Most Expected Essay Topics For Capf 2023 Exam

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1 Recognition of same-sex marriage
2 Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav to azadi ka kal
4 India’s G-20 presidency
5 No money for terror
6 uniform civil code in India
7 MSP not just guarantee farmer support but also food security
8 Women and their participation in STEM
9 Manual Scavenging in India and efforts to prevent
10 India’s maritime security & stakeholders involved
11 Cleaning and connecting rivers in India
12 Violence in Manipur
13 Can farmers income be doubled with doubling of economy
14 Introduction of new technology in agriculture is a compulsion
15 Increasing tariffs may increase smuggling
16 The Role of Technology in Sustainable Development
17 Alternative technologies for climate change
18 "Digital India: Transforming the Nation through Technology"
19 I2U2 creating a new paradigm in World politics
20 FATF role in combating money laundering
21 Rising Gun culture in India
22 Depreciation of Indian rupee
25 Animal health should be given more priority now a days
26 "Corruption in India: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions"
27 Internet Shutdowns leads to digital darkness
28 Income inequality is because of inequality
29 Warming of oceans
30 Human elephant conflict
31 ChatGPT will change the dynamics of Internet world?
32 Urban Expansion and Development
33 PEACE IN NORTH EAST INDIA and efforts thereon
34 Narco-terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir
35 Demonetization is not against the spirit of public interest
36 Feminization of Agriculture
37 Vaccine diplomacy of India during covid
38 Funding in the elections has to become more transparent
39 Cyclones and the Disaster Management thereon
40 Police reforms and political interferences thereon
41 Exploring Cultural Diversity and Its Importance in a Globalized World
42 India and UNSC
43 Internal Security means war against your own population
44 India Pakistan relations
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45 Prevent the spread of nuclear weapons
46 Education can itself Helps in eliminating Poverty
47 India Russia relations
48 India Israel relations
49 India and Central Asia relation
50 Indian – US relations
51 Population explosion in India
52 India’s act east policy and north east India opportunities and impediments
53 Role of CAPF’s in National Security
54 India – Japan Relations
55 Women in Politics bring more Responsiveness.

Cover all these Topics from AVKS PAPER 2 E BOOK: ( 5th Latest
2022Exam Questions

1.Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each:

(a) The campaign to save the endangered species.

(b) What can be done to stop wars?
(c) The emerging presence of women in the Indian Armed Forces.
(d) Price rise: causes and effects.
(e) A synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western science: a needed goal for humanity.
(f) The Indian Armed Forces are a combination of strategic thinking and timely action.
2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements:
(a) Video games sharpen the mind.
(b) United Nations Organisation has become redundant.
3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Evidences of fellow feeling during the COVID-19 pandemic
(b) Green energy progress in India
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2021 Exam Questions

1.Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each:

(a) Chinese economic policy in countries bordering India

(b) Work From Home : A boon or a bane?

(c) Party politics in India is a flourishing family business.

(d) Unemployment and the New Education Policy

(e) Urbanization is hazardous to human health.

(f) Infiltrators are a threat to India’s Security.

2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements:

(a) Elections in States should be held simultaneously.

(b) Farmer protests are politically motivated.

3. Write reports on the Following in about 200 words each:

(a) Oxygen cylinders crisis in Delhi

(b) Poll violence in West Bengal

2020 exam Questions

1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each :

(a) Emerging threats to India's internal security

(b) Crime against women is an expression of male domination

(c) Crisis of credibility in Indian electronic media

(d) Securing India's international borders is a challenging exercise for the Indian armed forces

(e) Parenting in a competitive Indian society is a challenge

(f) Ensuring social justice is a human right

2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements :

(a) Solitude during a pandemic is not unwelcome.

(b) Political awareness among the social elite is inconsequential.

3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Provisions for primary education sector in the New Education Policy

(b) Impact of the new agricultural laws on farmers

2019 Exam Questions

1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each : 20x4=80

(a) The earth is not for humans only mans

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(b) The impact of social media on social relationships

(c) Sustainable farming is the need of the hour than rhetorical promises

(a) The role of Indian Army in nation building

(e) The complexity and unpredictability of Indian politics

2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements : 20x2=40

(a) Digital technology may replace books with computers.

(b) Homework should be banned at primary level education.

3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each : 10x2=20

(a) The rising juvenile abuse

(b) Water scarcity and access to drinking water

2018 Exam Questions

Q1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each: (20x4=80)

(a) Civil wrong emerging from religious bigotry, constitutionally punishable

(b) Farm waiver is populistic and myopic : strategy change needed

(c) From economic growth to well-being: a paradigm shift

(d) suppresses civil dynamism

(e) Non-performing parliament, unhealthy trend in Democracy

(f) Promoting innovative outlook in education

Q2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements : (20x2=40)

(a) Privacy is an elitist idea.

(b) Note-ban, effective tool against black money.

Q3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each:

(a) Data leak from Facebook

(b) Violence on University campuses during Student elections

2017 exam Questions

Q1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) The need for common civil code in India
(b) Cashless transactions : Scope and future prospects in India
(c) India versus China in the context of emerging economy in South Asia
(d) The things that count as being civilized
(e) Cleaning and connecting the rivers in India
(f) The recent achievements of India's nuclear scientists
Q2. Write arguments for and against each of the statements :
(a) The youth in India are getting addicted to Android mobiles.
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(b) Power flows from the barrel of the gun.
Q3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Corruption in politics
(b) Environmental pollution
2016 Exam Questions

1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each :

(a) The onus of maintaining healthy relations with 'Nepal is on India

(b) Farmers' suicides in India : A sign of impending disaster

(c) India needs to redefine the relations between the Centre and the States

(d) Is development possible at the cost of environment ?

(e) Revamping our banking system is the need of the hour

(f) Urbanisation of India is nothing but blind Westernisation

2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements :

(a) India needs to focus on imparting quality education instead of merely increasing its Gross Enrolment Ratio.

(b) The trend of nuclear families will make old age homes in India increase in number.

3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Receding glaciers

(b) Ban on alcohol in Bihar

2015 Exam Questions

Q1. Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each :
(a) Sardar Patel's role in India's freedom movement and afterwards
(b) Financial inclusion is a must for inclusive growth
(c) Role of Governor in Indian polity
(d) Disaster Management System in India
(e) NET Neutrality is a must for digital India
(f) Sino-Pak alliance and India's Security
Q2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements in about 300 words :
(a) Large population of India is more of a bane than a boon.
(b) Democracy slows down the pace of development.
Q3. Write reports on the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Operation Raahat in Yemen
(b) Acid attacks on women

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