Water Resources Padhai Ak Mazza Best Notes 2023-Merged

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Water Resources

Best Handwritten Notes

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FFoJ:÷7= Padhai Ak Mazza
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Door Padhai Ak Mazza
Three -
fourth of the Earth 's surface is covered with water but Only a small proportion of it accounts for freshwater
that can be put to use water is a renewable resource

Water scarcity and the need for Water conservation and Management
availability of water resources varies over space and time

😎water scarcity is caused by over -

exploitation ,
Excessive use and
Unequal access to water

among different social Groups

for dry
water resources are
being Over -

Exploited to Expand irrigated areas -


In some areas ,
water is sufficiently available to meet the needs of the people . But

still suffer from water scarcity due to bad of water


The need of the hour is to Conserve and Manage our Water resources

To Safeguard Ourselves from health hazards

To ensure food Security , Continuation of Our livelihoods and productive activities

To prevent degradation of our natural


Multipurpose River projects and integrated water Resources Management

In ancient times
we used to conserve water by constructing sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams

built of stone rubble reservoirs takes embankments and canals for

we have continued this tradition in modern India by building dams in most of our river basins

Dams barrier flowing water that obstructs directs retards the flow often
is a across , on , creating
a reservoir ,
lake on impoundment
Dam " refers to the reservoir rather than the structure

Uses of Dams
To impound rivers and rainwater that can be used later to
irrigate agricultural fields

For electricity generation ,

supply for Domestic and industrial uses
Flood Control
fish breeding

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Side effects of creating dams
Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow

Poorer the habitat es for the river 's aquatic life .

Fragment river makes the

migration of Aquatic fauna difficult

Dams Created on the floodplains submerge the Existing vegetation and soil
leading to its decomposition over

period of time

creating large dams has been the cause of

many new Environmental movements like the '
Narmada Bachao

Andolan '
and the Tehri Dam Andolan etc

Many times local people had to

give up their land ,
livelihood and their control over resources for the construction

of the dam

Most of the objections to the project arise due to their failure to achieve the purpose for which they were built most of the dams were constructed to
control floods but it these dams have triggered floods dams have also caused extensive soil erosion excessive use of water has resulted in earthquake
water borne diseases and pollution

Major dams and rivers of India

F⇐€I÷ʰ¥ Padhai Ak Mazza

Rainwater harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is a
simple method by which rainfall is

collected for future

usage .

The collected rainwater may be stoned Utilised in different ways

directly used for recharge purposes

Different methods have been adopted in different areas for rainwater harvesting

1. In people have built diversion channels like the

Hilly areas
Huts of the western for agriculture and to
Harvest Rainwater

" "
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is
commonly practised to stone drinking water
particularly in

3- In the flood plains of Bengal , people develop Rainwater channels to irrigate their fields

4- In semi arid regions , agricultural fields were converted into rain fed storage structures that allowed the water

to stand and moisten the soil such as Khadim in Jaisalmer and Johads in other parts of Rajasthan

S The tankas rooftop

are part of the well -

developed rainwater
harvesting system and are built inside the main

house This is for

mainly practised in Rajasthan particularly in Bikaner Phalodi and Barmen areas
saving rainwater

Tamil Nadu is the first state in India which has made a rooftop rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all the
houses across the state there are legal provisions to punish the defaulters

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EI:-i7 Padhai Ak Mazza


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FFoJ:÷7= Padhai Ak Mazza
Types of farming
The cultivation method depend upon the Characteristics of physical Environment .

technological know-how and

Socio -
Cultural practices .

Farming varies from subsistence to commercial type .

In different parts of India ,
the following

Farming systems are practiced

1) Primitive Subsistence farming

It is a slash -
and burn Agriculture • Farmers clear a patch of land and produce
corals and Other foods and use primitive tools like hoe
dao and
digging sticks

involving family labour

🤓 when soil
fertility decrease the farmers shift and clean a fresh patch of land for

cultivation .

It is known by different names in different parts of the

country . It is known as

Pam / ou
thrumming in north Eastern States in
Manipur and Dipa in Bastar

District of Chhattisgarh and And man and Nicobar Islands

land productivity is low in this type of agriculture and

farming depends on monsoon

2) Intensive Subsistence farming

This type of farming is practised in areas of high population

pressure on

It is labor intensive farming . Where high dose of biochemical inputs

and irrigation are used for higher production

3) Commercial Farming

This type of farming uses higher doses of modern inputs such as

High Yielding Variety CKYV) seeds chemical fertilisers ,

insecticides and pesticides to Obtain Higher productivity

Plantation : -

is a
type of commercial farming in which a single crop is
grown on a
large area .
Plantations couch

large tracts of land , Using capital intensive inputs ,
with the help migrant labourers . All the Eg
Tea ,
Coffee , Rubber ,
Banana , Sugarcane

Cropping pattern
India has three
cropping seasons

IE€I:t% Padhai Ak Mazza

1 .


2 .

3 .
Types of pattern 1 Rabi Zaid Kharif

Sowing winter from October In between the nabi and the
Begnmg rainy season between

season to December kharif there is

seasons , a April and May
short summer
during the

months of March to July

Harvesting Summer from April

September -
season to dune

Important Wheat
Barley Peas Watermelon Muskmelon Cucumber Paddy Marc Jowar Bajra ,
, , , ,
, , , ,

Crops Gram and mustard vegetables and Fodder crops Annan ,

Moony ,
brad ,
Cotton ,

Jute ,
Groundnut and soyabean

Major Crops in India

A of different of
Variety food and non food crops are
parts India
depending upon the variations in

soil climate and Cultivation practices India

major crops grown in are

Rice Wheat '
Millets Pulses Coffee Cotton dutc
Tea Sugarcane
. '
Oil seeds
' - . - . .

We will discuss all of these detail

now one by one in

Rice E:h
Padhai Ak Mazza
1 .
It is a kharif crop

2. Requires High temp and high humidity with annual Rainfall above 100cm

3 .
India is the second
largest producer of rice in the world after China

4 .
Grown in the plains of north and north -
Eastern india coastal areas and the detail regions

1 .
It is a Rabi crop
2. Requires a cool season and bright sunshine at the time of ripening
Requires so -75cm of annual rainfall Evenly distributed Over the
growing season

4 The Salty plains in the north west and black soil

Region of the Deccan are two main wheat growing
. - - -

zones in India

S .

It is the second most important cereal crop and main food Crop ,
in the north and north Western part
of India

1- Jowar , Bajra and
Ragi are the important millets
grown in India

2 .
These are known as coarse grains and have
very high nutritional value

Jowar Bajra Ragi

3rd important It crop of dry Region

most food Grows well on
Sandy Soils is a

crop with respect to area and shallow black soil

and production Grows well on red black , Sandy ,

loamy and shallow black soils

It rain fed crop mostly states

is a
major producing are

grown in the moist areas

Rajasthan , up ,
Maharashtra major producing states are Kannatha

Gujrat and Tamil Nadu Himachal Pradesh

Haryana ,

Mainly produced in Uttarakhand ,

Sikkim ,
Maharashtra Karnataka ,
and Arunachal Pradesh
Andra Pradesh and

1. It is a kharif crop
2. Requires temperature between 21 'C to 27C and grows well in Old alluvial soil

3. Used both as food and fodder

maize states Karnataka Pradesh Andria Pradesh

4 .

Major producing are ,

Madhya ,
Bihar ,


I. India is the largest producer and Consumer of pulses in the world

2. Pulses are the

major source of protein in a
Vegetarian diet

3 .

Major pulses producing states are M.P

, Rajasthan , Maharashtra
UP and Karnataka

U Major pulses in India are Annan Ctun) Unad moony Masur Peas and Gram
grown ,

, , ,

Food crops other than Grains

1 . It is tropical as well as
subtropical crops
2. Grows well in hot and humid climates with temperature of 212 to 27C and annual rainfall

between 75cm to 100cm

3. Can be On a Variety of soils

U .
Needs manual labour

s .
India is the second largest producer of sugarcane only after Brazil
6 the source of Gun Khan Sari
Sugarcane is main Sugar , ,
and molasses

7 .
major sugarcane producing states are -
Bihar ,
Maharashtra ,
Karnataka Tamil Nadu

Andhra Pradesh ,
Bihar , Telangana Punjab and

EEI:=Ñ Padhai Ak Mazza

Oil seeds
Different 011 Seeds are
grown appnoximetly 12% of the total Cropped area of India . Main oil

seeds produced in India are

Groundnut : Is a kharif crop and accounts for help of the major oil seeds produced in India

Gujrat is the largest producer of groundnuts

Mustard : Rabi Crop

Sesamum ( tit ) : kharif crop in the north and Rabi crop in South India

0 Castor Seeds : Grown as both Rabi and kharif crop

Linseed : Rabi crop



Padhai Ak Mazza
Cotton seeds
0 Sunflower

1 Important beverage crop introduced by British in India

2 Tea plant grows well in tropical and Sub -

Tropical climates with deep and fertile well -


soil rich in Humus and Organic matter

3 Tea is a labour-intensive industry

Major tea
producing states are Assam ,
hills of
Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts
Tamil Nadu and Kerala

Yemen coffee is produced in India and this variety of coffee is in
great demand all Over the world

its cultivation was introduced on the Baba Budan Hills and is confined to the Nilgiri in Karnataka

Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Horticulture Crops
India is a
producer of tropical as well as temperate fruits .

Major crops produced are pea cauliflower

onion , cabbage ,
tomato , brinjal and potato some of the famous horticulture crops grown in India

of Andra Pradesh
Mangoes -
, , Telangana ,
UP and West

Oranges of and bananas of Kerala Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
Nagpur Chenna pongee Mizoram

, , ,

0 Uchi & Guava -

of UP and Bihar

Pineapples -

Grapes of Andra Pradesh
Telangana and


Apples , pears , apricots and walnuts of Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh

Non-Food Crops
Rubber Fibre Cotton Jute

It Cotton Jute Hemp and Natural It kharif It

is an Equational crop / / is a is known as the
Silk are the four major fibre
Crop Golden Fibre


It requires a moist and Cotton ,

Jute and Hemp arc Requires High temp Grows well on well-drained

Climate with rainfall in the soil rainfall fertile soils in flood

humid Grown tight 210
of more than 200cm and frost free days and High temp is require for

temp above 25C sunshine for its

bright growth

Important industrial raw Natural silk is obtained from Grows well in Black Used in making gunny
material of the silkworms 5011 of mats
cocoons cotton bags , , ropes ,

fed on Green leaves Deccan platuc Carpets and other


of silkworms for
Mainly grown
in Kerala , Rearing major Cotton -

producing major jute producing

Tamil Nadu
Karnataka the production of Silk States are Maharashtra states are west Bengal
and Andaman and fibre is known as
Gujrat MP Karnataka Bihar ,
Assam Odisha

Nicobar islands and Gano Sericulture Andra Pradesh

hills of
Meghalaya Telangana , Punjab / UP

Technological and institutional reform

Institutional reform

Major institutional reform include collectivisation consolidation of land

Holding cchakband.is

development of cooperative societies abolition of Zamindari and First Five Year Plan

Technological reform

The laws of land reform were Entailed but their implementation was lacking Somewhere The Gov

of India in 1960 -70s Introduce agricultural reforms to

improve Indian agriculture 1175C Green and

white revolution

E:h Padhai Ak Mazza
Agricultural finance

Establishment of Grammer C
Regional Banks ) , cooperative societies and banks for

providing loan facilities .

Land Development Programme

In the 1980s and 1990s institutional and technical reforms were made under comprehensive

Other reforms

Kisan Credit Card

Special weather bulletins


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Minerals and Energy

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FFoJ:÷7= Padhai Ak Mazza
What is Mineral ?
" "
Mineral defined naturally occurring definable
is as a
Homogenous substance with a internal structure

found varied forms

ranging from softest
they are in in nature the hardest diamond to the


Mode of occurrence of Minerals

Minerals found The to describe accumulation of
used mineral
in Orcs term One is an mixed
with other Elements

minerals in the
following forms
generally occur

1- In igneous and metamorphic rocks minerals occur in the Cracks Crevices faults 012 Joints
, may , ,

2. In sedimentary rocks ,
number of minerals Occur in beds OR
3- The decomposition of surface rocks and the removal of soluble constituents also forms the minerals

4 Minerals also alluvial deposits Sands of floors and the base of hills
occur as in

S The ocean waters contain vast Quantities of minerals

Classification of Minerals

Non- metallic Energy Minerals

Ferrous ( Containing Iron ) Nonferrous Eg -

Mica ,
, potash , sulphur Eg
Petroleum and

lead , tin limestone Natural gas

Eg Iron
cobalt Eg Copper
, granite , ,

etc bauxite etc sandstone etc


Eg : Gold , Silver

platinum etc Padhai Ak Mazza

Ferrous Minerals
Ferrous minerals account for about three - fourths of the total Value of the Production of metallic


Iron Ore
1 India is endowed with
fairly abundant resources of iron One

Magnetite is the finest iron with content of up to Excellent magnetic

very high
2 one a iron 70% It has


3 Hematite one is the most important industrial iron Orc It contains 50+0 60% Iron
The major iron Ore belts in India are :

Odisha -

Jharkhand belt -

High Grade Hamatitc One is

in Badampahan mines of Odisha ,

And in
adjoining Singhbhum
district of Jharkhand haematitc iron one is mined in Gua

Dung Bastar Chandrapur belt Lies Maharashtra



very high grade haematites are found in the famous Ballad eat range of hills

in the Bastar District of Chhattisgarh Iron from these mines is Exported to

Japan and South Korea via Visakhapatnam port

Bakari -

Chitradurga -
mangaluru -
TumKuru belt -


has largest reserves of iron Ore

They are loot Export unit and are known

known to be one of the

largest in the world

Maharashtra -
Goa Belt -
includes the state of Goa and
district of Maharashtra •

Though the orcs are not of very high Quality

but used
can be


. It is

Nearly 10kg
mainly used in the

require to
of Stell and

manufacture 1- tonne
Fero -

manganese alloy
of steel
g{g"É];ga:)t)ooo Padhai Ak Mazza

3 Also used in manufacturing bleaching powder ,

insecticides and paints
4. India Rank production of Odisha the largest producer of
5th in the world in
manganese and is
manganese in india

Non-ferrous Minerals
Minerals that do not contain iron is called non Ferrous minerals India has only few reserves of them These

include copper ,
bauxite , lead ,
Zinc and Gold These minerals
play a vital role in number of matallungical
and Electrical industries

1. Malleable , ductile and Good Conductor of Heat and
2 . Used in Electrical cables manufacturing Electronics and chemical industries

3- The Balaghat mines in Madhya Pradesh Khatri mines in Rajasthan and Singh bum district of Jharkhand are leading

producers of copper

1- Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of wide variety of rocks rich in Aluminium silicates

2. Aluminium is Obtained from bauxite . Aluminium has good conductivity and Great malleability
found in Amankantak platue Matkal hills plateau of Bilaspur Katni
Mainly and the

1- Mica
MICA is a mineral made up
of a series of Plates on leaves .
It can be Clear
Black ,
Green cried Yellow OR brown

° Mica is the most indispensable minerals used in electric and Electronic industries

It has Excellent electric loss factor and resistance to High Voltage

◦ di -

strength ,
low power , insulating properties
0 Mica deposits are found in northern Edge of Chota Nagpur plateau

2-Rock minerals

1 Limestone is found in rocks composed of calcium carbonates OR calcium and carbonates

2 .
It is basic raw material for the cement
industry and Essential for smelting iron Ore in the blast furnace

Conservation of Minerals
Minerals are a non -
renewable resources .
It takes 1000 of Years for the formation and concentration of

minerals . Continued Extraction of ones leads to the depletion of minerals .

So it's important to take the

necessary stops so that mineral resources can be used in a planned and sustainable manner

Energy Resources
Energy resources can be classified as

1 Conventional Sources :
Includes firewood ,
dung Cake
Coal , Petroleum , natural gas and Electricity
[ Renewable]

2 Nonconventional Sources : Includes wind Geothermal

, ,
tidal , , biogas and Atomic Energy
C. Non -

Conventional sources of energy

1)- Coal

1 Most available fossil fuel

generation to the for domestic needs
2 Used in power ,
to supply Energy industry as well as .

Lignite is a low grade brown coal ,
which is soft with high moisture content

4 Bituminous coal that has been buried deep and subjected to increased temp .

S Anthracite Highest Quality of Hard coat

6 Jharia , Raniganj ,
Bokaro are important coalfields

=E€D:fJ Padhai Ak Mazza

Also known as mineral Oil and liquid Gold It is the second higest Energy source used in the form of diesel petrol
kerosene etc

first oil field in India was discovered in Assam in 1867

Mumbai Produces High amount about 63% of India 's petroleum .

Gujrat produces 18% and Assam 16%

Anke/ cshwar is the most important 011 field in 🧯
Gujrat .

3)-Natural gas
1 Natural It Considered fuel
Gas is an important clean
Energy resource . is an Environment -

2 The power and fertilizer industries are the key users of natural Gas

Compressed Natural Gas ( CNG ) is Used in Vehicles
💡 🪫replace
to liquid fuels

4 Large reserves of natural Gas have been discovered in the Krishna -

Godavari basin


Electricity is
generated mainly in 2
Padhai Ak Mazza

😇By running water which drives hydro turbines to Generate Hydro Electricity . It is Renewable resource of Energy

India has a no of multi -

purpose projects like the Bhakna

Nangal Damodar Valley Corporation

By Burning Other fuels such as coal , petroleum and natural Gas to drive turbines to produce Thermal power uses non

renewable fossil fuels for Generating Electricity

Non-conventional sources of energy

The renewable of like Solan , wind tide , biomass and from waste material
energy , Energy are called

Non Conventional Sources


Nuclear or Atomic energy

Nuclear Energy is obtained by altering the structure of atoms . Uranium and Thorium are used for generating
atomic OR nuclear

Solar Energy
solar is produced by the Sun 's light Photovoltaic technology converts sunlight directly into
energy .

Wind power
Energy Power Use to Generate purpose The wind
or is
Electricity . Wind turbines are used for this largest
farm cluster is located in Tamil Nadu from Nagercoil to madurai

Biogas is
naturally produced from the decomposition of Organic waste Biogas is the most efficient use of cattle

dung It improves the Quality of manure

Tidal energy
It is a form of Hydropower that convents the Energy obtained from tides into useful forms of Energy mainly Electricity
of Kambhat Gulf of Gujrat of
in India Gulf ,
Kachchh in ,
Sunder ban Regions W B

provide ideal conditions

for utilising Tidal Energy

Geo-thermal energy

When heat and produced heat from the interior of the Earth
Electricity are
by using it is known as

Geo -
thermal Energy
In Pradesh
India Parvati Valley in Himachal and
Puga Valley ,

Conservation of energy resources

Every Sector of the national Economy -

agriculture , industry ,
transport , Commercial and domestic needs inputs of Energy

There is urgent need to develop a sustainable path for energy development Here are some

Using public transport systems instead of individual Vehicles

off electricity
Switching when not in use

Using power saving devices

4 Using non - conventional sources of Energy

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F¥EI Padhai Ak Mazza
The Importance of Manufacturing
The manufacturing sector is considered the backbone of development due to the
following reasons :

Manufacturing industries help in
modernising agriculture as it provides jobs in
secondary and tertiary

2 .
Helps in the eradication of unemployment and poverty

3- Export of manufactured
goods Expands trade and commerce , and brings in much needed foreign Exchange

Helps in
prospering the
country by giving a boost to the Economy

Contribution of industry to National economy

The trend to growth rate in manufacturing Over the last decade has been around 7- % per annum .

Industrial location
Industrial locations are influenced by the availability of :

7- Raw material

2 Labour

> capital Padhai Ak Mazza

4 Power

5 Market

6 Gout .

Manufacturing activity tends to locate at the most appropriate place where all the factors of industrial

location are Either available on can be arranged at a lower cost The

fig below shows the industry
market linkage
Raw materials and lor component
parts factors of production land,
labour, Capital, entrepreneurs




Transport Money


No this graph is only for understanding and does not come and the board exam nation
😎 Classification of industries
Agro-based industries
Cotton ,
Jute ,
Silk ,
woolen textiles , sugar and Edible 011 ,
etc industries are based on Agricultural raw

materials . Let's know about each of them

One by one

Textile industry

It self
is the
Only industry in India Which is reliant and complete in the value chain means :

From raw material to the highest value added products It contributes to industrial production
, Employment generation and foreign Exchange earnings

Note: Cotton textile,jute textile ,sugar industry is excluded from the syllabus

Mineral -based industries

Industries that use raw materials as raw materials are called mineral based industries

Aluminium Smelting
Aluminium is the second important metallurgical industry India used to manufacture
smelting in It is

utensils and wires .

Bauxite is the raw material used in the smelters

Aluminium .

Smelting has Gained popularity as a substitute for steel , Copper , Zinc and lead in a no

of industries it has the following properties

Light in

0 Resistant to corrosion
Good conductor of Heat Padhai Ak Mazza
0 Malleable
Becomes when it is mixed with other metals

The chemical industry comprises both large and small scale manufacturing units

Rapid Growth has been recorded in both

inorganic and Organic Sectors

Inorganic Chemicals :
sulphuric acid ,
Nitric acid ,
Soda ash and Caustic Soda

Organic Chemicals : Petrochemicals which are used to

manufacturing synthetic fibre ,
Rubber , plastic , dye
Fertilizer industry
The fertilizer industries are centered around the production of nitrogenous fertilizers C
Mainly Unca)

phosphatic fertilizers and ammonium Phosphate CDAPJ and complex fertilizers which have combination

😎of Nitrogen CNJ

, Phosphate CPJ and Potash

Gujrat ,
Tamil Nadu ,
Uttar Pradesh , Punjab and Kerala contribute towards half of the production

Automobile industry
This industry deals with the manufacturing of trucks ,
buses ,
, motorcycles ,
scooters ,
three -

and multi -

utility vehicles

These industries are located around Delhi , Gurugram ,

Mumbai ,
Pune ,
Cheenai ,
Kolkata Lucknow Indore

Hyderabad , Jamshedpur and


Information Technology and Electronics industry

The electronics industry covers a wide range of Products from transistor sets to television , telephones

cellular telecom ,
telephone Exchange ,
radars , computers and
Other Equipment Required by the

telecommunication industry

This of
industry has generated Employment in India , Bengaluru is known as the Electronic capital

Note - iron and steel and Cement industry is excluded from the syllabus

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation

Industries are
responsible for 4 types of Pollution

1 Air : -
caused by the presence of a
high proportion of undesirable gases ,
such as sulphur dioxide and

carbon monoxide

smoke Emitted chemical and

paper factories brick Refineries and smelting plants and
by ,
Kilns ,

burning of fossil fuels leads to aim pollutions it adversely affect human health ,
Animals , plants

, buildings and the atmospheric

2 Water pollution : caused by Organic and industrial wastes and Effluents discharged into

The industries which are mainly responsible for water pollution arc paper , pulp ,
Chemical ,

and dyeing , petroleum , tanneries and

Electroplating industries

Padhai Ak Mazza
3- Thermal water occurs water from factories and thermal drained
pollution : -
when hot plants is into rivers

and ponds before cooling

4- harmful of human
Noise pollution :- Is the propagation of noise with impact on the activity OR Animal

life •
It results in Irritation , Anger ,
Cause Heating impairment ,
increased heart Rate

and blood pressure

Control of Environmental Degradation

Here are some
ways through which industrial pollution can be reduced

1. of water
Minimising the use by reusing and recycling it .

2. Harvesting rainwater to meet water Requirements

Treating Hot water and Effucnts before real easing them in rivers and ponds

4. Particulate matter in the air can be reduced by fitting smoke stacks

5 Smoke can be reduced by using oil on

gas instead 📝
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Lifelines of National


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Movement of Goods and services can be 00cm three important
domains of Our Earth ie Land water and air Based on these
, ,

transport can also be classified into the land ,

water and air

transport Let's discuss them in detail

India has one of the
largest road networks in the world ,
aggregating to about 54.7 Lakh km • The growing

importance of road transport over nail transport is given below

1 .

The construction cost of roads is much lower than that of

railway lines .

Roads harder locations that cannot be done by the

2. can Cover more
Roads of be traverse the
3- can
negotiate higher Gradients slopes and can Easily built -
in mountains such as

4. Road transport is Economical

5. Also provides door -

to -
door service

6- Road transport provides links between railway stations ,

air and seaports

In India roads classified the following six classes according to their capacity
are in

1) Golden Quadrilateral Super Highways

🛣 Toronto
E:÷fJ Padhai Ak Mazza

Golden Quadrilateral network of India 's four top metropolitan cities

is a
Highways connecting , namely Delhi ,

Chcenai Mumbai .
These Highway projects are
being implemented by the national Highway Authority of India


2) National Highways 🛣
The national Highways are a network of trunk roads that are laid and maintained by Central Public works

Department CCPWDJ

The Historical Sher -

Shah Suri Mang is called 🛣
National Highway No -1 ,
Between Delhi and Amritsar

3) State Highways
Roads state different district Headquarters
linking a capital with are known as State Highways These<

are constructed and maintained by the State Public Works Department CPWD ]

4) District Roads
These roads connect the district Headquarters with other places of the district These roads are

maintained by Zila Parishad

5) Other Roads
Rural Roads ,
which link rural areas and villages 🛣
with towns are classified Under this category These

roads received special impetus under the Pradhan Manti Grameen Sadak Yojana

6) Border Roads
Border Roads Organisation Constructs and maintains roads in the bordering areas of the Country This

Organisation was Established in 1960 for the development of the roads of strategic importance in north -

Eastern Border Areas

Roads be classified the basics of the type of material for their construction
can also on
qsed such as

1. Metalled roads :
may be made of cement ,
Concncatc OR Even bitumen of coal These are all weather Roads

2. Un metalled roads : Go out of use in rainy season made up of mud ,

soil etc

Railways are the principal mode of transportation for
carrying huge
loads and bulky Goods for long
and short Distances in India

Railways have become more important in India's Economy However , nail transport suffers from certain

problems as well are mentioned below

1. Construction of bridges is Required across rivers wide beds for lying down the railway lines .

2- On
hilly terrains of the peninsular regions are also unfavourable for the Construction of railway lines

3. The mountains unfavourable for the construction of railway

Himalayan regions are also lines due to
elevation points in the surface sparse population and lack of Economic opportunities

4 It is difficult to lay railway lines on sandy plains


Padhai Ak Mazza

Pipelines network uses pipes , Usually underground ,

to transport and distribute fluids
Mainly used to transport
water crude Oil Petroleum products and natural fertilizer factories and big thermal plants
, , gas , power .

Solids can be transported through a

piplmc when Converted Into

There are ] important networks of pipelines transportation in the


1- From field CUPS

Oil in upper Assam to Kanpur
2 From
Salaya in Gujrat to Jalandhar in Punjab
3 From Hanna in
Gujrat to Jagdish pun in CUP)
the of suitable for bulky
Waterways are cheapest means transport They are most
carrying heavy and Goods . It is

a fuel-efficient and Environment friendly mode of transport

The National Waterways in India are

NW No -1 .
The Ganga river between Allahabad and Haldia ( 1620 Km)

0 NW . No -2 -

Brahmaputra river between Sadiya and Dhubri ( 891km )

0 NW -
No -3 -
The West -
Coast Canal in Kerala Cliottapunma -
Kollam , Udyogamandul and Champ akka canals -20s )

° NW No U
Specified Strcches of Godavari and Krishna along with Kakinada Puducherry stretch of canals
- -

( 1078km)
0 NW -
No -5 -

Specified Strcchcs of river Brahmani along with Matai river ,

delta channels of Mahanadi and

Brahmani rivers and East Coast Canal ( 588km)

Major Sea Ports

India 's trade with foreign countries is carried from the points There are 2
major and 200 notified non

major [ Minor 1 Intermediate] ports in India

Here are the list of ports in India !


1 .
Kandla in Kach chh was the first port to be developed After Independence
• It is also known as the

2. Mumbai spacious natural

is the biggest port with a and well -

Marmagao port CGOA) is the premiere iron ore
Exporting port in india .

4. located
Mangalore port ,
in Karnataka caters to the Export of Iron one .

5 .
Koch Chi is the Extreme South -
western port located at the Entrance

of a
6 Tuticorin port is situated at the Extreme south -

7 Chennai is one of the oldest anti fecal ports of India
Padhai Ak Mazza

8 Visakhapatnam is the deepest landlocked and we , -

protected port

9 Paradwip port located in Odisha specialises in the Export of iron one


10 Kolkata is an inland riverine port

11 Haldia Kolkata it
port was developed as a
subsidiary to port to Reduce pressure on
Airways tE3⇐.Iy
Padhai Ak Mazza

The airways is the fastest ,

most comfortable and prestigious mode of transport Air travel has made

access Easier to the terrain areas like High mountains dreary deserts dense forests and long oceans

The air transport was nationalised in 1953 AM India provides domestic and international


Pawan hans
🫠 Helicopters Ltd .

provides helicopter services to 011 and Natural Gas Corporation


The major means of communication in India are television ,
radio press films etc

The Indian postal network is the largest in the world .

It handles parcels as well as personal written


0 First class mail is Airlifted between stations covering both land and aim

◦ Second class mail includes book packets registered newspapers and periodicals They are carried by surface mail

covering land and water transport

India has one of the largest telecom networks in Asia this subscriber trunk dialling facilities all over India have made possible by
integrating the development in space technology with the communication technology

Mass communication provides entertainment and creates national

among people about various
and policies It includes radio ,
, newspapers , magazines ,
books and films

India Radio Channel C Akash want ) broadcasts a

variety of
programmes in national , regional and local


Doordarshan /
the national television Channel is one of the largest terrestrial networks in the world

International Trade
The Exchange of goods states and countries Referred trade Trade between two countries
among people ,
is to as

is called international trade

Balance of trade

Export and import are the components of trade . The balance of trade of a
country is the difference

between its Export and import

When the value of Export increases then the value of import it is called a favourable balance of trade

When the value of import increases then the value of Export it is called a unfavourable balance of trade
The Commodities Exported from India are gems and Jewellery ,
Chemicals and related products
agriculture and allied products etc

The Commodities Imported to India are crude oil ,

base metals ,
Electronic Items , machinery , Agriculture and allied


Tourism as trade
More than 15 million people are directly engage in tourism industry tourism in India:

◦ Promotes national integration

0 Provides support to locals

0 Helps in development of international understanding about Indian culture and


Foreign tourist visit India for heritage tourism eco tourism adventure tourism cultural tourism medical tourism and business
tourism 📝
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