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The Effects of Wearing Make-Up on the Confidence Level of the Students at ATEC

Technological College

A Thesis Study Presented to the Faculty Members of

Senior High School,
ATEC Technological College, Inc.
at Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan
in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for Practical Research 1

Rosemarie Y. Marcelo
11-Sincerity ABM

The researchers would like to thank those who contributed for the completion of this research.
First and foremost, we would like to thank the ATEC Technological College for giving us this
learning opportunity that helped us develop valuable life lessons of patience,
perseverance, teamwork, resilience, cooperation, and most of all, the endless pursuit of
Second, we would like to convey our deep and sincere gratitude towards Ms. Jarmi Valerio for
providing invaluable guidance. support, advises, comments, suggestions, and provisions that
helping the completion and success of this study. It was a great privilege and honor to work and
study under her guidance.
We would also like to express our greatest gratitude towards our parents for their endless love,
prayers, support, and sacrifices. This would not have been possible without their unselfish love
and support given to us at all times.
A big thanks to Almighty God for giving us the strength, knowledge, ability and opportunity to
undertake this research study. Without her guidance and mercy, we would not be able to
accomplish this research and all of our daily endeavors. To God be the Glory!
Lastly, our thanks go to all the people who have supported us to complete the research work
directly or indirectly

This study aims to explore the influence of wearing makeup on the confidence levels of
students. In recent years, the use of makeup among students has become increasingly prevalent,
with many individuals relying on cosmetic products to enhance their appearance. While makeup
has long been associated with boosting self-esteem and confidence, its effects on students'
confidence levels remain a subject of debate.
To investigate this phenomenon, a mixed-methods approach was employed, combining
qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys. A diverse sample of students from various
educational institutions was selected to participate in the study. The participants were divided into
two groups: makeup users and non-users. The makeup users consisted of individuals who
regularly applied makeup, while the non-users refrained from using any cosmetic products.
The qualitative interviews delved into the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of the
participants towards makeup and its impact on their confidence. The quantitative surveys
measured participants' self-reported confidence levels and compared them between the two
Preliminary findings from the qualitative interviews revealed that wearing makeup played a
complex role in students' confidence. While some participants reported experiencing heightened
self-assurance and improved body image due to makeup application, others expressed concerns
regarding dependency on cosmetics for confidence enhancement and the potential negative
impact on their self-esteem.

Table of Contents

Title Page ........................................................................................................................

Acknowledgement ..........................................................................................................


Table of Contents.............................................................................................................

Chapter I: The Problem and its Background


Background of the Study..................................................................................................

Statement of the Problem................................................................................................

Conceptual Paradigm........................................................................................................

Significance of the Study...................................................................................................

Scope and Limitations.......................................................................................................

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature.............................................................................................

Review of Related Studies.................................................................................................


Chapter III: Research Methods

Research Design.................................................................................................................

Research Locale..................................................................................................................

Research Participants.........................................................................................................
Research Instruments.........................................................................................................

Data Gathering Procedure..................................................................................................

Chapter IV: Analysis, Presentation, and Interpretation of Data

Data Analysis Method.........................................................................................................

Data Presentation...............................................................................................................

Interpretation of Data ........................................................................................................

Chapter V: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings...........................................................................................................

Conclusions .........................................................................................................................

Recommendations ..............................................................................................................

References ..........................................................................................................................




In today's society, the use of makeup has become a common practice among individuals of all
ages. From enhancing one's features to expressing creativity, makeup has the power to transform
one's appearance and boost confidence. Among a particular group, students, the effects of
wearing makeup on their confidence levels have been a topic of interest. This essay aims to
explore and analyze the various impacts that wearing makeup can have on the confidence levels
of students.
The teenage and young adult years are a critical period in a student's life, where self-esteem and
self-perception play significant roles in their overall development. Many students turn to makeup
as a tool to enhance their physical appearance, conceal imperfections, and accentuate their
features. The act of applying makeup can be seen as an empowering and self-expressive practice,
enabling students to experiment with different styles, colors, and techniques. By altering their
appearance, students may experience a boost in self-confidence, as they perceive themselves as
more attractive or socially accepted.
Moreover, wearing makeup often involves a process of self-care and grooming, allowing
students to take control of their image and invest time in themselves. This self-care ritual can
foster a sense of personal pride and self-worth, leading to an increase in confidence. Additionally,
the act of applying makeup can serve as a form of artistic expression, enabling students to
showcase their creativity and unique style. This creative outlet can not only boost confidence but
also encourage self-discovery and the development of personal identity.

Background of the study

In recent years, makeup has become an increasingly popular form of self-expression,

particularly among young individuals. It has become a widely accepted practice for enhancing
one's appearance and boosting self-confidence. The use of makeup is prevalent among students,
especially in educational settings where social interactions play a crucial role. This background of
the study aims to explore the effects of wearing makeup on the confidence levels of students,
shedding light on the potential psychological and social implications.

Statement of the Problem

Major Problem:

This study sought to determine The Effects of Wearing Make Up on the Confidence Level of
the Students at ATEC Technological College

Specific Problem:

To answer the above cited problem, an answer to the following will be sought:

1. How often students used the following cosmetic products?

a. Foundation
b. Face powder
c. Blush on
d. Concealer
e. Whitening Cream
f. Lipstick
g. Lip tint
h. Eyeliner
i. Mascara

2. How often students used cosmetic products in the different situations?

a. In class
b. Going out with friends
c. Attend occasions
3.What are the reasons why students used cosmetic products?


Reasons why Feelings when they Cosmetic products

wearing cosmetic are not wearing help to boost the
products make-up self confidence

Figure 1.1: Research Paradigm

According to (2016) cosmetic product help to boost our confidence this one is pretty
self-explanatory. We are drawn to some facial features more than others, the world what you and
when we are able to highlight those parts, we feel like we putting our best face forward. Use
makeup to show the world what you want it to see as we haven't stressed that enough. The factors
that the wearer feel if there are wearing make-up, they feel more beautiful and confidently face
the people around them. A Conceptual paradigm showing that how cosmetic products affect the
students’ self-esteem. The conceptual paradigm shows the process on how the researchers
measured the effect of cosmetic products to the self-esteem of respondents.
Significance of the Study
The outcomes of this study have a great importance on helping the students, teacher, employees
and other people who are conducting research.
To the students, it would serve as a basis on beauty products if it can boost their self-confidence
to help them perform well or interact to other people and if it can also improve their physical
To the teachers, this study could give them additional information on how beauty products
works and on how they can use it in their daily lives, much more in teaching and facing
This study could help employees by improving their look to be more decent insight of their co-
workers. It helps them also to socialize well in their work.
To the future researchers, this study would serve as another source of literature which gives
them additional knowledge about this topic.

Scope and Delimitation

The goal of this study is to find out if there is any significant relationship between cosmetic
products on the self-confidence among the Senior High School Students specifically in ATEC
Technological College. The researcher used 40 women ages 16-17 among Grade 11 students to be
the respondents of this research study. The focus of self-confidence is based on the cosmetic
product usage.

Definition of Terms
To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein.

Cosmetic products
-are the subject of the study being conducted. Through this study, the researchers will have
insights if cosmetic products are effective in the presence of student’s self -confidence.
Grade 11 Senior High School students
- will serve as respondents for the study because they are the most problematic when it comes to
their looks and they are also frequent to use of beauty products.
- it is the one that needs an answer in the study. The researchers will know the relationship of
cosmetic products on the self-confidence among grade 11Senior High School.
- it is the main problem of students especially women. It will be noted in their movements or how
they interact with other people. It should also be improved for them especially they are students
who need to have confidence in all their activities. This study also discusses whether the student's
confidence level increases with the use of cosmetic products.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter shows the related literature and studies after the careful and in-depth inquiry done
by the researchers, and from which the group will get the data required for the research paper.
This will also act as their basis or guide to further expand their research topic and to enhance the
comprehension of their readers. This section has been inspected by the researchers to ensure their
clients that every one of their sources are substantial, and the data is truly valid. The following
statements provided by the group are closely related to the study about the impact of makeup to
one's self-confidence, which can be very efficient and can be used as a tool to inform the public
of the significant uses of cosmetics in our daily lives. The information gathered was strictly
collected from various news articles, essays, studies, and journals found in the internet.
According to Choi (2013), a never-increasing number of Korean beautifying agents are finding
their way to the Philippines with brands like Etude House. The Face Shop, Nature Republic, Tony
moly, Missha and Skin Food opening stores to exploit the nation's developing business sector for
beauty products. The hype for Korean cosmetics is an off-shoot of the current "Korean wave."
This is due to the fact that Filipino young ladies dream of resembling their most loved Korean
vocalists and on-screen characters. Through Korean dramas, Filipinos have built up an
enthusiasm for Korean culture, which has stretched out to items like makeup. Yu suggested that
Filipino clients utilize Korean cosmetics to appear young with clean and white skin (as cited in
Choi, 2013). In addition to that, numerous Filipino customers are interested about Korean
cosmetic brands as they are eccentric contrasted with other local items despite their expensive
rate prices. Korean makeup is seen as the top-of-the-line items with their high caliber and
extraordinary adequacy. It doesn't help that the packaging may be quite tempting for the clients to
buy it spontaneously since it allures them that your money wouldn't go to waste. According to
Jackson, the proponent of Physical Appearance and Gender, facial appearance gives solid societal
ramifications about individuals, significantly more for ladies than men (as cited in Silverio,
2010). This information recommends that customarily, a shame is set on ladies who are viewed as
ugly, since this usually leads to the stereotype that they are involved in criminal conduct. While
there is next to no confirmation that having an explicit facial sort makes you bound to perpetrate a
wrongdoing, there are various studies that affirm the way that there are explicit facial
generalizations that would make one connect certain facial highlights with a specific wrongdoing.
In similar research done by Wilson and Eckel, they concluded that those individuals who do have
a higher attractiveness rating were seen to be increasingly trustworthy upon their first impressions
(as cited in Silverio 2010). Sadly, the familiar saying, "don't judge a book by its cover," appears to
have lost its intrigue and true meaning in this phenomenon. Appearance has been an extraordinary
influence in how individuals judge others, as well as themselves It has been discovered that
beauty care products do increment appeal as well as upgrade certain qualities that are considered
alluring, for example, femineity (Jackson, 1982). The author of "Beauty Bias", makeup is viewed
as strategies for enhancement, as well as wellspring of anticipating a picture of power and status
(Berry, 2007). In Brand's book "Beauty Matter," he argued: We look into the mirror not merely to
see how we look, but how we expect others to see us, and, unless amazingly self-confident, we
attempt to modulate our appearances in order that others shall see us as we hope to be seen. (pg.
This author proceeds to clarify that frequently in the present society, joy and misery is measured
by appearance. It is difficult to truly know whether being appealing gives a more prominent
measure of satisfaction, however on the off chance that that is the view of general public, it would
give a more noteworthy comprehension of why the majority are reliably taking a
stab at excellence.
Ectoff et al. (2011) clarified that cosmetics can change one's appearance, and furthermore, one's
self-regard. The vast majority desire to put their best self forward and to feel as if others are
seeing them in the most ideal light. How an individual look influences how others treat and
converse with that individual. For instance, across cultures, individuals see splendid eyes as a
sign of insight and an eagerness to tune in, while sagging eyes show that somebody might be
worn out and uninterested in what is occurring. At a point when ladies have normally sagging
eyes or are inadequate with regards to the rest, they probably won't be seen by others as prepared
to tune in and ready to deal with undertakings. In most women, especially white ladies, skin
around the eyes begins to wrinkle and hang around age 25. When this happens, their self-image
may diminish, and others' impression of them may likewise change. Utilizing cosmetics can
feature and give the impression of more splendid and progressively elevated eyes, thus improving
ladies feeling about what they look like and upgrading how others see them.
According to Kelson, Kearney-Cooke, and Lansky, there are pressures on ladies to meet social
models of superficiality and compensates awards for those ladies who use beauty care products to
achieve these norms, for example, expanded consideration from the opposite sex and
acknowledgment from different females (as cited in Scott, n.d.).
As stated by Preetha (2018), humans are naturally attracted to things that are aesthetically
pleasing to our eyes. As proof, even babies are allured by those who have a more appealing
visual. This idea simply tells us why people aspire to look beautiful. In this area people can utilize
makeup. With makeup you can captivate and be noticed by others just by applying some makeup.
Makeup helps in enhancing and in making you and your features stand out in the crowd.
A person's first impression is relevant because people base it solely on their physical
appearance. This is why people need the help of makeup to look more presentable most of the
time so that they can leave good impressions and to make them look more approachable
especially when meeting new people. With makeup people can temporarily cover or hide their
imperfections to look their best and that'll give them a boost of confidence so that people would
see more things in a positive light and be open to more opportunities.
According to Montero (2017) in the article titled "The reasons why women wear makeup" there
are four reasons why women wear makeup. The first reason is, women wear makeup because
people tend to like women who wear makeup more than those who don't. Second because of the
Lipstick effect that can be also seen in "Beyond lipstick effect: Can wearing makeup boost
cognition along with confidence?" (2017). Third, women who wear makeup gets more attention
from other people than those who don't. Lastly, because they just want to use beauty products.
This reason explains that women who use makeup feel happier because they feel how beautiful
they are because of the makeup that they use to enhance their features.
According to the article "When Will My Parents Let Me Wear Makeup?" (2019), as people get
older their looks become more important to them. There are parents who want their children to
use makeup even though their children are against it because they see that a lot of people, with
the same age of their children, use makeup. For many girls, makeup is one way of establishing
that individual style and feeling more womanly or attractive. "When I have makeup on. I feel
more confident," explained one teenage girl. Nina, quoted carlier, adds: "There are a lot of pretty
girls, and wearing makeup makes me feel better about myself" For others, they use makeup to fit
in and to belong in the society DIA
Usually, they use makeup for practical reasons: a) to even out uneven skin tones, b) to cover
their bad complexion or a scar, c) to highlight attractive facial features, or d) to downplay not-so-
attractive features. According to the article "Teenage Makeup Habits Revealed" (2018), 49%
came from eight hundred and fifty-two women that said that they use makeup because their
friends are also using it.

According to (Choi 2023), a never-increasing number of Korean beautifying agents are finding
their way to the Philippines with brands like Etude House.
According to (Jackson), the proponent of Physical Appearance and Gender, facial appearance
gives solid societal ramifications about individuals, significantly more for ladies than men (as
cited in
Silverio, 2010).
According to (Wilson, Eckel), they concluded that those individuals who do have a higher
attractiveness rating were seen to be increasingly trustworthy upon their first impressions (as
cited in Silverio 2010)
According to (Jackson, 1982), Appearance has been an extraordinary influence in how
individuals judge others, as well as themselves it has been discovered that beauty care products
do increment appeal as well as upgrade certain qualities that are considered alluring.
According to (Berry, 2007), the author of "Beauty Bias", makeup is viewed as strategies for
enhancement, as well as well spring of anticipating a picture of power and status.
According to (Ectoff et al, 2011), clarified that cosmetics can change one's appearance, and
furthermore, one's self-regard.
According to (Kelson, Kearney-Cooke, and Lansky), there are pressures on ladies to meet social
models of superficiality and compensates awards for those ladies who use beauty care products to
achieve these normal, for example, expanded consideration from the opposite sex and
acknowledgement from different females (as cited in Scott, n.d.).
According to (Preetha, 2018), humans are naturally attracted to things that are aesthetically
pleasing to our eyes.
According to (Montero, 2017), in the article titled "The reasons why women wear makeup"
there are four reasons why women wear makeup. The first reason is, because people tend to like
women who wear makeup more than those who don’t. Second because of the lipstick effect that
can be also seen in "Beyond Lipstick effect: Can wearing makeup boost cognition along with
confidence?" (2017). Third, women who wear makeup gets more attention from other people than
those who don't. Lastly, because they just want to use beauty products.
According to the Article (When Will My Parents Let Me Wear Makeup?", 2019), as people get
older their looks become more important to them.
Research Method
In this chapter, the researcher will describe the method that they're going to use in the study.
The methodology is used to prove and examine that makeup can really help people to boost the
confidence when they are communicating and interacting with different people. The methodology
will talk about how the researchers conduct their data collection and how they chose their
respondents to participate in the study.

Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that is used to describe how human beings
experience a certain phenomenon. A phenomenological study attempts to set aside biases and
preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings, and responses to a particular
situation. It allows the researcher to delve into the perceptions, perspectives, understandings, and
feelings of those people who have actually experienced or lived the phenomenon or situation of
interest. Therefore, phenomenology can be defined as the direct investigation and description of
phenomena as consciously experienced by people living those experiences (Phenomenology
Research Overview, n. d.). The researchers chose phenomenological research method because it
identifies phenomena on how they are perceived by the female students who are using makeup.
Phenomenological research was used by the researchers because they are after the experiences
and perceptions of the female students of senior high on putting makeup on to boost their self-
Research Locale
The Effects of Wearing Make Up on the Confidence Level of the Students at ATEC
Technological College

Research Participants
The target number was consisted of 10 respondents. The respondents of the study were the in
Senior High, aged 16 and above, of ATEC Technological College during the school year 2022-
2023. All respondents using online business through social media.

Research Instruments
In this study, the researcher will be using questionnaire. The questionnaire is a set of orderly
arranged questions carefully prepared to answer by a group of people designed to collect facts
and information. The questionnaire consists of the following Research Title, Name of the
respondents, Age, Grade, and Section. The researcher used Google Form in the survey
questionnaire to specify the agreement of the respondents to the statement.

Data Gathering Procedure

The research instrument prepared by the researcher which is the modified questionnaire. The
online survey questionnaire was given to the given target respondents. The target respondents are
the grade 11 students in ATEC Technological College.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether wearing makeup directly affects a woman’s
personal image as perceived by her. This study provided information regarding the average use of
makeup and impacts on feelings of confidence and desirability. A survey was administered to
female students at ATEC Technological College in order to obtain the necessary data.

Data Analysis Method

Participants in the study provide answer to the question on why students wear make-up.

Data Presentation

Question Response

1. Why do you wear make-up? To enhance features

It gives confidence

To look “put together”

Interpretation of data
The participants respond to the question based on their personal reason for wearing make-up.

Data Presentation

Questions Response

Does not wearing make-up make women self- Yes




Interpretation of data
The participants responded to the question based on whether not wearing make- up make women
self-conscious the answers were “Yes”, “Maybe”, and “No”.

Data Presentation

Question Response

Attending special events

3. When do you usually apply makeup?
When going to school

when there is nothing to do

Interpretation of data
The participants responded to questions about when do you usually apply make-up.


This chapter includes the summary of findings that the researchers have analyzed, documented
conclusion and recommendation that will help in enhancing students writing quality, in upgrading
the curriculum and for the future researches.

Summary of Findings
The purpose of this study was to know how cosmetic products affect the self-esteem of the
students. This study specifically focused on gaining information from the selected grade 11
students of ATEC Technological College SY: 2022-2023 through the help of questionnaire and
one-on-one interview to know if the wearer boosts their confidence. Majority of the respondents'
reason why there are using cosmetic products it can boost their self-confidence and enhance their
physical appearance. When they are not allowed to use cosmetic products feel uncomfortable and
it can affect to their self-confidence. Majority of them respond that when they are putting make-
up on their face cosmetic products help them boost. It may include that the cosmetic products
provide to the wearer a confidence.

It may conclude that the common reasons of wearing cosmetic products are to boost the
confidence of the users and it helps to increase the self-assurance and physical appearance. It may
include that the cosmetic products can provide a certain amount of self-confidence to the wearer.
It may include that the cosmetic products boost the self-assurance and self- confidence to the

1. Since the study focus only on the grade 11 of ATEC Technological College, future researchers
should be performing broad scale possibly using multiple grades across the school. And also,
should be done in this area comparing cultural background and its influence on the results since
the study was focused on primarily.
2. Since this study focused on senior high school students, future researchers should be performed
using participants of varying age and background.
3. Since the respondents of this study are the students, this study provides the information that
can help them to boost their self-confidence.
4. The outcome of the study is beneficial to the present researchers, in providing them the
information on what skills and competency will they need to improve.

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Montero S. (2017) The reasons why women wear makeup. Taken from

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Beyond ‘lipstick effect’: Can wearing makeup boost cognition along with confidence?
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Taken from

Teenage Makeup Habits Revealed ( n.d.) Taken from


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