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Poetry, Prose, Drama…

What is the Difference?

1. Poetry
● Poetry is written in lines. Lines are grouped in stanzas.
● Many poems rhyme.
● Poems have rhythm created by stressed and unstressed syllables.
● Some poems have repetition-- some words or lines repeat within the stanzas.
● Poems are written to entertain or express emotion.

2. Prose ( they have 2 characteristics)

● One sentence follows another
● Sentences are grouped in paragraphs
● Examples include: chapter books, newspapers, and articles

3. Drama (also known as a Play)

● Cast of the characters
○ Lists of characters’ names and a brief description about them
● Setting (where the story takes place)
○ Setting changes show how time changes visually
● Dialogue (when the characters are speaking)
○ The script of the play is written in dialogue, divided into scenes, has characters,
and a narrator tells the story
○ The narrator will also tell parts of the story.
● Stage Directions (tells the actors what to do or where to go on stage)
○ Examples of stage direction: (Lily runs off the stage crying. Juan stares at his
enemy with disgust.)

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