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08-31 14:43:05.

733 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open

08-31 14:43:05.733 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 14:43:05.734 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on pkg
removal /data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609
08-31 14:43:05.734 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 14:43:06.072 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 14:43:06.072 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1692860992486: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 14:43:06.072 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on pkg
removal /data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1692860992486
08-31 14:43:06.072 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1692860992486: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 14:52:37.913 1467 1597 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1693468221106, shock=[{intensity=145, times=64, module=android,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64, module=android, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=64, module=android, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64, module=android,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64, module=android, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145,
times=64, module=android, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64, module=android,
pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64, module=com.tombayley.statusbar, pattern=-1},
{intensity=145, times=64, module=android, pattern=-1}, {intensity=145, times=64,
module=android, pattern=-1}], end_time=1693468357912, uuid=a933c55a-cbd5-46b2-a641-
08-31 14:54:24.700 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 14:54:24.700 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 14:54:24.701 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on pkg
removal /data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609
08-31 14:54:24.701 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 15:42:25.672 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
6091,uid: 10120
08-31 15:43:07.609 1467 4063 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
mCurId=com.facemoji.lite.vivo/com.baidu.facemoji.vivo.VivoIME ,mCurMethodId=com.fac
08-31 16:01:49.609 1467 3993 E VibratorService: motorModeEnableVibration---motor
mode disable
08-31 16:01:49.609 1467 3993 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: opPkg=android,
effect=Prebaked{mEffectId=0, mEffectStrength=1, mFallback=true},
08-31 16:01:49.609 1467 3993 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: cancelByInner called,
uid: -1, mPkgName: null, deviceID=0
08-31 16:02:06.981 16090 16090 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 16:02:06.985 16090 16090 I chatty : uid=99867(u0_i9867) identical 1 line
08-31 16:02:07.013 16090 16090 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 16:08:49.734 1467 22708 E ActivityManager: some avg10=22.52 avg60=9.47
avg300=4.75 total=3076096303
08-31 16:08:49.734 1467 22708 E ActivityManager: 32%
609/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 27% user + 4.9% kernel / faults: 344
08-31 16:21:41.260 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
16090,uid: 10292
08-31 17:30:36.857 10609 10609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 17:30:36.896 10609 10609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 17:30:36.926 10609 10609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 17:32:28.879 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
6091,uid: 10195
08-31 18:09:47.410 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 18:09:47.410 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:47.411 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693386093840
08-31 18:09:47.411 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:47.424 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 18:09:47.424 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:47.425 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693375045609
08-31 18:09:47.425 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:49.150 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 18:09:49.150 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:49.151 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693386093840
08-31 18:09:49.151 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:49.161 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
08-31 18:09:49.161 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:09:49.161 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693375045609
08-31 18:09:49.161 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
08-31 18:47:51.965 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
10609,uid: 10183
08-31 18:50:51.609 1467 4065 E AmsExtImpl: amsBoostNotify getCallerProcessName
exception :java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'android.content.pm.PackageManager android.content.Context.getPackageManager()' on
a null object reference
08-31 19:29:02.609 1467 6838 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
08-31 19:30:37.609 1467 9250 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
08-31 19:41:50.609 1467 3634 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: cancelByInner called,
uid: -1, mPkgName: null, deviceID=0
08-31 19:43:39.609 1467 2460 E AmsExtImpl: amsBoostNotify getCallerProcessName
exception :java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method
'android.content.pm.PackageManager android.content.Context.getPackageManager()' on
a null object reference
08-31 20:17:54.609 29476 29501 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
08-31 20:34:03.609 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
32504,uid: 10216
08-31 20:46:34.609 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
2399,uid: 10389
08-31 21:02:13.425 3609 3609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 21:02:13.428 3609 3609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 21:02:13.447 3609 3609 E VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_pathnot exit in
08-31 21:02:23.302 1467 1500 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
3609,uid: 10274
08-31 22:35:58.408 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:35:58.421 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:36:04.467 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -8.612376 -12.593651 43.636097
08-31 22:36:14.586 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -5.460983 -13.490176 44.019993
08-31 22:37:06.187 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:37:06.188 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:37:09.609 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.004952 0.003697 -0.003061
08-31 22:37:29.530 919 16512 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:408609
08-31 22:37:29.532 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:408609 hint:-
1 pid:919 duration:0 => ret_hdl:408609
08-31 22:37:29.532 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:408609
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:919 tid:16512 dur:0
08-31 22:37:29.622 919 16512 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:408609,
08-31 22:37:29.623 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:408609, idx:2
08-31 22:37:29.624 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:408609
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:919 tid:16512 dur:0
08-31 22:37:48.166 919 16507 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:408609,
08-31 22:37:48.169 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:408609, idx:-1
08-31 22:37:50.523 919 16609 E VDO_LOG : prDrvVP9handle->nDrvStatus 0x7
08-31 22:37:50.536 919 16609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:408621,
08-31 22:37:50.536 919 16609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:408620,
08-31 22:37:50.538 919 16609 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
08-31 22:37:50.538 919 16609 E BWC : fail to open mem_bw_ctrl driver file
08-31 22:37:50.539 919 16609 E BWC : Failed to switch EMI profile, error: -1
08-31 22:37:50.539 919 16609 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
08-31 22:38:24.027 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:38:24.084 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:38:47.766 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: -0.027143 0.660918 0.770306
08-31 22:38:55.017 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:38:55.023 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:39:58.165 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -6.373281 -20.660950 41.723640
08-31 22:40:01.122 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:40:01.129 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:40:04.803 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:40:04.807 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:40:42.706 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -6.146079 -22.360933 41.184635
08-31 22:40:48.776 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -5.952006 -22.465347 40.760937
08-31 22:42:10.609 919 17255 I chatty : uid=1046(mediacodec) omx@1.0-service
identical 1 line
08-31 22:42:10.609 919 17255 E mtkpower_client: PowerHal_Wrap_scnConfig not
08-31 22:42:10.609 919 17255 E VDO_LOG : @@ [DEBUG] PowerHal_Wrap_scnEnable
dlsym, FG prefer idle , adjust migration cost and background boost
08-31 22:42:11.248 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:11.251 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:12.609 919 19082 E OMXNodeInstance:
getConfig(0xecb2d804:MTK.DECODER.VP9, ConfigAndroidVendorExtension(0x6f100004))
ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
08-31 22:42:15.378 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:15.413 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:24.342 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:24.344 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:42:36.430 650 17609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:408787,
08-31 22:42:40.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:408824 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:630
08-31 22:42:40.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
08-31 22:42:53.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 900000
900000 400000 400000
08-31 22:43:19.161 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:43:21.380 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:43:28.666 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -6.338197 -18.420172 42.160969
08-31 22:43:52.958 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:43:52.967 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:44:07.768 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:44:07.795 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:44:50.606 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -6.578517 -20.554865 41.609905
08-31 22:45:50.590 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.001609 0.001880 -0.004067
08-31 22:46:19.609 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: -0.471020 0.335204 1.558673
08-31 22:46:40.741 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:46:40.741 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:46:40.741 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:46:41.895 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 36.687923 -1.771343 26.160908
08-31 22:46:48.087 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:46:48.087 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:46:48.087 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:46:52.124 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:46:52.124 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:46:52.124 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:46:57.787 653 22307 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttrInt()
Source: -1 Flags: 0xa00 Tags: } stream=AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC session 83609
selectedDeviceId 0
08-31 22:46:57.802 653 22307 D APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Output]startOutput() output 21, stream 3, session 83609 portId 10766
08-31 22:46:59.550 653 945 D APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Output]stopOutput() output 21, stream 3, session 83609 portId 10766
08-31 22:47:07.222 919 19609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:0, dur:0,
num:16, tid:19609
08-31 22:47:07.226 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:409449
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:919 tid:19609 dur:0
08-31 22:47:07.227 919 19609 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:409449
08-31 22:47:07.502 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:409449
lock_user:omx@1.0-service pid:919 tid:19609 dur:0
08-31 22:47:07.778 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:47:07.778 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:47:07.778 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:47:11.662 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:47:11.662 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:47:11.662 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:47:30.678 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:47:30.678 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:47:30.678 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:47:33.803 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:47:33.803 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:47:33.803 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:47:42.605 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 20.813742 40.519238 5.960980
08-31 22:47:45.413 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:47:45.413 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:47:45.413 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:48:09.356 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:409609
hint:1155 pid:650 duration:2360 => ret_hdl:409609
08-31 22:48:09.356 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:409609 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 22:48:10.572 650 650 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:409609,
08-31 22:48:10.574 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:409609, idx:0
08-31 22:48:10.574 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:409609 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 22:48:14.505 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:48:14.506 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:48:14.506 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:48:31.661 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:48:31.661 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:48:31.661 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:48:36.411 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:48:36.411 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:48:36.411 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:48:41.427 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:48:41.427 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:48:41.427 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:49:01.535 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 34.960945 18.604301 22.454988
08-31 22:49:06.229 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:49:06.229 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:49:06.229 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:49:26.877 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:49:26.907 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:49:27.656 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:49:27.656 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:49:27.656 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:50:09.661 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:50:09.680 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:50:13.985 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:50:13.991 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:50:23.486 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 39.630585 12.186850 17.609787
08-31 22:50:28.545 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 39.499016 9.847355 -15.160942
08-31 22:50:33.124 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, -0.066092 -0.088708 -0.000154
08-31 22:50:39.115 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.291633 0.769388 0.609490
08-31 22:51:48.728 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:51:48.819 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:52:29.279 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.160918 0.798265 0.621939
08-31 22:52:31.936 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 38.354450 21.746099 -2.399126
08-31 22:52:42.319 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:52:42.349 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:52:49.997 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:52:50.009 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:52:59.320 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.205612 0.786735 0.609286
08-31 22:53:09.544 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:53:09.595 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:53:14.051 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:53:14.051 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:53:14.051 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:53:17.433 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:53:17.433 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:53:17.433 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:53:26.910 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:53:26.910 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:53:26.910 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:53:30.868 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:53:30.868 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:53:30.868 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:53:32.609 650 21033 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:409885,
08-31 22:53:33.949 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:53:33.950 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:53:33.950 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:53:34.367 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.060510 0.802857 0.609286
08-31 22:53:46.609 11135 11135 E fb4a.FbUserSessionLithoUtil: Cannot find user
session in tree props
08-31 22:54:00.904 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:00.911 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:01.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:01.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:01.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:04.288 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:04.288 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:04.288 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:07.840 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:07.853 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:17.677 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:17.678 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:17.678 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:20.012 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:20.014 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:23.390 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:23.390 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:23.390 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:24.155 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 40.468609 11.357975 14.949912
08-31 22:54:25.454 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:25.454 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:25.454 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:40.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:40.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:40.862 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:48.762 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:48.762 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:48.762 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:54.006 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:54.006 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:54.006 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:54:55.058 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:55.061 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:54:57.516 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 44.251221 1.560998 15.631908
08-31 22:54:57.874 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:54:57.874 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:54:57.875 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:00.134 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:55:00.134 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:55:00.134 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:08.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:410062, idx:0
08-31 22:55:08.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:410062 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 22:55:08.609 1467 6510 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: opPkg=android,
effect=Prebaked{mEffectId=0, mEffectStrength=1, mFallback=true},
08-31 22:55:08.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
08-31 22:55:08.609 1467 6510 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: cancelByInner called,
uid: -1, mPkgName: null, deviceID=0
08-31 22:55:08.645 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:55:08.645 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:55:08.645 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:11.665 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 41.280834 3.621125 21.253609
08-31 22:55:18.515 650 21609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:410103,
08-31 22:55:18.745 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 39.898563 -0.045848 24.738609
08-31 22:55:21.609 465 29619 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup20: Permission denied
08-31 22:55:24.082 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:55:24.082 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:55:24.082 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:30.038 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:55:30.038 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:55:30.038 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:34.184 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 22:55:34.184 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 22:55:34.184 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 22:55:34.907 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:55:38.966 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.615284 10.609341 15.204489
08-31 22:55:41.994 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.127659 11.231589 16.160995
08-31 22:56:00.747 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:56:00.776 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:56:15.370 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.922192 9.860992 14.999962
08-31 22:56:18.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:410209, idx:0
08-31 22:56:18.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:410209 hint:1155
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 22:56:38.270 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:56:38.273 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:56:45.065 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:56:45.078 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 22:57:00.591 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.028265 0.609898 0.818163
08-31 22:57:10.609 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.002347 0.605714 0.822755
08-31 22:58:08.759 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, -0.000603 0.004730 -0.001609
08-31 22:58:24.856 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.235992 6.560946 15.958434
08-31 22:59:29.875 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.060918 0.651633 0.786837
08-31 22:59:30.615 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.538200 5.152893 17.965609
08-31 23:00:39.815 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:00:40.629 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:00:40.629 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:00:40.629 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:01:30.057 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:01:30.060 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:01:40.580 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:01:40.586 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:02:26.329 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:410609
hint:1157 pid:650 duration:80 => ret_hdl:410609
08-31 23:02:26.329 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:410609 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:02:26.409 630 730 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-31 23:02:26.409 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:410609, idx:1
08-31 23:02:26.409 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:410609 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:02:26.429 650 23767 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:410609,
08-31 23:02:26.431 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:410609, idx:-1
08-31 23:02:34.144 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.235918 0.600306 0.560918
08-31 23:03:09.609 4193 4193 E om.vivo.browse: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
08-31 23:03:14.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:410686 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:03:14.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 1000000
-1 1000000 -1
08-31 23:03:20.809 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:410699
hint:1155 pid:650 duration:2609 => ret_hdl:410699
08-31 23:03:28.031 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:03:28.047 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:03:49.528 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.609856 6.885803 15.639091
08-31 23:04:01.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:410751
hint:25 pid:630 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:410751
08-31 23:04:01.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:410751 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:630
08-31 23:04:01.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
08-31 23:04:52.079 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:04:52.085 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:05:10.425 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.321697 4.632831 17.443609
08-31 23:05:18.134 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:05:18.151 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:05:33.720 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:05:33.723 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:05:43.436 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.004575 0.020929 -0.016095
08-31 23:05:45.419 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: -0.076939 0.360918 0.954286
08-31 23:05:49.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:410896
hint:1157 pid:650 duration:80 => ret_hdl:410896
08-31 23:05:57.956 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 41.889709 2.562177 20.725609
08-31 23:06:03.016 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 41.889709 2.562177 20.725609
08-31 23:06:13.125 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 41.816830 1.609540 20.720184
08-31 23:07:20.906 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.224365 1.958609 18.713457
08-31 23:07:31.609 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.008691 0.075274 -0.025249
08-31 23:07:50.609 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.021633 0.240714 0.981122
08-31 23:08:12.670 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:411103
hint:1155 pid:650 duration:2609 => ret_hdl:411103
08-31 23:08:13.655 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.060918 0.224286 0.965918
08-31 23:08:16.535 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.060959 -2.951849 18.054306
08-31 23:08:30.695 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.522865 -4.460931 18.463951
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
08-31 23:08:50.032 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
08-31 23:08:50.034 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
08-31 23:08:50.138 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:08:59.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:411204
hint:1173 pid:650 duration:0 => ret_hdl:411204
08-31 23:08:59.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:411204 hint:1173
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:09:10.146 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 43.530609 14.487553 8.278507
08-31 23:09:27.570 650 24609 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:411239,
08-31 23:09:59.609 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
08-31 23:10:00.726 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 44.660915 8.964729 7.963389
08-31 23:11:20.962 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:11:20.962 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:11:20.962 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:11.005 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:11.005 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:11.005 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:13.218 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:13.218 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:13.218 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:17.547 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:17.547 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:17.547 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:28.547 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:28.548 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:28.548 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:35.365 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:411609
hint:1157 pid:650 duration:80 => ret_hdl:411609
08-31 23:12:35.365 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:3 hdl:411609 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:12:35.445 630 730 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
08-31 23:12:35.445 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:411609, idx:3
08-31 23:12:35.445 630 730 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:3 hdl:411609 hint:1157
comm:vperf@1.0-servi pid:650
08-31 23:12:35.466 650 25160 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:411609,
08-31 23:12:35.468 630 730 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:411609, idx:-1
08-31 23:12:35.475 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 42.326092 5.891228 18.391455
08-31 23:12:44.460 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:44.460 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:44.460 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:12:48.712 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:12:48.712 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:12:48.712 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:13:03.786 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, -26.373302 34.420277 16.609421
08-31 23:13:10.850 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
08-31 23:13:10.850 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
08-31 23:13:10.850 609 3683 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
08-31 23:13:13.161 920 1033 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.054121 0.060983 0.008103
08-31 23:13:28.500 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:14:09.346 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:14:09.350 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:21:30.736 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:21:30.775 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:24:15.696 26042 26091 E Billing : onSkuDetailsResponse: -1 Service
connection is disconnected.
08-31 23:24:15.699 26042 26093 E Billing : onSkuDetailsResponse: -1 Service
connection is disconnected.
08-31 23:24:15.703 26042 26092 E Billing : onSkuDetailsResponse: -1 Service
connection is disconnected.
08-31 23:29:21.937 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:35:52.839 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:35:52.860 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:44:17.798 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:44:17.811 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
08-31 23:44:49.877 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
08-31 23:44:49.879 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
08-31 23:44:49.939 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
08-31 23:44:49.940 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:58:25.772 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:58:25.780 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
08-31 23:59:43.961 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:00:08.954 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:00:08.959 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:00:09.609 2503 2503 E _V_ScreenOffTasksScheduler: cancel
09-01 00:00:21.564 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:21.564 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693401609833: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.565 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693401609833
09-01 00:00:21.565 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693401609833: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.583 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:21.583 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.584 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693386093840
09-01 00:00:21.584 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.597 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:21.597 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.597 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693375045609
09-01 00:00:21.597 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693326053636
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693326053636: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: at
09-01 00:00:21.609 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: ... 10 more
09-01 00:00:22.219 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:22.219 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693401609833: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:22.220 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693401609833
09-01 00:00:22.220 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693401609833: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:22.239 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:22.239 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:22.240 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693386093840
09-01 00:00:22.240 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693386093840: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:22.248 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
09-01 00:00:22.248 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:00:22.249 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1693375045609
09-01 00:00:22.249 1467 1501 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1693375045609: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
09-01 00:01:09.322 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:01:09.340 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:04:12.350 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:04:12.353 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:04:47.223 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:04:47.229 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:06:52.663 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:06:52.667 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:07:49.775 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:07:49.778 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:08:21.313 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:08:21.317 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:09:40.654 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:09:40.674 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:09:45.609 5891 5891 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-01 00:10:32.085 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:10:32.104 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:10:51.378 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:10:51.384 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:10:56.486 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:10:56.489 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:31.859 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:31.871 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:47.542 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:47.546 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:52.681 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:12:52.688 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:13:23.774 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:13:23.777 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:14:18.724 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:14:18.726 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:16:22.611 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:16:22.619 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:17:50.394 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:17:50.397 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:18:21.609 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:18:21.612 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:19:44.120 609 16559 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
09-01 00:20:13.913 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:13.923 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:16.466 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:16.472 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:22.905 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:22.914 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
09-01 00:20:47.469 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
09-01 00:20:47.470 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
09-01 00:20:47.487 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
09-01 00:20:47.488 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:21:32.948 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:21:32.962 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:21:37.816 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:21:37.817 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:17.126 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:17.130 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:18.707 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:18.712 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:37.302 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:37.316 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:46.565 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:22:46.579 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:05.763 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:05.767 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:06.221 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:06.223 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:33.939 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:23:33.942 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:24:06.900 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:24:06.904 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:31:37.023 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:47:02.814 756 756 D AudioAdapter: Progress = 0.96097976
09-01 00:47:26.349 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
09-01 00:56:49.570 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
09-01 00:56:49.572 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : Class not found when unmarshalling:
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : at
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : Caused by:
09-01 00:56:49.659 2269 2609 E Parcel : ... 18 more
09-01 00:56:49.660 2269 2609 E VivoPush.PushInterfaceManager:
(2269)onMessageReport messageId is not valid
09-01 00:57:59.609 598 843 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10274,
09-01 01:05:20.609 653 16522 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x2,@:}, activeDevices {type:0x2,@:}
09-01 01:09:52.698 609 16559 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -
getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag =
09-01 01:10:36.609 465 29619 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup35: Permission denied
09-01 01:24:02.507 7005 6609 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched
09-01 01:26:34.609 873 7052 D NuPlayerRenderer: onDrainAudioQueue: rendering
audio at media time 49.63 secs

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