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Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

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Microwave regeneration of granular activated carbon saturated with

Erica Gagliano a, Pietro P. Falciglia a, Yeakub Zaker b, Tanju Karanfil b,∗, Paolo Roccaro a,∗
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Catania, 95125, Italy
Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Science, Clemson University, Clemson (SC), 29634, United States of America

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigated the regeneration of PFAS-saturated granular activated carbons (GACs) by mi-
Received 18 January 2021 crowave (MW) irradiation. Two commercially available GACs (bituminous coal based GAC [BCGAC] and
Revised 29 March 2021
lignite coal based GAC [LCGAC]) were saturated with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane
Accepted 3 April 2021
sulfonic acid (PFOS) and then irradiated at different MW conditions (applied power = 125 - 500 W, irra-
Available online 5 April 2021
diation time = 3 - 12 min). The performance of MW regeneration for PFOS- or PFOA-saturated GACs was
Keywords: assessed by evaluating the variation of GAC adsorption capacity (regeneration efficiency, RE) and weight
GAC adsorption loss percentage (WL). Moreover, the effect of MW irradiation on GAC textural properties (e.g., surface
Contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) area and pore volume) was examined through N2 adsorption isotherms. Additionally, five successive ad-
Microwave (MW) irradiation sorption/regeneration cycles were carried out at the MW operational condition that allowed to reach the
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) target temperature (T>600°C) while minimizing the WL.
Both GACs exhibited a strong ability to convert MW irradiation into a rapid temperature increase (~150°C
min−1 at 500 W). The highest values of RE (>90%) for both PFOA- and PFOS-saturated GACs were ob-
tained at MW irradiation conditions that employed short regeneration time (3 min) and optimal tem-
perature. Indeed, the highest RE did not occur at the highest temperatures (>750°C) due to the damage
of GAC porous structure, particularly for LCGAC. After five cycles, the observed values of RE (~65%) and
a moderate weight loss (<7%) demonstrated the good performance of MW irradiation for regenerating
PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC. The obtained findings pointed out that MW irradiation is a promising
alternative regeneration technique for PFAS-saturated GAC.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sequently, PFAS are categorized into long-chain and short-chain,

according to C-F chain length, and into perfluoroalkyl carboxylic
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of an- acids (PFCAs) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSAs), according
thropogenic compounds that attracted attention worldwide as con- to the type of functional group (Buck et al., 2011; ITRC, 2017).
taminants of high concern (Ateia et al., 2019; ITRC, 2020). Over Recently, PFAS have been called “forever chemicals” due to their
several decades, they have been used in an array of formulations persistence and mobility in environment as well as their toxicity
for the manufacture of several commercial products such as fire- for human and wildlife (Crawford et al., 2017; Hölzer et al., 2009;
fighting foams, food packing, stain repellents, and non-stick cook- Sorlini et al., 2019). Their occurrence in water bodies is the re-
ware (Buck et al., 2011; Rahman et al., 2014). The widespread sult of consumer-product degradation, firefighting activities, and
use of PFAS is certainly ascribable to their unique properties such discharges of fluorochemical manufacturing facilities (Ateia et al.,
as chemical-thermal stability and hydrophilic-lipophilic nature im- 2019; Hu et al., 2016). Consequently, PFAS have been detected
parted by chemical composition (Gagliano et al., 2020; ITRC, 2017). worldwide from ng L−1 to μg L−1 or even mg L−1 levels at some
PFAS structure is made up of a C-F chain of varying length, and it contaminated sites (Gagliano et al., 2020; Rahman et al., 2014).
also includes a charged functional group attached at one end (e.g., Amongst long-chain PFAS, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and per-
carboxylic or sulfonic acid) (Buck et al., 2011; Du et al., 2014). Con- fluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) has been the most widely used
and, although their production has been banned, they have been
detected in groundwater, surface water, wastewater, and tap wa-

Corresponding authors: ter around the world (Gagliano et al., 2020; Takagi et al., 2008).
E-mail addresses: (T. Karanfil), (P.
The need for efficient PFAS removal from water is a growing need
0043-1354/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

as a result of increasing regulatory attention and general concern GAC dielectric features, high mechanical strength and a good re-
regarding the exposure effects (Kucharzyk et al., 2017; Park et al., sistance towards heat and radiation are other essential features for
2020; Sorlini et al., 2019). In recent years, a significant progress has promoting GAC regeneration by MW irradiation (Ania et al., 2007;
been made to investigate the application of innovative advanced Biniak et al., 1997; Durán-Jiménez et al., 2019; Gagliano et al.,
technologies such as plasma treatment, electrochemical and pho- 2019). To the best of our knowledge, the applicability of MW ir-
tocatalysis (Ji et al., 2020; Ross et al., 2018). Nevertheless, at pilot- radiation for regenerating PFAS-saturated GACs has not been re-
and full-scale operations, adsorption using granular activated car- ported in the literature. Therefore, the aim of the present study
bon (GAC) has been the most widely used approach for treatment was to systematically examine the regeneration of two com-
of PFAS-contaminated water (Du et al., 2014; Gagliano et al., 2020; mercially available GACs saturated with selected long-chain PFAS
Shivakoti et al., 2010). However, periodic GAC replacement is re- (i.e., PFOA and PFOS) by MW irradiation for multiple adsorp-
quired. tion/regeneration cycles. MW regeneration was performed at dif-
From an environmental and sustainability standpoint, the re- ferent operational conditions (MW power levels and irradiation
generation of exhausted AC is a more attractive alternative then times) in order to examine the variation in GAC adsorption ca-
landfill disposal, which could lead to a secondary contamination pacity (in terms of regeneration efficiency) and GAC weight loss
pathway. The regeneration should allow an increase in GAC life- percentage. Afterwards, the optimum temperature for MW regen-
time, restoring its adsorption capacity by removing the adsorbed eration with the lowest GAC weight loss was selected to carry out
PFAS (Gagliano et al., 2020; Yuen and Hameed, 2009). However, the five successive PFAS adsorption/regeneration cycles. The changes in
regeneration of PFAS-exhausted GAC is a challenging task for both GAC textural properties (e.g., surface area and pore volume) after
water utilities and activated carbon manufactures. Among different MW irradiation were assessed through N2 adsorption isotherms in
regeneration techniques, chemical regeneration, using a solution of order to evaluate the MW effect on GAC porous structure.
sodium salts and organic alcohol, allows the desorption of PFAS
molecules out of carbon pores (Wang et al., 2014; Woodard et al., 2. Materials and methods
2017). However, the use of organic alcohol has negative impacts
for full-scale applications and, consequently, on-site regeneration 2.1. Materials
is not feasible (Gagliano et al., 2020). Furthermore, the manage-
ment of eluate having high PFAS concentration is another limiting The two commercial GACs selected for the experiments are ob-
factor of chemical regeneration. Over the years, the thermal regen- tained from steam activation of bituminous coal (BCGAC) and lig-
eration of exhausted GAC has been extensively performed at 800 nite coal (LCGAC), and they were purchased from Calgon Carbon
- 10 0 0°C under mildly oxidizing atmospheric conditions (usually Corporation and Norit, respectively (Table 1). Both GACs have been
carbon dioxide and steam) (Guo and Du, 2012; Zanella et al., 2014). extensively tested in PFAS removal studies, and they are currently
However, these conditions lead to a considerable amount of carbon employed at water treatment facilities (Kothawala et al., 2017;
lost (5 - 15%) by attrition, burn-off and washout, and, subsequent Liu et al., 2019; Ochoa-Herrera and Sierra-Alvarez, 2008; Park et al.,
decline in the adsorption capacity (Zanella et al., 2014). Further- 2020). As-received GACs were washed in distilled and deionized
more, thermal regeneration under oxidative gases negatively af- water (DDW) several times, dried at 100°C overnight and then
fects carbon porous structure (e.g., a decrease in micropore volume stored in a desiccator until use. The dried GACs were sieved at 10
and a shift to pores of narrower sizes) and it may lead to changes - 20 mesh size in order to obtain a fraction from 0.85 to 2 mm.
in carbon functional groups. The carbonization of adsorbates may PFOS (CAS n. 1763-23-1, ≥ 96% purity) and PFOA (CAS n. 335-
also result in pore blockage due to coke formation (Ania et al., 67-1, ≥ 96% purity) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich. Liquid chro-
2005). matography (LC) - grade ammonium acetate, acetonitrile and wa-
Therefore, the development of alternative regeneration tech- ter were purchased from Fischer Scientific. Table S1 (Supplemen-
niques for PFAS-exhausted GAC is highly desirable in order to: (i) tary materials) reports the physicochemical properties of PFOA and
avoid the harmful secondary pollution after landfill disposal, (ii) PFOS investigated in this study.
save costs related to GAC replacement, (iii) restore GAC adsorption
capacity while ensuring the preservation of its porous structure 2.2. Adsorption and MW regeneration experiments
(Gagliano et al., 2020; Yuen and Hameed, 2009).
Developed for radar and communication purposes, microwave In order to obtain GACs (both BCGAC and LCGAC) fully satu-
(MW) irradiation is a well-established technology alternative to rated with PFOA and PFOS, GAC samples were saturated with high
conventional heating. It has also been recently proposed as a po- concentrated (500 mg L−1 ) solution of PFOA or PFOS in DDW, to
tentially viable approach for regenerating GAC saturated with both ensure that the active sites on GAC inner surface were fully oc-
organic and inorganic compounds (Ania et al., 2007; Ao et al., cupied (Foo, 2018; Sun et al., 2017). Five grams of GAC (BCGAC
2018; Falciglia et al., 2020b; Foo and Hameed, 2012). Compared or LCGAC) were added to 200 mL of solution (PFOA or PFOS in
to conventional thermal heating, MW irradiation offers several ad- DDW), the mixture was kept stirred (180 rpm) at room tempera-
vantages: interior heating, higher heating rates, selective heating, ture (25 ±1°C) for 24 h to ensure that the equilibrium was estab-
greater control of the heating process, no direct contact between lished, as also confirmed with the preliminary tests which was in
the heating source and heated materials, and reduced equipment agreement with previous experimental studies (Ochoa-Herrera and
size and waste (Falciglia et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2014). Previous Sierra-Alvarez, 2008; Yao et al., 2014). After saturation, aqueous
studies have pointed out the outperformance of the MW over
conventional thermal regeneration for saturated activated carbons Table 1
(Ania et al., 2005; Durán-Jiménez et al., 2019). Features of GACs used for the experiments.

The major driving force of the treatment is the dielectric na- LCGAC BCGAC
ture of the irradiated material (e.g., activated carbon), which al- Base material (-) Lignite coal Bituminous coal
lows the conversion of low power irradiation energy into a rapid Iodine number (mg g-1 ) 500 1000
temperature increase (Ania et al., 2007; Falciglia et al., 2020a). Abrasion resistance (AWWA) (%) min. 70 min. 75
Its dielectric heating capacity leads to a large reduction in treat- Moisture (as packed) (%) max. 8 max. 2
Apparent density, vibrating feed (g mL-1 ) 0.38 0.49
ment time and energy consumption, making the application cost-
Uniformity coefficient (-) 2.1 1.9
effective (Ao et al., 2018; Falciglia et al., 2018). Jointly with high

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

samples were centrifugated to separate the activated carbons be- to 200 mL of DDW (PFAS free solution) or to 200 mL of MeOH
fore analysis through Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with NaOH (100 mmol L−1 ) (MeOH+NaOH solution). The two
(LC/MS-MS) (as described in “Analytical methods” section) in order mixtures were kept stirred (180 rpm) at room temperature (25
to measure the remaining concentration of compounds in solution. ±1°C) for 48 h. Then, liquid samples from the two mixtures were
The amount of PFOA and PFOS adsorbed by BCGAC and LCGAC was withdrawn and analysed through LC/MS-MS (as described below)
calculated as follows: in order to determine the residual concentrations of PFAS (both
V(C0 −Cf ) long- and short-chain compounds) potentially released from MW-
q= (1) regenerated BCGAC in DDW or MeOH+NaOH solution. Specifically,
MeOH+NaOH solution was selected due to its high PFAS recovery
where, q is the adsorption capacity (mg g−1 ), C0 (mg L−1 ) and Cf from GAC (~90-100%), in agreement with Xiao et al. (2020).
(mg L−1 ) are the initial and final concentrations of each compound
in the solution, respectively, and V (L) is the volume of the solu- 2.3. GAC characterization
tion and m (g) is the GAC mass. PFOA- or PFOS-saturated BCGAC
and LCGAC were separated from liquid solution through vacuum The surface areas, pore volumes and pore size distributions
filtration and transferred into ceramic crucible for the regeneration of GAC samples (before and after MW irradiation) were mea-
experiments. sured by nitrogen physisorption data at 77 °K after degassing
A modified domestic 2.45 GHz - MW oven equipped with cy- the samples at 298 °K for 10 h with ASAP 2020 analyzer (Mi-
clonic inverter owing a maximum power of 1.25 kW was employed cromeritics Instrument Corp. U.S.). Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)
for the saturated GAC - regeneration purpose. The temperature equation was used to calculate the specific surface area, whereas
(T,°C) reached by GACs after MW irradiation was recorded through the pore size distribution of GAC samples were determined from
a k-type thermocouple (Omega Engineering Inc., U.S.A.). the nitrogen isotherms using the Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Before performing MW regeneration of PFAS-saturated GAC, 5 (Dastgheib et al., 2004; Lowell et al., 1985). The reproducibility of
g of BCGAC or LCGAC, separately, were subjected to MW irradia- measurements was assessed from triplicate data of randomly se-
tion at different power levels (from 125 to 500 W) and irradiation lected samples and the relative standard deviation (RSD) of BET
times (from 3 to 12 min) to develop the temperature profiles. Con- surface area, micropore volume, and total pore volume resulted
sequently, based on temperature reached by GACs, several MW ir- less than 4 %.
radiation conditions (combinations of power and irradiation time)
were selected and applied for the regeneration of PFOA- and PFOS- 2.4. Analytical method
saturated GACs.
The dried regenerated GAC was employed in the subsequent ad- The determination of PFOA and PFOS was conducted using the
sorption test and a small amount (~20 mg) was used for GAC char- method described by Park et al. (2020), with few modifications.
acterization (as reported in section 2.3). Adsorption tests were car- Specifically, the high-volume direct injection was performed using
ried out as reported above. The efficiency of MW regeneration was a Liquid Chromatography coupled to ESI-triple Quadrupole Mass
evaluated by means of the regeneration efficiency (RE, %) and the Spectrometer (Agilent 6470 LC/TQ) operated in the negative ion-
single-step desorption efficiency (SSDE, %). Specifically, SSDE allows ization mode. The mobile phase (in LC grade solvents) was: A) 100
the understanding of PFOA and PFOS desorption among different mM ammonium acetate in water (pH 10) B) acetonitrile. A combi-
cycles, whereas RE enables to study the evolution of the overall nation of 50% of A and 50% of B was delivered at a flow rate of 0.4
yield of MW regeneration. The RE was calculated as followed: mL min−1 by the binary pump.
qi An Agilent ZORBAX RRHD Eclipse Plus C18 column (2.1 × 100
RE = · 100 (2)
q0 mm, 1.8 μm particle size) was installed at the Binary pump. More-
over, polytetrafluoroethylene-free vials, caps, and septa were used
Where qi is the adsorption capacity of the MW regenerated GAC
to reduce PFAS background. Data acquisition was performed in
and q0 is the adsorption capacity of the virgin GAC. Whereas, the
Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode. For each compound,
SSDE was determined by:
two MRM transitions (PFOS: 499/80, 499/99; PFOA: 413/169,
qn 413/369) were used for quantification and confirmation, respec-
SSDE = · 100 (3)
qn−1 tively.
Where qn and qn-1 are the adsorption capacities of the MW re- Due to the high concentrations used in the present study, sam-
generated GAC in a given cycle n and in the previous regeneration ples were diluted with LC grade water to obtain concentrations
cycle (n-1), respectively. ranging between 5 - 500 μg L−1 . Afterwards, calibration curves
Besides the RE and SSDE, GAC weight loss percentage (WL, %) were constructed and the correlation coefficients (R2 ) of the cali-
represents another important parameter could affect the applica- bration curves for PFOS and PFOA were >0.98. Based on the lowest
bility of MW for the regeneration of PFOA- and PFOS-saturated acceptable calibration standard, the detection limit of both PFOA
GAC. It was calculated as: and PFOS measurements was 1 μg L−1 . For selected experiments
carried out to monitor the potential release of PFAS from MW re-
w0 −wt
WL = · 100 (4) generated GAC, the analytical determination of other PFAS (listed
w0 in Table S2) was conducted using the method described above with
Where w0 and wt are the mass of GAC (g) before and after MW few modifications. In these measurements the detection limit was
irradiation, respectively. 0.4 μg L−1 .
The operating conditions (i.e., irradiation power and irradiation
time), which allow the achievement of the highest RE and the low- 3. Results and discussion
est WL values, were selected for the successive five adsorption-
regeneration cycles. 3.1. GAC temperature profiles and weight loss during MW irradiation
In order to verify the potential leaching of PFOS or PFOA and
their related shorter chain compounds (as degradation products) The variation of GACs temperature with irradiation times at
from MW-regenerated GACs, 5 g of PFOA- or PFOS-saturated BC- different power levels is shown in Fig. 1. The comparison of the
GAC after MW regeneration (irradiated at T>600°C) were added temperature profiles reveals that both BCGAC and LCGAC have the

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

Fig. 1. Temperature profiles of BCGAC [a] and LCGAC [b] at 3 different power levels (250, 375 and 500 W). (Red dashed line indicates Ttarget =600 °C).

same trend, where temperature increases with increasing the ir- Table 2
Experimental conditions of MW irradiation for PFOA- and PFOS-saturated GACs
radiation time and power. However, LCGAC reached higher tem-
(both BCGAC and LCGAC).
perature than BCGAC when the MW power was 375 W for irra-
diation time longer than 3 min. Moreover, at the highest power Experimental Power Irradiation Total consumed Temperature
conditions (Watt) time (min) energy (kWh) reached ≥ 600 °C
investigated (500 W), the increase in temperature (°C) with ir-
radiation time (min) was faster for LCGAC than BCGAC (156 and 1 125 12 0.025 NO
146°C min−1 , respectively). Overall, among the operational condi- 2 250 6 0.025 YES
3 250 8 0.033 YES
tions investigated, the irradiation at 500 W for 5 min resulted in
4 375 4 0.025 YES
the highest GAC temperatures, which were 730 and 780°C for BC- 5 375 6 0.038 YES
GAC and on LCGAC, respectively. However, temperatures ≥ 600°C 6 500 3 0.025 YES
were also attained at a lower MW power (250 W) applied for 6
min and above, demonstrating the ability of GACs to convert a low
adsorbed MW power into a rapid temperature increase. Regardless placement, as previously demonstrated by Falciglia et al. (2020a).
of power applied, both GACs reached the minimal value of 250°C WL – T relationship may also be useful in the selection of commer-
after 1 min of irradiation, which correspond to a T increase ratio cially available GACs. At a comparable value of adsorption capacity
of 250°C min−1 . This sharp rise of GAC temperature within short for a target compound, GAC characterized by lower WL and sharp
irradiation times is the key factor in the MW regeneration process. T rise should be preferred since it is more prone to MW irradiation
The difference in temperature profiles observed for the BC- or thermal regeneration.
GAC and LCGAC samples may be ascribed to difference in their Among the different experimental conditions investigated in the
chemical composition. The oxygen content in LCGAC is higher than present study to develop temperature profiles, six combinations of
that of BCGAC, 8.7% and 5.9% respectively (Cheng et al., 2005; power (W) and irradiation time (t, min) were selected for the re-
Dastgheib et al., 2004). Indeed, most of oxygen functionalities are generation of PFAS-saturated GAC (Table 2). These combinations of
polar functional groups, which are more prone to absorb MW en- power and irradiation time correspond to a total consumed en-
ergy than nonpolar ones (Pi et al., 2017), providing a plausible ex- ergy (E) in the 0.025 - 0.038 kWh range (Remya and Lin, 2011).
planation for the highest temperature reached in LCGAC during the Specifically, the highest E is achievable applying a power of 375
MW irradiation. W for an irradiation time of 6 min, whereas the lowest one is at-
The variation of weight loss with temperature increase on BC- tained when GAC samples were irradiated at 125 W for 12 min,
GAC and LCGAC samples (irradiated at several power levels and ir- 250 W for 6 min, or 500 W for 3 min. The MW irradiation con-
radiation times) is shown in Fig. 2. ditions employed in the present study were selected based on the
The GAC weight loss (WL, %) increased linearly with the in- criterion of maintaining the GAC (both BCGAC and LCGAC) temper-
crease in temperature (R2 >0.98), and the highest WLs were 6.1% ature over 600°C, which would allow the PFOA and PFOS thermal
and 6.9% for BCGAC and LCGAC, respectively. desorption from GACs. This value can be referred to the thermo-
Weight loss is one of the main factors affecting the scaling-up gravimetric (TGA) analysis of PFOA and PFOS chemical compounds,
of the MW technology, especially to calculate the cost of GAC re- as reported elsewhere (Wang et al., 2011; Xiao et al., 2020). The

Fig. 2. Variation of weight loss with GAC temperature ([a] BCGAC, [b] LCGAC). (Red dashed line indicates the highest WL obtained for BCGAC and LCGAC).

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

Fig. 3. [a] Temperature, weight loss and [b] regeneration efficiency of PFOA-saturated GAC (BCGAC and LCGAC) for the different MW irradiation conditions investigated.

TGA analysis conducted under N2 atmosphere revealed a single- two conditions (obtained for 125 W - 12 min and 375 W - 6 min,
step degradation of PFOS at ~425 – 500°C, while PFOA degradation separately discussed), the RE values were in the range of 75-94%
started at lower temperature (~300°C). Moreover, it was demon- for both the PFOA-saturated BCGAC and LCGAC.
strated that the total thermal decomposition of a wide group of The lowest values of RE (< 30%) were obtained when PFOA-
PFAS (including PFOA and PFOS) occurred at 600°C (or above) saturated GAC samples (BCGAC and H30 0 0) were irradiated at 125
(Wang et al., 2011; Watanabe et al., 2018, 2016; Xiao et al., 2020). W for 12 min. This combination of MW power and irradiation
Indeed, PFAS molecules thermally destabilized are transferred from time, which corresponds to a total consumed energy of 0.025 kWh,
GAC to gas phase with the potential generation of organofluorine seems to be insufficient for regenerating PFOA-saturated GAC due
compounds (Xiao et al., 2020). Whereas, PFAS thermal destruc- to the low temperatures reached (Fig. 3a). The unsatisfactory re-
tion requires temperatures higher than 900°C which are commonly generation at 125 W for 12 min was also supported by GAC textu-
employed at carbon manufacture plants for GAC reactivation pro- ral characterization after MW irradiation, as detailed below. Based
cess (ITRC, 2018; Xiao et al., 2020). Consequently, for the regenera- on RE values obtained, it can be argued that the highest MW re-
tion purpose, the MW irradiation conditions (power and irradiation generation efficiency did not occur at the highest total power con-
time) applied in the present study were set to ensure the achieve- sumed (0.038 kWh), which was obtained for a MW irradiation of
ment of temperature needed for PFOA and PFOS thermal decom- 375 W for 6 min. At this irradiation condition, the highest temper-
position, avoiding the damage of GAC. atures have been reached by PFOA-BCGAC and PFOA-LCGAC (685
It should be highlighted that when BCGAC and LCGAC were ir- and 753°C, respectively). Nevertheless, RE for PFOA-BCGAC was
radiated at 125 W for 12 min, the GAC temperatures were much 74.3% and RE for PFOA-LCGAC was 60.3% (Fig. 3b).
lower than 60 0°C (~30 0°C). However, this combination of power The RE values of MW irradiation for regenerating PFOA-
and time (125 W for 12 min) was selected as control experiment saturated GAC are similar to that obtained in previous experimen-
to further understand the PFAS desorption process. tal studies after one adsorption/regeneration cycle, in which MW
irradiation was investigated for the regeneration of AC samples sat-
3.2. MW regeneration of PFOA-saturated GACs urated with organic (e.g., methylene blue, phenol, chlorampheni-
col) (Ania et al., 2005; Foo, 2018; Sun et al., 2017) and inorganic
The results from batch adsorption experiments showed that the compounds (e.g., cesium) (Falciglia et al., 2020b).
adsorption capacity of PFOA was 20.0 mg g−1 and 21.9 mg g−1 on These findings demonstrate that MW irradiation could effec-
virgin BCGAC and LCGAC, respectively. PFOA-saturated BCGAC and tively regenerate PFOA-saturated GAC. It could be assumed that
LCGAC samples were irradiated at several MW operational con- adsorbed PFOA was thermally destabilized by MW heating, des-
ditions (Table 2). Temperature, weight loss and regeneration effi- orbed from GAC and transferred to the gas phase. Indeed, it was
ciency of PFOA-saturated GACs observed are depicted in Fig. 3. As demonstrated that spent GAC (Filtrasorb 200, Calgon Corporation)
expected, PFOA-saturated GAC samples irradiated at 125 W for 12 saturated with PFOA heated in a quartz tube furnace for 30 min at
min reached temperature of 268 and 340°C, respectively, far from temperature higher than 300°C lead to PFOA thermal degradation
the target temperature of 600°C (Fig. 3a), which also corresponded to gaseous productions (Xiao et al., 2020). While the highest min-
to the lowest WLs (< 2% for the BCGAC sample and ~6.5% for the eralization of PFOA (92.4 mol%) occurred at 700°C. Comparing to
LCGAC). Overall, PFOA-saturated LCGAC samples exhibited higher conventional thermal heating, MW irradiation allowed the lower-
WL than PFOA-saturated BCGAC samples, although in some cases ing of treatment time since temperatures higher than 600°C were
the temperatures reached by GAC samples were almost the same obtained in less than 8 min. Moreover, the potential release of
(e.g., MW irradiation at 250 W for 6 and 8 min). Moreover, the PFOA and its degradation compounds (shorter chain compounds)
highest temperatures were reached for both PFOA-saturated LCGAC from MW regenerated BCGAC (MW irradiated at T>600°C) was
and BCGAC samples (753 and 685°C, respectively) at the power of evaluated both in DDW and MeOH+NaOH solution. The results
375 W applied for 6 min. revealed that PFOA concentrations were 3.5 μg L−1 and 316 μg
The temperatures recorded at the end of the MW regeneration L−1 in DDW and MeOH+NaOH solution, respectively. The concen-
process (for both BCGAC and LCGAC) were almost similar to that trations of other shorter PFCAs (i.e., PFHpA, PFHxA, PFPeA, PFBA)
reached by the virgin GACs when irradiated at the same conditions were under the detection limit (<0.4 μg L−1 ) in DDW, whereas
(Fig. 1). This suggests that GAC acts as the major MW-absorbing in MeOH+NaOH solution the concentration of each compound was
phase (Durán-Jiménez et al., 2019; Mao et al., 2015), and the pres- lower than 60 μg L−1 . These results pointed out that: (i) PFOA is
ence of adsorbed PFOA had small influence on the conversion of removed (>99%) from PFOA-exhausted GAC by the MW regenera-
electromagnetic energy into heat during MW irradiation. tion; (ii) negligible amounts of shorter PFCAs were released from
The regeneration efficiency (RE) calculated according to MW-regenerated BCGAC in both DDW and MeOH+NaOH solution.
Eq. 2 for PFOA-saturated BCGAC and LCGAC as a function of differ- Temperatures higher than 600°C might have a detrimental ef-
ent MW powers and irradiation times is shown in Fig. 3b. Barring fect on the porous structure of GAC (Ania et al., 2005). Therefore,

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

Fig. 4. [a] BET area variation of GAC samples (PFOA-BCGAC and PFOA-LCGAC) due to MW regeneration at different irradiation conditions; [b] Variation of total pore volume
(Vtot) and micropore volume (Vmicro) on the MW regenerated GACs (PFOA-BCGAC and PFOA-LCGAC).

the effect of MW regeneration, performed at different irradia- the damage of LCGAC porous structure. This deterioration of LCGAC
tion conditions, on GAC physical characteristics (PFOA-BCGAC and sample, irradiated at 375 W for 6 min, negatively affected the ad-
PFOA-LCGAC) was evaluated by means of nitrogen adsorption sorption capacity of regenerated LCGAC, as demonstrated by a low
isotherms. The change in BET areas and pore volumes of both BC- value of RE obtained (~60%, Fig. 3b). Overall, it seems that the re-
GAC and LCGAC as a result of MW irradiation are shown in Fig. 4. duction in total pore volumes affects negatively the adsorption ca-
The positive values represent the increase over the virgin condi- pacity of MW regenerated LCGAC, as observed for data obtained at
tion, while a decrease in BET area and pore volume is depicted 375 W - 4 min and 375 W - 6 min MW (Fig. 3b and Fig. 4b).
with negative values.
The results reveal that the variations in both BET area and to- 3.3. MW regeneration of PFOS-saturated GACs
tal pore volume of PFOA-saturated BCGAC were within 15%, even
though the micropore volume increased more than 20% after MW From batch adsorption experiments, similar PFOS adsorption
regeneration performed at 250 W - 6 min and 250 W - 8 min capacities were obtained on virgin BCGAC and LCGAC, 19.8 and
(Fig. 4). Such changes seem do not affect significantly the MW re- 20.0 mg g−1 , respectively. Temperature, weight loss percentage and
generation efficiency for PFOA-saturated BCGAC (Fig. 3b). regeneration efficiency for PFOS-saturated GACs are reported in
In contrast, a decrease in BET area and pore volumes were ob- Fig. 5. Similar to PFOA-saturated GAC samples, LCGAC saturated
served for LCGAC after MW irradiation (Fig. 4). The negative impact with PFOS reached higher temperature than BCGAC when both
of MW irradiation on LCGAC was attributed to the higher pres- GACs were irradiated at the same MW power and irradiation time
ence of functional oxygen groups (Cheng et al., 2005). As reported (Fig. 5a).
elsewhere (Ania et al., 2007; Pi et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2012), While the power of 125 W and irradiation time of 12 min
upon heating, a large amount of gases (coming from desorption of yielded temperatures much lower than 600°C (T=240°C in PFOS-
volatiles and the decomposition of oxygen-containing groups) are saturated BCGAC, T=370°C in PFOS-saturated LCGAC), the lowest
evolved. As a result, the LCGAC porous structure was more nega- REs were obtained for both BCGAC and LCGAC (Fig. 5b).
tively affected than BCGAC, depending on the extent of MW irradi- Despite the higher temperatures reached, the RE values for
ation. PFOS-saturated LCGAC were slightly lower than those obtained for
The highest decrease of BET area in PFOA-saturated LCGAC oc- BCGAC. Specifically, the RE values for PFOS-saturated BCGAC were
curred when MW irradiation was performed at 375 W for 6 min (a equal or greater than 80% (expect for MW irradiation at 125 W
18% decrease compared to virgin LCGAC) (Fig. 4a). The decrease in for 12 min due to the low temperature reached). At the highest
BET area observed for LCGAC regenerated samples was also found power (500 W) applied for the shortest irradiation time (3 min),
for total pore volume (Fig. 4b). This suggests that the MW irra- the RE values were higher than 90% for both PFOS-saturated GAC
diation created a residual deposit in LCGAC pores, which blocked samples (Fig. 5b). However, the lowest WL of BCGAC samples (4%
the porosity and reduced both BET area and total pore volume vs. 10.5% in LCGAC) encouraged its application for the investigation
(Wang et al., 2010). The harsh regeneration condition applied, at of the five successive adsorption/regeneration cycles (section 3.4).
which the temperature of 753°C was reached, also contributed to As previously pointed out for PFOA, the potential release of PFOS

Fig. 5. Temperature reached by PFOS-saturated GACs (BCGAC and LCGAC) and the percentage of weight loss at several MW irradiation conditions [a]; Regeneration efficiency
for PFOS-saturated BCGAC and LCGAC samples after MW regeneration [b].

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

Fig. 6. BET area variation in GACs (PFOS-BCGAC and PFOS-LCGAC) with MW regeneration performed at different irradiation conditions [a]; Variation of total pore volume
(Vtot) and micropore volume (Vmicro) for MW regenerated GACs (PFOS-BCGAC and PFOS-LCGAC) [b].

and its related degradation products (shorter chain compounds)

from MW regenerated GAC (MW irradiated at T>600°C) was also
assessed in both DDW and MeOH+NaOH solution. The results re-
vealed that PFOS concentrations were 58 μg L−1 and 2.4 mg L−1 in
DDW and MeOH+NaOH solution, respectively. Shorter PFSAs (i.e.,
PFHpS, PFHxS, PFPeS, PFBS) were under the detection limit (<0.4
μg L−1 ) in DDW, whereas higher concentrations were observed
in MeOH+NaOH solution (PFBS=8 μg L−1 ; PFHxS=215 μg L−1 ;
PFHpS=62 μg L−1 ; PFPeS= 27 μg L−1 ). These results corroborate
that PFOS is removed from the GAC by the MW regeneration and
negligible PFSAs desorption occurs during the following adsorption
The RE values after one adsorption/regeneration cycle for PFOS-
saturated GACs were in good agreement with those of previ-
ous studies carried out on AC saturated with both organic and
inorganic compounds (Ania et al., 2005; Falciglia et al., 2020b;
Foo, 2018; Sun et al., 2017).
The variation of RE across MW regeneration performed at dif- Fig. 7. Regeneration efficiency (RE), Single-step desorption efficiency (SSDE) and
ferent power and irradiation time reflects the change in BET weight loss (WL) for PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC throughout MW regener-
area and total pore volume of irradiated GAC samples compared ation cycles (MW Power=500 W, MW irradiation time=3 min).
to virgin ones. GAC porous structure after MW regeneration de-
pends on PFOS removal rate and the deposition of regeneration
residues, which might block carbon pores (Durán-Jiménez et al., (Deng et al., 2015; Du et al., 2016, 2015; Punyapalakul et al., 2013).
2019; Wang et al., 2010). This is shown in Fig. 6 with the BET area The regeneration percentages higher than 80% were achieved
and pore volume percentage variations in PFOS-saturated BCGAC when PFOS saturated AC samples (e.g., bamboo derived AC and
and LCGAC. coconut shell based GAC) using a solution of ethanol or methanol
Similar to PFOA-saturated BCGAC, the BET area variations in (>50%). Indeed, a solution of organic alcohol was required to
PFOS-saturated BCGAC were lower than 15% (Fig. 6a). The changes desorb the hydrophobic C-F chain. However, chemical regeneration
in pore volume were also limited to a maximum of 20%. This data using an organic solvent is not suitable for the full-scale drinking
demonstrates that MW irradiation has a slight effect on BCGAC water applications (Gagliano et al., 2020).
porous structure (Fig. 6b). On the other hand, a more noticeable
decrease (up to 30%) in BET area for PFOS-saturated LCGAC was 3.4. Investigation of adsorption-regeneration cycles for PFOA- and
obtained after MW irradiation, demonstrating the negative impact PFOS-saturated BCGAC
of MW on LCGAC as previously pointed out for PFOA-saturated
LCGAC. For instance, the MW regeneration performed at 375 W To further assess the performance of MW irradiation for the re-
for 6 min resulted in damages to the pore structure of carbon, as generation of GAC saturated with PFOA and PFOS, five successive
demonstrated by the decrease in BET area (20%) and in pore vol- adsorption-regeneration cycles were carried out. BCGAC was se-
ume (30% and 44% of total pore volume and microporous volume, lected for these experiments owing to its lower WL than LCGAC,
respectively). Those variations in LCGAC porous structure led to a which encourages its applicability for MW regeneration.
reduction in the adsorption capacity (RE < 60%). Among irradiation conditions investigated in the present study
The efficiency of MW regeneration obtained in the (Table 2), a MW power of 500 W and irradiation time of 3 min
present study was compared with the findings reported by were selected since this combination yielded a temperature higher
Xiao et al. (2020). The authors reported that the thermal treat- than 600°C. Moreover, it allowed a better preservation of BCGAC
ment of spent GAC (Filtrasorb 200, Calgon Corporation) at 500°C porous structure, ensuring a good thermal desorption of PFOS and
for 30 min allowed the decomposition of PFAS (i.e., 99% for PFOS), PFOA (RE > 90%) with the lowest carbon weight loss (WL < 4.3%).
although the recovery of GAC adsorption capacity was not eval- The trends observed in RE, SSDE and WL values for both
uated, and a significant mineralization of PFOS (86.8 mol %) was PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC throughout five successive ad-
reached at 800°C (treatment time = 30 min). To further highlight sorption/regeneration cycles are depicted in Fig. 7. The RE values of
the potential of MW regeneration, a comparison was also made PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC followed different trends. Specif-
with the chemical regeneration results for PFOS-saturated AC ically, the RE values of PFOA-saturated BCGAC increased until the

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

Table 3
Textural properties variation of PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC with regeneration cycles performed at 500 W for 3 min.


BET area (m2 g-1 ) 894 901 894 1099 865 1018 1052
Total pore volume, Vtot (cm3 g-1 ) 0.51 0.49 0.54 0.47 0.53 0.43 0.52
Micropore volume, Vmicro (cm3 g-1 ) 0.33 0.32 0.3 0.39 0.25 0.38 0.43
Mesopore volume, Vmeso (cm3 g-1 ) 0.18 0.17 0.24 0.08 0.28 0.05 0.09
Average pore size (nm) 4.0 4.5 4.8 3.8 5.0 3.6 3.8

R1: after 1 adsorption/regeneration cycle

R3: after 3 adsorption/regeneration cycles
R5: after 5 adsorption/regeneration cycles

3rd cycle (~95%), further adsorption/regeneration cycles led to a the external surface due to a cooling down effect (T~ 400°C)
gradual decrease in RE, which was ~65% after the 5th cycle. In (Falciglia et al., 2020b; Yang et al., 2017). The thermal gradient
comparison, PFOS-saturated BCGAC irradiated at 500 W for 3 min from the interior of the grain to its surface allows the MW-induced
reached the highest RE after the 1st cycle, then RE gradually de- reaction to proceed more quickly and effectively at a lower bulk
creased to 63.5% after the 5th adsorption/regeneration cycle. temperature, thus saving energy and shortening the processing
The single-step desorption efficiency (SSDE) provides the per- time. In addition, the “hotspots” favour heterogenous reactions be-
centage of PFOA and PFOS desorption in each cycle, allowing to tween GAC and the gases taking part in the reaction, which might
evaluate the desorption yield in the different cycles (Ania et al., contribute to PFAS desorption through stripping mechanism of in-
2007; Çalişkan et al., 2012) (Fig. 7). For the PFOS-saturated BCGAC, terstitial water (Falciglia et al., 2018; Sun et al., 2016).
the SSDE was ~90% and it remained almost constant throughout
successive cycles, demonstrating a high rate of PFOS desorption. 4. Conclusion and future perspectives
Conversely, a gradual increase followed by a sharp decrease can be
observed in SSDE for PFOA-saturated BCGAC samples (Fig. 7). This The applicability of MW irradiation for the regeneration of
suggests that PFOA desorption from regenerated BCGAC was easier PFOA- and PFOS-saturated GAC was investigated in terms of regen-
until the 3rd cycle at which the highest RE was also obtained. eration efficiency, carbon weight loss and variation of GAC textural
WL increased almost linearly with MW regeneration cycles in properties. The key findings were summarized as follow:
both PFOS- and PFOA-saturated BCGAC samples (Fig. 7). Although • During MW irradiation, fast temperature increases were ob-
the greater loss of mass carbon occurred after the 1st cycle (WL
tained on both GACs (~150°C min−1 at power of 500 W). Fur-
~4%), total WL remained was <7% after 5 successive cycles of PFOS-
thermore, temperatures higher than 600°C were attained by ap-
and PFOA-saturated BCGAC. This percentage is lower than that at-
plying a minimum MW power of 250 W for 6 min. The high
tributed to conventional thermal regeneration of GAC, which is in
temperatures reached pointed out the strong ability of GAC to
the range of 5 - 15% at each regeneration cycle (Zanella et al.,
transform the adsorbed MW power into a rapid temperature
2014). Moreover, the obtained values of WL corroborate the ad-
rise, representing the key factor in the regeneration process.
vantage of MW regeneration over the conventional thermal re- • The correlation between GAC temperatures and their weight
generation and they are in good agreement with previous find-
loss percentage provides valuable information to distinguish
ings reported in literature (Falciglia et al., 2020b; Liu et al., 2004;
among several GACs commercially available. The highest weight
Sun et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2012).
loss percentages obtained in LCGAC (lignite coal GAC) neg-
Textural properties of PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC af-
atively affects its applicability on several successive adsorp-
ter several adsorption/regeneration cycles are reported in Table 3.
tion/regeneration cycles.
The physical features of the regenerated carbons (i.e., BET area • A very short MW irradiation time of 3 min allowed the achieve-
and pore volume) did not differ noticeably from the virgin sam-
ment of temperature needed for PFOS and PFOA thermal des-
ples as demonstrated by the percentage variation remaining lower
orption, resulting in the lowest WL and in the highest RE values
than 20% (Table 3). This demonstrates that the application of
short MW irradiation times (i.e., 3 min) could preserve the porous • The enhancement in the RE may not be exclusively attributed
structure of the regenerated carbons throughout several adsorp-
to the complete desorption of PFOA or PFOS, but an increase in
tion/regeneration cycles. After the 3rd cycle, the lack in mesoporos-
the overall uptake was attributed to the changes in GAC porous
ity (Vmeso <0.05 cm3 g−1 ) may delay the migration of the PFOS
structure (e.g., the development of mesoporosity), as demon-
molecules desorbed from BCGAC. This is also true for the PFOA-
strated by the variation in pore volume.
saturated BCGAC after the 5th adsorption/regeneration cycle. In- • After five successive adsorption/regeneration cycles, the ob-
deed, a fall in mesopore volume (Vmeso = 0.08 cm3 g−1 ) and
served values of RE (~65%) jointly with a moderate weight loss
a decrease in average pore size (~3.8 nm) occurred (Table 3). A
(<7%) demonstrated the potential applicability of MW irradia-
gradual blockage of the porous structure seemed to occur due to
tion for regenerating PFOA- and PFOS-saturated BCGAC.
the fraction of adsorbed PFOA or PFOS molecules which did not • Comparing to conventional thermal regeneration, MW irradi-
evolve from the carbon surface during the regeneration after suc-
ation allowed the lowering of treatment time since the tem-
cessive cycles. These molecules may remain inside the pore net-
peratures required for PFAS desorption (>600°C) were obtained
work of BCGAC and give rise to carbonaceous residues (Ania et al.,
within 3 min.
2005; Foo and Hameed, 2012). Consequently, the formation of coke • Negligible amounts of PFOA and PFOS were released from
deposits and damage to porosity may cause the decrease in the
MW-regenerated GAC. Moreover, considering GAC temperatures
adsorption capacity of regenerated BCGAC, as demonstrated by
reached during MW regeneration, it could be assumed that
the decrease in RE throughout several cycles (Ania et al., 2005;
both PFOA and PFOS are thermally degraded without any sig-
Falciglia et al., 2020b).
nificant formation of related shorter chain compounds.
It is noteworthy that when water-saturated GACs are irradi-
ated with MW, GAC grains could act as “hotspots” and their in- This study showed for the first time that the regeneration
ternal temperature is higher than the recorded temperature on of PFAS-saturated GACs through MW irradiation is a promising

E. Gagliano, P.P. Falciglia, Y. Zaker et al. Water Research 198 (2021) 117121

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Falciglia, P.P., Gagliano, E., Brancato, V., Finocchiaro, G., Catalfo, A., De Guidi, G.,
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Falciglia, P.P., Gagliano, E., Brancato, V., Malandrino, G., Finocchiaro, G., Catalfo, A.,
Acknowledgement De Guidi, G., Romano, S., Roccaro, P., Vagliasindi, F.G.A., 2020b. Microwave based
regenerating permeable reactive barriers (MW-PRBs): Proof of concept and ap-
This study was partially funded by the University of Cata- plication for Cs removal. Chemosphere 251, 126582. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.
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