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What is Report, How do write the report ?

• A report is a specific form of writing that is organized
around concisely identifying and examining issues,
events, or findings.
• A report can be academic, technical, or even business
related. Reports are written to deliver facts about a
project, process, or situation.
Report Header



Compilation Year
1. Title Page ( Halaman Judul)
It’s usually contains : report’s purpose, your name , and the name of the person
receiving the report, and submission date

2. Preface ( Kata Pengantar)

It at least contains : explanation about duty of report making, about implementation
of report making, about guidance or instruction and aid obtained , and thank
utterance to the other about helping to finish the report
3. Introduction (Pendahuluan)
• The introduction should Discuss the importance or
significance of the research or problem to be
• Define the purpose of the report
• Outline the issues (scope)
• Inform the reader of any limitations to the report, or
any assumptions made
4. Contents (Daftar Isi) :
• Explanation problem discussed
• Analysis and interpretation
• Ilustration or example
• Table, scheme and pictures,etc
5. Discussion or Body ( Bagian Utama / Bab)
Contains the main substance of the report , It is organized into
sections with headings and sub headings rather than paragraphs.
The body of the report can include : Literature review and method
6. Conclusion (Kesimpulan) :
Conclusion from the result of the research which has
been discussed. Conclussion represents the problems
answer open in introduction
7. Reference List/ Bibliography (Sumber Buku/referensi)
This must contain all the material cited in the report

8. Appendix/ Enclosure (Lampiran)

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