Livada Monitoring Report 2022-23

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Meteorological monitoring in the Livada basin (White Mountains,

Crete) between September 2022 and June 2023.

Regional Environment Agency of Veneto Region, Italy

The microclimate of the closed basins have been studied for years in central Europe and on
the Alps, as well as in the United States, but there has been a few investigations in southern
Europe, especially at low latitudes. The aim of this monitoring is to verify the characteristics
of this microclimate in a mountain basin on the Greek island of Crete, in the middle of the
Medieterranean and a short distance from the African coast.

The microclimate characteristics of closed basins

In closed basins, as in all other landforms (plains, valley floors, mountain slopes), night-time
cooling and daytime warming are regulated by the energy exchange that takes place between
the air and the top layer of the ground, mainly through radiation. During the day, the
incoming energy from the sun (short-wave radiation), and partially from clouds, is greater
than the outgoing energy (long-wave radiation), and the balance is positive, resulting in a
warming of the ground. During the night, on the other hand, the radiative balance is
negative, especially in the case of clear sky, with the loss of ground heat being counteracted
at most by radiation from the clouds, particulary in the case of overcast sky. The ground
therefore cools, also cooling the air in contact with it.
The peculiar aspect of these basins is their ability to cool rapidly and intensely, more so than
any other place on the earth's surface. The explanation is to be found in the limited volume of
air (contained by the depression, which is usually wide and shallow) that the ground is
required to cool, and in the little or no ventilation that often characterises these concave
landforms. In valleys and plains, the mass of air that the ground tends to cool is huge and
breezes, however weak, mix the air layers close to the ground, limiting and slowing their
The reasons of this special temperature behaviour are to be attributed to the formation and
stagnation of a layer of very cold air inside them during the evening and night hours,
especially in winter, when the sky is clear and there is little or no wind, i.e. when conditions
are favourable to marked temperature inversions. Such inversions, in fact, trap the layer of
air inside the basin, which cools down more and more, increasing in thickness and assuming
the character of a real “cold air pool”. The temperature inversion in basins can be
remarkable, with negative temperature lapse rate that can reach or exceed 1°C/m.
When, as the sun sets, the whole basin loses heat rapidly and massively, it fills with cold air
within a few hours. It is not only the air cooled by the ground at the bottom of the basin that
contributes to the formation of this “cold air pool”, but also the air cooled by the slopes, if not
completely wooded. In small, funnel-shaped basin, it is only the slopes that 'produce' the cold
air, which gradually flows to the bottom and fills the basin.

Moderate winds are enough to mix this “cold air pool”, make the inversion disappear and
cause sudden temperature rises, especially at the bottom. The intrusion of wind into a basin
during a clear, calm winter night can raise the temperature by 20°C in 15 minutes or 30°C in
an hour.
If, on the other hand, the wind remains weak or absent and the sky is clear or partly cloudy
for the whole day, the inversion layer is eroded and then destroyed, and the air mass
contained by the depression warms up considerably during the morning, thanks to the
prolonged sunshine that usually characterizes these sites, thus favoring very large diurnal
temperature ranges. It sometimes happens that the difference between the daily minimum
and maximum reaches 40°C or more.
Extreme minimum temperatures are recorded at the bottom of the basin, where the coldest
air gathers. In the presence of snow on the ground, values can be as much as 25-35°C lower
than those measured in the "free atmosphere" or on a nearby mountain peak, at the same
altitude. The most significant temperature drop occurs shortly after local sunset
(disappearance of the sun from the basin), corresponding to the maximum heat transfer from
the ground. For much of a clear, poorly ventilated night, the layer of air near the bottom of
the hollow is in a state of near equilibrium, isolated from the atmosphere outside the
The diurnal temperature range, another characteristic feature of closed basins, generally
shows high values, especially in winter, exceeding even 40°C. In non-basin locations, , the
range is much smaller. This is due, to the greater ability of depressions to cool down at night
in winter, but at the same time to warm up enough during the day. At other times of the
year, nighttime cooling is smaller and consequently the diurnal temperature range is also less
During the coldest winter nights, depressions are subject to a curious phenomenon, which we
might call "nighttime drying of air basin," occurring when temperature is below -15°C/-20°C.
Without going into the details of this interesting phenomenon, which would deserve a more
complete discussion, we can say that on very cold and windless nights, at the bottom of the
basins, mini ice crystals produced by the sublimation of the relatively moist air, as it
continues to cool, tend to settle on the ground and on any trees or shrubs in the basin. This
leads to a reduction of water vapor present in the air mass trapped in the basin, resulting in a
slight decrease in moisture content and thus in relative humidity. This is a key element in the
processes that lead to reaching extreme temperatures, as it prevents the air from becoming
saturated (95-100% humidity), a condition that would slow and then stop cooling. In this way
it can continue, uninterrupted, until other factors, such as wind, clouds or the arrival of the
sun, come into play.

Finally, a topographic parameter that distinguishes each basin and is the most important
among those that determine its magnitude of cooling is the “Sky-View Factor” (hereafter
SVF), which indicates the portion of the sky visible from the bottom of the basin (also called
the "view factor" or "shape factor" in radiative exchange theory). It varies between 0 (sky not
visible) and 1 (360° flat horizon). In a basin, the higher the SVF, the greater the heat loss to
space. A small, deep sinkhole has a low SFV and therefore "restrained" nighttime cooling; a
large, shallow basin has a high SVF and is subject to more marked cooling (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2)

Fig. 1

Fig. 2
Monitored site
The White Mountains, Lefka Ori in Greek, are one of Crete's three main mountain ranges and
are located in the west of the island, in the Prefecture of Chania (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3

They consist mainly of limestone, ranging in color from light gray to bluish or black. The
White Mountains get their name from the perpetually white or whitish color of their peaks, as
the off-white of the limestone during summer and autumn interchanges with the snow that
covers the peaks until late spring (Figs. 4-5). The highest summit is Pachnes at 2453 m and there
are over 30 summits that are over 2000 m high (source

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Among the many closed basins on this mountain range (Fig. 6), the depression called
"Livada" was chosen, based on its good geometric characteristics (it is wide and deep), its
sheltered position from northerly winds aloft (there is a mountain more than 2100 m high
just north of the basin) and the promising thermal satellite imageries on some winter nights
in recent years.

Fig. 6
Properties of the basin (Fig. 7):

Decimal geographic coordinates of the monitored point: 35.335155, 24.042813

Bottom altitudine: 1753 m (estimated with topographical map)
Monitored point altitude: approx 1755 m (estimated with topographical map)
Outflow altitude (lowest saddle): approx. 1855 m (estimated with topographical map)
Maximum depth: 100 m (estimated with topographical map)

Fig. 7

The instrument was installed near the lowest point of the basin (Figs. 8-9)

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Equipment and instrument

Air temperature and air relative humidity were measured every 15 minutes from two
sensors/data loggers placed in a special plastic screen, suitable to shield the instrument from
precipitation and solar radiation (Figs. 10-11). The screen was fixed on top of a 3.5 m high
aluminum pole (Fig.12)

Fig. 10
Fig. 11

Fig. 12

Two sensors/data loggers were used. The main one measured temperature and relative
humidity; the backup one, in case of failure of the main one, measured only temperature.
Both have a storage capacity of 11 months and work with a small lithium battery that
provides at least one year of monitoring.

Elitech Tlog 100EH (main)
Range: -40°C/+85°C
Accuracy: ±0.3°C between -20°C and +40°C, ±0.5°C for other values
Resolution: 0.1°C

Eliwell DLT1 (backup)

Range: -35°C/+60°C
Accuracy: ±0.7°C between -10°C and +40°C, ±1.0°C for other values
Resolution: 0.1°C

Data presentation and analysis

Average and extreme values month by month:

16-30 September 2022

Mean temperature: 13.7°C (coldest day 7.6°C, warmest day 20.1°C)

Average minimum temperatures: 6.8°C (lowest Tmin -2.0°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 18.3°C (highest Tmax 24.7°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 11.5°C (min 5.1°C, max 20.6°C)
Mean relative humidity: 69.4% (driest day 24.8%, wettest day 88.4%)

October 2022

Mean monthly temperature: 8.9°C (coldest day 4.5°C, warmest day 18.4°C)
Average minimum temperatures: 4.1°C (lowest Tmin -1.8°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 12.7°C (highest Tmax 25.8°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 8.5°C (min 1.7°C, max 17.9°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 69.4% (driest day 27.6%, wettest day 96.3%)

November 2022

Mean monthly temperature: 5.7°C (coldest day 1.5°C, warmest day 9.9°C)
Average minimum temperatures: 1.9°C (lowest Tmin -4.3°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 8.8°C (highest Tmax 14.2°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 6.9°C (min 2.2°C, max 17.1°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 67.2% (driest day 41.5%, wettest day 96.2%)

December 2022

Mean monthly temperature: 3.0°C (coldest day -2.5°C, warmest day 9.8°C)
Average minimum temperatures: -2.1°C (lowest Tmin -8.6°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 8.6°C (highest Tmax 13.9°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 10.7°C (min 2.1°C, max 18.1°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 80.8% (driest day 55.6%, wettest day 97.5%)

January 2023

Mean monthly temperature: 0.4°C (coldest day -4.5°C, warmest day 6.8°C)
Average minimum temperatures: -4.4°C (lowest Tmin -12.7°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 4.6°C (highest Tmax 10.9°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 9.1°C (min 1.9°C, max 18.7°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 78.7% (driest day 25.5%, wettest day 99.9%)

February 2023

Mean monthly temperature: -4.8°C (coldest day -15.7°C, warmest day 9.2°C)
Average minimum temperatures: -11.9°C (lowest Tmin -29.5°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 2.0°C (highest Tmax 12.2°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 13.8°C (min 2.3°C, max 35.3°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 85.1% (driest day 39.4%, wettest day 100.0%)

March 2023

Mean monthly temperature: 2.2°C (coldest day -2.5°C, warmest day 10.8°C)
Average minimum temperatures: -3.6°C (lowest Tmin -11.3°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 6.3°C (highest Tmax 12.1°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 9.9°C (min 1.6°C, max 19.3°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 71.8% (driest day 36.3%, wettest day 99.5%)

April 2023

Mean monthly temperature: 5.3°C (coldest day -0.5°C, warmest day 11.3°C)
Average minimum temperatures: 1.2°C (lowest Tmin -6.0°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 8.2°C (highest Tmax 11.7°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 7.0°C (min 2.0°C, max 13.7°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 63.7% (driest day 35.4%, wettest day 96.6%)

May 2023

Mean monthly temperature: 9.3°C (coldest day 3.8°C, warmest day 14.7°C)
Average minimum temperatures: 5.1°C (lowest Tmin 1.3°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 12.7°C (highest Tmax 21.5°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 7.6°C (min 2.9°C, max 16.3°C)
Mean monthly relative humidity: 71.4% (driest day 45.2%, wettest day 97.0%)

1-23 June 2023

Mean temperature: 12.4°C (coldest day 8.7°C, warmest day 16.9°C)

Average minimum temperatures: 7.3°C (lowest Tmin 3.3°C)
Average maximum temperatures: 16.2°C (highest Tmax 22.6°C)
Average diurnal temperature range: 8.9°C (min 3.9°C, max 15.5°C)
Mean relative humidity: 72.2% (driest day 54.8%, wettest day 93.6%)

All daily values are shown in attached file.

The coldest month was distinctly February, with an average monthly temperature of -4.8°C
(average minimum -11.9°C, average maximum 2.0). January was a remarkable 2.6°C milder
than February. The average winter temperature (December-January-February) was -0.5°C.

Relative humidity
The driest month was April (average relative humidity 63.7%), the wettest was February
(average 85.1%). The average humidity in winter was 81.5%, which turned out to be the
wettest period in the whole monitoring (Fig.13).

Livada, October 2022 - May 2023

°C %
Average monthly values of temperature and relative humidity
80,8 78,7
80,0 71,8
69,4 71,4


20,0 12,7 12,7

8,8 8,6 6,3 8,2
8,9 4,6 9,3
5,7 3,0 2,0 2,2 5,3
0,0 0,4 -4,8
4,1 5,1
1,9 -2,1 1,2
-4,4 -3,6
October 22 November 22 December 22 January 23 February 23 March 23 April 23 May 23
Mean temperature Minimum temperature
Maximum temperature Mean relative humidity
Fig. 13

Diurnal temperature range

The average value for the whole monitored period of the diurnal temperature range was
9.4°C, but with a minimum value of 6.9°C in November and a maximum value of 13.8°C in
February. In the latter month we had 10 days with diurnal temperature range above 20°C,
with a maximum of 35.3°C on day 19 (low -29.5°C, high 5.8°C).

Lowest temperatures

In February there were 6 days with minimum temperatures below -20°C, at the beginning of
the month and on days 17, 18 and 19. Among these to be noted were 3 days with minimums
below -25°C, with an absolute minimum of -29.5°C on day 19.

Now let us focus on the period February 16-19 characterized by three nights with strong
radiative cooling (Fig. 14). During this phase the sky was clear or slightly cloudy, the wind
aloft was weak, and the air mass was mild and extremely dry above 1200 m asl., as shown
by the 00 UTC Heraklion sounding on Feb. 19th (Fig.15). A snow cover as depth as 100-120
cm is estimated on the ground, as described below.

Livada, 16-19 February 2023 %

Temperature (°C) and relative humidity (%)
10,0 100

5,0 90

0,0 80
-25,0 20
-30,0 Temperature °C 10
Relative humidity %
-35,0 0
2023-02-16 00:15:00
2023-02-16 03:00:00
2023-02-16 05:45:00
2023-02-16 08:30:00
2023-02-16 11:15:00
2023-02-16 14:00:00
2023-02-16 16:45:00
2023-02-16 19:30:00
2023-02-16 22:15:00
2023-02-17 01:00:00
2023-02-17 03:45:00
2023-02-17 06:30:00
2023-02-17 09:15:00
2023-02-17 12:00:00
2023-02-17 14:45:00
2023-02-17 17:30:00
2023-02-17 20:15:00
2023-02-17 23:00:00
2023-02-18 01:45:00
2023-02-18 04:30:00
2023-02-18 07:15:00
2023-02-18 10:00:00
2023-02-18 12:45:00
2023-02-18 15:30:00
2023-02-18 18:15:00
2023-02-18 21:00:00
2023-02-18 23:45:00
2023-02-19 02:30:00
2023-02-19 05:15:00
2023-02-19 08:00:00
2023-02-19 10:45:00
2023-02-19 13:30:00
2023-02-19 16:15:00
2023-02-19 19:00:00
2023-02-19 21:45:00

Fig. 14

Looking at the temperature trend, we can see that the marked decrease always starts around
4 p.m., probably coinciding with the disappearance of the sun from the bottom of the basin.
The evening and nighttime temperature decrease is gradual, although small fluctuations are
noted, presumably due to the "seiches" phenomenon. Obviously, under such conditions, the
minimum daily temperature is reached around dawn, just before sunrise.

The temperature of -29.5°C, measured at 8:15 a.m. on the 19th was about 36°C higher than
the temperature recorded in the free atmosphere at the same altitude by the Heraklion
sounding a few hours earlier. This is a truly remarkable cooling, typical of the best-performing
basins known and monitored, possible only when there are clear sky, weak or no wind, and
very low relative humidity over the basin. Such conditions were present in Livada that night.

One last note. In the evening and night trends of relative humidity, you can clearly see the
phenomenon we have previously described and called “nighttime drying of air basin” (see
page 2). In fact, relative humidity, after reaching a minimum of 60-65% in the early
afternoon, then gradually increases in the following hours, in parallel with the decrease in
temperature, until it reaches values of 90/93% between 6 and 7 p.m., when the temperature
reaches values of -10/-15°C. It is at this time that the phenomenon begins to occur, and as a
consequence the humidity stops increasing and even tends to decrease slightly, thus allowing
the temperature to continue its decrease during the rest of the evening and night.

Lastly, note the establishment of Foehn conditions from 6 p.m. on day 19, due to northerly
winds at high altitude, as confirmed by the Heraklion survey at 00 UTC on day 20, with
sudden increase in temperature and marked decrease in relative humidity

Fig. 15

Most significant values and phenomena of the whole monitoring period

Lowest temperature: -29.5°C (February 19th)

Highest temperature 25.8°C (October 1st)
Coldest day: February 19th (daily mean temperature: -15.7°C)
Hottest day: September 30th (daily mean temperature 20.1°C)
Maximum diurnal temperature range: 35.3°C (February 19th)
Greatest temperature rise in 15 minutes (due to wind entering the basin): 14.0°C
Greatest temperature rise in 60 minutes (due to wind entering the basin): 18.8°C
Greatest temperature drop in 15 minutes (due to radiative cooling): 7.1°C
Greatest temperature drop in 60 minutes (due to radiative cooling): 11.9°C

There were 17 days with negative highs, almost all of them (15) in February
There were 46 days with daily mean below zero, of which 24 were in February
First day with temperature below 0°C: September 25th
Last day with temperature below 0°C: April 30th
Number of days with low below 0°C: 123 days, of which 98 between December and March
Number of days with high below 0°C: 16 days, of which 14 in February

Lowest relative humidity: 6% (September 26th)

Driest day: September 19th (daily mean humidity: 19%)
Wettest days: February 10, 13, 15 (daily mean humidity: 100,0%)

Estimated snowcover

Thanks to the data collected from the two data loggers installed upthere and thanks to
webcams and automatic weather stations surrounding the White Mountains, on the website, the presence and depth of snow cover at Livada’s bottom was
estimated. Additional information about the presence of snow in the White Mountains I got
from Mr. Leandros Symeonidis, who also pointed me to the above website and to whom my
thanks go.
The first snowfall, with accumulation of snow on the ground, presumably occurred in the late
evening of December 19th. Then, in the following weeks, more snowfalls occurred, increasing
the thickness of the snow cover.
On February 5, 6, and 7, significant snowfall occurred in the White Mountains, with snowfall-
line at 600-700 m. In Livada, 60-70 cm of fresh snow probably felt, bringing the snowcover
up to 100-120 cm. Since the end of February, the thickness of the snowcover has gradually
decreased due to a remarkable rise in temperatures and increasing solar radiation. The snow,
as a continuous ground cover, probably disappeared from the bottom of Livada in the first
half of April.

The monitoring provided useful information on the bottom microclimate of the Livada basin,
which was found to be quite similar to that of other basins in continental Europe.

The physical processes that lead to this microclimate are obviously the same, but it was
interesting to understand the ability of this basin to trap and cool air, in relation to the many
moderate to strong wind situations that are typical of the island of Crete.

Due to the quite high altitude, snow on the ground is normally present throughout the winter,
which provides a very important factor in radiative cooling.

One feature that has been noted in Livada is the low relative humidity, lower on average than
in the other European basins monitored so far, due to the frequent presence of dry air
masses of North African origin over Crete. In combination with the other favorable factors
(clear sky, low wind, snow on the ground), very dry air over the basin is a decisive boost
factor in achieving extreme minimum temperatures.

The absolute minimum temperature of -29.5°C (Feb. 19th) was recorded in the presence of a
dry and mild air mass aloft, a full 36°C lower than that measured in the free atmosphere at
the same altitude. At the standard isobaric level of 850 hPa (altitude of about 1500 m) the
temperature that night was +8.2°C. If we consider that during a cold period on Crete the
temperature in free atmosphere at that altitude can drop quite easly to -5°C, exceptionally
even -10°C, we can assume that in conjunction with all favorable factors the temperature
upthere could plummet even below -40°C.

Given all this, it is desirable to collect additional data for another 1-3 years, so as to acquire
data during the summer season as well. In fact, it would be interesting to verify the size of
radiative cooling on clear and windless summer nights, when a warm and very dry air mass,
associated with the expansion of the African anticyclone, stands above the island of Crete

Last but not least, I want to thank Mr. Alex Vomvolakis who accompanied me along the trail
to Livada and told me about the fascinating territory of the White Mountains.

August 2023


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