EnglishNotes Grade-6 Week-7

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English Notes Grade -6 Week-7

16th May to 20th May 2021

Unit: 6 “ Clean Water is a Blssing!”

Sports are good for health. Besides the physical strength, it enhances our
intelligence capacity especially memory strength. It positively affects our brain
activity. Further, it increases the strength of observation and concentration. In
this way sports prove very helpful for students to increase their academic
achievements and reduce their boredom and finally help them in gaining their
(iii) Write suitable pronouns in the given sentences.

 A market is a place to shop. _______ is full of people. (It)

 Miss Najma is teaching _________ students. (her)
 Ahmed and Wasim are doing sums in ____________ notebooks. (their)
 He treats _____________ children with kindness. (his)
 Where is my bag? I cannot find ____________. (it)
iv) Use a dictionary to find if the given words are spelled correctly. Tick the
ones correct spelling and rewrite the words with spelling. Also write their

Correct Spelling Meanings

leekage leakage A leakage is an amount of liquid or

gas that is escaping from a pipe or hole.

shortage shortage lack of something

suply supply provide.

habitable habitable suitable or good enough to live in

ecessx excess an amount of something that is

more than necessary.

ii) Use the given modal verbs in sentences in your notebook.

Use of “can” and “cannot”

My grandmother can speak Spanish. We cannot drink sea water.

You can take one of these shirts. She said, „I can‟t see anything.‟

We can solve this problem together. I cannot send this letter to you.
Use of „may” and “may not”

May I help you? I may not see you again.

You may have another cookie if you like. He may not be so incompetent.

She is late. She may have missed her plane. You may not understand this.

Use of “should” and “should not”

You should always speak the truth. You shouldn‟t watch a lot of TV.

We should try to understand our mutual problems. She should not buy that old car.

You should cooperate with your colleagues. You should not tell a lie.

(iv) Write 'R' for regular and 'I' for irregular adjectives.

a. The mountain was bigger than the nearby hills. R

b. I had the worst experience of my life travelling by train. I

c. We have the least percentage of available fresh water. I

d. Antarctica is the coolest region. R

e. The more you read books, the more information you get. I

f. Living in a tent is a better place to live in during camping. I

g. There will be lesser diseases if we wash hands properly. R

v) Change the degrees of the given regular and irregular adjective.

Positive Comparative Superlative

big bigger biggest
fast faster fastest
bad worse worst
angry angrier angriest
much/many more most
late later latest
far farther farthest

Last night, I read an article on the shortage of water. I was shocked to know that
water will dry soon. I think it‟s our duty now to save water not only for ourselves but
also for the next generations. We should use water carefully. Everyone should plan
properly to save water. Otherwise, the shortage of water can affect us horribly. We
need to work together seriously to conserve water. In this way we can save this world
from drought, floods and other global warming effects.
Water is the most valuable and fundamental element for every life on
Earth. Life on Earth without water is impossible. Earth is called the “blue planet”.
Because it is the only known planet in the universe where there is a sufficient amount
of usable water. About 71 percent of the Earth‟s surface level is water. Most of the
water of this earth is found in oceans. The Earth‟s freshwater reserve is getting
drained each day at a quick rate because of human exercises. Contamination and
wastage of water are the most significant purposes for its consumption. We can
endure longer without food than without water. A few plants can‟t survive a day
without water.

We should use water carefully and discourage the misuse or wastage of water. It can
simply start from our own home. It is now time to make those simple plans for saving
water every day. Sometimes, we don‟t care how much water we waste in doing our
daily chores. There are those simple ways in which we take water for granted for
instance, when brushing teeth or washing hands we use to let tap water flow instead
of turning it off to reduce waste. Water recycling could be the best tool. We can
actually recycle rainwater for our home use. We can make use of it for our gardening,
laundry or flushing the toilet. Check for those leaks on your piping or in your tap. A
small water leak could lead to too much lost or even could add more on our bills. We
should make use of shorter showers. We can also store rain water for irrigation and
for industrial uses. In this way we can not only save water for ourselves but for the
coming generations also.

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