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FaQ: - Table of Contents

Inquriry Response Status Notes:

What is R.O.W.E.? R.O.W.E. is an acronym "Rayquaza's.Open.World.Emerald." and is an Open World Version of PokéMon Emerald (Gen 8, Following PokéMon, Costumes, Regional Forms, Daily Rematches and much, much more) Up to Date as This is the Google Doc for R.O.W.E, it contains the all the current info for R.O.W.E.
What's a FaQ or what does it mean? FaQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". Its a feature on most Websites, containing Answers to common Questions that get asked a lot. This helps to reduce clutter and free up Staff's/Moderator's time. of July 15 2023 We Strongly Advise that you're playing on a Trashman Rom you Patched yourself. NEVER use a Pre-
Version Patched version from a website like PokeHarbor or any other website. Instead please refer to the Guide
Is there/will Gen 9 be addded? No
What's the best Cheats for this Rom-Hack? None, Cheats have been shut off. Please refer to the FaQ Hyperlinked all
What Legendaries are included? Check out the Legendary PokéMon List Tab here in the Doc the Tabs here
to their Please Try and refer to this Doc or the FaQ on Discord before posting an Inquiry to Discord. If you can't
respective seem to find the information. First "Scroll Out" or change the "Page Size/Zoom" and check if that
Tabs. sections has "Notes:" or if it's listed in that sections FaQ.

Doc Index What Information it contains

Index Page This Tells you where and what each section of The Doc covers.
Resources This file links you to some resources that may help you with the game.
Freqently Asked Questions This is a Copy of the FaQ from Discord
Known Bugs This file tells you the bugs that were found in the game and some workaround or reason for it if its known.
Different Modes This file tells you what every mode does, it also includes the different difficult option so you know how you want to play before starting.
Important NPCs This tells you where to find every Important NPC in the game and what it does.
Important Trainer Locations This file tells you where to find The Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Wally, Steven, and Red.
Important Trainer List You can see some information regarding the Gym Leader Teams here.
PokéMon Locations This file tells you where to find every PokéMon in the game and what you need, go here first if you want to know where to find any PokéMon and it will refer you to the correct area where you can find its location.
Legendary PokéMon List This file tells you where you can find every obtainable Legendary PokéMon in the game.
Special PokéMon List This file tells you what special PokéMon you can get from trade, in static encounters or as a gift and where to find them.
Wild Encounter Tables This file tells you were every wild PokéMon is located and what method you need to find them.
Evolution Data You can see here how to know the evolution method of all the PokéMon in the game.
Base Stats, Abilities , Held Items and More *Note 🚧 Under Construction 🚧, *Coming Soon* The info is still avaliable via a link to a past version of the Doc
Signature Move List This file tells you all the changes that happen when an specific PokéMon use some specific moves, this may go from a simple bp change to something more radical like using the speed stat for the damage calculation.
PokéMon Changes You can see every change done to PokéMon stats, Abilities and Moves here, this can be disabled in Vanilla Mode (the move changes are kept in vanilla mode too) *Note 🚧 Under Construction 🚧, *Coming Soon* The info is still
avaliable via a link to a past version of the Doc
Important Items Locations This file tells you were to find some specific Items that may help a lot on your adventure, this includes key items and Mega Stones.
TMs Locations This file tells you were to find every Technical Machine in the game along with some information of that move.
New Ability/Item List This file tells you all the custom abilities/items added in R.O.W.E. and what they do.
Move/Ability/Item Modifications This file tells you what moves/abilities/items were changed and what they do now.
Exiolite Information This tells you what Exiolte is and how it functions.
Geography Info on all the Routes, Towns, Cities and Dungeons.
Achievement Data You can see how to unlock all the achievements in the game here if you don't want to figure them out. [this was made by the users Ray the Gaming Squirrel#0844 on the Discord server with help of the community]
PokéMon R.O.W.E.- Resources
FaQ: Notes:

Resource Links
Pokecommunity Link:
R.O.W.E. Web Patcher:
R.O.W.E. Transfer Tool:éMon%20ROWE%20Transfer%20Tool.7z
Latest Patch(I strongly recommend using the Web Patcher first):é
Patching Guide step by step:
DexNav Information
Old Documentation for download:é
Past Version Doc Evolution Data Doc
Past Version Doc Exiolite Information
Past Version Doc Important Trainer List
Inquery Response Status Notes:
Where can I find cheats for this game? ● Cheats wont work in this game, the code between this game and Vanilla Emerald is really different so any cheat you use Up to date as of This is a copy of the FaQ on Discord, as that gets updated so will this section.
wo'nt work so don't even try, if you ask for Cheats in Discord your post will be ignored and deleted. July 18 2023
Where can I Find X Evolution Stone/Item? ● All the evolution items are sold in Lilycove Dept after you get 4 Badges.

Is every PokéMon available in this game? ● Every PokéMon up to gen 8 are available in this game, the only exeptions are Mythicals and Legendaries but all the
other PokéMon are obtainable in game somehow.

What is the Surprise Me Option in the starter selection? ● It gives you any First Stage PokéMon randomly the only exeptions are Mythicals and Legendaries.

How can I Mega Evolve in this game? ● By pressing Start in the move screen with a PokéMon that can Mega Evolve holding its Mega Stone after you have the

How can I evolve PokéMon that evolve by trade? ● Go to the Tradeback Guy house in Slateport and chose the PokéMon that you want to trade.
How can I Wonder Trade in this game? ● Go to any PokéMon Center and talk to the Blue-Haired Nurse next to Nurse Joy.

Is there any Egg Move Tutor? ● Yes, it can be found in any PokéMon Center next to the Nurse Joy, you need 6 Badgesand will cost 8k
per move.

Can I change my PokéMon Abilities/Natures? ● Yes, but you need an Ability Capsule/Patch or a Nature Mint Ability Capsule/Nature Mints: Can be bought in Oldale Town in
the house behind the PokéMon Center Ability Patch (Changes your PokéMon Ability to its Hidden Ability):From the Man in
Pacifidlog Town in exchange for 1 Yellow Shard and in the Battle Tents as rewards.

Where can I find [PokéMon]? ● Check the Wild PokéMon Locations file that comes with the Patch or can be found in the Wild Encounter Tables Tab.

How can I evolve [PokéMon]? ● The in-game PokéDex tells you how to evolve every PokéMon in the game, take a look there.
(Thanks to TheXaman for the beautiful PokéDex full of features)

What is the shiny rate in this game? ● The same shiny rate as Vanilla Emerald but you can get a shiny charm that doubles those chances after you get your
8th Badge.

Why is the DexNav not in the start menu? ● You are in an area where there are no wild PokéMon.

How can I get the Hidden PokéMon? ● After each 100 steps you get a PokéMon notification from the DexNav press ( A ) hile walking to be able
to fight it, there is a possibility that its a hidden PokéMon.

Are my saves compatible with future versions? ● Yes, they are compatible if that changes at some point I will notify everyone. Rioluwott

How can I change Rotom Forms? ● By talking to the box in the Bike Store

How can I Patch the Game? ● 1 Get your own PokéMon Emerald Rom(1986 PokéMon Emerald (U)(Trash Man)) MD5 -
2 Open NUPS.exe
3 Select Apply an UPS patch to a file
4 Browse for your rom on the File to patch part and the PokéMon in the ups patch part
5 Hit patch
6 Check that your new rom MD5 is 9306415069BCC9186A72239177B8FF48
7 Done

What Mythicals/Legendaries are obtainable? ● Articuno,Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Entei, Ho-oh, Lugia, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Latios, Latias, Groudon,
Kyogre, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Azelf, Heatran, Shaymin, Terrakion, Diancie and Volcanion.

My game crashes a lot or gets a Black Screen, any way to fix this? ● Check that you are using one of the supported emulators
PC: mGBA Android: My Boy! and Pizzaboy GBA
3DS: Virtual Console Injection(with NSUI not GBA Ultimate Injector), mGBA and open_agb_firm
Vita: mGBA standalone emulator Switch: mGBA standalone emulator
IOS OpenEMU with mGBA core, Other: Retroarch with mGBA core
Other emulators will probably crash so don't use them, Emulators that are known to crash a lot are:
-John GBA -No$GBA -VBA-M
-VBA GX -gPSP -GBArunner2
-Delta Emulator(IOS)

Why won't my PokéMon evolve after reaching the evolution criteria? ● Check that you haven't used an Exiolite on that specific PokéMon and the PokéMon isn't holding an Eveolite as in this
game, changed it to make it work similar to an Everstone. Also check that the PokéMon
evolution is not different in this game since some of them were changed, check the in-game PokéDex for more
information, and make sure you are not in the "No-Evolution Mode"

How do I "update my game without losing progress"? ● Go through the patching process again with a new clean version of the trashman rom, then rename your
.sav so it has the same name for example:.
PokéMon_ROWE(1).GBA and PokéMon_ROWE(1).sav

Will you add more Boxes in the future since the current number of ● No, I will not add more boxes at any point. This is because the Gameboy Advance hardware
boxes is not enough for a Living Dex? (And all the GBA emulators) has a limit for the size of the save data that its already at its limit and since
the PokéMon structure is really big it's not possible to add any boxes since it would cause an overflow of
data and the Box data would corrupt every PokéMon on your PC upon saving or loading your save file.
There is a tool called PokéMon ROWE Transfer Tool(available in the Patcher site) that should help you
to backup your PokéMon as.pkm files so you can save them in your computer if you fill your boxes
or you want to transfer them to any other save file.
When will Gen 9+/Husian Mons will come to the game? Eveolite as this
Sword and Shield release!!!

Why does every cry in the game sound the same? ● They were removed to make space for more stuff since the GBA cartidge can only go up to 32mb, the
cries use around 16mb so they were removed to make space for more features and content. If you don't
want to hear the same cries you can disable them in the options by changing the "Use generic cry"
option to off.

Is Specific [Shiny PokéMon] locked? ● No, there are no shiny locked PokéMon only the starters because they have a set nature and always
have the same personality.
FaQ: - Known Bugs
Inquiry Response

Can cause crashes? Bug Workaround Reason

Sometimes the game changes your trainer name Input the Konami Code in the start menu to change your Trainer name Unknown, if you know why it happens reach me out in Discord
PokéDex changes modes sometimes and shows an empty dex Change the PokéDex mode to National if this happens Unknown
Summary screen sometimes shows the wrong type for moves when you learn from level up while in battle Unknown
Sometimes the Follower is shown while diving Known
A little graphical error may happen when you defeat Norman Unknown
Evolution for the regional variants of some PokéMon are not listed in the Pokédex
Sometimes some NPC or following PokéMon wont have a shadow Known
Sometimes a shadow appears out of nowhere when you don't have a follower(while surfing for example) Known
Stealth Rock freezes when a PokéMon that gets x4 by rock type its sent out and hurt by the rocks Unknown
Some graphical errors may happen after a Mega evolved PokéMon faints Unknown
Ditto being sent out in Double-Battles glitches out the fight into an endless loop. Reset your GBA/Emulator go back to your previous save, or Save States. Avoid Double-Battles w/Ditto "Imposter" Ability Endlessly Loops

You can report bugs using this link:
FaQ: - Game Modes/Options
Status Notes:

Toggleable Name Description

Inverse Mode Inverted type chart(search Inverse Battles in Bulbapedia)
Double Battle Mode Every battle its a Double battle.
Perfect Ivs Mode Every PokéMon has perfect IVs,for both the player and the enemy.
No Evs Mode Every PokéMon has no Evs,for both the player and the enemy.
Gym Shuffle Mode The Gyms are moved to different locations depending on your save file, for example you may find Juan in Rustboro or Flannery in Petalburg.
Randomized Mode The wild tables are randomized, each save is different than the other and trainers will change accordingly.
No Evolution Mode You can not evolve any PokéMon, you can't use exiolite/eviolite and some items like deep sea tooth, this goes for the enemy trainers too.
Random Party Mode Every battle randomizes your team and the enemy PokéMon are always random, this does not modify your team PID so if you find a Shiny it will always be.
Leveless Mode Scales your PokéMon stats to your badge counts rather than using their levels, you can also remember moves depending on your Badges, this applies to the enemy too.
No PSS Mode Removes the Physical-Special split added in gen 4.
Vanilla Mode Removes every stat/type/ability change made for this game on that specific save.

Difficulty Options
Hard Mode
Smarter AI
The Level of the Trainer and Wild PokéMon is Higher than in Normal/Easy Mode.
Battle Mode is always set to "Set".
Trainers will have more PokéMon early in the game.
This mode has PokéMon Clover level Cap, making you unable to get over the next Boss Ace level.
Gym Leaders PokéMon number scales depending on the number of PokéMon on your team on the first fights.
You can`t use items on a Trainer battles.
You can't see the level of some Boss Trainer PokéMon
You can't save while in the elite four rooms
There are power caps for moves, moves that are strong early on get powered down for both the player and the enemy mons
Regular trainers may have random EVs after a certain number of Badges
You may have some bonuses from playing on this mode.

Normal Mode
The AI is smarter than in Easy Mode.
The Level of the Trainer and Wild PokéMon is Higher than in Easy Mode.
Trainers will have more PokéMon early in the game.
Your PokéMon will not gain stats after they reach a level cap but you can get new moves and evolve, after you get your next badge your PokéMon stats will go back to normal
There are power caps for moves, moves that are strong early on get powered down for both the player andthe enemy mons

Easy Mode
The game is easier
There are no level caps
The AI should be dumber
There is no power caps and trainers should have worse movesets early on

Level Caps
0 Badges 16
1 Badges 23
2 Badges 29
3 Badges 36
4 Badges 43
5 Badges 51
6 Badges 57
7 Badges 69
8 Badges 77
After Beating Rayquaza 100
FaQ: - Important NPCs Locations
Inquiry Response Status Notes:
Up to date as of
July 18 2023
Pictures have
been added to
make it easier to

Name Location What does it do Requirements identify location.

Tradeback Guy In a house south of the Contest Hall in Slateport City This NPC Helps you with trade evolutions None

Blue Nurse In every PokéMon Center next to the Nurse Joy Name Rater/Move Relearner/Move Deleter/Wonder Trade/Move tutor/Costume ChangerDepends on what you need(Move tutors are locked before some Badges)

Double Battle Mode Enabler/Disabler In the same house as the Tradeback Guy This NPC Helps you to Disable or Enable double battle mode None

Water Starter Old Man Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store Gives you a Water Starter in exchange of 2 Blue Shards 2 Blue Shards

Fire Starter Old Man Hot Springs in Lavaridge City Gives you a Fire Starter in exchange of 2 Fire Shards 2 Red Shards

Grass Starters Maniac The third house in Fortree City(The one above the Gym) Gives you a Grass Starter in exchange of 2 Grass Shards 2 Green Shards

Fossil Reviver Scientist In the second floor in Devon Corporation Revives your Fossils A fossil

Egg Gift Lady South of the Hot Springs in Lavaridge Town Gives you a Togepi Egg None

Porygon Scientist Second Level of the Devon Corp Building Gives You Porygon None

Poké Ball Seal NPC First Level of the Devon Corp Building Let's Change the Design of the Poké Ball a PokéMon is in
FaQ: - Important Trainer Locations
Inquiry Response Status: Notes:

Name Location What does it do Requirements

Gym Leader Roxanne Rustboro City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Stone Badge when you defeat her.

Gym Leader Brawly Dewford Town PokéMon Gym Gives you the Knuckle Badge when you defeat him

Gym Leader Watson Mauville City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Dynamo Badge when you defeat him.

Gym Leader Flannery Lavaridge Town PokéMon Gym Gives you the Heat Badge when you defeat her.

Gym Leader Norman Peatalburg City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Balance Badge when you defeat him.

Gym Leader Winona Fortree City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Feather Badge when you defeat her.

Gym Leaders Tate & Liza Mossdeep City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Mind Badge when you defeat them.

Gym Leader Juan Sootopolis City PokéMon Gym Gives you the Rain Badge when you defat him.

PkMn Trainer Wally Victory Road

Elite Four Sydney

Elite Four Pheobe

Elite Four Glacia

Elite Four Drake

Hoenn League Champion Wallace

Former Champion Steven Meteror Falls, after you're Champ

Legendary Trainer Red Shoal Cave after you defeat Steven

Important Trainer List
Inquiry Response Status Notes:
● This will only list their first Battle, not the Rematches
● Pokemon stages vary depending on your badge count so you will likely see a lot
Up to date as of of their First Stage Evo's on this list.
July 21 2023,
Version ● Trainer Movesets, Items, Levels and Abilities vary depending on your badge
count and Difficulty level so they won’t be listed here.
● The following encounters are not present in R.O.W.E.

Trainer Team Mega Location Brendan/May N/A (Route 103)

Roggenrola Brendan/May N/A (Route 104)

Tyrunt Brendan/May N/A (Route 110)

Kabuto Wally N/A (Mauville)

Rustboro City

Archen Brendan/May N/A (Route 119)

Aron Brendan/May N/A (Lilycove)

Gym Leader
Nosepass Steven N/A (Space Center)



Dewford Town


Gym Leader



Mauville City



Gym Leader



Lavaridge Town
Lavaridge Town



Gym Leader



Petalburg City


Gym Leader



Fortree City



Gym Leader

Indeedee (M)

Indeedee (F)

Mossdeep City



Gym Leaders
Tate & Liza



Sootopolis City



Gym Leader


Azumarill Victory Road


PkMn Trainer



Malamar Pokémon League


Elite Four


Marowak (Alola)

Pokémon League


Elite Four

Ninetails (Alola)


Pokémon League

Darmanitan (Galar)


Elite Four



Pokémon League



Elite Four


Pokémon League





Meteor Falls (after
becoming the





Shoal Cave (after
beating Steven)


Pokemon Pikachu
Trainer Red
FaQ: -PokeMon Locations
Inquiry Response Status Notes:
Hyperlinks to Bulbapedia are for Basic Research purposes only, and are NOT an active reflection of
Stats, Base Stats, or at what Level they learn a certain Move in R.O.W.E.

Obtainable Pokémon Location Information

Bulbasaur From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMon Locations area in this Doc

Ivysaur Evolution

Venusaur Evolution

Charmander From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMon Locations area in this Doc

Charmeleon Evolution

Charizard Evolution

Squirtle From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMon Locations area in this Doc

Wartortle Evolution

Blastoise Evolution

Caterpie Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Metapod Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Butterfree Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Weedle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kakuna Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Beedrill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pidgey Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pidgeotto Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pidgeot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rattata Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Raticate Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spearow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Fearow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ekans Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Arbok Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pikachu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Raichu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sandshrew Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sandslash Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidoran F Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidorina Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidoqueen Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidoran M Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidorino Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nidoking Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clefairy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clefable Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vulpix Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ninetales Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jigglypuff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wigglytuff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zubat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golbat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Oddish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vileplume Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Paras Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Parasect Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Venonat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Venomoth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Diglett Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dugtrio Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Meowth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Persian Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Psyduck Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golduck Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mankey Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Primeape Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Growlithe Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Arcanine Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Poliwag Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Poliwhirl Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Poliwrath Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Abra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kadabra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Alakazam Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Machop Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Machoke Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Machamp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bellsprout Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Weepinbell Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Victreebel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tentacool Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tentacruel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Geodude Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Graveler Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golem Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ponyta Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rapidash Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slowpoke Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slowbro Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magnemite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magneton Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Farfetchd Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Doduo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dodrio Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dewgong Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grimer Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Muk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shellder Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cloyster Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gastly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Haunter Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gengar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Onix Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drowzee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hypno Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Krabby Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kingler Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Voltorb Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Electrode Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Exeggcute Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Exeggutor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cubone Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Marowak Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hitmonlee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hitmonchan Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lickitung Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Koffing Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Weezing Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rhyhorn Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rhydon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chansey Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tangela Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kangaskhan Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Horsea Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seadra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Goldeen Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seaking Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Staryu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Starmie Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mr Mime Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scyther Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jynx Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Electabuzz Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magmar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pinsir Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tauros Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magikarp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gyarados Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lapras Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ditto Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eevee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vaporeon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jolteon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Flareon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Porygon Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Omanyte Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Omastar Evolution

Kabuto Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Kabutops Evolution

Aerodactyl Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Snorlax Static Encounter / Evolve Munchlax Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Articuno Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zapdos Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Moltres Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dratini Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dragonair Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dragonite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mewtwo Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mew Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chikorita From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Bayleef Evolution

Meganium Evolution

Cyndaquil From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Quilava Evolution

Typhlosion Evolution

Totodile From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Croconaw Evolution

Feraligatr Evolution

Sentret Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Furret Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hoothoot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Noctowl Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ledyba Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ledian Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spinarak Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ariados Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Crobat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chinchou Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lanturn Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pichu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cleffa Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Igglybuff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Togepi Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Togetic Evolution

Natu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Xatu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mareep Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Flaaffy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ampharos Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bellossom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Marill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Azumarill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sudowoodo Static Encounter Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Politoed Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hoppip Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skiploom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jumpluff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Aipom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sunkern Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sunflora Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Yanma Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wooper Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Quagsire Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Espeon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Umbreon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Murkrow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slowking Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Misdreavus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Unown Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wobbuffet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Girafarig Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pineco Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Forretress Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dunsparce Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gligar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Steelix Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Snubbull Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Granbull Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Qwilfish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scizor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shuckle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Heracross Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sneasel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Teddiursa Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ursaring Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slugma Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magcargo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swinub Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Piloswine Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Corsola Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Remoraid Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Octillery Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Delibird Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mantine Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skarmory Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Houndour Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Houndoom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kingdra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Phanpy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Donphan Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Porygon Evolution

Stantler Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Smeargle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tyrogue Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hitmontop Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Smoochum Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Elekid Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magby Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Miltank Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Blissey Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Raikou Trade from Vanilla Gen 3 Games Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Entei Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Suicune Trade from Vanilla Gen 3 Games Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Larvitar Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pupitar Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tyranitar Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lugia Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ho-Oh Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Celebi Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Treecko From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Grovyle Evolution

Sceptile Evolution

Torchic From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Combusken Evolution

Blaziken Evolution

Mudkip From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Marshtomp Evolution

Swampert Evolution

Poochyena Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mightyena Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zigzagoon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Linoone Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wurmple Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Silcoon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Beautifly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cascoon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dustox Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lotad Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lombre Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ludicolo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seedot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nuzleaf Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shiftry Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Taillow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swellow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wingull Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pelipper Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ralts Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kirlia Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gardevoir Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Surskit Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Masquerain Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shroomish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Breloom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slakoth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vigoroth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slaking Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nincada Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ninjask Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shedinja Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Whismur Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Loudred Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Exploud Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Makuhita Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hariyama Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Azurill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nosepass Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skitty Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Delcatty Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sableye Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mawile Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Aron Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lairon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Aggron Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Meditite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Medicham Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Electrike Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Manectric Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Plusle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Minun Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Volbeat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Illumise Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Roselia Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gulpin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swalot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Carvanha Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sharpedo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wailmer Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wailord Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Numel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Camerupt Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Torkoal Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spoink Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grumpig Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spinda Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Trapinch Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vibrava Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Flygon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cacnea Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cacturne Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swablu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Altaria Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zangoose Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seviper Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lunatone Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Solrock Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Barboach Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Whiscash Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Corphish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Crawdaunt Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Baltoy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Claydol Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lileep Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Cradily Evolution

Anorith Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Armaldo Evolution

Feebas Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Milotic Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Castform Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kecleon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shuppet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Banette Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Duskull Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dusclops Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tropius Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chimecho Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Absol Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wynaut Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Snorunt Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Glalie Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spheal Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sealeo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Walrein Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clamperl Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Huntail Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gorebyss Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Relicanth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Luvdisc Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bagon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shelgon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Salamence Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Beldum Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Metang Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Metagross Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Regirock Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Regice Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Registeel Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Latias Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Latios Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kyogre Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Groudon Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rayquaza Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jirachi Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Deoxys Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Turtwig From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Grotle Evolution

Torterra Evolution

Chimchar From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Monferno Evolution

Infernape Evolution

Piplup From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Prinplup Evolution

Empoleon Evolution

Starly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Staravia Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Staraptor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bidoof Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bibarel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kricketot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kricketune Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shinx Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Luxio Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Luxray Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Budew Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Roserade Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cranidos Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Rampardos Evolution

Shieldon Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Bastiodon Evolution

Burmy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wormadam Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mothim Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Combee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vespiquen Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pachirisu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Buizel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Floatzel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cherubi Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cherrim Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shellos Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gastrodon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ambipom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drifloon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drifblim Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Buneary Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lopunny Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mismagius Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Honchkrow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Glameow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Purugly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chingling Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stunky Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skuntank Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bronzor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bronzong Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bonsly Static Encounter Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Mimejr Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Happiny Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chatot Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spiritomb Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gible Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gabite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Garchomp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Munchlax Static Encounter Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Riolu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lucario Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hippopotas Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hippowdon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skorupi Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drapion Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Croagunk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Toxicroak Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Carnivine Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Finneon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lumineon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mantyke Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Snover Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Abomasnow Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Weavile Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magnezone Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lickilicky Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rhyperior Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tangrowth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Electivire Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magmortar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Togekiss Evolution

Yanmega Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Leafeon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Glaceon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gliscor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mamoswine Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Porygon Z Evolution

Gallade Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Probopass Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dusknoir Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Froslass Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rotom Static Encounter Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Uxie Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mesprit Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Azelf Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dialga Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Palkia Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Heatran Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Regigigas Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Giratina Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cresselia Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Phione Roamer on Hoenn Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document
Manaphy Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Darkrai Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shaymin Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Arceus Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Victini Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Snivy From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Servine Evolution

Serperior Evolution

Tepig From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Pignite Evolution

Emboar Evolution

Oshawott From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Dewott Evolution

Samurott Evolution

Patrat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Watchog Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lillipup Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Herdier Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stoutland Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Purrloin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Liepard Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pansage Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Simisage Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pansear Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Simisear Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Panpour Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Simipour Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Munna Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Musharna Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pidove Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tranquill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Unfezant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Blitzle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zebstrika Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Roggenrola Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Boldore Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gigalith Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Woobat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swoobat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drilbur Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Excadrill Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Audino Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Timburr Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gurdurr Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Conkeldurr Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tympole Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Palpitoad Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Seismitoad Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Throh Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sawk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sewaddle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swadloon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Leavanny Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Venipede Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Whirlipede Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scolipede Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cottonee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Whimsicott Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Petilil Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lilligant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Basculin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sandile Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Krokorok Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Krookodile Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Darumaka Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Darmanitan Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Maractus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dwebble Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Crustle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scraggy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scrafty Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sigilyph Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Yamask Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cofagrigus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tirtouga Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Carracosta Evolution
Archen Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Archeops Evolution

Trubbish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Garbodor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zorua Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zoroark Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Minccino Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cinccino Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gothita Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gothorita Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gothitelle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Solosis Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Duosion Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Reuniclus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ducklett Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swanna Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vanillite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vanillish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vanilluxe Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Deerling Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sawsbuck Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Emolga Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Karrablast Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Escavalier Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Foongus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Amoonguss Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Frillish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jellicent Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Alomomola Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Joltik Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Galvantula Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ferroseed Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ferrothorn Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Klink Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Klang Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Klinklang Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tynamo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eelektrik Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eelektross Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Elgyem Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Beheeyem Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Litwick Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lampent Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chandelure Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Axew Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Fraxure Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Haxorus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cubchoo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Beartic Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cryogonal Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shelmet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Accelgor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stunfisk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mienfoo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mienshao Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Druddigon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golett Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golurk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pawniard Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bisharp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bouffalant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rufflet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Braviary Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vullaby Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mandibuzz Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Heatmor Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Durant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Deino Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zweilous Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hydreigon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Larvesta Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Volcarona Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cobalion Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Terrakion Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Virizion Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tornadus Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Thundurus Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Reshiram Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zekrom Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Landorus Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kyurem Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Keldeo Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Meloetta Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Genesect Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chespin From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Quilladin Evolution

Chesnaught Evolution

Fennekin From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Braixen Evolution

Delphox Evolution

Froakie From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Frogadier Evolution

Greninja Evolution

Bunnelby Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Diggersby Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Fletchling Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Fletchinder Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Talonflame Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Scatterbug Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spewpa Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vivillon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Litleo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pyroar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Flabebe Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Floette Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Florges Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skiddo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gogoat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pancham Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pangoro Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Furfrou Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Espurr Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Meowstic Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Honedge Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Doublade Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Aegislash Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spritzee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Aromatisse Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Swirlix Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Slurpuff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Inkay Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Malamar Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Binacle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Barbaracle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Skrelp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dragalge Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clauncher Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clawitzer Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Helioptile Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Heliolisk Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tyrunt Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Tyrantrum Evolution

Amaura Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Aurorus Evolution

Sylveon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hawlucha Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dedenne Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Carbink Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Goomy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sliggoo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Goodra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Klefki Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Phantump Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Trevenant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pumpkaboo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gourgeist Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bergmite Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Avalugg Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Noibat Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Noivern Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Xerneas Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Yveltal Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zygarde Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Diancie Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hoopa Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Volcanion Static Encounter Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rowlet From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Dartrix Evolution

Decidueye Evolution

Litten From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Torracat Evolution

Incineroar Evolution

Popplio From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Brionne Evolution

Primarina Evolution

Pikipek Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Trumbeak Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Toucannon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Yungoos Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gumshoos Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grubbin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Charjabug Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Vikavolt Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Crabrawler Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Crabominable Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Oricorio Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cutiefly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Ribombee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rockruff Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lycanroc Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wishiwashi Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mareanie Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Toxapex Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mudbray Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mudsdale Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dewpider Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Araquanid Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Fomantis Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lurantis Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Morelull Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Shiinotic Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Salandit Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Salazzle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stufful Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bewear Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bounsweet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Steenee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tsareena Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Comfey Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Oranguru Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Passimian Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wimpod Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Golisopod Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sandygast Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Palossand Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pyukumuku Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Type:Null Gift Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Silvally Evolution

Minior Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Komala Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Turtonator Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Togedemaru Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mimikyu Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Bruxish Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drampa Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dhelmise Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Jangmo-O Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hakamo-O Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kommo-O Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tapu Koko Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tapu Lele Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tapu Bulu Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Tapu Fini Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cosmog Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cosmoem Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Solgaleo Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Lunala Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nihilego Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Buzzwole Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pheromosa Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Xurkitree Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Celesteela Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kartana Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Guzzlord Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Necrozma Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Magearna Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Marshadow Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Poipole Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Naganadel Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stakataka Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Blacephalon Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zeraora Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Meltan Wild Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Melmetal Evolve Meltan Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grookey From the Grass Starters Maniac Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Thwackey Evolution

Rillaboom Evolution

Scorbunny From the Fire Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Raboot Evolution

Cinderace Evolution

Sobble From the Water Starter Old Man Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Drizzile Evolution

Inteleon Evolution

Skwovet Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Greedent Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rookidee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Corvisquire Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Corviknight Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Blipbug Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dottler Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Orbeetle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Nickit Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Thievul Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Gossifleur Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eldegoss Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Wooloo Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dubwool Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Chewtle Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drednaw Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Yamper Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Boltund Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Rolycoly Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Carkol Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Coalossal Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Applin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Flapple Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Appletun Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Silicobra Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sandaconda Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cramorant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Arrokuda Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Barraskewda Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Toxel Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Toxtricity Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sizzlipede Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Centiskorch Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Clobbopus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grapploct Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sinistea Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Polteageist Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hatenna Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hattrem Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Hatterene Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Impidimp Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Morgrem Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Grimmsnarl Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Obstagoon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Perrserker Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cursola Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Sirfetchd Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Mr Rime Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Runerigus Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Milcery Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Alcremie Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Falinks Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Pincurchin Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Snom Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Frosmoth Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Stonjourner Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eiscue Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Indeedee Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Morpeko Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Cufant Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Copperajah Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dracozolt Trade/Wild Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Arctozolt Trade/Wild Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Dracovish Trade/Wild Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Arctovish Trade/Wild Go to the Special PokéMonLocations area in this Document

Duraludon Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dreepy Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Drakloak Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Dragapult Wild Go to the Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zacian Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zamazenta Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Eternatus Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Kubfu Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Urshifu Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Zarude Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Regieleki Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Regidrago Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Glastrier Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Spectrier Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

Calyrex Unobtainable Go to the Legendary Wild Encounter Table on this Document

FaQ: - Legendary PokéMon List
Inquiry Response Status Notes:

Obtainable PokéMon Location Requirements Information

Articuno Shoal Cave Beat the PokéMon League
Galarian Articuno
Zapdos Power Plant Beat the PokéMon League You can go to the Power Plant from a Portal in New Mauville
Galarian Zapdos
Moltres Mt.Ember Beat the PokéMon League
Galarian Moltres
Mewtwo Cerulean Cave Beat or catch Mew You can go to the Cerulean Cave from a Portal in Rusturf Tunnel
Mew Faraway Island Beat the PokéMon League You can to to Faraway Island from Lilycove/Slateport Harbor
Suicune Four Island Beat the PokéMon League
Raikou Trade from Vanilla Gen 3 Games
Entei Magma Hideout Beat the PokéMon League
Ho-oh Navel Rock Beat the PokéMon League You can to to Navel Rock from Lilycove/Slateport Harbor
Lugia Navel Rock Beat the PokéMon League You can to to Navel Rock from Lilycove/Slateport Harbor
Celebi Berry Forest Beat the PokéMon League
Regice Island Cave Beat the PokéMon League
Regirock Desert Ruins Beat the PokéMon League
Registeel Ancient Tomb Beat the PokéMon League
Latios Southern Island Beat the PokéMon League
Latias Southern Island Beat the PokéMon League
Groudon Magma Hideout Beat the PokéMon League
Kyogre Seafloor Cavern Beat the PokéMon League
Rayquaza Sky Pillar Beat Kyogre and Groudon
Jirachi Artisian Cave Beat the PokéMon League
Deoxys Birth Island Beat the PokéMon League You can to to Birth Island from Lilycove/Slateport Harbor
Uxie Unobtainable
Mesprit Unobtainable
Azelf Two Island Beat the PokéMon League Static Encounter
Dialga Unobtainable
Palkia Unobtainable
Heatran Scorched Slabs Beat the PokéMon League Static Encounter
Regigigas Unobtainable
Giratina Unobtainable
Cresselia Unobtainable
Phione Roamer Start of the Game Roamer on Hoenn
Manaphy Mystery Gift Unobtainable
Darkrai Unobtainable
Shaymin Petalburg Woods Beat the PokéMon League On a new area Right to the normal Petalburg Woods
Terrakion Oldale Ruins Beat the PokéMon League
Diancie Granite Cave Beat the PokéMon League It comes with its Mega Stone
Volcanion Magma Hideout Beat the PokéMon League
Type:Null Gift from Scientist in Devon's Corp Get 7 Badges From the same Scientist that gives you Porygon
Tapu Koko
Tapu Lele
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini
Poipole Roamer Get 8 Badges Obtainable via the ROWE Companion
Naganadel Evolve Poipole Obtain Poipole
Meltan Meteor Falls on Steven's Room Beat the PokéMon League It has 1% encounter rate and you can't find it with the DexNav but you can obtain multiple ones
Melmeltan Evolve Melmeltan Obtain Meltan You need 6 Meltans to evolve one
FaQ: - Wild Encounter Tables
Inquiry Response Status Notes:
Up to Date as of -Search for the first stage of the evolution line in this document since only they are listed (So you won’t find Pidgeotto or
July 14 2023 Pidgeot in this Document only Pidgey), depending on the number of Badgesyou have you may see their evolved forms in the wild so
Version you can still find them
-To speed up the process of searching of an specific mon use the Search Function that comes with your browser if you are using it
or the app you are using (On windows press Ctl + F to search)
-Alternatively you can use the search function in game by going to your PokéDex
--------------------------------------------------------- For Legendary and Mythical PokéMon go to the Legenday PokéMon Tab of this Doc
Route 101
Land Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
Hidden PokéMon
Route 102
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
Route 103
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
-Shellos (East Sea)
-Shellos (East Sea)
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Meowth (Alola)
-Shellos (East Sea)
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
-Meowth (Alola)
-Rattata (Alola)
Hidden PokéMon
Land Encounters
-Oricorio (Pau)
-Oricorio (Pau)
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
Headbutt Encounters
Route 105
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
-Stunfisk (Galar)
Route 110
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Shellos (East Sea)
Hidden PokéMon
Route 111
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
Route 112
Land Encounters
-Nidoran (Female)
Land Encounters Night
-Nidoran (Male)
Hidden PokéMon
Route 113
Land Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Meowth (Galar)
Route 114
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 116
Land Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Route 117
Land Encounters
-Rattata (Alola)
-Oricorio (Pom Pom)
-Oricorio (Pom Pom)
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Headbutt Encounters
Route 118
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 124
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Petalburg Woods
Land Encounters
Land Encounters Night
Hidden PokéMon
Headbutt Encounters
-Burmy (Sandy Cloak)
-Burmy (Trash Cloak)
Rusturf Tunnel
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Granite Cave 1f
Land Encounters
Granite Cave B1f
Land Encounters
Mt Pyre 1f
Land Encounters
Victory Road 1f
Land Encounters
Safari Zone South
Land Encounters
Underwater Route 126
Water Encounters
Abandoned Ship Rooms B1f
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Granite Cave B2f
Land Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
-Geodude (Alola)
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Fiery Path
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
-Grimer (Alola)
Meteor Falls B1f 2r
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Land Encounters
Route 106
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 107
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 108
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 109
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 115
Land Encounters
-Oricorio Sensu
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
New Mauville Inside
Land Encounters
Route 119
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 120
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 121
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Headbutt Encounters
Route 122
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 123
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Headbutt Encounters
Mt Pyre 2f
Land Encounters
Mt Pyre 3f
Land Encounters
-Yamask (Galar)
Mt Pyre 4f
Land Encounters
Mt Pyre 5f
Land Encounters
-Yamask (Galar)
-Pumpkaboo Large
-Corsola (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
Mt Pyre 6f
Land Encounters
-Corsola (Galar)
-Mr Mime (Galar)
Mt Pyre Exterior
Land Encounters
Mt Pyre Summit
Land Encounters
-Indeedee Female
-Indeedee Female
Granite Cave Stevens Room
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Route 125
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 126
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 127
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 128
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 129
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 130
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 131
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 132
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 133
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 134
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Abandoned Ship Hidden Floor Corridors
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room1
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room2
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room3
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room4
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room5
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room6
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room7
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Room8
Land Encounters
Seafloor Cavern Entrance
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Cave Of Origin Entrance
Land Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Cave Of Origin 1f
Land Encounters
New Mauville Entrance
Land Encounters
Safari Zone Southwest
Land Encounters
-Nidoran ♂
-Nidoran ♀
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Safari Zone North
Land Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Safari Zone Northwest
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Victory Road B1f
Land Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
-Geodude (Alola)
Victory Road B2f
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Meteor Falls 1F 1R
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Meteor Falls 1F 2R
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Meteor Falls B1F 1R
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Shoal Cave Low Tide Stairs Room
Land Encounters
Shoal Cave Low Tide Lower Room
Land Encounters
Shoal Cave Low Tide Inner Room
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Shoal Cave Low Tide Entrance Room
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Lilycove City
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Dewford Town
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Slateport City
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Mossdeep City
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Pacifidlog Town
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Ever Grande City
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Petalburg City
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Underwater Route 124
Water Encounters
-Corsola (Galar)
Shoal Cave Low Tide Ice Room
Land Encounters
Sky Pillar 1f
Land Encounters
Sootopolis City
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Headbutt Encounters
Sky Pillar 3f
Land Encounters
Sky Pillar 5f
Land Encounters
Safari Zone Southeast
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
-Shellos (East Sea)
Fishing Encounters
-Shellos (East Sea)
-Shellos (East Sea)
-Shellos (East Sea)
Safari Zone Northeast
Land Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Headbutt Encounters
Magma Hideout 1f
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 2f 1r
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 2f 2r
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 3f 1r
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 3f 2r
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 4f
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 3f 3r
Land Encounters
Magma Hideout 2f 3r
Land Encounters
Mirage Tower 1f
Land Encounters
Mirage Tower 2f
Land Encounters
Mirage Tower 3f
Land Encounters
Mirage Tower 4f
Land Encounters
Desert Underpass
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
-Yamask (Galar)
Artisan Cave B1f
Land Encounters
Scorched Slab
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Scorched Slab B1f
Land Encounters
-Diglett (Alola)
-Geodude (Alola)
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Scorched Slab B2f
Land Encounters
-Diglett (Alola)
Scorched Slab Heatrans Room
Land Encounters
Artisan Cave 1f
Land Encounters
Altering Cave
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *2
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *3
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *4
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *5
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *6
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *7
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *8
Land Encounters
Altering Cave *9
Land Encounters
Meteor Falls Stevens Cave
Land Encounters
Three Island Encounters Port
Land Encounters
Primeval Forest
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Flabebe Blue Flower
Hidden PokéMon
-Flabebe White Flower
-Flabebe Orange Flower
-Flabebe Yellow Flower
Headbutt Encounters
Digglets Cave
Land Encounters
Route 4
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Route 3
Land Encounters
Route 2
Land Encounters
Land Encounters Night
Headbutt Encounters
Viridian Forest
Land Encounters
Power Plant
Land Encounters
Route 1
Land Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
Headbutt Encounters
Route 22
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
-Zigzagoon (Galar)
Hidden PokéMon
Headbutt Encounters
Route 11
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Land Encounters Night
Hidden PokéMon
Headbutt Encounters
Rusturf Tunnel F2
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Cerulean Cave
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
-Basculin(Blue Striped)
-Basculin(Blue Striped)
Hidden PokéMon
Cerulean Cave 2F
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
-Basculin(Blue Striped)
-Basculin(Blue Striped)
Hidden PokéMon
Cerulean Cave 3f
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Fiery Path 2
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Relic Cave
Land Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
-Stunfisk (Galar)
-Yamask (Galar)
One Island Treasure Beach
Land Encounters
-Meowth (Alola)
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
One Island Kindle Road
Land Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
-Meowth (Alola)
-Slowpoke (Galar)
Water Encounters
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
-Corsola (Galar)
Fishing Encounters
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Slowpoke (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
Mt Ember Exterior
Land Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Mt Ember Summit Patch 1F
Land Encounters
-Grimer (Alola)
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Mt Ember Summit Patch 2F
Land Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Mt Ember Summit Path 3F
Land Encounters
-Grimer (Alola)
Rock Smash Encounters
-Geodude (Alola)
Route 101 Hole
Land Encounters
Two Island Cape Brink 1
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Two Island Cape Brink 2
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
Three Island Bond Bridge
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Rock Smash Encounters
-Corsola (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
Fishing Encounters
-Corsola (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
-Corsola (Galar)
Three Island Dunsparce Tunnel
Land Encounters
-Diglett (Alola)
-Geodude (Alola)
Hidden PokéMon
Three Island Berry Forest
Land Encounters
-Oricorio Pom-Pom
-Farfetch'd (Galar)
-Ponyta (Galar)
-Ponyta (Galar)
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Headbutt Encounters
Oldale Town Ruins
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Oldale Town Ruins 2F
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
-Basculin (Blue Stripe)
Fishing Encounters
-Basculin (Blue Stripe)
-Basculin (Blue Stripe)
-Basculin (Blue Stripe)
Hidden PokéMon
Four Island
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Four Island Icefall Cave Entrance
Land Encounters
-Vulpix (Alola)
-Vulpix (Alola)
-Darumaka (Galar)
-Darumaka (Galar)
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Four Island Icefall Cave 1F
Land Encounters
-Sandshrew (Alola)
-Sandshrew (Alola)
-Darumaka (Galar)
-Darumaka (Galar)
Hidden PokéMon
Four Island Icefall Cave B1F
Land Encounters
-Darumaka (Galar)
-Vulpix (Alola)
-Vulpix (Alola)
Four Island Icefall Cave Back
Land Encounters
Water Encounters
Fishing Encounters
Hidden PokéMon
FaQ: - Special PokéMon Locations
Inquiry Response Status Notes:

Static Encounters
Pokémon Location Requirements Notes
Munchlax/Snorlax Route 121 a Blue Flute You can encounter 1 Daily
Bonsly/Sudowoodo Route 104 a Wailmer Pail(You get it before starting the game anyway) You can encounter 1 Daily
Rotom New Mauville None You can encounter 1 Daily

Gift Pokémon
Pokémon Location Requirements Notes
Bulbasaur Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Chickorita Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Treecko Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Turtwig Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Snivy Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Rowlet Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Grookey Fortree City from the Grass Starter Maniac 2 Green Shards You get a random starter each time
Charmander Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Cyndaquil Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Torchic Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Chimchar Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Tepig Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Fennekin Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Litleo Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Scorbunny Lavaridge City's Hot Springs from the Fire Starters Old Man 2 Red Shards You get a random starter each time
Squirtle Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Totodile Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Mudkip Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Piplup Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Oshawott Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Froakie Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Popplio Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Sobble Lilycove City in the House east of the Department Store 2 Blue Shards You get a random starter each time
Togepi Lavaridge City from an old woman None You can only get one
Porygon In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist None You can only get one
Type:Null In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist 7 Badges You can only get one
Ditto From a girl in the PokéMon Daycare 6 Badges This Ditto has 6 perfect IVs for easier breeding, you can only get one
Omanyte In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist an Helix Fossil
Kabuto In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Dome Fossil
Aerodactyl In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist an Old Amber
Lileep In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Root Fossil
Anorith In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Claw Fossil
Cranidos In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist an Skull Fossil
Shieldon In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist an Armor Fossil
Tirtuga In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Cover Fossil
Archen In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Plume Fossil
Tyrunt In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Jaw Fossil
Amaura In the second floor in Devon Corporation from a Scientist a Sail Fossil

Trade Pokémon
Pokémon Location Requirements Notes
Arctovish a Scientist in Rustboro City Trade it for a Seadra You can only get one this way
Arctzolt a Scientist in Fortree City Trade it for a Frosslass You can only get one this way
Dracovish a Guy in Pacifidlog Town Trade it for an Appletun You can only get one this way
Dracozolt a Girl in the Battle Frontier Trade it for a Raichu You can only get one this way
Pokémon R.O.W.E. - Evolution Data
FaQ: Notes:

Make sure you're PokéMon is not holding an Eviolite or that you haven´t used an Exiolite on that specific PokéMon since that stops the PokéMon from
evolving. In this Guide we will see how to find the evolution method of a specific PokéMon. We will use both Pidgey and Alolan Rattata, as an Example.

Step 1: Check what PokéMon evolution data you want to see, in this case it will be Pidgey.
Step 2: Make sure you have caught the intended PokéMon.
Step 3: Go to the Pokédex and search for that PokéMon
Step 4: Press A and you should see that PokéMon's page.
Step 5: Go to the EVO tab pressing Right and you should see the evolution method.
Step 6: If you want to see the evolution method of a Regional Form, search for that PokéMon's normal page and Press A
Step 7: Press L or R to change the Form to the one you want to see, and you will see it's evolution data.
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Base Stats, Abilitites, Held Items and More
This files is not complete yet but you can go to this document to use the past version:
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Signature Move List
FaQ: Notes:

PokéMon Move Effect

Venusaur Solar Beam Power goes from 120 to 140.
Mega Venusaur Solar Beam Power goes from 120 to 140.
Charizard Flamethrower Burn Chance goes from 10 to 25.
Mega Charizard X Flamethrower Burn Chance goes from 10 to 25 and becomes a Dragon-Type move.
Mega Charizard Y Flamethrower Burn Chance goes from 10 to 30.
Blastoise Hydro Pump Accuaracy goes from 80 to 95.
Mega Blastoise Hydro Pump Accuaracy goes from 80 to 95.
Beedrill Twineedle Power from 35 to 45.
Raticate Hyper Fang Power goes from 80 to 95.
Alolan Raticate Crunch Power goes from 80 to 95.
Pichu Volt Tackle Power goes from 90 to 120.
Pikachu Volt Tackle Power goes from 90 to 120.
Raichu Volt Tackle Power goes from 90 to 120.
Alolan Raichu Volt Tackle Power goes from 90 to 120.
Arbok Poison Fang Power goes from 75 to 90.
Hypno Hypnosis Accuracy goes from 60 to 90.
Meowth Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80.
Alolan Meowth Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80, becomes a Dark-type move.
Galarian Meowth Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80, becomes a Steel-type move.
Persian Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80.
Alolan Persian Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80, becomes a Dark-type move.
Persian Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80.
Perrseker Pay Day Power goes from 60 to 80, becomes a Steel-type move.
Parasect Leech Life Becomes a Ghost-type move if Parasect has the ability Possesed.
Alolan Exeguttor Dragon Hammer Power goes from 90 to 100.
Machamp Strength Power goes from 80 to 95.
Lickitung Lick Power goes from 40 to 75.
Lickilicky Lick Power goes from 40 to 85.
Hitmonlee Hi Jump Kick Accuaracy goes from 90 to 100.
Hitmonchan Mach Punch Power goes from 40 to 60.
Hitmontop Triple Kick Power goes from 25 to 30.
Electrode Electro Ball Becomes a speed version of Body Press if used by Electrode with a 80BP.
Meganium Petal Blizzard Now it has a 100% chance to lower the enemy attack.
Typhlosion Eruption Now has a minimal damage of 60 regardless of the user HP.
Feraligatr Jaw Lock Now has a 30% chance of confusion and becomes a Water-type move.
Furret Coil Now it raises its speed by 1 stage plus its normal boost.
Scizor Bullet Punch Power goes from 40 to 65.
Steelix Iron Tail Accuracy goes from 75 to 95.
Mega Steelix Iron Tail Accuracy goes from 75 to 95.
Octillery Octazooka Power goes 65 to 80.
Qwilfish Pin Missile becomes Poison Type, gets a 10% Poison change per hit and if you have 8 Badgesit always hits 4 times.
Delibird Present Becomes an Ice type move if used by Delibird.
Bellossom Petal Dance Power goes 120 to 130.
Crobat Cross Poison Power goes 70 to 85.
Blaziken Blaze Kick Power goes 85 to 95.
Mega Blaziken Blaze Kick Power goes 85 to 95.
Sceptile Leaf Blade Uses the highest attack stat and hits physical defense.
Mega Sceptile Leaf Blade Uses the highest attack stat and hits physical defense.
Swampert Muddy Water Uses Swampert physical attack stat and hits special defense.
Mega Swampert Muddy Water Uses Swampert physical attack stat and hits special defense.
Mightyena Bite Power goes 65 to 100 but only has a 20% chance to lower accuracy.
Linoone Extreme Speed It rises the Speed Stat by 1 each time Linoone uses it.
Beautifly Silver Wind its chances of rising all the user's stats becomes 25 instead of 10.
Dustox Omnious Wind its chances of rising all the user's stats becomes 25 instead of 10, it also becomes a Poison-type move.
Ludicolo Rain Dance The weather duration becomes 8 if used by Ludicolo without having to hold a Damp Rock.
Shiftry Leaf Tornado
Slakoth Slack off If its used by Slakoth it will not loaf around in the next turn and can attack freely.
Slaking Slack off If its used by Slaking it will not loaf around in the next turn and can attack freely.
Ninjask Fury Cutter Becomes a Speed version of Body Press with a 80BP but still uses the attack boost instead of speed.
Hariyama Arm Thurst it always Hits 5 times and may paralize the foe if you have 8 Badges.
Zangoose Crush Claw Power goes from 75 to 95.
Seviper Poison Tail Power goes from 50 to 75.
Keckleon Lick Becomes the type that keckleon got from Color Change Keckleon in that moment(Its not always normal type) and gains +1 in priority.
Chatot Chatter Power goes from 70 to 80.
Cranidos Headbutt Becomes a Rock-type priority move that does 50 damage instead of 75, it also has a lower chance to flinch.
Cranidos Headbutt Becomes a Rock-type priority move that does 50 damage instead of 75, it also has a lower chance to flinch.
Lucario Aura Sphere Power goes from 80 to 95.
Galvantula Electro Web Power goes from 55 to 70, and it also creates a sticky web on the oposite side.
Tyrunt Crunch Becomes a Dragon-type move.
Tyrantrum Crunch Becomes a Dragon-type move.
Greninja Ash Water Shuriken Power goes from 15 to 20, it also always hits 3 times.
Pokémon R.O.W.E. - Pokémon Changes
This files is not complete yet but you can go to this document to use the past version:
Pokémon R.O.W.E - Important Item Locations
FaQ: Notes:

Category Item Location

Evolution Item Fire Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Water Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Thunder Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Leaf Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Moon Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Sun Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Shiny Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Dusk Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Dawn Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Ice Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Deep Sea Scale Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/From Captain Stern by giving him the Scanner
Evolution Item Deep Sea Tooth Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/From Captain Stern by giving him the Scanner
Evolution Item Dragon Scale Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Horsea Family
Evolution Item Dobiuous Disc Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Electirizer Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Elekid Family
Evolution Item King's Rock Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Hawlucha/Poliwhirl/Slowbro/Slowking/Hariyama
Evolution Item Magmarizer Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Magby family
Evolution Item Metal Coat Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Magnemite family
Evolution Item Oval Stone Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Happiny
Evolution Item Prism Scale Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Protector Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Razor Claw Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Held by wild Jango-o Family
Evolution Item Razor Fang Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Reaper Cloth Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Sachet Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford
Evolution Item Upgrade Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford/Route 113(Hidden item)/Achievement Rewrad
Evolution Item Whipped Dream Lilycove Dept in the third floor after 4 Badges/Evolution Items Maniac in Dewford

Berry Cheri Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Chesto Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Pecha Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Rawst Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Aspear Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Leppa Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Oran Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Perism Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Lum Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Sitrus Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Figy Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Wiki Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Mago Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Aguav Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Iapapa Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Razz Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Bluk Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Nanab Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Wepear Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Pinap Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Pomeg Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Kelpsy Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Qualot Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Hondew Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Grepa Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Tamato Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Occa Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Passho Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Wacan Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Rindo Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Yache Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Chople Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Kebia Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Shuca Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Coba Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Payapa Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Tanga Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Charti Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Kasib Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Haban Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Colbur Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Babiri Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Chilan Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest
Berry Roseli Berry Lavaridge Herb Shops/May be picked up by PokéMon with Harvest

Power Up Power Candy Can be bought in the PokéMon League

Power Up Exiolite Can be bought from Devon Corp after 6 Badges, given to you by an old man in the house down to Roxanne´s Gym, also found in some battle tents
Power Up Ability Capsule From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader and in the Battle Tents as rewards and in Oldale town
Power Up Ability Patch From the a Man in Pacifidlog Town in exchange of 2 Yellow Shards, in the Battle Tents as rewards and in the PokéMon League
Power Up Iron Pill Buyable in Oldale Town and in the PokéMon League
Power Up Type Gems May be picked up by Sableye, Carbink and Diancie if they don't hold any item after a battle
Power Up Rare Candy Can be bought in the PokéMon League if you have less than 80 in your Bag or PC/Found randomly in the Overworld/Achievement reward

Misc Item Nugget Held by wild Meowth(5%), Persian(100%), Skitty(5%), Delcatty (100%) and in Battle Tents as rewards
Misc Item Blue Shard held by wild Carvanha(5%) and Sharpedo(100%)
Misc Item Red Shard held by wild Numel(5%) and Camerupt(100%)
Misc Item Green Shard held by wild Sunkern(5%) and Sunflora(100%)
Misc Item Yellow Shard held by wild Helioptile(5%), Heliolisk(100%) and Rotom(100%)
Misc Item Fossils In Desert Underpass you can get 2 random fossils per day

Held Item Lucky Egg Held by wild Happiny Family/Achievement Reward/Given to you by beating some Gym Leaders
Held Item Eviolite Given to you by the Professor Cozmos after giving him the Meteorite
Held Item Life Orb From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Focus Sash From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Power Herb From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Assault Vest From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Choice Band From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Choice Scarf From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Flame Orb From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Toxic Orb From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Rocky Helmet From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Weakness Policy From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item White Herb From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Scope Lens From the Lilycove Department Store after beating the Sixth Leader
Held Item Black Belt Held by wild Throh/Makuhita
Held Item Amulet Coin Given to you by beating the First Leader from the Gym Leader/Held by wild Meowth

Key Item Eon Flute Given to you after you beat or catch latios latias and rayquaza by the guy that wants to see the Mirage Island
Key Item Drowsing Machine Given to you by beating the Second Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Good Rod Given to you by beating the Third Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Catching Charm Given to you by beating the Fourth Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Super Rod Given to you by beating the Fifth Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Mega Bracelet Given to you by beating the Seventh Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Shiny Charm Given to you by beating the Final Leader from the Gym Leader
Key Item Exp Charm Achievement Reward
Key Item Oval Charm Achievement Reward

Mega Stone Abomasite Found in Route 132

Mega Stone Absolite Found in the Jagged Pass
Mega Stone Aerodactylite When you revive your first Areodactyl after you get your Seventh badge the PokéMon will hold it, you can also get a second one as Achievement Reward
Mega Stone Aggronite From Roxanne after you beat her in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Alakazite Found in the Sealed Chamber, you can get a second one as Achievement Reward
Mega Stone Altarianite From Winona after you beat her in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Ampharosite Found in New Mauville
Mega Stone Audinite Found in the Route 116 near the Glasses guy
Mega Stone Banettite Found in the Summit of MT.Pyre
Mega Stone Beedrillite In the Abandonded Ship in the Captain's Office
Mega Stone Blastoisite Held by the gift Squirtle when you have 7 Badges(one time only)
Mega Stone Swampertite Held by the gift Mudkip when you have 7 Badges(one time only), you can get a second one as Achievement Reward.
Mega Stone Venusaurite Held by the gift Bulbasaur when you have 7 Badges(one time only)
Mega Stone Sceptileite Held by the gift Treecko when you have 7 Badges(one time only)
Mega Stone Charizardite Y Held by the gift Charmander when you have 7 Badges(one time only)
Mega Stone Charizardite X Found in Route 114
Mega Stone Blazikenite Held by the gift Torchic when you have 7 Badges(one time only)
Mega Stone Cameruptite Found in the Magma Hideout
Mega Stone Diancite Found next to Diancie in Granite Cave
Mega Stone Slowbroite Shoal Cave with the man that makes Shell Bell the first time
Mega Stone Pidgeotite Given to you by Mr.Stone after beating the Seventh Badge
Mega Stone Steelixite Granite Cave where Steven used to be
Mega Stone Heracronite From Brawly after you beat him in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Manectite From Wattson after you beat him in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Houndoomite From Flannery after you beat her in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Kangaskhanite From Norman after you beat him in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Galladite From Tate & Liza after you beat them in 5 rematches with 7 Badges(Fight them 6 times to get both of them), you can also get a second one as an Achievement Reward.
Mega Stone Gardevoirite From Tate & Liza after you beat them in 6 rematches with 7 Badges(Fight them 6 times to get both of them), you can also get a second one as an Achievement Reward.
Mega Stone Garchompite In the Desert Underpass.
Mega Stone Gyaradosite From Juan after you beat him in 5 rematches with 7 Badges
Mega Stone Gengarite Found on the Sixth Floor of Mt Pyre
Mega Stone Glalite Found in the final room of the Shoal Cave
Mega Stone Sharpedonite Found in the Seafloor Cavern
Mega Stone Latiosite Achievement Reward
Mega Stone Latiasite Achievement Reward
Mega Stone Lopunnite Found in the Safari Zone
Mega Stone Lucarionite Found in the Scorched Slab on the final room
Mega Stone Mawilite Found in the Granite Cave
Mega Stone Medichamite Found in the Sealed Chamber
Mega Stone Metagrossite Found in Steven's House
Mega Stone Pinsirite Found on route 119
Mega Stone Sablenite Found in the final room of the Cave of Origin
Mega Stone Salamencite Found in the Meteor Falls where you found bagon in the original RSE
Mega Stone Scizorite Found in the Route 123
Mega Stone Tyranitarite Found in the Route 111
Mega Stone Red Orb Unobtainable
Mega Stone Blue Orb Unobtainable
Mega Stone Mewtwonite X Achievement Reward
Mega Stone Mewtwonite Y Found next to Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - TM Locations
FaQ: Notes:

TM Number Move Type Category Location

TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical Can be found on Route 115, north of the Meteor Falls Entrance
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical Can be found at the back of Meteor Falls, in the Bagon room
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special Received as a reward for defeating Gym Leader Juan for the first time
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status Received as a reward for defeating Gym Leaders Tate&Liza for the first time
TM05 Roar Normal Status Received from an Old Man at the north of Route 114
TM06 Toxic Poison Status Found in the west section of Fiery Path after a strength puzzle
TM07 Hail Ice Status Can be found in one of the ice puzzles in Shoal Cave
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status Received as a reward from defeating Brawly for the first time
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical Received from a boy in the North of Route 104 at the entrance of Petalburg Woods
TM10 Hidden Power ??? Special Received from an old woman in Fortree after a quiz
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status Can be found in the Scorched Slab cave East of Fortree
TM12 Taunt Dark Status Received from Trick Master after completing one of his puzzles
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special Can be bought from the Mauville Game Corner for 4000 coins
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM17 Protect Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status Abandoned Ship in Room 1
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special Received from the woman on Route 122 next to the berry trees after showing her a grass type
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status Can be purchased from the Lilycove Department Store
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical Received from an old man in Pacifidlog Town
TM22 Solar Beam Grass Special Can be found in the Safari Zone
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical Can be found in Meteor Falls
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special Can be bought from Mauville Game Corner for 4000 coins
TM25 Thunder Electric Special Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical Can be found in Seafloor Cavern
TM27 Return Normal Physical Received from the Old Man in Pacifidlog Town
TM28 Dig Ground Physical Received from the Fossil Maniac’s little sister in Fallarbor Town
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special Can be found in Victory Road
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special Can be found near the top of Mt. Pyre
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical Received from a Kung Fu Master in Sootopolis City
TM32 Double Team Normal Status Can be bought from Mauville Game Corner for 1500 coins
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special Received from Watson after defeating them in a rematch
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special Can be bought from Mauville Game Corner for 4000 coins
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special Received from the Evo-Item guy in Dewford
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status Can be found in the south of Route 111’s Desert
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Special Received from Roxanne after beating her for the first time
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical Received from Winona after beating her for the first time
TM41 Torment Dark Status Received from a Sailor in Slateport Contest Hall
TM42 Facade Normal Physical Received from Norman after defeating him in a rematch
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical Received from a man near the secret base Tree on Route 111(North)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status Received from a man in the east of Lilycove City
TM45 Attract Normal Status Received from a woman in Verdanturf Contest Hall
TM46 Thief Dark Physical Received from a Team Aqua Grunt in Slateport Museum
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical Found in Steven’s room in Granite Cave
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status Found on the outside of Mt. Pyre
TM49 Snatch Dark Status Received from a Team Rocket grunt in Four Island's Pokemart.
TM50 Overheat Fire Special Received from Flannery after defeating her in a rematch
TM51 Low Sweep Fighting Physical Received from Brawly after defeating him in a rematch
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special Received from Brawly after defeating him in a rematch
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical Received from Norman after defeating him in for the first time
TM55 Scald Water Special Received from Juan after defeating him in a rematch
TM56 Fling Dark Physical Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special Received from Watson after defeating him in a rematch
TM58 Roost Flying Status Received from Winona after defeating her in a rematch
TM59 Brutal Swing Dark Physical Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM60 Quash Dark Status Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM61 Will O Wisp Fire Staus Received from Flannery after defeating her in a rematch
TM62 Acrobatics Flying Physical Received from Winona after defeating her in a rematch
TM63 Embargo Dark Status Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical Received from a man in Pacifidlog Town
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical Received from completing an achievement
TM66 Payback Dark Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM67 Smart Strike Steel Physical Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical Received from Norman after defeating him in a rematch
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status Received from Roxanne after defeating her in a rematch
TM70 Aurora Veil Ice Status Can be bought from Lilycove Department Store
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical Received from Roxanne after defeating her in a rematch
TM72 Volt Switch Electric Special Received from Watson after defeating him in a rematch
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status Received from Watson after defeating him for the first time
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM76 Fly Flying Physical Received from Winona after defeating her in a rematch
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM78 Bulldoze Ground Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM79 Frost Breath Ice Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM80 Rock Slide Ground Physical Found in Oldale Ruins
TM81 X Scissor Bug Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM82 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM83 Infestation Bug Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special Received from Tate&Liza after defeating them in a rematch
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Physical Can be found in the new area, East of Petalburg Woods
TM87 Swagger Normal Status Received from Brawly after defeating him in a rematch
TM88 Sleep Talk Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM89 U-Turn Bug Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM90 Substitute Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status Received from Tate&Liza after defeating them in a rematch
TM93 Wild Charge Electric Physical Received from Watson after defeating him in a rematch
TM94 Surf Water Special Received from Juan after defeating him in a rematch
TM95 Snarl Dark Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM96 Nature Power ??? Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM97 Dark Pulse Dark Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM98 Waterfall Water Physical Received from Juan after defeating him in a rematch
TM99 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special Can be found in the new area of Granite Cave
TM100 Confide Normal Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM101 Sludge Wave Poison Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM102 Liquidation Water Physical Received from Juan after defeating him in a rematch
TM103 Leech Life Bug Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM104 Play Rough Fairy Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM105 Psyshock Psychic Special Received from Tate&Liza after defeating them in a rematch
TM106 Aura Sphere Fighting Special Received from Brawly after defeating him in a rematch
TM107 Power Gem Rock Special Received from Roxanne after defeating her in a rematch
TM108 Earth Power Ground Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM109 Gunk Shot Poison Physical Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM110 Stealth Rock Rock Status Received from Roxanne after defeating her in a rematch
TM111 Heat Crash Fire Physical Received from Flannery after defeating her in a rematch
TM112 Pollen Puff Bug Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM113 Nasty Plot Dark Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM114 Brave Bird Flying Physical Received from Winona after defeating her in a rematch
TM115 Bug Buzz Bug Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM116 Dragon Dance Dragon Status Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM117 Blaze Kick Fire Physical Received from Flannery after defeating her in a rematch
TM118 Tri Attack Normal Special Can be bought from the Lilycove Department Store
TM119 Drain Punch Fighting Physical Received from Brawly after defeating him in a rematch
TM120 Mystical Fire Fire Special Received from Flannery after defeating her in a rematch
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - New Abilities/Items List
FaQ Notes:

Name Description
Possessed Becomes Ghost-type when sent out as a third type like when Trick-or-Treat is used agains it.
Screen Setter Sets a Screen that protects the user side from Physical Moves for 5 turns.
Magnetic Body Makes the user float for 5 turns making it inmune to ground type moves in that time.
Rooted Plants its roots at the start of battle.
Opposite Day Summons a Field that inverts type effectiveness for 5 turns.
Air Current Summons a Tailwind to speed up your team for 5 turns
Cacophony Boost Sound Moves and Hits ghost types with Normal type sound based moves.
Slimy Reduces the damage from contact moves but it also becomes weak to water type moves.
Water Spill Sets up Water Sport for 5 turns it halves fire type moves power and it also transforms every normal type move into a water type move.
Trickster sets up Trick Room for 5 Turns when a PokéMon with that ability is sent out.
Loose Quills Drops spikes every time it is damaged by a Contact Move.
Coiled Up Makes the PokéMon attack first if it used a biting move(only 1 time), you can gain that boost again by using the moves coil or glare(only PokéMon with that ability).
Tottering Steps when the user uses a contact move it may leave the target confused.
Gravitation When the user is sent out it activates gravity for 5 turns.
Self Heal Heals 10% of the user HP every turn.
Blademaster Boosts the Power of Slashing Moves.
Aurora Body Sets up Aurora Veil when the PokéMon is Sent out if its Hailing.
Striker Boosts the Power of Kicking Moves.
Shooting Star Summons a Wish when at red health(1 time)
Hollow Body Damages the opposite PokéMon when hit by any attack(PokéMon with soundproof are not affected by this ability)
Tottering Steps Has 30% chance of confussing the foe when using a Contact Move
Justice Fists Boosts Punching moves by 1.3 and gives Stab boost to Fighting type moves(not stackeable).
Early Evolver Boost moves with less than 40 base power by 2 if the PokéMon Level is over 50, if its between level 30 and 50 they gets boosted by 1.5 it also boost moves with a base power between 41-60 by 1.5 if the user is over level 30

Name Description
Exiolite Boost the base stats of a PokéMon to match its evolution if it meets the evolution requirements (Stops evolution until you use another one)
Iron Pill Changes the Speed Ivs and Evs to 0
Power Candy Gives you 1-6 Ivs on each stat upon use
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Move/Ability/Item Modifications
FaQ: Notes:

Ability Changes
Ability Change
Honey Gather Now it works like the ability Gooey in battle plus its other effect.
Battery Now becomes charged up when sent out and boosts its special defense, its vanilla effect was removed.
Illuminate Now boosts the user Sp.Attack by one stage when sent out.
Run Away Now boosts the user Speed by one stage when sent out, it also boost some switch moves priority(Moves like U-Turn, Flip Turn or Teleport)
Corrosion Now also has the functionality of allowing Poison moves to damage Steel types.
Toxic Boost Now immune to poison status damage on top of its existing functionality.
Flare Boost Now immune to burn status damage on top of its existing functionality.
Heatproof Now immune to burn status damage on top of its existing functionality.
Quick Feet Now get normal poison damage from bad poison(poison from toxic or toxic orb).
Guts Now get normal poison damage from bad poison(poison from toxic or toxic orb).
Iron Fist Raised Iron Fist boost from 1.2x to 1.3x.
Forecast Now sets weather depending on what weather rock is being held.
Flower Gift Now sets a Sunny weather if Heat Rock is being held.
Solar Power No longer decreases HP at end of every sun turn.
Mega Launcher Now affects Octazooka and Flash Cannon.
Frisk Now also has the functionality of boosting item spawn chances for wild PokéMon (like Compound Eyes/Super Luck).
Keen Eyes Now Raises the accuaracy by 1.3x like Compound Eyes and also boost the item spawn chances for wild PokéMon.
Color Change Now adds the opposite PokéMon type to the user when sent out.
Overgrow Now boost Grass-type moves by x1.3 at all times instead of x1.5 when at red health
Blaze Now boost Fire-type moves by x1.3 at all times instead of x1.5 when at red health
Torrent Now boost Water-type moves by x1.3 at all times instead of x1.5 when at red health

Move Changes
Move Change
Charge Beam Now has 100% Chances to boost Special Attack instead of 70.

Drill Peck Now has an increased crit rate.

Shadow Punch 60BP -> 80BP
Vice Grip Now its a 60BP Water-type move that may lower the target Speed.
Triple Kick 10BP -> 25BP
Head Smash 80 Accuracy –> 85 Accuracy
Poison Fang Now its a 75BP move with a 20% chance to poisoning the target.
Diamond Storm Physical–> Special
Tail Slap 85 Accuracy –> 100 Accuracy
Shadow Claw 70 BP –> 80 BP
Mega Drain 40 BP –> 60 BP
Twineedle 25 BP –> 35 BP
Pay Day 40 BP –> 60 BP
Lick 30 BP –> 40 BP
Comet Punch Now its a Fighting type move with a 25BP and accuracy of 100.
Volt Tackle Now its a 90BP move without recoil damage and may paralyze the target.
Razor Shell 95 Accuracy –> 100 Accuracy, has a high chance of critical hits instead of 50% chance to lower Defense.
Strength Becomes a Fighting type version of Meteor Mash with 80 power.
Metal Claw Now has a BP of 60 and a chance to boost the user attack of 30%
Cut Its now a 70BP Steel-type move that hits Grass-type mons Super Effectively.
Karate Chop Now has the same effect as Brick Break.
Mega Punch Now has an accuracy of 100.
Mega Kick Now has an accuracy of 85.
Petal Blizzard Its now an Special move that hits both enemy PokéMon instead of being a Physical move that also hits your ally.

Item Changes
Item Change
Type Gems Now can be used to change a PokéMon Hidden Power type if it has 6 perfect IVs(or have Perfect Ivs mode enabled) on top of its existing functionality.
Feathers Now boosts an specific stat IV by a little amount when used.
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Exiolite Information
FaQ: Notes:

An Exiolite is an Exclusive item added for PokéMon R.O.W.E. this item makes you able to use a First or Second Stage PokéMon without
having to worry about their stats. This item boost your PokéMon Base stats to match the ones of their final evolution if your PokéMon is
strong enough (level-wise) for example if you use an Exiolite on a Level 10 Bulbasaur it will still have Bulbasaur Stats since it is not strong
enough to evolve into Ivysaur, however if you use it after it becomes level 16 it will gain Ivysaur Stats and if you use it at level 36 it will gain
Venusaur Stats because Ivysaur can become Venusaur at that level, as Stone or Trade Evolutions don’t have an specific Evolution Level I
made this list for those PokéMon so please read them if you want to use them, if you see for example a second stage that evolves by
Stone this will also work for the first stage so Pichu can gain Raichu Stats by using an exiolite ot an specific Level.
● Using an Exiolite Stops a PokéMon from Evolving, you can remove the exiolite effect by using another one
● Using an Exiolite on a PokéMon with a new Evolution in PLA/SV gives you the stats of that PokéMon even though those Evolutions are not in the game

● You can get more Exiolites in Rustoboro City’s Devon Corp on the first Floor
● PokéMon with Multiple evolutions will gain the stats of the evolution that has the lowest PokéDex Number
● PokéMon not on this List will gain a Boost at their normal Evolution Level in case I wasn’t clear enough and every PokéMon with an
evolution can gain a boost with an Exiolite
● PokéMon with an Exiolite Boost will gain a little Blue Icon in their Summary Screen
● PokéMon with an Exiolite Boost will no longer be able to use the Eviolite boost
● PokéMon with an Evolution on a different Regional Form can also gain an Exiolite Boost on a specific Level
(Example: Hoennian Linoone gains Obstagoon stats at an specific Level and Kantonian Farfetch gains Sirfetch’d Stats at Level 36)
● These PokéMon can also use an Eviolite
Pikachu - Level 30 Vulpix - Level 25 Gloom - Level 36
Growlithe - Level 25 Machoke - Level 42 Weepinbell - Level 36
Magnetone - Level 42 Shellder - Level 26 Haunter - Level 42
Onix - Level 32 Exeggcute - Level 30 Lickitung - Level 33
Rhydon - Level 45 Tangela - Level 38 Seadra - Level 42
Scyther - Level 35 Electabuzz - Level 38 Magmar - Level 38
Staryu - Level 26 Porygon - Level 22 Jigglypuff - Level 30
Nidorina - Level 36 Nidorino - Level 36 Haunter - Level 42
Kadabra - Level 36 Graveler - Level 42 Togetic - Level 36
Aipom - Level 32 Sunkern - Level 22 Yanma - Level 33
Murkro - Level 30 Misdreavus - Level 26 Gligar - Level 26
Sneasel- Level 28 Piloswine - Level 45 Porygon2 - Level 40
Lombre - Level 34 Nuzleaf - Level 34 Skitty - Level 28
Nosepass - Level 33 Feebas - Level 20 Dusclops - Level 40
Clamperl - Level 26 Bonsly - Level 20 Mime.Jr - Level 20
Mantyke - Level 28 Pansage - Level 22 Pansear - Level 22
Panpour - Level 22 Munna - Level 26 Boldore - Level 40
Woobat - Level 26 Gurdurr - Level 40 Cottonee - Level 22
Petilil - Level 22 Minccino - Level 24 Karrablast - Level 28
Eelektrik - Level 40 Lampent - Level 42 Spritzee - Level 26
Swirlix - Level 26 Pumpkaboo - Level 30 Phantump - Level 30
Charjabug - Level 42 Crabrawler - Level 32 Steenee - Level 28
Poipole - Level 42 Floette - Level 32 Eevee - Level 25
Sandshrew Alola - Level 22 Graveler Alola - Level 42 Poliwhirl - Level 36
Darumaka Alola - Level 35 Vulpix Alola - Level 25
PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Hoenn Map
FaQ: Notes:

Location Resources Landmarks Key Landmarks Connections

Littleroot Town Talking to your Mom, or Brendan's/ Your House Prof. Birch’s N. Route 101
Sleeping in your bed will May's House Laboratory
heal your Party

Route 101 N. Oldale Town, S. Littleroot Town

Oldale Town

PokeMart, PokéMon
Center Oldale Town-Battle Mart N. Route 103, W. Route 102, S. Route 101
Oldale Town Ruins

Oldale Town
Route 102

E. Oldale Town, W. Petalburg City

Petalburg City

E. Route 104, W. Route 102

Route 103

N. Altering Cave, W. Route 110, S. Oldale Town

Altering Cave

Route 104

E. Peatalburg City, N. Petalburg Forest, S. Route 105

Route 105

E. Island Cave, N. Route 104, S. Route 106

Route 106

E. Granite Cave, N. Route 106, S. Dewford Town

Granite Cave

W. Route 106 and Dewford Town

Dewford Town

N. Route 106, W. Route 107

Route 107

E. Dewford Town, W. Route 108

Route 108

E. Route 107, N. Abondoned Ship, W. Route 109

Abondoned Ship

Route 109

E. Route 108, N. Slateport City

Slateport City

N. Route 110, W. Route 134, S. Route 109

Route 110

E. Route 103, S.Slateport Ciy, N. Mauville City,

Mauville City

E. Route 117, S. Route 110, N. Route 111, W. Route 118

Route 111

E. Routes 112 & 113, N. Desert Ruins

Desert Ruins

E. Route 113, S. Route 111

Route 112

On R.112 Fiery Path, E. Lavaridge Town, N. Mt. Chimney, W. Route 111

Fiery Path

Mt. Chimney

S. Jagged Pass
Jagged Pass

N. Mt. Chimney, S. Route 112

Lavaridge Town

N. Mt. Chimney & Jagged Path, W. Route 112

Route 113

E. Fallarbor Town, W. Route 111

Fallarbor Town

E. Route 114, N. Desert Underpass, W. Route 113

Desert Underpass

Route 114

E. Meteor Falls, W. Fallarbor Town

Meteor Falls

N. Route 114, S. Route 115

Route 115

N. Meteor Falls, S. Rustboro City

Rustboro City

N. Route 115, W. Route 116, S. Route 104

Route 116

E. Rustboro City, W. Rusturf Tunnel

Rusturf Tunnel

E. Route 116, S. Verdanturf Town

Verdanturf Town

N. Rusturf Tunnel, W. Route 117

Route 117

E. Verdanturf Town, W. Mauville City

Route 118

E. Mauville City, N. Route 119, W. Route 123

Route 119

W. Fortree City, S. Route 118

Fortree City

E. Route 119, W. Route 120

Route 120

E. Fortree City, W. Route 121

Route 121

E. Route 120, N. Safari Zone, W. Lilycove City S. Route 122

Safari Zone

S. Route 121
Route 122

On R.122 Mt. Pyre, N. Route 121, S. Route 123

Mt. Pyre

Route 123

E. Route 118, N. Route 122

Lilycove City

E. Route 121, W. Route 124

Route 124

E. Lilycove City, W. Mossdeep City, S. Route 126

Mossdeep City

E. Route 124, N. Route 125, S. Route 127

Route 125

N. Shoal Cave, S. Mossdeep City

Shoal Cave

S. Route 125
Route 126

N. Route 124, W. Route 127, *Secret Islet*

Route 127

E. Route 126, N. Mossdeep City, S. Route 128

Route 128

N. Route 127, W. Ever Grande City, S. Route 129

Route 129

E. Route 130, N. Route 128, *Secret Shore*

Route 130

E. Route 131, W. Route 129, *Secret Meadow*

Route 131

E. Pacifidlog Town, N. Sky Pillar, W. Route 130

Sky Pillar

Pacifidlog Town

E. Route 132, W. Route 131

Route 132

E. Route 133, W. Pacifidlog Town

Route 133

E. Route 134, W. Route 132

Route 134

On R.134 Sealed Chamber, E. Slateport City, W. Route 133

Sealed Chamber

Ever Grande City

E. Route 128, N. Victory Road

Victory Road

N. Hoenn PokéMon League, S. Victory Road

PokéMon R.O.W.E. - Achievement Data z

FaQ: Notes:

# Achievments Hint/Note Award

1 "001 - The Start of the Journey" [Defeat one Gym ] Hit the Gym x1 Lucky Egg
2 "002 - Half way there" [Defeat four Gym Leaders] Four, Qautro, Shi x1 Destiny Knot
3 "003 - Ready for Victory" [Defeat eight Gym Leaders] Eight x6 Power Candy
4 "004 - Frail Boy" [Defeat Wally] Frail x1 Galladite
5 "005 - Hoenn Champion" [Defeat Wallace] Champion x1 Swamperite
6 "006 - Fry HIGHER" [Defeat/Capture Rayquaza] Sky High x1 Latiosite
7 "007 - PokéMon Trader" [Complete all four in-game Trades] Trade x1 Alakazite
8 "008 - Fossil Maniac [Register all twenty-five Fossil PokéMon in your Pokédex] Fossil x1 Aerodactyloite, Includes Relicanth
9 "009 - Friendly Trainer" [Own six PokéMon with Max 🤍 (four to five 🤍 in the summary for each in Party)] The Power of Friendship x6 Soothe Bell
10 "010 - Changing times" [Evolve 150 PokéMon] Evolution x10 Rare Candy
11 "011 - I need new Shoes" [Max out your step counter (9999 steps)] Run Forrest Run x6 Jolly Mint
12 "012 - Seasoned Traveler" [Visit all 16 cities/towns of the Hoenn Region] Explore the Region x6 Flying Gem
13 "013 - JACKPOT" [Match three 7 in the slot machines 20 times] Seven x7 Black Glasses
14 "014 - Big Prize" [Get the Jackpot in the Lilycove Department Store's Lottery] Lottery x1 Shock Drive
15 "015 - That thing's green") [Catch a green Shiny PokéMon (i.e. Stantler)] Green x12 Green Shard
16 "016 - Shiny Hunter" [Have five Shiny PokéMon in your party] Sparkle x6 Shiny Stone
17 "017 - A farmer's life" [Plant fifty Berries] Berry x1 Enigma Berry
18 "018 - Detective" [Use the DexNav five-hundred times] DexNav x3 Zoom Lens
19 "019 - I need an Umbrella" [Enter an overworld's rainy weather fifty times] Rain x3 Damp Rock
20 "020 - PokéMon Breeder" [Deposit a PokéMon into Route 117's Daycare fifty times] Daycare x1 Oval Charm
21 "021 - The concept of time is scary" [Check an overworld clock seventy-five times] Clock x1 Adament Orb
22 "022 - True Coordinator" [Win twenty-five PokéMon Contests] Contest x1 Latiasite
23 "023 - One with the Rod" [Reel up twenty-five PokéMon using any Rod] Go Fish x20 Lure Balls
24 "024 - Rock or Bait" [Enter Route 121' Safari Zone fifty times] Safari x5 Safari Balls
25 "025 - Out of PP" [Use Struggle twenty times] Power Points x5 Max Elixer
26 "026 - Gotta catch 'em all!" [Catch two-hundred PokéMon] Catch x200 Poke Balls
27 "027 - Battle Enthusiast" [Start 30 Normal Mock Battles] Mock x1 TM119
28 "028 - Here we go Again" [Update your game five times] Update x1 Upgrade
29 "029 - Happy Birthday!" [Have a save file of ROWE that's one year old] 365 Days Later x1 Cherish Ball
30 "030 - Trendy" [Set thirty Trends] Set Da Trend x20 Pretty Feather
I got a Block on my head,
31 "031 - Blockhead" [Make thirty Pokèblocks] but don't call me a x1 Gardevoirite
32 "032 - Sea-man" [Gave the scanner to Capt. Stern] Scanner x1 Exp Charm
49 "049 - PokéMon Master" [Defeat Red and Steven] Wait x1 Gracidea
50 "050 - Silver Symbols" [Obtain all the Silver Symbols at the] Kills Werewolves x1 Safari Pass
51 "051 - Ambition" [Get a Shiny Rayquaza at the Title Screen] Title Screen x2 Terrain Extender
52 "052 - Hard Battler" [Fight 50 Hard Mock battles] Mock x3 Protective Pads
53 "053 - Virus Detected" [Get Pokèrus at least once] Virus Safety Goggles
54 "054 - Two times the fun" [Start a New Game+ Save] Round 2 x5 Beast Ball S.
66 "066 - Spooky Time" [Open the Achievement Menu at 3 AM] 3 A.M. Challenge x1 TM65
67 "067 - Luck's on my Side" [Win a Hard Mock Battle with a Party of 6 PokéMon that only know] Is it Luck or Skill? x6 Metronome
96 "096 - Double Platinum" [Obtain all one-hundred and twenty TMs] Discs x1 Griseous Orb
97 "097 - Gold Symbols" [Get all the Gold Symbols in the Battle Frontier] Gold Experince Unknown
98 "098 - Complete Researcher" [Complete your Pokédex] Pokédex Unknown

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