Laghu Parasari by Marc Boney - OCR2

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Marc Boney M.A.

Lagh u



Location 2 0%

To Shri K.N. Rao, who ignited

in me the light of Jyotisa.

“Jyotisa is the art of seeing light, of guiding, of

counseling based o n the truth called the horoscope.
Jyotisa is the pathway to God through the mazes of
intuitions and the brilliance of an organized science,
like any other science. Jyotisa is the fusion of the di-
vine with the mundane, the metaphysical with the
scientific methodology, a divine chorus of the music
of the heavens and the dance of the stars. It is that
divine ballet, Jyotisa, which is at once both divinity
and science that we are presenting.”

Location 1 8 0%





Chapter One

Laghu Pdrds’arz'

Chapter Two

Laghu Pdrds'arz'

Chapter Three

Laghu Pdrdéarz'

Chapter Four

Laghu Paras‘arz'


Laghu Pdrds‘ari


Golden Kevs to Ivoti s g


Lord Yama Pavs a Visit

Location 3 5 0%

The first book of K.N. Rao's that I ever read was As-
trology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. Later I came
to understand that it was something of a com-
mentary o n a small Sanskrit classic known as the
Laghu Pdrc’zs’arz‘. Laghu means "little," and Partisan"
refers to the system of astrology expounded in the
Brhat Pards'ara Hords’dstra, a massive tome said
to have been authored by Maharishi Parasara and
consisting of 7 1 chapters in its original form.

The Laghu Pdrds’arz'is comprised of only 4 2 verses

and i s written in the same s’loka format as the
larger text. Its authorship i s unknown, as i s the
date when it was written. The text condenses
into a very limited number of verses some of
the most important interpretive principles o f the
Paraéari predictive system. I n particular, two sec-
tions of this treatise are very condensed versions
of chapters in Pards’ara Hard having to do with
yogakdrakas and mdrakas. Thus, it primarily deals
with the timing of very fortunate periods in a
person's life when their status could increase o r
very inauspicious times when there could be great
suffering o r even death if the lifespan has expired.
The author of the Laghu Pdrds’arz' extracts, as it
were, some of the essence of Pards’ara Hard, and
puts it in a concentrated form that i s conducive to

After reading Shri Rao's book and seeing his ref-

erence to the Laghu Pérds’arz', I grew curious and
sought out English translations of the original
text, but found them to be rather a muddle and
not particularly well illustrated. Reading them
did not leave me feeling much the wiser as to
a true understanding of some of the verses. The
idea occurred to me of writing a clearer, more un-
derstandable, and better-illustrated commentary

Location 6 6 1%
myself, and I enlisted the services of a good San-
skrit scholar who also knew Jyotisa to assist me
in this endeavor. I did not get very far before real-
izing that such an undertaking was premature at
that stage in my development as a jyotisi. Twenty
years have passed since then and I've decided to
return to the project.

To start with I wanted to understand exactly

what the Sanskrit s’lokas said without having to
rely o n anyone else's translation, and to that end, I
had the verses parsed word for word. My approach
then in this commentary i s to first give the San-
skrit in the original Devanagari script, followed by
a transliteration with diacritical marks, followed
by a parsing of the verses in which the meaning of
each word i s given. Students can then see every-
thing for themselves.

Next, I give my English translation of the verse

as faithful to the original Sanskrit and as literal
as possible according to my understanding o f the
intended meaning by the author. This i s followed
by commentary, and lastly, by illustrations when-
ever appropriate, since "a picture is worth a thou-
sand words."

The Laghu Pdrds’arz' i s structured in four chapters

as follows:

- Chapter One, entitled “Definitions,” gives

all the basic concepts and interpretive
principles necessary to understand and
utilize the content of the other three
- Chapter Two i s all about the conditions
that empower planets to become “in-
dicators of rdja yoga,” which i s to say
planets that can bring success, position,
recognition and general good fortune.
- Chapter Three instructs us about
Location 8 8 1%
mérakas, planets that have the potential
to bring death, or “death-like suffering”
as I once heard it expressed.
- Chapter Four, entitled “Results of Plane-
tary Periods” teaches us how to time the
very fortunate o r unfortunate periods
outlined in the previous chapters using
the Vims’ottarz' das’d system, as well as
how to interpret the results of planetary
periods in general.

Chapters Two and Three are very condensed

versions of much larger chapters in the Brhat
Pards’ara Hords’dstra that elaborate the interpre-
tive principles given here in the Laghu Pdrds’arz' in
greater detail, which adds more clarity. Prior to
writing this book, I had published commentaries
with illustrations of these two chapters in the
form of articles entitled Golden Keys to Jyotisa and
Lord Yama Pays a Visit. I have added these as ad-
dendums to this book for the further edification
of the reader and suggest that these also be stud-
ied thoroughly to get the most out of what the
Laghu Pdrds’ari has to offer.

May you use this knowledge wisely and for the

betterment of others!

Yours in the Jyotir Vidya,

Marc Boney

Cardiff by the Sea,

California, USA.
Anno Domini.
May 2018.

Location 1 0 9 1%
Laghu Piriéari
Chapter o n Definitions
san‘zjiidh dhydyah

samjfidh definitions
dhydyah chapter

W 143:
21m madam
1mm fiiafiq W u 2n
siddhdntamaupanisadarh s’uddhdntarh
sonddhararh mahah kirhcid vinddharamupdsmahe
siddhc‘mtam ending in realisation
aupanisadam of the Upanisads
s’uddhc‘mtam resulting in purity
paramesthinah of the Supreme Lord
s’onddhararh whose lips are red
mahah greatness
kimcid something
vinddharam holding a vine
updsmahe we worship

"We worship the greatness of the Supreme Lord, the

essence of Upcmisads (in the form of Sarasvatz') who
has red lips and holds a Veena in her hands." (1)

I n ancient times it was customary for the authors
of Sanskrit treatises o n astrology to begin their
works by invoking the blessings of the Divine. The
Upanz’sads mentioned here are a collection of sa-
cred texts containing the central concepts o f the
Sandtana Dharma, the spiritual tradition of India.
Location 1 3 3 2%
They speak of Brahman, the one ultimate reality
underlying all existence, referred to in this verse
as the Supreme Lord. Our unknown author begins
his work by invoking the Divine in the form of
Sarasvatz', the Vedic Goddess of higher knowledge
and wisdom, who i s thought of as the "consort"
of the creative aspect of the Divine, Brahma. She
i s depicted with red lips and holding a Veena, an
ancient stringed musical instrument, since she i s
also the patron deity of the arts. One wonders
if Sarasvatz' i s the author's ista devatd or chosen
form of the Divine, o r if she i s being invoked
specifically because of the subject matter since Jy-
otisa i s a vedanga, o r limb of the Vedas, an aspect
of higher knowledge.
air W W:
W 33111 éflfi'cfr gin?"
vayam pdrds’arim horamanusrtya yathamatil
udu-dayapradipakhyam kurmo daivavidam mude II

vayam we
pdrds’arim of Pdrc'ts’ara
horam Hora
anusrtya having followed
yatha-mati according to our knowl—
udu—ddya naksatra das’c‘z
pradz'pakhyam lamp shining light o n
kurmah we make
daivavidam knowers of destiny
made for enjoyment, delight

“We compose this treatise known as "a lamp shining

light on naksatra dash?"for the delight of astrologers
Location 1 6 4 2%
according to our knowledge based on Pards’ara
Hard.” ( 2 )

The author refers to his work as udu—
ddyapradipdkhyarh, which means "a lamp shining
light o n naksatra das’a", and he explicitly tells us
that he i s basing his treatise o n Paras'ara Hard o r
the astrological school of Parasara.

mass—cg 3211W WI
3211 fiefim‘r am 121—1411
meififi I m u s "
phalani naksatra das’d praledrena vivrnmahel
das’d virhs‘ottari cdtra grdhyd nastottarz' matd ||3||

phalani fruits, results

naksatra naksatra-based
das’a planetary periods
prakarena by the method
vivrnmahe we explain, reveal
das‘d das’d
virhs’ottarz' virhs’ottari
catra and here
grahyd should be grasped
ndstottari not dstottarz'
mata thought

"We shall reveal the method for determining karmic

fruits by naksatra-based planetary periods, and
here the virns‘ottarz‘ das’d is to be applied not the
astottari das’d." (3)

The author now tells us that the sole subject
matter of his treatise i s to explain how naksatra—
based planetary periods should be used to see the

Location 1 9 8 3%
karma-phalas or fruits of a person's past actions.
However, he then immediately clarifies that the
interpretative principles revealed are to be applied
to the Virhs'attarz'das’d, not to the Astattarz' das‘d.
In Pards‘ara Hard the Virhs’attarz‘ das’d, consisting
of nine planetary periods in a cycle of 1 2 0 years,
i s referred to as the "king of das’ds," and is the one
most recommended by the Sage in this Kali Yuga
o r "Dark Age." The fact that the author should
highlight this particular naksatra—based das’d i s
therefore understandable since he has already
stated that he is following Pards'ara Hard. Why
he should then go out of his way to disavow in
particular the Astattarz' das’d i s not clear from the
text. This i s also a naksatra-based das‘d, but with a
108-year cycle. Pards’ara Hard gives it as a condi-
tional das’d not applicable to all charts, which may
be the reason.

W: 14% am: m m
W 113T W W: nxu
buddhairbhdvddayah sarve jfieydh sdmdnyas’ds—
etacchdstrdnusdrena sarhjfid brdma vis’esatah ||4||

buddhair by the wise, the

bhdvddayah houses etc.
sarve all, every
jr'ieydh should be known
sdmdnya-s’dstratah from standard texts
etat— shdstra— these texts
-anusdrena in accordance with
samjfidh definitions
brdmah we declare, we speak

Location 2 3 4 3%
vis'esatah in detail

"Everything about the houses etc. should be known

from standard texts by the wise, (here) we speak of
some definitions in detail in accordance with these
texts." (4)

We should understand from this verse that this
i s a specialized text o n a specific aspect of Jyotisa
and not a general work. For knowledge of all the
fundamentals o f the science, such as the plan-
ets, signs, and houses, we are referred to other
standard works o n astrology. The only detailed
definitions given here are those relevant to under-
standing and utilizing the interpretive principles
outlined later in the treatise.

WW Fla W W : Tm
WW W131 - WWI
pas’yanti saptamarh sarve s'anijivakujah punahl
vis'esatas’ca tridas’atrikona-caturastamdn ”5 II

pas’yanti they see

saptamarh the seventh
sarve all
s’ani Saturn
jiva Jupiter
kujd Mars
punah again
vis’esatas’ca and especially
tridas’a 3, 10
trikona trines
caturastamdn 4, 8

Location 2 7 1 4°/o
"All (grahas) aspect the 7th, and Saturn, Jupiter
and Mars again make a special aspect to the 3rd
and 10th, 5th and 9th, and 4th and 8th (respec-
tively). " ( 5 )

These are the familiar graha drstis or planetary
aspects in which all grahas aspect the 7th house
from themselves and therefore any planet in that
house, while Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars have their
special aspects. These are all "full sight" aspects
and a standard part of Jyotisa.

The question arises then as to why the author

goes out of his way to specify these, having just
stated that general astrological knowledge should
be learned from other texts. Why devote a whole
separate verse to aspects in such a brief treatise?
The important reason i s that later on when in-
structing us on how raja yogas form when angle
and trine lords combine (sarhbandhena), it be-
comes necessary first to define what "combine"
means. One way i s when planets are in mutual
aspect, which happens through graha drsti when
grahas are 1-7 from each other, and another way
i s when aplanet i s in a sign and receives the aspect
of the lord of that sign.

Defining the connection of planets as per graha

drsti exclusively i s important to the author be-
cause Paras’ara Hora also contains a chapter o n
ras’i dysti o r sign aspects. I once came across an
otherwise well-done book o n yogas in which the
author contended that Paraéari angle-trine raja
yogas should be seen through rds’z' drsti. This i s
decidedly not correct and this verse in the Laghu
Partisan" i s evidence to that fact. By specifically
defining graha drsti in detail the author i s indicat-
ing that it i s these aspects which should be used

Location 3 0 3 4%
when considering how angle and trine lords get
a?! W WA
WW WW: uan
sarve trikonanetdro grahah s’ubhaphalapradahl
patayastrisadayanarh yadi papaphalapraddh ||6|I

sarve all
trikonanetaro lords of trines
graha planets
s’ubha beneficial, auspicious
phala fruits
praddh the givers
patayas lords
trisaddyanam 3, 6, 1 1
yadi if
papa sinful, evil, malefic

"All planets who are the lords of trines give beneficial

With this verse, the author begins to instruct us
in interpretive principles taken from the chapter
in Paras’ara Hora entitled Yogakarakas, which i s
all about the effects of planets due to their lord-
ship, and how planets can become indicators of
raja yoga. There the houses are classified into four
groups as follows:

I 1 - 4 - 7 - 1 0 I referred to in this text as


Location 3 3 0 5%
- 1-5-9 referred to in this text as -
3 - 6 -1 1 referred to in this text as
2, 1 2, 8 not given a specific group name

I n this verse, we are told that any planet who

becomes a trine lord becomes a giver of s’ubha,
o r beneficial results in any chart, whether that
planet i s a natural benefic o r natural malefic. I n
contrast, any planet that rules houses 3 , 6 , and 1 1
becomes a papa o r giver of malefic results.

Trine lords giving auspicious results i s readily

understandable since these are the houses per-
taining to punya, o r the karmic effects coming
to a person resulting from meritorious past ac-
tions. However, in my experience, the second part
of the statement i s a source of great confusion
among students. The lord of the 6th house being
designated as malefic i s not surprising, given the
primary significations of that house, such as ill-
ness, injury, debts, accidents, enemies and the
like. Even the 3rd house, which i s also classified
along with the 6th as a dussthana or "diflicult"
house, makes some sense that way, though its in-
dications are not negative by and large. However,
in what way i s the 1 1 t h house a giver of evil
results? Where among such indications as gains
of all kinds, friends, elder siblings, honors and
awards i s the inauspiciousness? This i s what con-
fuses everyone.

The 1 1 t h house i s the 6th from the 6th, and as

such its lord and planets in the 1 1th house can be
observed to give health issues in their period and
sub-period, and the 3rd house i s the 8th from the
8th and therefore another "termination" house.
Location 3 6 1 5%
However,I don't think these are the only reasons
that these house lords are designated here as in-
auspicious. We must keep in mind the context in
which this statement appears.

This first part of the Laghu Pdrds’arz'is summariz-

ing interpretive principles given in the chapter o n
yogakdrakas in Pards’ara Hora, which i s all about
how certain house lords when combining can
give especially fortunate results in their periods.
I n other words, its focus i s o n house lords that can
give the fruit of raja yoga. The lords of 3 , 6 , and
1 1 by themselves cannot, but this inability alone
should not make them additionally "inauspicious."
However, later in this text, we shall see that be-
sides rdja yoga, another concept presented here i s
that of mdraka planets, those grahas that become
"death inflictors" when a person's longevity has ex-
pired. Lords of 3 , 6 , and 1 1 are not the primary
candidates for this, but in the absence of these at
the appropriate time, trisaddya lords can function
in this way as well, and in this sense, they are "in-

Another more esoteric reason has to do with cul-

tural context. In order to understand why some-
thing i s considered “bad,” one has to understand
what i s considered “good.” I n the ancient culture
of India in which Jyotisa originated the summum
bonum, o r “highest good” was considered to be the
achievement o f full God—realization and spiritual
liberation. Therefore, anything that was an ob-
stacle o r impediment to this lofty goal was un-
derstandably termed “evil” o r “inauspicious.” From
this standpoint, the 3rd, 6th, and 1 1th lords are
“always inauspicious" since they represent lust
(kama), anger (krodha) and greed (lobha). See
the following passages from the Bhagavad-Gita,
Chapter 16, verses 21-22:

Location 3 8 1 6%
“Lust, anger, and greed—these constitute
the threefold gate of hell leading to the
destruction of the soul’s welfare. These
three, therefore, man should abandon.”

“0 Son of Kunti! By turning away from

these three entrances to the realm of
darkness, man behaves according to his
own highest good and thereafter reaches
the Supreme."

However, when interpreting the major periods of

trisaddya lords, one should not go overboard with
this principle since practical experience shows
that any house and house lord can bring benefit
and blessings into a person’s life. The 1 1th lord as
the ruler of the house of “gains” can bring great
wealth when configured in strong dhana yogas.
A good 3rd lord can bring wonderful younger
siblings, talent in the arts and other types of per-
formances, as well as great drive, courage and en-
terprise. A strong and favorable 6th lord can make
one triumphant in competitions, whether o n the
playing field, in the courts, or in the political
arena. All these potentially good results o f the
trisaddyd houses have been given in earlier chap-
ters of Pdrds’ara Hora, but these house lords are
designated as functional malefics in this chapter.
This seems like a contradiction and can leave a
student feeling very confused. However, the con-
fusion should disappear when you keep in mind
the context.

aWay 11311 mun:Wm: we.

$023393? E21? m marque"
na dis’anti s’ubham nrndm saumydh kendradhipdh
krurdscedasubham hyete prabald uttarottaram ”7”

Location 4 1 2 6%
na dis’anti not showing
s’ubharh beneficial
nmam of men
saumyah the benefics
kendradhipah lords of angles
yadi if
kraras' cruel, (natural
ced if
as’ubhan‘z malefic, inauspicious
hyete indeed these, for these
prabald powerful
uttarottaram more and more

"If natural benefics are the lords of angles, they

This verse, echoing ones from Paras’ara Hora
again, i s another source of great confusion and
misunderstanding in the world of Jyotisa. Too
often it i s interpreted to mean that natural
benefics ruling angles give malefic results, while
natural malefics as lords of kendras suddenly be-
come benefics. This is not the case at all. Benefics
don't turn into malefics and vice versa just based
o n this principle, but rather they both get some-
what neutralized. Natural benefics loose some of
their beneficence and natural malefics cease to be
so harmful.

Location 4 3 9 7%
Obviously, it i s much more desirable in a chart
to have natural malefics become less so than for
natural benefics to lose any of their ability to
give good results. The latter i s termed kendrdd-
hipatyadosa o r the blemish of benefics ruling an-
gles. However, one should not go overboard with
this idea either, and there are many things that
need to be understood about this interpretative
principle and its application.

First of all, we need to understand the meaning

of prabalc'z uttarottaram at the end of this verse as
it applies to natural benefics and malefics ruling
angles. It means "more and more powerfully." See
these statements from Paras’ara Hora among the
verses giving the same interpretive principles:

"Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus

are increasingly powerful (as natural

"A dark Moon, the Sun, Saturn, and

Mars are likewise increasing powerful (as
natural malefics)."

What this indicates i s that the stronger the

benefic, the more it sufiers from the blemish of
ruling an angle. Jupiter and Venus, being the two
best benefics, are therefore said to suffer the most,
as the Laghu Paras’arz'specifically states in upcom-
ing verses. Mars as the strongest malefic i s the

Secondly, the same chapter in Paras’ara Hora

aflfirms the special auspiciousness of the lagna
lord in the following statement:

"Being an angle and a trine both, the as-

Location 4 6 5 7%
Thus, the blemish of a benefic owning an angle
when it i s also the l s t lord i s negligible as in the
case of Mercury for Virgo and Gemini ascendants
and Jupiter for Sagittarius and Pisces lagnas. This
will be especially true if these benefics are well
placed in angle o r trine houses and/or in their
own or exaltation signs, in which case the princi-
ple will not apply at all in my experience. Exam-
ples of this will be shown later on.

However, for the ascendants in which Jupiter and

Mercury rule two angles that are not the lagna,
(Virgo and Gemini in the case o f Jupiter, and Sagit-
tarius and Pisces in the case of Mercury), then
the blemish o f benefics owning angles becomes
more of a factor. Since they additionally become
mdraka 7th lords, Pards’ara Hard actually classifies
them as functional malefics for these ascendants.
an a. u

BM 3:: 3;:
‘7 0‘ Ma... 7 Pa M Tu 10mm
ll Kl w “I”
. , Man—J ® &
JM _.r'
"en / Harrison Ford as.
“twirl“: "AL”
I5 I t 12 Leo
”n It fl

mm L “"
fig E Eco Dr 1 Vlg

For anyone with Virgo lagna like movie star, Har-

rison Ford, Mercury rules two angle houses, one
of which is the lagna. As it i s one of the weaker
benefics, it suffers less from the blemish of rul-
ing an angle. Combine this with its special auspi-
ciousness as the lagna lord, and the fact that Virgo
i s Mercury's malatrikorza sign, and it actually be-
comes a highly benefic planet for this lagna.

I n contrast, Jupiter also rules two angles, neither

of which are the lagna and i s one o f the benefics
that suffers the most from kendrddhipatyadosa. It

Location 4 8 7 8%
also becomes a mdraka 7th lord and therefore i s
not just a neutral but gets classified in Pdrds‘ara
Hard as a functional malefic for a Virgo ascendant.

"Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics

and Mercury and Venus are benefics.
Indeed, Mercury and Venus become yo-
gakdraka. Venus is a killer also and the
Sun gives results based on his associa-

Interestingly, Pdrds’ara Hora stops short of listing

Mercury as a full benefic for Gemini lagna, not
classifying it at all. Presumably, the difference
here for Mercury (versus Virgo) i s that Gemini i s
not its mulatrikona sign. Jupiter becomes malefic
as it rules two angles, not including the lagna, and
repeats as a mdraka 7th lord.

Location 5 0 6 8%
"Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun are malefic
planets; Venus alone is benefic. The com-
bination of Saturn and Jupiter is as for
an Aries Ascendant. The Moon is the
prime killer but will give these results by

However, as we will see later in the Laghu

Pards’arz',even with the blemish of ruling an angle,
Jupiter and Mercury for these ascendants can still
give a good raja yoga, just not a superior one.
I n Harrison Ford's chart, Jupiter as an angle lord
combines with Mercury as a trine lord in the
strongest kendra. Mercury i s svaksetra and also
forms Bhadra Yoga. Since the Sun and Moon are in
Gemini as well, the pattern repeats from Chandra
and Surya lagnas with Mercury again as the 1 s t
lord and Jupiter ruling two angles.

Ford moved into i s Mercury-Jupiter period just

months after the release of Star Wars, and due to
the popularity o f that film and its sequels, he rode
a wave of stardom from then onward. To say that
Mercury and Jupiter are going to give "bad results"
here just because they have kendradhipatyadosa
i s absurd and would be a serious astrological mis-

The same thing that happens to Mercury and

Jupiter in the case of Gemini and Virgo lagnas,
happens in reverse for Sagittarius and Pisces as-
cendants. Jupiter again becomes the lord o f two
angles, but now as the lagna lord, and Mercury
rules two angles without being the l s t lord. But
recall that Jupiter loses more as an angle lord
being a more powerful benefic, while Mercury
loses less. Thus, Pdrds’ara Hora stops short of list-
ing Jupiter among the benefics for Sagittarius
even though it i s the lagna lord and this is its

Location 5 1 8 8%
mulatrikona sign, referring to it instead as neu-

Though Parasara Hora does not classify Mercury

for Sagittarius lagna, the implication i s that the
blemish that it acquires through its lordship of
two angles (excluding the lagna) i s not as dam-
aging as Jupiter for Gemini and Virgo lagnas. The
s'astra clearly states that Venus i s the only malefic.
The reason for this i s likely because Jupiter suffers
more being a stronger benefic than Mercury, and
it may also have something to do with its lordship
of the most powerful angle (the 10th) as its milla-
trikona sign. This line of thinking i s supported
when the Sage goes o n to say that when Mercury
i s with the 9th lord Sun it produces a good rdja
yoga, this being a combination of the strongest
angular lord with the strongest trinal lord.

"Venus alone is malefic. Mars and the

Sun are benefics. Raja yoga results from
a combination of the Sun and Mercury.
Saturn is a killer. Jupiter is said to give
neutral results and Venus is a killer. "

n a:4» I,
”“1- 19M 1-. 7m

M»... v—m

Paul Mailman
M'" W ”£333“
a?” a L00
1I a5

“M "a." “W
1 ”'1 1 2 3“ ‘H w 10 m

However, I must emphasize again that the blem-

ish of Jupiter owning two angles for Sagittarius
does not mean they can't give a good raja yoga
under the right conditions. I n the birth chart of
the movie star, Paul Newman, Jupiter i s svakse—
tra as the lagna lord in the lagna conjunct with

Location 5 4 0 9%
Mercury, and with both acquiring directional
strength in the l s t house.

Mercury-Jupiter marked a peak time in his career

life when he won his only Oscar for Best Support-
ing Actor, reprising his role as "Fast Eddy" Felton
in The Color of Money, after having been nomi-
nated many times before.

FIT—IE m m misr'r W u
mm mm: W i l e "
lagndd vyayadvitzjzes’au pares‘c'm‘z sdhacaryatahl
sthdndntardnuguhyena bhavatah phaladdyakau II

lagnc'zd from the lagna

vyayadvitz'yes’au lords of the 12 and
pares’drh of others
sdhacaryatah by association
sthc'mc'm— in accordance with
tardnugunyena the place
bhavatah become
phaladdyakau givers of fruit

"Lords of the 12th and 2nd from the ascendant will

We come now to the fourth and final category of
house lords, and an important principle for inter-
preting their results in their major periods that
i s often completely overlooked by students and
even experienced practitioners. Lords of the 1 2th
and 2nd house will give the results of the other

Location 5 6 0 9%
stronger house lords with which they are associ-

The Sanskrit word pares’c'zrh, meaning “of oth-

ers" in this verse, refers to the three categories
of house lords given previously, namely, trine,
trisaddya, and angle lords. This verse is saying
that when the lords of the 1 2 t h and 2nd houses
are associated with any of these other house lords,
they will give their results, which i s why my
teacher K.N. Rao referred to them as "impression-
able neutrals." If they are not associated with any
house lords of the other categories, then they will
give their results according to the other house
that they rule.

Jupiter in the chart of Barack Obama does not ap-

pear like a planet that would make him President,
being in its debilitation sign and ruling the 3rd
and 1 2th house. Yet much in advance of the 2 0 0 8
election, I predicted that it would, partially based
o n the interpretive principle given in this verse.

According to this s’loka, Jupiter, as the 1 2 t h lord,

will give the results of the stronger category of
house lords with whom it i s associated, in this
case, Saturn, who i s a vargottama Zagna lord in the
lagna, and according to Pdrds’ara Hard, "especially
auspicious." There are also other reasons that
Jupiter by its association with Saturn can bring a
very elevated status, which will become clearer in
the light of later verses in the text.

Location 5 8 7 1 0%
. , 991— ® 7
ha muons m—
b-- mum: mart:
2. sun-Ia
M" .‘ 1 I


Van Bat, 12 new 10w DVIn

George Bush Sr. became President of the United

States in his Mercury major period. As the lord
of the 2nd and 1 1th, two money houses, strongly
placed in the 10th, it i s well disposed to bring
wealth, but why the highest ofl'ice in the land?
The answer again lies in the interpretive principle
given in this verse. As a 2nd lord, it will give the re-
sults of the stronger category of house lords with
whom it i s associated, in this case, the lagna lord,
Sun, getting directional strength the 10th house.
The Sun as the l s t lord, and Jupiter at the 5th lord
form a very superior angle-trine rdja yoga. Mer-
cury as an impressionable 2nd lord gives the re—
sults of this combination, which i s why it made
him President.


Mo... 1"“ Su Veg.
,I a”: ‘3 Pb M "wwwflm-w

. 0z 1 Aqu @ 12 Can
M‘" Rim
“3"” ‘37:»Sr.
m. manna ‘0.”1“ As
an...u my
i M." 1 $22 . 1W
I Kira J «arL M02923;
w mo w m

Since the Laghu Pdrds’arz'is based on Pards’ara Hard

it i s not surprising that this verse i s nearly iden-
tical to one in the larger work, though with a no-
ticeable difference.

Location 6 0 6 1 0%
"The rulers of the 2’”, the 12th, and the
8th houses bestow results according to

Here the 8th lord i s included among the impres-

sionable group.

In both Partisan; Hard and in the Laghu Pdrds'arz',

the 8th lord i s given special consideration as fol-

WW? weir =r 911193;:

a ‘23 W Wsfifimmn
bhdgyavyayddhipatyena randhres‘o na sub-
sa eva s’ubhasandhdtd lagnddhz's’o'pi cetsvayam ” 9 II

bhdgya fortune (9th house)

vyaya loss ( 1 2th house)
ddhipatyena by its lordship
randhreso lord of the hole (8th
na not
s'ubha pradah giving good
sa he
eva indeed
s’ubhasandhdtd establishes good
lagnddhz‘s’o’pi if lord of the lagna
api cet if also
svayam itself

"Being the lord of the 12th housefrom the 9th house,

the lord of the 8th house does not give good results,

Location 6 1 7 1 0%
but if also itself the lord of the 1 st house he does give
good results." ( 9 )

Since the 8th house i s the 1 2 t h house of loss
(vyaya) from the 9th house of luck (bhdgya), its
lord can be especially inauspicious. However, if it
simultaneously rules the l s t house, as in the case
of Aries and Libra ascendants, it can give good re-
sults. As we shall see, whether it does o r not will
depend o n its placement by sign and house and
its associations, since it too should be counted
among the impressionable group.
kendrddhipagzadosastu bdldvdn gurus’ukrayohl
mdrakatve’pi ca tayormdrakasthdnasamsthitih II
kendra angle
adhipatya lordship
dosas blemish
tu but
bdlc‘zvdn strong
guru Jupiter
s’ukra Venus
mdrakatva having the quality
of killers
api also
ca and
tayor of those two
mc'zraka- stha'ma killer place
sarhsthitih position

Location 6 5 0 1 0°/o
"'The blemish due to the lordship of an angle is
strong for Jupiter and Venus, and also these two he-
come strong marakas when they are in a mdraka
house." ( 1 0 )

Earlier I quoted verses from the Yogakaraka chap-
ter of Paras’ara Hora that gives a hierarchy for
both the natural benefics and malefics. See these

"Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus

are increasingly powerful (as natural

"A dark Moon, the Sun, Saturn, and

Mars are likewise increasing powerful (as
natural malefics)."

Some may note that this hierarchy differs in

other texts in which Jupiter becomes the best
benefic and Saturn the worst malefic, but for our
purposes here the Laghu Paras'arz' i s indicating
that because Jupiter and Venus are the strongest
benefics they suffer the most from the blemish
of being angle lords and then they become more

Though the concept of maralza or "death inflictors"

has not been introduced yet, we are also being in-
structed in this verse that these strong benefics
become first-rate mc'zrakas when falling in the pri-
mary maraka places, which are houses 2 and 7 ,
particularly the latter in my experience.
As I once heard it expressed, Jupiter and Venus
can become "the surest killers" when placed in the
7th house.
I n the chart of legendary Indian astrologer, Dr.
B.V. Raman, Venus has two very contrasting roles
to play. On the favorable side it rules both the best

Location 6 8 0 1 1%
trine house as well as an angle house and becomes
the yogakc'zraka planet for his Aquarius ascendant.
As we shall see, this means that it does not need
to combine with any other house lord to give the
fruit of rdja yoga in it major period, and it did. His
fame was at it height when he entered this period
at the advanced age o f 8 3 . However, Venus i s also
a natural benefic in the mdraka 7th house and ac-
cording to this verse becomes a strong "killer." I n
Venus-Venus he died three years later
— —

bur “In!
"3 "w g H: mm [Tun Isa-n
Mum aIsl--

1" :- L‘ 9 a 0'“V0"
B.V. Raman a“
in 3mm mom ""
s Mam. 7 ‘ 2 c” by... m 7 Leo
4 Voww I
Kim-1r ‘9" Mm

11 1 0 See I.“ I Vln

An individual passing away at age 8 6 i s quite

normal, and while loved ones will mourn their
passing, it i s to be expected at such an advanced
age. When the life of someone with great literary
talent i s cut short by drowning at age 2 9 , it i s a
tragedy, as in the case of the Romantic poet, Percy
Bysshe Shelley.

He was sailing alone o n an Italian lake when a

sudden squall rose up and his boat capsized. He
had never learned to swim. It was his Saturn—
]upiter period. As we shall see later in the text, the
combination of Jupiter and Mars in his chart, in
mutual aspect with Saturn, form some of the best
angle-trine combinations possible for his Aries
lagna chart, giving the fruit of rdja yoga, which
accounts for his fame as a poet at this time. But
Jupiter as the strongest natural benefic in the 7th
house becomes a powerful mdraka and it proved a
Location 7 0 3 1 1%
a" Asao'wi
'I I u "" 12 Pb 1M Ta 3 Gun
M030“? V3213
vm ‘‘ ‘ 1 all 9 ‘ Cl!

Sum, naughty M31031

awn: moo
Nut-n. I.“
m" . J9" . map 7 5 Lao
c m" I

Elm M m

However, it should be clearly understood that

such benefics placed in the 2nd or 7th houses only
become strong "killers" when a person's longevity
has expired.
buddhastadanu candro'pi bhavet tadanu tadvid-
na randhres‘atva—dosastu sfirydcandramasorbhavet
buddhas Mercury
tadanu after that
candra Moon
api also
bhavet would become
tadvidhah of that kind
na not
randhres’atva lordship of the hole
tu but
dosah blemish
saryd Sun
candra Moon

Location 7 2 0 1 20/0
Mo, Su lordship in
"After that Mercury, and also Moon would become of 8th house is not
that kind, but there is no blemish in the lordship of
the 8th house for the Sun and the Moon." ( 1 1 )

The first part of this s’loka is a continuation of the
previous one, such that we are to understand that
the blemish of ruling an angle i s increasingly less
for Mercury and the Moon, and so too for them be-
coming first-rate mdrakas when they are placed in
mdraka houses.

Then there i s the rather non-sequitur statement

that the blemish o f the lordship of the 8th house
does not apply to the Sun and the Moon. One
would think that this latter statement would be
included in verse 9 in which the special inauspi-
ciousness of the 8th lordship i s given. It could be
that the text got corrupted at some point.

For a Sagittarius ascendant, the Moon only rules

the 8th house, as does the Sun for Capricorn.
Why then would they become less malignant as
an 8th lord? The answer of my teacher, K.N. Rao,
i s that they become "purely impressionable" since
they don't rule another house, and therefore the
results that they give will depend almost en-
tirely o n their placement and association. If well
placed and associated they will give good results
in their periods, and problematic results in the
reverse condition. He also referred to their 8th
house lordship as "banefully neutral." By this, he i s
acknowledging that as the 8th lord they can still
be quite harmful under certain conditions and as-
sociations, but in these cases, it wouldn't be just
because they ruled the 8th.

The chart given below belongs to a niece of mine,

who graduated from the University of Michigan
with a business degree in her Venus-Mercury pe-
Location 7 4 6 1 2%
m...” 3.” mm Jan
" V9... ' . I3 PI: 4M Tan 3 Gun

"" mm
M." , 1°, 7 cm
flmVOg-g hm}
2 ‘ ICIp gun

m- '
12 new 10w "In

It was a terrible job market for graduates at that

time, and her mother (my sister) was quite con-
cerned that she wouldn't be able to find a good po-
sition. I told her not to worry and predicted that
she would not only find a good position but would
be promoted to a leadership position within the
first year. It proved correct. The Venus-Mercury
conjunction in her chart forms a rdja yoga, so it
was very predictable that this period and sub—pe-
riod would give her position and status.

It was also clear to me that the following major Su even lord of 8th will
not give bad result in
period of the Sun would continue this fortunate dasha
trend, and it has, even though the Sun i s the "very
inauspicious" 8th lord. For her Capricorn ascen-
dant, however, it only rules the 8th house, and in
that sense i s a "pure impressionable.“ It will give the
results of the stronger house lords with which it i s
associated, in this case, the 9th lord Mercury, and
the 10th lord Venus combining to give rdja yoga.
Besides, her Sun has the influence of all the nat-
ural benefics, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. These
are the types of conditions under which the Moon
as the 8th lord for Sagittarius, and the Sun as the
8th lord for Capricorn will not suffer the usual
blemish of being the lord of the 8th house.

WWW =r mam-cram"
kujasya karmanetrtvaprayuktd s‘ubhakdritdl
trikonasydpi netrtve na karmes’atvamdtratah Ill 2 ”
Location 7 6 8 1 2%
kujasya of Mars
karma actions ( 10th house)
netrtva lordship
prayukta connected to
s’ubhakarita causing benefits
trikonasya of trine
apz' also
netrtve in the rulership
na not
karmes’atva lord of actions
matra only

"Mars as lord of the 1 0th house produces good results

when it is also lord of a trine, not only by being lord
of the 1 0th house." ( 1 2 )

Earlier in verse 7, we were instructed that natu-
ral malefics when ruling angle houses lose their
malefic nature and become more neutral. Now we
are being instructed that if simultaneously they
are the lord of a trine house, then they can actu-
ally produce very good results. They become, in
other words, functional benefics for that lagna.
For a Cancer ascendant, Mars rules the 10th
house, Aries, the strongest angle, and its other
sign, Scorpio becomes the 5th trine house.

Though the specific example of Mars for a Cancer

lagna i s given here to make the point very clear,
the implication i s that this will be true for any
natural malefic who i s both an angle and trine
lord. This includes Mars for Leo lagna, and Saturn
for a Taurus ascendant, where it rules the 10th
Location 7 8 9 13%
The following chart i s of a good friend of mine
who during his Mars major period was the Chief
Psychiatrist at a prestigious hospital in Chicago.
Good career success with his being in an elevated
position at this time was quite predictable based
o n the simple interpretive principle given in this
verse about the special conditions under which
natural malefics like Mars can bring good for-
tune when their major period i s activated in the
Vimshottari das’d sequence.

“- at.
I I I"lll"'h
' *2 10M lTau


1c» 7 Leo

man—ctr W W W :
WW WET Hamill 23u
yadyadbhdvagatau vdpi yadyadbhdves‘asarhyutaul
tattatphaldni prabdldu pradz's‘etdrh tamograhau II
yadya whatever
bhdva house
gatau joined
va or
api also
bhdves’a lords of houses
sarhyuta connected
tattat that

phaldni fruits

Location 8 3 1 1 30/0
- prabdldu powerfully -
pradis’etdrh should point out
tamo dark
grahau planets

"Whatever house they occupy or whatever house

Whereas in this text the Moon's Nodes, Rcihu and

Ketu, are referred to as tamo grahas, or "dark plan-
ets," they are also commonly referred to in Jyotisa
as chdyc‘z grahas, o r "shadowy planets." A shadow
has no substance and i s only an image of what-
ever i s being shadowed. Likewise, Rdhu and Ketu
are grahas with no substance. You cannot look up
in the celestial sphere and see them. They are the
constantly shifting points of the intersection be-
tween the Moon's orbit around the Earth and the
ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun.

Whereas like all grahas the Nodes have their in-

herent nature and natural significations, the pri-
mary way in which the results they give in their
periods i s determined i s by the principle given in
this verse. They give the results of the house/sign
they occupy and therefore its lord, and whatever
house lords with whom they are associated.

The important additional stipulation given in

this verse i s that Rdhu and Ketu give that result
prabdldu, which means "powerfully." The result
comes in a magnified o r exaggerated way.

Location 8 5 5 1 4%
Laghu Piriéari

Location 9 0 8
Chapter o n Yoga

yoga refers here to raja

dhyayah chapter

Wm: 113%? m l
mag WW: nm
kendratrikonapatayah sarhbandhena parasparaml
itarairaprasaktas’ced vis'esaphaladayakdh ||1 4H

kendra angle
trikona trine
patayah lords
sarhbandhena by connection
parasparam to each other
itaraira with others
aprasaktas’ not connected
ced if
vis’esa special
phala fruits
dayakah givers of

"The lords of angle and trines by connection with

The word yoga in this chapter title refers to raja
yoga, o r fortunate planetary combinations that
give a person success, position, status, and under

Location 9 1 6 1 5%
the right conditions, very high elevation and
great fame.

The first verse in this chapter instructs us as to

how this happens to planets and stipulates a con-
dition that makes the resulting rc‘zja yoga capable
of giving vis’esaphala, o r "special fruit." It occurs
when there i s a sarhbandha, o r connection be-
tween angle and trine lords, without the addi-
tional influence of any other category of house

This latter point should be understood in this


- The angle and trine lords forming this

particular type of raja yoga should only
rule angles o r trines. This is the opti-
mum situation.
- A special rdja yoga can also form when
the other lordship of the angle and trine
lord i s that of 1 2 , 2 , or 8 (impression-
- There should be no connection to the
"inauspicious" trisadayd lords.

The result would be an exceptional rdja yoga capa-

ble of giving vis’esaphala, or "specialfruit."


2‘ “W” 1 Pb M Tm ‘ Gun

"i. “a" 12 u fl 56m

’lb" "' Billy Graham 384-3.-

” mu. 11mm. 159w

. I 3“?
. “am-m . W“
an: \
Vo \

Billy Graham i s one of the most successful and

famous preachers/evangelists of all time. His in-
credible destiny this way began to unfold al-

Location 9 4 8 1 5%
most immediately after he entered his Moon ma-

Consider the combination of Mars and the Moon,

closely conjoined in the 10th house, and in a mu-
tual aspect with Jupiter. The Moon only rules the
5th trine, Jupiter rules the l s t and 10th, and Mars
rules the 9th trine, while also being an impres-
sionable 2nd lord. I n this chart Mars only gets
associated and impressed with angle and trine
lords. Additionally, there i s the complete absence
of the influence of trisaddyd houses/lords in this
combination, and therefore together they form
some of the best possible rdja yogas. I s it these ex-
ceptional types o f rdja yogas that are being high-
lighted in this verse.

Complete comprehension of this verse re-

quires an understanding of what i s meant by
sambandha. This Sanskrit word literally means
"with a bond" and subsumes all the standard ways
in which planets get strongly connected, which
are as follows:
. by exchange (parivartana yoga)
- by being conjoined within a sign
- by being in a mutual aspect
- when a planet i s aspected by its sign lord

The first three connections should be very famil-

iar to even beginning students. The last one can be
clarified with an illustration.

Location 9 6 8 1 6%
_ _

Mlm Kan.
“ U n- 3“"
that an
v”. s. /<m‘ m.

“I I '1 Smut". 10M ITau 120m


, . 9—w— @
Angel! Jolie
a. ., “ram” L”
I n Mom 10»
o u

Rh. L
fill—E 500 “I

Wfifir WNW:
kendratrikonanetdrau dosayuktdvapi svayam/
sambandhamdtrddbalinau bhavetdm yogakdrakau
||1 5||

kendra angle
trikona trine
netdrau two lords
dosa yuktd joined with faults,
(1191' even
svayaml themselves
sambandha mdtrd by mere connection
balz’nau strong
bhavetdrn become
yogakdrakau yogakdraka

"The rulers of angles and trines, even when with

Having defined conditions in which a sambhanda
between angle and trine lords can produce the
best rdja yogas, the author now makes the point
that even when dosa yuktd, or "joined with faults,"

Location 1 0 3 2 1 7%
two lords of an angle and trine can give rdja yoga
when they are strongly connected.

The previous verse and this verse differentiate

two different qualities of angle-trine combina-
tions that I have come to call "superior" and "infe—
rior." The former can only be formed by angle and
trine lords that do not also rule trisadaya houses,
and the latter involves angle and trine lords that
do. What this verse i s emphasizing i s that even
with this blemish angle and trine lords can still
give a good rdja yoga.

The Cancer lagna chart of the legendary Indian

cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar provides a good illus-
tration of what this verse i s highlighting.
_ a m

Men-4:] sums! Ken-w

.I . 'm 10M nan 12m

, . a." L. Q LA317."
/ M32"! mfiimw
Jp'm “-1601”: It“
"In '
s. JP" "a "a“, 7.99, . Lug
Ra... Ra.
\ Boo uar \n

Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in his chart as

the 10th angle lord and 9th trine lord, but with
Jupiter additionally ruling the inauspicious 6th.
Mars i s a raja yoga indicator par excellence be-
cause it only rules an angle and trine. Its conjunc-
tion with Jupiter cannot form the most superior
raja yoga since 6th house indications will become
a part of the results of the yoga. Yet the combina-
tion can still give very good fruit in terms of great

Sachin ran his Mars period from age 1 9 to 2 6 ,

prime years for an athlete, and it was during this
time that he became a superstar of cricket. Mars
i s within just a degree of its highest point of exal-
Location 1 0 5 7 17%
tation, giving its results very strongly. Yet during
this mahddas‘d, he was also constantly fighting
"enemies," which i s to say competitors o n oppos-
ing teams, and battling nagging injuries that are
an inevitable part of the life of any professional

See the chart of Angelina Jolie again.

“I, w ,
alum gm
9.”. w
Saw,/ a... L n... an...
V.” a:
.n km 10M Han 126nm
K9"! Wt:

1. m—. @ 1c...
Amelia; Jolie
"carillon 9:00

I ' "u m" 122 , &


sco LB! VI

Recall that is was the Venus period that gave her

strong rdja yoga results as the 4th angle lord in
a trine house in a mutual trine with all three
trikona lords. However, Venus also rules the "in-
auspicious" 1 1 t h house and therefore according
to the interpretive principles given in the Yo-
gakdraka chapter in Pards’ara Hard and echoed
here in the Laghu Pdrds’arz', it i s not capable of
forming the best variety of these yogas, despite
whatever other good financial results it can bring
from being a well placed and aspected 1 1th lord of

fiafi‘cfi W m Emmi
mm Mafia-aim" 2a"
nivasetdrh vyatyayena tdvubhau dharmakar—
ekatrdnyataro vdpz' vaseccedyogakdrakau II1 6 II

nivasetdm should dwell

vyatyayena in each other

Location 1 0 7 6 1 7%
- tavubhau those two both -
dharmakarmanoh in the ninth o r
ekatra in one place
anyataro the other
1261191" o r also
vaset should dwell
ced if
yogalzdrakau yogakdraka

Yogakarak Planets
“Of the 9th and 10th, if those two should dwell
If 9th lord in 10th or
vice versa
in each other’s houses, in one place, o r also if one
should dwell in the house of the other, they become
yogakdrakas." ( 16)

I n this verse, the lords of karma and dharma, the
rulers of the 10th and 9th houses, are singled
out especially since they are the strongest angle
and trine lords. The other difference between the
yogas referred to here and those of the two previ-
ous verses i s that these are not formed by just any
sambandha mdtrd, o r "mere connection" of any
kind, but specifically by house placement in one
of three ways:

1. when the 9th and 10th lords exchange

2 . when they are together in either the 9th
or 1 0th house
3 . when one i s in the house of the other or
Vice versa

Some jyotisis are of the opinion that the third type

of rdja yoga would only apply when, along with
the occupation of the 9th lord in the 10th o r the
Location 1 1 0 0 1 8%
my" Hm

Al", .
I PI- BM Tan 7 Gun
;w_‘ (a Ben
‘ ' M3."
Sum M"...
mini-”W"... “m
[2 CID 9 Lao
a” ‘, f
‘ Vanr In!"
”VF “'1'
1 123cc 11m 10m—

I n the chart of Oscar-winning actress, Catherine

Zeta—Jones, the 10th lord Mercury i s in the 10th
house in its exaltation sign with the 9th lord,
Sun, getting directional strength. They are joined
by the l s t lord Jupiter and all three are in a mu-
tual angular relationship with the 5th lord, Mars.
Multiple rdja yogas are created from these combi-
nations, but the relationship of the 9th and 10th
lords in the 10th house i s the most significant. It
was in her Mercury mahddas’d that she became a
huge international star.

w” h...
Mom 8..

a' As... "‘I 1 Ph M rm 5 mm
mm Saul

‘ 12. Mow
“an.“ 1 2 Mu (a 5 Oil

“p" a... Lloyd Badges


“W13 10“
mo. Ch
4I mm 1. 11Cap 7 3 Lo

”Inn: “‘11?
mg 3800 Lu: 7mm

I n a highly successful acting career that spanned

many decades, Lloyd Bridges appeared in 1 5 0 fea-
ture films and starred in a number of television
shows. His career rise began in the Mars mahd-
das’d, the 9th lord of his birth chart in the 10th
house with the 1 0th lord, Jupiter.

W mm? a: WEI—{l
Wm ‘erffi'rfi W W I I W I

Location 1 1 8 3 20%

- the 10th and 5th lords combining in the
10th house
- the 10th and the lords combining in the
5th house

a: Maem 3am
. ' ‘ a I PB 10'4“?“ Tm IO.“

. ea!— (32) 19cm—

' Wm:
M0..- « . LL 11m
Va" ‘2 a Eran-[I
Mam. Agra Aster
. See ur m

Few athletes have ever dominated a sport the way

Kareem Abdul Jabbar did basketball at both the
collegiate and professional level. His chart fea-
tures an exchange between the 10th lord Moon
and 5th lord Saturn. Venus, the ruler of the ascen-
dant and therefore another trine lord, joins this
combination. Note that these three planets only
rule either trines, angles, o r in the case of Venus,
the impressionable 8th. They form truly superior
rdja yogas.

His initial great success as an athlete came in his

Jupiter mahddas’d, but he continued to set scoring
records, win championships and be a dominant
force in the sport during his Saturn period.

Queen Victoria of England and her husband,

Prince Albert, had nine children, one of whom
was Princess Louise Alberta, whose birth chart
clearly reflects the very high status in which she
was born and remained throughout her life.

Location 1 2 2 5 20%
gained the title in his middle years, becoming the
oldest man to do so at age forty-five in his Jupiter
mm: W
das’dsvapi bhavedyogah prdyas’o yogakdrinohl
das’ddvayimadhyagatastadayuk s’ubhakdrindm II
1 8H
das’dsu in the periods
api also
bhaved should be

yoga}; yoga
prdyas’ah generally
yogakdrinoh of the two causing
das’d-dvayi—madhya- in between the two
gatas periods
tad ayuk that are uncon-
s'ubhakdrindm causers of good

To be discussed
"The yoga would generally take place in the peri-
ods of the yogakdraka (the two angle and trine
lords causing the rdja yoga); o r if occurring between
the two periods, in that of unrelated causers of
good." ( 1 8 )

With this s’loka we are given the first instruction
with regards timing, now that the author has out-
lined four categories of angle-trine combinations
that give different qualities of rdja yoga. To sum-

Location 1 2 5 3 20%
- The first category included any angle or
trine lords that only rule such houses,
or whose other lordship i s of the im-
pressionable group (12, 2, 8), not that
of a trisaqlaya (3,6,1 1), combining in any
type o f sarhbandha. The instruction i s
that these angle-trine sarhbandhas can
give especially good results regardless
of house placement, though there i s
the implied understanding that the best
ones occur when the planets involved
fall in angle o r trine house and have
sources of strength. I call these superior

- The second category i s defined by when

the angle and trine lords forming the
yoga have the blemish of also owning
one o f the trisadaya. We are instructed
that these too can be indicators of raja
yoga, though of an inferior type.

- The third category i s more specialized,

involving only the strongest lords of
trine and angle houses, the 9th and
10th, and with placement only in the
9th o r 10th house. These types o f raja
yogas are being highlighted as especially

- The fourth category specifies a "strong"

ruler of an angle, which unquestionably
refers to the 10th lord, but may also
mean the 7th lord as the second strong-
est ruler of an angle. When these angle
lords combine with any other trine lord
and fall in any angle o r trine house,
it produces a good raja yoga. Among
these, the 10th lord exchanging with
the 5th lord o r combining with the 5th
Location 1 2 8 2 21%
lord in the 10th o r 5th houses are espe-
cially good yogas of this category.

For every ascendant, there are four angle lords

and three trine lords, all of which can form a
sandbandha in four primary ways (exchange, con-
junction, mutual aspect, aspect by dispositor), and
two secondary ways (mutual angle o r trine rela-
tionship). These can happen with the planets fall-
ing in any of the 1 2 houses, thus giving many per-
mutations and combinations.

I n Pards'ara Hora, the much larger treatise, the

best rdja yoga-forming planets for each lagna are
spelled out. This being a condensed work, the
author focuses instead o n defining these four
categories of yogas, which when properly under-
stood, allows anyone to reason about and identify
the best angle-trine combinations for each ascen-

For example, see this passage from Pards’ara Hora,

classifying planets for a Virgo ascendant:

"Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics

and Mercury and Venus are benefics.
Indeed, Mercury and Venus become yo-
gakdraka. Venus is a killer also and the
Sun gives results based on his associa-

Mercury and Venus are identified as the planets

that when combining give the best rdja yoga.

Having absorbed these verses of the Laghu

Pdrds’arz', we should be able to arrive at this con-
clusion ourselves since Mercury rules both a trine
and an angle, including the strongest angle, while
Venus rules the strongest trine, and i s otherwise
an impressionable 2nd lord.

Location 1 3 0 2 21%
lord in the 10th o r 5th houses are espe-
cially good yogas of this category.

For every ascendant, there are four angle lords

and three trine lords, all of which can form a
sandbandha in four primary ways (exchange, con-
junction, mutual aspect, aspect by dispositor), and
two secondary ways (mutual angle o r trine rela-
tionship). These can happen with the planets fall-
ing in any of the 1 2 houses, thus giving many per-
mutations and combinations.

I n Pards'ara Hora, the much larger treatise, the

best rdja yoga-forming planets for each lagna are
spelled out. This being a condensed work, the
author focuses instead o n defining these four
categories of yogas, which when properly under-
stood, allows anyone to reason about and identify
the best angle-trine combinations for each ascen-

For example, see this passage from Pards’ara Hora,

classifying planets for a Virgo ascendant:

"Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics

and Mercury and Venus are benefics.
Indeed, Mercury and Venus become yo-
repeated texts gakdraka. Venus is a killer also and the
Sun gives results based on his associa-

Mercury and Venus are identified as the planets

that when combining give the best rdja yoga.

Having absorbed these verses of the Laghu

Pdrds’arz', we should be able to arrive at this con-
clusion ourselves since Mercury rules both a trine
and an angle, including the strongest angle, while
Venus rules the strongest trine, and i s otherwise
an impressionable 2nd lord.

Location 1 3 0 2 21%
For a Libra ascendant, the Moon and Mercury are
identified as the best indicators of raja yoga when

'[Iupiten the Sun, and Mars are malefics,

while Saturn and Mercury are benefics.
The Moon and Mercury become indica-
tors of raja yoga. Mars will kill and
Jupiter and the rest of the malefics can
also become killers. Venus is a neutral,
neither benefic nor malefic. "

Again, if we just reason about why the Moon and

Mercury when combining can be the best indi-
cators of rdja yoga for this ascendant, we should
easily be able to determine this from what we
have learned in this chapter. The Moon only rules
the strongest angle and suffers the least from the
blemish of a benefic ruling an angle, while Mer-
cury rules the strongest trine and i s as impres-
sionable as the 1 2th lord.

Mercury and the Sun combining for a Sagittarius

ascendant is given as the best yoga:

"Venus alone is malefic. Mars and the

Sun are benefics. Rdja yoga results from
a combination of the Sun and Mercury.
Saturn is a killer. Jupiter is said to give
neutral results and Venus is a killer. "

Mercury only rules angle houses, including the

strong 10th and the Sun only rules the strongest

A combination of Mars and Jupiter is identified as

the best for a Pisces lagna:

Saturn, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are

malefics, while Mars and the Moon are
benefics. Mars and Jupiter will give rdja

Location 1 3 2 4 21%
yoga. Mars, though a mdraka, will not
kill, Saturn and Mercury will kill.

The reasons are the same. Jupiter rules the as-

cendant and the strongest angle, and Mars rules
the strongest trine while being an impressionable
2nd lord.

All of these superior rdja yogas for Virgo, Libra,

Sagittarius and Pisces lagnas result from the ap-
plication of the same principles given in two
verses in this chapter.

- verse 1 4 indicates that special results

can come from sambandhas between
angle and trine lords that only rule an-
gles o r trines, o r whose other lordship i s
of the 1 2 , 2 , 8 group and not the 3 , 6 , 1 1

- verse 1 6 highlights how rdja yogas in-

volving the strongest angle lord and
strongest trine lord are especially sig-

Recall that verse 1 5 gives us to understand that

any trine or angle lord who also owns a trisaddyd
can still be indicators of rc'rja yogas when combin-
ing, if well placed and strong, but that yogas in-
volving such house lords will have this blemish
and be inferior to ones without it.

For trine lords, this would mean:

- Venus for Taurus, ruling the 1 s t and
- Jupiter for Cancer, ruling the 9th and
the 6th
- Saturn for Virgo ruling the 5th and
the 6th

Location 1 3 4 4 22%
rior rdja yoga since Venus rules the l s t angle and
impressionable 8th, while Mercury rules the 9th
trine and impressionable 1 2 t h . Their mutual as-
pect with Mars as an angle lord form multiple
rdja yogas with none of these three planets ruling
trisaddyd houses.

W mafia: 17:13::
am W W15? W M 8%||
yogakdrakasambandhdt pdpino'pigrahdh svatahl
tattad bhuktyanusdrena dis'eyuryogajam phalam II
yogakdraka causer of yoga
sambandhdt by connection
pdpino sinful, evil
api also, even
grahdh planets
svatah o f one's own
tattad that and that
bhuktyanusdrena following bhukti
dis’eyur should point out
yogajam born of yoga
phalam fruit, result

"By connection with yogakdrakas, even

malefic planets in their own [periods] be-
stow the results produced by the yoga,
in accordance with the various sub-peri-
ods." ( 1 9 )

When interpreting and understanding verses
from the Laghu Pdrds’arz', we must always keep in
mind that references to "evil planets," as in this
verse, are not references to natural malefics, as is
Location 1 4 5 1 23%
sometimes supposed by readers and even com-
mentators. The reference i s always to what i s
given in the chapter o n definitions in which the
lords of trines are always auspicious, and lords
of the trisaqldyd are always inauspicious. So what
this verse i s telling us i s that even the lords of 3 , 6 ,
and 1 1, if connected to angle and trine lords form-
ing rdja yogas, can give some good effect in their
major periods, specifically in various sub-periods
of the rdja yogas forming planets.

An example would be the Mercury mahddas’d of

pop music star, Bonnie Raitt. Though entering
this period at age fifty-seven in 2 0 0 7 , she has
continued to enjoy considerable success as a per-
former and recording artist. Mercury is the 3rd
and 6th lord of her Aries lagna chart but i s with
the Sun, the 5th lord in the 7th angle house giving
rdja yoga.

Mo... k" Ra . Mop.when

,1 " $231311“ “run

.‘ 1159 Q 10m

’9'” Bonh‘i‘éRain Ma“?

m u 32:, I ——°-9—‘;lpmw m a m a 53?”?
. I V0." ‘SUn-c Ken-13'
Veflr Mewu
aco uw VI

The Sun appears weak in its debilitation sign,

Libra, in the rds’i, but that indication gets reversed
when you see its placement in its exaltation sign,
Aries, in the navdrhs’a.

Location 1 4 8 4 25%
kendra-trikona angle and trine
adhz'payoh of two rulers
ekatve in oneness
yogakdrakau causer o f yoga
anya-trikona another trine lord
patina with the ruler
sambandho connection
yadi if
him param how much more

"A planet ruling both a quadrant and a trine be-

comes a yogakdraka; how much more so if it is con-
nected to the ruler of the other trine!” (20)

The sequencing of these verses i s interesting in
that after two s’lokas having to do with when plan-
etary indicators of raja yoga will give that result,
verse 2 0 returns to highlighting angle-trine com-
binations that can give especially good yogas.

This one refers to 'yogakdrakas," planets that si-

multaneously rule both an angle and a trine, and
therefore can give raja yoga in their periods with-
out having to combine with any other angle o r
trine lord. Then it goes o n to say that when such
a planet i s additionally in a sarhbandha with an-
other trine lord, then it can really give truly spec-
tacular results.

Not every ascendant has a yogakaraka planet.

These are as follows:

- Saturn for the Venus-ruled ascendants,

Taurus and Libra

Location 1 5 3 9 25%
Yogkarak Planets for various

Sa- Taurus, Libra (2,7) Ve ruled

lagna - Venus for the Saturn ruled ascendants,
Ve- Capricorn, Aqua (10,11) Sa Capricorn and Aquarius
ruled lagna
- Mars for the ascendants ruled by the Sun
Ma- Cancer, Leo (4,5) Mo, Su ruled and Moon, Leo and Cancer

I n the literature of Jyotisa, these are the grahas

typically referred to as yogakdrakas because these
planets are always the lords of one of the two
stronger trines, 5 and 9 , in addition to an angle.

Mercury for Gemini and Virgo also rules both an

angle and trine. The same i s true for the Jupiter
ruled ascendants, Sagittarius and Pisces. These
can be considered yogakdrakas to some degree as
well but give the best results when combining
with other trine and angle lords.

This verse is instructing us that "stand-alone" yo-

gakdrakas like Venus for Aquarius lagna can give
truly exceptional results when combining with
another trine lord.

Me... M9929 SUZ'M' ves'zr Mae-3r

I Ra -
Bu" ‘1: n. 3?. 3M Tu Sam,
M 5!"! Jpn“
Vo...- an a” m @ sen

:2:. . .2... ....


‘ M; M02912!
v Era E14?
11 109» Lu my

I n this chart of the only Pope of the Catholic

Church ever to resign from the position, Venus i s
a beautifully placed 4th and 9th lord yogakdraka,
strongly situated in its own 4th house where it
also gets directional strength. It i s in a mutual
aspect with Saturn, both an angle and trine lord,
also strongly placed in the 10th house, and var-
gottama. These two grahas form a very superior
and powerful rdja yoga, and in his Saturn-Venus

Location 1 5 6 6 25%
period, he was elevated to the position of Cardi-
nal, the second highest status within the Catholic
Church. This i s all in perfect keeping with the
verses given in this chapter of the Laghu Pdrds’arz'.

film In."
‘3 gn- gM nu can
Bim- In" 5....

a" "on 1g ‘ ® man

.. J mm M...
as: “m .1 “r" m
”WW 8." hr- mw b",
11 103a u: VI

Actress Phylicia Rashad acquired great fame and

fortune when she was cast in the role of Clair
Huxtable o n the long-running NBC sitcom The
Crosby Show from 1 9 8 4 to 1 9 9 2, which earned her
multiple Emmy Award nominations.

I n her Aquarius lagna chart, yogakdraka Venus

goes into the 5th house with a svaksetra 5th lord
Mercury, and the Sun, who rules the 7th angle. All
three of these grahas in Gemini are in a mutual
glance with Jupiter, strong in its malatrikona sign.
It i s really quite a combination for name, fame,
and wealth, all of which came to her in the Venus

Mow ,so'
J9" 4: Veg. - S u .
,0 a".*;fm pm '1o “ 1 1 6 3 : ” ,
“In! Mauu‘ M01931

ax; 3:: (3» 129-"
Tom Hanks
Ma." um 21:: gum Asa.”
n 1 m i 1L"
- 33.1022]
1m ‘ W Ml

Tom Hanks i s the only male actor to ever win an

Oscar for Best Actor, two years in a row. It hap-
pened in his Venus-Saturn period. This is not the
Location 1 5 8 7 26%
period and sub-period of an angle and trine lord,
but that of two angle lords in a mutual aspect.
Where, one might ask, i s the angle-trine raja yoga
in this configuration? Note how the 9th lord and
yogakaraka planet, Mars, and the 5 th lord, Jupiter,
are in a mutual angle sarhbandha with Venus and

It can also be seen that the mutual aspect between

Mars and Jupiter create the very combination re-
ferred to in this verse, in which a yogakaraka
i s additionally sarhbandha with a trine lord, in
this case, the 5th lord, Jupiter, getting directional
strength in the l s t house.

Now in his Mars period, Hanks' film career contin-

ues to flourish though he i s in his sixties, and just
after moving into this mahadas’a, he was awarded
the President Medal of Freedom and the French
Legion of Honour.
Wfifi; W mm m:
31W WIN?"
yadi kendre trikone va nivasetarh tamograhau/
nathenanyatarenapi sambandhadyogakarakau II
yadi if
kendre in an angle
trikone in a trine
wt or
nivasetarh should they be
tamograhau dark planets (lunar
ndthena by the ruler
anyatarena by the other

Location 1 6 0 2 26%
_ apz' also _
sambandhdd connection
yogakc‘zrakau causer of yoga

To be discussed "If the lunar nodes occupy an angle or a trine, (they

become) yogakdrakas by connection with a ruler of
the other [kind]." ( 2 1 )

Reiterating what i s given in Pards’ara Hard, the
author now instructs us about the way in which
the Moon's Nodes can also become yogakdrakas.
This occurs when they are in angle houses and
sarhbandha with a trine lord, o r in trine houses
and linked to an angle lord.


,1 nI “ 12H: 1M Tan Gun

‘' 11gu @ lean

Ma... 1551' WWW

“In a mm mm: “In
V‘" 106-9
. . 5 Ln
M0" mu
. . v.” a."
/ $:\ M0,, Jpn-”Sum;

Serena Williams first became the top-ranked

women's tennis player in her Mars mahddas’c‘z and
has continued to be a dominant force in the sport
in the subsequent Rdhu period. Here i s a classic ex-
ample of how the lunar nodes become indicators
of rdja yoga since Rdhu goes into the 4th house
and now acts as an angle lord and i s conjunct
Mars, the 1 st trine lord. Mars appears to be weak in
its debilitation, but this indication i s reversed by
its navdrhs’a placement where it goes to its exalta-
tion sign, Capricorn.

Location 1 6 3 0 26%
& JP 83 SuVe Sa
. | 3a ll Pb 10M 1 Tan 12 Gun

Q As
ve \ Efl ‘ . 1 Ca

7c” Leo
I II 7
Me I Ma 11 M9

M0 . seo u: VI

Earlier we saw how Mark Hamill skyrocketed to

great fame towards the end of his Mercury maha-
das’a when he starred as the main character in
Star Wars. Subsequent appearances in the two se-
quels, The Empire Strikes Back and the Return of the
Jedi brought an even greater level of fame and for-
tune in the subsequent Ketu mahadas’a.

uh..- I
R." "'5 A... IPI M T.- “in

1.... 2:. - ~ (a?) "3...

Matt Hamill :2"
110..., tum-s1 31:90 as:
.z 4
. a... 3;»
Von. .
°""" m
ml“! a?“

fig, 1 128cc 1 1 w 10m—

Ketu is in a trine house with the 7th and 10th

lord Mercury. Note that in both of these examples,
the chdyd graha gave a greater level of rdja yoga
than the actual planet with whom it forms the
yoga. This again i s an example of why previously
the word prabalau o r "powerfully" has been used
when describing the way in which Rahu and Ketu
give the results of the planets with whom they are

See another illustration of this in the chart of the

legendary former CEO of the General Electric Cor-
poration, Jack Welch.

Location 1 6 5 1 27%
& JP 83 SuVe Sa
. | 3a ll Pb 10M 1 Tan 12 Gun

Q As
ve \ Efl ‘ . 1 Ca

7c” Leo
I II 7
Me I Ma 11 M9

M0 . seo u: VI

Earlier we saw how Mark Hamill skyrocketed to

great fame towards the end of his Mercury maha-
das’a when he starred as the main character in
Star Wars. Subsequent appearances in the two se-
quels, The Empire Strikes Back and the Return of the
Jedi brought an even greater level of fame and for-
tune in the subsequent Ketu mahadas’a.

uh..- I
R." "'5 A... IPI M T.- “in

1.... 2:. - ~ (a?) "3...

Matt Hamill :2"
110..., tum-s1 31:90 as:
.z 4
. a... 3;»
Von. .
°""" m
ml“! a?“

fig, 1 128cc 1 1 w 10m—

Ketu is in a trine house with the 7th and 10th

lord Mercury. Note that in both of these examples,
the chdyd graha gave a greater level of rdja yoga
than the actual planet with whom it forms the
yoga. This again i s an example of why previously
the word prabalau o r "powerfully" has been used
when describing the way in which Rahu and Ketu
give the results of the planets with whom they are

See another illustration of this in the chart of the

legendary former CEO of the General Electric Cor-
poration, Jack Welch.

Location 1 6 5 1 27%
3:: Ram Mew-:51
Su -
,I "J: 3 Me...'"" BM 01.?m


K.” . , Sana 1g ‘ @ 12cm

Donald" Trump
mamas as“ A595"
9. 1 f2 I “-‘°
M0199 iflzrao'
[Sing 45cc u: may

All four of these examples are instances in which

the nodal raja yoga i s created through a conjunc-
tion. I n the birth chart of famed American author,
Ernest Hemingway, it happens by aspect.

Rdhu i s in the 5th house of authorship aspected by

the 10th lord, Venus, creating this nodal raja yoga.

The Moon's involvement in this configuration i s

interesting to consider since for his Leo ascen-
dant it i s a "pure impressionable" because it only
rules the 1 2 t h house. Based o n the interpretive
principle we have been given in this text, it will
give the results of the stronger house lords with
which it is connected, who in this case are Rahu
acting as a 5th trine lord, and Venus, the 10th
lord. I n other words, it will give the results of
their raja yoga, and it did.

80.. Kan
JP" veflum
,' 2:: ‘1 m [um 11m
Kim 3::"
. , ® 29%
n . 72:1: town Aim
No" .‘I. ‘ lump ‘ 1 Ln
“0:11- in
first when
Egg 4Sea Lu VI].

Hemingway first gained literary fame for his

novel, The Sun Also Rises, published in October
1 9 2 6 in his Moon-Ketu period, and the book went

Location 1 6 8 7 27%
into another substantial re-printing after becom-
ing popular in Moon-Venus.

Britney Spears was first proclaimed the "Princess

of Pop" as a teenager her Rdhu-Saturn period.
_ h- - u

A." 7-
we." .’ Sis-u
‘. "I M m

! : l—n @ «on
K'" Mom-4r
' ‘ pears
V 9"” wu 1mm" noon M 3mm
w”. ' m...‘ 12.999 ,_‘
m" '0 I E953- ,__
K329” suwze'l 332940
n ‘
Men-.4 m Asm
A asco Q 1mm

Her Rdhu falls in the 10th house with a source

of strength since it i s vargottama. Acting as the
strongest angle lord, Rdhu receives the aspect of
the 5th trine lord, Saturn. Together they form a
nodal rdja yoga, and when activated as a period
and sub-period lord in the das’d sequence she ex-
perienced the fruit.

7 Mo
As Re
2‘ “u v 1P. M TI! lain
As . °l —

MO I". a: 12m... @ 50-!

Jp Su/ v. Sa
4 . JG! , BLOB
I 1 M s“ L

83 M0 \_ 15c J p Soc Lye mm

ath: W 3 a‘lfi Emfi : R z l m u
dharmakarmddhineta‘tmu randhraldbhddhipau
ya dil
tayoh sambandhamdtrena na yogarh labhate narah

Location 1 7 0 1
dharma-karma of the 9th and
1 0th houses
adhinetdrau two rulers
randhra—ldbha of the 8th and
1 1th houses
adhipau two rulers
yadi if
tayoh of these two
sambandha- only by connec-
mdtrena tion
na not

yogam yoga
labhate gains, obtains
narah a man

To be discussed
"Should the rulers of the ninth and tenth also rule the
eighth and eleventh, one does not obtain a yoga by
their mere connection." ( 2 2 )

This condition can only apply to an Aries as-
cendant where Saturn rules the 10th and 1 1th
houses, and to a Gemini lagna where Saturn rules
the 9th and also the 8th house. See these passages
from the Yogakdraka chapter of Pards’ara Hard for
these two ascendants.

"Although ruling the 8':h house, Mars will give
good effects when associated with auspicious
planets (trine lords). Saturn, Mercury, and
Venus are malefics, whileJupiter and the Sun
are benefics. No good arises by the mere com-
bination of Saturn and Jupiter, and Jupiter,
coming under the influence of malefics,

Location 1 7 2 1 28%
will certainly give bad results. Venus, being
marked as a fatal planet, will certainly kill;
the malefic planets beginning with Saturn
will also kill."

"Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun are malefic plan-
ets; Venus alone is a benefic. The combina-
tion of Saturn and Jupiter is as for an Aries
Ascendant. The Moon is the prime killer but
will give these results by association."

The text goes out of its way to stipulate that the

mere conjunction o f Saturn and Jupiter for Aries
does not cause rdja-yoga, and we must ask our-
selves why. Recall that we are given the princi-
ple that the conjunction of a trinal lord and an
angular lord indicate raja-yoga, o r a combination
resulting in position and status. Having given us
this general principle, the Sage i s now making us
aware of instances where this does not apply so
that we will not be misled. However, it can be seen
that this exception flows from the application of
other general principles.

From Aries, Jupiter rules the trinal 9th but also

becomes one of those “impressionable neutrals” as
the 12th lord. We were told that as the 12th lord
it gives results based o n its associations. When
conjunct Saturn, Jupiter i s not only conjunct a
natural malefic, but also a planet that functions as
a malefic for this lagna since Saturn i s the inauspi-
cious 1 1th lord. This impressionability of Jupiter
i s confirmed in the next statement when the Sage
adds that Jupiter’s giving of inauspicious efiects
i s also certain if he i s at the disposal of any other

Going back to Saturn, another principle given ear-

lier applies here, namely, that when an angular o r
trinal lord becomes the lord of any of the malefic
Location 1 7 4 6 29%
will certainly give bad results. Venus, being
marked as a fatal planet, will certainly kill;
the malefic planets beginning with Saturn
will also kill."

"Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun are malefic plan-
ets; Venus alone is a benefic. The combina-
tion of Saturn and Jupiter is as for an Aries
Ascendant. The Moon is the prime killer but
will give these results by association."

The text goes out of its way to stipulate that the

mere conjunction o f Saturn and Jupiter for Aries
does not cause rdja-yoga, and we must ask our-
selves why. Recall that we are given the princi-
ple that the conjunction of a trinal lord and an
angular lord indicate raja-yoga, o r a combination
resulting in position and status. Having given us
this general principle, the Sage i s now making us
aware of instances where this does not apply so
that we will not be misled. However, it can be seen
that this exception flows from the application of
other general principles.

From Aries, Jupiter rules the trinal 9th but also

becomes one of those “impressionable neutrals” as
the 12th lord. We were told that as the 12th lord
it gives results based o n its associations. When
conjunct Saturn, Jupiter i s not only conjunct a
natural malefic, but also a planet that functions as
a malefic for this lagna since Saturn i s the inauspi-
cious 1 1th lord. This impressionability of Jupiter
i s confirmed in the next statement when the Sage
adds that Jupiter’s giving of inauspicious efiects
i s also certain if he i s at the disposal of any other

Going back to Saturn, another principle given ear-

lier applies here, namely, that when an angular o r
trinal lord becomes the lord of any of the malefic
Location 1 7 4 6 29%
houses (3, 6, 1 1), the native does not get raja yoga
only by this relationship. So, when Parasara tells
us that that the mere conjunction of Jupiter and
Saturn will not give raja yoga, he i s highlighting
the need for a judicious blending of principles
to reach a sound conclusion. The Laghu Paras’arz'
communicates the same interpretive principle
given in the larger text in this one two-line verse,
which can then be applied to Jupiter and Saturn
for a Gemini lagna as well, only in a different way.

We are told that the 9th trine lord, Saturn, does

not produce raja yoga when it combines with
Jupiter, just like with Aries Ascendant. The rea-
sons are similar as before, though the roles of
these two planets as owners of a trine and an
angle are reversed from what they were with
Aries. As the ruler of the 8th house in addition
to the 9th, Saturn i s now one of those impression-
able neutrals, and therefore its combination with
Jupiter i s not good, since Jupiter i s a functional
malefic for this lagna because it has the blemish of
owning two angles, not including the lagna and i s
a maraka 7th lord. The special inauspiciousness of
the 8th lord also comes into play here.

I n the Aries lagna chart given below, there i s a

mutual aspect between Jupiter in its own sign in
the 1 2 t h house and Saturn in Virgo in the 6th.
According to the interpretive principle outlined
in this verse, just the fact that these planets are
sarhbandha does not give raja yoga.

Location 1 7 6 7 29%
Laghu Piriéari
The Chapter o n Lifespan

ayurdc‘zyd lifespan, longevity
dhydyah chapter

astamarh hydyusah sthdnamastamddastamarh ca
{aytlarapi vyayasthdnarh mdrakasthdnamucyate II
astamarh the eighth
hi indeed
dyusah life span,
sthc‘mam the place
astamdd from the eighth
astamarh the eighth
ca and
yatl which
tayor of those two
api also, even
vyaya-sthdnarh place of loss
mdrakasthdnam place of the killer

"The eighth is the house of longevity, and so is the

eighth from the eighth [i.e., the third house). The
twelfth of loss from either of these is called a killer
house." ( 2 3 )


Location 1 8 2 3 30%
According to the theory of karma and reincarna-
tion that underlies the astrology of ancient India,
even aperson’s ayus, o r longevity i s determined by
their prarabdha karma o r karmic allotment in this
life time. This will expire during the period and
sub-period of some das’a, and this next chapter of
the Laghu Pards’arz' has to do with those planetary
house placements and house lords which become
most eligible for bringing death. The s’lokas here
are a condescended version of a whole chapter in
Pards’ara Hora, about which I have also written a
commentary that appears as an addendum at the
end of this book for supplemental reading.

The first verse of this chapter identifies the 2ndl

and 7th houses and their lords as mdrakas o r
“killers," and explains why. They are the 12th
house of “loss” from the two houses of longevity,
the 8th, and the 8th from the 8th, which is the 3rd

Although other house lords can become “killers”

as well, planets in the 2nd o r 7th, or the lords of
these houses, are what can be termed primary
marakas. This was seen earlier in the charts o f B.V
Raman, who died in his Venus period in the 7th
house, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who died in the
sub-period of Jupiter in the 7th house. In those
examples, the emphasis was o n natural benefics
being particularly strong mdrakas when placed in
these houses.

Unfortuntely, I saw the predictive principle of this

verse play itself out all too clearly in the chart of
the daughter of a good friend of mine recently.

Location 1 8 5 6 30%
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I n her Saturn-Mercury period, it was discovered

that she had stage four Cancer. Saturn becomes a
maraka in her chart since it falls in the 7th house,
and Mercury is as well since it rules the 7th house.
Note that these two grahas exchange signs. More-
over, Saturn, the major period lord, i s a part of
a very malignant Ava Yoga, defined by when the
lagna lord goes to the 6th, 8th, or 12th house
and there i s the additional influence of natural
malefics on the lagna or lagna lord.

I n her case, the l s t lord Jupiter i s in the 8th, and

both Mars and Saturn aspect the ascendant. There
is no modifying influence of natural benefics on
the lagna/lagna lord, nor do these appear in an-
gles to soften the configuration. I was filled with
gloom when I saw this but reminded myself that
her survival was more a question of her longevity,
not that fact that she was running a maraka pe-
riod and sub-period.

Her initial response to treatment and an oper-

ation to remove tumors went well, but after a
while, she took a turn for the worse and passed in
Saturn-Mercury—Mars at age 3 6 . All three of these
grahas are primary mdrakas for her chart.
Flam mm? figmzuaxu
tatra apy adya-vyaya-sthdnad uttararh bdldvat—

Location 1 8 8 4 31%
tadz's'z'tus tatra gatdh pdpinas tena sarhyutdh ||24||

tatra there
apy also,even
adya-vyaya- first place of loss
uttaram the latter, the sec-
balavattaram stronger
tadz‘s’z’tus than its ruler
tatra there
gatdh gone, placed
pdpinas the maleficent,
evil, sinful
tena by/With that
sarhyutdh conjunct

"Of these, the second place of loss is stronger than

the first; [stronger) than its ruler are [planets] placed
therein with malefics conjoinz'ng it." (24)

I n this second verse of the chapter, a hierarchy i s
given even among the primary marakas. We are
told that the 2ndl i s a stronger maraka house than
the 7th and that planets placed in these houses are
stronger killers than the lords, especially if con-
joined natural malefics.

We just saw an illustration of this in the chart of

the daughter o f a friend o f mine who died of can-
cer. It was in the major period of a planet in the 7th
house conjoined with a natural malefic, who just
also happened to be the lord of the 2nd house, and
thus a double mdraka.

Location 1 9 0 5 31%
W man? WWII WI
tesarh das'avipakesu sambhave nidhanam nmam/
tesdmasambhave saksdd vyayddhz's’adas’dsvapi II
tesam their, of them
das’avipakesu in the periods/
sambhave in the occurrence
nidhanam death
nrndm of men
tesdm of those
asambhave in the absence
saksad clearly, obviously
vyayadhz's’adas’asv periods of the
ruler of loss
api also, even

"Men meet their death in the periods and sub—periods

(of these primary mdrakas). In their absence, death
may come in the period of the 12th lord itself. " ( 2 5 )

This verse and those that follow highlight other
periods that can bring death, and I refer to these
as “secondary marakas.” Death may also come in
the period of the 12th lord, in that of benefics
connected to the 12th lord, and in the period of
the 8th lord. I have given examples of these peri-
ods bringing death in my article Lord Yama Pays a
Visit, which appears as an addendum at the end of
this book, and therefore will not further illustrate
them here.

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alabhe punaretesam sambandhena vyayes’ituh/
Location 1937 31%
kvacicchubhdndrh ca das’dsvastames’adasdsu ca II
aldbhe in the absence
punar again
etesdm of these
sambandhena by connection
vyayes’ituh of the 10rd of loss
( 1 2th lord)
kvacit sometimes
shubha‘ndn’t of the beneficial
ca and
das’dsu in the periods
astamesadas’dsu in the periods of
the 8th lord

"I n the absence of these (periods), (death

occurs) sometimes in the periods of
benefics connected to the ruler of the
twelfth, o r in the periods of the ruler of
the eighth." (26)
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kevaldndm ca pdpdndrh das’dsu nidhanam kvacit/
kalpam'yarh budhaimrndrh mdrakdndmadars’ane II
kevaldndrn of the absolute
ca and
pdpc'mc'm't the maleficent
das’dsu periods

Location 1 9 7 2 3 20/0
' nidhanam death
kvacit/ sometimes
kalpanz'yam to be conjectured
i s possible
budhair by the learned
nrndm men
mdrakdndm of the killers
adars'ane not visible

"And in the periods of natural malefics

the death of men should be supposed
to be possible sometimes by the learned
if the periods of the killers are not in
sight." ( 2 7)

This verse states that just the period of natu-
ral malefics can kill, regardless of where they are
placed or what houses that they rule. In the chart
of the English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley, shown
earlier, Saturn is the lord of the 10th and 11th
house for his Aries ascendant chart and i s placed
in the 13t house, yet Saturn, as simply a natu-
ral malefic, proved to be a maraka. K.N. Rao, my
teacher, referred to Saturn and Rahu as “unquali-
fied marakas,” meaning that they can kill regard-
less of their house placement or lordship.

Location 2 0 0 3 3 20/0
This last verse of the chapter on mdrakas high-
lights that when Saturn i s connected to primary
mdrakas like the 2nd and 7th houses or their lords,
then in its periods and sub—periods, it surpasses all
others in its ability to kill. Again, the chart shown
previously of my friend’s daughter illustrates this
verse. She died in her Saturn major period con-
joined with a mdraka 2nd lord.

Location 2 0 5 2 33%
Laghu Piriéari

Location 2 0 5 8 34%
The Chapter on Results of Periods

das’d periods
phala fruit (results)
dhydyah chapter


na dis’eyurgrahdh sarve svadas’dsu svabhuktisul
s’ubhds’ubhaphalam nrndmdtmabhdvdnurupatah II
na not

dis’eyu would grant

grahdh planets
sarve all
svadas’dsu in their own
svabhuktisul in their own sub-
s’ubhds’ubhaphalam good/bad result
nrnc‘zm of men
atmabhdva self state, own
anurupata in accordance

"Not all planets would bestow their good

and evil results o n men, in accordance
with their own nature, in their own peri-
ods and sub-periods." ( 2 9 )

Location 2 0 6 6
The first verse of this chapter o n the results
of planetary periods gives a general interpretive
principle. Whatever are the results that a period
lord can give, good or bad, the fullest fruit o f that
will tend not to occur in its own sub-period. For
example, if Jupiter i s an auspicious 9th lord for an
Aries ascendant and configured in good raja yoga
combinations with angle lords, the fullest fruit
of that yoga will typically not come in Jupiter—
Jupiter. Rather, verse 1 8 o f the previous chapter
instructed us that the fuller fruit would come in
the sub-periods o f the planets forming the yoga
with Jupiter, o r in those of unrelated grahas who
give similar raja yoga results.

It i s important to understand that this verse i s

not saying that a major period lord's own sub-pe-
riod cannot bring any result of the yoga, as I have
sometimes seen it misinterpreted.

Jupiter in the chart of former US President,

Barack Obama, as we have seen before, is a very
interesting planet to consider in the light of inter-
pretive principles given in this text. It was in this
major period that he rose up politically as follows:

- Illinois State Senator starting January 8,

199 7 (Jupiter-Jupiter)
- US. Senator starting January 3, 2005
- Democratic nominee for President in
June 2008 (Jupiter-Moon)
- Elected President November 6,
2012 (Jupiter-Moon)
. Sworn in as President of the United
States on January 2 0 0 9 (Jupiter-Moon)

Location 2 0 9 7 34%
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The question we must first ask ourselves i s how

Jupiter gives rdja yoga as the 3rd and 1 2th lords of
this chart in its debilitation sign, Capricorn. One
explanation not encompassed in this text i s that
it gives m'cabhar'tga raja yoga, which occurs when
a debilitated planet effectively gets cancellation,
and then additionally falls in an angle house.

Using another principle that is a part of the Laghu

Pdrds’arl', we noted earlier that Jupiter, as the 1 2th
lord becomes an "impressionable," giving the re-
sults of the stronger house lords with which it
i s connected. These would be the l s t lord Saturn,
vargottama in its own sign giving Sas’a Yoga, and
the 9th lord, Mercury, who derives its strength
from its exalted condition in his navdn’cs’a. Jupiter
also derives underlying strength in D-9, falling in
its own sign, Pisces.

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Saturn as the 1st angle lord and Mercury as the

strongest trine lord form a powerful rdja yoga by
mutual aspect, with both planets in strength. So,

Location 2 1 1 9 34%
another major reason why the Jupiter mahadas’a
could raise him up so high i s that Jupiter i s giving
the result of this very potent raja yoga.

Let's look now at timing in the light of this and

previous verses:

- Jupiter did start giving him some rdja

yoga results in its own sub-period since
it was in Jupiter-Jupiter that he gained
his first political oflice as an Illinois state
senator. However, it would not give the
best and fullest fruit according to his

- Then he became a United States senator

in Jupiter-Venus, and it i s a perfect illus-
tration of the second part of verse 1 8 ,
where we were instructed that a major
period lord capable o f giving raja yoga,
will do so, in the sub—periods of unre-
lated planets who also give this result.
Venus i s a yogakaraka 5th and 10th lord,
completely unrelated to Jupiter.

- He became the Democratic nominee

for the 2008 Presidential election in
Jupiter-Moon, and he won the election
and became President in this same pe-
riod/sub-period. As an exalted 7th lord
in the 5th house, the Moon also gives
raja yoga, and together with Jupiter
forms Gaurz‘ "Divine Mother" Yoga, de-
fined by when the Moon i s in its own o r
exaltation sign, i s placed in an angle o r
trine house, and receives the aspect of

Location 2 1 3 5 35%
butions to the recording industry. Interestingly,
some of the best fruit o f Saturn as a giver of
rdja yoga came in the Jupiter sub-period, another
unrelated "causer of good.” During this period in
2 0 0 6 , she released the live DVD/CD Bonnie Raitt
and Friends, which was filmed as a part of the crit-
ically acclaimed VHI Classic Decades of Rock Live
Concert Series and was a huge commercial suc-

These two examples are specific to planets capable

of giving rdja yoga, but it should be understood
that the interpretive principle in this verse applies
to any major period lord. I n which case, under-
standing the meaning of the compound anuri'i-
pata atmabhdvd, o r "according to its own nature"
i s critical for a complete comprehension of this

At the very beginning of the chapter entitled “The

Efiects of Das’ds” in Pards’ara Hard, the Sage gives
us the first key principle for interpreting a given
planetary period when he states:

"There are two kinds of efiects of das’ds, gen-

eral and distinctive. The natural indicators
of the planets cause the general ejects and
the distinctive effects are realized by their
placements etc. "

This means that since Venus i s the kdraka or in-

dicator of marriage, it can bring this event in its
das’ds simply because it i s Venus, independent of
its house placement o r lordship in the birth chart.
Venus i s even more empowered to do so if it rules
the 7th house of marriage in an individual’s chart.
I n the same way, Jupiter, as the natural indicator
of children, can bring offspring in its periods in-
dependent of its placement or lordship in a chart,
but may also bring a home should it be placed in
or rule the 4th house.
Location 2172 35%
butions to the recording industry. Interestingly,
some of the best fruit o f Saturn as a giver of
rdja yoga came in the Jupiter sub-period, another
unrelated "causer of good.” During this period in
2 0 0 6 , she released the live DVD/CD Bonnie Raitt
and Friends, which was filmed as a part of the crit-
ically acclaimed VHI Classic Decades of Rock Live
Concert Series and was a huge commercial suc-

These two examples are specific to planets capable

of giving rdja yoga, but it should be understood
that the interpretive principle in this verse applies
to any major period lord. I n which case, under-
standing the meaning of the compound anuri'i-
pata atmabhdvd, o r "according to its own nature"
i s critical for a complete comprehension of this

At the very beginning of the chapter entitled “The

Efiects of Das’ds” in Pards’ara Hard, the Sage gives
us the first key principle for interpreting a given
planetary period when he states:

"There are two kinds of efiects of das’ds, gen-

eral and distinctive. The natural indicators
of the planets cause the general ejects and
the distinctive effects are realized by their
placements etc. "

This means that since Venus i s the kdraka or in-

dicator of marriage, it can bring this event in its
das’ds simply because it i s Venus, independent of
its house placement o r lordship in the birth chart.
Venus i s even more empowered to do so if it rules
the 7th house of marriage in an individual’s chart.
I n the same way, Jupiter, as the natural indicator
of children, can bring offspring in its periods in-
dependent of its placement or lordship in a chart,
but may also bring a home should it be placed in
or rule the 4th house.
Location 2172 35%
"I n accordance to its own nature" in this verse refers
then to the sum total of every kind of result a
major period lord can give, both general and dis-
tinctive. The first has to do with the natural signi-
fications of the planet and the latter with all of the

- sign/house placement of the planet and

its house lordship
- the aspects it makes onto other houses
and planets, and the aspects it receives
- any yogas in which it is configured
- all the various conditions o f planets,
favorable o r unfavorable, such as ex-
alted, debilitated, vargottama, combust,
in a planetary war, having directional
strength etc.

Whatever the results that a major period lord i s

capable of giving, the import of this verse i s that
it would not give the fullest manifestation of that
result in its own sub-period.

Consider the Mercury mahddas’d of the comedic

actor, Chris Farley, famous for his performances
o n the NBC comedy sketch series, Saturday Night

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I n terms of its lordship for his Cancer ascendant,
Mercury belongs to the "inauspicious" trisaddyd
group since it rules the 3rd house, and to the im-
pressionable group as the 1 2 t h lord. It has no re-
Location 2 1 9 6 36%
lationship to any other house lord and therefore
does not get impressed by any lord of a stronger
group. So according to the principles laid out in
the first chapter, it will give the results primarily
of its other lordship, that of the 3rd house, one
of whose indications i s the performing arts. This
interpretation gains additional support when it i s
noted that Mercury participates in a rather supe-
rior Sarasvatz' Yoga, falling as it does in an angle,
while the other two benefics are both placed in
the 9th house, with the Jupiter svaksetra and
Venus in its exaltation sign. Mercury i s in the sign
of a Great Friend in the birth chart and has a
healthy Vims’opakd bald score of 13.9 points out
of 2 0 in the das’a varga scheme, so it has some

I n Mercury-Mercury he graduated from Mar-

quette University with a concentration in com-
munications and theater, so it i s apparent that in
its own sub-period Mercury i s giving some of its
results. However, the much greater result came
in the Mercury-Venus period, activating his Saras-
vatz' Yoga. This i s when he started to have great
success as a comedic performer and was asked to
join the cast o f Saturday Night Live. Of course,
Venus as a sub-period lord i s a giver of raja yoga,
since it i s the 4th lord exalted in the 9th house
with the l s t and 9th lords.

However, according to the principles given in the

third chapter, Mercury's placement in the 7th
house makes it a primary maraka, and per verse
1 0 in the first chapter, it i s particularly so as a
natural benefic falling in this maraka-sthana. An
unfavorable condition of his Mercury i s that it
i s exclusively hemmed by natural malefics. Chris
Farley died of a drug overdose in this period at the
age of thirty-three. Later, I will have more to say

Location 2 2 1 4 37%
lationship to any other house lord and therefore
does not get impressed by any lord of a stronger
group. So according to the principles laid out in
the first chapter, it will give the results primarily
of its other lordship, that of the 3rd house, one
of whose indications i s the performing arts. This
interpretation gains additional support when it i s
noted that Mercury participates in a rather supe-
rior Sarasvatz' Yoga, falling as it does in an angle,
while the other two benefics are both placed in
the 9th house, with the Jupiter svaksetra and
Venus in its exaltation sign. Mercury i s in the sign
of a Great Friend in the birth chart and has a
healthy Vims’opakd bald score of 13.9 points out
of 2 0 in the das’a varga scheme, so it has some

I n Mercury-Mercury he graduated from Mar-

quette University with a concentration in com-
munications and theater, so it i s apparent that in
its own sub-period Mercury i s giving some of its
results. However, the much greater result came
in the Mercury-Venus period, activating his Saras-
vatz' Yoga. This i s when he started to have great
success as a comedic performer and was asked to
join the cast o f Saturday Night Live. Of course,
Venus as a sub-period lord i s a giver of raja yoga,
since it i s the 4th lord exalted in the 9th house
with the l s t and 9th lords.

However, according to the principles given in the

third chapter, Mercury's placement in the 7th
house makes it a primary maraka, and per verse
1 0 in the first chapter, it i s particularly so as a
natural benefic falling in this maraka-sthana. An
unfavorable condition of his Mercury i s that it
i s exclusively hemmed by natural malefics. Chris
Farley died of a drug overdose in this period at the
age of thirty-three. Later, I will have more to say

Location 2 2 1 4 37%
about the sub-period when this tragedy occurred
as it relates to another verse of this text.

Wm fi Er vi an W u
W Wmllamn
dtmasambandhino ye ca ye vd nijasadharminahl
tesdmantardas’dsveva dis'anti svadas’aphalam II3 0 | I

dtmasambandhino connected to
ye which
ca and
wt or
nijasadharminah/ sharing one's own
tesam of those
antardas’dsu in the sub—periods
eva indeed
dis’anti point out, show,
svadas’dphalam the result of one's
own period

"Those [planets] that are related to [the period rulers]

themselves o r those that share in their own nature —
in their sub-periods do [the period rulers] bestow the
result of their own periods." ( 30)

This verse is reflective of s’loka 1 8 which instructs
us regarding the timing of the fruit o f rdja yoga,
only now generalized to any planetary period, not
just those capable o f giving such fortunate results.
Whatever karmic fruit a major period lord por-
tends, this will come in the sub-periods of plan-

Location 2 2 3 3 36%

about the sub-period when this tragedy occurred

as it relates to another verse of this text.

Wm fi Er vi an W u
W Wmllamn
dtmasambandhino ye ca ye vd nijasadharminahl
tesdmantardas’dsveva dis'anti svadas’aphalam II3 0 | I

dtmasambandhino connected to
ye which
ca and
wt or
nijasadharminah/ sharing one's own
tesam of those
antardas’dsu in the sub—periods
eva indeed
dis’anti point out, show,
svadas’dphalam the result of one's
own period

"Those [planets] that are related to [the period rulers]

themselves o r those that share in their own nature —
in their sub-periods do [the period rulers] bestow the
result of their own periods." ( 30)

This verse is reflective of s’loka 1 8 which instructs
us regarding the timing of the fruit o f rdja yoga,
only now generalized to any planetary period, not
just those capable o f giving such fortunate results.
Whatever karmic fruit a major period lord por-
tends, this will come in the sub-periods of plan-

Location 2 2 3 3 36%
ets connected with it (dtmasambandha), or those
sharing in their own nature (sadharma).

I n the previous chapters, we have been instructed

with regards to two very different categories of
planets that give rather opposite types of experi-
ences. There are those planets who can give the
fruit of rdja yoga, an auspicious, fortunate experi-
ence, and then there are mdrakas, those that can
bring pain, suffering, and even death.

Many Vims’ottarz'das’c‘r periods are quite long, such

as Venus which lasts 2 0 years and Saturn 1 9 . Even
the shortest of these, the Sun, extends over a time
period of 6 years. When a person runs the das’d of
some planet capable of giving rdja yoga o r mdraka
results, these will not manifest in all nine of the
sub—periods within that major period. This verse
and those that follow gives us guidelines for iden-
tifying when the fullest fruit of that will come
and how to judge the results of other periods that
will not give this fullest fruit.

I n the Vims’ottarz' das’d, the first sub—period in any

major period i s that of the major period lord it-
self. The Venus mahddas’d, for example, always
begins with Venus-Venus. The previous verse has
instructed us that this first sub-period will not
give the fullest expression of whatever the major
period lord portends, though it can give it to some
degree, and now this verse i s instructing us that
the fullest result will come in the sub-periods of
planets connected to it, or in those of a like nature.

Location 2 2 6 3 37%
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Ve -
film- . new?“ , lLao
£2” gut-w
JP" Jpw‘a
1o Boo u: 7mm

This i s the chart again of the 36-year-old woman

who was diagnosed with Stage Four cancer in
December of 2 0 1 6 in her Saturn-Mercury pe-
riod. Saturn here i s a part of a malignant arista
yoga formed by the placement of the lagna lord,
Jupiter, in the 8th house, while the two natural
malefics, Mars and Saturn aspect the lagna. There
are no natural benefics in the angles to protect the
health, only natural malefics, nor does the lagna/
lagna lord get the influence of natural benefics
that might relieve this arista combination.

Saturn and Mars are both primary marakas in

more than one way since Mars rules the 2nd
house and i s placed in the 7th mdraka-sthdna.
Saturn, besides also residing in the 7th house, be-
comes the surest killer based o n the interpretive
principle given in verse 2 8 at the end of the previ-
ous chapter.

“By connection together with killers, malefic

Saturn becomes a killer, indeed, surpassing
all others without a doubt. "

Mercury, the sub-period lord when she was first

diagnosed and treated i s also a mdraka since it
i s lord of the 7th house, but then see that Saturn
and Mercury are in an exchange, the strongest pos-
sible sambandha between planets. Consequently,
it then becomes very eligible, according to the
first part of verse 3 0 , for manifesting the fullest

Location 2 2 8 4 38%
However, championships and MVP awards were
also won in sub-periods of planets unrelated to
the major period lord, Rahu, per the second half
of this verse, because they too were indicators of
raja yoga, and thus "sharing in its nature." This in-
cluded Rdhu-Mercury, Rdhu—Sun, and Rahu-Mars.

However, a person will not always be running

the major period of some planet that is either an
indicator of raja yoga o r a maraka. What would
an unrelated sub-period lord "sharing the nature"
of a major period mean in this scenario? The an-
swer i s that is could mean many different things,
which has led to much speculation among com-

I n the opening chapter o n "Definitions," the main

way in which planets are classified is by their
house lordships. Therefore, I find it quite likely
that one thing that the author intends by his use
of the word sadharma (own nature) are planets
that share each other's nature in this way. This
would include:
. "auspicious” trine lords 1 , 5 , 9
- "inauspicious" lords of trisaqlayd, 3 , 6 , 1 1
- "impressionably neutral" lords of 1 2, 2
- natural benefics getting the blemish of
ruling angle houses when they do not
rule the lagna.
- natural malefics lose some of malefic
nature when ruling angles.

Other interpretations of sadharma that I have

seen i s the pairing of house lords as follows:

3-1 1
Location 2359 38%
These are the sankhya yoga pairings, and they may
apply here since they mostly reflect the group
classifications of the house lords given in this

was W W I
dddbcdlgguz‘m Lbfilflfill'ilnlflifilzllliml
itaresdrh das’dndthaviruddhaphaladdyindml
tattatphaldnugurzyena phalanyuhyani suribhih II

itaresdrh of others
das’c'mc'ztha period rulers
viruddha adverse, contrary
phaladdyinam of the givers of
tattatphala this and that
anuguriyena in accordance
phalani results
uhyan to be inferred
suribhih by the sages, by
the wise

"The results of the sub-period lords who would give

results contrary to those of the period lord, the wise
should infer these in accordance with the results of
both." ( 3 1 )

This verse addresses the opposite situation from
the previous one and concerns a sub-period lord
that i s neither connected to the period lord o r
shares its nature. I n this case, we are instructed
that we should assess the results of such a period
and sub-period through a judicious blending of
Location 2 3 8 6 39%
These are the sankhya yoga pairings, and they may
apply here since they mostly reflect the group
classifications of the house lords given in this

was W W I
dddbcdlgguz‘m Lbfilflfill'ilnlflifilzllliml
itaresdrh das’dndthaviruddhaphaladdyindml
tattatphaldnugurzyena phalanyuhyani suribhih II

itaresdrh of others
das’c'mc'ztha period rulers
viruddha adverse, contrary
phaladdyinam of the givers of
tattatphala this and that
anuguriyena in accordance
phalani results
uhyan to be inferred
suribhih by the sages, by
the wise

"The results of the sub-period lords who would give

results contrary to those of the period lord, the wise
should infer these in accordance with the results of
both." ( 3 1 )

This verse addresses the opposite situation from
the previous one and concerns a sub-period lord
that i s neither connected to the period lord o r
shares its nature. I n this case, we are instructed
that we should assess the results of such a period
and sub-period through a judicious blending of
Location 2 3 8 6 39%
what both indicate. This could mean very mixed
results if the indications of the period lord and
sub-period lord are contradictory. Such das’das-
antardas’ds are among the more difl'icult to inter-
pret accurately.

Thus far in this chapter sub-period lords are cate-

gorized in two ways:
- related to the das’d lord
- unrelated to the das’d lord

These can be further sub-divided as follows:

. of the same nature
- of an opposite nature
- neutral in their nature

Examples of the same nature (sadharma) would

- planets that can give rdja yoga and other
planets that do as well
- planets that are mdrakas and others that
also give this result
- auspicious house lords and other auspi-
cious house lords ( 5 and 9 for example)
- inauspicious house lords and other in-
auspicious house lords ( 3 and 6 for ex-

Examples of opposite nature (asadharma) would

- a yogakdraka planet and an inauspicious
- an auspicious planet and an inauspi-
cious planet
- a yogakc'zraka and a mdraka
- an auspicious planet and a mdmka

Examples of planets more neutral in their natures

would be:
- a neutral planet and a mdraka
. a neutral and an inauspicious planet
Location 2 4 1 3 39%
The following table summarizes how we have
been instructed thus far in interpreting sub-peri-
ods within any major period:

Sub-Period Lord Result

Related and same Gives the results of the
nature das’d lord
Related and neu— Reduced results of the
tral in nature das’d lord
Related and op- Little of the results of
posite nature the das’d lord
Unrelated and Results of the das’d lord
same nature
Unrelated and Mixed results
neutral in nature

Unrelated and Less mixed results than

opposite nature above

This text i s therefore emphasizing that the results

of a sub-period in any major period will depend
primarily on whether they are related, and o n the
similarity o r dissimilarity of the "nature. "

mm Wager-fl Rafi: 911ml

fish H‘rSErFaaT WW magnum"
svadas’dydrh trikopes’abhuktau kendrapatih sub-
dis’et so’pi tathd no cedasambandhena pdpakrt ”3 2H

svadas’dydm in one's own

trikones’abhuktau sub—period of a
trine lord
kendrapati}; angle ruler

Location 2 4 4 4 40%
- s'ubham good -
dis'et would give, would
sah he
api also
tatha thus,likewise
no not
ced if
asambandhena not connected
pdpakrt evil doer

"I n its own period and the sub-period of the ruler of a

trine, the ruler of a quadrant bestows good, and like-
wise that (trine ruler in the sub-period of an angle
ruler) if not connected with evil doers.” ( 3 2 )

The first part of this verse seems quite clear in its
instruction about the results of angle and trine
lords as a das’d—antardas’d combination. Whether
or not the angle lord i s the major period and the
trine i s the sub-period lord, o r vice versa, they
produce good results (s’ubham). What is not clear
i s whether the author i s referring to related o r un-
related angle and trine lords. Since angle and trine
lords combining to form rdja yoga has been cov-
ered earlier in the text, I am inclined to think that
the reference here i s to unrelated angle and trine

The other ambiguity about this verse is what the

author means exactly by his use of the term pd-
pakrt, literally "evil doers." This could refer to natu-
ral malefics, but in keeping with the definitions in
the first chapter, it more likely means the lords of

Location 2 4 7 4 40%
the trisaqldyd, 3 , 6 , 1 1, who are repeatedly referred
to in this text by this term papa.

If this verse is referring to related angle and trine

lords, then it i s simply a reiteration of what was
given in the earlier chapter o n how planets be-
come indicators of raja yoga when sambhanda,
and the different qualities/categories of these,
based o n whether they are "with a blemish" or

The third possibility i s that the author i s refer-

ring to both related and unrelated angle and trine
lords, in which case the das’d-antardas’a variations
and their result would be as follows:

1. Related and unblemished angle and

trine lords. This forms a superior raja
yoga that would give especially good re-
sults in their respective period and sub-

2 . Related but blemished angle and trine

lords. They can still give the results of
raja yoga in their respective periods and
sub-periods, though of an inferior qual-

3 . Unrelated angle and trine lords who

are without a blemish. There can be
auspicious results, especially if both are
well placed, in strength and not badly
afflicted. However, this would be due
to their unblemished nature of own-
ing angles and trines while not simulta-
neously owning trisaddyas, not because
they are related angle and trine lords
giving raja yoga.

4. One or the other of the angle and trine

lords are blemished and unrelated. I n

Location 2 4 9 9 41%
this case, there would be minimal good

5 . If both the angle and trine lord is blem-

ished and unrelated, the results in their
respective periods and sub—periods will
not be good.

Keep in mind that "blemished" or "unblemished" in

all the above statements can refer t o :

- lords of trisaddyds
- natural benefics ruling angles without
being the lagna lord (i.e. Jupiter for
Virgo lagna)
- 8th lords that are not additionally lords
of trines, and especially if they are addi-
tionally lord of trisaddyds (i.e. Mars for
Virgo lagna).
HWHW m: W z l l s s l l
drambho rdjayogasya bhavenmdrakabhuktisul
prathayanti tamdrabhya kramas’ah pdpabhuk-
tayah ||33 ||
drambho beginning
rdjayogasya of a rc'rjayoga
bhavet should be, may be
mdrakabhuktisu in the sub-period
of killers
prathayanti they spread,
tam him, that
drabhya having begun
kramas’ah one by one,

Location 2 5 2 3 41%
papabhuktayah evil sub-periods

"A raja yoga may begin [to take efi’ect] in the sub-
periods of killers (marakas); once begun, it is gradu-
ally extended by the sub-periods of malefics." ( 3 3 )

These verses continue to instruct us about the re-
sults the different categories of sub-period lords
can give in the major period of an "indicator of raja
yoga." The fortunate results that the mahc‘tdas’o‘z
lord portends will not all come about in just one
sub-period, though, as we have seen, the peak of
such results can come in the sub-period of related
planets helping to form the raja yoga and even un-
related planets that give similar raja yoga results.
Yet, they will also not come in just any sub-period.

To reiterate, the different categories of house

lords according to the definitions in the first
chapter are:

1 . Auspicious lords which would include

trine lords and yogakarakas.
2 . Inauspicious lords which would in-
clude the 8th lord, trisadaya lords, and
3 . Neutral lords which would include the
2nd and 1 2thlords
A source of confusion with this text is that when
it refers to auspicious house lords as s’ubha and in-
auspicious house lords as papas, these words can
and have been taken to mean natural benefics and
malefics. Even if one i s clear o n this point, it gets
complicated because planets can belong to more
than one category at a time. A planet can be a yo-
gakdraka, a maraka, and a neutral for a particular
chart all at once. A 7th angle lord when combining
with a trine lord can form a raja yoga, as it does in
Location 2 5 5 4 41%
the Virgo lagna chart of John F. Kennedy. He was
the President of the United States in his Jupiter
major period. But it also takes o n the status of
mdraka and gave that result as well, since he was
assassinated in Jupiter.
- _ m

m Jae"

. " ' ‘ 1 PD M Tan 10 em

“aru- saw!

a... . . .9... LAL (a
John F Remedy Mow-
ruse-nu? gnaw
u" 3 8"". M
”fl“ 7 12 I.”
I J /
mar-av“ Pm L “I”
I Boo w 1 VIE

Similarly, Mars for Pisces lagna can give a very

good raja yoga when combining with an angle
lord as it does in the chart shown earlier o f Billy
Graham, but as the 2nd lord it i s also a primary
maraka and at the same time an impressionable

: I “u.”
"u j P. M Tan 4 Gin

.' . Mo" 12En @ scan

in” m"
Billy G‘rénam 33"”
m. “1711.1. ‘5'!"
4 . Meta"
1129 °‘"°."""° nun
' 80:. Moo-4' Ram-wSUm-u
Von. Mavas- Mesoaorjve1
3...! 10 has» an: VIII

The following summarizes and illustrates the re-

sults that the different categories of sub—period
lords can bring in a major period of a rc'zja yoga-
giving mahc‘zdas’d.

1. Rdja yoga results can happen best in the

major period of any “indicator of rdja
yoga” and the sub-period of a similar and
related planet, meaning an angle o r trine

Location 2 5 8 0 43%
lord that helps form or contributes to the
rdja yoga.

Mam Bin
”5’91 A.

n” V0; ' , I PB M Tu 7mm


,' 3g ‘ Q 3cm
#3 John Belushi
a": m ‘35:: :1a
‘a I a.“ 2?» Duo
V'mv mam-

#mr “VIP “1!

13 12800 11 u: my—

Comic actor, John Belushi, reached the height of

his stardom and success when he appeared with
his ex-Saturday Night Live cohort, Dan Akroyd, in
the box ofi'lce hit, The Blues Brothers. This occurred
in his Sun-Mercury period.

The Sun only rules the best trine and Mercury

only rules angles, one of which i s the strongest.
Mercury does suffer the blemish of being a natu-
ral benefic ruling an angle, not including the lagna
lord, but only minimally since it i s the least of
the natural benefics. Thus, Pdrds’ara Hora identi-
fies the combination of the Sun and Mercury as
the best rdja yoga for Sagittarius lagna. It i s one of
those combinations that can yield especially good
results per verse 1 4 in the second chapter of the
Laghu Pdrds‘ari.

"The lords of angle and trines by connection

with each other are the givers of special re-
sults if they are not connected with other
house lords."

It will be particularly true for this chart because

of the conditions o f the Sun and Mercury in his
nava'm'is'a,where both these grahas are in their ex-
altation signs and therefore have great underlying

Location 2 5 9 5 42%
lord that helps form or contributes to the
rdja yoga.

Mam Bin
”5’91 A.

n” V0; ' , I PB M Tu 7mm


,' 3g ‘ Q 3cm
#3 John Belushi
a": m ‘35:: :1a
‘a I a.“ 2?» Duo
V'mv mam-

#mr “VIP “1!

13 12800 11 u: my—

Comic actor, John Belushi, reached the height of

his stardom and success when he appeared with
his ex-Saturday Night Live cohort, Dan Akroyd, in
the box ofi'lce hit, The Blues Brothers. This occurred
in his Sun-Mercury period.

The Sun only rules the best trine and Mercury

only rules angles, one of which i s the strongest.
Mercury does suffer the blemish of being a natu-
ral benefic ruling an angle, not including the lagna
lord, but only minimally since it i s the least of
the natural benefics. Thus, Pdrds’ara Hora identi-
fies the combination of the Sun and Mercury as
the best rdja yoga for Sagittarius lagna. It i s one of
those combinations that can yield especially good
results per verse 1 4 in the second chapter of the
Laghu Pdrds‘ari.

"The lords of angle and trines by connection

with each other are the givers of special re-
sults if they are not connected with other
house lords."

It will be particularly true for this chart because

of the conditions o f the Sun and Mercury in his
nava'm'is'a,where both these grahas are in their ex-
altation signs and therefore have great underlying

Location 2 5 9 5 42%

,, Ra Mo Su flAs
.‘ TA: sumnu 11M 2Tau mom
M . Mo L

V. 1 n “c" ,
Jp K
_9 Ke kw Me
7 Eco LII lVlm

This latter point i s important because the Laghu

Pdrds’arz' does not overtly address the issue o f con-
ditions of planets forming raja yoga, rather it i s
implied and understood. The better and stronger
the condition of planets, the greater the magni-
tude and quality of the results.

The Sun and Mercury in Belushi's chart are joined

by Mars in its exaltation sign, another trine lord
without a blemish since its other lordship i s that
of the neutral/ impressionable 1 2th house. There-
fore, this three-planet conjunction comes under
the purview of verse 1 7 of the second chapter
which states:

"If the strong ruler of an angle is connected to

the ruler of either of the two lords of trines, it
causes a good yoga."

The 10th lord Mercury in Belushi's chart i s with

both trine lords, so the rdja yoga i s especially good
for this reason as well. The contribution o f Mars
to the rdja yoga i s not as good as it looks though
o n the surface because this graha goes to i s debil-
itation sign in D—9, but as the 5th trine lord, it i s
still quite a favorable contributor. The Blues Broth-
ers was a major box ofl‘ice success in the summer
of 1 9 8 0 when Belushi was running Sun-Mercury-
Mars as a das’d sequence.

Diahann Carroll i s one o f the first African-Amer-

ican actresses to experience great success and

Location 2 6 1 5 43%
fame both o n stage, in movies and on television. A
peak of fame occurred when she first appeared in
the popular TV soap opera Dynasty in 19 8 4 . It was
her Saturn-Venus period.


1°, 3"" l Kea-

‘n an” Pb QM m sea-n I
F2311mr sum!

a" 115! ® Bean

Moira Diuufi’aml Veg-3;-

“. MM!” 2‘”
W. W

m", s. v." '1 “'32—‘39 _ nu

Ezra” mr
Sum 11 103a Lb!“ my

Saturn i s an "especially auspicious" lagna lord, so

well placed in its malatrikona sign in the lagna,
while additionally ruling the neutral/impression—
able 1 2 t h house. It i s in a close mutual glance
with a vargottama Venus, a yogakaraka par excel-
lence for her Aquarius lagna, since it rules the
4th angle and the 9th trine. Again, this i s the spe-
cial kind of angle-trine combination highlighted
in verse 1 4 of the second chapter of this text, and
with both grahas having good sources of strength.

These two illustrations are examples of how the

best fruit of a major period lord showing raja yoga
potential can manifest in the sub-period of a re-
lated planet having that same potential.

2 . These veryfortunate results can also occur

in the sub—period of other planets that are
indicators of raja yoga who are not re-

Legendary actor, Marlon Brando, first electrified

audiences o n Broadway in the role of Stanley
Kowalski in Tennessee Williams' play, A Street Car
Named Desire. This initial stardom came in his
Venus-Moon period.

Location 2 6 3 1 43%
film Mems'i vet's

Mn... 7.
uI I |5Ph M Tu scan
“m . . m_. (a m—
Mamfi’émm Er“
MIME! 237w“
" u ‘ soap , 10m
Maw ' V9... ' Mam. ‘Jpzrs'l

Me... m 15cc [12w 11m—

Venus i s the 7th angle lord, strong in its own sign,

in a mutual glance with the 5th trine lord, Jupiter.
Jupiter gets directional strength in the l s t house
and through its parivartana yoga with Mars.
Notice that these two planets forming the rdja
yoga only rule angles, trines, o r neutral/impres-
sionable houses, so it i s again an especially good
combination. The blemish that Venus acquires as
a benefic ruling an angle i s minimal here since it
i s in its own angle house. Therefore, as a major pe-
riod lord, Venus has an exceptional raja yoga-giv-
ing potential. As per the previous two examples,
the sub—period of Jupiter, with whom it is related
and with whom it forms the yoga, manifested its
best potential. It was in his Jupiter-Venus period
that he won his first Oscar for Best Actor for his
performance in O n the Waterfront.

However, great success and budding fame came

earlier in the Venus-Moon period, and this illus-
trates how a raja yoga can fructify in the sub-pe-
riod of an unrelated planet, but one that also gives
rdja yoga phal.

Pdrds’ara Hora highlights the Sun-Moon combina-

tion for Scorpio lagna as the best raja yoga because
the luminaries only rule the strongest angle and
the best trine house. Here they are together in the
5th house and receiving the aspect of their sign
lord, a strong Jupiter.

Location 2 6 5 4 43%
film Mems'i vet's

Mn... 7.
uI I |5Ph M Tu scan
“m . . m_. (a m—
Mamfi’émm Er“
MIME! 237w“
" u ‘ soap , 10m
Maw ' V9... ' Mam. ‘Jpzrs'l

Me... m 15cc [12w 11m—

Venus i s the 7th angle lord, strong in its own sign,

in a mutual glance with the 5th trine lord, Jupiter.
Jupiter gets directional strength in the l s t house
and through its parivartana yoga with Mars.
Notice that these two planets forming the rdja
yoga only rule angles, trines, o r neutral/impres-
sionable houses, so it i s again an especially good
combination. The blemish that Venus acquires as
a benefic ruling an angle i s minimal here since it
i s in its own angle house. Therefore, as a major pe-
riod lord, Venus has an exceptional raja yoga-giv-
ing potential. As per the previous two examples,
the sub—period of Jupiter, with whom it is related
and with whom it forms the yoga, manifested its
best potential. It was in his Jupiter-Venus period
that he won his first Oscar for Best Actor for his
performance in O n the Waterfront.

However, great success and budding fame came

earlier in the Venus-Moon period, and this illus-
trates how a raja yoga can fructify in the sub-pe-
riod of an unrelated planet, but one that also gives
rdja yoga phal.

Pdrds’ara Hora highlights the Sun-Moon combina-

tion for Scorpio lagna as the best raja yoga because
the luminaries only rule the strongest angle and
the best trine house. Here they are together in the
5th house and receiving the aspect of their sign
lord, a strong Jupiter.

Location 2 6 5 4 43%
tor of raja yoga, and the sub-period lord was also,
though unrelated.

It was his Saturn mahddas’a, which gives rdja yoga

as the 7th angle lord in the l s t trine house, with
the additional influence of two natural benefics
in strength. The sub-period was of Mars, a var-
gottama yogakaraka planet for his Cancer ascen-
dant. The disposition of these two grahas in his
das’c'zms’a also factored into my prediction.

Me Sal_<_§

.I Ia [9 Ft 10M I Tan 12 on

A8 As
,. K.
@ «on
Jp Ma
I Ma u LQ'P . Lac
0 1 Su L Ra

Va Su Mo MoVe a.» w may

They are in an exchange in D—1 0 with Saturn giv-

ing nz'cabhanga raja yoga in the strongest angle
of this varga, and with Mars as an exalted yo-

3 . Next in line for fructifying the major

period lord’s rdja yoga potential are the
“inauspicious" house lords, which would
include the trisaddyd lords, the 8th lord,
benefics ruling kendras not including the
lagna lord, and lastly, mc'zrakas. All such
sub-period lords can also bring the rdja
yoga fruit of the major period as long as
they are related. (This is the key point!)

Tina Fey i s one of the most successful women

comedy writers and actresses of all time. She
has received nine Primetime Emmy Awards, three
Golden Globe Awards, five Screen Actors Guild
Awards, and seven Writers Guild of America
Awards. In 2008 the Associated Press gave Fey the
Location 2 6 8 3 44%
tor of raja yoga, and the sub-period lord was also,
though unrelated.

It was his Saturn mahddas’a, which gives rdja yoga

as the 7th angle lord in the l s t trine house, with
the additional influence of two natural benefics
in strength. The sub-period was of Mars, a var-
gottama yogakaraka planet for his Cancer ascen-
dant. The disposition of these two grahas in his
das’c'zms’a also factored into my prediction.

Me Sal_<_§

.I Ia [9 Ft 10M I Tan 12 on

A8 As
,. K.
@ «on
Jp Ma
I Ma u LQ'P . Lac
0 1 Su L Ra

Va Su Mo MoVe a.» w may

They are in an exchange in D—1 0 with Saturn giv-

ing nz'cabhanga raja yoga in the strongest angle
of this varga, and with Mars as an exalted yo-

3 . Next in line for fructifying the major

period lord’s rdja yoga potential are the
“inauspicious" house lords, which would
include the trisaddyd lords, the 8th lord,
benefics ruling kendras not including the
lagna lord, and lastly, mc'zrakas. All such
sub-period lords can also bring the rdja
yoga fruit of the major period as long as
they are related. (This is the key point!)

Tina Fey i s one of the most successful women

comedy writers and actresses of all time. She
has received nine Primetime Emmy Awards, three
Golden Globe Awards, five Screen Actors Guild
Awards, and seven Writers Guild of America
Awards. In 2008 the Associated Press gave Fey the
Location 2 6 8 3 44%
Ra VeAs
.‘ Ve 2‘ 10m 11M 21... Gum

A3 Su 3a

- LL ..
Mo \Ma fie
Me m “'°
53 in
‘12 7 Eco aw

However,it was Saturn-Mercury from 1 0 / 2 0 0 9 to

06/2012, the sub-period of a closely related "in-
auspicious trisadaya lord" and an impressionable
neutral 1 2 t h lord, that brought a peak. Besides
winning all those awards for 3 0 Rock and SNL, she
appeared in popular feature films, such as Date
Night, during this time. This type of sub-period
lord giving strongly the fruit of Saturn's rdja yoga
potential i s the point I am emphasizing here.

- Verse 33 of this chapter is sayingthat some

fruit of the rdja yoga can begin in the sub-
period of a related mdraka, though not
to any great degree. Those results will get
extended and be greater in the sub-peri-
ods of related trisaddyd lords (functional
malefics). In other words, mdrakas lords
as sub-periods are less rdja yoga giving
than trisaddyd lords.

I don't doubt the veracity of this interpretive prin-

ciple, but I have not been able to find a good illus-
tration of it that I can show here.

According to these verses then, we are instructed

to think of related sub-periods lords in an order
from most to least in terms of their capacity to
give the ninja yoga potential of a major period lord
as follows:

1. To the greatest extent in the sub-period

of a related rdja yoga-giving planet.
Location 2 7 5 5 45%
Ra VeAs
.‘ Ve 2‘ 10m 11M 21... Gum

A3 Su 3a

- LL ..
Mo \Ma fie
Me m “'°
53 in
‘12 7 Eco aw

However,it was Saturn-Mercury from 1 0 / 2 0 0 9 to

06/2012, the sub-period of a closely related "in-
auspicious trisadaya lord" and an impressionable
neutral 1 2 t h lord, that brought a peak. Besides
winning all those awards for 3 0 Rock and SNL, she
appeared in popular feature films, such as Date
Night, during this time. This type of sub-period
lord giving strongly the fruit of Saturn's rdja yoga
potential i s the point I am emphasizing here.

- Verse 33 of this chapter is sayingthat some

fruit of the rdja yoga can begin in the sub-
period of a related mdraka, though not
to any great degree. Those results will get
extended and be greater in the sub-peri-
ods of related trisaddyd lords (functional
malefics). In other words, mdrakas lords
as sub-periods are less rdja yoga giving
than trisaddyd lords.

I don't doubt the veracity of this interpretive prin-

ciple, but I have not been able to find a good illus-
tration of it that I can show here.

According to these verses then, we are instructed

to think of related sub-periods lords in an order
from most to least in terms of their capacity to
give the ninja yoga potential of a major period lord
as follows:

1. To the greatest extent in the sub-period

of a related rdja yoga-giving planet.
Location 2 7 5 5 45%
an" m, “I

/ JP" lb.”
"fl 3:... i7 u Pb ISM Tan 7 can

. . L, (a scan
MM ‘5" u-w
‘ M0” 5 m" 2?”
can. on a La

I ‘
Kim 1 12800 11w mm—


v Mo Su

E Se E:
Mg BE ‘ @ Bell

8“ \ m /M Ba
‘ . a 6" 3 w_ _‘

AsVe Same
MO Jp 1 12500 11uar 1o

Mercury and the Sun form a superior angle-trine

combination as the 9th and 10th lords only rul-
ing such positive houses, and Mercury has great
underlying strength, falling as it does in its exal-
tation sign in D-9.But the sub—period lord during
this peak of fame was that of the Moon, unrelated
and a mc'zraka since it falls in the 7th house. This
would appear contrary to the interpretive prin-
ciple about such sub-periods giving very mixed
results in the major period o f a yogakdraka. What
must be seen i s that his Moon also falls in the cat-
egory of an unrelated "causer of good," since it i s
a part of a very powerful Gaja Kesarl' Yoga, with
both the Moon and Jupiter in their exaltations
signs in D—9. The latter i s also svaksetra in the rds’i.
Additionally, the Moon i s waxing and very bright.
This i s what I mean when I say that these princi-
ples must be applied intelligently and sometimes
modified due to other factors.

WET Er 3211 W I
W a W m Wnswsn
Location 2857 47%
tatsambandhis’ubhandm ca tathd punarasarhyu-
s’ubhdnarn tu samatvena sarhyogo yogakdrinam II

tatsambandhi connected thereto

s’ubhanam of the beneficial
ca and
tatha thus
punar again
asamyujdm o f the uncon-
tu but
samatvena by equality
sarhyogo conjunction
yogakarinam causers of yoga

"And (raja yoga may manifest in the sub—periods)

of related benefics, and likewise of those unrelated.
Equal to being benefic is conjunction with the yo-
gakaraka. " (34)

Verse 3 4 presents three different but related sce-
narios regard a raja yoga-giving major period and
three types of sub-period lords:

1. related "beneficial ones"

2 . unrelated "beneficial ones"
3 . related "causers of yoga"

The correct interpretation of this verse depends

o n how s’ubhdnc‘zrh (the beneficial ones), and yo-
gakarindm (causers of yoga) are defined. My un-
derstanding is that the former refers to trine

Location 2 8 7 5 47%
lords,in keeping with verse six in the first chapter
on definitions.

”All planets who are the lords of trines give

beneficial fruits. "

"Causers of yoga" simply means any planet capable

of giving raja yoga as defined in the second chap-
ter, in other words, planets involved in angle trine
combinations o r who themselves simultaneously
own a trine and angle, like Mars for a Cancer as-

I n which case, this verse i s saying that all three

of these types of sub-period lords will manifest
the rdja yoga fruit of the major period, though
one would think that the related sub-period lords
would give the fuller fruit.

The birth chart of entertainer and later politician,

Sonny Bono, i s interesting to consider in so far
as sub—periods that manifested the fruit o f the
rdja yoga that is so clearly indicated by his Venus

Venus and Mercury conjunct in his chart form the

best angle-trine combination for his Virgo lagna
chart as unblemished 9th and 10th lords. They
are additionally joined by Saturn, the lord of the
5th trine. Venus i s very strong, falling in its own
sign in navdrhs’a and with high point totals in
both vims’opakd halo":( 1 6.5 out of 2 0 ) and shad bald
(16 3).

Jupiter was the first sub—period that strongly

manifested the raja yoga-giving potential o f this
mahddas’c‘z. It was in Venus-Jupiter that he formed
a singing duo with his wife, Cher, and they
recorded a number of major hit songs in the
1 9603, including their signature I Got You Babe in
1965.We must ask ourselves by what principles

Location 2 9 0 5 47%
After his divorce from Cher in 1 9 7 5 broke up
their act, his career in the entertainment industry
faded, but later in life he entered politics, becom-
ing Mayor of Palm Springs, California in April of
1 9 8 8 . It was his Moon-Mercury period. From the
standpoint o f the principles given in this text, it
was the major period o f a bright, waxing, svakse—
tra 1 1 t h lord Moon involved in Kesarz' Yoga, and
the sub-period o f an unrelated yogakaraka, Mer-
cury. See his das’ams’a again and note that the
Moon i s in the lagna of D-1 0 and in a mutual glace
with Mercury.

Later on January 3 , 1 9 9 5 , he became a U.S Con-

gressman representing the 44th district of Cal-
ifornia. This quite significant elevation in his
political status occurred in Mars-Mercury—Venus.
Once again, we must ask ourselves in what way
this was predictable based o n the interpretive
principles given in this text. Can you understand
it before reading further?

The antar and pratyantar das’a combination of

Mercury-Venus i s readily understandable because
it i s activating the superior raja yoga in his chart.
But why in the major period of Mars, who is, after
all, an especially inauspicious 8th lord since it also
rules the 3rd house as well?

First of all, one thing that should be noticed about

Mars i s that it i s vargottama relative to both the
navdn’zs’a and dasfan‘zsfa, but this only means it
gives its results very strongly, not necessarily in
a favorable way. Yet the reality i s that this strong
Mars gave strongly the results of raja yoga, and we
have to understand why. The reason in my view i s
that as an impressionable 8th lord it gives the re-
sults of the stronger category o f house lords with
which it is connected, which would be Jupiter as

Location 2 9 5 8 49%
an angle lord, and Jupiter is a rdja and Kesarz' Yoga-
giving planet whose results Mars is giving strongly.

It i s by this same principle that a strong Mars

made P.V. N arasimha Rao Prime Minister of India
in its mahadas’d.

ID ”9". “at "I"
s. V”. “mu

'’ ‘I 7 Pb EM TN 10 Gun

.. 5.3:; MEL—n (a 1
av. «aim/manna
My “M21 mam
m. I“

10 Mo" 2 m
u 1 /
“1'! “r.

Ker! gig as.» Lu: my

His lagna i s Virgo as well, which makes Mars again

the lord of the 3rd and 8th house, in his case get-
ting directional strength in the 10th house. His
Mars gives the results of a vargottama and svakse—
tra l s t and 10th lord Mercury in the 10th, form-
ing a powerful Bhadra Yoga.

mfifig W W WIISRII
s’ubhasydsya prasaktasya das’dydrh yogakdrakdhl
svabhuktisu prayacchanti kutracidyogajan'z phalam

subhasya of the good

asya of this
prasaktasya of the attached
das’dydn'i in the period
yogakdrakdh causers of yoga
svabhuktisu in their own sub-
prayacchanti give, bestow

Location 2 9 7 9 49%
- kutracit in some place, -
yogajam produce by yoga
phalam fruit, result

"In the period of such a conjunct benefic, the

yogakaraka sometimes bestow the result of
the yoga in their own sub-periods." ( 3 5 )

This verse is related to the previous verse, with
the period and sub-periods reversed. Verse 3 4 was
about the results to be expected in the major pe-
riod of a planet indicating raja yoga and the sub-
period of related o r unrelated "beneficial ones,"
which should be understood to mean trine lords.
This statement i s about the major period of such
trine lords and the sub—periods of indicators of raja

The word kutracit in this verse i s critical to an un-

derstanding of its meaning. It can be translated as
"in some places, somewhere." I n other words, such a
period and sub-period in some cases will also give
the fruit of raja yoga, but the implication i s that it
will not always do so. It i s not further indicated in
the verse when it would, but the logical implica-
tion i s that it would depend o n the overall condi-
tion and disposition of the planets involved.

The famous English poet, George Gordon, better

known as Lord Byron, was born to parents of the
nobility, but his father was a rake and a wastrel
who married his mother for her fortune, and
when he had spent it, deserted mother and child.
Consequently, Bryon grew up in his early child-
hood in relatively impoverished circumstances
and status in life. This all changed overnight at
age 1 0 . From Wikipedia:
Location 3 0 0 3 49%
"When Byron’s great-uncle, "the wicked Lord
Byron, died o n 21 May 1 798, the 10-year-
old boy became the 6th Baron Byron of
Rochdale, and inherited the ancestral home,
Newstead Abbey, in Nottinghamshire."
a. n .—
in... but “I".
.. a“: z‘ £3 11M 2 Tan 1Gum
Sin “to
. IL, (3% L
8”" Lord Byron
'II. Imxum

’. " V9":
3 c" ' am
Blur MI...
1 Eco in VI

Byron was born in his Saturn major period, the

9th lord trine lord well placed in its own 9th
house and conjunct the 5th lord Venus, giving
both a trikona raja yoga and dhana yoga. Note,
however, that it i s also the 8th lord of inheri-
tances. It shows both the high-status birth and
the potential of what did eventually happen to
him in this period.

Saturn-Mercury, which ran very early in life from

age 1 to 4 , i s the major period of an unrelated trine
lord and a planet that i s an indicator of rdja yoga
since Mercury i s the 1 st trine lord in the 7th angle
house. This i s the type of period and sub—period
this verse indicates may o r may not give rdja yoga
phal. However, Mercury i s afflicted by the Rahu-
Ketu axis and by Mars as a particularly malignant
6th lord. It does not appear to have increased his
status o r that of his parents at all.

Location 3 0 2 7 49%
Me M0
M0 V8 Sa
.- A3 I. 7n- ISM 'r-u 100cm

53 £6
‘ afig p «can
Ra _
_ Sa a,
ISCIp 12in

— Su Asking
QVO Su sea a: 1mm .

It was the later sub-period of the Moon which

made him Lord Bryon and elevated his status in
life considerably. The das’a sequence was Saturn-
Moon-Jupiter to be exact.

From the standpoint of the ras’i, by what interpre-

tive principle does the Saturn-Moon period give
him such raja yoga phal? It i s a good question be—
cause from one point of view Saturn-Moon i s the
major period of a trine lord, and the sub-period of
an unrelated mdraka, which i s supposed to pro-
duce rather mixed results.

My answer is that Saturn i s more than just a

trine lord, it i s an indicator of the trikona raja
yoga given in Paras’ara Hard, and that the Moon
i s more than just a mdraka, it i s an unrelated
"causer of good" because of its excellent condition
and participation in both the powerful Bherz' Yoga
and Subha Kartarz' Yoga. In the 11157, the Moon is
also svaksetra and perfectly full. The antar and
pratyantar periods o f Moon-Jupiter activates the
Subha Kartarz‘ Yoga in the context of the rdja yoga
and dhana yoga-giving potential of Saturn as the
mahadas’c‘z lord.

Significantly, see that these two grahas are to-

gether in D-10, with the mahadas’c‘z lord, Saturn,
getting i s debilitation very effectively canceled by
an exchange with its sign lord, an exalted Mars.

Location 3 0 4 1 50%
mm Hfifii Wll'éall
tamograhau s'ubhdrudhdvasambandhena kenacitl
antardes’dnusdrena bhavetarh yogakdrakau ” 3 6H

tamograhau the dark planet

(lunar nodes)
s’ubharudhav mounted on a
good (house)
asambandhena with no connec-
kenacit with something,
antardes’a sub-period
anusarena in accordance
bhavetarh would become
yogakdrakau causers of yoga

"Occupying a good (house), unrelated to any other

(planet), the lunar nodes may become yogakdraka in
accordance with the sub-periods." ( 3 6 )

Earlier in the text, we have been instructed in one
way in which the Nodes of the Moon can give rdja
yoga. When they fall in angle and trine houses,
they act as angle and trine lords. If in an angle and
connected to a trine lord or vice versa, they give
rdja yoga.

Here we are being instructed in another way.

Should they be "mounted in a good house" with-
out any connections, they will give raja yoga in
the sub-periods o f planets who give this result.
"Good houses" means angle and trines, and "causers
of yoga" means any sub-period lord that i s config-
ured in a raja yoga, not just pure yogakarakas like

Location 3 0 6 6 50%

mm Hfifii Wll'éall
tamograhau s'ubhdrudhdvasambandhena kenacitl
antardes’dnusdrena bhavetarh yogakdrakau ” 3 6H

tamograhau the dark planet

(lunar nodes)
s’ubharudhav mounted on a
good (house)
asambandhena with no connec-
kenacit with something,
antardes’a sub-period
anusarena in accordance
bhavetarh would become
yogakdrakau causers of yoga

"Occupying a good (house), unrelated to any other

(planet), the lunar nodes may become yogakdraka in
accordance with the sub-periods." ( 3 6 )

Earlier in the text, we have been instructed in one
way in which the Nodes of the Moon can give rdja
yoga. When they fall in angle and trine houses,
they act as angle and trine lords. If in an angle and
connected to a trine lord or vice versa, they give
rdja yoga.

Here we are being instructed in another way.

Should they be "mounted in a good house" with-
out any connections, they will give raja yoga in
the sub-periods o f planets who give this result.
"Good houses" means angle and trines, and "causers
of yoga" means any sub-period lord that i s config-
ured in a raja yoga, not just pure yogakarakas like

Location 3 0 6 6 50%
Saturn for a Taurus ascendant, though the latter
i s best for giving optimum results if also well-
placed and in strength.

Actor George Clooney first became famous as a

cast member o f the popular TV show E.R. about
the lives of emergency room doctors. It happened
in his Rdhu—Venus period.
Vfiu \ s‘h
Jo." V'"
Sum. 3’ “5': g/Ph 3M 'r-u scum
Me... A... M...
2n 1 a! 9 3 Om

Goons—Gloomy Blu-
3.; m m 13.00
m m xv
. ‘ B I I
7 133! 7w

My, 11 103.» Lu EVlm ‘

Rdhu in his chart falls in the 7th house and i s

not connected by conjunction or aspect with any
other graha. Venus i s a beautiful yogakdraka in its
exaltation sign, Pisces. Note that from Chandra
lagna, Capricorn, Venus i s again the yogakdraka
place in the 3rd house of the performing arts.

The Ketu mahddas’d of former U.S. President

Jimmy Carter i s another example of the interpre-
tive principle given in this verse.

Mun » mflfl Inn
.I 88"
'. Tu am
m.- venr

ann B).-
‘ Is& ® 10on
.5... mm” n.1mmgznm
N u 23 fl 1 11 Leo
an a!”

ag g Boo 1 Lhr 12L

His Ketu falls in the 4th house without being con-

nected through a primary sambhanda with any
other planet in his chart. He became President in

Location 3 0 9 4 50%
the sub-period of Venus,the lagna lord configured
in a rdja yoga with the 9th lord Mercury and 7th
lord Mars.
WWQJT: elm W I
5am: W: "39"
pdpd yadi das‘dndthdh s’ubhc‘mdn’t tadasarhyujdml
bhuktayah pdpaphaladds tatsan'tyuk s'ubhabhuk-
tayah ”37H
papal evil (malefics)
yadi if
das’dndthdh period rulers
s’ubho‘mdn’m of the good
tadasamyujdm/ of those uncon—
nected thereto
bhuktayah sub-periods
tatsan'eyuk connected thereto
s’ubhabhuktayah sub-periods of the

"If the period rulers are malefics, the sub-periods of

unrelated benefics will give evil results; the sub-peri-
ods of related benefics -" (3 7)

Wfiw W W:
bhavanti mis'raphaladd bhuktayo yogakdrindml
atyantapdpaphaladd bhavanti tadasarr'zyujdm II
bhavanti become
mis’raphaladd givers of mixed
bhuktayo sub-periods

Location 3 1 1 1 51%
- yogakdriridm/ causers of yoga -
atyanta absolute
pdpaphalada bestowing evil
bhavanti become
tadasarhyujam of those uncon—
nected thereto

” -will give mixed results, and the sub-periods of

unrelated yogakdraka will give extremely bad re-
sults." ( 3 8 )

See again the chart of a comic actor, Chris Farley,
whose Mercury major period was discussed ear-

.' M DPB 10M ITm 126m


?l 1 @ L02—

Mama 3:;

M." vow"
l I n" Mom 1 CID V 2 L”

m... ‘
San Boo u: v:

Jupiter for Cancer lagna i s something of a paradox

because it rules both the auspicious 9th trine and
the trisaddyd 6th. Pdrds’ara Hard does classify it
as a benefic for this ascendant. It i s also a strong
indicator of raja yoga for Farley's chart because it
i s svaksetra and combines with two angle lords,
the Moon and Venus. Kesarz' Yoga i s formed by
this combination as well. As we saw earlier Mer-
cury-Venus brought his initial stardom as a cast
member of Saturday Night Live. During Mercury-
Jupiter his career in features films began to flour-

Location 3 1 4 6 51%
ish but was abruptly ended when he died of a drug
overdose on December 1 8 , 1 9 9 7, at age 3 3 .

It was the major period of a malefic (i.e. an inaus-

picious trisaddyd 3 r d lord) and the sub-period of
an unrelated yogakdraka, and per this verse, it did
give the very unfortunate result of a drug over-

At the same time, it i s apparent that the Mercury-

Jupiter period, like Mercury—Venus, activated his
Saraswatz' Yoga, and brought him great success
in the performing arts, since earlier that year he
was featured as the main star in the movie, Bev-
erly Hills Ninja, that was a major box office suc-
cess, and for which he was nominated for an MTV
Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance.

But as will be seen, Farley's Mercury-Jupiter period

may also fall under the purview of the next verse
of the Laghu Pdrds’arl'.

mm W H HF W13:
satyapi svena sambandhe na hanti s’ubhabhuktisul
satyapyasambandhe mdrakah pdpabhuktisu ||3 9 | |

sati in the existing

apz' also, even
svena with one's own
sambandhe in the connection
na not
hanti kills
s’ubhabhuktz’su/ in the sub-period
of the good
sati in the existing
apz also, even

Location 3 1 6 6 52%
- asambandhe unconnected -
mc'zrakah killers
pdpabhuktisu sub-period of evil

"Even when related to its own, a maraka does not kill

in the sub—periods of benefics; but it does kill in the
sub-periods even of unrelated malefics." (39)

This verse instructs us about which sub-periods
become most eligible for bringing a person's death
within the mahddas’d of a primary mc'zraka, con-
tingent, of course, o n the longevity of the per-
son having expired. The general principle given
earlier i s that a das’a lord gives its own, fullest
results in the sub-periods of those connected with
it o r those of a similar nature. Here the author i s
informing us that there i s an exception with re-
gards to marakas. They will not kill in the sub-pe-
riods of related o r even unrelated benefics but in
the sub-periods of unrelated malefics.

The terms "benefics" (s'ubhas) and

"malefics" @apas) must be interpreted here, as in
all previous verses, according to the definitions
laid out in the first chapter. Which i s to say that
these terms refer to auspicious and inauspicious
house lords, not to natural benefics and malefics.
However, as the graha highlighted in an earlier
verse as an unqualified maralea, Saturn should
likely be included among what i s meant by papas
here as well.

We saw that Chris Farley died in his Mercury-

Jupiter period. Mercury i s a primary mdraka, po-
sitioned as it is in the 7th house, and as a nat-
ural benefic, while Jupiter i s a trisadaya 6th lord.
The great paradox of his Mercury-Jupiter period i s
Location 3 1 9 8 52%
Mercury-Jupiter period. It caused quite an uproar
among literary critics because of its frank treat-
ment of sexual matters. It was the type of litera-
ture that was condemned publically as immoral,
while privately people could not wait to read it o r
cease to talk about it afterward.

The astrological question to be asked and an-

swered i s why the Jupiter sub-period brought this
peak manifestation of his literary fame/notori-
ety? More that one principle in this chapter may
apply. See verse 3 2 again.

"In its own period and the sub-period of the

ruler of a trine, the ruler of a quadrant be-
stows good, and likewise that (trine ruler in
the sub-period of a n angle ruler) if not con-
nected with evil doers.”

Mercury i s a trine lord, and the Jupiter sub-period

i s that of an unrelated angle lord not connected
to an "evil doer." The question arises though as
to whether it i s also an unrelated "cause of good,"
given its participation in Bherz‘ and Subha Kartarz‘
Yoga. Yet, Mercury i s not just a trine lord, but
also an indicator of rdja yoga. So, this period and
sub-period can be seen as that of two unrelated
"causers ofgood. " The results it gave would suggest
that this latter View i s the correct one.

Though this has nothing to do with interpretive

principles given in this chapter of the Laghu
Paras’arz', certainly a major reason why both Mer-
cury-Venus and Mercury-Jupiter proved so sig-
nificant for his career life and status in the world
has to do with the disposition of these planets in
his das’dms‘a.

His recorded birth time of 2:00 PM gives a Libra

D—1 O lagna, but it i s quite likely a rounded time. If
it i s backed up just six minutes, it becomes Virgo,
Location 3 3 1 0 54%
- asambandhe unconnected -
mc'zrakah killers
pdpabhuktisu sub-period of evil

"Even when related to its own, a maraka does not kill

in the sub—periods of benefics; but it does kill in the
sub-periods even of unrelated malefics." (39)

This verse instructs us about which sub-periods
become most eligible for bringing a person's death
within the mahddas’d of a primary mc'zraka, con-
tingent, of course, o n the longevity of the per-
son having expired. The general principle given
earlier i s that a das’a lord gives its own, fullest
results in the sub-periods of those connected with
it o r those of a similar nature. Here the author i s
informing us that there i s an exception with re-
gards to marakas. They will not kill in the sub-pe-
riods of related o r even unrelated benefics but in
the sub-periods of unrelated malefics.

The terms "benefics" (s'ubhas) and

"malefics" @apas) must be interpreted here, as in
all previous verses, according to the definitions
laid out in the first chapter. Which i s to say that
these terms refer to auspicious and inauspicious
house lords, not to natural benefics and malefics.
However, as the graha highlighted in an earlier
verse as an unqualified maralea, Saturn should
likely be included among what i s meant by papas
here as well.

We saw that Chris Farley died in his Mercury-

Jupiter period. Mercury i s a primary mdraka, po-
sitioned as it is in the 7th house, and as a nat-
ural benefic, while Jupiter i s a trisadaya 6th lord.
The great paradox of his Mercury-Jupiter period i s
Location 3 1 9 8 52%
We have been instructed that the lunar nodes
give the results o f the planets they are sambandha
with as well as their sign lord. Ketu i s with the 6th
lord Mars, i s aspected by Mercury and i s in Mer-
cury's sign. Mercury i s a primary mdraka in his
chart, as it occupies the 7th house, and Mars i s a
secondary mdraka as the 6th lord and worst func-
tional malefic for a Gemini ascendant. The sub-
period lord Venus i s the 1 2 t h lord with Saturn. I
must emphasize again that the activation of these
mdraka planets in the das’d sequence may have
just given serious illness and not death had his
longevity been greater.

W111i W W WWI
mafia fififiw ufisi‘di a m l
parasparadas’dydm svabhuktau sfiryajabhdrgavaul
vyatyayena vis‘esena pradis’etdm s’ubhds’ubham II
40 ”

parasparadas’dydrh in each other's

svabhuktau in one's own sub-
suryajabhdrgavau Saturn and Venus
vyatyayena alternately, by
vis’eseria in particular
pradis’etdm would grant
s’ubhds’ubham good and evil

"I n the other's period and their own sub-period, Sat-

urn and Venus, in particular, give good and evil (re-
sults) by transposition." (40)

I first heard about the peculiar and oftentimes
enigmatic nature of Venus-Saturn and Saturn-
Location 3349 55%
Venus periods from my jyotisa-guru, K.N. Rao.
Later I came across this verse of the Laghu
Pdrds’arl'. Venus and Saturn have a unique rela-
tionship in Jyotisa in that they are both planetary
friends and become the yogakdraka planets for
the lagnas that each one rules. Saturn becomes the
yogakdraka for the Venus—ruled ascendants, Libra
and Taurus, and Venus become the yogakdraka
for the Saturn ruled ascendants, Capricorn and

This verse instructs us that in their mutual das’ds-

antardas’ds they give results according to a differ-
ent interpretive principle than those given thus
far. I n the Venus major period and Saturn sub-
period, the results pertaining primarily to Venus
occur. In the Saturn major period and the sub-pe-
riod of Venus, the results pertaining primarily to
Saturn occur. This i s my understanding and that
of other commentators by what i s meant by vy-
atyayena, or "by transposition." I n other words, the
sub—period lord acts like the major period lord.

By itself, this sounds rather simple and straight-

forward, but in actuality, there i s much more to
consider in order to interpret the results of these
periods and sub-periods accurately. Additionally,
we are told that the results could be good o r bad,
which begs the question, "Depending o n what?"
The answer, of course, i s depending upon the con-
dition and overall disposition of Saturn o r Venus
in a particular chart, their relationship to each
other, and in keeping with all the other principles
of interpretation given in this text, particularly
the effects of planets due to their lordship.

K.N. Rao's book, Successful Predictive Techniques of

Hindu Astrology, contains a chapter o n Venus-Sat-
urn or Saturn-Venus periods that begins as fol-

Location 3 3 7 8 55%
"I have always been afraid of making pre-
dictions when I see anyone running the sub-
period of Venus in the main period of Saturn
or vice versa. In what way can the period be
said to be the best o r the worst period of one’s
life? In the case of Saturn-Venus period, no
emphatic predictions should be made unless
it is studied empirically applying and testing
two out many principles. I f they are an equal
strength is it the period of ruin? If one of
them is weak and the other strong is it a pe-
riod of extraordinary good luck? Similarly,
it is said that if they are placed mutually 6/8
or 2/12 they may not turn out to be good

I came to know that the principles being referred

to here are from verses 2 9 and 3 0 of the sixth
chapter of another Sanskrit classic, Uttard Kalam-
rita. These are as follows:

"If Venus and Saturn are both in their exal-

tation, own, vargottama etc. (in other words,
strong), then in one’s major period and the
other’s sub-period even a king or a wealthy
man becomes a beggar and poor. If one of
them is strong and the other weak then the
results are good."

"If both the planets are weak and placed

in the 6th, 8th, o r 1 2 t h houses from each
other, o r are with the 6th, 8th, or 1 2 t h house
lords, then they bestow all comforts, auspi-
ciousness, and luxuries. If one of them owns
auspicious houses and the other inauspicious
then also both produce good results. If both
planets own evil house then also they are pro-
ductive of good results in their mutual peri-
ods and sub-periods"

Location 3 4 0 1 56%
Like all statements in Sanskrit classics they must
be tested and understood in the light of empirical
research and experience, but it appears that it was
from these verses initially that Venus and Saturn
as periods and sub-periods gained the reputation
of being capable o f bringing about dramatic rever-
sals in fortune along the line o f "the prince becomes
a pauper and the pauper becomes a prince." Shri Rao
also acknowledges this when later in his chapter
he states: "Saturn-Venus will generally give success
when least expected, and humiliation too, with stun-
ning suddenness."

However, if you get dogmatic in the application

of such a principle, you are bound to go wrong,
so the trick i s knowing how to accurately evalu-
ate these periods. Shri Rao recommends that you
start with looking at the lordship of Saturn and
Venus and what kind of planet it becomes for
a particular ascendant based o n the principles
given in the first chapter of the Laghu Pc'zrc'zs’ari.

Ascendant Venus Saturn

Aries malefic and malefic
Taurus malefic very
Gemini very mixed (9th
benefic and 8th
Cancer malefic malefic and
Leo malefic malefic and

Location 3 4 1 7 56%
_ Virgo very mixed (5th _
benefic and 6th
Libra mixed ( 1 s t very
and 8th benefic
Scorpio malefic and malefic
Sagittarius very malefic and
malefic mdraka
Capricorn very mdraka
Aquarius very benefic
Pisces very malefic

Whereas this i s a good starting point for evaluat-

ing what results Venus and Saturn can give, these
get modified by their house placements, condi-
tions of strength o r weakness, as well as conjunc-
tions and aspects with other planets. Shri Rao

"If involved in a rdja yoga and also a

mdraka, generally gives both - a lamps last

"The sub-sub-period decides the final out-

come after the sub-period has indicated the
trend of events."

He also highlights the positional relationship

from both the birth lagna and between these
planets as part o f an essential guideline for sound
interpretation, as i s emphasized in the descrip-
tion of these periods given in Paras'ara Hora:
Location 3 4 3 9 56%

"In the antardas’d of Saturn in the mahadas’a

of Venus, if Saturn is in deep exaltation,
exaltation o r own sign; in the angle, trine,
or exalted or own sign in navdms’a, it
will confer great comforts, meeting with the
beloved brothers, happiness from authori-
ties, birth of a child, gain from pilgrimage to
holy shrines, accomplishment of noble deeds
through religion and charities, results like
promotion from employer. If Saturn is in
the sign of debilitation, this period will cause

"If Saturn is placed in the 8th, o r the 12th

house from the ascendant or from Venus,
its antardas’a will produce lethargy, expendi-
ture in excess of income. In the beginning of
the antardasd there will be various kinds of
trouble, distress to parent, pain to wife and
children too, touring around foreign coun-
tries, loss of cattle, like cows, bufialos etc.
Should Saturn be the lord of the 2nd or the
7th houses, it will cause physical discom-


"During the antardas'd of Venus in the ma-

hadas’d of Saturn, if Venus is exalted o r in
its own sign, or in a n angle or trine or the
1 1 t h house duly conjunct with the benefic
planet, the results will be acquisition of wife,
children and wealth, sound health, great
functions, prosperity at home, gain of king-
dom, utmost happiness, felicitation in the
community; ofi'ering respect to the king, gain
of favorite clothes; benefit of clothes from
difierent islands, acquisition of white horse
and bufialo."
Location 3463 57%
"If there is a favorable transit of Jupiter
at that time, rise and fortune, comforts,
wealth, and assets are the kinds of results
attained. With favorable transit of Saturn,
the interaction of these combinations will
give fructification to the result."

"If Venus is in debilitation or combust or

placed in the 6th, 8th, o r 12th, there will b e a
loss of a wife, marital conflict, destruction of
place, mental agony, conflict with wife and
near relatives, distress and opposition from
the public.‘I

"Placement of Venus from the lord of the

mahadas’d at the 9th, in an angle or the
1 1 t h will produce results like afiection from
the king and attainment of ambitions plans;
attached with charity, benevolence and reli-
gious deeds; gain from pilgrimages, acquir-
ing knowledge of s’dstras, composition of
poems, listening to religious discourses, plea—
sure of wife and children. These results
would undoubtedly occur. "

"If Venus is placed in the 1 2th, the 6th, or the

8th house from the mahadas’d lord, its antar-
das‘d will cause eye disease, danger of fever,
distressed with the behavior of the family,
dental and gum pains, pains in the heart and
the anus, danger of drowning, mental dis-
tress, possibility of falling from tress, public
resentment in the assembly of the king, con-
frontation with brothers etc.

What i s given here i s more like the standard prin-

ciples for interpreting any period/sub-period and
makes no mention of any unique way in which
Venus-Saturn o r Saturn-Venus periods are to be
assessed. If the sub-period lord i s in a good con-
dition, and well placed both from the birth lagna
Location 3480 57%
and the das’d lagna, then good things occur. The
reverse i s true for the opposite situation.

Since first learning about the way in which these

periods and sub-periods get a special mention in
both the Laghu Pdrds’arz' and Uttard Kalamrita, I
have always looked for opportunities to investi-
gate what results they give.

Min n

I1 I t . Kb"1 PB gm Tan 10can

“an" mm
Von Elm
. . ml_. @ un—
film mm m
“Liliflm I?”
m mun.
10 Sn: 2 E22 12 L”
n 1 /
M '3';
8313 Geo m 1 “m

I n the chart of American actor, Richard Cham-

berlain, Saturn and Venus are so closely conjunct
as to be in a planetary war. Regardless, their con-
junction additionally with Mercury produces the
kind of good rdja yoga referred to in verse 1 7 of
the second chapter.

"If the strong ruler of an angle is connected to

the ruler of either of the two lords of trines, it
causes a good yoga."

We have seen earlier that the combination of Mer-

cury and Venus for a Virgo ascendant form the
best rdja yoga, and now here there i s the 5th trine
lord added to it, though Saturn has the blemish
of its additional lordship of the 6th and this rdja
yoga falls in the 6th house.

However, from a strong Chandra lagna with the

Moon vargottama, the Mercury, Venus, Saturn
combination in Aquarius becomes even better,
with Saturn as the yogakdraka conjunct the 1st
and 9th lords in the 5th house.

Location 3 4 9 8 57%
in making this period and sub-period so fortunate
in his career life.
no P...

' Su 5%
”- K9 m EM Tau am
.42 A8 VeSa
Sa . . Mo W @ '°"
Ve ,.
/ Ma 5J2 / I EMS
12' E .0 ~22

Su @715.»
Ashe: m Jun 11m

Both are vargottama relative to this divisional

with Saturn again in its malatrikona sign.

According to the principle given in this verse 4 0

of the Laghu Pdrds’arz', Saturn-Venus would give to
an exceptional degree the results of Saturn and it
did, that result being powerful rdja yoga. Then re-
call this quote from K.N. Rao:

"The sub-sub—period decides the final out-

come after the sub-period has indicated the
trend of events."

Shogun first aired in his Saturn-Venus-Saturn pe-


Contrast the Saturn-Venus period of Richard

Chamberlain to that of mega-entertainer, Frank
Sinatra, whose career and personal life took a
major nosedive during this time period. I n his
case the saying "the prince becomes a pauper"
nearly came true. Sinatra ran this period from De-
cember 1 9 4 8 to March 1952.

From Wikipedia:

"Cementing the low of his career was the

death of publicist George Evans from a heart
attack in January 1950 at 48. According
to Jimmy Van Heusen, Sinatra's close friend

Location 3 5 3 2 58%
The prince did not become a pauper, but during
this time period his palace was destroyed. Jabbar's
mansion in the Bel Air area of LA. burned down.
Saturn and Venus are in a 6 - 8 relationship, and
from das’d lagna (Cancer) Venus becomes the 4th
lord of the home in the 8th house.
Kareem particularly mourned the loss of his jazz
music collection consisting of over 3 , 0 0 0 albums,
given that his father had been a jazz musician
and had instilled in him a great love of this mu-
sical genre. However, the experience had an un-
expected transforming effect o n his life. When
fans learned o f his misfortune they began send-
ing him replacements. This apparently happened
o n a very large scale and touched him very deeply,
renewing his essential faith in the goodness and
generosity of others.

For the former Prime Minister of India, Indira

Gandhi, the Saturn-Venus period was much more
tragic in some ways, yet did bring a favorable re-
versal of fortune. Unlike in the previous three ex-
amples, neither become yogakdrakas; rather, both
are functional malefics for her Cancer ascendant,
with Saturn additionally taking o n mc'zraka status.
Through the 1 - 7 exchange with the lagna lord,
Moon, Saturn does give rdja yoga, yet it i s also the
8th lord in the l s t house hemmed by malefics. I n
Saturn-Ketu she suffered the humiliation of being
voted out of office, with these two grahas in a 2—1 2
relationship i s both the birth chart and D—1 0.

Location 3 5 9 6 59%
The prince did not become a pauper, but during
this time period his palace was destroyed. Jabbar's
mansion in the Bel Air area of LA. burned down.
Saturn and Venus are in a 6 - 8 relationship, and
from das’d lagna (Cancer) Venus becomes the 4th
lord of the home in the 8th house.
Kareem particularly mourned the loss of his jazz
music collection consisting of over 3 , 0 0 0 albums,
given that his father had been a jazz musician
and had instilled in him a great love of this mu-
sical genre. However, the experience had an un-
expected transforming effect o n his life. When
fans learned o f his misfortune they began send-
ing him replacements. This apparently happened
o n a very large scale and touched him very deeply,
renewing his essential faith in the goodness and
generosity of others.

For the former Prime Minister of India, Indira

Gandhi, the Saturn-Venus period was much more
tragic in some ways, yet did bring a favorable re-
versal of fortune. Unlike in the previous three ex-
amples, neither become yogakdrakas; rather, both
are functional malefics for her Cancer ascendant,
with Saturn additionally taking o n mc'zraka status.
Through the 1 - 7 exchange with the lagna lord,
Moon, Saturn does give rdja yoga, yet it i s also the
8th lord in the l s t house hemmed by malefics. I n
Saturn-Ketu she suffered the humiliation of being
voted out of office, with these two grahas in a 2—1 2
relationship i s both the birth chart and D—1 0.

Location 3 5 9 6 59%
III .—
l JQ‘S'U Key“
M." m-
E‘NDR 10M ‘1'”
6' s.” I:

(a 1 Cl:
7 ‘ L

Indira‘éandm Maim
M0935. III-I mwmr mun
Sun I.”
m” ll 35”
" " Men-1
9'13' SUg-r
R'" Leg 15Son u. ”a

Saturn-Venus was next, with both planets having

strength in her navdrhs’a.

| A:

1 p.
in 2 on Sa Mo

3’ s 1 2 M“ 56-!

Ra Sa

4 . 1L9!!! Bun

1 M8
Ke Ve
Su Ma Va Mo \ 1!) Eco LI)! 7mm

I n the birth chart, Venus fa]ls in the 6th house

of "the fight," involved in a 6-11 exchange with
Jupiter. She fought back politically and became
Prime Minister again in Saturn-Venus-Saturn,
with Saturn exalted in D-10 and with Venus fall-
ing 10th from Saturn, strong by virtue of its ex-
change with the Moon.

Ma Me
/Mo 49'
As ,
an: M Tu 70cm
88 Ve
Ra " BM: @ noun

1 I Su ftp I nun
I I . Mo

:12 As Mo 1 Sa Ke
V0 134. 128cc mus

Location 3 6 1 4 59%
III .—
l JQ‘S'U Key“
M." m-
E‘NDR 10M ‘1'”
6' s.” I:

(a 1 Cl:
7 ‘ L

Indira‘éandm Maim
M0935. III-I mwmr mun
Sun I.”
m” ll 35”
" " Men-1
9'13' SUg-r
R'" Leg 15Son u. ”a

Saturn-Venus was next, with both planets having

strength in her navdrhs’a.

| A:

1 p.
in 2 on Sa Mo

3’ s 1 2 M“ 56-!

Ra Sa

4 . 1L9!!! Bun

1 M8
Ke Ve
Su Ma Va Mo \ 1!) Eco LI)! 7mm

I n the birth chart, Venus fa]ls in the 6th house

of "the fight," involved in a 6-11 exchange with
Jupiter. She fought back politically and became
Prime Minister again in Saturn-Venus-Saturn,
with Saturn exalted in D-10 and with Venus fall-
ing 10th from Saturn, strong by virtue of its ex-
change with the Moon.

Ma Me
/Mo 49'
As ,
an: M Tu 70cm
88 Ve
Ra " BM: @ noun

1 I Su ftp I nun
I I . Mo

:12 As Mo 1 Sa Ke
V0 134. 128cc mus

Location 3 6 1 4 59%

1 Cl:


Boo u: VI

Aside from this, however, Saturn-Venus was

among the worst periods o f her life according to
biographer, a time in which she suffered many
humiliations and the terrible grief o f losing her
beloved son, Sanjay, who died in an airplane crash
during this time in Saturn-Venus-Mercury. Sat-
urn i s in the 1 2th house of loss in her saptamsha.

Yet, I have also seen these periods be a total night-

mare, as they were in the case of the French politi-
cian, Simone Veil, who was a survivor of the Nazi
concentration camp at Auschwitz. Most of her
Jewish family perished in such camps.

“9" m. Rag,
Ma...,,3 " “ a Su .
,0 or; ‘3‘ w you: 116cm”:
film . oz 7 Ag ‘ ® 1::
Simone Veil
wu. manm u m V012,.
”It: . 1 no» “'"jP“ 1Lou
5.9.5" EMT
». m aSea w m
It happened in her Venus-Saturn—Venus period,
which makes me wonder if the correct lagna i s
Virgo, not Leo, though this birth time does come
from a written record. This would put the major
period lord, Venus in the 1 2th house, aspected by
the 6th lord Saturn. With either Leo or Virgo
as the ascendant, Saturn i s the 6th lord from the

Location 3 6 2 2 59%
birth lagna and in the 1 2th from Chandra lagna in
a sarpa drekkana.

What these examples of Venus-Saturn and Sat-

urn-Venus periods illustrate i s that one cannot
make any generalized interpretation of them. It
all depends o n the disposition of these grahas in a
particular chart.
_ _ fl —

19": III: a
3"“ A'" 1°
u Morn
393 SM “run scum
M "
Ear- M0." mm
M. "’ 1g! ‘ 33 non


. , 5"" J122-: "imam

' mo
‘ I
Mg," 11 103cc Lu VI

For the beloved actress, Audrey Hepburn, her star

never shown brighter than in her Saturn-Venus
period, during which she gave her iconic perfor-
mance as the free spirit, Holly Golightly, in the
film adaptation of Turman Capote's Breakfast at
Tifiiany’s. Her Saturn i s the lagna lord in the 1 1th
house in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter. Venus
i s a vargottama and exalted yogakdraka for her
Aquarius lagna.

In her das’dms’a Saturn and Venus are in a mutual

glance along the favorable 5 - 11 axis in strength.
Saturn i s in its malatrikona sign and Venus is in an
exchange with its sign lord, Sun.

\MaMe Me / Mo
A3 \ Ma A3
Mo ’ ' “ E12 Pb 1M TI] 5 0'“

El E
.K_°. ‘' fl \ "Aqu @ lean
8“ BaJp 19
u u 199—9
19 Su
fig gs.» 7w BVlm
Location 3 6 3 3 60%
birth lagna and in the 1 2th from Chandra lagna in
a sarpa drekkana.

What these examples of Venus-Saturn and Sat-

urn-Venus periods illustrate i s that one cannot
make any generalized interpretation of them. It
all depends o n the disposition of these grahas in a
particular chart.
_ _ fl —

19": III: a
3"“ A'" 1°
u Morn
393 SM “run scum
M "
Ear- M0." mm
M. "’ 1g! ‘ 33 non


. , 5"" J122-: "imam

' mo
‘ I
Mg," 11 103cc Lu VI

For the beloved actress, Audrey Hepburn, her star

never shown brighter than in her Saturn-Venus
period, during which she gave her iconic perfor-
mance as the free spirit, Holly Golightly, in the
film adaptation of Turman Capote's Breakfast at
Tifiiany’s. Her Saturn i s the lagna lord in the 1 1th
house in Jupiter's sign aspected by Jupiter. Venus
i s a vargottama and exalted yogakdraka for her
Aquarius lagna.

In her das’dms’a Saturn and Venus are in a mutual

glance along the favorable 5 - 11 axis in strength.
Saturn i s in its malatrikona sign and Venus is in an
exchange with its sign lord, Sun.

\MaMe Me / Mo
A3 \ Ma A3
Mo ’ ' “ E12 Pb 1M TI] 5 0'“

El E
.K_°. ‘' fl \ "Aqu @ lean
8“ BaJp 19
u u 199—9
19 Su
fig gs.» 7w BVlm
Location 3 6 3 3 60%
Such a period had to prove very fortunate for her
professionally. What it meant in other areas of
her life i s unknown to me.

mm W fiwfi m u m "
rdjayogdviti proktarh vikhydto vijayz' bhavet ” 4 III

lagnakarma ascendant and

works (10th)
adhinetdrau the two rulers
anyony-ds’raya exchange
sarhsthitau placed
rdjayogau rdja yoga
iti thus
proktam proclaimed
vikhydto explained
vijayz' victorious
bhavet becomes

"If the lords of Lagna and Karma (1 st and 10th

lords) stay in each other’s house, they produce rdja
yoga, thus it is known, one becomes famous and vic-
torious." (41)

It i s a curiosity that this treatise ends by high-
lighting two specific rdja yogas that can make a
person particularly famous (proletarh) and victori-
ous (vijayf) according to verse 4 1 and 4 2 . One i s
the exchange between the 1 s t and 10th lords. The
exchange, of course, i s the strongest way in which
two house lords can combine. Since the lagna lord
i s "especially auspicious, " ruling both an angle and
a trine, and since the 10th i s the strongest angle
lord, it stands to reason that their exchange forms
Location 3650 60%
a particularly powerful rdja yoga. Parivartana
yogas automatically give both planets a source of
strength since now their results come as if they
were in their own signs.

The best variety of these would be where both

the l s t and 10th lords are unblemished by lord-
ship of the inauspicious trisadayas, o r of the 8th,
but even with such blemishes, this combination
would still give a powerful raja yoga, For Aries
lagna it creates a curious situation in which the
10th lord Saturn goes into its debilitation sign
but giving nz‘cabhar’tga raja yoga, while the l s t lord
Mars gets exalted.

in" hl“

’3 g: " 12n- 1M Tn loan

an Wu

V 4' Mo..- 1159 (a Ian

'2: France Nu “n
h 7’81"“. gum
My" 5L»
.. B. .. 1939
7“" IVE]

France Nuyen is a French-Vietnamese actress who

first made a name for herself when she was cast
in the lead role of the popular Broadway play, The
World of Suzie Wong in 1958. That same year she
appeared in the Rogers and Hammerstein musical
South Pacific when it was made into a motion pic-
ture. It was her Rahu-Ketu period.

Her chart features 7 out of 9 grahas in angle

houses, that includes an exchange between Mars
and Saturn as the l s t and 10th lords. The major
period lord, Rahu, i s giving raja yoga through its
dispositor, Venus, who i s the 7th angle lord con-
junct the ruler of the 5th trine, Sun, in an angle
house. The mutual aspect between Venus and the
1st lord Mars creates an additional angle-trine

Location 3 6 8 1 60%
of the yoga deteriorates, and how the whole chart
i s negatively impacted by the malefic hemming of
the lagna.

WEI—«PW Tammi firm m u m "
rdjayogdviti proktam vikhydto vijayz' bhavet ll42||

dharmakarma virtue and works

(9th, 10th)
adhinetc‘zrau the two rulers
anyony-c'zs’raya exchange
sarhsthitau placed
rdjayogau rdja yoga
iti thus
proktarh proclaimed
vikhydto explained
viiayz' victorious
bhavet becomes

“I f the lords of Dharma and Karma (9th and 10'th

lords) stay in each other’s house, they produce rdja
yoga, - thus it is known, and one becomes famous
and victorious." (42)

This yoga has already been highlighted in the first
part of verse 1 6 o f the second chapter, which i s
why I find it curious that in atext where it appears
the author was really committed to brevity, it i s
mentioned twice.

“Of the 9th and 10th, if those two should

dwell in each other’s houses, in one place, or

Location 3 7 4 8 61%
also if one should dwell in the house of the
other, they becomeyogakaraka." (16)

My only thought this way i s that the Laghu

Pdrds’arz' i s predominantly about planets that be-
come indicators of raja yoga and when the fruit
of the yoga would manifest in the person's life.
Unless over the centuries the text has become
corrupt and this isn't really the verse chosen by
the author to end his work, it could be that the
9 - 1 0 exchange i s again emphasized since it is, as
it were, the "king" of angle-trine raja yogas. I will
acknowledge though that this i s pure speculation
o n my part.

Examples were shown earlier, but now see an-

other in the chart of Dr. Deepak Chopra.

‘1: 327'; QM [Tm scum

m" 2 11. n" 1&— BCI'I

’ VIII, W1.“ ‘Inu m
Mo». Mum Ian
13% 7 7|.”
I m"
‘ ‘ ”If.
mm; “W W'-
Wu: mm
a." a?"

b 11 10 See I.” m

The interesting thing about his exchange between

the 9th lord and yogakaraka planet, Venus, and
the 10th lord, Mars i s how the fruit of this yoga
manifested more indirectly in the das’as of associ-
His Rahu major period brought these results be-
cause Rahu i s both in the sign of Venus and as-
pected by Venus. It was during this time that he
became a very successful doctor, but he was not
particularly famous. Great fame came in the sub-
sequent Jupiter major period, giving the results
of the strongest house lord with whom it i s con-
nected as an impressionable 2nd lord. This would

Location 3 7 8 0 62%
be Mars as the 10th lord. Of course, there i s more
going on here, since Jupiter gives the results o f the
multiple angle-trine combinations that form in
the best trine house.

on... an... / au.

v."mw‘ “or.
“I?! “In

iI ‘3" 12 Ph 1M Ta 3 can
Mr" K...

g h— 11 u (a loan
Mo... In... a... “a“
“In no s u m a c
,. '. “'22! we

as; gaco nu my

August Thyssen i s not a recognizable name in

the present age in the U.S., but he was quite a
'famous and victorious" German industrialist, var-
iously referred to in his homeland at the time as
"the King" and the "Rockefeller of the Ruhr." He was
a self-made man who recognized the vast natural
resources of the Ruhr for iron and steel produc-
tion and literally transformed the region. By the
commencement of World War I, he was employ-
ing 50,000 workers and producing one million
tons of steel and iron a year. His great success and
status in Germany coincided with the Rdhu and
Jupiter mahddas’ds, both of which are giving the
results of the 9-10 exchange between Jupiter and
Saturn in his chart.

Whereas these examples illustrate that the 9-10

exchange creates a very powerful rcija yoga, I must
caution readers against pronouncing great suc-
cess and fame for a person just on the basis of see-
ing this in a chart.

Location 3 7 9 8 62%
Laghu Piriéari
The Indian method of learning in the days of
the gurukulam put an emphasis o n memorization.
Young students were asked to learn by rote por-
tions of Sanskrit texts whose meaning they might
not even comprehend for the most part at that
stage of their development. As their experience
with the subject matter grew through the oral
instruction of a teacher, so did their comprehen-
sion of the meaning of the statements they had
memorized. What began as simple brute memory
later came alive in their intellects as understand-
ing dawned.

It is my belief that a text like the Laghu Pdrdsarz'

came into being as a set of summarized interpre-
tive principles condensed enough that they could
be committed to memory. It was intended to ex-
tract, as it were, some of the essence of Pards’ara
Hard, to be learned by rote, and then expounded
upon and illustrated by an experienced teacher.
The latter i s what I have tried to do in this book. To
what degree I have succeeded i s up to the reader to
decide. If I have succeeded at all, it i s only because
I have had the great good fortune of having Shri
K.N. Rao as my teacher, who came into my life in
the period and sub-period of the only two planets
in my own chart that form rdja yoga. I thank God
and the Lords of Karma for that!

Location 3 8 4 2 63%
Golden Keys to Jyoti s a

Location 3 8 5 8 64%
Golden Keys to Jyoti s a

Location 3 8 5 8 64B
A major source of confusion among students of
Jyotisa centers around the effects of planets in
their periods and sub-periods due to their lord-
ships. This has to do with which planets function
as temporal benefics and which planets function
as temporal malefics for each of the twelve differ-
ent ascendants, regardless o f their inherent na-
ture. Additionally, what does that mean exactly?
I n Pdrc'zs’ara Hora, the Sage pronounces o n this
vital subject in his chapter entitled “Yogakdrakas.”

The problem is that there appears to be some

inconsistency in what Parasara says. For example,
we are told at the beginning of the chapter that
the lagna lord i s always auspicious since it rules
both an angle and a trine. Yet later, when the func-
tional malefics for a Taurus ascendant are enu-
merated, Venus, the lagna lord, i s included in this
category, presumably because of its simultaneous
lordship of the 6th house. Some commentators
have suggested that since Libra i s the malatrikona
sign of Venus, its lordship of the 6th takes prece—
dence, making it a functional malefic for this
lag'na. However later, when speaking of Scorpio
lagna, Parasara refers to Mars, the lagna lord, as a
neutral, even though it also rules the 6th house
through its malatrikona sign, Aries.

It i s this type of thing that can drive a stu-

dent of Jyotisa mad—or to his meditation pillow.
However, I’ve learned not to doubt Pdrds’ara Hord.
What may seem like a contradiction o r an incon-
sistency at first i s usually my own lack of compre-
hension—and sometimes that of the translator/
commentator as well.

Which planets function as benefics, and which

planets function as malefics for each lagna i s
something about which the Sage i s very explicit.
Explaining why this i s so in each case i s not some-

Location 3 8 6 4 63%
A major source of confusion among students of
Jyotisa centers around the effects of planets in
their periods and sub-periods due to their lord-
ships. This has to do with which planets function
as temporal benefics and which planets function
as temporal malefics for each of the twelve differ-
ent ascendants, regardless o f their inherent na-
ture. Additionally, what does that mean exactly?
I n Pdrc'zs’ara Hora, the Sage pronounces o n this
vital subject in his chapter entitled “Yogakdrakas.”

The problem is that there appears to be some

inconsistency in what Parasara says. For example,
we are told at the beginning of the chapter that
the lagna lord i s always auspicious since it rules
both an angle and a trine. Yet later, when the func-
tional malefics for a Taurus ascendant are enu-
merated, Venus, the lagna lord, i s included in this
category, presumably because of its simultaneous
lordship of the 6th house. Some commentators
have suggested that since Libra i s the malatrikona
sign of Venus, its lordship of the 6th takes prece—
dence, making it a functional malefic for this
lag'na. However later, when speaking of Scorpio
lagna, Parasara refers to Mars, the lagna lord, as a
neutral, even though it also rules the 6th house
through its malatrikona sign, Aries.

It i s this type of thing that can drive a stu-

dent of Jyotisa mad—or to his meditation pillow.
However, I’ve learned not to doubt Pdrds’ara Hord.
What may seem like a contradiction o r an incon-
sistency at first i s usually my own lack of compre-
hension—and sometimes that of the translator/
commentator as well.

Which planets function as benefics, and which

planets function as malefics for each lagna i s
something about which the Sage i s very explicit.
Explaining why this i s so in each case i s not some-

Location 3 8 6 4 63%
thing he does, but rather implies, based o n the
principles laid down at the beginning of the chap-
ter. Apply these principles and one finds that the
conclusions drawn are completely coherent and
perfectly consistent. This article outlines these
principles in detail and gives illustrations using
the charts of well-known personalities.

The source material for what follows i s a transla-

tion of the chapter entitled “Yogakarakas” in the
Brhat Pdrds’ara Hora Sastra that I had done by a
Sanskrit scholar that I trust, who i s also adept
in Jyotisa. Mostly I intend to let the Sage speak
for himself. However, I will also incorporate com-
ments from my teacher, K.N. Rao, especially those
from his book Astrology, Destiny, and the Wheel of

The Interpretive Principles

The Sage introduces his subject in the first s’loka of

the chapter:

"Thus, 0 Brahmin, I have explained the re-

sults arising from the karakams’a. Hear now
the results of planetary combinations aris-
ing from the rulership of houses.”

I n the next sixteen s’lokas Parasara then goes o n

to enumerate some general principles with the
usual economy of words that i s characteristic of
the Sanskrit style of writing. For ease o f digestion,
I am separating principles that are distinct from
one another, and numbering them for ready ref-
erence later on. Note that these are my divisions,
not Parasara’s.

The general principles will be given in toto first,

and then discussed individually:

1 . Natural benefics ruling the angle houses

do not give auspicious results, while natu-
Location 3 8 8 6 64%
thing he does, but rather implies, based o n the
principles laid down at the beginning of the chap-
ter. Apply these principles and one finds that the
conclusions drawn are completely coherent and
perfectly consistent. This article outlines these
principles in detail and gives illustrations using
the charts of well-known personalities.

The source material for what follows i s a transla-

tion of the chapter entitled “Yogakarakas” in the
Brhat Pdrds’ara Hora Sastra that I had done by a
Sanskrit scholar that I trust, who i s also adept
in Jyotisa. Mostly I intend to let the Sage speak
for himself. However, I will also incorporate com-
ments from my teacher, K.N. Rao, especially those
from his book Astrology, Destiny, and the Wheel of

The Interpretive Principles

The Sage introduces his subject in the first s’loka of

the chapter:

"Thus, 0 Brahmin, I have explained the re-

sults arising from the karakams’a. Hear now
the results of planetary combinations aris-
ing from the rulership of houses.”

I n the next sixteen s’lokas Parasara then goes o n

to enumerate some general principles with the
usual economy of words that i s characteristic of
the Sanskrit style of writing. For ease o f digestion,
I am separating principles that are distinct from
one another, and numbering them for ready ref-
erence later on. Note that these are my divisions,
not Parasara’s.

The general principles will be given in toto first,

and then discussed individually:

1 . Natural benefics ruling the angle houses

do not give auspicious results, while natu-
Location 3 8 8 6 64%
ral malefics ruling the angle houses do not
give inauspicious efiects.

2 . The lords of the trines (whether a natural

benefic or malefic) give auspicious efiects.

3 . Being an angle and a trine both, the ascen-

dant, in particular, bestows good results.

4 . The 5th and the 9th houses are especially

related to wealth.

5 . And the 7th and the 1 0th houses to happi-


6. All the planets ruling the trisaddyd (the

3rd, 6th, and 1 1 t h houses) are known as
givers of inauspicious efiects.

7. The rulers of the 2nd, the 12th, and the

8th houses bestow results according to
their association (with other house lords)
and according to the other house, they

8 . And they are stronger in their qualities in

the ascending order.

9 . Among these, the 8th lord is not auspi-

cious because he owns the 1 2th house from
the 9th house.

1 0 . And if he (the 8th lord) is also the lord

of the 3rd, 6th, o r 1 1 th house simultane-
ously he becomes still more inauspicious,

1 1 . But ifhe is also the lord ofa trine (1, 5,

9) he becomes more auspicious in giving

1 2 . Among the combinations thus stated,

the stronger will obstruct the weaker.

Location 3 9 0 8 64%
1 3 . Here, there is no fault for the Sun and
Moon in ruling the eighth house.

Parasara then tells us which planets are natural

benefics and which are the natural malefics:

1 4 . Jupiter and Venus are said to b e natu-

ral benefics, while the Moon is said to be

1 5 . Mercury is neutral.

1 6. And the Sun, Saturn, and Mars are natu-

ral malefics.

1 7. Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus

are increasingly powerful (as natural

1 8 . A dark Moon, the Sun, Saturn, and Mars

are likewise increasing powerful (as nat-
ural malefics).

1 9 . The fault, which has been ascribed to

benefics in ruling angles, is increasingly
powerful in the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter,
and Venus.

The Sage now gives those principles that make

planets rc'zja yogakarakas, combinations that can
bring especially fortunate results:

20. If the ruler of an angle and the ruler of

a trine were to occupy each other’s house
(exchange of houses).

2 1 . Or, if they are in conjunction in a house.

22. Or, if either of them occupies the other’s


Location 3 9 3 6 64%
2 3 . Or, if they are in mutual aspect, they
are yogakarakas (they cause auspicious

24. In this yoga, a king is born or a com-

moner attains fame.

25. If one planet ruling a trine also becomes

the ruler of an angle and occupies either
an angle or a trine, it becomes a singular

The Sage now qualifies the principle with which

he began the chapter, stipulating under what con-
ditions malefic planets that rule angles can actu-
ally become auspicious planets or yogakarakas:

26. The good efiects ascribed to natu—

ral malefics when they rule angles ex-
ists only when they simultaneously rule
trines, and not by their merely ruling an-

2 7 . If an angular lord or a trinal lord is

simultaneously the lord of any malefic
houses (3,6,11), a man thus born does
not get raja yoga by their mere connec-

Since Rahu and Ketu do not rule any houses, the

Sage next informs us as to how they should be

The shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu give

predominantly the efiects of the ruler of the
houses with who they are in conjunction, o r
of the house in which they are situated.

If the shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu oc-

cupy a n angle or trine and are conjunct o r
aspected by a ruler of the other, they become
Location 3961 65%
These principles and the inferences that can be
drawn from them are elaborated in K.N. Rao’s
book Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time,
and I strongly encourage the reader to partake of
this excellent commentary. However, I have yet
to see a complete and thorough discussion of why
Paraéara classifies each planet as he does based o n
these principles, and with illustrations. It is what
I now propose to do after first giving the transla-
tion of the Sage’s classifications for each lagna.

Auspicious and Inauspicious

Planets for Each Lagna

Aries Ascendant

“Although ruling the 8th house, Mars will

give good efiects when associated with aus-
picious planets (trine lords). Saturn, Mer-
cury, and Venus are malefics, while Jupiter
and the Sun are benefics. No good arises by
the mere combination of Saturn and Jupiter,
and Jupiter, coming under the influence
of malefics, will certainly give bad results.
Venus, being marked as a fatal planet, will
certainly kill; the malefic planets beginning
with Saturn will also kill.”

Mars i s the lagna lord for an Aries ascendant, and

according to one o f the principles laid down at
the beginning of the chapter, the lagna lord i s es-
pecially auspicious since the 1 s t house is both an
angle and a trine. Moreover, another principle ap-
plies here that improves the disposition o f Mars
for this lagna. We were told that a natural malefic
like Mars sheds its malefic nature when ruling an

However, Mars also rules the 8th house from this

lagna. Recall that we were given the principle
that the 8th lord (since it represents the loss of
Location 3 9 8 3 65%
These principles and the inferences that can be
drawn from them are elaborated in K.N. Rao’s
book Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time,
and I strongly encourage the reader to partake of
this excellent commentary. However, I have yet
to see a complete and thorough discussion of why
Paraéara classifies each planet as he does based o n
these principles, and with illustrations. It is what
I now propose to do after first giving the transla-
tion of the Sage’s classifications for each lagna.

Auspicious and Inauspicious

Planets for Each Lagna

Aries Ascendant

“Although ruling the 8th house, Mars will

give good efiects when associated with aus-
picious planets (trine lords). Saturn, Mer-
cury, and Venus are malefics, while Jupiter
and the Sun are benefics. No good arises by
the mere combination of Saturn and Jupiter,
and Jupiter, coming under the influence
of malefics, will certainly give bad results.
Venus, being marked as a fatal planet, will
certainly kill; the malefic planets beginning
with Saturn will also kill.”

Mars i s the lagna lord for an Aries ascendant, and

according to one o f the principles laid down at
the beginning of the chapter, the lagna lord i s es-
pecially auspicious since the 1 s t house is both an
angle and a trine. Moreover, another principle ap-
plies here that improves the disposition o f Mars
for this lagna. We were told that a natural malefic
like Mars sheds its malefic nature when ruling an

However, Mars also rules the 8th house from this

lagna. Recall that we were given the principle
that the 8th lord (since it represents the loss of
Location 3 9 8 3 65%
fortune, being 1 2 t h from the 9th) has a special
propensity to be inauspicious, though we are ad-
ditionally told that this will depend upon its asso-
ciations and the other house it rules. Since in this
case the other house (the lst) i s its malatrikona
sign and a trine, the conclusion i s that Mars can
bring good results when well associated.

But note that the Sage stops short of classifying

Mars as a full-blown auspicious planet for this
lagna. He indicates that it can only be helpful if
another auspicious planet i s associated with it.
An example would be when Mars conjuncts o r i s
in mutual aspect with the Sun o r Jupiter. In com-
menting on this situation where the lagna lord i s
also the 8th lord, K.N.Rao says:

“The general rule is that the beneficence of it being

the lagna lord will prevail unless the 8th house and
the 8th lord are afi‘licted, mildly or intensely."

Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are termed malefics

for this lagna, and if we apply the principles, it
i s easy to see why. Saturn sheds it malefic nature,
becoming a neutral by virtue of its lordship of
the angular 10th house, but it loses this neutrality
since it i s also the 1 1th lord, which we were told
gives inauspicious results. Thus, Saturn becomes
malefic for this lagna.

Mercury rules two inauspicious houses (the 3rd

and the 6th) and thus becomes the worst planet
for an Aries ascendant according to the principle.

As a natural benefic ruling the angular 7th house

from Aries, Venus sheds its benefic nature and be-
comes a neutral. Since Paraéara tells us that it i s
the strongest benefic, you might say that it suffers
the most in becoming neutral. However, since it
also rules two maraka houses, the 2nd, and the 7th,

Location 4 0 0 3 66%
the conclusion is that Venus behaves more as a
malefic for Aries.

Since the Sun and Jupiter rule the 5th and 9th
houses respectively, these are the good planets for
an Aries lagna in keeping with the principle that
the trinal lords are auspicious.

The Sage goes out of his way here to stipulate that

the mere connection of Saturn and Jupiter does
not cause raja yoga, and we must ask ourselves
why. Recall that we are given the principle that
the conjunction of a trinal lord and an angular
lord indicate rdja yoga, o r a combination resulting
in position and status. Having given us this gen-
eral principle, the Sage i s now making us aware
of instances where this does not apply so that we
will not be misled. However, it can be seen that
this exception flows from the application of other
general principles.

From Aries, Jupiter rules the trinal 9th but also be-
comes one of those “impressionables” as the 1 2 t h
lord. We were told that as the 1 2 t h lord it gives
results based o n its associations. When conjunct
Saturn, Jupiter i s not only conjunct a natural
malefic but also a planet that functions as a
malefic for this lagna, since Saturn i s the inauspi-
cious 1 1th lord. This impressionability of Jupiter
i s confirmed in the next statement when the Sage
adds that Jupiter giving inauspicious effects i s
certain if he i s at the disposal of any other ftmc-
tional malefic for this lagna.

Coming back to Saturn, another principle given

earlier applies here, namely, that when an an-
gular or trinal lord becomes the lord of any of
the malefic houses (3, 6 , 1 1), the native does not
get rdja yoga only by this relationship. So, when
Parasara tells us that the mere conjunction of
Jupiter and Saturn will not give rdja yoga, he i s
Location 4 0 2 2 66%
fortune, being 1 2 t h from the 9th) has a special
propensity to be inauspicious, though we are ad-
ditionally told that this will depend upon its asso-
ciations and the other house it rules. Since in this
case the other house (the lst) i s its malatrikona
sign and a trine, the conclusion i s that Mars can
bring good results when well associated.

But note that the Sage stops short of classifying

Mars as a full-blown auspicious planet for this
lagna. He indicates that it can only be helpful if
another auspicious planet i s associated with it.
An example would be when Mars conjuncts o r i s
in mutual aspect with the Sun o r Jupiter. In com-
menting on this situation where the lagna lord i s
also the 8th lord, K.N.Rao says:

“The general rule is that the beneficence of it being

the lagna lord will prevail unless the 8th house and
the 8th lord are afi‘licted, mildly or intensely."

Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are termed malefics

for this lagna, and if we apply the principles, it
i s easy to see why. Saturn sheds it malefic nature,
becoming a neutral by virtue of its lordship of
the angular 10th house, but it loses this neutrality
since it i s also the 1 1th lord, which we were told
gives inauspicious results. Thus, Saturn becomes
malefic for this lagna.

Mercury rules two inauspicious houses (the 3rd

and the 6th) and thus becomes the worst planet
for an Aries ascendant according to the principle.

As a natural benefic ruling the angular 7th house

from Aries, Venus sheds its benefic nature and be-
comes a neutral. Since Paraéara tells us that it i s
the strongest benefic, you might say that it suffers
the most in becoming neutral. However, since it
also rules two maraka houses, the 2nd, and the 7th,

Location 4 0 0 3 66%
highlighting the need for a judicious blending of
principles to reach a sound conclusion.

Lastly, Paraéara tells us that the functional

malefics for this lagna (Saturn and Mercury) can
also become marakas in addition to Venus men-
tioned earlier.

The Sage does not mention the Moon, but as a

benefic ruling an angle, we can conclude that
it loses its benefic nature and becomes neutral,
which i s how K.N. Rao classifies it.

Taurus Ascendant

‘qpiter, Venus, and the Moon are malefics

while Saturn and the Sun are auspicious.
Saturn will cause raja yoga. Mercury bestows
a little good. Jupiter and the rest, along with
Mars are fatal planets (mdrakas)?

Jupiter, though a natural benefic, i s a ftmctional

malefic for this lagna, based o n the principle that
as an impressionable 8th lord, who i s also the lord
of the inauspicious 1 1th house, he becomes very
potently malefic.

The lagna lord, Venus, i s also given by the Sage

as a malefic, and this seems in contradiction to
the principle o f the lagna lord being an especially
auspicious planet. Recall, however, the additional
principle that a natural benefic ruling a kendra
loses its benefic nature. Not only that but since
Venus i s classified by the Sage as the strongest
benefic, it suffers the most in losing its benefi-
cence due to angular lordship. Then combine this
with the principle that a trinal or angular lord
who also rules a malefic house—in this case, the
6th—does not become auspicious alone, and we
see the reason why. The combination of losing
its benefic nature due to angular lordship, and its

Location 4044 66%

malefic lordship of the 6th, (its malatrikozza sign)
makes Venus the only lagna lord identified by
Parasara as a functional malefic.

The Moon i s inauspicious according to the princi-

ples due to its lordship of the 3rd.

As the ruler of the 9th, the natural malefic Sat-

urn i s deemed auspicious for this lagna but i s also
among that special category of planets that rule
both an angle and a trine simultaneously. Besides
the trinal 9th, Saturn also rules the 10th angle
from Taurus making it a yogakdraka, meaning
that by itself it can give rdja yoga. It i s also a partic-
ularly powerful yogakdraka because the 9th house
i s the strongest trine, and the 10th house is the
strongest angle.

Mercury i s also auspicious as the ruler of the other

trine, the 5th house, but less so, presumably be-
cause it also rules the 2nd house, making it very
impressionable, which Mercury i s anyway. The
2nd i s also a mdraka house. The results it gives
will be very dependent o n the sign and house
placement, as well as its associations with other
house lords.

The Sun is also listed as auspicious for Taurus,

though it i s difficult to completely understand
why just based o n the principles. As a malefic rul-
ing an angle, it sheds its malefic nature, which i s
good, but the Sage seems emphatic in his princi-
ples that this alone doesn’t make a natural malefic
auspicious. It may have something to do with the
Sun being the mildest o f malefics. K.N. Rao actu-
ally lists it as neutral for Taurus.

Mars, as an angular lord, sheds its malefic nature,

and therefore i s not classified among the malefics
for this lagna, but i s identified as a mdraka since
it rules the 7th. What result it brings depends in
Location 4063 67B
part on its association and placement, since it also
rules the impressionable 1 2th.

Other functional malefics (Jupiter, Venus, and

Moon) can be mdrakas for this lagna as well ac-
cording to the Sage.

Gemini Ascendant

“Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun are malefic plan-

ets; Venus alone is benefic. The combination
of Saturn and Jupiter is as for an Aries As-
cendant. The Moon is the prime killer but will
give these results by association.”

Mars i s the worst functional malefic for Gemini

based on the principle that it rules two of the
trisaddyd houses, 6 and 1 1.

Jupiter i s classified as a malefic also, partially be-

cause it i s a natural benefic ruling two angles
( 7 and 10). As we will see with other lagnas, it
seems that when the same natural benefic does
this twice and i s not the lagna lord, rather than
merely loosing its benefic nature and becoming a
neutral, the Sage classifies it as a malefic. The fact
that Jupiter i s also a mdraka planet since it rules
the 7th also contributes to this classification.
K.N. Rao has this to say o n the matter of benefics
ruling the angles:

"Lords of kendras become neutrals. From this

flows the principle that benefics as lords of
kendras lose their capacity to do good while
malefics lose their capacity to do evil. Which
then is good—benefics not being able to give
their benefic results o r malefics not being
able to give malefic results? Obviously, if
benefics lose their capacity to give benefic re-
sults it is a major loss. "

Location 4 0 8 4 67%
The Sage does not mention Mercury, who is the
lagna lord as well as the 4th lord. The blemish due
to the lordship of an angle applies twice here as
well but seems to be offset by the principle of the
special auspiciousness of the Zagna lord.

The Sun’s designation as a malefic is clear since it

rules the 3rd house.
Only Venus i s listed as a clear benefic since it rules
the auspicious 5th and the impressionably neu-
tral 12th.

We are told that the other trine lord, Saturn, does

not produce rdja yoga when it combines with
Jupiter, just like with Aries Ascendant. The rea-
sons are similar as before, though the roles of
these two planets as owners of a trine and an
angle are reversed from what they were with
Aries. As the ruler of the 8th house in addition to
the 9th, Saturn i s now one of those impression-
able neutrals, and therefore its combination with
Jupiter, who as we saw i s a malefic and a mc'zraka
for this lagna, is not productive of good results by
their mere connection.

Lastly, the Moon i s mentioned as the prime

mdraka due to its lordship of the 2nd but will give
its results by association. Some commentators
have taken this to mean that the Moon does not
kill in its own periods, but in the periods of plan-
ets connected with it.

Location 4 1 0 4 67%
Cancer Ascendant

“Venus and Mercury are malefics; Mars,

Jupiter and Moon are benefics. Mars indeed
is a full yogakdraka, bestowing auspicious-
ness. Saturn is a killer and the Sun gives
efiects by association."

Venus is not a good planet for a Cancer lagna since

it loses its benefic nature ruling the angular 4th
house while acquiring a malefic nature by its lord-
ship of the 1 1th.

Mercury i s a malefic as well, ruling the neutral

1 2 t h house, but also the inauspicious 3rd, which
therefore predominates.

Mars i s the outright yogakdraka since it rules the

angular 10th house and the trinal 5th house.
By itself, it i s capable of bringing full auspicious
effects, especially when situated in an angle o r
trine house.

The classification of Jupiter as a benefic might

seem perplexing since it also carries the taint of
its lordship of the 6th. According to our princi-
ples, Jupiter’s mere combination with an angle o r
an angular lord will not produce rdja yoga when
this i s the situation. Why then does Parasara see
it mostly as a benefic? I believe this is where the
principle of relative strength mentioned by the
Sage comes into play.
According to the opening verses of this chapter,
the houses may be classified in the following way
according to the difference of their effects:

1 Kendras 1-4- 7- 1 0
2. Trikonas 1-5-9
3 Trisaddyd 3-6- 1 1

Location 4 1 2 1 67%
4. Pards’rayds 2-12-8

I n every case, the house will be stronger in as-

cending order. The strongest in their respective
classes will be the 10th, 9th, 1 1th, and 8th houses.

Note that Jupiter i s the lord of the 9th for a Cancer

ascendant, the strongest trine. As lord of the 6th,
it rules only the 2nd strongest trisacldya house.
This appears to be why it l ' w i n s out” as a func-
tional benefic. We will see that for Capricorn, the
same principle seems to hold true for Mercury.

However, commentators have opined and my

own experience indicates that as a mulatrikona
6th lord, Jupiter for a Cancer ascendant can bring
illness, conflicts, debts etc. in its periods and sub-

Since Parasara also lists the Moon as a benefic we

must assume that its auspiciousness as the lagna
lord tilts the scale in a positive direction after it
becomes neutral due to its lordship of an angle.

We are told that Saturn i s a mdraka since it rules

the 7th house as well as the 8th. The Sun for a Can-
cer lagna i s like the Moon for Gemini. It gives its
results by association and therefore doesn’t tend
to “kill” by itself, but through the planets con-
nected with it.

Leo Ascendant

“Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are malefics

and Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are benefics.
No good arises from the mere combination of
Jupiter and Venus. Saturn is the killer and
the Moon gives results according to its associ-

Location 4 1 4 2 68%
Mercury is neutral but impressionable as the 2nd
lord, and Wholly inauspicious as the 11th lord,
hence not a good planet for this lagna.

The benefic quality of Venus i s neutralized by its

lordship of the 10th and then made malefic by its
lordship of the 3rd.

Saturn’s malefic quality i s neutralized by its lord-

ship of the angular 7th but then regained by its
simultaneous rulership of the inauspicious 6th

Mars i s the best planet for Leo since it i s a yo-

gakdraka, ruling both the angular 4th and trinal

Jupiter, as an impressionable 8th lord, becomes

more benign and auspicious through its addi-
tional lordship o f the trinal 5th, depending upon
its other associations.

The Sun becomes a neutralized malefic as an an-

gular lord, then achieves “especially auspicious”
status as the lagna lord per our principles.

Consistent with the application of the principles

with respect to Aries and Gemini lagnas, the Sage
cautions us that just because Jupiter and Venus
combine as lords of a trine and an angle, this alone
won’t bring auspicious results. The reason i s the
same as before. Jupiter i s an impressionable trinal
lord since it also rules the 8th, and Venus becomes
a functional malefic for this lagna because of its
blemish due to angular lordship and its additional
rulership of the 3rd. Their conjunction alone can-
not, therefore, be good because Jupiter gets im-
pressed with the inauspiciousness o f Venus. Addi-
tionally, Jupiter and Venus are not friends.

Saturn i s a mdraka since it rules the 7th house.

Location 4 1 6 3 68%
The Moon rules the neutral but impressionable
1 2th,and since she only rules one house, will give
results based on her association per our princi-

Virgo Ascendant

“Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics

and Mercury and Venus are benefics. Indeed,
Mercury and Venus become yogakdrakas.
Venus is a killer also and the Sun gives results
based on his associations.”

Mars as an impressionable 8th lord becomes a

very potent malefic for Virgo since it simultane-
ously rules the inauspicious 3rd house.

Like we saw with Gemini, Jupiter suflers from its

rulership of two angles (excluding the lagna) and
therefore i s classified as a malefic.

The Moon i s malefic as it rules the inauspicious

1 1th.

Mercury i s a benefic ruling two angles as well, but

its special auspiciousness as the lagna lord keeps it
in the benefic category.

Venus as an impressionable 2nd lord becomes a

very good planet for this lagna since it also rules
the strongest trine, the 9th house.

The combination of Mercury and Venus gives raja

yoga. But the Sage tells us that Venus can become a
killer also since it rules the maraka 2nd house.

Like the Moon for Leo ascendant, the Sun will give
its effect based o n its associations since the im-
pressionably neutral 12th house i s the only house
it rules.

The Sage is silent when it comes to Saturn, who

i s something of a paradox for this lagna since he

Location 4 1 8 4 68%
Venus i s designated as a neutral even though it
i s the lagna lord. This i s readily understandable
based on the principle that benefics ruling angles
lose their benefic nature, which i s especially dam-
aging in the case o f Venus since it i s the strong-
est benefic. This, combined with its simultaneous
lordship of the banefully neutral 8th house, i s
why a normally auspicious lagna lord gets neu-

Scorpio Ascendant

"Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are malefics

and Jupiter and the Moon are benefics. The
Sun and Moon become yogakdrakas. Mars
is neutral. Venus and the other malefics be-
come mdrakas.”

Venus is an impressionable neutral as lord of the

1 2 t h , but shades into a malefic status due to the
blemish of its additional lordship of an angular
and mdraka house. Note how consistently the sta-
tus of Venus falls dramatically in the Sage's classi-
fications when it i s lord of an angle.

The question arises as to why then was Mars not

classified as a malefic for Taurus, instead of just a
mdralaa, since for this ascendant it also rules the
7th and the 1 2th. Based o n this apparent discrep-
ancy, and the one arising from his treatment of
Venus for Taurus and Mars for Scorpio (both rule
the l s t and 6th houses for these lagnas, respec-
tively), it i s clear that Parasara considers benefics
losing their benefic natures as being worse than
malefics losing theirs. Recall K.N. Rao’s comments
quoted earlier:

"Lords of kendras become neutrals. From this

flows the principle that benefics as lords of
kendras lose their capacity to do good while
malefics lose their capacity to do evil. Which
Location 4 2 2 8 69%
then is good—benefics not being able to give
their benefic results or malefics not being
able to give malefic results? Obviously, if
benefics lose their capacity to give benefic re-
sults it is a major loss."

Mercury becomes a potent malefic since it rules

the impressionable 8th house, while simultane-
ously owning the inauspicious 1 1th house.

Saturn becomes a neutral by virtue of owning the

4th angle but reverts to its malefic status by addi-
tionally owning the inauspicious 3rd.

Jupiter owns the impressionable 2nd but also

the auspicious 5th house and thereby becomes

The Moon only owns the auspicious 9th house

making it a pure benefic.

The Sun i s not classified among either the benefic

or malefic groups, presumably because as the
mildest natural malefic owning just the angular
1 0th house, it becomes a pure neutral.

The Sun-Moon combination produces an espe-

cially good rc'zja yoga because it unites a planet that
only rules the 10th house with a planet that only
rules the 9th house.

Mars as the lagna lord as well as the 6th lord i s

deemed a neutral and we need to contrast this
with Venus being termed a malefic for Taurus
from which it also rules the 1 s t and the 6th.
I n both cases, the 6th house i s also their mula-
trikona sign. Is the Sage being inconsistent? Not at
all. As was mentioned earlier, he i s implying that
benefics losing their benefic nature i s worse than
a malefics losing their malefic nature. Now recall
that Venus as the strongest benefic would sufier most
from such a loss, whereas Mars as the worst malefic
Location 4 2 4 6 70%
would be most benefited. Far from being inconsis-
tent, the Sage i s conforming perfectly to the prin-
ciples laid down at the beginning of the chapter.

Venus as lord of the maraka 7th acquires the

power to kill, as do the other planets designated as

Sagittarius Ascendant

"Venus alone is malefic. Mars and the Sun

are benefics. Raja yoga results from a com-
bination of the Sun and Mercury. Saturn is
a killer. Jupiter is said to give neutral results
and Venus is a killer."

The Sage tells us that the only truly functional

malefic planet for Sagittarius i s Venus and it i s
easy to see why. As the lord of the 6th and the
1 1th, Venus rules two inauspicious houses.

Mars rules the auspicious 5th house, and since it i s

an impressionable neutral as the lord of the 1 2 t h
house, it becomes benefic for this ascendant. The
Sun i s likewise a benefic as lord of the 9th.

Though Parasara does not mention Mercury

specifically, the implication i s that the blemish
that it acquires through its lordship o f two angles
(excluding the lagna) i s not as damaging as Jupiter
for Gemini and Virgo lagnas. He clearly states that
Venus i s the only malefic. Why this i s so i s not
completely clear to me, but based o n what we’ve
seen thus far, it i s probably because Jupiter suffers
more being a stronger benefic than Mercury. I also
wonder if it has something to do with its lordship
of the most powerful angle (the 10th) as its mula-
trikona sign.

This line of thinking i s supported when the Sage

goes o n to say that when Mercury i s with the 9th
lord Sun it produces raja-yoga, this being a com-
Location 4 2 6 4 70%
rules the auspicious 5th house but also the in-
auspicious 6th house. Some commentators have
expressed the opinion that since the 6th house
Aquarius i s Saturn’s mftlatrikona sign, its lordship
of the 6th predominates.

Libra Ascendant

" upiter, the Sun, and Mars are malefics,

while Saturn and Mercury are benefics. The
Moon and Mercury become indicators of raja
yoga. Mars will kill and Jupiter and the rest
of the malefics can also become killers. Venus
is a neutral, neither benefic nor malefic."

Jupiter i s a functional malefic for Libra since it

rules two inauspicious houses, the 31d, and the

The Sun as lord of the inauspicious 1 1th house i s

also malefic.

Mars loses its malefic nature as lord of the angular

7th and i s an impressionable neutral as the 2nd
lord, but its additional status as a double maraka
apparently impels the Sage to classify it as a
malefic, as he did with Venus for Aries lagna.

Saturn i s a very good planet for Libra; a stand-

alone yogakc‘zraka since it rules the angular 4th
house and trinal 5th house.

Mercury is one of those impressionable neutrals

as the lord of the 1 2 t h house, and since it also
rules the trinal 9th house, it becomes an auspi-
cious planet. Its combination with the 10th lord
Moon causes a powerful raja yoga.

We have already discussed the maraka status of

Mars, but the Sage also tells us that the other
malefics (Jupiter and the Sun) become endowed
with the quality of killers for this lagna as well.

Location 4 2 0 5 69%
bination of the strongest angular lord with the
strongest trinal lord.

Saturn becomes a killer for this lagna, since it

rules the mdraka second house. Why it i s not also
categorized as a malefic i s a mystery to me. It addi-
tionally rules the inauspicious 3 r d house. In other
instances where one of the impressionable lords
(2, 1 2 , and 8 ) likewise owns inauspicious houses
( 3 , 6 , 1 1 ) , they become functional malefics in ac-
cordance with the principles stated at the begin-
ning of the chapter.

Jupiter i s designated as a neutral, though it rules

two angles. As we saw in the case of Mercury for
Gemini and Virgo, its additional status as lagna
lord prevents it from being inauspicious.

Lastly, we are told that in addition to Saturn,

Venus acquires killing powers for this lagna.

The Moon i s not mentioned, but earlier in the

chapter the Sage tells us that the 8th lordship of
the Sun and the Moon i s not evil. However, K.N.
Rao adds a cautionary note in his book that this
may not be so, and it depends o n its associations,
while Dr. K.S. Charak in his books o n medical as-
trology mentions that when it comes to health-
related matters he has not found it to be so.

Applying the principles, we must assume that the

Moon as the 8th lord i s an impressionable neutral
and will give good effects when well associated
but unfavorable results when ill associated.

Capricorn Ascendant

“Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are malefics,

while Venus and Mercury are benefics. Sat-
urn itself will not hill, but Mars and the other
malefics will. The Sun is neutral in its results.
Venus alone causes raja yoga.”
Location 4 2 8 5 70%
Mars sheds his malefic nature as lord of the 4th
angle but becomes malefic as the lord of the inaus-
picious 1 1th house.

Jupiter i s an impressionable neutral as the lord of

the 1 2th house and thus becomes inauspicious as
lord of the 3rd.

The Moon loses her benefic nature as lord of the

7th angle and, according to the Sage, becomes
malefic for this lagna. Why not just a neutral? I s it
because this is also a mdraka house?

Venus i s the outright yogakdraka since it rules the

trinal 5th and the angular 10th.

Mercury too becomes a good planet even though it

rules the inauspicious 6th. Its simultaneous lord-
ship of the stronger 9th house, which i s its milla-
trikona sign (Virgo), apparently wins out. (See my
comment on Jupiter for Cancer lagna.)

The Sage tells us that Saturn himself will not kill,

even though it rules the mdraka 2nd house. This
toning down of effects i s presumably due to its
special auspiciousness as the lagna lord.

Like the Moon as the 8th lord for Sagittarius, the

Sun as the 8th lord becomes a neutral for Capri-

Aquarius Ascendant

“ upiter, the Moon, and Mars are malefics

while Venus and Saturn are benefics. Venus
is a rdja yoga kdraka. while Jupiter, the Sun,
and Mars are killers. Mercury gives middling

Jupiter as the 2nd lord i s an impressionable neu-

tral but then becomes malefic as the lord of the in-
auspicious 1 1th house.

Location 4 3 0 6 70%
Mars sheds his malefic nature as lord of the 4th
angle but becomes malefic as the lord of the inaus-
picious 1 1th house.

Jupiter i s an impressionable neutral as the lord of

the 1 2th house and thus becomes inauspicious as
lord of the 3rd.

The Moon loses her benefic nature as lord of the

7th angle and, according to the Sage, becomes
malefic for this lagna. Why not just a neutral? I s it
because this is also a mdraka house?

Venus i s the outright yogakdraka since it rules the

trinal 5th and the angular 10th.

Mercury too becomes a good planet even though it

rules the inauspicious 6th. Its simultaneous lord-
ship of the stronger 9th house, which i s its milla-
trikona sign (Virgo), apparently wins out. (See my
comment on Jupiter for Cancer lagna.)

The Sage tells us that Saturn himself will not kill,

even though it rules the mdraka 2nd house. This
toning down of effects i s presumably due to its
special auspiciousness as the lagna lord.

Like the Moon as the 8th lord for Sagittarius, the

Sun as the 8th lord becomes a neutral for Capri-

Aquarius Ascendant

“ upiter, the Moon, and Mars are malefics

while Venus and Saturn are benefics. Venus
is a rdja yoga kdraka. while Jupiter, the Sun,
and Mars are killers. Mercury gives middling

Jupiter as the 2nd lord i s an impressionable neu-

tral but then becomes malefic as the lord of the in-
auspicious 1 1th house.

Location 4 3 0 6 70%
The Moon as the lord of the 6th only clearly be-
comes malefic.

Mars as lord of the angular 10th sheds its malefic

nature but re-acquires it as the simultaneous lord
of the 3rd.

Venus i s again the outright yogakdraka since it

rules both the angular 4th and trinal 9th.

The Sage classifies the lagna lord Saturn as a

benefic, since it i s an impressionably neutral 1 2th
lord simultaneously owning an especially auspi-
cious trine. This i s in complete accordance with
the stated principles.

Jupiter, the Sun, and Mars are designated as the

killers. Mercury i s said to give medium effects,
which may seem surprising since it owns the 5th
trine, while simultaneously owning the impres-
sionably neutral 8th house. One reason i s that the
8th i s only “banefully neutral” as Shri Rao puts
it. Another reason i s that Mercury i s very impres-

Yet by that logic alone, one could ask why Jupiter

then gets classified as a clear benefic for Leo lagna,
since it also rules the 5th and the 8th? The differ-
ence lies in the strength of malatrikona sign ver-
sus merely own sign. The 5th house from Leo i s
Sagittarius, the mfllatrikona sign of Jupiter, while
the 8th house from Aquarius i s the malatrikona
sign of Mercury. This condition makes Mercury
capable of only lukewarm beneficial effects for

Pisces Ascendant

“Saturn, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are

malefics, while Mars and the Moon are
benefics. Mars and Jupiter will give rdja yoga.

Location 4 3 2 7 71%
Aries Jupiter Saturn Venus Mere com-
Sun Mercury Saturn bination
Mars Venus and of Jupiter
other and Sat-
malefic urn does
not give
rdja yoga.
tion with
Sun and
Mars to
give good
Taurus Saturn Jupiter Mars Saturn
Sun Venus Jupiter alone gives
Mer— Moon and rdja yoga.
cury other Mercury is
malefic mediocre,
5 but partly
Gemini Venus Mars Moon If Jupiter
Jupiter and Saturn
Sun combine,
a s for
gives re-
sults by as-
Cancer Mars Venus Saturn Mars i s the
Jupiter Mercury Sun best yo-
Moon gakdraka.
Sun gives
results by
Leo Mars Mercury Saturn Mere com-
Jupiter Venus bination
Sun Saturn of Jupiter
and Venus
does not
give rdja
gives re-
sults by as-
Mars Venus Mercury
Jupiter and Venus
Moon give rdja

Location 4 3 7 3 730/0
Mars, though a mdraka, will not kill, Saturn
and Mercury will kill.”

Saturn i s lord of the impressionably neutral 1 2th

and therefore becomes a clear malefic through his
additional lordship of the 1 1th.

As lord of the 3 r d and the 8th houses, Venus for

this lagna becomes a very potent malefic.

The Sun as the lord of the 6th joins this category

as well.

Mercury is a benefic owning two angles, the 4th,

and the 7th, and i s also therefore classified by
Paraéara as a malefic. Like Jupiter for Gemini and
Virgo lagnas, it becomes a mdraka 7th lord as well.

Mars owns the impressionable 2nd and becomes

benefic by its additional ownership of the 9th

The Moon as the owner of the 5th trine becomes

benefic as well.
Jupiter owns two angles, but its status as lagna
lord prevents it from being malefic. By good asso-
ciation, as we shall see, it can give good effects.

Paraéara tells us that this lagna and 10th lord

Jupiter combining with the 9th lord Mars will
cause the best rdja yoga for Pisces ascendant.

Mars as the 2nd lord i s also a mc'zraka but needs the

additional association o f a malefic t o do s o .

The following table summarizes these effects of

planets based o n house lordships for each ascen-
Lagna Benefic Malefics Neutrals Marak Special
s as Features

Location 4 3 4 6 71%
sults by as-
Libra Saturn Venus Moon and
Mer- Jupiter,Mercury
cury other combining
malefic give rdja
8 yoga.
Scorpio Jupiter Venus Venus, Sun and
Moon Mercury other Moon
Saturn malefic combining
s give rdja
Sagit- Venus Jupiter Saturn Sun and
tarius Sun Moon Venus Mercury
gives rdja
Capri- Venus Mars Sun Venus
corn Mer- Jupiter i s the
cury Moon best yo-
itself will
not kill.
Aquar- Venus Jupiter Jupiter Venus
ius Saturn Moon Sun is the
Mars Mars best yo-
Mercury is
but partly
Pisces Saturn Saturn Mars and
Moon Venus Mer- Jupiter
Sun cury combining
Mercury gives raja
yoga. Mars,
the 2nd
lord, is
not said to

Rather than memorize all these designations, I

recommend that students learn well the princi-
ples from which these designations arise. This
enables one to reason correctly about any planet
with respect to any ascendant.

Location 4409 720/0

I n summary form, these are as follows:

1. Natural benefics as rulers of angle

houses (1, 4, 7, 1 0 ) lose their benefi-

Natural malefics as rulers of angles

houses lose their malefic nature.

. However, the ownership of an angle

house alone does not convert benefics
into malefics and vice versa.

Rulers of trines (1, 5 , 9 ) give benefic re-

sults regardless of whether they are nat-
ural benefics o r malefics.

. Since it rules both an angle and a trine,

the 1 st lord can be especially auspicious.
. Rulers of the 3rd, 6th, and 1 1th houses
are inauspicious.

. Lords of the 2nd, 8th and 1 2 t h are “im-

pressionable neutrals,” they give results
based o n the other house they rule, their
location, as well as association.

The twelve houses of the birth chart

can, therefore, be divided into 4 groups.
There i s a hierarchy of strength from
the strongest to the weakest within
each group.
Rulers of the angles are the most power-
ful group and among these the 10th lord
is the strongest, followed by the 7th, 4th,
and 1st lords.
Rulers of the trines are the next most
powerful group and among these the
9thlord i s the strongest, followed by the
5th and l s t lords.

Location 4 4 5 8 73%
c) Of the 3 , 6 , 1 1 group, the 1 1th lord is the
strongest, followed by the 6th lord and
the 3rd lord.

d) Of the 2 , 8 , 1 2 group, the 8th lord i s

the most powerful, followed by the 1 2 t h
lord and the 2 n d lord. (Note: This is the
only group that does not follow numeri-
cal order).

e) Parasara instructs us that when lords

of different groups, o r even lords within
a group, are together in a chart, the
stronger among them will obstruct the
weaker and its results will predominate.

9 . The ruler of the 8th house has a spe-

cial propensity for giving “evil" results,
since, as the 1 2th house of loss from the
9th house of fortune, the 8th house rep-
resents the loss of fortune.

10. When the 8th lord i s also the l s t lord

(Mars for Aries lagna and Venus for
Libra lagna), the benefic nature of rul-
ing the l s t house prevails, and this
planet can give benefic results unless
afflicted and ill placed.

1 1 . However, when the 8th lord simul-

taneously rules the 3rd, 6th, o r 8th
house, it becomes highly malefic.

a) For Taurus lagna, this i s true of Jupiter

who rules the 8th and 1 1th houses.

b) For Virgo lagna, this i s true of Mars who

rules the 8th and 3rd houses.

c) For Scorpio, this i s true of Mercury who

rules the 8th and 1 1th houses.

Location 4 4 8 1 73%
d) For Pisces, this i s true of Venus who rules
the 8th and 3rd houses.

12. Yet the 8th lord can become benefic

when it simultaneously rules a trine.

a) For Aquarius lagna, Mercury rules the

8th and the 5th houses.

b) For Leo lagna, Jupiter owns the 8th and

5th houses.

c) For Gemini, Saturn rules the 8th and 9th


(1) Whether these planets actually do give

benefic results will depend o n their asso-
ciations and placements, since as an 8th
lord they are still “impressionable."

1 3 . The evil effects of being the 8th lord

do not apply to the Moon (Sagittarius
lagna) o r to the Sun (Capricorn lagna)
according to Parasara. Some commen-
tators have suggested that this may
not hold true in actual practice. Others
have said it depends on their associa-

1 4 . When a planet simultaneously owns

both a trine and an angle it has a spe-
cial capacity to bring good results in its
period and sub-periods. It becomes a
standalone yogakdraka or indicator by
itself of rdja yoga. When it is located in
an angle o r trine, it becomes even bet-

a) Mars for Cancer and Leo lagnas becomes

a yogakdmka.

b) Saturn for Taurus and Libra lagnas be-

comes a yogakdraka.
Location 4505 74%
c) Venus for Capricorn and Aquarius lagnas
becomes a yogakdraka.

1 5 . Just owning an angle does not convert

a malefic into a benefic. This malefic
must also simultaneously own a trine,
as in the case of Mars for Cancer, and
Saturn for Taurus.

1 6 . Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus

in this order are progressively more
powerful as benefics.

1 7 . Waning Moon, the Sun, Saturn, and

Mars in this order are progressively
more powerful as malefics.

18. The blemish of ruling an angle that

befalls a natural benefic therefore in-
creases progressively from the Moon
to Mercury to Jupiter to Venus.

1 9 . When an angle lord or house i s in

some way related to a trine lord o r
house, a highly benefic combination
called rdja yoga i s formed and can
bring success, position, and recogni-
tion in periods and sub-periods of the
planets involved.

2 0 . This can happen when:

a) The lords of an angle and a trine ex-

change houses.

b) The lords of an angle and a trine are con-

junct in a house.

c) The lords of an angle and a trine are in

mutual aspect.

d) The lord of an angle goes into a trine

Location 4 5 3 3 74%
e) The lord of a trine goes into an angle

2 1. However, when the lords of angles and

trines are related in one o f the ways in-
dicated above but also simultaneously
rule one of the adverse houses ( 3 , 6 ,
1 1 ) , this combination i s “blemished”
and do not form the best rdja yoga.

2 2 . Rahu and Ketu give the results of the

lords of the house they are located in
or those that they are connected with
by conjunction o r aspect.
2 3 . Rahu and Ketu become yogakdmkas

- They are placed in an angle and are

conjunct with or aspected by a trine

- They are placed in atrine and are con-

junct with or aspected by an angle

As was shown earlier, all the designations that

Parasara gives for each planet for each lagna flow
from these principles, and therefore they should
be thoroughly digested. What results a planet i s
likely to bring in its period and sub-periods can-
not be correctly judged without a very sound un-
derstanding of these.

Keep in Mind the Context

It i s important to remember that the title of the
chapter where Paraéara gives this information
about the functional benefics and malefics for
each lagna i s “Yogakdrakas”. The Sage wants us to
understand in particular which planets in their
periods and sub-periods can be especially favor-
able, given certain lordships. He gives us the prin-
Location 4 5 5 8 75%
ciples for determining the best planets and best
planetary combinations for each ascendant, the
ones that can give rdja yoga.

I n practical experience, one observes that any

house and house lord can bring benefit and bless-
ings into a person’s life. The 1 1th lord as the ruler
of the house o f “gains” can bring great wealth
when configured in dhana yogas. A good 3 r d lord
can bring wonderful siblings, talent in the arts
and other types o f performances, as well as great
drive, courage and enterprise. A strong and favor-
able 6th lord can make one triumphant in compe-
titions, whether o n the playing field, in the courts
or in political elections. Even the much-maligned
8th lord can bring you a welcomed inheritance
o r unexpected lottery winnings. All these po-
tentially good results have been given in ear-
lier chapters of the BPHS from what are termed
“inauspicious house lords" in this chapter. This
seems like a contradiction and can leave a student
feeling very confused. However, the confusion
disappears when you keep in mind the context.

The emphasis here is on a method for being

able to time the especially auspicious (rdja
yoga) or especially inauspicious (mdraka)
periods—in other words, when a person
might experience some elevation in life, o r
when they might die.

The 3rd, 6th, and 1 1 t h lords are termed “inaus-

picious,” and designated as functional malefics
partly because they can’t give good rdja yogas and
because they can contribute to a person’s death.

Another reason has to do with cultural context. I n

order to understand why something i s considered
“bad,” one has to understand what i s considered
“good.” In the ancient culture of India in which
Jyotisa originated the summum bonum, or “high-
Location 4580 75%
est good”, was considered to be the achievement
of full God-realization and spiritual liberation o r
moksa. Therefore, anything that was an obstacle
o r impediment to this lofty goal was understand-
ably termed “evil” o r “inauspicious.”

From this standpoint, the 3rd, 6th, and 1 1th lords

are “always inauspicious” since they represent
lust (kama), anger (krodha) and greed (lobha). See
the following passages from the Bhagavad-Gz'td,
Chapter 16, verses 21-22:

“Lust, anger, and greed—these constitute the

threefold gate of hell leading to the destruc-
tion of the soul’s welfare. These three, there-
fore, man should abandon.”

“0 Son of Kunti! By turning away from these

three entrances to the realm of darkness,
man behaves according to his own highest
good and thereafter reaches the Supreme."

It i s in these contexts that the “inauspiciousness”

of the 3rd, 6th, and 1 1th lords should be under-

Categories of Angle-Trina Rdja Yogas

The Sage defines rdja yogas as angle lords com-

bining with trine lords o r falling in trine houses,
and trine lords combining with angle lords o r
falling in angle houses. Any planet that simulta-
neously rules both an angle and a trine i s termed
a “yogakdraka” and can give these results without
combining with any other house lords, particu-
larly if placed in an angle o r trine house.

We also saw how the Sage highlights certain

angle and trine lords combining, like Venus and
Mercury for Virgo lagna, as giving particularly
good rdja yoga. Why? The answer i s that Mer-
cury rules the strongest angle house, the 10th,
Location 4 5 9 9 75%
and Venus rules the strongest trine house, the
9th. But equally important is the fact that neither
planet “bears the blemish” of simultaneously ruling
an inauspicious 3rd, 6th, o r 1 1 th house, o r any other
blemish. They are both purely functional benefics
for this ascendant, and as such their combination
gives unqualified o r “superior” raja yoga.

See the chart of former U.S. President Harry Tru-


Mo." _K_e_o'w Ilka-1- van-4;

sumac saw:
.' A. a “1n- BM pm 106m


. . v.” L, (32) &

Hany fruman
m “i“. Ikafl
" 3 83‘
so» v
"D 12rLoo
u s“. m: “517'”
\ .R_ao'w
Kin Kan—gas» Bu» 1V|_Il

It can be seen that in his Virgo lagna chart Mer-

cury and Venus are involved in a 9 - 1 0 exchange of
house lords, giving a superior raja yoga. With the
death of FDR, he became the President on April 1 2 ,
1945, in Mercury-Saturn-Venus.

For Virgo lagna, Jupiter also rules angle houses,

the 4th and 7th, and Saturn rules the trinal 5th
house. But according to Pdrds’ara the "mere combi-
nation” of these two planets will not give a good raja
yoga, and once again we need to understand why.

The answer i s that both have problems associated

with them. Jupiter bears the blemish of a benefic
owning two angle houses other than the lagna
and i s a maraka as well. Thus, the Sage classifies
Jupiter as a malefic for Virgo lagna. Saturn rules
the good 5th house, but also the inauspicious 6th
house. Their combination alone then cannot give
good rdja yoga. It should be clearly understood,

Location 4 6 2 3 76%
however,that some quality of rdja yoga does occur
if they additionally fall in angle or trine house.

See the following chart:

u Jpn: 1 /
E m“? \ 2::
Finn—.152 Lu: 1VI_|'

Note that Jupiter in Pisces in the 7th i s in mu-

tual aspect with Saturn in Virgo in the lst. It i s
an angle-trine lord combination in angle houses.
Saturn i s the 5th trine lord in an angle house, giv-
ing rdja yoga by placement. I n the Jupiter-Saturn
period, this person was given a promotion and
recognition for professional achievements, but it
i s an inferior rdja yoga for the abovementioned

Based on this illustration, we can now classify

three types of angle and trine lords.
a. Those that rule angle and trine house
b. Those who rule an angle o r a trine, but
who simultaneously rule a house of the
3-6—11 group.
c . Those that rule and angle or trine, but
who simultaneously rule a house of the
2-12-8 group.

The first group can be termed “flawless,” while

the second group denotes those “with a flaw.” The
third group is “flawed” or “flawless” depending on
whether they combine with group “a” o r “b” since
these are also the impressionably neutral lords
and can therefore, be termed “conditional.”
Location 4 6 4 1 76%
With these designations in mind, we are now
ready to look at the superior and inferior rdja
yogas for each ascendant.

Aries Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Mars ( 1 st) Condi— Rules 8th
tional house as
Sun (5th) Flawless Only rules a
Jupiter (9th) Condi— Rules 1 2 t h
tional house as

Angle Lords Type Comment

Mars ( 1 st) Conditional Rules 8th
house as
Moon (4th) Flawless Only rules
Venus (7th) Conditional/ Rules
Some Flaw 2 n d and a
Saturn Flawed Rules 1 1th
( 1 0th) as well.

Superior Rija Yogas for Aries Ascendant

Trine- Quality of Comment

Angle Rdja Yoga

Location 4 6 5 8
Mars + Superior Mars i s con-
Moon (but only if ditional and
Mars well the Moon is
placed and flawless.
Mars + Sun Superior Mars i s
(but only if conditional
Mars well and the Sun
placed and i s flawless.
Mars + Superior Mars and
Jupiter (but only if Jupiter are
Mars well conditional.
placed and
Sun + Moon Superior Both are
Jupiter + Superior — Jupiter is
Moon Best! conditional
and the
Moon is

The Moon-Jupiter combination for Aries can be-

come a superb raja yoga since the Moon is “flaw—
less" and Jupiter i s a “conditional,” while ruling
the best trine. Additionally, these planets form
Gaja Kesarz‘ Yoga when conjunct o r in mutual as-
pect, which can also be a very benefic combina-
tion. Just ask movie director, George Lucas, of Star
Wars fame.

His 9th lord Jupiter goes into the 4th house Can-
cer where it gets exalted. This placement o f a trine
lord in a kendra house gives rdja yoga by place-
ment by itself. However, it i s also conjunct the l s t
lord Mars and in mutual aspect with the 4th lord
Location 4 6 8 5 77%
Moon forming incredibly powerful 1 - 9 and 4—9
rdja yogas in angle houses.

Upon first moving into his Jupiter period in 1 9 7 3

he scored his first major success with American
Grafi’iti, which has become a cult classic. However,
beginning with the first Star Wars film in 1977,
he became a movie-making legend and an enor-
mously wealthy one at that, creating the famous
Skywalker Ranch. Note that Jupiter is in the 4th
house of lands and property.

As one would expect, Jupiter-Moon was one of the

high-water marks in his career, coinciding with
the period just following the release of the third
film in the Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi.
During this time George Lucas was indeed an “Ele-
phant-Lion” of the movie-making industry.
.- .-
511,-. /V€‘m
In.“ sis-u-
3362" ,1 Ms
V9,: " 12H. 1M [m 30m
“arc Man-
a: 4' Mom, 11flu 35 mean
JP“ K001

. . 3.22 m
Egg as» not my

Below is the chart of a man that K.N. Rao always

referred to as his Jyotisa-guru and a saint.

,1 " 1M "ES???”se-m
$21-42“ DEM!
“ 11m wan

312111013 3"

V‘" 3::
10c» an»
Mom‘s: suwo' vezrw
be ' ' .
1n gxuefigwlvw
' M
L m

Location 4 7 0 4 77%
His chart has a beautiful, unblemished combina-
tion of the 4th lord Moon with Jupiter strong its
own sign as the 9th lord in the 9th house. He
began his Jupiter mahadas’d at age 40, a great time
of life to run such a period, and whereas I don't
know the particulars, he had to have been a very
renowned, successful teacher/guru as this time.

This combination, from Chandra lagna, also

helped put Bill Clinton in the White House.
. a _
.7 A:
Ma: 0‘
BM Tu 108.11
“I! 5:... 3.”

. a L @ M

Bill Clinton
In. DWI“ ”In
” a cup """"‘" 12 Leo
I! I
In.» v.

i. 3—9 Boo Lhr "W

1 VII!

His Moon in Aries i s in mutual aspect with a pow-

erful vargottama Jupiter, giving Gaja Kesarz' Yoga
but also a powerful raja yoga from the Chandra
lagna. But to fully understand why the Jupiter pe-
riod brought him the highest office in the land,
one must see the navaméa.

Here Jupiter is again involved in very superior raja

yogas, combining through mutual aspect with the
l s t lord Mars in its own sign/house, and an ex—
alted 5th lord Sun.

This configuration gives three raja yogas of the

superior variety, and with the planets all very

Location 4 7 1 8 77%
Su L V9
Ive '1 su " M12" 1M T-l 300m

Ma 5%
f 11 u 10cm

Ra . . 10c» Bun
— ' Jp ' Mo JpSa
83 MO 1w BVIn

I n contrast to the Moon-Jupiter combination for

Aries, Parasara goes out of his way to emphasize
that the mere connection between the 9th lord
Jupiter and the 10th lord Saturn will not give a
good yoga, for the reasons given earlier. However,
when additionally combining in good houses,
they can give some level of rdja yoga.

See the chart given below.

Here the 9th lord Jupiter goes into the 10th house
with the 10th lord Saturn in its own sign Capri-
corn. This woman’s Saturn period encompassed
the first 1 8 years of her life and she was born
into a prominent and wealthy family. She also
i s a very high achiever, and in Mercury-Jupiter
and Mercury-Saturn founded her own successful

Due to their additional placement here in the

10th house, the Jupiter-Saturn combination has
given some quality of rdja yoga, but not the best,
and her father experience (Jupiter as lord of the
9th) has been a very mixed blessing.

Location 4 7 3 6 78%
Angle Type Comment
Venus ( 1 st) Flawed Rules 6th
house as
Sun (4th) Flawless Only rules
Mars (7th) Conditional/ Rules 12th
Some Flaw plus mo‘zraka.
Saturn Flawless Stand-alone
(10th) Yogakdraka.

Superior Rija Yogas for Taurus Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina- Rdja Yoga
Saturn Superior Is especially
(Alone) good if in
Capricorn or
Venus + Superior Even though
Saturn Venus i s
and Venus
are Great
Mercury + Superior Mercury is
Sun conditional,
though a
. _______________________________I??I9.’E%9_r39__._

Location 4 7 6 4 780/0
— _ —
Vam- K922":
A... 2‘
K. u
15 u ‘r was 11M 21m 10m
Men-42 Jp1m

n 20.1
I W‘— 3‘3
Ravi0Shankar 8312M!

m-‘J wu. 44mm .313“

7. 3"”
Mam ,0" ”c” ~
Ra" Razz-5v
m. 7 500 SW 51!.

He began his Mercury period starting at age four-

teen, and it marked the beginning of his rise to

Cancer Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Moon ( 1st) Flawless Rules only
the lagna
Mars (5th) Flawless Rules only
an angle and
Jupiter (9th) Flawed Rules the
best trine
but also the
6th house

Angle Lords Type Comment

Moon ( 1 st) Flawless Rules only
the lagna
Venus (4th) Flawed Rules the
1 1th

Saturn (7th) Conditional/ Rules the

Some Flaw 8th and
i s also a

Location 4 8 5 6 80%
Wilt Chamberlain was destined at birth to be a
giant among men in the world of sports, both lit-
erally and figuratively.

Gemini Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Mercury ( 1st) Flawless Only rules
angles, in—
cluding the
Venus (5th) Condi- A trine lord
tional ruling the
able 1 2th as
Saturn (9th) Condi— Best trine
tional lord but rul-
ing the im-
8th as well.

Angle Lords Type Comment

Mercury Flawless Only rules
( 1 s t and angles, in-
4th) cluding the
Jupiter (7th Flawed A benefic
and 1 0th) owning
two angles
and also a

Superior Rija Yogas for Gemini Ascendant

Location 4 8 0 3 790/0
Trina-Angle Quality of Comment
Combina- Rdja Yoga
Mercury + Superior — Mercury
Venus Best! i s flawless
and Venus
i s a good
Mercury + Superior Even with
Jupiter Jupiter’s
flaw, this
can be a
fairly good
Mercury + Superior Mercury is
Saturn (but only if flawless, but
well placed Saturn rules
and associ— the 8th.
Venus + Superior Even with
Jupiter Jupiter’s
flaw this
i s can be a
fairly good

One of the most famous men of our times, Albert

Einstein, had many of these planets combining in
his 10th house, including his 5th lord of intelli-
gence, an exalted Venus.

The scientific papers that made him famous were

all written in his Venus period, and in the fol-
lowing period of the Sun (obtaining directional
strength in the 10th house), he gained interna-

Location 4 8 2 4 79%
Mars (10th) Flawless Rules only -
an angle
and trine

Location 4876 80%

Superior Rija Yogas for Cancer Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina— Rdja Yoga
Mars (Alone) Superior — It i s a stand
Best! Alone Yo-
Moon + Mars Superior Two flaw-
less planets
one a yo-
Moon + Superior They give
Jupiter (despite a good 1-9
Jupiter’s raja yoga
flaw) and a Gaja
Mars + Superior They give
Jupiter (despite a 9 - 1 0 raja
Jupiter’s yoga and
flaw) are Great

The birth chart of Michael Crichton, the best-sell-

ing author of such sci-fi thrillers as Andromeda
Strain and Jurassic Park i s a good illustration of
how the Moon, Mars, and Jupiter combining can
bring fame and fortune to someone with Cancer

Location 4 8 7 9 80%
Su Ke
Me 7- A8 ‘3 Kea'" pm om 116cm

Ma Su _
. . 3’:—
Re a ‘ lamp 7 1 Leo

fl Ra L Jp
M088 1m “ya Line “In

Leo Ascendant
Trine Lords Type Comment
Sun ( 1 st) Flawless Rules only
the lagna.
Jupiter (5th) Condi- Rules the 8th
tional as well.
Mars (9th) Flawless Rules the
best trine
and an angle

Angle Lords Type Comment

Sun ( 1st) Flawless Rules only
the lagna.
Mars (4th) Flawless Rules the
best trine
and an angle
Saturn (7th) Flawed Rules the
6th house as

Location 4 9 2 8 810/0
Venus ( 10th) Flawed Rules the
3 r d house as

Superior Rija Yogas for Leo Ascendant

Trina-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina- Rdja Yoga
Mars (Alone) Superior It i s a stand
Sun + Mars Superior — They are two
Best! flawless plan-
ets, with one
a yogakdraka.
Sun + Jupiter Superior Sun i s
flawless and
Jupiter i s
Mars + Superior Mars i s
Jupiter flawless and
Jupiter i s

The chart of former President Richard Nixon i s

a perfect illustration of how combinations o f the
Sun, Mars, and Jupiter in a Leo lagna chart form
superior rdja yogas.

All three of these planets combine in his 5th

house of royal authority, with Jupiter in its mala-
trikona sign, Sagittarius. He rose up during his
Jupiter major period, becoming a US senator, and
in Saturn-Jupiter made it to the White House only
to have to resign his oflice in ignominy.
Location 4 9 4 5 81%
,I 3 Im- IM om 116m

. 2 1g ‘ (a 120-.
"”- Ridiaifl‘Nixon A."
“I" tnaazsm

Mon, leap '0 H.»

Jp'v .' v."
‘ a. M“

"Nb- 457% m.
an as.» u: ZVIn

The yogakdraka planet, Mars, combining with the

5th lord Jupiter in Madonna’s chart brought fame
and fortune to The Material Girl when she ran her
Mars period in the late 8 0 s and early 903.I n her
case, Mars is in its own sign Aries, and Jupiter i s


,U *3: 4a as All om 11Gm
m" Wm

. a L
1 ‘ @ 12 can
g. " 81mm
. ' Men B may.a 1m
53" Jpn
' an...
fig ‘ W EMJI

Virgo Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Mercury (1st) Flawless Rules the
lagna and
the strongest
Saturn (5th) Flawed Rules the 6th
as well.
Venus (9th) Condi- Since it
tional becomes a
mc'zraka as

Location 4 9 6 9 81%
Angle Lords Type Comment
Mercury ( 1 s t Flawless Though it’s a
and 10th) benefic rul-
ing an angle,
still good.
Jupiter (4th Flawed Benefic
and 7th) ruling two
angles with-
out one being
the lagna.

Superior Rija Yogas for Virgo Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina— Rdja Yoga
Mercury + Superior — The 9—1 0
Venus Best! combination i s
between mostly
flawless planets.
Mercury + Superior Though Saturn
Saturn is flawed, i s still

As we saw earlier in this lesson, former President

Harry Truman’s Virgo lagna chart shows an ex-
change between the 9th and 1 0th lords Venus and
Mercury. He became President in his Mercury-Sat-
urn period, also forming a superior rdja yoga.

Location 4 9 8 5 820/0
Libra Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Venus ( 1 st) Condi- Since it also

tional rules the 8th.
Depends upon
Saturn (5th) Flawless Yogakdraka
rules both an
angle and a
Mercury Condi- Since it rules
(9th) tional the 1 2th, but
well associ-
ated, very

Angle Lords Type Comment

Venus ( 1 st) Condi- Since it also

tional rules the 8th.
Depends upon
Saturn (4th) Flawless Yogakdraka
rules both an
angle and a
Mars (7th) Flawed A mdraka
twice over.

Moon ( 1 0th) Flawless Rules the


Superior Rija Yogas for Libra Ascendant

Location 5 0 0 9 820/0
Trina-Angle Quality of Comment
Combina- Rdja Yoga
Saturn Superior Especially su-
(Alone) perior when
in an angle
o r trine and
Mercury + Superior — The 9—1 0
Moon Best! combination
i s between
mostly flaw-
less planets.
Mercury + Superior Both planets
Saturn are mostly
Saturn + Superior Not as good
Moon as the other
Venus + Superior Especially
Saturn superior if
no other
house lords
Venus + Superior Especially
Mercury superior if
no other
house lords

The exact birth time of French Emperor Napoleon

Bonaparte is not known, but his parents did
record an approximate birth time, such that the
lagna could only be Libra.

Location 5 0 3 3 82%
Some similar combinations in the chart of for-
mer U.S. President, Jimmy Carter, brought him to
power in a much more benign way.

The 10th lord Moon combining with the yo-

gakdraka planet Saturn, exalted in the 1st, gives a
very superior rdja yoga, as does the 1 s t lord Venus
and the 9th lord Mercury combining in the 1 1th
house. The Ketu period, giving the results of Sat-
urn, put him in the White House in Ketu-Venus.

Scorpio Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Mars ( 1 st) Flawed Since it also
rules the 6th
Jupiter (5th) Condi- Since it i s also
tional a mdraka
Moon (9th) Flawless Only rules the
best trine

Angle Type Comment

Mars ( 1 st) Flawed Since it also
rules the 6th
Saturn Flawed Since it also
(4th) rules the 3 r d
Venus (7th) Conditional/ A mdraka
Some Flaw and rules
1 2th

Sun (10th) Flawless Rules o n the

angle only

Location 5 0 6 4 330/0
Superior Raja Yogas for Scorpio Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina— Rdja Yoga
Sun + Moon Superior — The Sun and
Best! Moon are
the flawless
lords of 9
and 10.
Sun + Jupiter Superior These two
are mostly

Charles Lindbergh became an international hero,

and one of the first “media stars” when he flew
across the Atlantic and landed in Paris on May 20,
Ban '5‘"
J {3-1:
M ”g A.” 7. 5;. EM , To: 30":

‘suxrr ”In
m 1 5 1&—
a: @ .c.‘
Mo... JP"
cm "
1n magma»

1 a
4 mMy” /
a” “m: an
Lag 15cc 12m 11m_

It happened in his Sun period, the 1 0th lord of his

chart combining with the 5th lord Jupiter.

The chart of NBA Hall of Fame basketball player,

Bob Pettit, shows one of the best rdja yogas possi-
ble for a Scorpio lagna.

Location 5 0 9 0 83%
N" V.”7 .
‘5'" n0 "‘U
Isn- lam Tu noun

”In wan—
M" . . M." ma_. Q
&w -
a." Bob\‘J‘Pettlt a“
'2 mfl ‘ 13c»
' 10m
I 3
m 13.» 12m 11m—

The Moon is a flawless benefic planet for this as-

cendant since it only rules the best trine, the 9th.
It becomes spectacularly benefic when full and
exalted, as it is here. Its mutual aspect with the
10th lord Sun gives a truly superior rdja yoga. He
led his team to the championship in 1958 during

Sagittarius Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Jupiter ( 1st) Mostly Rules lagna
Flawless and an angle.
Mars (5th) Condi- An impres-
tional sionable
1 2th lord as
Sun (9th) Flawless Only rules
the best

Angle Lords Type Comment

Jupiter ( 1st Mostly Ruling lagna
and 4th) Flawless overcomes
benefic ruling
angle blemish.

Location 5 1 0 7 840/0
- Mercury Some Flaw Benefic ruling -
(7th and two angles and
1 0th) a mdraka.

Location 5126 84%

Superior Rija Yogas for Sagittarius Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina- Rdja Yoga
Sun + Superior - Sun and
Mercury Best! Mercury are
the mostly
flawless lords
of 9 and 1 0
Sun + Jupiter Superior Sun and
Jupiter are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Mars + Superior Mars and
Jupiter Jupiter are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Mars + Superior Mars and
Mercury Mercury are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Jupiter + Superior Jupiter and
Mercury Mercury are
mostly flaw—
less planets

Comic movie star John Belushi reached the height

of his popularity and success when he appeared
with his ex-Saturday Night Live cohort Dan

Location 5 1 2 9 84%
Akroyd i s the smash hit The Blues Brothers. It hap-
pened in his Sun-Mercury period.

mm. BI"
.." 9:; ', m- !M [a "an

m. @ WI!
'3'" l John é/elushi
“If? 1’00, V2915. 5‘!”
Eva gag? Owl Duo
Wan: mam

”firm “It

11-; 128cc 11w 10v!—

These two planets form the best rdja yoga for

Sagittarius lagna and they are conjunct in his 2nd
house. The additional presence of an exalted 5th
lord Mars makes this combination an even more
powerful rdja yoga. Yet, this Sun, falling in the
2nd house and under the influence of malefics,
had another role to play. It proved to be a mdraka
when Belushi died of a drug overdose in Sun-

The same combination, along with the l s t lord

Jupiter, also made Catherine Zeta-Jones a huge

Mom hm

"I m ', 4n: BM [Tau 76-11

E'- hint

' $7.2
ml (332 '°"'
/ IN. G “:6“ up.
Isl mm
B” ‘ a ‘ 5 IZCIP IL”

V90)? “1. ”-1:

My, hm:
1 12800 '11 W 10L

Her Mercury-Sun combination is even better

since it falls in her 1 0th house, where the Sun gets
directional strength, and Mercury i s within one
degree of its highest point of exaltation. She shot
to stardom in Mercury-Jupiter after appearing in
The Mark of Zorro.
Location 5 1 4 5 85%
Mars-Jupiter combining in the Sagittarius lagna
chart of actor Sean Connery made him a big
box ofl'ice star playing James Bond, British special
agent 0 0 7 . It happened in Rahu, giving the results
of Mars, and continued in Jupiter. In his navdmsa
Rahu i s vargottama, Mars goes into its own sign
Scorpio, and Jupiter i s its own sign of Sagittarius.

As with Connery’s chart, we have seen again and

again how great fame results from superior raja
yogas—but only where the planets involved are
very strong and well disposed, either in the birth
chart or navc'm’zs’a o r both—and where these planets
get activated in the das’a sequence.

“a Ms...

u" 5.1"? ' 7 ll PI All TII 7 Gun


. I m as! (a scan

”°"' m?m “"

1I 4p...
M...” a . sun! fn‘"‘7" mm“ ”L"
Vfim Wu
film- Elm
1 12 80° 11w 10m

v 8"
° Jp _R_a{1 Su
.I I1 PB 10M 11m 129m
% Me ’
Ki 1 a‘ Bl PAL. @ 1 Can

JP Mo Ve
Ma . I "a m 2 m

Me Eco u: VI

Capricorn Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Saturn ( 1 st) Mostly As 2 n d lord,
Flawless planets
- .I’l’l'Ebfi‘lllfflum _

Location 5 1 5 9 85%

Venus (5th) Flawless Yogakdraka,

ously ruling
an angle and
Mercury Flawed Rules 6th
(9th) house as well.

Angle Lords Type Comment

Saturn ( 1 5) Mostly As 2nd lord,

Flawless planets
with Saturn
Mars (4th) Flawed Rules 1 1th.
Moon (7th) Mostly A s the 7th
Flawless lord becomes

Venus Flawless Yogakdraka,

(10th) simultane-
ously ruling
an angle and

Superior Rija Yogas for Capricorn Ascendant

Trina-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina- Rdja Yoga
Venus Superior - It i s espe-
(Alone) Best! cially supe-

Location 5 1 7 4
rior if Venus
is dignified
in an angle or
Saturn + Superior Saturn and
Venus Venus are
mostly flaw—
less planets
Venus + Superior Venus and
Moon Moon are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Venus + Superior Mercury’s
Mercury flawed, but
this i s still
a good 9 - 1 0

. , ® LL
Matt Dillon
1m. mum: not»
m uv

Ba... ’5‘" 118w

3m mu: 3q

An exalted yogakc'zraka planet Venus brought

actor Matt Dillon early fame as an actor. For his
Capricorn ascendant, Pisces i s the 3rd house of
the dramatic arts, and Venus i s placed there along
with the 3rd lord Jupiter. It was during Venus-
Jupiter, at the age of fourteen that he made his
first movie.
Location 5 1 9 6 85%
H —

Me... gnaw
Ks." '- Sofia“. m km ”Loam
“in! $15?

m“. . , I? (a 70.1—

Ver- ' mt J'm nib/"ism m

_K_315-g m IW‘IHIIM

Min 2I Bl." a' L994" Sumr] ' m

film .12.. 12 11 Sea our DVln


1' 5""
I. 1; PI “n Tm Gun

110, E 9!! ‘ ® 7 0.1
19" an...
m1 Prim
2. “w "arm" “w
Mon-w .. «c.1122
‘ V0" 3.."
m mm
Ks“? \
Jpn 12 11Sea 101.1:: n Vim
Venus and Mercury combining in the 9th house
of AC. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada, the
founder of the Hare Krishna movement in the
1 9 6 0 s , made him a spiritual leader to tens of
thousands worldwide. It all began in the period of
his exalted 9th lord combining with his 10th lord
in the 9th house of the Guru.

Aquarius Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Saturn ( 1st) Mostly Rules the
Flawless 1 2th house
as well.
Mercury Condi- Its lordship
(5th) tional of the 8th
i s its milla-
trikona sign.
Venus (9th) Flawless Yogakdraka,
______________291313111325--. _

Location 5 2 1 9 86%
' Efi'ifi'gié'alfiéf' '

Angle Lords Type Comment

Saturn ( 1 3) Mostly Rules the
Flawless 1 2th house
as well.
Venus (4th) Flawless Yogakc‘zraka,
ously ruling
an angle and
Sun (7th) Mostly As the 7th
Flawless lord becomes
Mars ( 1 0th) Flawed Rules the 3rd
house in ad-
ditional to an

Superior Rija Yogas for Aquarius Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina— Rdja Yoga
Venus Superior - It i s espe-
(Alone) Best! cially supe—
rior if Venus
i s dignified
in an angle
or trine.
Saturn + Superior Saturn and
Venus Venus are

Location 5 2 3 1 86%
' Efi'ifi'gié'alfiéf' '

Angle Lords Type Comment

Saturn ( 1 3) Mostly Rules the
Flawless 1 2th house
as well.
Venus (4th) Flawless Yogakc‘zraka,
ously ruling
an angle and
Sun (7th) Mostly As the 7th
Flawless lord becomes
Mars ( 1 0th) Flawed Rules the 3rd
house in ad-
ditional to an

Superior Rija Yogas for Aquarius Ascendant

Trine-Angle Quality of Comment

Combina— Rdja Yoga
Venus Superior - It i s espe-
(Alone) Best! cially supe—
rior if Venus
i s dignified
in an angle
or trine.
Saturn + Superior Saturn and
Venus Venus are

Location 5 2 3 1 86%
mostly flaw-
less planets
Venus + Sun Superior Venus and
Sun are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Venus + Superior This combi-
Mercury nation can
still be good,
even with
lordship of

Venus as the Yogakdraka for Aquarius lagna can

bring fame, especially when well placed in an
angle o r a trine, as it i s in the chart of Spanish
actor Antonio Banderas. His international star-
dom began after he moved into his Venus period
in 1 9 8 7 .

”on M31271
‘“ As." fiiw 21313 a M Tan 5 Gum

A81?“- SUI?”
M.” a 11. L @ I On

mm... V387?
, Ra...- , 12Cup 7 7m
5‘ V907 ‘ $1393?
M0,, . 11 10800 Lit Evy]

A combination of the l s t lord Saturn with the

yogakdraka Venus forming a superior rdja yoga in
the chart of actress Diahann Carroll made her the
first Afro-American to have her own TV series.
Later in Saturn—Venus, she starred on the Dynasty,
one of the most popular shows of the 805.
Location 5 2 5 1 86%
‘ '3 g: *3 2 Ph 3M Ta 5 Gem
S_a,1m1' suma-

, . i 13! ‘ scan
Man-231 vein?

m". 3 V." 7 JP," 1 2 C” V 7 I.”

‘ ' $2” Jpzo'ar
Sum 11 we» put pm

A similar pattern, with the addition of the 7th

lord Sun, also made a huge star of pop diva Whit-
ney Houston. Predictably, she first gained recog-
nition as a model and TV commercial actress in
Venus-Sun, appearing in Vogue and Glamour mag-
azines. But it was in Venus-Saturn in 1992 for
her role in the movie The Bodyguard, along with
the hit single “I Will Always Love You,” that she
achieved mega-stardom.

49'" 55"
1°. 5.“ i920? Earn
." As... zen M Tu scam
Asm Sum.
a" ‘ 1 5!! 3‘ mean

first M MSW-'4"

n»- ’ m" 7 126m WW 7m

Km Maw!

11 1081» Lu VI

Pisces Ascendant

Trine Lords Type Comment

Jupiter ( 1 st) Flawless Rulership
of 1 st
benefic rul-
ing angle

Location 5 2 6 7 86%
Moon (5th) Flawless Rules only a
Mars (9th) Mostly Rules mdraka
Flawless 2nd house
but kills

Angle Type Comment
Jupiter ( 1st Flawless Rulership
and 1 0th) of 1 st
benefic rul-
ing angle
Mercury Somewhat Blemish
(4th and Flawed of owning
7th) two angles

Superior Rija Yogas for Pisces Ascendant

Trina-Angle Quality of Comment

Combination Rdja Yoga
Jupiter + Superior Jupiter and
Moon Moon are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Jupiter + Superior — Jupiter and
Mars Best! Mars are the

Location 5 2 7 9 87%
Moon (5th) Flawless Rules only a
Mars (9th) Mostly Rules mdraka
Flawless 2nd house
but kills

Angle Type Comment
Jupiter ( 1st Flawless Rulership
and 1 0th) of 1 st
benefic rul-
ing angle
Mercury Somewhat Blemish
(4th and Flawed of owning
7th) two angles

Superior Rija Yogas for Pisces Ascendant

Trina-Angle Quality of Comment

Combination Rdja Yoga
Jupiter + Superior Jupiter and
Moon Moon are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Jupiter + Superior — Jupiter and
Mars Best! Mars are the

Location 5 2 7 9 87%
Moon (5th) Flawless Rules only a
Mars (9th) Mostly Rules mdraka
Flawless 2nd house
but kills

Angle Type Comment
Jupiter ( 1st Flawless Rulership
and 1 0th) of 1 st
benefic rul-
ing angle
Mercury Somewhat Blemish
(4th and Flawed of owning
7th) two angles

Superior Rija Yogas for Pisces Ascendant

Trina-Angle Quality of Comment

Combination Rdja Yoga
Jupiter + Superior Jupiter and
Moon Moon are
mostly flaw-
less planets
Jupiter + Superior — Jupiter and
Mars Best! Mars are the

Location 5 2 7 9 87%
mostly flaw-
less lords
of 9 and 1 0

(Note: For the most part, all the trine and angle
lords combining for this lagna are fairly good rdja

The chart of famed evangelist, Billy Graham,

shows Jupiter, the Moon, and Mars all combining
to form a truly superior rdja yoga along the 4-10
house axis.

Kama! 42m-
,‘ “w” "n 1 Pb gM Tan 4 Gum

‘‘ . 1 2 all y 5 Cal

‘I'M. 11011.1. 159W
cum, M:
. . 119:2 ,, . no
Moo-4' Ram-wSUm-u
' s"? Mew
Vow M2?” Mes-”Va,
$93- \.
10 his» jaw Vim

This is a rare combination that resulted in a rare

destiny. It i s estimated the Graham has preached
to more people in live audiences than anyone in
history—more than 2 1 0 million in 18 5 countries.
He reached hundreds of millions more through
the media of radio, TV, and print. His remarkable
career first took off coinciding with the advent
of his Moon period, configured in these powerful
yogas and exalted in the navdrhs’a.

But then see how the das’d sequence favored

continuous and expanding fame for decades and
decades. After the Moon period came the 7 years
of Mars (exalted in the das’dms’a), followed by 1 8
years of Rahu (in the 9th house giving rdja yoga
also), then followed by 1 6 years of Jupiter.

Location 5 2 9 7 87%
All the example charts are given above for the
twelve possible ascendants share one thing in
common—they contain superior rdja yogas in-
volving planets that are strong and favorably dis-
posed. Such yogas are capable o f giving their “full
fruit,” and did so in their periods and sub-periods.

Impressionable Neutrals Giving

Rdja Yoga by Association

Earlier in this lesson, we saw how Paraéara clas-

sifies the 2 , 1 2 , 8 group of house lords as giving
results based o n the other house they rule and
by their association with other house lords. For this
reason, my teacher likes to call them “impression-
able neutrals.” This can be a source of confusion
to students who might also see over and over
again in the literature of Jyotisa the classification
of houses 6 , 8 , and 1 2 as “Trik” houses (liter-
ally, “the Three”). These houses and their lords are
then usually spoken of as if they were the primary
sources of all human misery. One hardly gets the
impression of “neutrality.” And, of course, the
2nd lord, being the strongest mc‘zraka, can even
bring death. My teacher wiggles out of this ap-
parent contradiction by calling the 8th lord (who
Parasara tells us can be especially malefic) “bane-
fully neutral.”

It can leave the student wondering, “So are the 8th

and 1 2 t h lords “functional malefics,” o r are they
“neutrals?” The answer lies in Parasara’s princi-
ples—it depends on the other house they rule and
which house lords they are associated with. We saw
how Jupiter, the ruler of the 5th and 8th houses
for a Leo ascendant when combining with good
lords of houses, like the l s t lord Sun, and the 4th
and 9th lord Mars, can give very good results. On
the other hand, Mars, as the lord of the 3 r d and
8th house for a Virgo ascendant, can create a lot

Location 5 3 1 5 87%
of mischiefs, particularly when associated with
lords of other “inauspicious houses.”

It i s important to understand that these impres-

sionable lords o f houses 2, 1 2 , and 8 can even
give raja yoga when they get “impressed” by trine
and angle lords forming such a combination. See
below the chart of George Bush, Sr., who was
elected President in his Mercury period.

George Bush Sr.

u u n "I

Mo... 0' mm
Su V
air: ’0 at: All V10mwfl

8 as
. 50" 7 H! 9 1 2 On
all-«- u Georg; Bush Sl'. first
Th1 M M ” 10:3” As
3 IBM.“ 1 L” 3 4"
u “If, 1 P
” Kb:- Mom
E: ”on Lu “J

Mercury rules the 2nd and 1 1th houses. As such it

i s classified as a malefic for this ascendant. Yet it
i s also classified among the group of house lords
that will give their effects according to their asso-
ciation with other house lords.

Mercury i s conjunct the Sun in the 10th house,

and both are in mutual aspect with Jupiter. The
Sun and Jupiter form multiple raja yoga combi-
nations along the 4 - 1 0 axis o f his birth chart.
The l s t lord Sun in the 10th gives a very good
raja yoga, especially since the Sun gets directional
strength in the 10th house. Jupiter, as the 5th lord
in the 4th house, also forms rdja yoga, and the mu-
tual aspect with the Sun i s a 1 - 5 combination that
gives a third angle-trine connection. As the 5th
lord, Jupiter also gives rajya, or royal authority.

George Bush’s Mercury das’a made him a “king”

because, as an impressionable 2nd lord, Mercury

Location 5333 87B

gets “impressed” with the powerful rdja yogas
formed by the Sun and Jupiter.

Then see that from his Moon lagna, Virgo, the

Mercury-Venus parivartana yoga i s an exchange
between the 9th and 10th lords—the most power-
ful of rdja yogas.

Dr. Deepak Chopra

A planet ruling the 1 1th house also brought Dr.

Deepak Chopra, best-selling author of books o n
mind—body medicine and Eastern spirituality, to
great fame and prominence.

The potential for this kind of experience i s not

hard to find in his chart. All told, there are eight
combinations in Dr. Chopra’s chart that produce

a. Venus in the 10th, as lord of the 4th and

the 9th,
b. Venus as the 9th lord exchanging
houses with the 1 0th lord, Mars,
c . Venus as the 9th lord aspecting Rahu in
the 4th house,
(1. Venus as the 9th lord conjunct Ketu in
the 10th house,
e . Mars as the 10th lord conjunct Mercury
as the 5th lord in the trinal 9th house,
f. Sun as the 7th lord conjunct Mercury as
the 5th lord in the trinal 9th house,
g. Mars as the lord of an angle in a trine
house, and
h . Sun as the lord of an angle in a trine

Location 5 3 5 2 88%




Mom. hum-m
, , Mu...12cm 7!.»
4 s «Du-u “Ir-
Sum hum
a." Mr
no... 11 108» mm "In

However,it was in his Jupiter period that he came

to fame. Like we saw with George Bush’s Mercury,
Dr. Chopra’s Jupiter rules his 2nd and 1 1th houses.
But see how through conjunction o r dispositorship, it
is associated with all eight rdja-yoga combinations
in the chart!

As an impressionably neutral 2nd lord, Jupiter

does not just get “impressed” with the inauspi-
ciousness of its other lordship, the 1 1 t h . It also
gets impressed with rdja—yoga after spectacular
rdja-yoga. Therefore, just like the Sage tells us, it
will give the effects of these rdja—yogas.

However, there i s yet another reason why Jupiter

does not bring the inauspicious effects we might
expect, just based o n its lordships. Go back again
to principles given in the very beginning o f the
lesson, when the Sage tells us that “the planet own-
ing a predominant house will stall the efiects due to
another owning a less significant house and will give
his own results.”

Jupiter, as lord of Dr. Chopra’s 1 1th house, i s pre-

dominant among its own group of 3 , 6 , and 11.
But this Jupiter i s conjunct Mars, who, as the
lord of the 10th house, i s predominant among
the angular group. Since the angles are the most
dominant among all the house groups, this Mars
will “stall” the efiects of Jupiter and will give its
own results according to the principle quoted above.

Location 5 3 7 4 88%
Particularly given the 9 - 1 0 exchange with the yo-
gakdraka Venus, the results of Mars are a spectac-
ular rdja-yoga.

It i s for these reasons that Jupiter, this “inaus-

picious" planet for Aquarius lagna, could put Dr.
Deepak Chopra o n the cover of Time and Newsweek

Let one more example sufl‘ices to further illus-

trate this point.

Barack Obama

An impressionable 1 2th lord brought President

Barack Obama the highest office in the land.

mm V.—

u" l. Ffl un Tm 3mm
“an: “I
IS!— al"!

‘ 1o, ‘ Q 7 On

air- EH-
Hi. «new man '54"
No... a' Sn... .. 1cm any


Var. Bat! 12 11Sen mu: "In

To a beginning student of Jyotisa, this would

hardly seem possible given that it has this “bad”
lordship and i s debilitated. Aside from all the spe-
cial reasons that Jupiter will not give the results
of a debilitated planet at all, see that it i s with
the lagna lord Saturn,vargottama in its own l s t
house/sign giving a powerful éas’a Yoga, but also
that Saturn and Mercury form a 1 - 9 rdja yoga
through their mutual glance. Per Parasara’s prin-
ciples given earlier in this article, Jupiter will give
the results of these planets. I publicly predicted his
victory prior to the 2008 election based o n this, as
well as other factors, and it subsequently proved

Location 5 3 9 2 88%
Particularly given the 9 - 1 0 exchange with the yo-
gakdraka Venus, the results of Mars are a spectac-
ular rdja-yoga.

It i s for these reasons that Jupiter, this “inaus-

picious" planet for Aquarius lagna, could put Dr.
Deepak Chopra o n the cover of Time and Newsweek

Let one more example sufl‘ices to further illus-

trate this point.

Barack Obama

An impressionable 1 2th lord brought President

Barack Obama the highest office in the land.

mm V.—

u" l. Ffl un Tm 3mm
“an: “I
IS!— al"!

‘ 1o, ‘ Q 7 On

air- EH-
Hi. «new man '54"
No... a' Sn... .. 1cm any


Var. Bat! 12 11Sen mu: "In

To a beginning student of Jyotisa, this would

hardly seem possible given that it has this “bad”
lordship and i s debilitated. Aside from all the spe-
cial reasons that Jupiter will not give the results
of a debilitated planet at all, see that it i s with
the lagna lord Saturn,vargottama in its own l s t
house/sign giving a powerful éas’a Yoga, but also
that Saturn and Mercury form a 1 - 9 rdja yoga
through their mutual glance. Per Parasara’s prin-
ciples given earlier in this article, Jupiter will give
the results of these planets. I publicly predicted his
victory prior to the 2008 election based o n this, as
well as other factors, and it subsequently proved

Location 5 3 9 2 88%

Has the earth ever seen anything like the bril-

liance of the Vedic risis? Through their enlight-
ened cognitions, they understood which planets
give which results for each lagna. I n doing so, they
gave us Golden Keys to Jyotish.

Location 5 4 1 2 89%
Lord Yama Pays a Visit
Lord Yama Pays a Visit
A Morbid Fascination

It wasn’t until I began studying astrology in my

early twenties that I was able to understand a
seemingly morbid aspect of my personality. You
see I have always been rather fascinated by death.
I recall with vivid clarity my first experience, as
a child, of seeing a corpse while attending a fu-
neral and the very strong and lasting impression
it made o n me. What had happened to this person
I had known? Where had they gone? To heaven, pur-
gatory o r hell, as the nuns and priest who were my
mentors at the time had taught? These were the
thoughts I can remember having.

Later, as an altar boy in the Catholic school sys-

tem, it just so happened that when I became an
oflficer among these, I was placed in charge of
serving at funerals, accompanying the priest to
the cemetery to assist in the graveside ritual and
prayers. Then as a high school junior in a class
designed to prepare me for writing college term
papers, I chose as my topic the Nazi death camps
and read horrifying accounts o f the mass geno-
cide of the Jews during World War II. "What a mor-
bid thing to do!" and "Whatever possessed me?" are
thoughts I can remember having after reflecting
o n this.

Subsequently, in college, a famous Buddhist

scholar introduced me to the idea of reincarna-
tion and my perspective o n death changed for-
ever. I found the concept of the transmigration of
the soul overwhelmingly compelling and it rad-
ically altered my view of life and what happens
when a person dies. I read about the work of
Edgar Cayce, "The Sleeping Prophet" and his abil-
ity, while in a trance state, to see the connection
between the circumstances in a person's life and
how these were a result of previous life actions. I

Location 5 4 2 3 89%
came to know of the concept of karma and its key
role in the Eastern spiritual traditions.

Shortly thereafter, I discovered astrology with its

notion of the “houses” and a new light was shed
on my morbidity. I recall how at the first read-
ing of my Western chart I learned that I had three
planets in my "8th house of death,” including the
Sun and my "star o f destiny," the ruler of my Sun
sign, Mars. The astrologer quipped that this made
me either a mystic o r a mortician. Needless to say,
I was quite intrigued.

Then twenty years later K.N. Rao and Jyotisa came

into my life and I learned that in the Vedic system
my Zagna lord goes into the 8th house and that I
had just moved into my Mars das’d, the lord of the
8th in the 8th house, when I had written about
the death camps. My prominent 8th house cer-
tainly explained a lot about my fascination with
death, and it i s not surprising that the concept of
mc'zrakas o r "death-inflictors" in the Vedic system
was also quite intriguing to me when I discovered
it, especially as there wasn’t anything like it in the
Western system.


Among the many technical terms used in Jyotisa,

there i s none more frightening than the word
mdraka. It refers to planets in a chart whose
das’a‘zs and antardas’ds can bring death if a person's
lifespan has expired. The Brihat Pdrc'zéara Hora
Sdstra contains a separate chapter on the concept
of mdrakas, and these principles are reiterated in
their distilled essence in the Laghu Pdrds’ari Sid-
hant. S.S. Sareen translates the relevant s’lokas
from this latter work as follows:

The 8th housefrom the Ascendant and the 8"h

from the 8*, Le. the 3rd house are the two
Location 5 4 4 1 89%
houses of longevity. The houses related to
death are the 12th from each of these. Thus
the 2nd and the 7th are the mdraka houses.

The logic behind this statement i s that the 12th

house signifies “loss and expenditure” and there-
fore the 12th house from the two houses of
longevity represents the loss of longevity o r in
other words, death. The unknown author then
goes on to pronounce about the relative power of
these two mdraka houses to bring death.

Out of these two mdraka houses (2- 7), the

2’” house is more powerful. During the rul-
ing period of the lords of the 2nd and the 7th,
the malefics occupying them or associated
with them, the death of the native is possible.

However, since the Viméottari das’d sequence

lasts 1 2 0 years, it i s possible to never run these pe-
riods in a normal lifespan. I n which case, the text
further instructs us as follows:

I f a person, before his birth, has already lived/passed

the das’d periods of the aforesaid mdrakas or no
malefic is there with the mdralea lord or occupying
these houses, the lord of the 12th house from the as-
cendant during his das’d period may be expected to
inflict death.

In the absence of the das'd period of all o r any of these

lords, the das'd of a benefic planet related to the lord
of the 12th house may be stated as responsible for in-
flicting death. The end may also b e possible in the
das’d of the lord of the 8th house.
I f Saturn is ill-disposed and related to mdraka plan-
ets, he will be the first to inflict death over other

From these s’lokas, we can see that the primary

mdrakas for each ascendant are the lords of the
Location 5 4 6 6 89%
2m1and the 7th houses,with the 2nd lord being the
more powerful “death inflictor.”

Therefore, the primary marakas for each lagna are

a s follows:

Lagna 2‘“1Lord 7th Lord

Aries Venus Venus
Taurus Mercury Mars
Gemini Moon Jupiter
Cancer Sun Saturn
Leo Mercury Saturn
Virgo Venus Jupiter
Libra Mars Mars
Scorpio Jupiter Venus
Sagittarius Saturn Mercury
Capricorn Saturn Moon
Aquarius Jupiter Sun
Pisces Mars Mercury

Emerging Principles of Interpretation

I n his book Astrology, Destiny, and the Wheel of

Time, Shri. K.N. Rao summarizes the principles of
interpretation that emerge from these s’lokas. His
comments are as follows:

Death can take place in the periods of:

- The mahddas’d and antardas‘a of the 2nd

and the 7th lord.
- The periods of planets in 2""1and 7th house.
- The periods of planets associated with the
2""1or 71th lords.
- If there are no planets in mdralza houses
Location 5 4 9 3 90%
and if no planets are associated with
mdraka planets then death can take place
in the mahddas’d of the twelfth lord and
the antardas’d of the mdraka planet.

Shri Rao then goes o n to list the planets which

have the ability to kill in descending order from
the strongest to the weakest.

The 2’“ lord is the strongest killer.

Next comes the 7th lord.
Next comes a planet or planets in the 2“
house, which acquires such power by posi-
Next comes the planet or planets associ-
ated with the 2” lord.
Next are planets in the 7th house.
Next are planets associated with the 7th
If none of the six conditions given above
is fulfilled (if the calculation of longevity
takes us beyond this period) then death
will take place in the mdraka mahddas’d of
the 12th lord or a planet in the 12th house
o r associated with the 1 2”“ lord.
If the longevity calculated extends beyond
all the seven periods given above, death
can take place in the benefic antardas‘d of
the 12“ lord.
If the eight factors mentioned above do not
become efiective, the 8“ lord o r a planet in
the 8th house o r a planet associated with
the 8th lord can take upon itself the role of
a killer.
If the nine factors are not available death
can still take place in the evil periods not
falling in this category, which can be the
3rd,6th and 1 1th lords and their periods or
planets in these houses or associated with
the lords of these houses.
Location 5 5 3 6 90%
It can be seen from these principles that many
planets in a chart can become marakas under cer-
tain conditions, though some become much more
eligible than others. Also, the Laghu Paras’ari
clearly specifies that malefics in the 2nd and 7th
house, o r malefics associated with the 2nd and 7th
lords, take on very strong mdraka qualities.

Moreover, Paras'ara Hora, in the chapter on the

effects of planets due to their lordship, refers to
some functional malefics as mdrakas when clas-
sifying the planets for each ascendant. These are
typically the lords of the 3 , 6 and 11 houses as Shri
Rao mentions.

" Venus, being marked as a fatal planet, will certainly
kill; the malefic planets beginning with Saturn will
also kill."

’[Iupiter and the rest (of the functional malefics)
along with Mars are fatal planets.

Gemi ni
"The Moon is the prime killer but will give these re-
sults by association."

"Saturn is a killer. "

"Saturn is the killer."

"Venus is a killer."

"Mars will kill and Jupiter and the rest of the malefics
can also become killers".

" Venus and the other malefics become mdrakas."
Location 5567 91%
"Saturn is a killer and Venus is a killer. "

"Saturn itself will not kill, but Mars and the other
malefics will."

'jupiter, the Sun, and Mars are killers."

Location 5 5 9 9 92%
"Mars, though a maraka, will not kill. Saturn and
Mercury will kill."

Interestingly, Saturn for Capricorn and Mars for

Pisces are not stipulated as marakas by them-
selves though they are lords of the 2nd house.
This likely has something to do with the fact that
they are additionally lords of trine houses. How-
ever, planets associated with them, especially nat-
ural malefics, become strong mdrakas.

Given all these possibilities I find it useful there-

fore to categorize planets in terms of primary ver-
sus secondary marakas. Clearly, the lords of the
2nd and 7th house are the most primary marakas.
After that, planets associated with them and
planets in these houses should also be considered
as primary marakas, particularly if these planets
are malefics. I n addition, Saturn and Rdhu can be
said to be "unqualified marakas," which i s to say
that they can give this result independent of any
placement or lordship. The ancient texts also in-
dicate that natural benefics in the 7th "become the
surest killers." Mark this point.

However, it cannot be emphasized enough that

such planets will only bring death when a person's
longevity (ayus) has expired, which i s also said to
be determined by one's karma. A person can run
the full period o f a primary maraka and not so
much as catch a cold. This must always be kept in
mind when interpreting such periods generally.
This and the fact that I personally believe as-
trologers should not predict death and have made
it a practice never to do so myself. It is more of
a question of longevity anyway, something I con-
sider the most difi‘lcult area within Jyotisa, and
something I would not trust myself or any other
astrologer to accurately determine. All the many

Location 5 6 0 6 92%
methods given in the ancient texts which I have
tried do not give reliable, consistent results. Jai-
mini methods, for the broad determination of the
lifespan in terms of "short," "medium" and "long,"
have some eflicacy but only gives a very general
idea with a wide variance.

Primary Mdrakas

I was quite intrigued when learning about this

concept within Jyotisa, and since then whenever
I become aware of someone passing away whose
chart I possess, I always see the period and sub-
period in which this i s happening. For exam-
ple, when John Kennedy Jr. died tragically July 1 6 ,
1 9 9 9 , when he got disoriented in a fog bank and
crashed his private aircraft, I wanted to see the
das’d sequence at the time. I discovered it was Sat-

Me... , 0 a" ‘, pm on: 116-1

. a 1m ‘ @ 12cm
JolllKnnnolyJuI‘nr Bin-u
Human again A...

“it" ‘ E22 1L“

V9" ’.
Mr W" Va." M...
archw- an

593 45c» Lhr 2mm

As the 7th and 2nd lords respectively for his Leo

lagna chart, these two grahas are first—rate pri-
mary mdrakas.

I had long before looked at the timing of the

equally tragic death of his father who was assas-
sinated o n November 2 2 , 1 9 6 3 , in the period of a
primary mdraka.

Location 5 6 3 1 92%
methods given in the ancient texts which I have
tried do not give reliable, consistent results. Jai-
mini methods, for the broad determination of the
lifespan in terms of "short," "medium" and "long,"
have some eflicacy but only gives a very general
idea with a wide variance.

Primary Mdrakas

I was quite intrigued when learning about this

concept within Jyotisa, and since then whenever
I become aware of someone passing away whose
chart I possess, I always see the period and sub-
period in which this i s happening. For exam-
ple, when John Kennedy Jr. died tragically July 1 6 ,
1 9 9 9 , when he got disoriented in a fog bank and
crashed his private aircraft, I wanted to see the
das’d sequence at the time. I discovered it was Sat-

Me... , 0 a" ‘, pm on: 116-1

. a 1m ‘ @ 12cm
JolllKnnnolyJuI‘nr Bin-u
Human again A...

“it" ‘ E22 1L“

V9" ’.
Mr W" Va." M...
archw- an

593 45c» Lhr 2mm

As the 7th and 2nd lords respectively for his Leo

lagna chart, these two grahas are first—rate pri-
mary mdrakas.

I had long before looked at the timing of the

equally tragic death of his father who was assas-
sinated o n November 2 2 , 1 9 6 3 , in the period of a
primary mdraka.

Location 5 6 3 1 92%
mm a—

Mcam Jaen
mru $1M IS!—
TPE BM Tm 10 Gun

(3% 110.1

John F‘kimcy mm-

10.. “1'17 atom
m I“
12 I.”



It was the mahc‘zdas’d of the 7th 10rd Jupiter, and

the sub-period o f Saturn, an unqualified mdraka
and the 6th 10rd of his chart participating in a ter-
rible arista yoga.

Another head of state, Indira Gandhi, was also as-

sassinated in the major period of the 7th 10rd and
the sub—period of an unqualified mc‘zmka.

K." ‘ £12190
'2 10M Vl‘hu 12M
saw “NFL.

Aszrz z
@ 1 Cl:
7 ‘ L
Indira Gandhi
nan "flfil‘fi‘i'namum
Sun m
New vezm r
"' " Me w.
Raffl' SU
m VI ,

It was October 3 1 , 1 9 8 4 , in her Saturn mahd-

das’d, with this graha in the l s t house hemmed
by malefics and the Rdhu sub-period, falling 6th
from both the birth lagna and das’d lagna.

\\ a...

'. Mo. Sum

“"2”” ‘ 3 8"" an. m [ on: 116.!
”If. a"

.'1 L5]! ‘ (3B 12 Can

.. “"" , '69:. mm
m. Raw Gandhi J»...v...
summons“ 311m Mm.
. ' I Cup m.m 1 Lou


19.: {LI-n as.» u. v:

Location 5 6 5 0 93%
Her son, Rajiv Gandhi, suflered a similar fate o n
May 2 1 , 1 9 9 1 , when he too was assassinated. In
his case, it was a reverse scenario das’d-wise in
that Rdhu as an unqualified mdraka was the major
period lord and Mercury as a mdraka 2nd lord was
the sub-period lord. Theirs was a family of prema-
ture, tragic deaths. Some ten years earlier o n June
2 3 , 1 9 8 0 , the younger son Sanjay was flying a new
aircraft of the Delhi Flying club, and while per-
forming an aerobatic maneuver over his office, he
lost control, crashed and died instantly.

, m...
a" -./ls$::m IM nu scum
”'W a...
v 7°-
.w. 5;: % (5.) Wu-
,“ Sanjaiéandhi

m... a,

a... ,. L22 . van

a“ K:
"I “a: an! ”my

12 113cc our DVI_I|

As with his mother, it was in the mahc‘zdas’d of the

7th lord of his birth chart, in his case the Moon
placed in the 8th house. The sub-period was Mer-
cury, the 6th lord of accidents with the 8th lord
Sun and with the influence of the Rdhu-Ketu axis.
The sub-sub-period lord was Saturn in the mdraka
7th house.

MOI-w 8"-
\' - SI"
43 n; M on. n (in


. a 1g! ‘ ® 12Gun
in mustnmmutam
‘émiuie 3'"“ma--
”In: «an.
.I ' B Q! 7 1 Lou

a... ”On
III “at "our

FAQ mo Ln m

British mystery writer Agatha Christie might

have been one who would appreciate that the

Location 5 6 6 4 93%
timing of her demise o n January 1 2 , 1976, was
a complete "textbook" illustration of the mdraka
principle of Jyotisa. The das’d sequence at the
time was Mercury-Saturn-Mercury, with Mercury
as the 2nd lord and Saturn as the 7th lord.
n- u - “
JPI. V0,.“ an! ”a.

“In M7”

3“". " Ma" ‘u "PI 12M Tm Gum
“an! 8"
'1 1053 0 man
I“ H m V “I”

m mo Lw m
Another great mystery writer and the creator
of the character of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle, also passed away in the major pe-
riod of a 2nd lord Mercury.The date was July 7,
1930, and the Vimsottari das’d sequence was Mer-
cury-Mercury—Venus, in which case the das’d, cm-
tardas’d, and pratyantar das’c‘z lords are also in the
1 2th house.

m, m" M».
.’ II an: 10M 7 11m 36m
“w “h a, a.. In.

1. , ' 531—. L
“WV. v-
on banana:
Vfil Gail-I. F.
nI H
u M

Sea Lu w

I suspect French author Alexander Dumas faced

death as heroically and with the same sang—
froid as his beloved characters Atho s, Aramis, and
Porthos, The Three Musketeers. He died at the age
of 6 8 on December 5 , 1 8 7 0 .

This timing was also rather "textbook" since it

was his Saturn-Rdhu-Venus period. Saturn has
Location 5 6 7 8 93%
a double qualification as a mdmka for his chart
since it rules the 7th house and i s placed in the
2nd house. The sub-period lord Rdhu, aside from
being an unqualified mc’zraka, gives the results of
Saturn and i s in the 8th house. The pratyantar
das’c‘z lord, Venus i s in the 2 n d house in sambandha
with both Saturn and Rdhu.

To his friends and contemporaries, the English

Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was an ideal-
ist and a dreamer. The manner of his premature
death by drowning at age 2 9 , o n July 8 , 1822,does
call into question his practical common sense. He
was sailing alone o n an Italian lake when a sudden
storm capsized his boat. He couldn't swim.

It was his Saturn-Jupiter—Rdhu period. Saturn

and Rdhu are unqualified mdrakas, and the sub-
period lord Jupiter i s in the 7th house under the
influence of two natural malefics. Recall the ear-
lier quote from the ancient texts that a natural
benefic in the 7th house can be "the surest killer."
u no: u
152m Aswwi
’I . u “7 flag 1M m cm
M031? V9293
' 11 Q Can
V9111 ‘ 'Al— é
50m p”, M0 “1.,
awn: MM
Hui-n W

New 1191'.
‘. I' 19g 5 Leo
Ma... Jps‘w
has M Mr “In

Hollywood legend Barbara Stanwyck had an act-

ing career in films and o n television that spanned
an incredible 6 4 years. She won Golden Globe and
Emmy Awards at age 7 7 . Five years later she died
o n January 2 0 , 1 9 9 0 , in Mercury-Saturn—Saturn.

Mercury is a natural benefic in her 7th house and

Saturn rules her 2nd. Notice that this timing ap-
pears to run counter to the statement quoted ear-
Location 5 6 9 4 93B
lier from Pdrds’ara Hard that Saturn for Capricorn
"will not kill by itself." What exactly that means
i s an open question. I n her case, Saturn i s addi-
tionally afflicted by being in a mutual aspect with
.- _

is." K'"
.. II m aM Tu. acan
“'1: m

11o, 95;— ®
7 0"!

"am Bum-{w
K... 1'00]!!w 20.45.00
2I .‘ m.“ 15:52 D Lee

M “I'M
V...” m“:

12 new 10w DVIm

With respect to career longevity, James Garner

who also starred both in films and o n TV was not
far behind, having been active for 5 9 years up to
age 8 5 , just a year before he died o n July 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 .
It was his Moon—Venus—Jupiter period.

“I"? m
my" “"3“” a“.

gr: . 7 A.” ‘ ‘ 7 PD M Til 10 M

' MO"
. 0a lag ‘ (a 11can

3.... “ma“
”n 32:; 1' M 7 3 —
"or" a: L A...”

Mill 5a a 800 L0! 1 VII]

The major period lord, Moon, i s in the mdraka 2nd

house and Venus-Jupiter are two natural benefics
in the 7th house, with Jupiter as the 7th lord and
Venus as the 2nd lord.

Location 5 7 1 3 94%
20206 ID 6) fl ' fie‘finllfli‘i’iall 6 0 % -

8t" lord can take upon itself the role of a


Jawaharlal Nehru lived much longer than his

daughter and grandsons, passing at the age of
74 on May 27, 1964, after serving as India's first
Prime Minister for nine years. It was his Rdhu—
Mercury period. Rdhu i s in the 1 2th house giving
the results of the 1 2th lord Mercury, who was also
the sub-period lord when he died.

so...r Ram. Ra";

m" 3,
.I II Lon: 10M 71m 12m
Mm, Mqw
n..." 1. L, (,3) L
Juan-Iii Maw
m. In“ mu)
m m, I”

"" . a 1 Cup 2 Leo

Jpas'w ‘Men'c
JP; ‘
Keane sums
Kow- V6721. M a m
\. 5w LU V' .

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan's first woman Prime

Minister, suffered the same fate as India's, which
i s to say she was assassinated. It happened o n De-
cember 2 7 , 2 0 0 7 , in her Ketu-Mercury—Venus pe-

Ketu gives the results of Mercury with whom it

i s conjoined, and Mercury i s the 1 2 t h lord. The
pratyantar das’d lord, Venus, i s in the mdraka 7th
house as a natural benefic.

Jpn-12' sumo“

all-u vex-‘7' Mai?”

.a II L"! 7M Tau II Gun

As... Mew
a" 1 4 a" fi— ® 19L
— 0°24
Tutmfl mam
W" m»
as; “M"
a 2 Sn... gym
JP soc Lbr 12 m

Location 5 7 7 3 95%
_ —

“av “In:
‘l i! A.” 10' a P. 3M TI] 5 Gun

JDu-u MT
8... a"! L‘ (3%
B.V. Raman a:
1 M. 1m ”$012 a“
g‘ 2: ' 7 12 Cup 1 Lao
Kiev-r h mm

11 10800 LN IVE]

Famous Indian astrologer Dr. B.V. Raman lived to

the ripe old age o f 8 6 and passed away in this
Venus-Venus-Saturn period. Again, we see a natu-
ral benefic in the 7th house giving this result even
though it is the yogakdraka planet for his lagna.
Ironically, all the benefics falling in the angle
houses, including Venus, are the very factors that
contribute to longevity.


MO:- m Elan
.- A." g m 7M Tau beam
Eh: Mo...
1 4 L @ m

" mm , , «Lao
" Sn... ’ 4m...
/ m,"
Ian—25w 1w 12L

Beloved entertainer Charlie Chaplin also had a

long lifespan, living until the age of 8 8 . He died
o n Christmas day, 1 9 7 7 in his Sun-Venus-Saturn
period. The Sun and the natural benefic Venus are
together in his 7th house.

Natural benefics in or ruling the 2nd house can

also play the role o f mdrakas, as evidenced in the
chart of Catherine the Great of Russia.

Location 5 7 2 5 94%
M! "In. sun-p V.”
3'" 1°.
in." .a :2 n- :M Ta 5 Gum
an“ saw. A."

a". 11g ‘ 9 non

Gil-inn.“ MW
12619 Tue
3‘ a7 7
Jpn-w Kan ‘

11 103” LN ’VLII

She died o n November 1 7, 17 9 6 , in her Mercury-

Jupiter-Saturn period. Mercury i s in the 2nd
house and Jupiter i s the 2nd lord and these grahas
exchange signs.

I n my article, To Tell The Truth, I make the case

that the lagna of Steve Jobs, who died o n October
5 , 2011, i s very early degrees Virgo, not late de—
grees Leo. Among the many reasons I put forth
i s the timing o f his passing in the Moon-Jupiter-
Venus. A Virgo ascendant puts the Moon in the
7th mc'zraka house, and Jupiter and Venus both be-
come primary mdrakas as the 7th and 2nd lords
respectively. It could be argued that the Moon in
the 8th house and Jupiter as the 8th lord for Leo
accounts for this as well, but I think the more pri-
mary mdraka status of these planets for Virgo i s
much more compelling.
u _

Mowvtaysr $10-10
SI“ .2“ 7’ '
'r “N I‘ 1 Pb M [Tu 1 0 m 1‘

m" . 3 \ lag! ‘ @ &
W21? Steve/Jobs
“It. ”In“ mam

Io Mom. I '5up a. Fume» CA
Maw " ' vex-w
Sum- Bflm-i As“
\ 4.8;: :1: sea w 1 vrl

Many more examples could be shown, but let

these 1 5 suffice to demonstrate that:

1. Planets ruling or placed in the 2nd and

Location 5736 94%
the 7th house are the first rate, primary
Saturn and Rdhu are unqualified
mc'zrakas and can bring this event inde-
pendent of their placement or lordship
as either period or sub-period lords.
Should they rule or be placed in the 2nd
or 7th house, they become even more
. Natural benefics in the 7th become par-
ticularly eligible marakas.

Secondary Mdrakas

At the beginning of this article, I quoted some

verses from the Laghu Pards’ari that give a hierar-
chy of planets most likely to inflict death. After
first highlighting planets in or ruling the 2nd and
7th houses, it states that:

”In the absence of the das’d period of all

or any of these lords, the das’d of a benefic
planet related to the lord of the 12th house
may be stated as responsible for inflicting
death. The end may also be possible in the
das’d of the lord of the 8th house.”

Shri Rao clarifies this verse by adding in his com-


"If none of the six conditions given above is

fulfilled (if the calculation of longevity takes
us beyond this period) then death will take
place in the maraka mahadas‘a of the 12"
lord o r a planet in the 12th house or associ-
ated with the 12th lor ."
"If the eight factors mentioned above do not
become efiective, the 8“ lord or a planet in
the 8th house o r a planet associated with the

Location 5 7 5 0 940/0
Hollywood movie star Marilyn Monroe was very
famous in life, and also had a famous/infamous
death, an apparent suicide from an overdose of
sleeping pills at age 3 6 o n August 5 , 1 9 6 2 . Some
conspiracy theorists contend that she was mur-
dered because she was about to go to the press
about her affair with then President John F.

V3959 lMen-51'
Su SUI‘I'JT Rau'o'
.I ”9“": a: 10M 1m 1mm
As... Mam. "
, , ML. (3;) L
a" V'" MOM“
Tut-£11102! 0.300

u 1 c" , 7 2 Lou

Ea E 5” L LII E VIE] _.

It was her Jupiter-Mars—Rdhu period, with Jupiter

and Mars together in the 8th house, and the
pratyantar das’d lord, Rdhu, in the 12th. N 0 won-
der her death remains a mystery to some.

Jackie Kennedy, JFK's wife, also died in the period

and sub-period o f two planets in the 8th house.
The date was May 1 9 , 1 9 9 4 , and the das’d sequence
was Jupiter-Venus-Venus. I n her case, Venus i s
also the 8th lord.
Mow-10' Jpwsz

33"“ t. mm Ra .Ve
.I K... 7M wan-“must.”
As... Mam,
‘ Me..- L, @ 10m
Jackie Kim
animus mum Man-u
R. W.M
n m" 3 EL— , , LN
‘2 V02...
JP... \ séwr lKeu-w
-. 3 Eco Lot 123.

Rdhu and Ketu as Mdrakas

Location 5 7 8 8 950/0
Rdhu, along with Saturn, has been designated in
this article as an unqualified mdraka, and we have
already seen more than one example of a per-
son leaving this world in either Saturn-Rdhu o r
Rdhu-Saturn periods (Indira Gandhi and Alexan-
dre Dumas). I n those cases, however, these gm-
has had more direct qualifications as mdrakas. I n
my experience, such a das’é sequence can still give
this event regardless. An example being the chart
of former President of France, Charles D e Gaulle
who died November 9 , 1 9 7 0 , in his Rdhu-Saturn

Hom e

Sun. " '

r50... ‘ 7 “ 1 PB BM Tn 106-:
an ll

. 3 am ‘ a "can

MI." MD. Gallo

JP.“ Slam
JP. ,0 m , 12w
"' u "" 1 n... /
'" Mr-

wags—as.» Lb! 1 Vlg

Rdhu i s well placed in the 9th house, exalted and

with the influence o f two natural benefics. Sat-
urn i s the 6th lord in the 1 2 t h house. Neither
of them are primary mdrakas, though one could
argue that Rdhu gives the results of Venus who i s a
primary mdraka for his Virgo lagna.

Wu “-1.

.' hm '. £3 7M Tm Beam

“I"! In.”

. 3“." W—‘ W (5.3 m


mew? '
"a flaw a: /

Mo“ 3-...
Man 1U: 12L

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini led his country

into a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany and

Location 5 8 0 3 95%
later paid the price in front of a firing squad,exe-
cuted by his own countrymen. It was in his Sat-
urn-Rdhu period o n April 2 8 , 1 9 4 5 . Saturn i s in
the 8th with the mc'zraka 2nd and 7th lord Mars,
but Rdhu is in the l s t house, giving primarily
the result of Venus and Jupiter in the 9th. How-
ever, additional principles given in the chapter
o n mdrakas in Pdrds’ara Horc'r may be coming into
play. See these verses:

"Rdhu and Ketu in the ascendant, the 7th, 8th o r

1 2 t h house, in the 7th house from a mdraka, o r in
conjunction with a mdraka become mdraka in their
timid and antardas’d periods."

"Rdhu becomes a mdraka for persons born with

Capricorn and Scorpio ascendants. Rdhu gives pain
and misery in this das’d period in the 6th and 12th
house. But he does not cause pain o r misery if he is in
conjunction with o r aspected by a benefic planet."

Look back on some of the examples shown thus

far and it can be seen that a few of these principles
make Rdhu and Ketu first-rate mdrakas:

- Benito Mussolini died in the sub-period

of Rdhu in his ascendant.
. Nehru died in the major period of Rdhu
in the 12th house.
- Rajiv Gandhi died in the major period of
Rdhu in the 1 2th house.
- Alexandre Dumas died in the sub-period
of Rdhu in the 8th house, but also falling
7th from a primary mdraka, Saturn, in
the 7th house.
- Marilyn Monroe died in the pratyantar
das'd of Rdhu in the 1 2th house.

The Other Sinister Side of Mdrakas

Location 5 8 1 9 95%
I once heard Shri Rao say that primary mdrakas
need not bring death but under certain con-
ditions, they could bring "death-like sufierz’ng."
"Lovely" I can remember thinking sardonically.

What I have come to know about this i s that they

are only likely to do so if they are a part of arista
combinations related to the lagna/lagna lord and
associated with natural malefics. I just recently
came across a curious case of this combination in-
volving two siblings, both of whom have suffered
rather severely at a young age from Crohn's dis-
ease, a chronic inflammation of the bowels for
which there is no known cure.

Mia.“ R."- are
.I 3:: m “In Tm noun

- .. LL @ W
14932 n u- n—
5" M

" '
2w inn:
we.» 1m 1233

The static arista potential at birth does not seem

that severe but i s still clearly present. Mars, as a
natural malefic and double mdraka for her Libra
lagna, i s afflicting both the lagna and the lagna
lord, Venus. She first became symptomatic at age
1 3 in her Mercury-Saturn period. The relevant
points that I see for this timing are:

- Mercury i s in an extreme gandanta de-

- in the mdraka 2nd house
- with the influence of the Rdhu-Ketu axis
- its dispositor, Mars, i s an arista-forming
- sub-period lord Saturn i s in Mercury's
sign and falls in the 8th house from

Location 5 8 4 7 96%
Chandra and das’d lagna

As always, we must see things from the Moon and

das’c‘z lagna. The major period lord Mercury, from
this perspective, i s the 8th lord in the 1 st afflicted.

She i s in her Ketu period now, which duplicates all


Now see the chart of her younger brother who be-

came symptomatic much earlier at around age 3 .
H mm
m" xiv m.- a“).

M ”011. 'h'I:
" ,1 Cu," “ _12_Ph 1M Tu Beam
Ma: all- h m.

IS!" 3 11 n @ lam
Mu “w

is." '5 I. m am

(gin; Esau nor my

What is rather fascinating about these two cases

i s that both charts have Mars-Venus conjunctions
in the lagna in opposite signs, wherein one be-
comes a double mdraka. The arista in this chart
as it relates to the lagna lord Mars i s a more subtle
one and can be easily missed. It has to do with the

- Mars is within 8 minutes of its mrityu

bhaga degree of 1 9 Aries
- Mars i s defeated in a planetary war
- Mars i s with the double mdraka. Venus
- It i s afilicted by a dark, waning, gan-
danta Moon that i s the lord of the 64th

(Note: For a greater understanding of the poten-

tial ill effects health-wise o f planets in or ruling
the 64th navdms’a, the 2 2 n d drekkc‘ma, or in mri—
tyu bhaga, see Dr. K.S. Charak's Subtleties of Medi-
cal Astrology.)
Location 5 8 7 0 96%
Symptoms first appeared in his Ketu major period,
giving the results almost exclusively of the Moon,
and then became more severe in his Venus period.
So much so that he has been hospitalized multiple
times and has required transfusions because of
loss of blood through his stool.

The chart below i s that of a 45-year-old Indian

gentleman living in the US. who i s an avid stu-
dent ofJyotisa.
_ _

,1 '3’". '1 12m 1M Tun man
" 115;: @ non
““H. v... swam» 5w
“1' ”.1": hummus
PM” war "In

He recently contacted me due to a health crisis. He

has a protruding, herniated disc in his lower spine
hitting a nerve and causing excruciating pain in
the calf and hip. It has incapacitated him. This
has come about in his Jupiter-Jupiter-Mercury pe-
riod, and quite candidly, this timing i s rather puz-
zling to me.

I n terms of static arista potentials related to the

lagna/lagna lord, Saturn in its debilitation sign i s
in the lagna, but otherwise:

- The lagna lord Mars aspects its own l s t

house, which should be a positive factor.
- Lagna gets the aspect of the two best
natural benefics, one strong in its mula-
trikona sign.
- A bright, waxing Moon occupies the as-
- Jupiter and Venus, and the benefic Moon
conjunct/aspect of the lagna lord, Mars.
Location 5895 97%
Symptoms first appeared in his Ketu major period,
giving the results almost exclusively of the Moon,
and then became more severe in his Venus period.
So much so that he has been hospitalized multiple
times and has required transfusions because of
loss of blood through his stool.

The chart below i s that of a 45-year-old Indian

gentleman living in the US. who i s an avid stu-
dent ofJyotisa.
_ _

,1 '3’". '1 12m 1M Tun man
" 115;: @ non
““H. v... swam» 5w
“1' ”.1": hummus
PM” war "In

He recently contacted me due to a health crisis. He

has a protruding, herniated disc in his lower spine
hitting a nerve and causing excruciating pain in
the calf and hip. It has incapacitated him. This
has come about in his Jupiter-Jupiter-Mercury pe-
riod, and quite candidly, this timing i s rather puz-
zling to me.

I n terms of static arista potentials related to the

lagna/lagna lord, Saturn in its debilitation sign i s
in the lagna, but otherwise:

- The lagna lord Mars aspects its own l s t

house, which should be a positive factor.
- Lagna gets the aspect of the two best
natural benefics, one strong in its mula-
trikona sign.
- A bright, waxing Moon occupies the as-
- Jupiter and Venus, and the benefic Moon
conjunct/aspect of the lagna lord, Mars.
Location 5895 97%
Why then has Jupiter as a period and sub-period
lord brought o n this health crisis?

In the navdms’a, Jupiter does go to the 8th house

aspected by Mars, but this hardly seems like suffi-
cient explanation to me.

Ma ._\'=.—
. E 1 5Ve
P. K
'0 Mo . EM 1'.» seam
A3 Su
Su 1 a Mo L. @ Me

‘2 ‘ [9259 Y 10 Lo
V. ' ' Ma ' Mor
AS 831$
59 m 1Sec—F1211: m —

The answer may also lie partly with Jupiter's con-

dition in other vargas that are specifically health-

However, in the birth chart, I was struck by how

this Jupiter i s similar to what was seen earlier in
the chart of the poet Shelly, in which Jupiter be-
comes a primary mdraka since it falls in the 7th
house and is under the influence of two natural
malefics. The fact that Jupiter i s in the sign of a
Great Enemy and at an extreme sandhi at 2 9 - 4 7 of
Libra can't help matters either.

I don't mean to imply by this that I think he will

pass in his Jupiter period, but I candidly admit
that I have no other explanation of why Jupiter-
Jupiter has brought this "death—like sufiering."

Cause of Death

In the chapter on mdrakas, Pdrc'zs’ara Hard also in-

cludes some verses concerning the cause o f death.
I n judging this we are asked to see the influences
o n the two houses of longevity, the 8d" and the
3rd. Causes ascertained by influences on the 3rd
house are given first. To make these verses more
Location 5 9 1 4 97%
readable I have broken them down into individual
statements as follows:

If there i s a strong Sun in the 3rd house

the death of the person i s due to the
If the Moon i s situated in o r aspects the
3rd house, the death will occur due to
If there i s Mars it will occur due to ul-
cers, weapon, fires etc.
If Saturn and Rdhu are in conjunction
with o r aspect the 3rd house, 0 Brah-
min, the death will occur due to poison,
water, o r fire, o r fall from heights, o r fall
in a ditch o r due to confinement.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by or as-
pected by the Moon and Saturn, the
death will certainly occur due to worms
or insects o r leprosy.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by or as-
pected by Mercury, the death will be
caused by fever.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied o r as-
pected by Jupiter the death is caused by
swelling o r tumors.
If the 3 r d i s occupied o r aspected by
Venus, the death will occur due to uri-
nary diseases.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by many
planets, the person's death will occur
due to many diseases.

A much briefer statement i s made regarding

causes shown by the 8th house:

”The wise astrologers have spoken of the oc-

currence of death due to the 8th house from
the ascendant. If the 8th house is occupied
by the Sun death will occur due to fire, if

Location 5 9 3 3 97%
readable I have broken them down into individual
statements as follows:

If there i s a strong Sun in the 3rd house

the death of the person i s due to the
If the Moon i s situated in o r aspects the
3rd house, the death will occur due to
If there i s Mars it will occur due to ul-
cers, weapon, fires etc.
If Saturn and Rdhu are in conjunction
with o r aspect the 3rd house, 0 Brah-
min, the death will occur due to poison,
water, o r fire, o r fall from heights, o r fall
in a ditch o r due to confinement.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by or as-
pected by the Moon and Saturn, the
death will certainly occur due to worms
or insects o r leprosy.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by or as-
pected by Mercury, the death will be
caused by fever.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied o r as-
pected by Jupiter the death is caused by
swelling o r tumors.
If the 3 r d i s occupied o r aspected by
Venus, the death will occur due to uri-
nary diseases.
If the 3 r d house i s occupied by many
planets, the person's death will occur
due to many diseases.

A much briefer statement i s made regarding

causes shown by the 8th house:

”The wise astrologers have spoken of the oc-

currence of death due to the 8th house from
the ascendant. If the 8th house is occupied
by the Sun death will occur due to fire, if

Location 5 9 3 3 97%
by the Moon due to water, if by Mars due to
a weapon, if by Mercury due to fever, if by
Jupiter due to diseases, if by Venus due to
hunger and If by Saturn due to thirst. "

What are we to make of these verses? Of course,

there are so many causes of death and what these
verses suggest i s that whatever the cause, it will be
in keeping with the natural significations of the
planet occupying these two "termination" houses.
These verses should be understood "liberally" not
taken literally as K.N. Rao often says. Sometimes
though, such statements in Pdrds’ara Hard and
other Sanskrit classics prove quite accurate in the
literal sense.

See the chart of Hollywood movie star Natalie

Wood who tragically drowned o n November 2 9 ,
1 9 8 1 , at the age of 4 3 . That day she had been sail-
ing off the coast of California with her husband
actor Robert Wagner along with another actor
Christopher Walken with whom she had been co-
starring in a movie. At night when they were an-
chored and there had been some heavy drinking, a
quarrel broke out between the two men who went
up o n deck. Later when her husband returned
below she was missing. After a search, she was
found dead from drowning the next morning.
What happened exactly i s unknown. Speculation
i s that she attempted to leave the boat in an at-
tached dingy and in her inebriated state fell into
the water and drowned.

Location 5 9 5 2 98%
ml. ml"

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an WW

van.1mm: mun
Help 12 L30
a... L Will
.l‘i'l_:§5°° “If

The verse from Pdrds’ara Hora quoted earlier

stated that death could be due to water if the
Moon i s in the 8th house. This interpretation
flows, of course, from the idea that the Moon
i s the kinda: of water. Hers i s a malefic wan-
ing Moon in the 8th house, hemmed by malefics
and in an exchange with the 8th lord Mars. The
tragedy happened in her Mars-Ketu-Venus period.

It i s an example of the 8th lord acting as a sec-

ondary mdraka. See also that this 3rd and 8th
lord Mars i s in a water sign, quite combust and so
strongly connected to the Moon through the ex-
change. It is also a part of a fundamental arista
yoga formed by the conjunction of the lagna lord
Mercury, in a gandanta degree, conjoined with
the 8th and 1 2 t h lords, while Saturn aspects the
lagna as the 6th lord. There are no benefics, only
malefics, in the angles and no modifying influ-
ence of natural benefics o n the lagna/lagna lord.

The sub-period and sub-sub—period lords at the

time she died are also noteworthy regarding the
concept of mdraka planets. Ketu i s in the 9th
house, but aspected by Saturn, the 6th lord of
accidents. Moreover, its sign dispositor, Venus,
whose results it gives, i s in the 1 2 t h house as a
mdraka 2nd lord. The pratyantar das’c‘z lord, Venus,
i s a primary mdraka.

Location 5965 98%

Jessica Savitch, one of the first women in the US.
to achieve great success as a top TV broadcast
journalist and nightly news anchor, also drowned.
Her death at age 3 6 and its astrological correlates
are an eerie reflection of this verse quoted earlier:

”If Saturn and Rahu are in conjunction with

or aspect the 3rd house, 0 Brahmin, the
death will occur due to poison, water, o r fire,
or fall from heights, o r fall in a ditch o r due
to confinement. "

While driving in a rainstorm with her fiancé,

Martin Fischbein, they had a bizarre accident. Fis-
chbein turned into a canal, mistaking it for the
road, and when the car plunged into the swollen
canal, they both drowned.

film 4' a: ma- 12M “rm gem
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,u Sufi”!
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Va... pig Taco u: EVE]

Saturn i s in her 3rd house in the water sign of

Cancer and Rdhu i s conjunct her 3rd lord Moon.
The timing was Jupiter-Moon-Mercury. Jupiter i s
a natural benefic in the 7th maraka house, as well
as the 8th lord. The irony of this i s that her
Jupiter-Moon period, activating a powerful Gaja
Kesarz' Yoga marked the time of her professional

Location 5 9 8 4 98%
_ _

mom Jaen

'' 0. 1 Ph BM Tan 10Gun


m" . 3 m" L (a m.
John FRI-mow Mow-
Tum"? awn
Va...5 Cap 12 Lou
km? Bav- L 4...,
gs; as» at My

Everyone knows that John F. Kennedy died of gun-

shot wounds to the head. The verse quoted above
indicated that Mars in the 8th could mean death
by a weapon. Just this alone would not produce
such a result, particularly if it i s the 8th lord in the
8th house like his. Rather, it i s the fact that Mars i s
configured in a terrible arista where it i s conjunct
the lagna lord and aspected by the 6th lord Saturn,
that makes this combination deadly. Aries i s a
moveable rasi and represents the head in the Kala
Purusha. He was shot in the head while in transit.

The influence of Mars o n the 3rd house i s also

mentioned as potentially indicating death by
weapons or fire. See the chart of Benazir Bhutto
again, with Mars and the Sun aspecting her 3rd
house Sagittarius. From Wikipedia:

"On 2 7 December 2007, Benazir Bhutto was killed

while leaving a campaign rally. After entering her
bulletproof vehicle, Bhutto stood up through its sun-
roof to wave to the crowds. At this point, a gunman
fired shots at her and subsequently explosives were
detonated near the vehicle killing approximately 20
people. Bhutto was critically wounded and was
rushed to the hospital. She was taken into surgery at
1 7:35 and pronounced dead at 1 8:1 6 ."

Location 6 0 0 0 98%
Jpn-12 sun-2r

V9220 Man's!
.I lI |. Egg 1M 1-. o Gom
AI... Mes-30'

a." '‘ a" 155;! (a 100.1
v." Baum ""‘my?“
“ a Man... map . V, 11w
‘1 a ' §§2rar
Jpn-1: Mom
aco u: 12m

Location 6 0 1 5 99%
Marc Boney MA. i s an internationally renowned
astrological teacher, writer and consultant. He
has been involved since 1 9 7 4 with the integra-
tion of the ancient wisdom of astrology with the
counseling arts. He received his training in Jyotiga
primarily from K.N. Rao, one of the world’s fore-
most Vedic astrologers. His focus i s o n using the
Vedic system to help guide people in their lives, as
well as training others.

Marc has been a featured speaker at international

conferences, i s a faculty member of the American
College of Vedic Astrology and was the main pre-
senter o n Jyotisa at the Chopra Center for Well-
Being from 2000 to 2002. He i s the author of 5 0
articles o n this topic, and twelve books.

The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bha-

van, of New Delhi, India honored Marc with a Dis-
tinguished Service Award for his contributions to
the advancement of Vedic Astrology in the West.

Marc founded the Pacific Institute of Vedic Sci-

ence, which offers quality educational programs
in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotisa in the San Diego
area where he lives.

Prior to his current full—time involvement with

these Vedic sciences, Marc held positions in the
corporate world as a Director of Human Re-
sources, Outplacement Consultant, and Leader-
ship Consultant.

Marc holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a

BA in English Literature from Northwestern Uni-
versity in Chicago, Illinois.

Location 6 0 2 4 996
Marc Boney MA. i s an internationally renowned
astrological teacher, writer and consultant. He
has been involved since 1 9 7 4 with the integra-
tion of the ancient wisdom of astrology with the
counseling arts. He received his training in Jyotiga
primarily from K.N. Rao, one of the world’s fore-
most Vedic astrologers. His focus i s o n using the
Vedic system to help guide people in their lives, as
well as training others.

Marc has been a featured speaker at international

conferences, i s a faculty member of the American
College of Vedic Astrology and was the main pre-
senter o n Jyotisa at the Chopra Center for Well-
Being from 2000 to 2002. He i s the author of 5 0
articles o n this topic, and twelve books.

The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bha-

van, of New Delhi, India honored Marc with a Dis-
tinguished Service Award for his contributions to
the advancement of Vedic Astrology in the West.

Marc founded the Pacific Institute of Vedic Sci-

ence, which offers quality educational programs
in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotisa in the San Diego
area where he lives.

Prior to his current full—time involvement with

these Vedic sciences, Marc held positions in the
corporate world as a Director of Human Re-
sources, Outplacement Consultant, and Leader-
ship Consultant.

Marc holds an MA in Counseling Psychology and a

BA in English Literature from Northwestern Uni-
versity in Chicago, Illinois.

Location 6 0 2 4 99%
He i s a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation
since 1 9 7 1 and later trained as a teacher and
taught TM in the late 70s.

Location 6 0 4 4 99%

Location 6 0 4 7 99%

The Essentials of Golden Keys to

Jaimini: Jyotisa
A Practical Guide Volume Two
Jyotisa for Beginners Golden Keys to
Volume One Jyotisa
u Volume Three

Jyotisa for Beginners Golden Keys to

Volume Two Jyotisa
Volume Four

Golden Keys to Golden Keys to

Jyotisa Jyotisa
Volume One Volume Five

Location 6 0 5 0 990/0

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