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The following text is for questions 1-12

Taj Mahal, an epitome of love, is actually a mausoleum. Standing majestically on the banks of River
Yamuna, the Taj Mahal is synonymous to love and romance. Taj Mahal was constructed by Mughal
Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his beloved wife and queen. The name “Taj Mahal” was derived
from the name of Shah Jahan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal, which means crown of palaces
    Taj Mahal represents the finest architectural and artistic achievement. The mausoleum was
constructed of pure white marble. The white marble is inlaid with semi-precious stones (including jade,
crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst and turquoise) that form the intricate designs. Its central dome reaches a
height of 240 feet (73 meters). The dome is surrounded by four smaller domes. Four slender towers, or
minarets, stand at the corners. Inside the mausoleum, an octagonal marble chamber adorned with
carvings and semi-precious stones house the false tomb of Mumtaz Mahal. Her actual remains lie
below, at garden level.
   Taj Mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the day. At dawn when the
first rays of the sun hits the dome of this epic monument, it radiates like a heavenly pinkish palace. At
daytime, when the sky is bright and clear, the Taj looks milky white. At a moonlit night when the full
moon rays fall on the glistening white marble, the cool moon rays reflect back from the white marble
and give the Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color. It’s simply breathtaking! With such beauty, no wonder
that Taj Mahal becomes one of the the Seven Wonders of the World.

Q:1)What is the text about ?

B:) A mausoleum
C:)A beautiful place
D:) An epitome of love
E:)Seven Wonders of the World

Kunci: A

Q:2)What is the communicative purpose of the text ?

A:)To describe TajMahal
B:)To tell the history of Tajmahal
C:)To promote the beauty of TajMahal
D:)To persuade readers to see TajMahal
E:)To retell the readers the story of TajMahal

Kunci: A

Q:3)What tense is mostly used on the text?

A:)Simple present tense
B:)Simple past tense
C:)Present continues tense
D:)Past continues tense
E:)Future tense

Kunci: A

Q:4)What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?

A:)The history of TajMahal
B:)The beauty of TajMahal
C:)The strength of TajMahal
D:)The building of TajMahal
E:)The scenery around TajMahal
Kunci: A
Q:5)Why was TajMahal built ?
A:) In the memory of his beloved wife and queen
B:) In the memory of his beloved wife and prince
C:) In the memory of his beloved wife and king
D:) In the memory of his beloved wife and husband
E:) In the memory of his beloved children

Kunci: A

Q:6)What is inside the mausoleum ?

A:) an octagonal marble chamber
B:) semi-precious stones
C:) four smaller domes
D:) Four slender towers
E:) the false tomb of Mumtaz Mahal

Kunci: A

Q:7)What type of text is the text above?

A:) Descriptive
B:) Narrative
C:) Recount
D:) Procedure
E:) Report

Kunci: A

Q:8)How deep is Central Dome ?

A:)Seventy three meters
B:)Seventy four meters
C:)Seventy five meters
D:)Seventy six meters
E:)Seventy seven meters

Kunci: A

Q:9)How deep is Central Dome ?

A:)Seventy three meters
B:)Seventy four meters
C:)Seventy five meters
D:)Seventy six meters
E:)Seventy seven meters

Kunci: A

Q:10) Taj Mahal represents the finest architectural and artistic achievement. The word finest has
similar meaning with ?
A:)the best
B:)the worst
C:)the great
D:)the goodness
E:)the famous

Kunci: A
Q:11)What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A:) Taj Mahal shows shades of magnificent beauty at different time during the day
B:) When the sky is bright and clear, the Taj looks milky white
C:) The Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color
D:) The sun hits the dome of this epic monument
E:) Taj Mahal is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Kunci: A

Q:12)How does TajMahal look like at daytime?

A:)The Taj looks milky white
B:) The taj is bright and clear
C:) The Taj Mahal a tinge of blue color
D:) The sun hits the dome of this epic monument
E:) Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful places

Kunci: A

The Komodo Island

The island of Komodo is a part of the Lesser Sunda chain of the Indonesian islands. The island is
particularly notable as the home of the giant monitor lizard, often called the Komodo dragon. It lies on
the Sape Strait between Flores and Sumbawa islands and has an area of approximately 520 square km.

The Komodo Island is also a part of Komodo National Park area, managed by the Central Government.
There is one village, called Komodo village, with a population of over two thousand people. They live
side by side with Komodo dragons within the park. Most of them make a living by selling souvenirs,
guiding the tourists, and renting boats for tourists. Only a small percentage of them work as fishermen.

The Komodo Island is one of few remaining areas which are inhabited by Komodo dragons. They are
endangered species and protected by the law in Indonesia. They roam wild over the island. They may
grow up to 3 meters long, weigh up to 135 kg, and can live up to 100 years. Regularly, the park official
supply goat and pig carcasses to attract these giant lizards to viewing areas for tourists. It is known that
about 1,000 of the Komodo dragons live on the Komodo Island and another 1,000 live on the
neighboring island of Rinca.

Q:13)What is the text about ?

A:)Komodo Island
B:)Beautiful place
C:)Tourist object
D:)The beautiful scenery
E:)The tourist resort in Indonesia

Kunci: A

Q:14)What is the communicative purpose of the text ?

A:)To describe Komodo Island
B:)To tell the history of Komodo Island
C:)To promote the beauty of Komodo Island
D:)To persuade readers to visit Komodo Island
E:)To retell the readers the story of Komodo Island

Kunci: A

Q:15)What tense is mostly used on the text?

A:)Simple present tense
B:)Simple past tense
C:)Present continues tense
D:)Past continues tense
E:)Future tense

Kunci: A

Q:16) Why is the island called Komodo island ?Because...

A:)Many komodo dragons live there
B:)Few komodo dragons live there
C:)Komodo dragons extinct there
D:)It is not komodo dragons’ habitat
E:)The population of many animals

Kunci: A

Q:17) How is Komodo island?

A:)Amazing and famous
B:)Common place
C:)Ordinary place
D:)Nothing special
E:) Isolated place

Kunci: A

Q:18)What do the people in Komodo island ?

A:)Selling souvenirs
B:) Farmers
C:) Fishermen
D:) Gardeners
E:) Labors

Kunci: A

Q:19)What type of text is the text above?

A:) Descriptive
B:) Narrative
C:) Recount
D:) Procedure
E:) Report

Kunci: A

Q:20)How many people who live in the Komodo Village ?

A:)2000 people
B:)2500 people
C:)3000 people
D:)3500 people
E:)4000 people

Kunci: A

Q:21) Only a small percentage of them work as fishermen. What is the synonym of fishermen?


Kunci: A

Q:22) What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A:)The people in the Komodo village
B:)The species of Komodo dragon
C:)The size of the Komodo dragon
D:)The types of the Komodo dragon
E:)The population of Komodo dragon

Kunci: A

Q:23)How many Komodo dragons live in Komodo island?

A:) A thousand
B:) Two thousands
C:) Three thousands
D:) Four thousands
E:) Five thousands

Kunci: A

Q:24)How many Komodo dragons live in Rinca?

A:) A thousand
B:) Two thousands
C:) Three thousands
D:) Four thousands
E:) Five thousands

Kunci: A

Q:25) ...and pig carcasses to attract these giant lizards to viewing areas for tourists .The synonym of
giant is...
E:) Large

Kunci: A

Q:26) We…… each other 2 years ago

B:)be loving
C:)are love
E:) to love

Kunci: D

Q:27) ....he read novel last night?

E:) Can

Kunci: A

Q:28) ....he read novel last night?

E:) Can
Kunci: A

Q:29) We….. to aceh two weeks ago

D:)are going
E:) gone
Kunci: A

Q:30) They……. this music two hours ago

E:) are listening
Kunci: C

Q:31) I….. sad when my best friend left me yesterday

D:)has been
E:)had been
Kunci: B

The following text is for questions 32-36

Once upon a time in west java, lived a writer king who had a beautiful daughter.  Her name was
Dayang Sumbi.  She liked weaving very much.  Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tools
fell to the ground.  She was very tired, at the same time she was too lazy to take it.  Then she just
shouted out loudly.
Anybody there! Bring me my tool.  I will give you special present.  If you are female.  I will consider
you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came. 
He brought her the falling tool.  Dayang Sumbi was very surprised.  She regretted her words but she
could not deny it.  So she had marry Tumang and leave her father.  Then they lived in a small village. 
Several months later they had a son.  His name was Sangkuriang.  He was a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer.  He often hunted to the wood usying his arrow. 
When he went hunting , Tumang was always with him.
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s  heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. 
Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and his faithful dog.  Tumang, but afher several
days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer.  Then where all disappeared.  Sangkuriang was
exhausted and desperate.  He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang.  He did not
know that Tumang was his father.  Tumang’s  heart to her mother.  But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was
Tumang’s heart.  She was so angry that she could not control her emotion.  She hit Sangkuriang at his
head Sangkuriang was wounded.  There was a scar in his head.  She also repelled her son.  Sangkuriang
left her mother in sadness.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man.  He wandered everywhere.  One day
he arrived.  at his own village but he did not realize it.  There he met Dayang Sumbi.  At the time
Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever.  Both of them did
know each other.  So they fall in love and then they decided to marry.  But then Dayang Sumbi
recognized a scar on Sangkuriang’s head.  She knew that Sangkuriang was his son.  It was impossible
for them to marry.  She told him but he did not beliave her.  He wished that they marry soon.  So
Dayang Sumbi gave very difficult condition.  She asked Sangkuriang  to build a lake and a boat in one
night! She said she needed that for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed.  With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to build them.  By midnight
he had completed the lake by building a dam in Citarum river.  Then he started making the boat.  It was
almost dawn when he almost finished it.  Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him.  She was
very worried when she knew this.  So she made lights in the east.  Then the spiritis thought that was
already dawn.  It was time for them to leave.  They left Sangkuriang alone.  Without their help he could
not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry.  He kicked the boat.  Then the boat turned upside down.  It, leter, became
Mounth Tangkuban Perahu.  Which means an upside-down boat.  From a distant the mount really looks
like an upside down boat.
Q:32) What is the story about ?
A:)A wrath son
B:)West java’s tales
C:)Tumang a dog husband
D:)The legend of Tangkuban Perahu
E:)Dayang Sumbi’s rejection to marry Sangkuriang
Kunci: D

Q:33) What type of text is the text above?

D:)Historical recount
Kunci: A

Q:34) How was Dayang Sumbi?

Kunci: D

Q:35) What tense is mostly used on the text?

A:)simple past tense
B:)present continues tense
C:)present perfect tense
D:)future tense
E:)future continues tense
Kunci: A

Q:36) What is the social function of the text?

A:)to entertain the readers
B:)to inform the readers
C:)to describe the readers
D:)to retell past events
E:)to give information
Kunci: A
This text is for questions 37-40

Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way
from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major
sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just
Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On
Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on
the grounds that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide. At that point we proceeded with our
adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that
Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.
Q:37) What type of text is the text above?
D:)Historical recount
Kunci: C

Q:38) What is the social function of the text?

A:)to entertain the readers
B:)to inform the readers
C:)to describe the readers
D:)to retell past events
E:)to give information
Kunci: D

Q:39) What tense is mostly used on the text?

A:)simple past tense
B:)present continues tense
C:)present perfect tense
D:)future tense
E:)future continues tense
Kunci: A

Q:40) What is the text about?

A:) A holiday
B:)My last holiday
C:)The last holiday
D:)Interesting holiday
E:)The writer’s activities during holiday
Kunci: E

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