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Data was collected and analyzed for the purpose of this chapter. A mixed method with graphical

representation was used for this study. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study,

as all data were obtained from studies done by other scholars and our sample of 300 respondents

was drawn from 3 different influencers using snowball techniques. Due to the fact that it is an

online-based survey, the entire 300 questionnaires were distributed to their followers; 300

questionnaires were filled out, returned, and their responses were gathered and analyzed.


4.1.1 Percentage of respondent by Gender

The study revealed that 32.6% of our respondents were male and 64.4% were female. 1.7% prefer

not to identify their gender, while 1.7% are neutral. Since the study patronizes cosmetic products,

the sample was expected to be made up of more females than males, which is expressed in the

table below.

4.1.2 Percentage of respondent by Age

According to the study, 81% of our respondents were under 30 years old but above the age

of 18. This was followed by 15.3%, which came from the range of 30 to 39. The remaining

age groups are older, with 40-49 accounting for 2.7% and 50 and up accounting for

1%.Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.3 Percentage of respondent by Education Qualification

According to the study, the majority (69.6%) are graduates of colleges or universities,

indicating they are literate. 5% of our respondents were high school educated, and the

remaining 25.4% were postgraduates. Below is a table representing this information:

4.1.4 Percentage of respondent with Access to Social Media Platform

The majority, with 99.3%, have access to social media platforms, while the remaining

0.7% don’t. Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.5 Percentage of respondent who uses Social Media Platforms
According to the study, Instagram has 30% of the respondent opinion, followed by

Facebook with 19.7% respondent opinion. Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok are 9.7%,

6.7% and 3% respectively. Those who combine social media platforms to purchase

cosmetics product are 10% (Instagram & Twitter) and 20.3% (Instagram, Twitter and

TikTok). Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.6 Percentage of respondent who are Reliable Social Media Platforms

According to the study, the recommended and reliable social media platform when

buying cosmetics products is Instagram based on the respondent opinion. Instagram has

52.5% of the respondents, also 20.5% respondent believes all included social media

platforms have buying attributes (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Snapchat).

Facebook with 16.5% respondent opinion. Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok are 7.1%,

0.3% and 3% respectively. Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.7 Percentage of respondent on daily Minute spent on social media
According to the study, it’s obvious that social media is a marketplace for the majority to

spend a lot of minutes daily, which can influence their buying decisions. Those who spend

more than 30 minutes daily are 89.6%, while 95.6% and 1.3% spend less than 30 and 15

minutes, respectively. Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.8 Percentage of respondent that follows Influencers on their social media

According to the study, it’s obvious that most of the respondents are qualified to respond to

the survey. 92.9% of respondents are following influencers on their pages. while 7.1% are

random social media users. Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.9 Percentage of respondent who follows influencer on purpose

According to the study, it’s clear to conclude that the respondents are followers of influencers

on purpose. 47.3% follow influencers for entertainment purposes. 34% of our respondents

follow influencers so as to keep up with trends. 13.9% of respondents only follow for

inspiration, while others (4.8% of respondents) only follow for knowledge, 3 respondents only

follow for business, 4 respondents want to know what is going on in society, and 6 respondents

want to know the brands they are talking about. Below is a table representing this information.

4.1.10 Percentage of respondent who subscribed to product and concept of influencers

Conclusively, the respondent rarely subscribed to the products of their influencers.

14.4% of the respondents always subscribe to their products or concepts. 25.8% of the

respondents subscribe to the product very often. The majority of respondents, 50.2%,

rarely subscribed to the influencers' products, and 9.7% never subscribed at all. Below

is a table representing this information.

4.1.11 Percentage of respondent who finds social media influencer's information


It was observed in this study that, 7.7% of the respondents strongly disagree, 10.4% of

the respondents also disagree, and 41.9% of the respondents are neutral, while those

who strongly agree and agree are 8.4% and 31.5%, respectively. The majority of

respondents do not find social media influencers' information convincing since it is left

up to them to make their own decision. Below is a chart representing this information.

Source: Survey Questionnaire, 2022.

4.1.12 Percentage of respondent that buys cosmetic products that social media

influencers promote to emulate or imitate

The study revealed that, 18% of the respondents strongly disagree, 27.5% of the

respondents also disagree, while 27.5% of the respondents are neutral, while those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 22.7% and 4.4%, respectively. As a

result, the majority of respondents do not purchase cosmetics in order to emulate or

imitate social media influencers. Below is a chart representing this information.

4.1.13 Percentage of respondent with positive impression towards the social media

The study revealed that, 9.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 14.1% of the

respondents also disagree, while 27.6% of the respondents are neutral, while those who

strongly agree and agree are 10.4% and 38%, respectively. Accordingly, most of the

respondents agree that social media influencers enhance their purchasing power. Below

is a chart representing

4.1.14 Percentage of respondent who search for cosmetic product promoted by their

favorite social media influencer.

The study revealed that, 13.1% of the respondents strongly disagree, 17.8% of the

respondents also disagree, 24.2% of the respondents are neutral, while those who

strongly agree and agree are 12.4% and 32.6%, respectively. So, most respondents say

that social media influencers influence their decisions. Below is a chart representing

4.1.15 Percentage of respondent who probably purchase cosmetic products according

to the Influencer's advice

It was observed in this study that, 11.4% of the respondents strongly disagree, 19.5% of

the respondents also disagree, 29.6% of the respondents are neutral, and those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 10.1% and 29.3%, respectively. As a

result, the majority of respondents prefer that influencers advise them on which product

to purchase, and hence, influencers must become skin therapists. This data is

represented graphically in the chart below.

4.1.16 Percentage of respondent by who probably try a product if my favorite social

media influencer recommends it.

It was observed in this study that, 11.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 14.8% of

the respondents also disagree, 23.2% of the respondents are neutral, and those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 15.2% and 35%, respectively. As a

result, the majority of respondents think that influencers should learn about cosmetics

in order to give the best advice possible. This data is represented in the chart below.

4.1.17 Percentage of respondent shows social media influencers who post cosmetic

products on their pages are experts in relation to brand marketing.

It was observed in this study that, 9.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 22.6% of the

respondents also disagree, 33% of the respondents are neutral, while those who strongly

agree and agree are 3.7% and 31%, respectively. In light of this, the majority of respondents

fall into the category of people who find it difficult to make decisions. However, a sizable

portion of respondents also concur that social media influencers who post images of

cosmetics products on their pages are experts at tying brand marketing to those images. A

graph illustrating this data is shown below.

4.1.18 Percentage of respondent shows influencer who post cosmetic product is

qualified to advertise the brand

It was observed in this study that, 5.1% of the respondents strongly disagree, 15.6% of

the respondents also disagree, 34.6% of the respondents are neutral, and those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 6.8% and 38%, respectively. Because

cosmetology is a short-term training program, the majority of respondents believe that

social media influencers are qualified to post about cosmetics items. A graph

illustrating this data is shown below.

4.1.19 Percentage of respondent shows perceived opinion that the influencers who

advertise cosmetic products are knowledgeableabout it.

It was observed in this study that, 7.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 16.9% of

the respondents also disagree, and 34.2% of the respondents are neutral, while those

who strongly agree and agree are 6.4% and 34.6%, respectively. As a result, the

majority of respondents are already in agreement that influencers are knowledgeable.

This data is shown in the chart below.

4.1.20 Percentage of respondent shows social media influencers who post cosmetic

brands are trustworthy.

It was observed in this study that, 8.2% of the respondents strongly disagree, 25.3% of

the respondents also disagree, 39.9% of the respondents are neutral, while those who

strongly agree and agree are 3.4% and 23.2%, respectively. Because of this, the majority

of respondents are neutral or have undecided opinions. However, a small minority of

respondents hold the opinion that not all cosmetic brands that are promoted by

influential people can be trusted. This information is shown in the chart below.

4.1.21 Percentage of respondent shows that influencer is dependable due to his/her


It was observed in this study that, 5.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 13.9% of

the respondents also disagree, and 29.3% of the respondents are neutral, while those

who strongly agree and agree are 29.3% and 44.9%, respectively. This means that

credibility is a key tool in social media marketing because the majority agrees to that.

Below is a chart representing this information.

4.1.22 Percentage of respondent shows social media influencer who posts cosmetic

products looks attractive

It was observed in this study that, 6.2% of the respondents strongly disagree, 8.9% of

the respondents also disagree, whereas 25.4% of the respondents are neutral, while

those respondents who strongly agree and agree are 13.7% and 45.7%, respectively. So,

in order to promote or advertise beauty items, you must first look good to qualify as a

social media influencer. This data is shown in the chart below.

4.1.23 Percentage of respondent who are comfortable buying cosmetic products due to

the influencer's classy lifestyle

This study reveals that, 11.5% of the respondents strongly disagree, 26.1% of the

respondents also disagree, and 28.8% of the respondents are neutral, while those who

strongly agree and agree are 5.4% and 28.1%, respectively. This indicates that the

affluent lifestyle of the social media influencer might enhance or modify the purchasing

power of all of their consumers. This data is shown in the chart below.

4.1.24 Percentage of respondent shows the products being advertised by my favorite

influencer because we have the same lifestyle

It was observed in this study that; 15% of the respondents strongly disagree, 34% of the

respondents also disagree, and 25.5% of the respondents are neutral, while those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 4.8% and 20.7%, respectively. This

indicates that the majority of respondents are unconcerned about it, claiming that living

the same lifestyle seldom affects their desire to buy. This data is shown in the chart


4.1.25 Percentage of respondent shows influencer are good looking and that drives my

purchase intention when cosmetic product being advertised

It was observed in this study that, 8.8% of the respondents strongly disagree, 22.4% of

the respondents also disagree, and 31.9% of the respondents are neutral, while those

who strongly agree and agree are 6.8% and 30.2%, respectively. This outcome is

consistent with the earlier query regarding attractiveness. Influencers need to appear

attractive and be able to drive in order to affect their intention to make a purchase. This

data is shown in the chart below.

4.1.26 Percentage of respondent shows purchase intention on cosmetic products, the

influencer's cultural value is a major determinant in accepting a recommendation

It was observed in this study that, 9.2% of the respondents strongly disagree, 21.8% of

the respondents also disagree, and 38.4% of the respondents are neutral, while those

respondents who strongly agree and agree are 6.8% and 23.8%, respectively. This

finding explains why influencers' cultural values have less of an impact on their

followers' intentions to make purchases.

4.1.27 How likely are you to buy cosmetic product(s) if they are not available in the store

that a social media influencer recommended?

According to the findings of this study, 16.9% of respondents would definitely buy it,

and 23.4% of respondents say their purchase decision is based on probability. This

finding demonstrates how an influencer's cultural values have less of an impact on the

purchasing intentions of those followers, with 43.1% saying they might buy or might

not buy, and 6.4% saying they definitely would not buy.

4.1.28 Percentage of respondent shows factors MOST important to you when you are

deciding to purchase this cosmetic product?

According to the findings of this study, 26.9% of respondents cite price as the most

important factor in making their decision when purchasing cosmetic products.80.3% of

the respondents identified price as the most common factor in making a purchase

decision for cosmetics. When posting cosmetics products, 13.3% of respondents use the

recommendations of social media influencers; 13.9% of respondents wait for

information from customer service before purchasing the cosmetic product; and 13.3%

of respondents make a decision when they are comfortable with the cosmetic product.

Below is a chart representing this information.

4.1.29 Percentage of respondent shows why they purchased a cosmetic product?

This study reveals the reason for the respondent's purchase of the cosmetic product.

30.7% of the respondents explained that they are influenced by friends who use the

same product they brought. 7.6% of the respondents identified the cosmetic product

they are willing to buy as looking great on their favorite influencer, which prompted

their buying decision. 23.4% of the respondents saw the cosmetic product on a social

media influencer page, which helped their purchasing decision. 38.3% of the

respondents ascertain that all these factors can influence their buying decisions

whenever they are on social media platforms. Below is a chart representing this


4.1.30 Percentage of respondent shows past experiences influence my purchase of

cosmetic products.

It is obvious that past experience influences respondent purchasing power. As a source

of information, influencers who advertise cosmetic products are called stimulus

purchasers. 36.6% of the respondents strongly agree, 35.3% also agree, whereas 22% of

the respondents are neutral, while those who strongly disagree and agree are 1.7% and

4.4%, respectively. Thus, overwhelming majority of respondents concur that influencers

have the power to influence followers' decisions about whether or not to buy a certain

cosmetic brand. This data is shown in the chart below.

4.1.31 Percentage of respondent shows those willing to pay more for a Cosmetic Product

if it was advertised by a favorite social media influencer.

It was observed in this study that, as a source of information, respondents were willing

to pay more for a cosmetic product if it was advertised by their favorite social media

influencer. 8.4% of the respondents strongly agree, 23.9% of the respondents also agree,

and 30% of the respondents are neutral, while those who strongly disagree and disagree

are 17.5% and 20.2%, respectively. The majority of respondents are therefore

indifferent or undecided, but a small minority of them are prepared to spend more on a

cosmetics item if their favorite social media influencer has promoted it. This data is

shown in the chart below.

4.2 Quantitative empirical findings and analysis

4.2.1 Bivariate correlation

Regression analysis aid in determining each variable's influence and especially understanding

the link between the variables when our hypothesis was formed. Through correlation, the

coefficient of determination (R2) was evaluated to examine the model's predictive efficacy

and the squared correlation between a particular endogenous construct's actual and

anticipated values (Hair et al. 2014). The R2 value should be equal to or better than the

benchmark of 0.10, according to Falk and Miller (1992). Therefore, regression analysis was

concluded to facilitate the interaction affecting the purchasing intent of consumers who

follows influencers. The p-value indicates how probable the results are due to chance. p=0.05

means that there is a 5% probability that the results are due to random chance. p=0.001 means

that the chances are only 1 in a thousand. The choice of significance level at which you reject

null hypothesis is arbitrary. Conventionally, 5%, 1% and 0.1% levels are used. In some

situations, 10% level of significance is also used. Statistical inferences indicating the strength

of the evidence corresponding to different values of p are explained as under:

Value of P Inference
P > 0.10 No evidence against the null hypothesis

0.05 < p < 0.10 Weak evidence against the null hypothesis

0.01 < p < 0.05 Moderate evidence against the null hypothesis

0.05 < p < 0.001 Good evidence against the null hypothesis

0.001 < p < 0.01 Strong evidence against the null hypothesis

p < 0.001 Very strong evidence against the null hypothesis

From the hypothesis, the controlling variables are social media influencer marketing (SMIM),

Purchase Intention (PI) and drive cosmetic product (DCP) by calculating the average of the

remaining items. According to Pallant (2016), the correlated relationship between each

independent variable and dependent variable needs to be above.3, and the correlation is

significant at.01. The Pearson correlation between the independent and dependent variables is

0.443, and the coefficients between the moderate variables and the independent variables are

0.381. We could then carry out the next step of regression analysis on this basis.

Pearson correlation 1 2 3


PI 0.595** 1

DCP 0.443* 0.381** 1

** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).

Table 11: Correlation matrix for all variables

SMIM (social media influencer marketing), PI (Purchase Intention) and DCP (drive cosmetic

4.2.2 The regression analysis of hypothesis 1: SMIM and PI

As seen in Table 12, the R-squared is 0.432, which indicates the predictor social media

influencer marketing can explain over 43% of the change in sample purchase behavior. This

result is quite respectable. In the results of the ANOVA, F is 81.412, and the P-value is less

than 0.05, which is statistically significant.

Table 12: Regression of SMIM and PI

Model summary R-squared 0.411

ANOVA F 81.412
Sig. 0.00
Coefficients (Constant) 0.486
Unstandardized beta 0.611
Sig. 0.00

a. Dependent variable: PI; b. Predictors: (constant), SMIM

As can be seen from the coefficient rows, the coefficient of social media influencer marketing is

0.611, indicating that social media influencer marketing has a positive impact on purchase

intention for cosmetic products across social media platforms. Therefore, hypothesis 1 in this

study is supported.

4.2.3 The regression analysis of hypothesis 2: SMIM, IA and PI

We added the moderate variable (influencer attribute) to the regression analysis of social media

influencer marketing and Purchase Intention. As shown in Table 13, there is a 54% significant

regression relationship between these three factors, as indicated by the R-squared (0.54) and P-

values (0.00 and 0.00). Then, we compared the adjusted R-squared with the equation of

hypothesis 1. The adjusted R-squared is 0.483, which is larger than the original adjusted R-

squared value (0.416), indicating that influencer attribute improves the model. The P-value of

the influencer attribute is lower than 0.05, and the corresponding unstandardized beta is 0.395.

Table 13: Regression of SMM, IA, and P1

Model summary R-squared 0.54
Adjusted R-squared 0.483
a. Dependent variable: PI; b. Predictors: (constant), SMIM, IA

The unstandardized beta of the influencer attribute is 0.395, which indicates that the influencer

attribute, when used to promote the cosmetic product on a social media platform, has a more

substantial impact on purchase intention in any social media space. Thus, we can support

hypothesis 2.

4.2.4 The regression analysis of hypothesis 3: SMIM and IB

We added moderately variable influencer behavior (IB) to the regression analysis. As shown in

Table 14, the R-squared values are 0.504, indicating that the predictors could account for more

than 50% of the changes in consumer influencer behavior. The adjusted R-squared is 0.5,

higher than the original adjusted R-squared value (0.416), indicating that influencer behavior

prominently improves the model. The P-value is 0.00, and the unstandardized beta is 0.459.

Table 14: Regression of SMIM and IB

Model summary R-squared 0.504

Adjusted R-squared 0.5

Sig. 0.00

ANOVA F 74.129

Sig. 59 0.00

Coefficients (Constant) 0.392

Unstandardized beta (SMIM) 0.459

a. Dependent variable: IB; b. Predictors: (constant), SMIM

As shown in the equations above, the unstandardized beta of social media influencer marketing

on influencer behavior is 0.459, which means that influencer behavior has a stronger impact on

social media marketing activities. So, we accept hypothesis 3.


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