Recollections of Observations

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I made the following slides, as recapitulation when I compiled my 5000 slides.

Here I am placing only 52 of

them. Some of them are repetitions and even within the slide some content may be repeated as they resonate
overwhelmingly because they are facts both pleasant [positive] and unpleasant [negative].

On pleasant side we must acknowledge and accept that at macro level there is enormous progress across
the globe on various parameters. It may not be enough and we must never be complacent about progress.

On neutral aspect no one can afford to overlook or discount evolution and evolutionary trends.

On unpleasant side we have an exaggerated outrage epidemic which is the manifestation of individual
disagreements and disenchantment that have always existed but has become easily collective and inflated and
exaggerated due to technological tools that are available now. The root cause being ideology or identity based
outrage fueled by certain media for sensationalism. That’s why there will be over emphasis on topics of
ideology, identity, role of media etc. Unless and until there is a natural or socio culturally initiated
importance given to sophistication and adjustments necessary for a collective civilizational cohabitation (
which means addressing many problems of vast number of people and also acknowledging the sensitivities of
modern life styles without compromising on certain very essential aspects of native cultures) all sorts of
chaos and cut throat activities will continue and they can get further fueled if the economic conditions are
also poor.

We must humbly accept and understand that no single ‘ism’ or ‘ideology’ can be regarded as the most
suitable one for social engineering and hence, can be homogenously applied for the whole of humanity.
Perhaps, at best one ‘ism’ that may be labeled as contextually relevant is ‘rational, scientific
humanitarianism which also ensures environmental protection’ which can have a mix of some or all the
multitude of ‘isms’. If we adopt the armor of sense of balance and the tool of refined rationality devoid
of any identity based reaction to anything, though this may sound very idealistic or even utopian, then, it
serves to provide a level playing field for all individuals irrespective of any identity.
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world”- Robin Williams
“Make it so good and so clear that it doesn't need any further explanation”-SHEL SILVERSTEIN
So, to make clear the first statement there are loads of riders that need to be attached like they can change
only those who are willing to change, how appealing the ideas are, in what kind of words and expressions
those ideas are packaged etc. However, the telesis of terminology will get gradually exposed.
Everything has a saturation point beyond which no amount of cover up or camouflage can suppress reality.
Peddling selective ‘nuanced’ narratives to engineer specific reactions or impact with a hidden agenda is no
exception to that, whether packaged as a ‘feel good verbiage’ to hide what are considered as unpleasant and
unwanted either through projections, exaggerations, interpretations, extrapolations, innuendos and a host of
many other verbal devices or similarly whether ‘subtly vulgarize’ what are considered as sacred and revered
by many.
Oscar Wilde, clearly expressed this when he said, “as long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have
its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular”.

All over the world there are increasing political and religious polarizations with insinuations as to what is
right about Right and how Left has left in lurch its social welfare agenda and tarnished beyond recognition
all terms that it had appropriated which originally had an aura around them like Liberal, Freethinking etc.

Now, everyone knows that both Right and Left have not many things right about them and there is nothing
left to still think, brand and brag about in binaries and dichotomies. World needs only actions and
narratives that are contextually correct, rationally relevant, that can be subjected to scientific scrutiny,
helpful to humanity, providing peace and prosperity, ensuring environmental protection, enable ease of
living and all of these well ensconced between synergy and sense of balance
“All of us have our own inner fears, beliefs, opinions. These inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A
suggestion has no power in and of itself. Its power arises from the fact that you accept it mentally.” - Joseph
Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and “ We must realize that the subconscious mind is the
law of action and always expresses what the conscious mind has impressed on it. What we regularly entertain
in our mind creates a conception of self. What we conceive ourselves to be, we become.” – Speare.
Of late majority of the public all over the world are spending lot of time to defend or defame
some ideology or other either and seem to scan for scandals and controversies.

We cannot live in the past nor rewind life but we must live in the present and if we want, then try
to carve ways and means to plan for a future that we envisage.

One cannot disown or deny some identities ( at least like our name, physical frame etc) but can
avoid getting caged and adoring only in that identity and refusing to acknowledge the existence
of other identities;

One cannot get disoriented or deny or dismiss history but can avoid ruminating only on the
negativities of historic blunders with histrionic reactions and allowing them to ruin the present;

One is at liberty to have any ideology or many ideologies but avoid selectively venerating it/
them as the best and defy other ideologies;

Perhaps, evolution may have overlooked or skipped certain important, good and great aspects or
incidences but no one can avoid the trace of evolution in every realm;

So, some identity and history, certain evolution and ideology are all part of everyone's life.

Freedom of expression must learn to respect all individuals as much as one's own identity; to
value the whole of humanity as much as one's own historical background; to respect institutions
and others’ ideas as much as one's own ideology/ ideologies.
Interpretations selectively and deliberately designed to divide, to discriminate and to
develop animosity in society must be checked.

As William Lyon Phelps puts it, “One of our secrets of life is to keep our intellectual
curiosity acute”.

Or as Thomas H. Huxley says, “Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to
give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses
nature leads, or you will learn nothing.”

So, we must observe everything, then explore, try to grasp, to learn and to understand
[this is where our attitudes, perspectives, limited frames of references make us to
choose and to decide].

In a way it is good initially to have more frames of references, wider perspectives and a
variety of tools to perceive and more the merrier works well. However, we may we end
up getting lost with excess of fuzziness than real assimilation.

The INSTINCT/IMPULSE to filter and be selective comes with prejudice to narrow

down on only a few things but the ABILITY to do so, comes with enhanced matured
way to choose and decide and consolidate our radius of receptivity despite many other
limitations like time constraints, lack of resources etc.
Any type of stereotyped profiling of a whole generation is a wrong premise
While evaluating or judging anyone or anything one must
avoid these things., i.e. desist from getting distracted by the
following major traps:-
1] Mutilating the facts, 2] Analyzing them with
preconceived notions or prejudices, 3] Generalizing the
particular and particularizing the general, 4] Approaching
facts with unloving criticism or uncritical love, 5] Every Age acquires its unique advantage;
Evaluating facts with our pet isms or philosophies, 6] Every Belief becomes in a unique way deaf;
Resorting to statistical justifications, 7] Unleashing Every Creation carries a unique distinction;
Every Duty develops a unique beauty;
unworkable utopia, 8] Mask them with logical fallacies, 9]
Every Evolution executes a unique function;
Bury them in pleasant jargons, 10] Give historical Every Faith fosters a unique growth;
justifications. and 11] Complicating the simple or over Every Generation generates a unique civilization;
simplifying the complex. Every human being has a unique way of living;
Every Intelligent adaptability injects a unique civilization;
Very often we tend to proceed from the presumption that Every judgment joins a unique development;
Every Kind soul kindles to play a unique role;
tastes, trends, traditions all over the world may be either
Every Life longs to liberate from its unique strife;
similar or homogenous and worse still, sometimes presumed Every Mind marches on to make a unique find;
to be same and based on that foolish attempts are made to Every Nation nurtures its unique contribution;
homogenize or over simplify or over generalize. Every Occupation offers a unique contribution;
Every Performance presents a unique importance;
This presumption based manias and phobias are more Every Quest quenches a unique zest;
Every Reason reveals a unique connection;
prevalent in religion and politics. They are sometimes even
Every Sentiment serves a unique commitment;
manipulatively and selectively used as a psycho-political Every Thought takes off from a unique root;
tool to toss human beings into the drain of stimulus- Every Urge unfolds a unique usage;
response mechanisms which included many aspects to it Every Virtue vibrates with a unique hue;
like brain washing, indoctrinations, subverting, and Every Wisdom wakes you up to a unique freedom;
torturing physical and mental, assigning and appropriating Every X-axial approach x-rays into possibilities and offers a unique
labels. Unfortunately most of these functions are now used
Every Year yearns in a unique way to make life dear;
by well established main stream media in many countries. Every Zeal zooms towards a unique goal;
All actions that emerge out of multiple perspectives based on limited frames of references,
emotionally charged outbursts, pop up due to privileged positions, intimidate through ideological
impetuosity, linger on through entitlements must get corrected by a common denominator
called civilized non violent behavior based humanism which result in a feeling for all by all.

Media, leaders and writers must avoid these as much as possible.

Misinterpretations based on irrelevant extrapolations;​

Over reactions based on hyper instigated emotions,

Hasty conclusions based on predetermined presumptive outcomes;

Lame excuses based on pusillanimous escapist attitudes;

Blind justifications based on ideological affinities;

Lackadaisical approaches based on misconceptions of immunity to certain problems;

Authoritarian behavior based on assumptions of privileges to boss over;

Resorting to outrages based on presumptions of perpetual entitlement to everything;

Prolonged reverse discrimination based on justifications of correcting historical suppression.

Why we react ? or the anatomy of reactions
Reactions, sometimes aggressive or fanatical happen due to mass hysteria creating brain washing which push
many into some identity cages and if they happen to venerate then they virtually entwine the entire life in that
cage and venerate the walls of the cage that and end up getting agitated when someone tries to shake the cage
or worse still break the wall of the cage.

This happens with all religions, ideological, political affiliations and religious practices manifesting itself
with varying degrees of fanaticism and intolerance.

Levels of scrutiny, extent of criticism, limits of tolerance, philosophical consolations etc , everything
becomes very elastic or rigid depending upon whom it affects at that particular instant and how the affected
people take it. Depending on the nature, circumstances, situations, nurtured attitudes etc proportionately the
reactions, retributions, revenge etc will manifest.

If by nature and nurture the creatures caged inside these cages are soft and mild then their reactions also will
be manifested in varying degrees of intensity like soft and sophisticated exhibiting either gentle acceptance
of inevitability or graceful withdrawal from the cage or a meek surrender out of utter cowardliness or silent
fuming in frustration or total fatalistic indifference etc but if the creature caged inside is wild by nature or
nurture then the reactions towards any slight disturbance to its territory will be very violent, aggressive and
criminal etc

Unfortunately there is neither any panacea nor complete perfect system or scripture which we can refer to for
solutions to all our problems but all of us forget this and jump out to justify or defend our cages irrespective
of whether they are religious, political, ideological, scriptural, cultural, territorial etc.
No system can provide us immense intelligence to understand everything and everyone nor can it give
Identity or ideology veneration
Any identity or ideology veneration is, by itself, a limiting factor and therefore self defeating if it claims to help one’s
perception or enhance one’s well being.
Trying to interpret and ideologically portray certain facts or issues or events or persons or life in terms of perspectives based
on any such ideological or identity fixation can have an impact which may impede or hamper original experience and/or
perception as it may prompt many to view facts and life’s events only through prisms of such ideological templates.
Though this is inevitable and also in some cases it can benefit the individual and the society at large.
However, in many cases it can create a major cultural and mental block.
The havoc is more if an ideology masquerades as a great religious or social philosophy endorsed by publicity and ensconced
in appealing logical fallacies, exaggerated presentation of apparent inequalities, cynicism and attractive vocabulary and all
these factors well sewed up, linked and designed to project and peddle a victim hood.
What these types of approaches end up doing is creating many sub ideologies and identities with multiple petty ideology
peddling heroes instead of real scholars.
These people quickly cause social engineering but also leave inadvertently a byproduct of individual psychological depravity.
Basically this individual psychological depravity takes on a new dimension of collective subversion, of all systems and
procedures done with good intentions, leading to numbness of conscious concern.
More so because certain social ideologies emanate from a mixture of undefined and unrefined criticism of all existing
systems and approaches [ with all their niceties and nastiness] and rejects and ejects all systems that do not fall in line with
the new found social ideology.
All sorts of misinterpretations happen precisely in all extremisms in the name of religion, politics, socio –economic systems
etc especially when fixed ideologies replace philosophical inquiries and deprive independent and free experiments and
The proponents of such regimented ideologies are inane politicians projected as elite ones by media publicity as both of them
[media and petty ideology peddling politicians] as a group stand to benefit out of such alignments.
On the whole they lead to psychological depression, social unrest and unhappy life by creating walls and fences of perpetual
sense of insecurity combined with vacuous inanity.
External identity ends up occupying our time and mind space
Any external identity because it ends up occupying our time and mind space so much that without realizing it such external
identities become our second nature and slowly like a parasite devours our original nature.
Then we also succumb to such identities as it was us who chose, allowed and decided to wallow in the supposed worthiness
of all those identities starting from religion, culture, language, thrust upon relationships and so on.
However, can we avoid any such identity is a big puzzle?
Sometimes it is out of our own jubilant choice and sometimes it gets tagged out of necessity of circumstances.
We cannot avoid many identities. Should we deny or try to drive away or try to compare or extrapolate with some ideology
etc? The answer is a big ‘No’. However, we need not get addicted to any identity and also we can tolerate other
identities. Only such practical attitude can lead to some sane and peaceful social life.
Peace and Harmony are defined indirectly by wanting too much of same Identity in everyone and everywhere
and want of Tolerance.
Manifestations of identities with varying degrees of intensity
Fondness, Ferventness, Faith and Fanaticism are the multiple frequencies of the spectrum of affinity- ranging from
subtle to substantial impact.
These frequencies are not mere verbal nuances but can be nice or nasty depending on how they manifest the intensity
of one’s reverence and reaction to anything.
If we adopt the armor of sense of balance and the tool of refined rationality devoid of any identity based reaction to
anything, though this may sound very idealistic or even utopian, then, it serves to provide a level playing field for all
individuals irrespective of any identity.

Rational approaches refine what is otherwise viewed as contrasts that divide, into variations that seek synergy.
Life is impregnated with the inevitable polarity principle in many aspects and identities are no exception.
Identities of all hues while they enable creating social groups at the same time enfeeble options for universal
I have very often held that identity, though inevitable, excessive and exclusive veneration is at the heart of many problems be
it in the realm of religion, region, language, tradition, culture, nationhood and so on.
In a sense identities symbolize fences.
We need maps to know the planet but we need to protect the planet beyond mapped concerns.
Ambivalent uneasiness-Part -1
Ambivalent uneasiness-Part -2
Healthy conditions can be planned and programmed if those scripting any political narrative realize to do
away with the outdated dichotomy of Left and Right because life, especially socio-cultural and economic life,
has many dimensions each having its own dynamics and in addition there are also those emanating from
intersectionality and interactions and all of these manifest themselves with varying degrees of intensity.

Fortunately life and all its concomitant evolutions happen despite and beyond the blinkered narratives
peddled by status quo addicts of trite dichotomies and have made visible various options between, besides,
beneath and above those dichotomies, and these may strengthen the wings and enable the discourse to soar
into unbiased zones and offer some solutions to many present day problems faced by humanity.

Controversies erupt often in domains which enhance ‘identity –protective cognition’ [to use a psychological
terminology- which prioritizes judging and concluding over reasoning] which creates a sense of belonging
and bond. These are mostly in the realms of social engineering based on ideological affinities and well
cemented identities. These are arenas of abstract domains, not in science or in technology or in
philosophical scrutiny with larger grey areas.

That’s why unbiasing and rationalism must be nurtured in these domains because there are many advantages
with reasoning, as Steven Pinker says, “The beauty of reason is that it can be always applied to
understand failures of reason”.

The best tool to ward off these elements popping up very frequently is to ensure basic economic comforts and
social welfare, encourage scientific temperament and to rationally accept or to disown certain things and
subtly make one take pride in one’s culture with all its inherent beauties and blemishes without having to
defend every aspect of it [due to identity veneration] against emerging trends which may be more appealing
but need not necessarily be in sync with one’s existing culture and yet, those new trends too can be
Priority, contextual relevance and trade off at the present moment
are more vital than future probabilities.

Being ready to face /to pay for the inevitable consequences [because every
aspect of life is interconnected] are a preferable trade off in the larger and
long-term interest.

While choosing to do a business 3 things are important location, location and

While making a decision 3 things are important priority, priority and priority;

While addressing a crisis 3 things are important contextual relevance, contextual

relevance and contextual relevance;

While encountering risks to life and property 3 things are important get rid of the
risk factors, get rid of the risk factors, and get rid of the risk factors.
When a place housing vital documents is on fire, the firemen first save lives [during that
period of time some important documents would get destroyed], then douse the fire
[normally] with water [that may drench certain documents beyond retrieval]. During
pandemics it is wise to listen to epidemiologists [let us respect other domain specialists]
Limitations of rationality, spirituality, intellectual analysis etc.
Our life is, unfortunately mortal and our frames of references are influenced by limited factors.

So , for anyone of us to say this the best or most perfect or correct answer or solution to any situation, much
less a panacea is meaningless.

Probably for want of better alternatives for sociopolitical administration we choose democracy;

Probably for want of better alternatives for certain illnesses for immediate relief we take antibiotics and

Probably for want of better alternatives to provide mass literacy we depend on some form of schooling;

Probably for want of better alternatives to perceive the world and our life in it we choose rationality.

Probably for want of better alternatives to grasp some inexplicable or invisible influences or power we
choose various religious forms like worship, rituals, philosophical explanation etc

Probably for want of actual experience based tangible and empirical evidence based proofs of what is
spirituality that can be easily replicated [ there may be few exceptional cases where people have real
experience of spirituality] we use many sincere symbolism, real life situations and happenings [ beyond
intellectual perceptions] to explain what may be spirituality and also devise various disciplines and dos and
don'ts to grasp what it may be.

Probably some disruptive social engineering system may replace democracy;

Probably some disruptive health care and disease cure system may replace use of antibiotics and so on and so
Judging and evaluating
Progress -1
Progress -2
How to approach the topic of Relationship
Every relationship is a many faceted splendor
Philosophical approach over ideology peddling
The collective human spirit (in its stride having witnessed the manifestation of the common traits in many
events, happenings and issues) has come up with certain new social creations which it thought would fulfill
the justifiable requirements of the many without creating too much disparity or discrepancies, lesser number
of disadvantaged and minimal major destructive side effects while allowing enough room for hierarchical
structures enough to satisfy inflated egos, not hampering the growth of hyper intelligent, over smart,
contributors with unique or great value or abilities or talents.
Thus, was born as attempt to solve many ills ,the following things (all of which are only few centuries old or
less than a century old) :-

Universal literacy - to ensure basic skills of communication, reading and writing are imparted to as many as

Economic prosperity- to ensure basic necessities like some food, shelter, clothing to as many as possible.

Democracy- to ensure basic participation in governance through elections and voting by as many as possible.

Fundamental human rights- to ensure basic accessibility to get protection to live with dignity to as many as

Universal health care- to ensure basic health and nutritional needs reach as many as possible.

Global organizations and platforms have been created to ensure that all or many of the above are made
available to as many as possible.

Technologies, trade, sports, entertainment, scientific advancements, food, valuable natural resources
through taking care of environment all of which help people transcending national boundaries which
benefit as many as possible.
Who is to referee the umpires- MSMs [Main Stream Media]?
So, mere ideology or identity based social engineering alone may not have lasting impact though they may emotionally
appeal and increase TRP.
Politics is a very important and inevitable component of social evolution and political leaders with vision and concern can do
marvelous social engineering but that does not mean media needs to politicize everything.
MSM cannot be peddling selective ideologies because no single ideology can be a panacea for all social ills, more so
ideologies that over generalize and makes puerile attempts to create uniformity and homogenization.
The fourth pillar must cease to be a froth filler and realize their own responsibility when they question judicial activism;
preach on parliamentary over reach; blame bureaucratic hurdles; criticize government corporate nexus; condemn police
excess but media mafia, misuse and its lobbies always take umbrage under press freedom.
It would be preferable to present various and all types or shades of opinions and views and avoid distortions and
extrapolations according to any particular ideology. Journalists must focus and project more on the possibilities and positives
than lingering too much on negativism and lapping up controversies and gossips.
Emphasis must be more on values and not too much focus on violations alone and desist from any ideology based selective
amnesia and collective indifference. Instead create an atmosphere to impart useful, in depth but simple understanding of the
importance of peace, harmony, unity, tolerance, compassion etc not as mere words of sermons but in effective operational
modes. Some media houses are conducting more trails and delivering more judgments on all issues than all the courts put
People with sophisticated cameras in the mobiles can stream real time and expose MSM interpretations and selectivity and
prove Stephany Yablow words correct, "Inevitably, the media create a circus, elevating everything and elucidating nothing”,
and also establishe well what Charles Eisenstein said, "From brand names to PR slogans to political code words, the
language of the media that inundates modern life consists almost wholly of subtle lies, misdirection, and manipulation”.
MSM must desist from getting guided by some petrified ideological fixations bolstered by some putrefied slogans and
outdated statistics, pelf that pours into their purses to propel calibrated pseudo intellectual analysis and all of these
masquerading as meaningful concern for the public.
“People lose their way when they lose their why” says, Michael Hyatt.
Everyone in media must follow as their professional motto the words of Marya Mannea “It is not enough to show people how
to live better; there is a mandate for any group with enormous powers of communication to show people how to be better ".
The reactions to lack of responsible reporting and respect for sensitivities have led to this obsession
Pandemic was a silent universal philosopher who made everyone to relook into many subjects and
activities and what they must be viz à viz one’s life.

It revealed the lust for life, longing for relationships and value of togetherness [ironically when the wrong
word was coined as ‘Social Distancing’ instead of mere ‘Physical distancing’].

Universe is UNI+VERSE. The romance of this verse manifests through many broad subjects of study and
multitudes of activities. Ultimately, this VERSE teaches us that there are no more ‘this versus that’
demarcation or divisions but ' this and that' or ' these and those' interconnectedness, interdependence
and interrelationships.

We must realize that the following versions have become too redundant i.e.​​Science versus religion;
Materialism versus spirituality; Tradition versus Modernity; Technology versus Humanity;

Most of us are ambivalent and ambiverts, now, with Covid-19 we are also ambi-digital using palm and
phalanx as well as knuckles and opisthenar.

Pandemic also taught that there is no panacea and we cannot deny or defy the importance of anything
and everything has to be prioritized according to contextual relevance.

Universe was vociferous in its sentimental outpourings and also whispered some sane perspective for
everyone to involve in at least some amount of self introspection..

Talk of value of art, science, literature, philosophy, compassion, family values and health care, all resurfaced,
in some cases merely as an academic outlook and in some others it gushed forth suddenly from a pipe burst.
Most of us are ambivalent and ambiverts, now, with Covid-19 we are also ambi-digital using palm and
phalanx as well as knuckles and opisthenar.
From young students to successful professionals were reconnecting with fundamental subjects, debating about their
importance, relevance and so on. I drafted a few sentences to convey to all how every subject is or can always be of
importance and be part of our life.
Art must be part of our life so that we look at things with sensitivity to grasp their aesthetic aspects;
Science must be interred in our sub- conscience to guide our perspectives;
Compassion must be in our emotion to guide our attitude with humanitarian values;
Philosophy must be in the trenches of our psychology so that we have rational approaches towards most
Environment must be felt as part of our tissue and not an issue apart and away from us;
History must carry the story of our pride of ancestry and bring us maturity to bury the blunders;
Geography must sketch the photographic sketch of the splendors of topography of our wonderful planet;
Mathematics must reveal the tricks of underlying patterns of everything and enable us to revel in wonder;
Literature must capture the inner nature and intrinsic features of anything that it touches on;
Language must engage in eternal romance with increasing:- number of users, geographical areas, the wide range and
variegated vocabulary to communicate and express as many ideas or events as possible in as many fields of human activity. It
must have the syntactic plasticity; flamboyant flexibility suited to both simple and complex modes of expression, and an
enormously evolved derivational morphology and also must entice people involved in various domains of activities to use
that language. It must visit the harem of other languages add variety and spice;
Sports must bring out all sorts of human enthusiasm;
Music must bring out the intrinsic vibrations of as many nice frequencies and create memorable melodies
and hubristic harmonies;
Religions and cultures must nurture ventures to enhance a heuristic syncretism bringing out the
interrelationships keeping intact individual identities;
Professions of all hues must be combinations of passions and/or trade off involving compensations useful for
life/one wants and some freedom in terms of individual space and time ;
Social life of all hues preferably imbues with values of humanitarianism starting from firm foundation of
family to further extended inhabitants all around and everywhere without any superficial and unreasonable
Life is formed out of all these and not merely funded by the world of commerce and trade or engineered by
social engineering of political ideologies or doctored to perfection through any doctrines, though they too
play their part in our life.

When we become aware that everything is/was/will be within us, then, we enjoy the world around us
without any inhibition but with a sense of belonging, sense of balance with sensible attitude without
hurting the sensitivities of others and thus we can become better person with less ego but willingness to
learn more.

Life's journey when it sails with awareness in the oceans of all the above then it is a journey of synergy
between the composed inner self and comprehensive outer world.

Now, during Covid-19 we are witnessing at the same time the two extremes of human behavior in many
On one side really valuing science and waiting for its valuable solution/solutions and at the same time
engaging in manifesting our talents, frustrations, doubts, delusional superstitions etc. I feel two quotes one
each from two great scholars which sum up precisely our state of mind now.

That's why Thomas Paine wrote "Science, the partisan of no country, but the beneficent patroness of all, has
liberally opened a temple where all may meet. Her influence on the mind, like the sun on the chilled earth,
has long been preparing it for higher cultivation and further improvement. The philosopher in one country
sees not an enemy in the philosopher of another; he takes his seat in the temple of science, and asks not who
sits beside him ..." and

Blaise Pascal in his Pansees , “What a Chimera is man! What a novelty, a monster, a chaos, a contradiction, a
prodigy! Judge of all things, an imbecile worm; depository of truth, and sewer of error and doubt; the glory
and refuse of the universe.”

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