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The picture describes how to manufacture the coffee for trade in

supermarkets and shops.

Overall, the linear process of the coffee production consists of eleven
stages, beginning with the harvest from the coffee trees and ending
with the conservation of the finished products.
First, the ripe fruits were gathered from the coffee trees, and then
these were basked under the sun for drying. Next, people bring coffee
beans to cook before these were chilled quickly. After that, these cold
beans were pounded into the powder form, and then they were mixed
with the water at high temperatures. Following this, these were
percolated through a filter net.
After the seven stages, the mixed liquid continually was cooled into the
ice, which was crushed. In the following step, people separate the
water from the coffee by a vacuum. Finally, these powders were
canned into the glass containers, and the process is complete.
It would be argued by some that art is a time-consuming subject for
pupils in the educational environment. In my opinion, however, it plays
a crucial role for students.
On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some believe that
studying art is a useless time-spending way. The first reason is the
requirements of numerous time of practice. This means that art
accounts for a huge interval in children’s day so it causes a reduction in
the learning quality of other subjects. Next, another reason is art
depends on the gift of the brain. This can be exemplified in the case of
some students good at science-related subjects, they do not tend to
pay attention art and therefore their mark is really bad in this subject.
Despite the above-mentioned disadvantages, I believe that art is
beneficial for learners. Firstly, art helps people develop the abilities of
the brain. This is because studying art would form the foundations for
inventive thinking and create a vivid imagination as well. Secondly, art
is also a subject which is adopted in several majors of universities. This
means that art would help students have adequate knowledge in order
to learn a number of subjects such as Architecture, Graphics design or
Fashion design.
In conclusion, while there are many drawbacks regarding art subjects in
school, I still believe that it is more advantageous to study art because
it has vital meanings for the development of the brain. It is advisable
that parents along with teachers should have proper measures for
children in near future.

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