CHAPTER I-V (III, PR2 & Library)

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Background of the study

The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes
in our daily life. In particular, this rise has also led to the
rise of online gaming. Online gaming can refer to any type of
game that someone can play through the internet or over a
computer network. One of Asia’s most played online game is Mobile
Legends. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a multiplayer online arena
(MOBA) game designed for mobile phones. This game is very popular
in Asia as it is known to have five million downloads in Google
Play Store. Also Mobile Legends is the most popular online mobile
game in the Philippines. Its influence was indeed impactful that
it reaches to the point of affecting player’s daily lives.
Besides, it is very popular and in demand from various circles
from teenagers to adults.

The role of this game is that there are two group fights to
reach and destroy the enemy’s castle while protecting their own
castle. To protect their castle they have to control the path
they pass through. There are three lines the “Upper”, “Lower” and
“Middle”. Those three lines connect the way to the castle. A
person who only plays the game is called player, one of developer
of online games stated that if there are 12.675.696
players who download Mobile Legends are dominated by teenagers

and early adults aged 15-25 years. In online games especially in
Mobile Legends the player. There are features to support their
communication which are called chat room. The player can chat
with team or enemy in chat room, Therefore, they are usually
using a lot of emerging special languages that are used in mobile
legend game, called as register.

Register can be considered a different way language

user in different circumstances. According to (Wardhaugh,
2006), register means set of language items which are
associated with social groups. Through register, a
community can be differentiated with another community simply
register is one of part of their identity. If it is so, register
is a common term inside some specific community, for example in a
group of indie fans, football club, airlines, banks, and so on.

There have been some studies related to register

such as (Syahrir, 2017), (Rahmawati, 2014), and (Sari, 2005).
The first was conducted by (Syahrir, 2017). He investigated
registers used by gamers’ community in Point Blank Game.
From this study, he found 31 registers consisting of 20 formal
registers and 11 informal registers. The second was conducted by
(Rahmawati, 2014) with the tittle Analysis of Register Used in
Soccer Page of Social Media Facebook she found 74 register which
divided by its part of speech. Third was conducted by (Sari,
2005) She studied about the register used by the employees of
shoe company Artisan Jaya Makmur Malang. She found 146 registers
consisting of 142 formal registers and 4 informal. The researcher
decided to analyse register which found in Mobile Legends
player. The researcher employs analysis of this research on

player of Mobile Legends, with the title is ‘’Register found In
Mobile Legends player”.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the impacts of Mobile Legends in

the laboratory performance among Grade – 12 Electrical
Installation Maintenance students in Bulan National High School.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following


1. What are the reasons of Grade 12 Electrical Installation

Maintenance for playing Mobile Legends?
2. What are the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the
laboratory performance of Grade 12 Electrical Installation
and Maintenance students?
3. What measures can be undertaken or can be suggested to
prevent too much playing Mobile Legends?

Scope and Delimitation

This study was mainly concerned and limited only with the
effects of Mobile Legends among Grade – 12 Electrical
Installation Maintenance (EIM) students in Bulan National High

This study does not cover students from other strand or

section, and students from other school in Bulan, Sorsogon.

Significance of the Study

This study will be valuable and significant to students,

parents, readers and future researchers.


This study is primarily important to students, for it will give

them information about the impacts they may get from playing
Mobile Legends.


This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about
the impacts of Mobile Legends among their children.


This study will help the readers to have the understanding about
the impact of Mobile Legends.

Future Researchers

This may serve as a basis for future research that they will

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the work, the following terms

were defined:


Effects – A change which is a result or consequence of an action

or other cause.

Mobile Legends - A multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game

designed for mobile phones.

Laboratory Performance - Measures of the performance of the

laboratory and its activities, such as projects, processes,
products, or services.

EIM Students - Learners specifically those who are

taking Electrical and Installation and Maintenance (EIM) since

the program focuses on the production of goods and services. 


Effects – The word was used as result to determine the outcome of

playing Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends – The word was used as independent variable for

the study.

Laboratory Performance – The word was used as the dependent

variable for the study.

EIM Students – The word was used as respondents for the study.



The following are literature reviews and studies related to

the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the laboratory
performance of senior high school students.

Review of Related Literature

Based on Pau, Kee (2022) The present study examined the (1)
predictive role of need frustration on Internet gaming disorder
(IGD) and (2) mediating effect of gaming motives. A total of 398
mobile MOBA gamers aged 18 to 29 participated in this cross-
sectional online survey study. The findings showed that need
frustration positively predicted IGD. Social, escape,
competition, coping, and skill motives were significant mediators
for the association between need frustration and IGD.

This only means that playing Mobile Legends does affect

players of the said online mobile game. The result of the study
above does show significant effects to their respondents.

According to Buarao, Joseph (2020) Mobile Legends is an

unbalanced mobile game, as it’s server is very weak and lagging
is frequent on the game, especially if there is no stable
internet connection. Whenever the game lags, players would hiss

and express their frustration that they cannot play the game

It means that playing Mobile Legends may affects players’

verbal use. When experiencing defeat players may express their
frustrations which they might use vulgar words, in that way they
eill lost focus on the game.

According to Lisad Cornella (2019, 2 24) mobile

legends game review Massively multiplayer online Video Games
(mmos). Mobile legends is a 5v5 moba for hand held devices that
offers a variety of playable heroes, game modes, and intense,
fast paced gameplay. With controls optimized for touchscreen
devices, players can quickly get set up to play a match against
other players in real time.

This states have the same perspective of the author above,

it consists 5 players in each team. The player can play able
heroes, modes and can quickly get set up as fast as you can and
also use the most effective or make the best for your team.

According to Marcal Mora-Cantallops and Miguel-Angel Sicilia

(2018, 2), This article aims to perform a literature review of
the available research that focuses strictly on MOBA(multiplayer
online battle arena) games. First, a review identifying the
relevant papers published since 2011 is conducted, exploring them
systematically to extract similarities, gaps and main findings.
Results show how Mobile Legends is the most

explored game, with player experience and toxic behavior as
popular topics for research.

It means that Mobile Legend is the most explored game, toxic

behavior is a way of sending out the vibe that you owe them
something. Sometimes they have also a way of doing something that
hurts you, then maintaining they were doing it all for you.

Over all, the players are having a toxic behavior and

competitive. Compete against each team or to destroy the opponent
team. Strategically game that needs to plan and the cooperation
in each player on the team, to plan, to defend and to work as
one, to win the battle.

Based on Rimington, Elzabi, and etc. (2016), Mobile Legends

is one the largest online game in the world, but is under-
represented in video game studies. Its community is large and
multi-sited, but known for competitive and toxic behaviors.

It says that this app is one of popular game that the degree
of opponents online player compete against each other to gain
higher rank to win the battle.

According to Koueider, A.(2013), this can be

downloaded in Google Play Store and popular in Apple App
store that is also hot seat as an entertainment in Android. This
game is said to be a free mobile MMO strategy video game which
developed and published by moontoon. Through this game, the

players are planning on how to destroy the enemies tower and on
how they can defeat the enemy. This is also a strategically game
because it includes battle with the opponent online player.

It means that this App can be downloaded free on your mobile

phone also it is a hot seat as an entertainment in Android. This
is strategically game where the players will think on what is the
best utilize on their facilities to plan, to defends and to
destroy the opponent team.

Lorie, Loeb (2013), state that Mobile legend is a 5v5 moba

showdown against real time human opponents from all over the
world. You will be able to choose from an increasing amount of
heroes in this game. In a team, you should be able
to build your heroes and strategies alongside with your 4
comrades to win the game.

This means that there have 5 players in each team to

showdown against each other. When you going play this game, you
will be able to choose a heroes or build your heroes strategies
or skills with your 4 comrades to win.

According to Tridhonanto (2011), playing online games can

have a positive impact, including improving the motor system, for
example, teenagers who play online games can improve their
playing strategy and language skills, while the negative impact
is that it is easy to forget the priority scale in their daily

activities, for example, it can create feeling laziness and

It say that playing online games, including Mobile Legends

can have a positive impact and negative impact to the players
especially to teenagers. Improving the motor system is a positive
impact which means it can improve players’ strategy and language
skills. On the other hand, it has negative impact as well which
can creat laziness and addiction.

As stated by Cooper (2000) that addiction is a form of

behaviour that is driven by high sense of dependence on things
that are liked so that someone can be said to be addicted if they
do the same activity repeatedly, even more than five-time.

Mobile Legends is really is addictive game which some people

might consider the game as life disruption. The said online
mobile game is also time consuming because players play it

Review of Related Studies

The Benefits of Playing Video Games, 2014. Isabela Granic,

Adam Lobel, and Rutger C. M. E. Engels. Video games improve your
social interaction. More than 70% of games play with a friend,
and millions of people worldwide participate in massive virtual
worlds, through video games such as “Farmville” and “World
of Warcraft”. Multiplayer games become virtual social

communities, where decisions need to be made quickly about whom
to trust or reject and how to lead a group, the authors said.

The Positive and Negative Effects of Video Game Play, 2014.

Sara Prot, Craig A. Anderson, Douglas A. Gentile, Stephanie
C. Brown, and Edward L. Swing. Their research tells that
more recent research has also shown that violent video game play
leads to desensitization to violence (Bartholow, Bushman, &
Sestir, 2005), diminished empathy, and a lower likelihood of pro-
social behavior (Bushman & Anderson, 2009).

Like gambling, playing video games starts as a form of

entertainment. It becomes pathological for some people when
video games start producing negative life consequences (Sim
et al., 2012). As of now, video game addiction is not yet
classified as a formal disorder in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

The Effects of Video Game Violence on Physiological

Desensitization to Real-life Violence, 2006. Nicholas
Carnagey, Craig Anderson and Brad Bushman. Their research
shows that violent video game exposure increases violent
behaviors and decreases helpful behaviors. However, no research
has done experiments in regards with the effects of violent
video game on physiological desensitization defined as
showing less physiological arousal to violence in the real world
after exposure to video game violence in the virtual world.


This study is anchored from the theoretical support of

understanding the behavioural intention to play online games: An
extension of the theory of planned behaviour by Lee, M. (2009).
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether flow
experience, perceived enjoyment, and interaction affect people's
behavioural intention to play online games and whether gender,
age and prior experience have moderating effects on online game

Conceptual Framework

Mobile Legends Laboratory Performance

Figure 1. present the conceptual framework of the study. It

consists of two variables, Mobile Legends as an independent
variable and laboratory performance as the dependent variable.



This chapter discusses the instruments used, population of

the respondents, Research Design and Data Analysis Procedure.
This methodology plays an important role in implementing this
research study accordingly. The details of the methodology are
explained in details in this chapter.

Research Design

The researcher utilize descriptive method of research to

answer the questions and described the data and characteristics
of the subject being studied. The Researchers e this method to
know the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the laboratory
performance of grade 12 EIM students. This research design helped
researchers to collect and analyze the responses of respondents
to the checklist designed by the researchers.

Respondents of the Study

The study is accomplished in Bulan National High School. The

respondents in this study are grade 12 EIM students of the said
school for the academic year 2022-2023. The population of grade
12 EIM - A students of Bulan National High School is composed of
57 students.

Instrument of the Study

The researchers prepares a set of questionnaire to be

distributed to the respondents. The researchers utilizes a
contingency questionnaire. It is composed of 4 questions that
seeks to answer the objectives of the study. These are
strategically made for the students to fil up easily. The
researcher use probability sampling or purposive random sampling
to give all the selected members of the population. These are
comparatively easier method to lessen the bias in choosing the

Data Gathering Procedure

Since the study used purposive sampling techniques, it is

quite easier to generalize the study’s sample and to facilitate
data gathering procedure. Beforehand, upon receiving approval
from the subject teacher and adviser, the researchers prepared
the letter of intent addressed to the school principal for senior
high school academics. Survey questionnaire were also prepared
and checked by researchers’ subject teacher and adviser.
Afterward, the researchers administered the actual distribution
of survey questionnaires selected respondents. In distributing
the survey questionnaires the researchers decided to divide by
two groups for easier distribution.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researcher used the Percentage Frequency Formula to

analyze the results of the questionnaires, answered by the grade
12 EIM students, to identify the factors being researched.

For items number 1-4, the researcher are going to use

Percentage Frequency Formula in analyzing the data gathered. The
frequency (f) of a particular value is the number of times the
value occurs in the data. The distribution of a variable is the
pattern of frequencies, meaning the set of all possible values
and the frequencies associated with these values. To do this
formula, the researchers simply divide the frequency by the total
number of results and multiply by 100.



This chapter present the result, analysis and interpretation

of data gathered from the answers to the questionnaires
distributed to the field.

Topic are arranged according to the specific question of the

study: 1. What are the reasons of Grade 12 Electrical
Installation Maintenance section A students for playing Mobile
Legends? 2. What are the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the
laboratory performance of Grade 12 Electrical Installation and
Maintenance section A students? 3. What measures can be
undertaken or can be suggested to prevent too much playing Mobile

Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of respondents in

terms of Mobile Legends affects their laboratory

Yes 12 63.16%
No 7 36.84%
TOTAL 19 100%

Table 1. shows that out of 19 respondents, 12 of them
answered yes with (63.16%), which means that playing Mobile
Legends affects their laboratory performance. On the other hand,
7 of the respondents answered no with (36.84%), indicating that
playing Mobile Legends do not affect their laboratory
performance. This implies that majority of the respondents are
affected by playing Mobile Legends.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in

terms of reasons why students play Mobile Legends.


For entertainment 10 23.25%
To make friends 9 20.94%
To explore the game
7 16.27%
To compete with
8 18.60%
other players
To rank up 9 20.94%
Others 0 0%
TOTAL 43 100%

Table 2. presents the frequency and percentage distribution

of respondents in terms of the reasons why students play Mobile
Legends. Based from the table, for entertainment with frequency
of 10 has the highest percentage with (23.25%) when it comes to
the reasons of playing Mobile Legends among Grade 12 EIM - A
students. It was followed by to make friends and to rank up
(20.94%), to complete with other players (18.60%), and to explore
the game further (16.27%). The result shows that most of the
respondents play Mobile Legends for entertainment.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in
terms of the effects of playing Mobile Legends on the
laboratory performance of respondents.


Dizziness 8 18.18%
Sleepy 11 25.00%
Hungry 8 18.18%
Laziness 8 18.18%
Tiredness 9 20.45%
Others 0 0%
TOTAL 44 100%

According to Table 3. Sleepy with frequency of 11 has the

highest percentage with (25.00%) when it comes to the effects of
playing Mobile Legends among Grade 12 EIM - A students. It was
followed by tiredness (20.45%), dizziness, hungry, laziness with
equal % distribution of (18.18%). Whereas, none of the
respondents answered other effects aside from mentioned above. It
seems that majority of the respondents experience being sleepy
during laboratory performance due to playing Mobile Legends.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in

terms of ways suggested to avoid too much playing Mobile


Do some exercise to
8 21.62%
relieve stress
Hang out with 7 18.92%
friends or family

Focusing more on
doing laboratory 7 18.92%
Turning off mobile
phone for hours or 8 21.62%
Do unfinished school
7 18.92%
Others 0 0%
TOTAL 37 100%

Table 4. presents the frequency and distribution of

respondents in terms of ways suggested to avoid too much playing
of Mobile Legends. Based from the table, doing exercises and
turning off mobile phone have equal % distribution (21.62%)
followed by hanging out with friends or family members, focusing
more on doing laboratory performance, doing unfinished school
task with (18.92%). While none of the respondents answered any
other way. This suggests that doing exercise and turning off
mobile phone are the best possible way to avoid too much playing
of Mobile Legends.


A. Project Title: A Campaign About The Effects of Too
Much Playing Mobile Legends
B. Proponents: King Christian Repalda, Andrew De Guzman,
Leonel Marinda, Zedrick Gito, Mark Angelo Gabito, Harry
Domasig, Zedrick Gracela, Josh Añonuevo, Jericho Gime,
Clarence Cea, Kenneth Vargas, Edmar Diolata
C. Implementing Unit: BNHS Grade 12-EIM B
D. Target Date:
E. Venue: Bulan National High School

Based from the result and findings of the study,
there is a need to raise the awareness of the effects of
too much playing Mobile Legends on the academic
performance of students since our schools here in the
Philippines especially in our school, Bulan National High
School, some students are not yet aware of the effects of
too much playing Mobile Legends on their academic life. A
rare campaign regarding this matter might be one of the
reason why there is some students neglecting their
academic responsibilities. Thus, this campaign would be
definitely helpful in raising awareness to students in
our school since using or putting slogan in our school
can easily catch the attention of a student. The purpose
of using slogan is to widely spread the information about
the negative impact of too much playing Mobile Legends on
students’ academic performances.

This proposal aims to address the following objectives:
A. To give information about the concept and existence of
Mobile Legends.
B. To raise the awareness of everyone about the effects
they may get from too much playing Mobile Legends.
C. To give the information about the ways on how a student
can avoid too much playing of Mobile Legends.
D. To make a student aware of his/her academic
responsibilities in school.


1. Asking for the consent from the school principal of
Bulan National High School.
2. List of possible words, phrases or sentences given by
the participants which
i. can be used in making slogan.
3. Listing of the possible statements or laws related to
online games from online resources.
4. Preparing all the materials needed in making slogan.
5. Making of the slogan and posting it in the available
area at the school.

Slogan Making (Tarpaulin)...............Php 5,000.00
FINAL EXPENSES...............................php 5,000.00

Creating public awareness campaign against the
effects of playing Mobile Legends will benefit everyone
especially the students or individual who plays it, since
it will spread about the concept and existence of Mobile
Legends. Also, it will help a student to be more
knowledgeable about the ways on how to avoid too much
playing of Mobile Legends. Thus, this campaign will help
students to focus more on their academic



This division the summary of research, presents the

conclusion drawn in the findings of the study and offers
recommendation for teaching learning improvement and further

Summary of Findings

The research aimed to evaluate the effects of playing Mobile

Legends on the laboratory performance of grade 12 EIM – A
students in Bulan National High School, particularly in sought to
answers which among the effects that the respondents mostly
experience during their laboratory performance. It determined the
factors that affect the respondents’ laboratory performance with
respect to their answers to the study’s survey questionnaire.


The study therefore concludes that most of the respondents’

laboratory performance are affected by playing Mobile Legends.
The respondents answers what effects they are experiencing during
their laboratory performance.


The following statement are the researcher's recommendation
for the students to avoid too much playing of Mobile Legends.

1. Practice socializing with other people outside of online

world, In that way, student’s social skills can improve.
2. Minimize the use of mobile phone, especially at school because
it may led to distraction and ended up playing Mobile Legends.
3. Look for outdoor hobbies that is essential for student’s
physical health and will increase student's willingness to
participate in any social events.
4. The teachers should set a rule to students to not use mobile
phone during class discussions.
5. While at a young age parents must guide their children and
make them realize the importance of their academic


1. Prot, Anderson, Gentile, Brown, Swing (2014). The positive
and negative effects of video game play. In A. B. Jordan & D.
Romer (Eds.), Media and the well-being of children and
adolescents (pp. 109–128)
2. Rimington, Elzabi, Weal, Mark, Leonard, Pauline (2016) A
theoretical framework for online game society: the case of
League of Legends. WebSci ’16 Proceedings of the 8th ACM
Conference on Web Science, , Hannover, Germany. 22 – 25 May
2016. Pp. 355-357
3. Carnagey, Anderson, Bushman (2006) “The Effects of Video Game
Violence on Physiological Desensitization to Real-life
4. Soo Ting T’ng, Khee Hoong Ho, Kee Pau (2022) "Need
Frustration, Gaming Motives, and Internet Gaming Disorder in
Mobile Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) Games: Through
the Lens of Self-Determination Theory"


Survey Questionnaire



Personal Information

Name: King Christian C. Repalda

Address: Zone 7, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: October 14, 2003

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: INC

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Lilian C. Repalda

Father: Joselito G. Repalda

Educational Background

Elementary: Alberto De Castro Elementary School

Junior High School: Bulan National High School

Senior High School: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Andrew H. De Guzman

Address: Sta. Remedios, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: November 19, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Arlina H. De Guzman

Father: Arnel G. De Guzman

Educational Background

Elementary: Sta. Remedios Elementary School

Junior High: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Leonel P. Marinda

Address: Namo, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: December 29, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: INC

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Leonora P. Marinda

Father: Ronilo O. Marinda

Educational Background

Elementary: Danao Elementary School

Junior High: Danao National School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Zedrick M. Gito

Address: Managa-naga, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: October 13, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Marichu M. Navotas

Father: Federico G. Gito

Education background

Elementary: Obrero Elementary School

Junior high: Bulan National high school

Senior High: Bulan National high school


Personal Information

Name: Mark Angelo L. Gabito

Address: Managa-naga, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: April 17, 2003

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Raquel L. Gabito

Father: Mark Eugene B. Gabito

Educational Background

Elementary: Bulan North Central School B

Junior High: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Harry G. Domasig

Address: Managa-naga, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: December 25, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Rowena G. Domasig

Father: JR Domasig

Educational Background

Elementary: Obrero Elementary School

Junior High: Bulan National High school

Senior High: Bulan National High school


Personal Information

Name: Zedrick G. Gracela

Address: Somagongsong, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: July 12, 2005

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: INC

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Jocelyn G. Gracela

Father: Sonny G. Gracela

Educational Background

Elementary: Somagongsong Elementary School

Junior High: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Josh M. Añonuevo

Address: Zone 7, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: August 11, 2005

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Josephine M. Añonuevo

Father: Edwin P. Añonuevo

Educational Background

Elementary: Aquino Elementary BNCS, A

Junior High: South Luzon Institute (KRAMS)

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Jericho B. Gime

Address: Somagongsong, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: June 29, 2002

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Mormon

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Ester B. Gime

Father: Eduardo B. Gime

Education background

Elementary: Somagongsong Elementary School

Junior high: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Clarence B. Cea

Address: Somagongsong, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: April 24, 2005

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Michelle B. Cea

Father: Arthuro G. Cea Vargas

Education background

Elementary: Bulan South Central School B

Junior high: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: John Kenneth G. Vargas

Address: Zone 7, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: December 6, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Maria Nena G.

Father: Rico B. Vargas

Education background

Elementary: Bulan South Central School

Junior high: South Luzon Institute (KRAMS)

Senior High: Bulan National High School


Personal Information

Name: Edmar G. Diolata

Address: Somagongsong, Bulan, Sorsogon

Birthday: September 30, 2004

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Mother: Gemma G. Diolata

Father: Edgar Diolata

Education background

Elementary: Somagongsong Elementary School

Junior high: Bulan National High School

Senior High: Bulan National High School


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