DPR 811 Style Requirements Guide - 2023

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If there are any questions or problems with ANY assignment, please email Ms Huysamen
(ehuysamen@uwc.ac.za) asap.

Students who submit an assignment late will be penalised by the deduction of 10% (or part thereof) from
the specific assignment mark for every 24 hours of late submission.

Assignment requirements

1. Assignments must be UPLOADED onto iKamva – emailed assignments will not be accepted (unless
there is good reason AND/OR a prior arrangement has been made with the lecturer).

2. The following style requirements must be adhered to:

Calibri 12 font; 1.5 line spacing; Justified text.

3. Case law and academic articles should be incorporated into, and discussed in, all answers where
appropriate and relevant.

4. The assignment will be assessed not only on the content of answers, but also the technical
referencing and structural logic. With regard to the aforesaid, the following principles have to be
adhered to:

4.1 In all answers, reference should be made to all readings and sources of law (including
statutes and case law) on which students rely. There should, however, be no lengthy
extracts from published sources. Students are expected to answer the questions in their
own words as far as possible and, when quoting, to do so appropriately and briefly;

4.2 All quotations from published or unpublished sources must be (i) placed in quotation marks
and (ii) acknowledged in a footnote with a full reference to the source. If in doubt students
should consult the Faculty’s Referencing and Style Guide;
4.3 Answers should be kept brief and to the point. No marks shall be awarded for answers (or
parts thereof) that are off the subject or illegible.

5. Language must be clear and correct. Spelling should be checked electronically (remember to set
the spell check to UK or South African English) and students are required to carefully proofread
and edit answers before submitting them.

6. Each assignment must include the below Assignment Cover Page, duly completed by each

1. Surname:

2. Initials:

3. Student number:

4. Assignment nr:

5. Date submitted:

6. Plagiarism declaration:
6.1 Plagiarism means copying another's person’s work and pretending that it is one's
own. I know that plagiarism will be treated as examination dishonesty and certify that
this assignment contains no plagiarism.
6.2 Every significant contribution to, and quotation in, this assignment from the
work or works of other people is acknowledged by means of citation and/or references
contained in footnotes.
6.3 All books, articles and cases to which I have referred or quoted from in the
assignment are listed in the Bibliography.
6.4 I have not allowed any other person to copy from this assignment and
acknowledge that doing so will make me party to examination dishonesty.

Student signature:


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