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Priyanka (Astrology 
Happy Indian. Oracle & Microsoft Certified
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Centre views. सव भव ु सु खनः
Apr. 05, 2020 9 min read

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Fourth thread on Basics of astrology in #Lockdown21.

Tap quoted tweet to read 3rd thread if you haven't read it. In this thread, we will learn meaning of
numbers which you find written in your birth chart. You'll be able to calculate Moon Sign, will know more
about degrees.

Priyanka (Astrology Guidance)


This is 3rd Thread on Basics of Astrology in #Lockdown21. In

1st two threads, we finished 12 Signs (Rashis) and 12 Bhavas
(Houses) of Kundali. In this thread, we will learn some basics
like Grahas in Natal Chart, their Aspect (Drishti), how long
each Graha transits in 1 Rashi etc

Priyanka (Astrology Guidance) @AstroAmigo

Let's continue learning in #21daysLockdown.

We learnt 12 Zodiac Signs (Quoted Tweet) first. In this thread, we will learn
about the 12 Houses/Bhaavas (घर/भाव) of Birth Chart (ज कुंडली) and their

I will post daily around 11 AM and 5 PM. Revise daily.…

1:50 PM · Apr 2, 2020

146 See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter

Request you all to install this application named Hindu Calendar.

In this application, you can find Kundali (कुंडली) option on Left side where you can enter Date and Time
and Choose location (place of birth). You can swipe Left to see generated Kundali.…
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When you enter time and date and location, you get details as in first image. Upon scrolling down, you
can see Rashi in which each Graha is transiting and position of that Graha in Degree-Minutes within that
Rashi. Swiping left will show you the generated Chart.

In 2nd image, you can notice degree-minute of each Graha in a particular Sign, for example, you can see
that Sun is presently in Meen (Pisces) Rashi at 21 degree 58 minutes, that's why you see 21°58' in middle
column. Moon is in Simha (Leo) at 14°3' and Shani in Makar 6°52' etc.

Uploading 2nd image of 2nd tweet in this thread again to make things simple.

As I told that each Rashi is 30° wide, any value in 2nd (Rashi Nirayana) column will never exceed 30°.

Also you can see that Shani, Brihaspati and Mangal, all three are presently in same Rashi - Makar.

Lesson 2.1

I am presenting you a blank Birth Chart here. 1st house is marked as Asdt. (Ascendant). Go through all
houses in anti-clockwise direction carefully
houses in anti-clockwise direction carefully.

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Just like every kingdom has a king, each house is presided over by a Rashi. Lord of that Rashi is Lord of
that house.

Lesson 3.1

Now you can see that 1 is written in FIRST house. When any number is written in any Bhava, it denotes
the Rashi. Whichever Rashi comes in 1st Bhava, that Rashi becomes Ascendant (Lagna). 1st Rashi is
Mesh, so the image is of Aries Ascendant chart or मेष ल कुंडली.

Lesson 3.2

Since Aries (मेष) Rashi is present in 1st Bhava, Lord ( ामी) of Aries Mars (मंगल) becomes Lord of 1st
house, or Ascendant Lord or Lagnesh (ल ेश). Mars also owns Scorpio (वृि क) and this Rashi is in 8th
house of Aries Lagna Chart, Lord of 8th Bhava is also Mars.
Lesson 3.3 Threader Sign up

2 is written in the 2nd house, and 2nd Rashi is Taurus (वृष) whose Lord is Venus (शु ). Rashi No. 7 is also
under Lordship ( ािम ) of Venus,. Hence, apart from becoming Lord of 2 nd Bhava (or धनेश), Venus also
becomes Lord of 7th Bhava where number 7 is written.

Lesson 3.4

3 is written in the 3rd house, & 3rd Rashi is Gemini (िमथुन) whose Lord is Mercury (बुध). Rashi No. 6 Virgo
is also under Lordship ( ािम ) of Mercury. Hence, Mercury becomes Lord of 3rd Bhava and Lord of 6th
Bhava (one of the Duhsthanas) where number 6 is written.

Lesson 3.5

4 is written in the 4th house, & 4rh Rashi is Cancer (कक) whose Lord is Moon (च ). Since Moon is Lord
of only 1 Rashi, it gets Lordship of 4th house in Aries Ascendant chart which represents school education,
mother, property etc.

Lesson 3.6

5 is written in 5th house, & 5th Rashi is Leo (िसंह) whose Lord is Sun (सूय). Since Sun is also Lord of only 1
Rashi, it gets Lordship of 5th house (represents Intelligence, 1st child, love affairs, speculation)
in Mesh Lagna Kundali. 5th is one of Trikon Bhavas.

Lesson 3.7

9 is written in the 9th house, and 9th Rashi is Sagittarius (धनु) whose Lord is Jupiter (गु ). Rashi No. 12 is
also under Lordship ( ािम ) of Jupiter. Hence, Jupiter becomes Lord of 9th Bhava (or भा ेश), and Lord
of 12th Bhava ( येश) where 12 is written.

Lesson 3.8

10 is written in the 10th house, & 9th Rashi is Capricorn (मकर) whose Lord is Saturn (शिन). Rashi No. 11
is also under Lordship ( ािम ) of Saturn. Hence, Shani becomes Lord of 10th Bhava (or कम भाव), & Lord
of 11th Bhava (लाभ भाव) where 11 is written.

Lesson 3.9

It is not needed that Grahas will be posited in their own Rashis. They can sit anywhere. For example, Sun,
Lord of 5th house in Mesh Lagna can occupy Ascendant (1st house) or Jupiter, Lord of 9th & 12th houses
can sit in 7th Bhava, & Venus, 7th Lord can be elsewhere.

Lesson 3.10


The Rashi where Moon (Chandra) is placed in any chart becomes Moon Sign of the native
The Rashi where Moon (Chandra) is placed in any chart becomes Moon Sign of the native.
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Example - Image shows Aries Lagna Chart. In it, Moon occupies FIFTH house where number is written.
5th Rashi is Leo (िसंह).

So, Moon Sign of this native is Leo.

Lesson 3.11

Parashari system, traditionally followed in India believes that, generally, Lord of Trikon (ि कोण/Trine)
houses (1,5,9) give good results, so in Aries Ascendant chart, Mars (who is also Lagnesh), Sun and Jupiter
become auspicious. Other schools differ on it.

In Lesson 3.8, I accidentally wrote 9th Rashi is Capricorn.


10th Rashi is Capricorn. Read it accordingly.

Lesson 3.12

It is believed Lord of 8th House doesn't give good result but if it ALSO Lord of 1st house (Ascendant Lord
too) then it is exempt from this Dosha. Aries Lagna Chart is an example of it. You will see same in Libra
Ascendant. ल ेश को अ मेश होने का दोष नहीं लगता.

Lesson 4.1

Now see the chart below. In the 1st House marked as As (abbreviated form of Ascendant), you can see
number 2 written. It denotes 2nd Rashi which is Taurus (वृष). Since 1st house has वृष रािश, this chart इस a
Taurus Ascendant chart (वृष ल कुंडली).

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Lesson 4.2

As such, Venus (शु ) becomes Lagna Lord (ल ामी). Venus is also the Lord of Libra (Rashi No. 7)which
is in SIXTH Bhava. So, Venus becomes the Lord of 6th Bhava too. Sixth Bhava is a Duhsthana but Venus
being Lord of Ascendant is considered auspicious.

Lesson 4.3

Number 3 in 2nd Bhava denotes Rashi No. 3 Gemini (िमथुन) whose Lord is Mercury (बुध). Rashi No. 6
Virgo (क ा) is also owned by Mercury & No. 6 can be seen in 4th House. So Mercury becomes Lord of
2nd and 5th Bhavas. Not to forget 5th house is one of Trikon Bhavas.

Lesson 4.4

Number 4 in 3rd Bhava denotes Rashi No. 4 Cancer. So Moon becomes Lord of 3rd House which
represents courage (परा म), younger siblings(छोटे भाई बहन) and Communication (संचार). A person always
seeks growth in this Bhava, it being one of Upachaya Bhavas.

Lesson 4.5

Number 5 in 4th Bhava denotes Rashi No. 5 Leo (िसंह). So Sun (सूय) becomes Lord of 4th Bhava which
represents mother (माता), house (भवन), school education etc. 4th house is one of the Kendra Bhavas.

Lesson 4.6

You'll see Number 8 written in 7th Bhava. Rashi No. 8 is Scorpio (वृि क) whose Lord is Mars (मंगल).
Another Rashi under Lordship of Mars is Aries (Rashi No. 1),& No. 1 can be seen in 12th Bhava. So Mars
becomes Lord of 7th + 12th Bhaavas for Taurus Ascendant native.

Lesson 4.7

In 8th Bhava, you can see Number 9 written, which denotes Rashi No. 9 Sagittarius (धनु) owned by

Jupiter (बृह Threader Sign up

ित). Jupiter also owns Rashi No. 12 Pisces (मीन), which is in 11th Bhava. So Jupiter becomes
8th & 11th Lord. Jupiter considered malefic for being 8th Lord.

In Lesson No. 4.3, I wrote that number 6 can be seen in 4th House. Sorry, that's a typing error due to 4
and 5 being close on my keyboard.

Please read "No. 6 can be seen in 5th house".

Rest is correct.

Lesson 4.8

Saturn in Taurus Lagna gets Houses of Luck and Profession (9 & 1oth Bhaavas due to Rashi No. 10+11 in
them). Saturn, thus, gets another Trikon house in Taurus Lagna Kundli and becomes a benefic
(Yogkaraka) Graha for this Lagna . It also gets one house in Kendra.


Revise this entire thread. Note down Lords of Trikon in each case. Also try to interpret the enclosed
images in the same manner.

Lesson 5.1

Now see the chart below. In the 1st House marked as As (abbreviated form of Ascendant), you can see
number 3 written. It denotes 3rd Rashi which is Gemini (िमथुन). Since 1st house has Gemini Rashi, this
chart is a Gemini Ascendant chart (िमथुन ल कुंडली).

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Lesson 5.2

As such, Mercury (बुध) becomes Lagna Lord (ल ामी) in Mithun Lagna. Mercury is also the Lord of Virgo
(Rashi No. 6)which is in FOURTH Bhava. So, Mercury becomes the Lord of 4th Bhava too. 1st and 4th
Bhava, both are in Kendra.

Lesson 5.3

Number 4 in 2nd Bhava denotes Rashi No. 4 Cancer (कक) whose Lord is Moon (च ). In a Gemini
Ascendant chart, Moon is considered a Marak Graha because Lagna Lord Budh is inimical to it
(But some schools don't treat so). Moon becomes Lord of Family, speech, wealth.

Lesson 5.4

Number 5 in 3rd Bhava denotes Rashi No. 5 Leo (िसंह) whose Lord is Sun (सूय). Hence, Sun becomes Lord
of Courage, struggle, younger siblings, communication etc. in a Mithun Lagna Kundali. Sun is also a sort
of Marak in Gemini Ascendant chart.

Lesson 5.5

Number 7 in FIFTH Bhava denotes Rashi No. 7 Libra (तुला) whose Lord is Venus (शु ). Venus is also Lord
( ामी) Taurus (वृष) - Rashi No. 2 & present in 12th Bhava which is a Duhsthana. 5th Bhava is a Trikon
Bhava, considered auspicious & so, Venus becomes Yogkarak.

Lesson 5.6

Number 8 in SIXTH Bhava denotes Rashi No. 8 Scorpio (वृि क) whose Lord is Mars (मंगल). Mars is also
Lord ( ामी) Aries (मेष) - Rashi No. 1 that is present in 11th Bhava. 6th Bhava is a Duhsthana in chart.
Mars is considered Malefic for Mithun Lagna.

Lesson 5.7 Threader Sign up

Number 9 in SEVENTH Bhava denotes Rashi No. 9 Sagittarius (धनु) whose Lord is Jupiter (बृह ित).
Jupiter is also Lord of Pisces (मीन) - Rashi No. 12 present in 10th Bhava. Both these Bhavas are in Kendra.
Jupiter can act as malefic or benefic depending on position.

Lesson 5.8

Number 10 in EIGHTH Bhava denotes Rashi No. 10 Capricorn (मकर) whose Lord is Saturn (शिन). Saturn
is also Lord of Aquarius (कु ) - Rashi No. 11 present in 9th Bhava. 9th Bhava forms Trikon, so, Saturn is
considered benefic here despite being Lord of 8th Bhava.

Lesson 5.9

Some students of Parashari system believe that in Mithun Lagna, Jupiter in 3, 6, 8 and 12th Bhavas acts
as malefic and does not give good results due to Kendradhipati Dosha (के ािधपित दोष) while in other
Bhavas, it gives good results.

Read next tweet.

Lesson 5.10

However, many other schools of astrology do not believe in के ािधपित दोष (Kendradhipati Dosha) and are
of considered view that Jupiter, even when placed in any of 3,6,8 or 12th houses, can act as Benefic for
Mithun Lagna natives. I will explain their view later.

You can follow @AstroAmigo.

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