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The results showed that the Hany toppings did affect

the product’s overall taste. Most of the consumers are
satisfied with the donut product, while some even
suggest lowering the amount of topping content stating
that it is too sweet. On the other hand, when it comes
to the texture of the product, while some customers
expressed dissatisfaction, it is more focused on the
size of the dough rather than the Hany toppings itself
since most consumers are not bothered by the texture
added by the toppings. Overall, most consumers gave
the researchers a satisfactory review of the product
proving that the quality is not just good but also
excellent as long as they meet the proper way and
consistency of production.

Given the fact that the donuts are obviously sweet, the
sweetness of the Hany-flavoured donut exceeds what
consumers might have expected. Most of them had a
great experience eating it, but some complained that it
was too sweet for them. Hence, the researchers
recommend lowering the sweetness level of the Hany-
flavoured donuts a little bit, so it is not too
overpowering, resulting in toning down the amount of
Hany toppings the next time making the product. On
the other hand, the texture of the product will remain
unchanged since the consumers did not pay much
attention, but it is recommended to increase the size of
the donut by making each portion of the dough bigger
than before.

The Hany-flavoured intervention product that the group

produced was researched and underwent trial and
error testing. The researchers wanted to examine the
potential of the product being sold to the market in the
future, resulting in them doing a trial selling in a
controlled number of consumers in a specific location.
After the trial, they concluded that the Hany-flavoured
donut product will possibly be able to compete in the
market if the problems encountered by the researchers
are solved, allowing the product to lose its negative
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