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Year 9 History 2021

Semester 1 Task 1
Marking Criteria and FEEDBACK

General Feedback:

What students did well

- Generally, students structured their answers well, using paragraphs and general grammar
- The better responses are showing a good approach to the verbs; this was done fairly well by
- Many better responses also showed good evidence of preparation and preplanning for the
task, suggesting confidence in your understanding of what the task required.

Areas of Improvement

- Topic sentences still need work for a lot of students. Make sure you are not saying “Using
source A and my own knowledge…” as this is not sophisticated and uses personal pronouns.
The marker knows that it is from your own knowledge if it is not in the source.
- Incorporation of sources. Most students did not fully incorporate the Source Material into
their question and only mentioned the source briefly. This includes specifically stating
“Source A suggests/demonstrates….” “Source B highlights…“
- Don’t leave empty lines between sentences. They are all single paragraph responses.

Using Source A and your own knowledge, describe TWO causes of World War I.
(5 marks)


· Clearly describes the TWO causes of the First World War.

· Thorough incorporation of Source A and own knowledge into the response
· Provides a succinct paragraph response that uses historical terms and
concepts throughout.

· Outlines TWO causes of the First World War.

· Adequately incorporates or infers to Source A and/or includes their own
knowledge into the response
· Provides a clear paragraph with some historical terms and concepts.

· Makes ONE or TWO relevant points about the causes of the First World
. War Limited use of factual information. May refer to Source G.
· Provides an unstructured response with a limited array of historical terms
and concepts.
Feedback Suggested Answers

- Many students were able to link the Causes could have included:
source to imperialism, but you - Imperialism - SOURCE: Cartoons of
needed to explain how each of the Germany and Russia grabbing for
countries were trying to take control colonies across Africa and Asia.
of countries to expand their empire Cartoon Britain is shown stepping back
and gain resources by putting them in with an already full bag, ‘observing’ the
their ‘grab-bags’ growing strength of Germany’s effort.
- The grab bags connection was - Militarism
severely missed by most. - Alliances
- Many students were able to identify - Nationalism
and describe two causes, even if they - War Plans
were not linked to imperialism - The Assassination of Arch Duke Frans
- Make sure you are reading the Ferdinand
description of the source as it often - Refused Ultimatums
contains clues for what you should be - Mobilisations
including in your response. In this - Better responses made the point of
case it was imperialism howdetails of the above long term
- Many students were using the source causes created the perfect
incorrectly by trying to link it to environments for tension for short
causes other than imperialism. As a term causes to spark
result, they were not able to - Better responses were integrating the
effectively elaborate as they did not source detail into how it caused war,
relate to the source well. it's not enough to just start the
- The better responses were displaying countries can be seen grabbing
consistent PEEL structure here. territory, connect it to why this was
causing global conflict. Jealousy &
competition, that came from
imperialist ambitions caused an
environment tension.

Using Source B and your own knowledge, describe the conditions faced by soldiers at
Gallipoli. (5 marks)


· Clearly describes the conditions faced by soldiers at Gallipoli.

· Thorough incorporation of Source B and own knowledge into the response
· Provides a succinct paragraph response that uses historical terms and
concepts throughout.

3-4 · Outlines the conditions faced by soldiers at Gallipoli.

· Adequately incorporates or infers to Source G and/or includes their own
knowledge into the response
· Provides a clear paragraph with some historical terms and concepts.

· Makes ONE or TWO relevant points about the conditions faced by soldiers
at Gallipoli.
1-2 . Limited use of factual information. May refer to Source B.
· Provides an unstructured response with a limited array of historical terms
and concepts.

Feedback Suggested Answers

- Most students were able to link ANSWERS COULD INCLUDE:

the source to how the soldiers - Very few places were safe from Turkish
faced constant gunfire during the fire, ie. bathing in the ocean was too
landing. dangerous which contributed to poor
- When the stimulus is a written hygiene
source, you should be using a - Constant bombardment of artillery fire
short quote as evidence. Some and gun fire. SOURCE: “Shrapnel
students did not even refer to it at screamed over our heads...”
all - Surrounding by dead or injured bodies
- On the contrary, some students that weren’t quick to be collected, and
only focused on the source and were rotting away in the sun. SOURCE: “A
did not provide enough few dead and many wounded , men lay on
knowledge outside of the source. the beach waiting”
- The question was about - Malnourished soldiers as food sources
conditions faced during the were scarce and often the same. Ie. bully
Gallipoli campaign, not just the beef, biscuits etc.
landing, so the better responses - Water resources had to be shipped from
were able to provide detail on Egypt so fresh water was rarely accessed.
what they were It wasn’t wasted on bathing or hygiene
- Toilet facilities disgusting, used a common
rag on a stick for toilet paper. These were
a breeding ground for common trench
diseases such as dysentery(intestinal
- Clothing heavy and lice filled; not
appropropriate for the hot, sweaty turkish
- Weather; October was bitter cold, rainy,
muddy and ice forming. Most of the
campaign was fought over Turkish
summer when it was very hot.
Using Source C and your own knowledge, outline THREE methods of control that the
Australian Government used on the homefront. (5 marks)


· Comprehensively outlines the THREE methods of control implemented by

the Australian Government.
5 · Thorough incorporation of Source C and research into the response
· Provides a succinct paragraph response that uses historical terms and
concepts throughout.

· Thoroughly outlines Two - Three methods of control implemented by the

Australian Government.
3-4 · Adequately incorporates or infers to Source C and/or includes their own
research into the response
· Provides a clear paragraph with some historical terms and concepts.

· Makes ONE or TWO relevant points about the methods of control

implemented by the Australian Government.
1-2 . Limited use of factual information. May refer to Source C.
· Provides an unstructured response with a limited array of historical terms
and concepts.

Feedback Suggested Answers

- The biggest issue with this question - Could have chosen 3 out of: censorship,
was that many students did not enemy aliens, role of women or
conduct thorough research. If they propaganda
did, they would have been able to tell - From source: Australia established
that the source ONLY referred to camps to hold so-called ‘enemy aliens’.
enemy aliens which is only ONE This referred to people who had
method of control. Students that said ancestral links to countries they were at
the three dot points in the source war with. E.g. German Australians. They
were the three methods of control did this due to fear that they would spy
were very limited with their marks as on Australia or sabotage them. They
they have essentially only detailed were banned from sending money
ONE method of control, thus, missed overseas, imprisoned and often
majority of the question changed their names to sound less
- In addition, the students who did this German
could not provide much more detail - Propaganda was used to control
than what was in the source, citizens’ thoughts/feelings. E.g. making
demonstrating their lack of people feel
research/understanding guilt/shame/patriotism/hatred for the
enemy. Often used propaganda to
persuade men to enlist for war or to
ration food/send it overseas
- Censorship involved changing facts
given to the public or completely
removing sensitive information. This
would help avoid opposition towards
the war as the true nature where many
men died or battles being unsuccessful
was not revealed to the public

Using Source D and your own knowledge, describe the differing views Australians had
towards conscription (5 marks)


· Comprehensively describes the differing views Australians had towards

5 · Thorough incorporation of Source D and research into the response
· Provides a succinct paragraph response that uses historical terms and
concepts throughout.

· Outlines the differing views Australians had towards conscription.

· Adequately incorporates or infers to Source D and/or includes their own
research into the response
· Provides a clear paragraph with some historical terms and concepts.

· Makes ONE or TWO relevant points about the conditions faced by soldiers
at Gallipoli.
1-2 . Limited use of factual information. May refer to Source D.
· Provides an unstructured response with a limited array of historical terms
and concepts.
Feedback Suggested Answers

- Again, there was an issue of Views AGAINST Conscription: No to conscription

research with this question. Many was a vote for the side of protecting Freedom
students were just providing - Driven by Archbishop Daniel Mannix
vague details that some people - It was hateful and evil
voted yes for conscription and - SOURCE: It’s a death sentence/’Death
some voted no. You needed ballot’
specific detail on who were the - SOURCE: Prime Minister Hughes is signing
key figures that tried to gain young men up to their death.
support or opposition - i.e Daniel - Australia had done her fair share for the
Mannix and Prime Minister war effort
Hughes and their reasons for or - Australia could not afford the financial
against. strain or the drain in manhood
- Some students mis-approached - It’s not necessary, as Conscription could
this question, missing the part not assure the British Victory
about views and instead detailing - Anti-British sentiment/attitude was
the results of the conscription developing amongst Irish-Australians after
referendum. These results were the Easter 1916 rebellion/masacre
an interesting point, but not most occurred in Ireland.
appropriate to showing the
differing views. Views FOR Conscription: ‘Whilst the Empire is
- Some students only provided one successful we are safe. If they fail we will be
view when the question clearly under threat’
asks for ‘differing views’. - Driven by Prime Minister William ‘Billy’
- Need to maintain the AIFs strength with a
constant level of 5500 new recruits each
- Conscription was the easiest and fastest
way to help the struggling war effort
- Australian’s can’t abandon the Heroic
ANZACs currently fighting
- Australia is part of the British family; as a
nation Australian’s owe them the debt
- The British are calling
- Australia would be shamed and shunned
by the rest of the world as unworthy if
they let the allies down now.
- Sending more troops will keep Australia
white and free if Germany is defeated.

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