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Global warming refers to the increase in the temperatures of

the global surface causing various effects on the climate of the
world, (Spencer, 2003). Changes in climate will include change
in the patterns of rainfall, rise in the sea level among other
climate changes. This affects the life of many organisms within
the surface especially the living organism and also human
beings. The impact of global warming varies as it influences the
lives of the vegetation, wildlife, and also human beings.
According to Umair Shahzadgh(2015), Global warming begins
when sunlight reaches the Earth. The clouds, atmospheric
particles, reflective ground surfaces and surface of oceans
then sends back about 30 % of sunlight back into the space,
whilst the remaining is absorbed by oceans, air and land.
This consequently heats up the surface of the planet and
atmosphere, making life feasible. As the earth warms up, this
solar energy is radiated by thermal radiation and infrared rays,
propagating directly out to space thereby cooling the earth.
However, some of the outgoing radiation is re-absorbed by
carbon dioxide, water vapours, ozone, methane and other
gases in the atmosphere and is radiated back to the surface of


The main factors that have been attributed to the resulting

global warming are the greenhouse gas effects, differences in
the solar and also volcanoes. Most scientists have blamed the
resulting global warming on the human activities which in turn
causes various changes in the atmospheric gases.

Human interference especially the release of greenhouse gases

causes a buildup of gases that lead to changes in temperatures.
The greenhouse effect itself has been as a result of the
absorption of heat or radiation by the atmospheric gases which
retain heat and this then causes changes in the earth’s
temperature. The greenhouse gases have been estimated to
cause an effect of around 33 degrees in the atmosphere.
The greenhouse gases normally comprise of carbon dioxide,
ozone, methane and water vapor. All this components of the
greenhouse gases cause different effects on the atmospheric
temperatures. The human activities in the earth’s surface are
especially blamed for the increase in the green house effects.
The industrial activities, which took root in the 20th century,
have caused major changes on the atmospheric gases.
“Pollutants that are released from the industrial activities will
have a major effect on the atmospheric gases,” (Spencer, 2003).
Other human activities include deforestation, which involves
cutting down of trees at very high rates. This causes an increase
in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere thus
increasing the effects of the greenhouse effect. Burning of fossil
fuels is also another factor that is considered a cause of global
warming. Burning of fossil fuels adds on to the amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The warming of the
atmosphere causes effects on the clouding patterns.
Radiation from the earth is usually reflected back to the earth
by the clouds and this causes further warming. On the other
hand, warming results to a lot of water evaporation thus
increasing the water vapor in the atmosphere thus greener
house effect. “Changes in climate as a result of these
atmospheric changes cause effects on the human activities and
also their health,” (Joshua, 1997). One of the major effects is
changes on the agricultural production. Global warming will
cause changes in the patterns of rainfall and this affects the
agricultural yields. Global warming has resulted to a lot of
economic costs to most continents and its future mainly
depends on the trend of the human activities that result to this
The major cause of global warming is greenhouse gases. They
include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and in some
cases chlorine and bromine containing compounds. The build-
up of these gases in the atmosphere changes the radiative
equilibrium in the atmosphere. Their overall effect is to warm
the Earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere because
greenhouse gases absorb some of the outgoing radiation of
Earth and re-radiate it back towards the surface. The net
warming from 1850 to the end of the 20th century was
equivalent to nearly 2.5 W/m2 with carbon dioxide
contribution about 60 % to this figure, methane about 25 per
cent, with nitrous oxides and halocarbons providing the
remainder Umair Shahzad(2015).

The Effects Predicting the consequences of global warming is
one of the most difficult tasks faced by the climate
researchers. This is due to the fact that natural processes that
cause rain, snowfall, hailstorms, rise in sea levels is reliant on
many diverse factors. Moreover, it is very hard to predict
the size of emissions of greenhouse gases in the future years
as this is determined majorly through technological
advancements and political decisions Umair Shahzad(2015).
Global warming produces many negative effects some of
which are described here. Firstly, extra water vapour which is
present in the atmosphere falls again as rain which leads to
floods in various regions of the world. When the weather turns
warmer, evaporation process from both land and sea rises.
This leads to drought in the regions where increased
evaporation process is not compensated by increased
precipitation. In some areas of the world, this will result in crop
failure, particularly in areas where the temperatures are
already high.
Global warming has been blamed for the spread of various
diseases. The effects that result from global warming are said to
create atmospheric conditions that favor the spread of very
infectious diseases and thus risking the lives of very many
individuals (Edubirdie, 2022). Global warming has been blamed
for the spread of the following infectious diseases.
Global warming results to higher sea level and this has raised
the spread of infectious water born disease, (Anne, 2006). One
of the major water borne disease that results from global
warming includes cholera. The bacteria that cause this water
borne disease thrive better in very warm conditions and thus
global warming acts as a reservoir for the vectors of such a
disease. The disease has resulted to major deaths especially in
the African continent, (Edubirdie, 2022).
Global warming is likely to result to extreme flooding in some
regions. This results to the contamination of water in most
regions. On the other hand, flooding and destruction of
property that results from changes in weather such as
hurricanes and heavy down poor may result to displacement of
individuals from their homes. This results to such refugees
camping in one area, which often results to congestion of
people. “Such congestion normally results to poor sanitation
and thus causing a lot of waterborne among other diarrhea and
infectious diseases,” (Bruce, 2001).
Global warming is said to increase the chances of individuals
suffering from asthma. This happens when the resulting global
warming is as a result of high levels of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere,” (David, 2005). High levels of carbon dioxide favor
the process of pollination and growth of other pathogens that
affect the respiratory system. Scientists have indicated that
warm temperatures increase the growth of molds which attach
themselves easily to the diesel particles emitted from the
When individuals breathe in this air and gases, it is likely to
cause allergies and thus asthma in the respiratory system.

How to tackle global warming

Efficient way that can reduce global warming is to recycle.
Recycling is the production of a new product from a
previously used material. According to Campaign For
Recycling(2013), recycling soda cans reduces the greenhouse
gas emissions by 95% which is a very high decrease and PSR
(2009) recommends “reduce what you consume. Recycle
instead of throwing away old items”. By that way, we are not in
need of lots of products to use. As a result, greenhouse gas
emissions coming from the consumption of energy would be
reduced and that would significantly slow global warming if it
was seriously applied.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
carbon dioxide emissions make up 81 percent of all greenhouse
gas emissions. Thirty-four percent of carbon emissions come
from burning fossil fuel (diesel oil, gasoline) for transportation,
whereas 32 percent of carbon emissions can be traced back to
electricity production (i.e., burning coal) for both residential
and industrial consumers.
To prevent further global warming, it is vital to stop burning
fossil fuels for transportation and electricity. Instead, the focus
needs to shift toward renewable energy, which harnesses the
energy already contained in sunlight, wind and moving water.
The reduction or prevention of global warming can also occur
by sequestering or "harvesting" greenhouse gases, especially
carbon dioxide. Trees and other plants, including agricultural
crops, are our main allies in this effort because they naturally
absorb carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis.
Farmers can plant cover crops in the winter to continuously pull
carbon from the air, and everyday people can grow trees and
other leafy plants to contribute to the effort (Cathy Habas,

1. Cause and Effect Essay on Global Warming. (2022,
September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved December 14, 2022,
2. Hoven R, 3 May 2012, “Global warming melts

5/global_warming_melts_away.html, Accessed 15 December

3. “Global warming is so
rming-so-uncool.html, Accessed 14 December 2022.
4. “Impacts of Global
warmingeffects/health.html, Accessed 14 December 2022.
5. “Diseases spreading due to climate
preading-due-climate-change-20140714#/1, Accessed 14
December 2022.
6. "Personal Actions to Reduce Global
warming/personal-actions-to-reduce.html. Physicians For
Social Responsibility. Web. 14 December 2022.

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