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Home Service Management System


This Home Service Management System Project in Django created based on

python, Django, and SQLITE3 Database. The admin side and the user side are
both included in a Staff project. The administrator has complete authority over
all srevice requests and can determine whether or not they can be g ranted. They
can make changes to the Staff and Service lists, as well as add new Staff and
Service. From the admin interface, an admin may oversee the entire booking
process, such as which Staff to assign to a specific Service and which Staff to
dispatch for Users. This project contains 3 Modules. In this project user can
search staff for each services using location. Staff can apply for job and the
Staff can only login to the system after admin appro ves his request. User can
give feedback to the Admin about the working of the employee.


This Project Consist of 3 Modules

1. Admin:

 Admin can Login to the system.

 Add/Update/Delete Services .

 Add/Update/Delete Users .

 Add/Update/Delete Staff .

 Add Locations.

2. Staff

 Apply for Job.

 Staff can login to t he system.

 View/Update Profile.

 View/Complete services that staff get from the user.

 View previous services.

3. User

 User can register and login to the system.

 View all the services.

 Assign work For Staff.

 View the status of the work .

 Search Staff by using Location .

 Give feedback to the Admin.

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