs, which upon Clostridium and Enterobacteriaceae species, yielding various amino
ingestion by the infant pass undigested through the upper GI tract acid catabolites, some of which have potential detrimental health
until they reach the colon. Here, they are digested by specific HMO- effects. HMO, human milk oligosaccharide; AAA, aromatic amino
degrading Bifidobacterium species into various metabolites with po- acid; BCAA, branched chain amino acid; GI tract, gastrointestinal
tential beneficial health effects. b Formula milk contain excess pro- tract; ILA, indolelactate; PLA, phenyllactate; 4-OH-PLA, 4-hy-
teins, some of which, upon ingestion, is incompletely digested and droxypheyllactate.
absorbed in the upper GI tract and reaches the colon. Partly digest-

gree of HMO utilization [25–27], the extensive arsenal of en- lescentis, B. catenulatum, and B. angulatum) cannot utilize
zymes and transporters is restricted to specific species within HMOs and therefore are less abundant and/or infrequent
the Bifidobacterium genus. Whereas some species, such as B. members of the gut microbiota of BF infants [20]. Thus, due
bifidum, employ extracellular saccharolytic enzymes to de- to the HMO content, breast milk represents a strong selective
grade HMOs and internalize mono- and disaccharides, other factor for shaping the early infancy microbiota, dominated by
species such and B. breve and especially B. longum subsp. specific Bifidobacterium species (Fig. 3a). Through HMO ca-
infantis transport the intact HMO structures and degrades tabolism, these Bifidobacterium species produce metabolites
them inside the cell [20]. The ability of these species to effi- with potential host-health effects. Acetate and lactate are 2
ciently utilize HMOs makes them dominant members of the main end products of bifidobacterial HMO metabolism and
gut of BF infants [11, 28, 29]. Importantly, other Bifidobacte- are responsible for the low pH found in feces from BF infants
rium species commonly found in the adult gut (e.g., B. ado- [24, 30, 31], which is likely to suppress the growth of oppor-

Diet and Infant Gut Microbiota Reprint with permission from: 25

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
tunistic pathogenic species within Clostridiaceae, Enterobac- in the FF gut [52, 53]. Whereas remnants of HMO metabolism
teriaceae, and Staphylococcaceae [30, 32]. Further, Bifido- (e.g., fucose), their direct catabolic end products (e.g., lactate
bacterium-produced acetate was found to inhibit entero- and 1,2 propanediol) and aromatic amino acid derived co-
pathogenic E. coli infection in a mouse model, by maintaining HMO metabolism products [29, 35] (e.g., indolelactate and
the epithelial barrier function upon insult [33]. HMO-utilizing 4-hydroxypheyllactate) dominate in BF infants, various differ-
Bifidobacterium species are also main producers of a limited ent protein fermentation products such as isovalerate, isobu-
set of the aromatic amino acid catabolites, namely indolelac- tyrate, phenylacetate, p-cresol and tryptamine dominate in
tate (ILA), phenyllactate, and 4-hydroxypheyllactate (4-OH- FF infants [52, 53] (Fig.  3). Some of these metabolites (e.g.,
PLA), in the gut of BF infants [29]. These metabolites are pro- p-cresol and phenylacetate) are converted in the liver to me-
duced when the bacteria grow on HMOs (and have access to tabolites with detrimental effects, such as p-cresol-sulfate,
the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenyl- which is a uremic toxin [54] and phenylacetateglutamine
alanine, also contained in breast milk), and interact with vari- which may contribute to development cardiovascular diseas-
ous receptors expressed in immune cells, exhibit immuno- es [55]. Phenylacetate has also been shown to promote ac-
modulatory potential and protect the gut epithelium [29, 34– cumulation of fat in the liver [56]. Further, bacterially pro-
36]. This may contribute to the anti-inflammatory status duced tryptamine in FF infant gut may shift tryptophan me-
observed in the GI tract of BF infants with Bifidobacterium- tabolism away from serotonin and influence immune system
rich communities [37]. However, despite being BF, some indi- development [57]. Biogenic amines produced by bacterial
viduals (e.g., infants born preterm, by C-section or in popula- amino acid metabolism (such as tryptamine and histamine)
tion with high consumption of antibiotics which disrupts ver- can cause GI symptoms and allergic reactions [58, 59]. In ad-
tical transmission from the maternal gut) lack Bifidobacterium dition C. perfringens and C. difficile that often colonize the
species, such as B. longum, B. breve, and B. bifidum [38, 39]. gut of FF infants are potential toxin-carrying opportunistic
Lack of Bifidobacterium is associated with immune dysregu- pathogens [60, 61] and the gut microbiota of FF infants has a
lation [40] and development of asthma [41] and autoimmune higher abundance of antimicrobial resistance genes [62, 63].
diseases [42], but early life intervention with a HMO-degrad- Last, FF infant have higher levels of inflammation markers
ing B. longum subsp. infantis strain in BF infants modulates than BF infants [64].
immune responses away from the allergy and autoimmunity In summary, breastfeeding, due to the presence of HMOs,
associated immune-phenotypes [40]. In both full term [31] promotes growth of beneficial bifidobacteria in the infant gut,
and preterm [43, 44] BF infants lacking bifidobacteria, oral ad- which produces metabolites that may contribute to preven-
ministration of HMO-utilizing Bifidobacterium spp. were tion of GI infections and support immune system develop-
found to decrease the abundance of opportunistic patho- ment. By contrast, formula feeding leads to a gut microbiota
gens, antibiotic resistance genes, and reduce intestinal in- with higher abundances of opportunistic pathogens and a
flammation, demonstrating the importance of this group of mostly proteolytic gut metabolism, leading to potentially det-
bacteria for infant health (Fig. 3a). rimental health effects (Fig. 3). However, it has recently be-
On the contrary, exclusively formula-fed (FF) infants har- come technically and legally possible to add synthetically
bor a more diverse microbiota with lower abundances of produced HMOs (e.g., 2′FL) to infant formula in order to stim-
HMO-utilizing Bifidobacterium species, often with increased ulate a BF-like gut microbiota and metabolism [65]. A recent
abundances of Clostridium species (C. difficile and C. perfrin- double-blinded randomized controlled trial investigated how
gens) and Enterobacteriaceae species (e.g., E. coli) [45–47] addition of 2 HMOs, namely 2′FL and LNnT, to infant formula
(Fig. 3b). The lack of HMOs and higher protein content in for- influence the gut microbiota, and compared HMO-supple-
mula is likely to explain these observations. Although many mented and unsupplemented formula groups with a refer-
infant formula products are supplemented with fructo-oligo- ence group of BF infants [66]. The addition of HMOs to the
saccharides and/or galacto-oligosaccharides, these are not formula resulted in a microbiota configuration that was more
as selective since they can be utilized by most Bifidobacte- similar to that of the BF infants. Infants receiving HMO-sup-
rium species (including the adult-associated B. adolescentis plemented formula, similar to the BF infants, had higher rela-
and B. catenulatum) [48, 49] and additional can stimulate tive abundances of Bifidobacterium and lower relative abun-
growth of various Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Bacte- dances of Enterobacteriaceae and Peptostreptococcaceae
roides species [50, 51]. Studies of the fecal metabolome in (the bacterial family that includes C. difficile) compared to in-
exclusively FF (even when formula is containing galacto-oli- fants receiving unsupplemented formula. Although promis-
gosaccharides) versus exclusively BF infants, suggest that ing, this study is the first of its kind in investigating the influ-
proteolytic rather than saccharolytic metabolism dominates ence on the gut microbiota and confirmatory studies are re-

26 Reprint with permission from: Laursen

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
quired. Nonetheless, this strategy may constitute an avenue diet but will also vary with passage of luminal content through
to improve the gut microbiota in infants that for some reason the colon, as dietary fibers will gradually become depleted [76].
cannot be BF. The main catabolic end products of dietary fiber metabolism
are the short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) acetate, butyrate, and
propionate [77]. Whereas the former (together with lactate,
Complementary Feeding and Gut Microbiota formate, and succinate) is produced in high quantities in early
infancy (e.g., by Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Entero-
At some point during infancy milk-based feeding is no longer bacteriaceae spp.), butyrate and propionate concentrations
adequate to cover the nutritional requirements of the infant. are initially very low but increase with infant age [24]. In addi-
Therefore, supplementation with additional foods, alongside tion, products of protein fermentation, such as branched chain
milk-feeding, is needed. The period of transition from exclu- fatty acids (BCFAs) are almost undetectable during breastfeed-
sive milk-feeding toward eating family foods is termed com- ing, but follow a similar pattern of increase with age [24]. These
plementary feeding and usually covers age 6–24 months [67, changes in SCFAs and BCFAs are coinciding with the introduc-
68]. It is recommended by WHO to start complementary tion of solid foods and cessation of breastfeeding [24]. Con-
feeding around 6 months of age [67]; however, in some coun- sistent with the typical gut microbiota developmental pattern,
tries/populations is it not uncommon to introduce other some key Lachnospiraceae (Anaerostipes, Roseburia, and Eu-
foods as early as 2–3 months of age [69]. Early complemen- bacterium) and Ruminococcaceae (Faecalibacterium, Gem-
tary feeding (before 3 months of age) has been linked to in- minger, and Subdoligranulum) species are butyrate producers
creased risk of GI and respiratory infections, obesity, and al- [24, 78], whereas Bacteroides are common propionate pro-
lergies, but this may rather be attributed to shorter duration of ducers [79]. These species harbor an extensive catalog of en-
breastfeeding [70]. However, late introduction to comple- zymes (glycosyl hydrolases) for degradation of dietary fibers
mentary feeding can also be problematic as it may result in [80] into these SCFAs [79]. In addition, some Bacteroides and
feeding problems, inadequate nutrition and growth [70], and Clostridium species may utilize various amino acids from di-
failure to induce oral tolerance [71]. Recent evidence suggests etary proteins to form BCFAs [81]. Thus, complementary feed-
that the infant gut microbiota development may be causally ing is very likely to causally affect microbiota composition and
linked to healthy growth [72, 73] and protection against food metabolism. As SCFAs have a range of physiological effects,
allergies [74, 75]. including influence on intestinal barrier function, host metab-
Despite extensive progression, during the last decade, in olism, immune system, and nervous system [82], these are
our understanding of gut microbial succession in early life, and plausible mediators of microbiota-host interactions during
our continuously expanding knowledge about microbial ca- complementary feeding affecting host health (Fig.  4). Much
pacity to consume various dietary compounds, we know sur- less is known about the physiological effects of BCFAs [83].
prisingly little about causal effects of diet on gut microbiota Longitudinal studies, designed with multiple samplings
during complementary feeding. As outlined above, the com- around the period of first introduction to solid foods, have
plementary feeding period coincides with a phase of drastic demonstrated increased alpha diversity and abundance of
changes in the gut microbiota (Fig. 1), including a rapid decline Lachnospiraceae genera (such as Blautia) after introduction of
in HMO-degrading Bifidobacterium species. The prominent solid foods [84, 85]. Supporting this, earlier introduction to
increase in alpha diversity and appearance/bloom in Bacteroi- complementary foods is associated with higher microbial al-
daceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Ruminococcaceae species, pha diversity throughout infancy, including higher abundance
mirror the increased complexity of the diet with the introduc- of the butyrate producing Lachnospiraceae genera Roseburia
tion of fibers from various fruits, vegetables, cereals/porridge, [86]. In a randomized controlled trial [87] the authors com-
and breads as well as new protein sources that is, in the form pared the gut microbiota in infants that were weaned tradi-
of meats, dairy products, and legumes/lentils. As dietary fibers tionally (with spoon feeding) to infants weaned with a baby-
and secondly (incompletely digested) proteins/peptides are led approach (no spoon feeding, but only complementary
the main sources of energy for gut microbes [76] these mac- “finger foods” consumed), with complementary diet assessed
ronutrients would be expected to have most impact on the by 3-day dietary records. The baby-led weaned infants were
microbial composition. Carbohydrates (dietary fibers) are pre- introduced to solid foods roughly 3 weeks later (6 months of
ferred energy-sources for microbes, but in shortage of these age) and consumed significantly less fruits and vegetables and
a higher degree of proteolytic fermentation occurs in the gut total dietary fiber at 7 months of age, which was associated
(as illustrated in the example of metabolism in the gut of FF with a reduced alpha diversity and lower abundance of spe-
infants mentioned above). This balance not only depends on cific Lachnospiraceae (Roseburia facies and Eubacterium rec-

Diet and Infant Gut Microbiota Reprint with permission from: 27

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
Meats and dairy
Fruits and
vegetables Breads and cereals

Complementary diet

Fig. 4. Complementary feeding increases Protein

gut microbial diversity and production of Dietary fiber
BCFAs and SCFAs with potential implica-
BCFAs (protein)
tion for growth, neuro, bone, and immune
development. As complementary feeding Aplha diversity Isobutyrate
progresses, the milk-based component is Lachnospiraceae
gradually replaced by other foods such as Ruminococcaceae
SCFAs (dietary fiber)
Bacteroidaceae Butyrate
meats and dairy, fruits and vegetables,
and bread and cereals, which are directly Acetate
and possibly indirectly (through the gut Gut microbiota
microbiota) impacting growth and devel-
opment. These foods contain protein and
dietary fibers that modulate the infant gut ?
microbiota, increasing alpha diversity and
the abundance of key bacterial families
that produce SCFAs (note that acetate is
also produced in high amount during ear-
ly infancy) and BCFAs during comple-
mentary feeding. This “natural” develop- Growth
ment of the gut microbiota and its me-
tabolites is associated with healthy
growth, neuro, bone development, and
appropriate immune system regulation. Immune system regulation
BCFAs, branched chain fatty acids; SCFAs,
short chain fatty acids.

tale) and Ruminococcaceae (Faecalibacterium prausnitzii) ucts were main food groups driving these associations [89],
species during complementary feeding [87]. In addition, inde- suggesting that these complementary foods are contributing
pendent of the feeding groups, consumption of breads and to the diversification of the infant gut microbiota, at least in
cereals, as well as meat products at 7 months of age were this cohort. Importantly, these associations were not solely
positively associated with alpha diversity at 12 months of age mediated by cessation of breastfeeding, as they were found
[87]. in both partially BF and partially FF infants [13]. Progression in
A study including 9 months old Danish infants assessed the complementary feeding also correlated positively to the
complementary feeding diet by 7-days dietary records and a abundance of several Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcace-
used multivariate statistical analysis to generate the dietary ae spp., but negatively to Bifidobacterium [13], thus marking
pattern “family foods” [88, 89], describing the infant’s progres- the transition of the breast milk promoted Bifidobacterium-
sion in complementary feeding (from milk-based toward rich gut community toward the fiber and protein promoted
family foods). Progression in complementary feeding, char- (more diverse) gut microbial community, characterized by
acterized by higher dietary fiber and protein intake, correlated butyrate, propionate, and BCFA-producing bacteria (Fig. 4).
significantly with gut microbial alpha diversity [89]. Specifi- Indeed, interventions with meat as a main complemen-
cally, consumption of rye bread and cheese and meat prod- tary food compared to dairy [90] or cereals [91] has revealed

28 Reprint with permission from: Laursen

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
significantly increased abundance of butyrate-producing onto an antigen-containing diet [75]. In addition, colonization
Lachnospiraceae genera. A recent 7-week intervention of previously germ-free mice with gut commensal microbes
study comparing a refined grain cereal product to a whole inhibit the increase in food-specific IgE and disruption of the
grain cereal product as first complementary food, demon- gut microbiota by oral administration of antibiotics to con-
strated a significant increase in Bacteroides and Lachno- ventional mice increases food-specific IgE concentrations in
clostridium (Lachnospiraceae family) and a decrease in blood [75]. Thus, gut microbes play a causal role in regulation
Escherichia (Enterobacteriaceae family) over time only in of IgE levels during the food antigen exposure and may affect
the whole grain cereal group. However, other intervention the risk of developing food allergy. Another study performed
with specific complementary foods such as legumes versus gut microbiota transplantation from healthy or cow’s milk al-
corn-soy flour [92] or meat versus cereals [93] show limited lergic 6-month old infants into germ-free mice and chal-
differential impact on the gut microbiota, possibly due to lenged them with the cow’s milk allergen β-lactoglobulin [74].
these infants still receiving a high proportion of breast milk In contrast to the mice colonized with the cow’s milk allergic
in their diet or other study participant characteristics. Ulti- infant gut microbiota, mice colonized with the healthy infant
mately, more randomized controlled trials are needed to gut microbiota were protected against allergic responses. In
establish direct causal proof of links between specific com- the healthy infant gut microbiota, Anaerostipes coccae, a
plementary foods and specific microbial taxa. Nonetheless, Lachnospiraceae species that increases during complemen-
as outlined below, a few recent studies indicate that spe- tary feeding and associates with consumption of vegetables
cific Lachnospiraceae species affected by complementary and fruits [96], was identified as a bacterial taxon that medi-
foods may influence growth and development and protect ated this protection. By comparing mice colonized with cow’s
against food allergies (Fig. 4). milk allergic microbiota to mice mono-colonized with A. cac-
Stunted undernourished Bangladeshi infants/toddlers cae it was demonstrated that this species protected the mice
have an immature gut microbiota compared to same age against allergic food response [74]. While results from these
healthy well-nourished counterparts [94], likely as a result of studies are encouraging, it must be emphasized that our cur-
inadequate and/or delayed complementary feeding. Trans- rent knowledge on the effects of different complementary
plantation of the gut microbiota, using fecal samples from foods on gut microbiota and thereof potential health impact
stunted, malnourished versus healthy infants, into germ-free is still extremely limited.
mice (devoid of microbes) has revealed differential growth
patterns, recapitulating the growth phenotypes observed in
these infants [73]. Oral introduction of some of the Lachno- Future Directions
spiraceae species (such as Ruminococcus gnavus and Clos-
tridium symbiosum) that appear during complementary feed- Undoubtedly, diet plays a major role for the succession of the
ing in healthy infants was shown to promote growth and bone infant gut microbiota, yet we still have a very incomplete un-
development in mice previously transplanted with the mal- derstanding of the details. There is a need for well-designed
nourished gut microbiota [73]. Furthermore, complementary and well-powered interventions in various different popula-
food intervention in stunted malnourished Bangladeshi tod- tions in order to assess the impact of formula supplemented
dlers rationally designed to repair the immature gut microbi- with different HMOs on gut microbiota and metabolome in
ota suggest that a combination of banana, chickpea, soy, and early infancy, including relevant measures of host impact,
peanut matures the gut microbiota (increase abundance of such as prevalence of infectious and immune-related diseas-
some Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae species) and es, during and after intervention. There is a lack of studies with
influence blood markers of healthy growth, bone, immune, detailed dietary recordings coupled to measurements of the
and neurodevelopment [72, 95]. However, despite having a gut microbiota at a finer resolution scale. In example, to im-
similar energy, macronutrient and fiber content, other ratio- prove our knowledge on dietary factors shaping the infant gut
nally designed microbiota-directed complementary food microbiota, we need prospective cohort studies with detailed
combinations were not effective, illustrating the need for a information about infant diet, obtained from multiple con-
deeper understanding of the effects of specific food combi- secutive days of dietary recordings throughout periods of
nations. complementary feeding, combined with dense fecal sampling
Recent studies have demonstrated that blood concentra- and state of the art microbiome (obtaining species and strain
tions of food specific immunoglobulin E (IgE), an important level resolution) and metabolome profiling, as well as deep
mediator in food allergy, is elevated in germ-free mice com- genomic and phenotypic characterization of fecal microbial
pared to conventional (colonized) counterparts after weaning isolates to decipher molecular mechanisms. These studies

Diet and Infant Gut Microbiota Reprint with permission from: 29

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
should be accompanied by intervention studies, in relevant butyrate and propionate as well as the BCFAs. While the phys-
study populations, designed to introduce specific comple- iological relevance of these bacterial taxa and metabolites
mentary foods using frequent longitudinal sampling and the remains to be established in this early life context, recent re-
state-of-the-art methods of microbiome and metabolome search suggests that they may be important for healthy
profiling. Hopefully, this will lead to identification of key diet- growth and development and protection against food aller-
microbe-metabolite interactions that beneficially impact as- gies.
pects of host physiology, such as metabolism and immunol- Clearly, the question of when to start introducing various
ogy. Ultimately, if evidence is adequate, specific dietary inter- complementary foods in order to achieve optimal health and
vention should be tested in disposed/susceptible study gut microbiota progression is central. Early introduction,
populations (e.g., disposed to allergic or autoimmune diseas- combined with reduced or lack of breastfeeding is presum-
es or individuals at risk of malnourishment and stunting) to ably not beneficial, as it will disrupt the Bifidobacterium dom-
provide proof of applicability. inated gut community, associated with protection against in-
fectious and immune-related diseases. On the other hand,
very late introduction as observed in populations where food
Summary and Conclusions is scare and breastfeeding of the infant is prolonged without
adequate complementary foods would also be expected to
The infant gut microbiota undergoes significant temporal de- be adverse, given the inability of the gut microbiota to mature
velopment during the first years of life. A multitude of factors when deprived of key nutrients and the obvious negative im-
such term of birth, mode of birth, antibiotics, contact with plications for growth and development. Undoubtedly, further
furred animals and siblings/family members, local environ- studies are required to improve our understanding of the in-
ment, geographical location, and maternal and infant diet af- triguing links between complementary feeding, gut microbi-
fect the trajectory of this development. Of these, infant/tod- ota, and health.
dler diet has been identified as one of the most influential
factors. The neonatal gut microbiota is initially characterized
by random colonization of environmental microbes, but in a Conflict of Interest Statement
matter of days to weeks the gut ecosystem and the type milk-
feeding selects for microbes adapted to the GI environment The writing of this article was supported by Nestlé Nutrition
and equipped to consume the indigestible (or incompletely Institute and the author declares no other conflicts of interest.
digested) constituents of breast or formula milk. Breast milk
feeding selects for specific HMO-degrading Bifidobacterium
species that vastly dominate the gut ecosystem and produce Funding Sources
metabolites with beneficial effects likely contributing to the
protection against GI infections and supporting immune sys- The writing of the manuscript was supported by Nestlé Nutri-
tem development. On the contrary, formula-milk feeding is tion Institute.
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34 Reprint with permission from: Laursen

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):21–34
DOI: 10.1159/000517912
When possible, studies should be conducted in more than one
location so that we can better understand microbe-health
relationships that are specific to one culture/region versus those
that are common to all

Reprinted with permission from: Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48

Microbiomes and Childhood Malnutrition: What Is the Evidence?

Michelle K. McGuire and Mark A. McGuire

Key insights
Feeding practices,
genetics, gender,
Malnutrition is a complex state that goes beyond the nutrient status, lifestyle,
deprivation or excess of nutrients. There is growing evidence endemic microbial
exposure, location
that dysbiosis of the enteric microbial community may play
an important role in predisposing an individual to both
extremes of malnutrition. Healthy and malnourished infants Healthy children Malnourished children
(Microbiome) (Microbiome)
have different fecal microbiomes, and these differences may
precede the onset of physiological symptoms. This highlights
the importance of the gut microbial community as a
modulator of risk or resilience towards the effects of
ࣼ Higher diversity ࣼ Lower diversity
malnutrition. However, other factors are also involved in ࣼ Prevalence of certain strains ࣼ Different microbial profile
predisposing an individual towards nutrition-related disorders, (Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacteria) from that of healthy children
ࣼ Steadily evolves over time ࣼ Age-delayed
including genetic background, gender, infant feeding
practices, and nutritional status.
Many factors influence the development of the gastrointestinal micro-
biome, resulting in key differences in the microbiomes of healthy and
malnourished children.
Current knowledge
The greatest opportunity for altering the enteric microbiome have a higher diversity of bacterial species, as well as a greater
to optimize lifelong health lies within the first 1,000 days of life. prevalence of certain strains, such as Bacteroidetes and bifido-
Underpinning this is the concept that variations in fetal and bacteria. Healthy fecal microbiomes also evolve with age. An-
infant programming through environmental exposures can other relevant finding is that microbial communities vary along
impact health in later life. This also fits with the hypotheses that the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting that the small intestinal mi-
(1) early life exposure to microorganisms protects against al- crobiome should also be taken into account when performing
lergic disease (hygiene hypothesis) and (2) early life exposure studies. Finally, there is no one-size-fits-all definition of a
to those microorganisms with which we have co-evolved is “healthy” microbiome. Future studies should account for these
needed to develop tolerance and avoid unhealthy inflamma- and other confounding variables in the study design and data
tory responses (“related old friends” hypothesis). However, the analyses. Going forwards, we should aim to advance beyond the
current state of knowledge is not sufficient to enable us to cataloging of microbes towards understanding their functions
conclude how variations in the early life microbiome contrib- within the organism as a whole.
ute towards the systemic manifestations of health or disease.

Recommended reading
Practical implications Robertson RC, Manges AR, Finlay BB, Prendergast AJ. The hu-
Studies comparing the gastrointestinal microbiomes of healthy man microbiome and child growth – first 1000 days and be-
and malnourished children have revealed that healthy children yond. Trends Microbiol. 2019;27(2):131–47. © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/

S. Karger AG, Basel
Review Article

Reprint with permission from:

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001

Microbiomes and Childhood

Malnutrition: What Is the Evidence?
Michelle K. McGuire a Mark A. McGuire b    

aMargaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA;
bDepartment of Animal, Veterinary, and Food Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA

Key Messages in individuals and populations (referred to as the double bur-

den of malnutrition), understanding their biological and envi-
• Healthy and malnourished infants have different fecal ronmental causes is a primary research and humanitarian ne-
microbiomes, and this difference can precede onset of
cessity. There is growing evidence of a bidirectional associa-
malnutrition suggesting that microbiome community
structure might impart resilience and/or risk for malnutrition. tion between variation in the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome
• Early differences in fecal microbiomes can be associated with and risk of/resilience to malnutrition during early life. For ex-
later risk for overweight and obesity, but these differences ample, studies of siblings who discordantly do or do not de-
vary by population and sometimes by sex. velop severe malnutrition show clear differences in the diver-
• Longitudinal studies designed to prospectively assess
sity and composition of fecal microbiomes. These differenc-
variation among infant gastrointestinal microbiomes (and
their likely sources, such as the human milk microbiome), es are transiently lessened during refeeding but re-emerge
infant feeding practices, nutritional status (including thereafter. These findings have been somewhat recapitulated
micronutrients), and systemic and intestinal inflammation are using animal models, but small sample sizes and limited range
needed to tease apart these potentially important complicate interpretation of results and applicability to hu-
mans. Mechanisms driving these differences are currently un-
known but likely involve a combination of inflammatory path-
ways (and perhaps antioxidant status of the host) and effects
Keywords on nutrient availability, requirements, and utilization by both
Growth · Health · Human milk · Infant · Malnutrition · host and microbe. A less robust literature also suggests that
Microbiome · Human nutrition · Obesity variation in GI microbiome is associated with risk for obesity
during childhood. The putative impact of GI microbiomes on
malnutrition is likely modified by a variety of important vari-
Abstract ables such as genetics (likely driven, in part, by evolution),
Both undernutrition and overnutrition continue to represent environmental pathogen exposure and its timing, dietary fac-
enduring global health crises, and with the growing implica- tors, and cultural/societal pattern (e.g., use of antibiotics).
tions of both forms of malnutrition occurring simultaneously Given the growing double burden of malnutrition, this topic © 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ Correspondence to:

S. Karger AG, Basel Michelle K. McGuire, smcguire @
demands a focused interdisciplinary approach that expands sembly of an “optimal” GI microbiome likely differs depending
from merely characterizing differences and longitudinal on a multitude of factors such as genetics, endemic microbes,
changes in fecal microbes to examining their functionality chronic food availability, and cultural practices. Relationships
during early life. Understanding the complex composition of among these concepts, nutrition, the enteric microbiome,
human milk and how its components impact establishment and short- and long-term health are illustrated in Figure 1.
and maintenance of the recipient infant’s GI microbiome will The focus of this study is to, largely through the lenses of
also undoubtedly shed important light on this topic. these various overlapping concepts and hypotheses, review
© 2021 Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Switzerland/ the complex interactions among early life nutrition, establish-
S. Karger AG, Basel ment and variation in GI microbiomes, and overall health and
nutritional status during childhood. We mainly discuss human
Introduction studies of general malnutrition, but also briefly consider indi-
vidual nutrients (particularly iron) and selected animal studies.
Preventing and treating malnutrition, particularly in children,
remain a global health priority [1]. Preventing undernutrition is
important because inadequate food intake increases risks for Factors Impacting Early Establishment of GI
nutritional deficiencies, impaired immune function, and de- Microbiome
layed cognitive and physical development. Similarly, being
overweight increases one’s risk for a variety of diet-related Whereas it has long been held that the healthy infant is born
noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, di- with a sterile GI tract, some evidence suggests that initial mi-
abetes, and cancer. Undernutrition and overnutrition have, in crobial colonization may occur in utero [11, 12], although
the past, been considered somewhat separate health chal- skepticism remains (e.g., [13]). Nonetheless, the origin of a
lenges affecting different populations. However, with indus- large proportion (if not all) of the pioneering bacteria is re-
trialization has come the simultaneous double burden of mal- lated to exposure during birth. Azad and colleagues estimated
nutrition (DBM), even within the same household or popula- that ∼70% of colonizing GI bacteria originate from maternal
tion [2]. Indeed, the prevalence of obesity continues to rise on feces in vaginally delivered infants, whereas a smaller propor-
a global basis while nutrient deficiencies remain common [2, tion (∼40%) originate from this source in infants born via Cae-
3]. sarean section [14]; whether the Caesarean section is planned
Whereas the drivers of this somewhat new nutrition reality or emergency as well as antibiotic use also appear to impact
of DBM are clearly complex, malnutrition is often not as sim- early colonization [15, 16]. However, not all studies have re-
ple as nutrient deprivation or excess [4, 5]. For example, there ported an enduring impact of delivery mode on GI microbi-
is mounting evidence that a dysbiosis of enteric microbes ome [17].
might play a role in predisposing an individual to both ex- After initial colonization, feeding mode directs establish-
tremes of the nutrient status continuum (see Table  1 for a ment and stabilization of the GI microbiome – likely driven by
summary of common measures of malnutrition in children). differences between the components found in human milk
The opportunity to alter the enteric microbiome for optimiz- (HM) and formula. The fecal microbiota of breastfed infants is
ing lifelong health is likely greatest in the first 1,000 days of life not only different in composition than that of formula-fed in-
[6], dovetailing nicely the concept of the developmental ori- fants, but it is also more stable and less diverse [15, 18]. There
gins of health and disease (DOHaD), which proposes that vari- are likely many reasons for these differences including HM
ation in fetal and infant programming through environmental oligosaccharides (HMOs) indigestible by human enzymes but
exposures impact lifelong health [7], and the hygiene hypoth- selectively metabolized by microbes [19]. Even within exclu-
esis and related old friends hypothesis which posit that (1) sively breastfed infants, different HMO profiles have been as-
early life exposure to microorganisms protects against allergic sociated with variation in infant fecal microbiomes [20, 21].
disease [8] and (2) early life exposure to microorganisms with Because HMO profiles are largely driven by maternal genetics
which we have co-evolved is needed to develop tolerance so [22], it is possible that variation in HMOs and the resulting in-
they do not evoke unhealthy inflammatory responses [9], re- fant GI microbiome represent eco-homeorhetic adjustments
spectively. Another important concept is eco-homeorhesis to “normal” to support optimal health in a particular environ-
which posits that what is “normal” and “healthy” in 1 ecosys- ment and may also support the “old friends” hypothesis in that
tem may not confer optimal fitness in another [10]. Indeed, it these microbial profiles nurture endemic, nonpathogenic
is possible that there exists no 1-size-fits-all construct when bacterial taxa in such a way that they are tolerated by and per-
it comes to a healthy GI microbiome in early life. Rather, as- haps even benefit the host. HMO concentrations and profiles

Infant Nutrition, Microbiomes, and Health Reprint with permission from: 37

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
Table 1. Common measures of malnutrition in children

Condition Commonly used metric and/or sign

Low birth weight, g <2,500

MAM Weight-for-height Z score between −2 and −3 without bilateral pitting edema
SAM Weight-for-height Z score <−3, or mid-upper arm circumference <115 mm, or bilateral pitting edema
Kwashiorkor SAM with bilateral pitting edema
Marasmus SAM without bilateral pitting edema
Underweight Weight-for-age Z score <−2
Stunting Height-for-age Z score <−2
Wasting Weight-for-height Z score <−2
Overweight Body mass index Z score >2 or weight-for-length Z score >97th percentile
At risk of overweight Weight-for-length Z score >85th percentile

MAM, moderate acute malnutrition; SAM, severe acute malnutrition.

Hygiene and Old Friends Hypotheses: Safe exposure to endemic, environmental

microbes in early life is important to development of tolerance.

Feeding choices

Eco-homeorhesis: Genetic, Genetics

behavioral, and Emerging
environmental factors Environmental evidence
likely customize microbes Overweight suggests that
microbiome for optimal microbial
fitness for a given location dysbiosis can
and culture. The thrifty Bacterial dysbiosis increase risk of
gene hypothesis fits within and/or resilience
this eco-homeorhetic to malnutrition.
construct. A B1 B2 B3

Well nourished
B5 B6 B7 C

B9 B12 D Fe

E Protein Se K

Nutrient intake


Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Establishment of the

gastrointestinal microbiome in the “1st 1,000 days” impacts lifelong health.

Fig. 1. Putative relationships among early-life microbial exposures, nutrition GI microbiomes, and malnutrition. GI, gastrointestinal.

can also vary by season, suggesting that environment (e.g., of milk’s own inherent microbiome is likely one of the most
food availability, pathogens) can impact their synthesis [23]. important [24]. Like HMO profiles [25], those of the HM mi-
Many additional components (e.g., lysozyme and lactofer- crobiome (HMM) vary greatly among women and globally
rin) in milk are known to affect GI microbes, but the presence [26]. Although milk and infant fecal microbiomes differ sub-

38 Reprint with permission from: McGuire/McGuire

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
stantially in composition, variation in one is highly correlated amount of food (example of the thrifty gene concept). None-
with variation in the other [27, 28]. The origins of the HMM are theless, it is important to remember that only a small propor-
thought to be a combination of maternal skin and GI tract, tion (∼5–10%) of energy obtained from the diet comes
also fitting nicely into the old friend hypothesis and highlight- through microbial action in the large intestine. Rather, most is
ing the likely importance of a tempered introduction of envi- obtained via digestion by host enzymes and absorption in the
ronmental microbes via breastfeeding/HM to develop toler- stomach and small intestine. Some taxa can also synthesize
ance in the infant. It is also noteworthy that this microbial essential vitamins (e.g., vitamin B12), therefore supplying these
communication between mother and infant is likely bidirec- nutrients to the host and possibly shielding him/her from de-
tional, with continuous inoculation of the mammary gland via ficiencies. While the absorption of vitamin B12 synthesized in
the infant’s mouth [29]. the colon or cecum is unlikely [37], some bacteria may ben-
Introduction of complementary foods also impacts the in- efit from increased levels. As such, variation in early-life GI
fant’s GI microbiome [30, 31] although cessation of breast- microbiome might also predispose an infant/child to malnu-
feeding [32] might be more important suggesting that HM trition and, conversely, variation in early life nutritional status
helps stabilize the infant’s GI microbiome. Changes that occur may have acute and/or enduring impacts on the GI microbi-
around weaning are associated with shifts in the microbial ome. It is also possible that variation in the GI microbiome
community’s capacity to metabolize typically consumed plays a role in environmental enteric dysfunction, a subclinical
foods [32]. In addition, there are shifts in species that produce and chronic disorder characterized by poor growth, blunting
short-chain fatty acids and B vitamins (e.g., folate and vitamin of the small intestine villi, nutrient malabsorption, and chron-
B12), as well as taxa involved in amino acid metabolism [30, ic inflammation [38].
33–35]. To our knowledge, there have been no studies de- To our knowledge, the first study comparing GI microbi-
signed to understand whether these longitudinal changes in ome between healthy and malnourished children was con-
GI microbiomes and their functional capacities are custom- ducted by Monira et al. [39] and included 7 Bangladeshi chil-
ized to best suit the future dietary landscape, but this has been dren with low weight-for-height and 7 healthy children of
hypothesized [34]. study staff. There were substantial differences in both diver-
In summary, many factors impact the diversity and com- sity and composition of the GI microbiome: compared to
position of the GI microbiome during early life, and there ex- the malnourished children, samples from healthy children
ists substantial variation in GI microbiomes (and their func- had higher bacterial diversity and greater relative abun-
tional capacities) among infants. Central to the aim of this dance of Bacteroidetes, whereas Klebsiella and Escherichia
manuscript, we ask whether this variability predisposes an in- were 174- and 9-fold lower. Interpretation, however, was
fant to secondary malnutrition – be it undernutrition or over- severely limited by the fact that the study was small, cross-
nutrition – and if so, is this a one-size-fits-all construct or is sectional, and the 2 cohorts were from different socioeco-
this effect modified by environment? Related, can nutritional nomic groups.
status (e.g., iron) of an infant impact GI microbiome to predis- This study was followed by another [40] which compared
pose the infant to acute and/or long-term health outcomes, GI microbiome of Malawian twins discordant for kwashiorkor
and if so, is this relationship context specific? – a form of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) characterized by
nutritional edema. GI microbiomes of 9 healthy, same-gender
twins were compared with those of 13 same-gender twin
GI Microbiomes and Childhood Undernutrition pairs who were discordant for kwashiorkor. Principal coordi-
nates analysis was used to visualize composite variation in
It is well established that fecal microbiomes differ between inferred fecal microbiome functionality with age. Overall met-
lean and obese adults and that – although these differences abolic functions of the healthy twin pairs’ fecal microbiomes
are clearly due to a complex constellation of genetics, diet, were found to steadily change over time as would be expect-
and other biological and behavioral patterns – there might be ed; the same was found for the healthy co-twins from discor-
particular GI microbiomes that impart resilience to or risk of dant twin pairs. Conversely, metabolic functions of feces col-
both under- and overnutrition. For instance, some taxa are lected from children with kwashiorkor were age-delayed, and
genetically equipped to harvest a greater proportion of the although they transiently became more like healthy children
energy in our foods than others, supplying volatile short- of similar ages during feeding this regressed when feeding
chained fatty acids that can serve as ATP sources to entero- was ceased. To assess causality, this research group then
cytes and colonocytes [36]. Individuals hosting a greater per- treated gnotobiotic mice with feces collected from twins in
centage of these taxa likely garner more calories from a given this study [41]. Results from mice (5 per single stool inoculum)

Infant Nutrition, Microbiomes, and Health Reprint with permission from: 39

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
in which transplantation efficiency was >50% demonstrated subsequent growth in the Malawian cohort [43]. They found
reduced growth and lean mass in mice receiving stool from 5 that MAZ at 12 months predicted future ponderal (but not lin-
stunted/underweight donors compared to mice receiving ear) growth at 18 months, but again myriad confounding and
stool from 3 healthy donors. It is unclear if this reduction in possibly interacting factors (e.g., maternal nutritional status,
replicates from the total donor population allowed for com- variation in milk composition, and infant feeding practices)
parison between the mice inoculated with feces from twin cannot be ruled out. In fact, lack of controlling for these and
cohorts or from a similar age cohort. A direct comparison other confounding factors either in experimental design or
within twin pairs would strengthen the confidence in the re- statistical analysis is a major weakness of most of the research
sults. Further, transplant efficiency was defined based upon conducted on this topic and the reader will notice that this
operational taxonomic unit (OTU) diversity relative to the un- theme represents a common thread running through this
cultured donor sample, which suggests that relative abun- study. A subsequent study [44] also suggested an expected
dance of bacterial taxa is not as important as mere presence maturation in the GI virome among the Malawian twin cohort;
in the community. Finally, clarity on food intake of the mice this trajectory was impaired in SAM and not repaired with
would be helpful in understanding the changes in growth. The refeeding.
authors [41] report that food intake was not different for 4 days The researchers then used a defined 25-bacterium com-
during the 35-day period, but it is not clear what days intake munity isolated from a single fecal sample collected from 1
was measured. Random forest-based modeling identified Bi- stunted Malawian infant transplanted into germ-free mice fed
fidobacterium longum in discriminating weight and lean mass a diet representative of that which is consumed in Malawi to
gain when utilizing feces from children at 6 months of age test whether the addition of bovine milk oligosaccharides
while Faecalibacterium prausnitzii was more important when (BMOs) could rescue growth [43]. Mice (4–5 per group) fed
utilizing feces of children at 18 months of age. The potential the BMO-fortified diet had increased body weight compared
impact of age-related GI microbiome could be critical for po- to mice fed the control diet with or without inulin. Unfortu-
tential success of interventions impacting malnutrition and nately, comparison to mice transplanted with microbiota
emphasizing the importance of clear comparisons within an present in healthy Malawi infants was absent in the experi-
age group. mental design. Mice not fed BMO had sustained body weight
The same group then characterized what it considered losses for 30 days after colonization differing from the work
to be healthy GI microbiome projections during the first 2 of Blanton et al. [41] where only temporary body weight (<8
years of life in 12 healthy Bangladeshi infants and estab- days) losses were noted in any group. Further, while food con-
lished a “microbiome-for-age Z score” (MAZ) to assess GI sumption was not statistically different, the mice fed the
microbiome “maturity” [42]. This metric was applied to 64 BMO-fortified diet consumed 25% more than controls. Similar
Bangladeshi infants with SAM before and after nutritional effects were found with gnotobiotic piglets. Additional studies
treatment; SAM was associated with microbiome immatu- utilizing larger sample sizes and appropriate controls are
rity, and although MAZ score improved upon treatment, needed to further understand these findings.
there was regression to immaturity afterward. In a subset of It is interesting to speculate what causes or prevents “mat-
malnourished infants who provided samples before antibi- uration” of the fecal microbiota, but Vonaesch and colleagues
otic administration (common to SAM treatment), lower mi- [45] provide strong evidence that stunted children may have
crobial diversity prior to feeding was not attributable to an- small intestine bacterial overgrowth dominated by taxa typi-
tibiotics. The authors concluded that microbiome immatu- cally found in the oropharyngeal cavity. Their data suggest a
rity may play a role in predisposing young children to “decompartmentalization” of the GI tract and are not only in-
malnutrition. However, it should be noted that feeding teresting from a mechanistic point of view but also remind us
mode and duration of exclusive breastfeeding were not that microbial communities vary along the GI tract, and that
controlled for, even though the authors provided some ev- the fecal microbiome likely provides a poor representation of
idence that intake of infant formula was associated with what is likely more important for nutrition, that is, the small
higher maturity values. This weakness in experimental de- intestine microbiome.
sign makes its results difficult to interpret. In another related study utilizing data from the Bangladeshi
This study was followed by another that (1) assessed GI and Malawi cohorts described above, Gough and colleagues
microbiome in 27 twin pairs and 2 sets of triplets (from the [46] used a case-control approach to investigate whether
same population) with healthy growth patterns, (2) compared particular fecal microbial community structures or individual
findings with those published previously by Subramanian et al. taxa are associated with linear growth faltering. A total of 10
[42] in Bangladesh (they were similar), (3) and related MAZ to cases and 8 controls from Malawi, and 6 cases and 5 controls

40 Reprint with permission from: McGuire/McGuire

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
from Bangladesh, where cases were defined as HAZ ≤−3 and In a subsequent study [49], the same group compared GI
controls as −3 < HAZ ≤−2. They found that reduced fecal mi- microbiomes of 5 healthy infants and 10 infants with kwashi-
crobiome diversity and increased relative abundance of Acid- orkor; they also found a depletion in oxygen-sensitive pro-
aminococcus sp. predicted more severe later growth deficits karyotes including M. smithii. Diversity of anaerobic taxa was
and hypothesized that microbial fermentation of glutamate lower in the malnourished infants, and much of this difference
might play a role in this association. To test this, they used was due to species not previously identified in human stool
KEGG enzyme abundance data for the Malawi cohort and samples. The authors posited that there is a “loss” of anaerobic
found that the abundance of genes encoding key glutamate- species in patients with kwashiorkor. It is worth noting, how-
metabolizing enzymes was negatively associated with future ever, that although ages were not statistically different be-
height-for-age Z score. However, cases in both cohorts were tween the groups the malnourished cohort was substantially
younger and relatively shorter (HAZ) than controls making it younger than the controls (13.4 vs. 25.1 months). As such, dif-
impossible to disentangle whether the differences in fecal mi- ferences could be explained by myriad other factors such as
crobiome are related to age-related factors (e.g., exclusive breastfeeding status. In addition, the small sample sizes com-
breastfeeding status) or health status. In addition, because the bined with the fact that subjects were recruited from 2 distinct
controls were also stunted, the data cannot be used to infer locations (Senegal and Niger) make the results difficult to in-
differences between well growing and growth-stunted in- terpret. Future studies should endeavor to recruit healthy and
fants. Future studies should better account for these impor- malnourished subjects at similar ages living in the same loca-
tant variables. tion.
In a set of studies carried out in Senegal and Niger, Million In the only study to our knowledge to compare infants with
and colleagues [47] studied 69 children with varying nutri- kwashiorkor (n = 54) to those with marasmus (n = 33), Kris-
tional status. Location was found to be the major driver of tensen and colleagues [50] studied Ugandan children aged
overall fecal microbial community structure when all children 6–24 months. After adjusting for sex and diarrhea at admis-
were considered together, whereas age, sex, and nutritional sion, they found higher diversity in samples collected from
status did not explain much of the overall taxonomic variation. infants with kwashiorkor. When severity of wasting, mid-up-
However, the researchers found lower levels of obligate an- per arm circumference, and stunting were considered sepa-
aerobes associated with malnutrition. This approach was fol- rate from type of SAM, no relationships were found with over-
lowed up with an individual patient data meta-analysis which all GI microbiome. There were also no differences in individ-
included 108 children with SAM and 77 well-nourished chil- ual taxa. Unfortunately, markers of inflammation and
dren from 5 African and Asian countries. Results indicate that differences in microbial community function were not as-
members of the Bacteroidaceae, Eubacteriaceae, Lachnospi- sessed. In addition, children with kwashiorkor were older than
raceae, and Ruminococceae families were depleted while En- those with marasmus (17 vs. 15 months, respectively; p =
terococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus au- 0.04), and age and infant feeding patterns were not controlled
reus were consistently more abundant in feces collected from for in the analyses. This is particularly unfortunate given the
children with SAM. Depletion of obligate anaerobes, de- fact that these authors had previously published findings [51]
creased total bacterial number, and lower relative abundance that children with kwashiorkor in this population were less
of Methanobrevibacter smithii (a member of the Archaea do- likely to be breastfed and that household dietary diversity
main) were also associated with malnutrition. M. smithii is scores were also lower in these children.
thought to enhance GI bacterial polysaccharide digestion by In contrast, in a longitudinal study of 78 Peruvian infants
optimizing hydrogen levels; its potential role in increasing between 5 and 12 months of age [52], those who became
metabolizable energy has been discussed as has its use as a stunted during the study had higher bacterial diversity and al-
therapeutic for modulating energy balance in humans [48]. tered GI microbiome coupled with elevated biomarkers of in-
The authors suggest that maternal antioxidant intake (and flammation that preceded growth faltering. Differences in fe-
thus, milk antioxidant composition) might modify the impor- cal microbial diversity also preceded growth faltering. Impor-
tance of fecal redox capacity to infant nutritional status. If cor- tantly, the researchers took care to document infant feeding
rect, then it is likely that the presence of GI microbiota with practices and reported no differences in duration of exclusive
redox capacity might be particularly important in cases of ma- breastfeeding and age at introduction of solid foods; this rep-
ternal antioxidant deficiency and/or nonexclusive breastfeed- resents an important strength of this study compared to al-
ing and inadequate infant antioxidant consumption – again, most all others on the topic. The authors concluded that the
suggesting that what would be considered “optimal” microbi- origin of immune activation in stunted children may be sus-
omes in various contexts differs. tained, low-grade microbial translocation across the GI mu-

Infant Nutrition, Microbiomes, and Health Reprint with permission from: 41

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
cosa. However, because differences in GI microbiome were amino acids to the infant and lead to decreased growth and
also present prior to growth stunting it is also possible that synthesis of related compounds such as serotonin? Answer-
microbially derived inflammatory metabolites might drive ing these questions will require studies coupling longitudinal
chronic local irritation. Metagenomic analysis to examine mi- assessment of infant growth, GI microbiomes and metabo-
crobial function would be helpful to tease apart these inter- lites, possibly stably labelled amino acids, and circulating me-
twining possibilities. tabolomics.
In another study [53] characterizing longitudinal relation- To help in this regard, Giallourou et al. [56] evaluated lon-
ships among GI microbiome, growth, and inflammation in 691 gitudinally collected urine samples and growth in malnour-
Malawian infants, MAZ and GI microbial diversity were associ- ished Peruvian, Bangladeshi, and Tanzanian infants (n = 281,
ated with weight gain from 6 to 12 months, but associations 249, and 249, respectively) during the first 24 months of life.
with systemic inflammation were inconsistent. Although in- Infants from each location (n = 22, 28, and 13 for Peru, Ban-
fant feeding status was not reported, the analyses were ad- gladesh, and Tanzania, respectively) with LAZ ≥−0.75 at birth
justed for infant age on day of fecal collection. Other studies and ≥−1.25 at 24 months of age were classified as a “healthy”
(e.g., [54]), have also provided weak evidence for a link be- reference group. Both plasma and urinary metabolomes were
tween an “inflammatory” GI microbiome and growth, but assessed, with the latter (in healthy infants) being used to ex-
these studies lack evaluation of inflammatory status in the in- plore the existence of age-discriminatory metabolites com-
fant. mon across cohorts (phenome-for-age Z score, PAZ). PAZ
scores in malnourished children were lower than those of
their healthy counterparts, and low PAZ predicted later linear
GI Microbiome Functionality and Childhood and ponderal growth faltering. After controlling for cofound-
Undernutrition ers such as breastfeeding and diarrhea (none of which were
found to be important), several urinary metabolites arising
Highlighting the potential importance of GI microbiome from microbial-host co-metabolism were positively correlat-
function rather than composition, Mayneris-Perxachs et al. ed with age and/or nutritional status – many related to protein
[55] utilized a case-control study in malnourished versus well- and amino acid metabolism. Importantly, these generalized
nourished Brazilian infants (n = 326) 6–24 months of age. findings were consistent among locations suggesting that
Importantly, cases (n = 158) and controls (n = 168) were they might represent relationships that might be applicable to
matched for age, although matching was within 6 months – a other populations. Whether these associations between PAZ
relatively long period of time in this context – and cases were and nutritional status are causal in nature is unknown, as is
older than controls (14.8 vs. 12.3 months, p < 0.001). In addi- whether differences in GI microbiomes represent mediating
tion, birth weight was lower in cases than controls (−1.7 vs. factors.
−0.52 WAZ, p < 0.001). Whether the infant was breastfed was
apparently similar between groups, although it is unclear from
the report if this refers to ever having been breastfed or breast- Micronutrients (Particularly Iron), Microbiomes,
fed at the time of sample/data collection. Whereas they did and Malnutrition
not directly assess GI microbiome, they evaluated urinary
metabolic phenotypes and indirectly inferred source (host vs. Although most research regarding GI microbiome and early-
microbe). They found that both stunting and wasting were as- life malnutrition deals with generalized undernutrition (e.g.,
sociated with increased proteolytic activity of the infants’ GI kwashiorkor), micronutrient intake might also be important.
microbiomes as well as dysregulated choline metabolism and Although many microbes synthesize vitamins that can be
metabolic adaptations to reduce energy expenditure. Accel- used both by themselves and their hosts, they also rely on the
erated catch-up growth was seen in children with the most presence of some nutrients (e.g., some vitamins, essential
pronounced energy-saving metabolic adaptations. The au- minerals) for survival. It is plausible, therefore, that endemic
thors posit that alterations in methyl donor capacity might nutrient deficiencies might evolutionarily select for GI mi-
trigger early-life epigenetic programming toward a “thrifty” crobes that produce those nutrients – another possible ex-
phenotype. Whereas a favoring of GI microbiota that is able ample of eco-homeorhesis. Yet, aside from iron, very little
to utilize protein as an energy source seems like a reasonable research has been conducted on this topic resulting in a weak
and complementary response to inadequate nutrient avail- knowledge base in this regard. As such, here we focus mainly
ability, it remains unclear how this would occur. Also, will in- on studies relating infant iron consumption and status on the
creased proteolytic activity reduce availability of essential GI microbiome.

42 Reprint with permission from: McGuire/McGuire

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
In a double-blind, controlled intervention trial carried GI Microbiomes and Childhood Obesity
out in Côte d’Ivoire, iron supplementation of 6- to 14-year-
old children (n = 139) increased fecal enterobacteria and There is also substantial interest in the complex interactions
decreased lactobacilli and bifidobacteria [57]. This shift was among GI microbiome, obesity risk, and inflammation in ear-
accompanied by increased calprotectin, a marker of GI in- ly life. One of the first studies to examine this was a case-
flammation. Additional negative outcomes of iron supple- control design in Finland; 24 normal-weight children were
mentation were reported in 6-month-old Kenyan infants matched for gestational age and BMI at birth, delivery mode,
(n = 115) [58] and 1-year-old Peruvian infants (n = 95) [59], probiotic intervention, duration of breastfeeding, and antibi-
with the latter study revealing sex-specific responses. These otic use [65]. GI microbiome was assessed at 6 and 12 months
findings are bolstered by an extensive literature relating iron and relationship to risk for obesity during the first 7 years of
status (and supplementation) to risk of infection, particu- life assessed. Bifidobacterial numbers in stool samples during
larly by pathogens with substantial requirements for this infancy were higher in children who remained healthy weight
mineral – the most studied being those that cause malaria than those who became overweight; S. aureus was higher in
[60]. Indeed, Plasmodium falciparum has evolved elaborate those who became overweight. The researchers hypothe-
mechanisms to sequester iron, and supplementing the host sized that S. aureus may trigger low-grade inflammation, con-
with iron can enhance this pathogen’s survival and repro- tributing to the development of obesity and link their findings
duction. This finding has led the WHO to recommend that to an extended concept of the hygiene hypothesis. In a com-
iron interventions only be administered in areas of endemic panion case-control study involving 15 overweight children at
malaria when diagnosis, prevention, and treatment schemes 10 years of age and 15 healthy-weight children matched for
are employed [61]. sex, gestational age and BMI at birth, mode of delivery, and
Because most microbes have a requirement for iron, hu- duration of breastfeeding, Luoto et al. [66] found that bifido-
mans have evolved a constellation of mechanisms whereby bacterial numbers tended to be lower in fecal samples col-
iron is withheld from pathogens during infection, ultimately lected at 3 months of age in the overweight children. The
impairing bacterial growth while increasing risk for host iron same research team later reported that Staphylococcus was
deficiency. Interestingly, HM is a poor source of iron, and its elevated in feces of infants’ overweight mothers compared to
iron content is relatively refractory to maternal iron status – healthy-weight mothers during pregnancy [67], supporting
suggesting an adaptive advantage to low levels of iron con- the possibility that the infants’ fecal microbiomes were shaped,
sumption in early life. Several studies have provided evidence at least in part, either during delivery, via their mothers’ HMM,
that, in addition to iron supplementation increasing risk for or through other physical contacts in the shared environment.
certain infections including those causing diarrhea, it can also Evidence of intergenerational transmission of the overweight
impact the GI microbiome of children. For instance, several phenotype from mother to offspring via microbiome transfer
have found that iron interventions increase Enterobacteria- has also been provided by Tun and colleagues [68], who uti-
ceae and decrease Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria [57, 58, 62, lized multiple mediator path modeling to show that infant fe-
63]. This finding is particularly interesting because members cal microbiome (particularly Lachnospiraceae) mediated the
of the Lactobacillaceae family, common in milk and dairy association between maternal prepregnancy overweight and
products and considered to be health-promoting probiotics, risk of overweight in children at 1 and 3 years of age.
have an extremely low requirement for iron. As such, when In a larger study of 330 healthy Danish infants, Bergstrom
iron is abundant in the environment, these taxa are likely out- and colleagues [69] found that increasing abundance of
competed by iron-requiring taxa. It is noteworthy that the im- several taxa (e.g., Firmicutes) and decreasing levels of M.
pact of iron supplementation on GI microbiome appears to smithii in feces of infants between 9 and 18 months of age
be context specific, likely impacted by typical core GI micro- were associated with greater BMI gains – a finding some-
bial community structures, chronic dietary intake, and en- what in conflict with that reported in malnourished children
demic pathogen exposure. For example, Dostal and col- and described previously suggesting that M. smithii might
leagues [64] found no effect of high-dose iron supplements facilitate microbial fermentation of polysaccharides in the
on fecal microbiomes in iron-deficient children with low en- colon. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown, but
teropathogen burden living in South Africa. This discrepancy again highlights the importance of not assuming similar
in findings across locations highlights the need to study these findings in disparate locations. Results from the CHILD study
interactions in each location of interest and the critical impor- in Canada suggested that higher microbial richness and en-
tance of not extending findings and conclusions drawn from richment of Lachnospiraceae at 3–4 months increased risk
one locale to another. of obesity at 12 months [70]. In a companion study [68],

Infant Nutrition, Microbiomes, and Health Reprint with permission from: 43

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
abundance of Lachnospiraceae at 3–4 months was associ- absorption of nutrients by the host and production and use of
ated with more frequent use of household disinfectants, and nutrients by bacteria can create competitive scenarios that
was found to statistically mediate an apparent association are typically not considered in any of these studies. Impor-
between disinfectant use and increased odds of becoming tantly, what is a “healthy” GI microbiome might be modified
overweight or obese at 3 years. However, exclusive breast- by genetics, nutrient availability, endemic microbe exposures,
feeding was associated with lower use of disinfectant, com- feeding patterns, and sex (eco-homeorhesis), but these inter-
plicating interpretation. Dogra et al. [71] reported that in- actions have not been studied using adequate prospective,
fants who acquire higher levels of Bifidobacterium relative- longitudinal experimental designs in at-risk populations. Be-
ly later had lower adiposity at 18 months, but differences in cause GI microbiomes are clearly different across locations
feeding practices were not accounted for. and these customized differences might be important for
Several studies have also considered this topic in prema- acute and chronic health, researchers and public health ex-
ture infants. Scheepers et al. [72] studied 909 preterm infants perts should apply a healthy dose of restraint when consider-
and found that higher levels of fecal B. fragilis at 1 month was ing extending findings from 1 location to another. In sum-
associated with higher BMI between 1 and 10 years, but only mary, the current state of the science is not adequate to con-
when the infants consumed a low-fiber diet. This association clude that variation in the early-life microbiome can lead to
was modified by maternal lifestyle factors, making the results either undernutrition or obesity, and additional rigorous stud-
challenging to interpret. Importantly, feeding practices in the ies are needed in this regard.
first month (exclusive breastfeeding, formula feeding, or a Research in this area must carefully take into account the
combination) and duration of breastfeeding were controlled age and feeding history of study participants, or these impor-
for in the analysis. White and colleagues [73] found that early tant factors might completely confound research results and
detection of Bacteroides in stool samples from 218 preterm substantially complicate their interpretation. When possible,
and term infants at 1 month was associated with reduced studies should be conducted in more than one location so
growth in the first 6 months in male infants; although the au- that we can better understand microbe-health relationships
thors controlled for whether or not the infant had received that are specific to one culture/region versus those that are
formula they did not control for duration of breastfeeding. common to all. Scientific focus should expand well beyond
Additional evidence exists that the association between GI mi- characterizing the association between generalized protein-
crobiome and growth might be sex-specific [69, 74, 75]. energy malnutrition, impaired growth, and energy imbalance
It should be noted that, similar to the literature on antibiot- (e.g., kwashiorkor and marasmus) and GI microbiome. Rather,
ics and growth faltering, there is a relatively large literature and as highlighted by evidence that iron supplementation
examining the association between antibiotic use in infancy during infancy and early childhood might negatively impact
and risk of developing obesity. Findings from these studies, early-life GI microbiome, micronutrients should also be con-
however, are notably inconsistent [75–77]. Again, it is likely sidered. And, as always, studies should be powered sufficient-
that confounders (e.g., infant GI microbiome community ly to address the major hypotheses being tested.
structure and feeding patterns) modify any effect that might Elegant and complex animal studies have examined the
exist and that any impacts are geographically/culturally spe- effect of GI microbiome through inoculation from healthy or
cific. stunted infants. These studies have examined an array of
-omics to identify potential markers or causative factors for
the phenotypes observed in the afflicted children. However,
Conclusions and Major Research Gaps relatively poor establishment of the bacterial community into
the germ-free models and limited numbers of replicates, both
Risk of and resilience to malnutrition as they relate to variation from donors and recipient animals within a donor cohort, re-
in the early-life GIM warrants continued examination because strict our ability to interpret the results – let alone apply them
it is likely that, at least in some contexts, different GI microbi- to the human condition. In addition, a lack of growth or even
omes predispose (or program) individuals to acute and chron- body weight loss with the limited animal numbers is a concern
ic health trajectories (hygiene and old friends hypotheses, for validity of these models. Finally, these models which utilize
DOHaD, 1st 1,000 days emphasis). Most studies to date are weaned animals do not include the potential contribution of
understandably epidemiologic in nature, and the design of HM to the nutrient or health status of children, which would
most interventions has focused on describing members of the be the normal feeding for the children studied. Thus, these
fecal microbiome that could impact health through inflam- models fail to reflect the various food sources consumed by
mation and nutrient utilization. However, consumption and children.

44 Reprint with permission from: McGuire/McGuire

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001
Given the growing double burden of malnutrition, under- Conflict of Interest Statement
standing the complex relationships among infant nutrition,
The writing of this article was supported by Nestlé Nutrition Institute
nutritional status, and microbiomes should garner intense re-
and the authors declare no other conflicts of interest.
search activity and funding. Adequately describing this com-
plicated interaction will demand a focused interdisciplinary
approach among nutritionists, microbiologists, immunolo-
Author Contributions
gists, epidemiologists, and clinicians. For these studies to pro-
vide insight, they should expand from simply cataloging mi- Both authors contributed equally to the writing of this manuscript.
crobes to examining their functionality. Because HM contains
a constellation of components (e.g., antimicrobial factors, nu-
trients, and microbes) that can impact establishment of the GI
microbiome, understanding these biological compounds and
microorganisms is likely crucial to this type of research. The
expanded use of well-powered, mechanistic studies using
validated animal models is also clearly needed.

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48 Reprint with permission from: McGuire/McGuire

Ann Nutr Metab 2021;77(suppl 3):36–48
DOI: 10.1159/000519001

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