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Internal Migration is migration within the same country. This can be from a town, province,
or region to another place. International Migration is when people move to another country
to live and settle down for a long period. People who transfer and migrate to another place are
called migrants and can be classified into two: migrant (temporary) and immigrant

The cause of migration is that people look for better opportunities to improve their life. They
are a big percentage of migrants that are called Economic Migrants.

There are 190 countries where numerous Filipinos work. The common reason for migration is
to look for better-paying jobs. Migrants hope that a higher salary would sustain the needs of
their families.


Territorial Disputes can also be related to Religion, Nationalism, and Culture. It has two
classifications which are Materialistic and Symbolic. Materialistic is about population,
natural resources, and strategic value. Symbolic is about culture and history.

The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines ( Article 1 - National


- The National Territory comprises the Philippine Archipelago, with all the islands and
waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has
sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains,
including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other
submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the
archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal
waters of the Philippines.

Article 33

- The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the
maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by
negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to
regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.
- The Security Council shall, when it deems necessary, call upon the parties to settle
their dispute by such means.

Other Territory Conflicts

- Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan

- Falklands War between Great Britain and Argentina
- Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait during the Gulf War
- Border between Sudan and South Sudan dispute
- Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict
- Tension between Thailand and Cambodia
Other Territorial Problems

- Guarding our Territory

- Smuggling
- Modern and Innovative Maritime Vessels
- Military Equipment Outdated

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