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A few definitions from the error theory

 Each measurement has a numerical value and
a degree of uncertainty n  Xn  X
 Error is the uncertainty in measurements that
nothing can be done about (i.e. occurring even
Percentile error
in the optimized measurement system)
Error in the nth measurement:
Accuracy in Measurements 

Xn is nth measured value, X is a "true" value; it % 

 100%
is assumed that it exists. One can argue that X
"true" value can never be known. In reality X is
defined using a high resolution primary X  Xn
standard. Pn  1 
 Precision and sample mean.
i. Measurement errors  The P => 1, more precise N

ii. Noise X
X 
iii. Calibration N

1. Systematic Errors (determinate)

Errors in measurements  Describe errors in the output readings of a measurement system
that are consistently on one side of the correct reading, i.e. either
all the errors are positive or they are all negative.
 E.g., a scale being off by ten kgs
 Random errors
Gross random errors: typically very large, can be fatal  Sometimes called bias due to error in one direction- high or
Random Mistakes: can be avoided low
 Random errors are associated with reliability  Measurement = True Value + Systematic Error + Random
variations or M=T+s+e
 The presence of a systematic error makes the measurement
 System errors (experimental errors caused by invalid.
functional and “good” instruments).  Known cause
 System can be optimized to minimize those errors  Operator
 Calibration of ,sensor, or instrument
 Systematic errors are associated with validity
• When determined can be corrected
• May be of a constant or proportional nature

constant or proportional error…

Causes of systematic errors

Proportional • Factors inherent in the manufacture of the instrument

error arising out of tolerances in the components of the
influences the instrument.
slope. • Wear in instrument components over a period of
• The effect of environmental disturbances
Constant error
• The disturbance of the measured system by the act
influences the
intercept. of measurement


Examples of Systematic (exp.) errors i. Calibration and Zero Offset Errors

 Calibration (gain) errors: due to changing ambient conditions

change (temperature, humidity) or aging
 Zero offset errors : caused by ambient conditions change
 Range errors : saturation, nonlinearity
 Reading uncertainty errors : due to noise
 Drift errors: Affects static measurands the most
 Hysteresis errors : result depends on the direction
 Repeatability errors: different readings for the same input
applied in the same fashion
 Calibration or gain error.
 Resolution (A to D conversion) errors Instrument has to be
calibrated vs known
 Dual sensitivity errors standard or at least vs  This is common cause of errors in DC
another reasonably good measurements. One should know what to
instrument be called zero. Beware of the drifts!

ii. Range and Uncertainty Errors iii. Hysteresis and Repeatability Errors

-9 3.0x10
I (A)

0.0 2.0x10

-5.0x10 -5
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
VDS (mV) 0.0
-30 -15 0 15 30
 Each instrument has finite dynamic
range. Beware of saturation and too  Noise limits the accuracy and
small signals! resolution. Beware of too small
 Linearity is an idealization. Know the signals! •Will cause error if used as a sensor
range where it works!

iv. Resolution Error v. Dual Sensitivity and Back-action Errors

 An ideal sensor does not affect the process and is not

supposed to react on any other changes rather than the
quantity it is designed to react on.
 Real sensors are susceptible to various environmental
changes which can change the sensitivity, offset etc.
 This is also applicable to the whole measurement
 Moreover, sometimes sensors themselves can affect the


Examples The Result of Dual Sensitivity

 Examples of Dual  Example of Effect of

Sensitivity Errors: Sensor on the Process
 the resistivity of a strain
 resistive thermometer
gauge depends on the can overheat the Don’t mix the dual
humidity sensitivity error with
sample if the current “Rooster in the
 the sensitivity of a
used to measure magnet” gross error!
Transistor (SET) is resistance is too high
strongly affected by  Single Electron
temperature Transistor creates
noise which may affect
a QCA cell nearby Here, due to change in temperature we got both the offset change and
the change in the sensitivity (calibration and offset errors)

Minimizing Systematic (exp.) errors 2. Random errors (indedeterminate)

 Use the right sensor: The sensor should not affect the
• Random errors are perturbations of the measurement either side of
process and the process should not destroy the sensor.
the true value caused by random and unpredictable effects, such
 Check the accuracy of each element and determine the that positive errors and negative errors occur in approximately
accumulated accepted error equal numbers for a series of measurements made of the same
 Calibrate each instrument quantity.
• Such perturbations are mainly small, but large perturbations occur
 Connect system with proper wires
from time to time
 Check the system for electrical noise • Cuases of Random errors :
 Estimate the total error in the system from all known • when measurements are taken by human observation of an
sources analogue meter, especially where this involves interpolation
between scale points.
 Perform a system calibration by measuring the variable • Electrical noise
in a known process. This gives you a single calibration • Can be overcome by taking the same measurement a number of
constant for the entire system. Example: scales times and extracting a value by averaging or other statistical

Gross Error Random Errors (indedeterminate)

 If we eliminate systematic errors we have:
 That is, the measured value is different
from the true value because of some
random disturbance.
 Since the disturbances are random, positive
errors are just as likely as negative errors.
An example random  Therefore, the expected value of e is zero,
i.e., E(e) = 0
An example of gross error


 From statistical theory about random error we can assume the Examples of random errors
 The correlation between the true score and the error term is zero.
 There is no serial correlation between the true score and the error term.  “Dynamic” error. Measurement "at first glance" for unsteady
 The correlation between errors on distinct measurements is zero. state. Often caused by inappropriate time constant.
 From these assumptions it follows:  Recording and calculation error. Incorrect interpolation between
E(M) = E(T) +E(e) marks on analog meter. Occurs if operator does not know how to write, not paying
= E(T) + 0 attention, not familiar with math, etc
= E(T)  Incorrect interpretation error. Trying to measure microvolts on
=T "kiloVolts" scale (or the opposite, which may also result in the damage to the
 The smaller the variations in the error term, the more reliable operator/instrument)
the measurements.  Misuse of instrument. Measurement of high resistance source using low
M=T+e input resistance meter. Trying to measure Amps on "Hertz" scale. Using meter as a
var(M) = var(T) + var(e)
where var is variance  Misuse of sensor. Using thermometer without appropriate thermal
Reliability = pm = var(T) / var(M)  Malfunction of sensor or instrument. (e.g. loose contact)
= [var(M) –var(e)] / var(M)
= 1 – [var(e) / var (M)]

Statistical analysis of measurements Which of the two measurement sets A and B, and the corresponding
mean and median values, should we have most confidence in?
subject to random errors
In set A, the spread between the smallest (396) and largest (430)
1. Mean and median values value is 34, whilst in set B, the spread is only 6.

Thus, the smaller the spread of the measurements, the more

confidence we have in the mean or median value calculated.

If we increase the number of measurements by extending measurement

set B to 23 measurements:
Example: Suppose that the length of a steel bar is measured by a
number of different observers and the following sets of 11 measurements 409 406 402 407 405 404 407 404 407 407 408 406 410 406 405 408
are recorded (units mm). 406 409 406 405 409 406 407 {Measurement set C}

398 420 394 416 404 408 400 420 396 413 430 {Measurement set A} Now, mean = 406.5 and median = 406.
Mean = 409.0 and median = 40 Thus the median value tends towards the mean value as the number of
409 406 402 407 405 404 407 404 407 407 408 {Measurement set B} measurements increases.
Mean = 406.0 and median= 407

3. Graphical data analysis techniques

2. Standard deviation and variance
– frequency distributions

Graphical techniques are a very useful way of analysing the way in

which random measurement errors are distributed
The simplest of these is to draw a histogram

Example: Calculate δ and V for measurement sets A, B and C above a histogram for set C


In the limit, as the number of measurements approaches infinity, the

histogram becomes a smooth curve known as afrequency distribution curve 4. Standard error of the mean
as shown
• Some error remains between the mean value of a set of measurements
and the true value, i.e. averaging a number of measurements will only
yield the true value if the number of measurements is infinite.
• If several subsets are taken from an infinite data population, then, by the
central limit theorem, the means of the subsets will be distributed about
the mean of the infinite data set.
• The error between the mean of a finite data set and the true
measurement value (mean of the infinite data set) is defined as the
standard error of the mean. This is calculated as:

• α tends towards zero as the number of measurements in the

data set expands towards infinity
If the height of the frequency distribution curve is normalized such that the
• The measurement value obtained from a set of
area under it is unity, then the curve in this form is known as aprobability
curve, and the height F(D) at any particular deviation magnitude D is known nmeasurements,x1, x2 --xn, can then be expressed as:
as the probability density function(p.d.f.).

5. Estimation of random error in a single measurement Example: Suppose that a standard mass is measured 30 times with
the same instrument to create a reference data set, and the
• If only one measurement can be made, some means of estimating the calculated values of δand α areδ = 0.43 and α = 0.08. If the
likely magnitude of error in it is required. instrument is then used to measure an unknown mass and the
• The normal approach to this is to calculate the error within 95% reading is 105.6 kg, how should the mass value be expressed?
confidence limits, i.e. to calculate the value of the deviation D such that
Using the relation in the previous slide
95% of the area under the probability curve lies within limits of ± D.
• These limits correspond to a deviation of ±1.96δ.
• this only expresses the maximum likely deviation of the measurement
from the calculated mean of the reference measurement set, which is
not the true
• Thus the calculated value for the standard error of the mean has to be The mass value should therefore be expressed as:
added to the likely maximum deviation value

6. Calculations of Error for a Test with Multiple Variables 7. Aggregation of measurement system errors

Combined effect of systematic and random errors

 In case the experiment is designed so that the outcome of the
measurement, Q, is a function of multiple variables,
Q  f ( x1 ,..., x N ) If a measurement is affected by both systematic and random errors that are
 with uncertainty of ( x1, …,  xN), the resulting error can be calculated quantified as ±x (systematic errors) and ±y (random errors),
using Taylor series. By dropping higher derivatives, the worst case
uncertainty, or limiting error (all N sources of error pull the result in the
same direction) is
f max  f ( x1 ,..., x N )  f ( x1  x1 ,..., x N  x N )   xi
i 1 xi
 Instrumentation system usually contains several elements with each
element introducing error (even when it operates within specifications!),
and error accumulates.
 Maximal accumulated error for the instrument system is given by (all
sources of error assumed to be independent (uncorrelated)) :

 max  
i 1


8. Aggregation of errors from separate measurement system b. Error in a difference

a. Error in a sum If the two outputs y and z of separate measurement systems are to be
If the two outputs y and z of separate measurement system components are subtracted from one another, and the possible errors are ±ay and ±bz,
to be added together

Where e is calculated as above and f = e/(y-z)

Example: A fluid flow rate is calculated from the difference in pressure
measured on both sides of an orifice plate. If the pressure measurements
A circuit requirement for a resistance of 550 is satisfied by connecting are 10.0 bar and 9.5 bar and the error in the pressure measuring
together two resistors of nominal values 220 and 330 in series. If each instruments is specified as ±0.1%, then values for e and f can be calculated
resistor has a tolerance of± 2%, the error in the sum calculated as:
according to above equations is given by:

Thus the total resistance S can be expressed as

c. Error in a product
If the power in a circuit is calculated from measurements of voltage and
• If the outputsyandzof two measurement system components are current in which the calculated maximum errors are respectively ±1% and
multiplied together, the product can be written as PDyz. If the ±2%, then the maximum likely error in the calculated power value is:
possible error in y is ±ay and in z is ±bz, then the maximum and
minimum values possible in P can be written as:

• Thus the maximum error in the product P is ± (a+ b).

• This tends to overestimate the likely maximum error since it is very
unlikely that the errors in y and z will both be at the maximum or
minimum value at the same time.
• A statistically better estimate of the likely maximum error e in the
product P, provided that the measurements are uncorrelated, is
given by:

d. Error in a quotient
If the output measurement yof one system component with possible If the density of a substance is calculated from measurements of
error ±ay is divided by the output measurement z of another system its mass and volume where the respective errors are ±2% and
component with possible error ±bz, then the maximum and minimum ±3%, then the maximum likely error in the density value is
possible values for the quotient can be written as:

For a<<1 and b << 1, terms in ab and b2 are negligible compared with
the other terms

Thus the maximum error in the quotient is±(a+b).

However, using the same argument as made above for the
product of measurements


Important statistical definitions

Measurement noise  Deviation dn  X n  X

 Average deviation
X n  X
Signal noise arises both within the measurement circuit itself and DN  n

also during the transmission of measurement signals
Noise voltages can exist either in serial mode or common mode forms.  Standard 1 N

Serial mode noise voltages act in series with the output voltage from a deviation SN  (X n  X )2   X
N n 1
measurement sensor or transducer, which can cause very significant errors in
the output measurement signal
 Signal-to-noise
The extent to which series mode noise corrupts measurement signals is
measured by
SNR    N
X 1 N

 (X n  X )2
N n 1
where Vs is the mean voltage level of the signal and Vn is the mean voltage X
level of the noise. SNR   N
SNR improves as
In the case of a.c. noise voltages, the root-mean squared value is used as the X

Inductive coupling
• Noise can be generated from sources both external • This is the primary mechanism by which external devices such as
and internal to the measurement system. mains cables and equipment, fluorescent lighting and circuits
operating at audio or radio frequencies generate noise
• External noise • If signal-carrying cables are close to such external cables or
• Inductive coupling equipment, a significant mutual inductance M can exist between them,
• Capacitive (electrostatic) coupling • This can generate a series mode noise voltage of several millivolts
• Noise due to multiple earths given by: Vn = MI’,
• Noise in the form of voltage transients • where I’ is the rate of change of current in the mains circuit.
• Internal noise includes
• Thermoelectric potentials
• Shot noise
• Electrochemical potentials

Capacitive (electrostatic) coupling Noise due to multiple earths

• The magnitude of the capacitance between each signal wire and • As far as possible, measurement signal circuits should be isolated
the mains conductor is represented by the quantities C1 and C2 from earth.
• A capacitance can also exist between the signal wires and earth, • However, leakage paths often exist between measurement circuit
represented by C3 and C4 in the figure signal wires and earth at both the source (sensor) end of the circuit
• The series mode noise voltage Vn is zero if the coupling and also the load (measuring instrument) end.
capacitances are perfectly balanced, i.e. if C1 = C2 and C3 = C4. • This does not cause a problem as long as the earth potential at both
• However, exact balance is unlikely in practice, since the signal ends is the same.
wires are not perfectly straight • However, it is common to find that other machinery and equipment
carrying large currents is connected to the same earth plane.
• This can cause the potential to vary between different points on the
earth plane.
• This situation, which is known as multiple earths, can cause a series
mode noise voltage in the measurement circuit.


Noise in the form of voltage transients Thermoelectric potentials

• Whenever metals of two different types are connected together,
a thermoelectric potential (sometimes called a thermal e.m.f.) is
• When motors and other electrical equipment (both a.c. and d.c.) are generated according to the temperature of the joint.
switched on and off, large changes of power consumption suddenly • This is known as the thermoelectric effect and is the physical
occur in the electricity supply system. principle on which temperature-measuring thermocouples
• This can cause voltage transients (‘spikes’) in measurement circuits operate
connected to the same power supply. • Such thermoelectric potentials are only a few millivolts in
• Such noise voltages are of large magnitude but short time duration. magnitude and so the effect is only significant when typical
• Corona discharge can also cause voltage transients on the mains voltage output signals of a measurement system are of a similar
power supply. low magnitude.
• This occurs when the air in the vicinity of high voltage d.c. circuits
becomes ionized and discharges to earth at random times. Shot noise
• It consists of random fluctuations in the rate of transfer of
carriers across junctions within such devices.
• Shot noise occurs in transistors, integrated circuits and other
semiconductor devices.

Techniques for reducing measurement noise

Electrochemical potentials
Location and design of signal wires
• Both the mutual inductance and capacitance between signal wires and
• These are potentials that arise within measurement systems other cables are inversely proportional to the square of the distance
due to electrochemical action. between the wires and the cable.
• Poorly soldered joints are a common source. • Thus, noise due to inductive and capacitive coupling can be minimized by
ensuring that signal wires are positioned as far away as possible from
such noise sources (0.3m is essential, at least 1m is preferable)
Twisted pair design
• Twisting signal wires together
along its length.
• Thus the total voltage induced in
wire A is V1 + V2 and in wire B it is
V2 + V1 over these two loops
• This pattern continues for all the
loops and hence the two wires
have an identical voltage induced
in them

Earthing Shielding
• Shielding consists of enclosing the signal wires in an earthed, metal
• Noise due to multiple earths can be avoided by good earthing shield that is itself isolated electrically from the signal wires.
practices. • The shield should be earthed at only one point, preferably the signal
• This means keeping earths for signal wires and earths for high- source end.
current equipment entirely separate. • A shield consisting of braided metal eliminates 85% of noise due to
• Recommended practice is to install four completely isolated earth capacitive coupling whilst a lapped metal foil shield eliminates noise
circuits as follows: almost entirely.
• Power earth: provides a path for fault currents due to power • The wires inside such a shield are normally formed as a twisted pair
faults. so that protection is also provided against induced noise due to
• Logic earth: provides a common line for all logic circuit nearby elecromagnetic fields.
• Analogue earth (ground): provides a common reference for all
analogue signals.
• Safety earth: connected to all metal parts of equipment to
protect personnel should power lines come into contact with
metal enclosures.


Lock-in amplifiers Phase-locked loop

• Used to extract d.c. or slowly varying measurement signals from

noise. • The phase-locked loop is often used as a signal-processing
• The input measurement signal is modulated into a square-wave element to clean up poor quality signals.
a.c. signal whose amplitude varies with the level of the input signal. • Although this is primarily a circuit for measuring the
• This is normally achieved by either a relay or a field effect frequency of a signal; it is also useful for noise removal
transistor. because its output waveform is a pure (i.e. perfectly clean)
• As a relay is subject to wear; the transistor is better or alternatively square wave at the same frequency as the input signal,
an analogue multiplier. irrespective of the amount of noise, modulation or distortion
• In the case of optical signals, the square wave can be produced by on the input signal.
chopping the measurement signals using a set of windows in a
rotating disc.
• This technique is frequently used with transducers like photodiodes
that often generate large quantities of noise.

System Calibration (versus individual instruments calibration)

Calibration of measuring sensors and instruments

• Calibration consists of comparing the output of the instrument or

sensor under test against the output of an instrument of known
accuracy when the same input (the measured quantity) is applied to
both instruments.
• This procedure is carried out for a range of inputs covering the whole
measurement range of the instrument or sensor.
• Calibration ensures that the measuring accuracy of all instruments and
sensors used in a measurement system is known over the whole  Calibrate your measurement system vs known standard, so that your output (say, in volts)
corresponds to known input quantity (say, in ohms)
measurement range, provided that the calibrated instruments and  In this case you don’t have to consider intermediate details of your measurement system for as
sensors are used in environmental conditions that are the same as long as
 The system response is linear
those under which they were calibrated.  There are no offset errors
• For use of instruments and sensors under different environmental  The system is within the dynamic range
 The system signal-to-noise ratio is satisfactory
conditions, appropriate correction has to be made for the ensuing  The system does not change its parameters in time
modifying inputs  This approach allows to eliminate instrument calibration

System Calibration Standard Calibration instruments

• Instruments used as a standard in calibration procedures are

usually chosen to be of greater inherent accuracy than the
process instruments that they are used to calibrate.
• Because such instruments are only used for calibration
purposes, greater accuracy can often be achieved by specifying
a type of instrument that would be unsuitable for normal
process measurements.
• For instance, ruggedness is not a requirement, and freedom
from this constraint opens up a much wider range of possible
• In practice, high-accuracy, null-type instruments are very
commonly used for calibration duties, because the need for a
 There are situations where it is impossible to calibrate parts of the human operator is not a problem in these circumstances.
entire system, but the system as a whole can be easily calibrated


Frequency of Calibration Control of calibration environment

• Instrument calibration has to be repeated at prescribed intervals

because the characteristics of any instrument change over a period. • Any instrument that is used as a standard in calibration
• Changes in instrument characteristics are brought about by such procedures must be kept solely for calibration duties and must
factors as mechanical wear, and the effects of dirt, dust, fumes, never be used for other purposes.
chemicals and temperature changes in the operating environment. • There should be a separate room within an organisation where all
• Frequency calibration is influenced by: calibration operations take place and where all instruments used
• The type of instrument for calibration are kept.
• Its frequency of use • It is desirable that all calibration functions are performed in a
• the prevailing environmental conditions carefully controlled environment
• Based on this it is difficult or even impossible to determine the required • All calibration operations is assigned as the clear responsibility of
frequency of instrument recalibration from theoretical considerations just one person.
• Hence a maximum permissible measurement error is defined at which • That person should have total control over the calibration function,
an instrument should be attained and be able to limit access to the calibration laboratory to
• The rate at which an instrument will attain these error allows a time designated, approved personnel only.
interval to be calculated that represents the moment in time when an
instrument will have reached the bounds of its acceptable performance

Calibration certificate Calibration chain and traceability

• the identification of the equipment calibrated

• the calibration results obtained
• the measurement uncertainty
• any use limitations on the equipment calibrated
• the date of calibration
• the authority under which the certificate is issued.

Calibration records: instrument record sheets


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