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Firstly, welcome back or welcome to the College of Saint Mary soccer program and I look forward to seeing you

again in August. Enclosed is your summer fitness program which is set up for 11 weeks, so you should look at starting it no later than May 30th. There are four components to the summer workout; distance running, sprinting, ball work and lifting. Each week has a check list and we have given you the responsibility of choosing on what day and when you choose to do each required component. I do understand some of you will work during the summer. That is why this program is set up the way it is as it gives you freedom and flexibility. So, if you choose not to do the work (you can always do more than what I have asked) you could find your playing time limited. This program will help you achieve a good level of fitness before the start of the season. Also, each different activity done during the summer will be done during the preseason, so you might as well get use to doing them. Do not just pick your favorite activity from the check list and just do them, make sure you do it all. Your results during the preseason will show me if you have been truthful with your summer times and work rate. As you may know, we have less than two weeks of preseason. That is not enough time for anyone to get fit. If you want to realistically push for a starting spot on the squad from day one and limit chances of injury, you must be fit when you arrive on campus for preseason. The

PRESEASON TEST will be a series of 10 tests combining aerobic testing (long distance
running), anaerobic testing (sprinting), and ball work. Each test is explained on the following pages of

this workout booklet. My expectations for the 2011 season are VERY HIGH. Winning the conference and conference tournament final to make nationals should be our focus as a team. Achieving these goals will not be easy. That is why it is very important for you to start working on them this summer by getting fit. The level of teams we will play this season is a step up from previous years as we want to prove to others we should be ranked in the nation. Obviously, you need to work harder this summer than you ever have. Wins wont come easy; we will have to earn them. This program is a minimum guideline of what you need to do for us to be successful next season. It allows you the opportunity to do as much or as little as you want. Its up to you! All players must report to campus by 2:00pm on Thursday, August 11th for registration and move-in. Have a wonderful summer and may God bless you and your family. Yours in Soccer,

Coach Shad Beam

The Preseason Test

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Event One mile run Two mile run Three mile run 10 x 120s Suicides 300 yard shuttle Dribble Circuit Passing V Juggling Requirement under 7:15 minutes under 16 minutes under 25 minutes up and back under 65 seconds under 4 minutes average times under 75 seconds 28 seconds 15 in 1 minute Minimum 30

#1 One Mile Run

(Target 7:15 minutes) We are going to run these on the Keystone Trail.

#2 Two Mile Run

(Target 16 minutes) We are going to run these on the Keystone Trail.

#3 Three Mile Run

(Target under 25 minutes) You can start your three mile runs on a road or path way that makes it less boring. But it is recommended three quarters of the way through the summer you can change and start completing your runs on a track. Three miles is 12 laps on the correct size track.

#4 10 x 120s
(Target: Each up and back under 65 seconds) Set up: Place one cone on the ground, then pace out 120 yards and place another cone. (Normal length of a soccer field) You will sprint from one end to the other, and then you will jog back to the start, and then repeat until the ten 120s are complete. Each 120 has to be completed under 65 seconds. A 120 composes of the sprint and the jog back. You get 10 seconds rest period at the end of each 120. Maximum time for the sprint is that you need to make it from one end to the other in 20 seconds: meaning you have 40 seconds to job back to the start. Examples: 1. If you make the sprint in 15 seconds, you have 50 seconds to get back. Then you will have 10 seconds to rest. 2. If you make the sprint in 20 seconds and jog back in 40 seconds, you have an extra 5 seconds to rest. Then 15 seconds rest. Start Sprint up

Jog back to the start before the end of 65 seconds

#5 Suicides
(Target: under 4 minutes) Set up: Suicides will be done on a soccer field. You will build up over the summer to this total workout: Start at the end line, sprint to the close 6 yard line and back to start; sprint to the close 18 yard line back to start, sprint to halfway line back to start, sprint to far 18 yard line back to start, sprint to far 6 tard line back to start, sprint to far goal line back to the start. You will do 2 sets and your times have to be under 4 minutes each. (5 minutes rest in between.) Written short hand like this: 2 sets of 6-18-half-18-6-Goal with 5 minutes rest in between

#6 300 yard shuttle

(Target: AVERAGE of times under 75 seconds) Description/procedure: marker comes and lines are placed 25 yards apart to indicate the sprint distance. Start with a foot on one line. When instructed by the timer, the player runs to the opposite 25-yard line, touches it with their foot, turns and run back to the start. This is repeated six times without stopping (covering 300 yards total). After a rest of five minutes, the test is repeated.

#7 Juggling
Starting on the ground or in your hands you have to juggle a minimum of 30 times. You can try as many times as you want. But a coach has to be watching to verify your success. This should be the simplest of all tests.

#8 Dribbling Circuit
Start at the and follow the drawn line through the circuit and end at the in under 28 seconds.



10 yards

10 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

2 yards

5 yds

2 yards

20 yards

#9 Passing V
You have 1 minute to pass 15 balls through the gates alternating one side to the other. You start at the run around the and collect a ball. You can pass at anytime as long as you do it before the dashed line which is 10 yards from the gates. As soon as you pass, you run back around the and collect a ball and try to pass through the other gate. Keep going until you have 15 correctly through the gates or your one minute is up. You have an unlimited supply of balls to use.

2 yds

10 yds

2 yds

10 yards

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 yards

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