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1. She can/ (b) cope up with any difficult situation/ (c) as she is a brave heart./ (d) No error

2. (a) It is half/ (b) past two/ (c) in my watch/ (d) No error

3. (a) I will avail/ (b) myself with/ (c) this golden opportunity/ (d) No error

4. (a) It is my pleasure / (b) to congratulate you for your success/ (c) in the Civil Services Examination / (d)
No error.

5. (a) Despite of repeated warnings, / (b) he touched a live electric wire, / (c) and was electrocuted. / (d) No

6. (a) We thought that the train/ (b) would be late but/ (c) it arrived exactly in time. / (d) No error

7. (a) Which newspaper/ (b) do you/ (c) subscribe for (d) No error

8. (a) Those who are in power/ (b) have to be sensitive of/ (c) the sufferings of the poor/ (d) No error

9. (a) He is good/ (b) in mathematics/ (c) but his friend isn’t. (d) No error

10. (a) He walked/ (b) ten miles/ (c) by foot/ (d) No error

11. (a)The laborers/(b)relax/(c)between 4.00 p.m to 5.00 p.m/(d)No error

12. (a)Scarcely we had/(b) reached the office/(c)when it started raining cats and dogs/(d) No error

13. (a)He would not/(b)have died when you had/(c)helped him in /(d) No error

14. (a)It was almost/(b)ten years ago since he wrote/(c)a letter to me enquiring about my well being/(d) No

15. (a)Ten years have passed/(b)that I returned from home /(c)America and settled in India/(d) No error

16. (a)I cannot say/(b)if he has paid/(c)the fee or not/(d) No error

17. (a)Both the rich along with/(b)the poor are affected equally/(c)when prices of petrol and diesel increase
/(d) No error

18. (a)Because he is intelligent/(b)Therefore he gets good/(c)marks in all the examination/(d) No error

19. (a)He has lots /(b) of money and/(c)he will not help anyone /(d) No error

20. (a)When I met him/(b)the couple of days back/(c)he was writing a new book,/(d)No error

21. (a) He is /(b)best player/(c)in India/(d) No error

22. (a) Every morning the sun/(b)rises /(c)in east/(d) No error

23. (a) The honesty/(b)is /(c)a virtue/(d) No error

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24. (a) He went for the lunch/(b)at 1p/m and then/(c)returned/(d) No error

25. (a) Most of the people of Southern India/(b)do not know /(c) the Hindi /(d) No error

26. (a) Due to its beauty/(b)Kashmir is known as/(c)Switzerland of India/(d) No error

27. (a) My teacher said that/(b)Sun is a/(c)star/(d) No error

28. (a) Let judge in you/(b)decide what/(c)punishment should be given to him/(d) No error

29. (a) Father in him /(b)could not bear the condition of/(c)his ailing daughter/(d) No error

30. (a) When the principle entered the classroom/(b)all boys shook/(c)in their shoes/(d) No error

31. (a)I wish/(b)I have learnt swimming/(c) when I was young/(d)No error

32. (a)I am going to buy/(b)a computer/(c)when the prices comes down/(d)no error

33. (a)Mother said/(b)”son,/(c)you have finished your homework?”/(d)No error

34. (a)It is time/(b)we should have done/(c)something useful/(d)no error

35. (a)Believe me ,I/(b)am believing/(c)whatever ever you have said/(d)No error

36. (a)Since his arrival in India/(b)he is visiting as many villages as he can/(c)to acquire a first hand knowledge
of rural India/(d)No error

37. (a)This custom/(b)has come down/(c)since times Immemorial/(d)No error

38. (a)when Anand reached his village/(b)he found that/(c)the news about him preceded him /(d)No error

39. (a)Perhaps you do not know /(b)I m owing/(c)a farm house besides two bungalows/(d)no error

40. (a)She did not prepare/(b)her /(c)breakfast yet/(d)no error

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1. (b) ‘Cope with’ is the correct form which means ‘to handle’.
2. (c) ‘In’ must be replaced by ‘by’.
3. (b) ‘avail’ is followed by ‘of’. ‘Avail myself of this’ is the correct form.
4. (b) ‘Congratulate’ is followed by ‘on’.
5. (a) ‘Despite’ is not followed by ‘of’.
6. (c) The word ‘exactly’ makes ‘On time’ a more suitable option.
7. (c) ‘Subscribe’ is followed by ‘to’.
8. (b) ‘Sensitive’ is followed by ‘to’.
9. ‘Good’s is followed by ‘at’.
10. (c) ‘On foot’ must be used here’.
11. (b)’between’ is followed by ‘and’ and not ‘to’
12. (a)change ‘we had’ into ‘had we’
13. (b)change ‘when’ into ‘if’
14. (b)’when’ will come after ‘ago’ as a point of time is denoted
15. (b)’since’ must come in place of ‘that’
16. (b)change ‘if’ into ‘whether’
17. (a)’Both’ is followed by ‘and’ and not ‘along with’
18. (b)’because’/’as’/’since’ are not followed by ‘therefore
19. (b)change ‘and’ into ‘but’
20. (b)change ‘the’ into ‘a’
21. (b)Add ‘the’ before ‘best’. Which is a superlative degree
22. (c) Add ‘the’ before ‘East’. The name of directions take article ‘the’
23. (a)Remove ‘the’ article is not used before the ‘abstract noun’
24. (a) Remove ‘the’ names of meals do not take any article
25. (c) Remove ‘the’ we do not use articles with the names of languages
26. (c)Add ‘the’ before ‘Switzerland’. When the name of the person and place is used due to its quality and
as an example, an article precedes the proper noun
27. (b) Add ‘the’ before ‘sun’ as it is the name of heavenly body
28. (a) Add ‘the’ before ‘judge’, when we talk about the personality present inside a person, we use article
‘the’ before the name of the personality
29. (a) Add ‘the’ before ‘father’ when we talk about the personality present inside a person, we use article
‘the’ before the name of the personality
30. (b) Add ‘the’ after ‘all’
31. (a) Sentence is in past. Hence change ‘have’ into’ had’
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32. (c) “prices comes” will be changed to price comes.

33. (c) Change ‘you have’ into ‘have you’ since the sentence is interrogative.
34. (b) change ‘we should have done’ into ‘we did’.
35. (b) Change ‘am believing’ into ‘believe’.
36. (b) ‘has been’ will come in place of ‘is’.
37. (c) ‘time’ will replace ‘times’.
38. (b) ‘V3’ (had) will come after ‘has’.
39. (a) ‘will have already returned’ will replace ‘she will already return’.
40. (c) ‘Preceded’ will be replaced by ‘had proceeded.’

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