Final Examination in Pe203 - Amigable Irvin Aaron B

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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal

Morong Campus

PE 203: Current Trends and Techniques in Teaching Physical Education

2nd Sem AY 2022-2023




1. Cite your opinion regarding the abrupt changes on the modality to be adopted due to extreme
heat. What will be the effect of the decision to the performance of the students?

Both good and negative effects on student performance may result from abrupt modifications in
the mode of instruction brought on by severe heat. On the one hand, switching to online or
remote learning can give students access to a secure and comfortable learning space that is
unaffected by intense heat. The convenience of participating in classes and accessing learning
materials from home might help students focus and concentrate better.

However, sudden changes in the mode of instruction can disturb students' daily routines, lead to
stress and anxiety, and have a detrimental effect on their academic performance. Additionally, in
online learning environments, students who lack access to reliable internet connectivity or
technology may be at a disadvantage.

In general, the impact of switching to a new mode of instruction owing to excessive heat will
ultimately rely on a number of variables, including the unique requirements and circumstances
of each learner. In order to support children in their academic success, it is crucial for educators
and administrators to take these aspects into account.

2. What do you think is the most effective teaching strategy to be used in teaching physical

Physical education can be taught using a variety of methods, depending on the needs and
objectives of the class or the individual pupils. However, a few of the most popular and
successful techniques in physical education are as follows:

Demonstration -Physical education instructors can show pupils how to do a skill or activity
correctly to help them comprehend what is expected of them.

Practice and repetition - Students can increase their motor skills and perform better by regularly
practicing and repeating tasks.

Peer teaching - Students can collaborate more effectively and learn more if they are encouraged
to teach and learn from one another.

Feedback and assessment - Giving students feedback on their performance and monitoring their
development can assist them identify their areas of strength and need for development.
Using technology - Employing technological methods, such as video analysis or digital tools, can
give pupils visible feedback and improve their learning.
3. What makes the curriculum important? How does curriculum affect students’ learning in present
status of physical education in the Philippines?

The curriculum acts as a road map for how education is delivered and offers a structure for
learning goals, content, and evaluation. It is crucial because it guarantees that students get a
thorough and pertinent education that will prepare them for their future vocations and for life in

The curriculum is a key factor in determining how pupils learn given the current state of
physical education in the Philippines. All students from kindergarten through grade 12 must
take physical education as a mandated topic according to the country's K–12curriculum. The
curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, such as basic movement techniques, fitness, sports,
and leisure pursuits.

There are several ways that the curriculum influences students' learning. First, it offers a
regulated and methodical approach to teaching physical education that guarantees all kids,
regardless of their location or socioeconomic background, receive an education of the same
caliber. Second, it offers a defined framework for learning objectives and results, enabling
teachers to establish clear expectations and efficiently gauge student progress.

However, there are some difficulties with how physical education is currently practiced in the
Philippines. Some students lack access to the right facilities and tools, which might make
studying more difficult for them. Furthermore, some schools might not have qualified physical
education teachers, which would result in uneven curriculum delivery.

In general, the curriculum is crucial to physical education since it guarantees that students
obtain a thorough and current education. To guarantee that all kids have access to high-quality
physical education, it is imperative to address the issues.

4. What is your stand regarding the policy that every teacher needs to prepare and submit one
research per year? What is the impact to instruction and curriculum?

One research paper every year that teachers must create and turn in can have both favorable and
unfavorable effects on curriculum and instruction.

On the plus side, making teachers perform research might motivate them to partake in ongoing
professional development and keep abreast of the most recent developments and best practices in
their industry. As teachers incorporate the research's findings into their lessons, the quality of
instruction and curriculum may improve as a result.

Additionally, requiring teachers to conduct research can result in the creation of fresh and
effective teaching strategies and methods as well as shed light on the efficacy of current teaching

On the down side, the legislation would raise instructors' workloads, which could cause burnout
and lower instruction quality. Additionally, some teachers might find it challenging to meet the
requirements, particularly those who are new to research or don't have access to research

In general, how the policy is implemented and supported will determine how it affects
curriculum and instruction. It has the potential to raise the caliber of curriculum and instruction
if correctly implemented. But if not properly supported, it could have a negative impact on the
workload of teachers and the caliber of instruction.


Submitted by:


Student, MAT-PE

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