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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Review of the energy potential of the residual biomass for the distributed T
generation in Brazil

L.R.A. Ferreiraa,b, R.B. Ottoa,b, F.P. Silvaa,b, S.N.M. De Souzab, S.S. De Souzac, O.H. Ando Juniorc,
Automation and Simulation of Electrical Systems Laboratory (Lasse) Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) Av. Tancredo Neves, 6731 Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Energia na Agricultura – PPGEA UNIOESTE, State University of Western Paraná Rua Universitária, 2069 Cascavel, PR,
Departament of Renewable Energies UNILA, Federal University of Latin American Integration Av. Sílvio Américo Sasdelli, 1842 Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil


Keywords: This paper presents a detailed review of the energy potential from residual biomass for distributed generation in
Biogas Brazil, presenting the potential by macro-region of the different types of residues generated in the agricultural,
Biodigester forestry, livestock, industrial and urban sectors. The focus of this research is to map and point out, through
Mitigation bibliographic research, the great potential of biomass in the Brazilian market for the production of biogas and
Green energy and Sustainability
consequently the use for electric power generation in the country and especially in the state of Paraná.
Therefore, it should be emphasized that the methodology used is based on a bibliographic research from da-
tabases and recent research using a survey carried out by the ITAIPU Technological Park (PTI) in partnership
with SENAI/PR, using the FIEP Observatories. As result, this research describes through data collection a fa-
vorable scenario for the technical feasibility of the use of biomass for the energetic use of biogas for power
generation. The distributed generation of electricity from the use of biomass could help Brazil in the preservation
of the environment as well as contribute to the diversification of the energy matrix, economic development and
broadening access to energy in isolated communities.

1. Introduction (includes imports), 8.2% from wood and charcoal and 4.7% from
bleach (pulp and paper mills) and other renewable sources. Fig. 1
Today, the world's population generates enormous amount of waste. presents the domestic energy supply of 590.5 TWh in Brazil in 2015 [4].
Studies of energy and waste management deserve special attention for Brazil has an electricity matrix of predominantly renewable origin,
the new and emerging technologies that are able to produce energy with emphasis on hydraulic generation that accounts for 64% of the
from waste [1,2]. This study presents the energy potential of the dif- domestic supply. In the year 2015, there was an increase in the share of
ferent types of waste generated in the agricultural, forestry, livestock, renewable sources in the electricity matrix from 74.6% to 75.5%, which
industrial and urban sectors. The methodology used was based on is explained by the decrease in thermal generation based on petroleum
bibliographic research. The main bibliographic source used in this work products and the increase of generation based on biomass and wind.
is the "Opportunities of the biogas productive chain for the state of Brazil has installed capacity of electrical generation of 133.9 GW [4].
Paraná", which is a survey carried out by SENAI/PR, by the FIEP Ob- Fig. 2 shows the Brazilian electricity matrix in the year 2015.
servatories [3]. Biomass plants represents 8% of the total electrical energy gener-
Currently, the world energy matrix is heavily based on non-re- ated by thermoelectric plants. Brazil remains highly dependent on two
newable fuels. According to the National Energy Balance [4], published sources: hydro and natural gas. There is need for a greater diversifi-
by the Energy Research Company (EPE), the Brazilian energy matrix is cation to ensure national security, and a greater inclusion of other re-
also composed, for the most part, of 58.8% of non-renewable sources. It newable energy sources. In hydro generation, the best uses of it have
is in a more comfortable position compared to the world average which already been done and they are already part of the current energy
is approximately 86.5%. In the year of 2015, the renewable sources in matrix, while in thermal generation there is a dependence on the price
Brazil had a 41.2% share in the energy matrix, of which 16.9% was of oil, natural gas and the exchange rate [5–7].
derived from sugarcane biomass, 11.3% from hydraulic generation Energy consumption has increased worldwide and should keep

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: liz.alv.fe@gmail.com (L.R.A. Ferreira), rodrigobueno@pti.org.br (R.B. Otto), felipesilva@pti.org.br (F.P. Silva), ssouza@unioeste.br (S.N.M. De Souza),
saengquimica@gmail.com (S.S. De Souza), oswaldo.junior@unila.edu.br (O.H. Ando Junior).

Received 17 April 2017; Received in revised form 13 June 2018; Accepted 14 June 2018
Available online 23 June 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Fig. 1. Domestic Energy Supply in Brazil in 2015. The percentage refers to

energy supply in TWh.

Fig. 3. Biological conversion in aerobic and anaerobic systems.

demand, generating opportunities for labor and income in rural areas


2.1. Treatment of biomass residues

Inadequate disposal of residual biomass can cause soil contamina-

tion, compromise the quality of water resources and cause environ-
mental disturbance among species. Several other factors are related to
the disposal of biomass, including many associated with public health
problems. Therefore, the residual biomass before its final disposal needs
Fig. 2. Brazilian Electricity Matrix in 2015, according to the total capacity of to undergo an appropriate treatment process, aiming at reducing its
electrical generation in GW. polluting potential [14]. Using biological processes provides the
greatest reduction of the organic load with polluting potential present
raising in the upcoming years, seek solutions that increase the supply of in the biomass occurs. These biological processes are classified as
energy is an urgent need, as these solutions must be renewable and aerobic and anaerobic processes (Fig. 3).
sustainable [8,9]. Biomass has enormous potential to increase the share In anaerobic systems, approximately 70–90% of the organic mate-
of renewable energy in the Brazilian electricity matrix, given the rial is biodegradable and converted to biogas. Only 5–15% of the or-
amount of waste generated in the agricultural, industrial and urban ganic material is converted into microbial biomass, resulting in sludge
sectors. This paper presents a detailed review of the energy potential and 10–30% is not biodegradable. In aerobic systems, about 40–50% of
from residual biomass for distributed generation in Brazil. The focus of biological degradation occurs, with the consequent conversion into
this research is to map and point out the great potential of biomass in CO2. The remaining 50–60% becomes sludge, which is composed of
the Brazilian market for the production of biogas and consequently the microbial biomass. The non-biodegradable organic material achieves a
use for electric power generation in the country and especially in the total of approximately 5–10% [15].
state of Paraná. Biogas is a gaseous compound, consisting mainly of methane (CH4)
and carbon dioxide (CO2), and smaller amounts of hydrogen (H2), ni-
trogen (N2), sulfuric gas (H2S) and others. It results from the anaerobic
2. Biomass degradation of organic matter, performed by mixed colonies of micro-
organisms, producing in an almost liquid matter, the digestate and a
Biomass is any renewable resource derived from organic material of gaseous element, the biogas. The digestate is fundamental to create
animal or plant origin, existing in nature or generated by man and/or fertilizers, while biogas represents an excellent renewable energy for
animals, as residues of agricultural and industrial activities and also different applications [16,17].
urban waste that can be used as an alternative source of energy.
Biomass as an energy input has a particularity compared to other 3. Energy potential of biomass residues in Brazil and Paraná
sources: the result of the conversion process can generate solid, liquid
or gaseous fuels, being considered an advantage over other energy All organic waste, such as food waste, fruits, vegetables, industrial
sources, since it gives a certain flexibility of technological adaptation waste of animal and vegetable origin, animal manure and also the
according to the need [10–12]. sewage, suffer actions of bacteria that in the absence of oxygen de-
The use of biomass for the generation of energy is a subject that has compose these materials and generate gases mainly carbon dioxide and
been very important, mainly because it is a renewable fuel, due to the methane. When these gases are not used they are released into the
expectations of exhaustion of the world reserves of fossil fuels and the environment, contributing to the increase of emission rates of green-
pressures of the societies for environmental solutions to the problem of house gases [18].
the emissions of pollutant gases and climate change, as well as its de- In Brazil, the high agricultural activity and urban densities lead to
centralized production characteristics and close to the places of load the generation of large quantities of waste, which could be treated by

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

anaerobic digestion and produce large amounts of biogas [19]. The

energy conversion of biogas into electricity can be done in many ways
due to the current technological advances [20].
The diffusion of the use of mini and distributed micro generation in
the distribution system has been presented as an alternative for the
increase of electricity production in Brazil. Several legal provisions
have been created in recent years by the National Electric Energy
Agency (ANEEL) to encourage this practice. Among the devices created
is the Normative Resolution (REN) no. 482/2012 [21].
The REN n° 482/2012 [22] became valid in April 17, 2012, and was
subsequently modified by REN 687/2015 REN n° 687/2015 [23]. Since
the publication of this resolution, the Brazilian consumer may not only
generate electricity for own consumption from renewable sources, but
also can provide the surplus to other consumers. By injecting the energy
Fig. 4. Agricultural establishments, by region, that generate their own elec-
into the distribution network this can be possible [24,25]. This nor-
mative resolution created the concept of distributed micro and mini
generation and also the Electric Energy Compensation System. In this
system, if the energy injected into the grid is greater than the one 3.1.1. Agricultural and forestry waste
consumed, an "energy credit" is created that cannot be reversed in cash, Agricultural wastes include the material resulting from agricultural
but it can be used to reduce the consumer consumption unit in the crops [32,33]. These residues are basically composed of leaves and
subsequent months or in other units with the same ownership, with 60 stems of plants, commonly called straw. The number of residues may be
months validity [26]. considerably high, generally representing twice as much as the product
Also, there is the possibility of the installation of distributed gen- harvested [34].
eration in condominiums (enterprises of multiple consumer units). In In Brazil, the sugar cane crop is the one with the largest amount
this configuration, the energy generated can be divided among the produced. The energy utilization of the sugar cane residue is at a much
condominiums in percentages defined by the consumers themselves. A higher level than in other crops [34,35]. The main agricultural products
“shared generation” figure has also been created, allowing stakeholders grown in Paraná between 2008 and 2012 were sugarcane, corn, soy and
to join a consortium or a cooperative, to install a distributed generator cassava. Each one provides the generation of different types of waste,
and use the energy generated to reduce the bills of the consortium most of them currently being used energetically via direct burning in
members or cooperatives [26]. boilers or ovens [32]. Table 1 presents the average annual production in
ANEEL's standards differentiate micro and minigenerators. The tons considering the 2008–2012 period of the main agricultural pro-
microgeneration can produce up to 75 kW. In the case of water sources, ducts already mentioned, as well as the respective amount of waste
the minigeneration must have a production of less than or equal to generated and the energy potential.
3 MW. For other renewable sources of electricity or in the case of Sugarcane production is superior compared to the other vegetable
qualified co-generation it must be less than or equal to 5 MW [26,27]. species as showed in Table 1, consequently there is a greater capacity to
produce biogas from sugarcane residues. It is also possible to check that
3.1. Energy potential of generated waste in the agricultural sector species as sugarcane, corn, soybean and cassava together have in
Paraná an energy potential of 308,623 GWh/year and in Brazil an en-
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ergy potential of 2615,360 GWh/year [36,37]. Paraná state has a
[28], there are 5175,489 agricultural establishments, of which planted forest area of 1.3 million hectares and an annual consumption
3526,330 units have attested to have electric energy obtained from at of 51 million cubic meters of wood. This represents 7.03% of the gross
least one modality (generated in the establishment, obtained by as- value of state production and generates 300 thousand jobs [38].
signment or bought from distributor).
The percentage of establishments provided with electricity in the Table 1
Northeast, North, Midwest, Southeast and South regions are respec- Energy potential of agricultural waste [3].
tively 61.5%, 38%, 73.1%, 82.3% and 84%, in relation to total existing
Vegetable Annual Production Amount of Waste Energy
establishments in each of these regions. The electricity purchased from Species (avg. 2008–2012) (ton/year)b Potential
the distributor is present in 3258,676 agricultural establishments in (ton)a (GWh/year)c
Brazil, and the electricity generated in the property is present in 75,457
agricultural establishments. In this aspect, Fig. 4 shows that the
Sugar Cane 49,257,215 26,598,897 118,217
Northeast Region stands out in relation to all Brazilian agricultural Maize 13,894,058 19,729,562 97,004
establishments that generate their own electric energy in the property: Soy 12,339,419 17,275,186 70,060
its 32,667 establishments correspond to 43.3% of the total. Next, the Cassava 3808,476 5331,866 23,342
North Region with 38.1%, Midwest with 9.2%, Southeast with 6.6% TOTAL 79,299,168 68,935,512 308,623
and South with 2.8% [28]. Sugar Cane 701,890,694 379,020,986 1684,538
In the state of Paraná, there are 371,051 existing agricultural es- Maize 58,350,097 82,857,135 407,381
tablishments, of which 749 obtain their electricity from generating Soy 65,319,827 91,447,758 370,871
their own, coming from solar, wind, hydro, fuel burning or other Cassava 24,893,634 34,851,088 152,570d
TOTAL 850,454,252 588,176,966 2615,360
sources [28]. Brazil has vast energy reserves of residual biomass from
agricultural activities [29]. This could be an alternative to increase the Note:.
number of agricultural establishments with own generation. a
In 2010, approximately more than 35% of the greenhouse gas b
Índexes: 0.540 (sugar cane); 1.420 (maize); 1.40 (soy) e 0.186 (cassava)
emissions in Brazil were caused by the agricultural sector [30]. [35].
Nowadays, researchers are analyzing the potential of anaerobic diges- c
Calorific Value (dry basis): 16.0 MJ/kg (sugar cane – leaves and tips);
tion of animal waste in Brazil, especially for electric power generation 17.7 MJ/kg (maize – cob and thatch); 14.6 MJ/kg (soy – straw) [36].
[31]. d
Calorific Value (dry basis): 15.8 MJ/kg (cassava – leaves) [37].

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

A large amount of forest residues is generated annually in Brazil. Table 2

These residues consist of all material left behind in the collection of Energy potential of livestock waste [3].
wood, both in natural forests and reforestation, and by the sawing and Animal Effective Total Waste/ Biogas Total Energy
cuttings produced in the processing of wood. These residues left at the Species livestock Day (kg2)b (m3/year)c Potential
collection site are the leaves, the branches and the resulting cuts [39]. (heads) 2012a (GWh/
The forest biomass residues have potential for energy generation. year)d

Around 41 million tons of wood waste are generated annually from the PARANÁ
wood processing and forest harvesting industry, which can generate Poultry 232,754,476.00 34,913,171.40 637,165,378.05 911.15
energy equivalent to 1.7 GW/year. The South and Southeast regions Swine 5518,927.00 12,969,478.45 373,974,911.11 534.78
have the highest potential for biomass energy generation due to the Dairy Cows 1615,916.00 20,198,950.00 280,159,436.50 400.63
TOTAL 239,889,319.00 68,081,599.85 1291,299,725.66 1846.56
high concentration of forest plantations and sugarcane plantations [40].
Poultry 1032,038,992.00 154,805,848.80 2825,206,740.60 4040.05
3.1.2. Waste from the livestock sector Swine 38,795,902.00 91,170,369.70 2628,897,610.30 3759.32
In the rural areas, the modernization of the breeding systems in- Dairy Cows 22,803,519.00 285,043,987.50 3953,560,106.63 5653.59
TOTAL 1093,638,413 531,020,206.00 9407,664,457.52 13,452.96
tensifies the energy needs, generation of waste and need for treatment
of this waste [14,41]. The strong transformations of confined animals
production have brought significant advances to the sector, however a
this also has caused environmental problems due to the concentration b
Weights considered: chickens and chickens up to 2.5 kg (0.15 kg waste/
and scale of the activity. This creates the need to search for new al- day); swine 90 kg (2.35 kg waste/day); bovines 500 kg (12.5 kg waste/day)
ternatives to mitigate the problem and also add value to the generated [45].
waste [42]. c
Conversion rates used: poultry 0.05 m3/kg, swine 0.079 m3/kg and dairy
In the livestock sector, the state that stands out historically in pig cows 0.038 m3/kg [46].
farming is Santa Catarina. In 2012, it corresponded a 19.3% partici- Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3. This index was considered
pation in the national livestock. Next, Rio Grande do Sul with 16%, for all residues, but it is known that there may be variations according to the
Paraná with 14.2% and Minas Gerais with 13.3%, together they cor- substrate used [47].
respond to 62.8% of the national production [43].
Swine farming is a polluting activity with high organic load, re-
sponsible for spreading pathogens, contaminating rivers, underground production of ethanol. For each liter of alcohol produced, twelve liters
water and soils, as well as producing unpleasant odors and emitting of vinasse is left as a residue [49]. It is a highly polluting waste, which
greenhouse gases [44]. can generate serious source of pollution when thrown into rivers. It can
Brazil is also the world's second largest beef producer. In the year be used, as fertilizer, in the production of biogas to generate electricity
2012, a bovine herd of 211,279,082 heads was registered, from which or in livestock as a high protein complement of animal feed [50,51].
22,803,519 referred to dairy cows. In the state of Paraná, a bovine herd Table 3 shows the ethanol production data for Paraná and Brazil for
of 9413,937 head was registered, being 1615,916 referred to dairy cows the 2012/2013 sugarcane harvest and also includes the production of
[45]. The confined livestock production, especially of poultry, pigs and vinasse and its potential to obtain biogas through digestion [3].
cattle, has a significant biogas production potential from the manure of Considering the data from the sugarcane harvest of 2012/2013,
these animals and subsequent use of biogas for the generation of elec- Paraná could produce annually more than 167 million m3 of biogas,
tric energy [29]. with an energy potential of 240 GWh of electricity per year [27].
It can be observed on Table 2, that the greatest energy potential is
obtained through poultry farming, due to the greater effective number
of these livestock. Together, the waste generated by poultry, pork and 3.2.2. Waste from the biodiesel production process
dairy cows have an estimated energy potential of 13,452.96 GWh/year Biodiesel is a fuel that can be produced from vegetable oils, animal
in Brazil and 1846.56 GWh/year in the state of Paraná [3]. fats and oil of microbial origin. The raw materials are converted into
In Annexes A, B, C and D, the theoretical potential of biogas pro- biodiesel by means of a chemical reaction involving alcohol and cata-
duction in the state of Paraná is presented. These estimations were lyst [54]. Biodiesel can also be defined as a biofuel derived from re-
developed by the BiogasFert Network in a joint action of the newable biomass for use in internal combustion engines or, according
International Center for Renewable Energies – Biogas (CIBiogás), to regulation, for other types of energy generation, which can partially
International Hydroinformatic Center (CIH), Brazilian Agricultural or totally replace fossil fuels [55].
Research Corporation (Embrapa), Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) and It can be used pure or mixed with diesel in various proportions. The
Itaipu Binacional. The categories listed in Appendices A, B, C and D mixture of 2% biodiesel to petroleum diesel is called B2; with 10%
were milked cows, growing-finish pigs, piglets and breeding pigs, re-
spectively. Table 3
Potential energy of vinasse resulting from alcohol production (cane harvest
2012/2013) [3].
3.2. Energy potential of industrial and agroindustrial waste
Annual Annual Annual Production Energy
The sugar and alcohol industries, biodiesel, dairies, cassava, citrus, Production of Production of of Biogas Estimated Potential
Alcohol (m3)a Vinasse (m3)b (m3)c (GWh/year)d
beers, slaughterhouses, pulp and paper, participate expressively in the
production of waste. PARANÁ
1471,320.0 17,655,840.0 167,730,480.0 239.9
3.2.1. Waste from the sugar and alcohol industries BRAZIL
27,808,591.0 333,703,092.0 3170,179,374.0 4533.4
Brazil is not only the largest producer of sugarcane, it is also the
largest producer of sugar and ethanol and increasingly conquers the Note:.
foreign market with the use of biofuel as an alternative energy [48]. In a
Brazil, there are 411 sugar and alcohol plants that produce ethanol in b
conversion rate: 12 m3 vinasse/m3 alcohol [53].
addition to large quantities of waste in the process, mainly vinasse [29]. conversion rate: 9.5 m3 biogas/m3 vinasse [53].
Vinasse is the final by-product of the biomass distillation, mainly for the d
biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Table 4 Table 5
Energy potential of glycerol resulting from the production of biodiesel [3]. Energy potential of whey resulting from the manufacture of cheese [3].
Annual Annual Annual Production Energy Annual Annual Annual Production Energy
Production of Production of of Biogas Estimated Potential Production of Production of Of Biogas Estimated Potential
Biodiesel (m3)a Glycerol (m3)b (m3)c (GWh/year)d Cheese (ton) Whey (m3)a (m3)b (GWh/year)c

120,110.85 12,011.09 3002,711.33 4.29 7568.00 68,112.00 774,774.00 1.11
2717,483.49 271,748.35 67,937,087.23 97.15 867,100.00 7803,900.00 88,769,362.50 126.94

Note:. Note:.
a a
Adapted from [52], according to [59]. Conversion rate: 9 m3 whey/t cheese [70]. Considering that whey is 50%
Conversion rate = 0.1 m3 glycerol/m3 biodiesel [60]. inserted back into other processes and 50% is discarded [71].
Conversion Rate = 250 m3 biogas/m3glycerol [61]. Conversion rate: 22.75 m3 biogas/m3 whey [72].
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47]. Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].

added (B10); and so on, up to pure biodiesel, called the B100 [18]. Law 3.2.4. Residues generated in cassava processing
No 11,097 of January 2005 introduced biodiesel in the Brazilian energy In Brazil, the main types of cassava processing are for the manu-
matrix and established the mandatory addition of a minimum percen- facture of flour and starch extraction [73]. The solid and liquid residues
tage of biodiesel to diesel oil sold in the country. This percentage generated during the processing of cassava are: brown peel, peel, dis-
started at 2% [25,55]. Law No 13,263 of March 2016 defines that the card, crushed, fiber, bagasse, manipueira (rubber water), washing water,
value of 7% should increase to 8% in 2017, 9% in 2018 and 10% in water from starch extraction [74,75]. The pollution generated by these
2019 [25,56]. residues results in direct effects, not only on the environment, but also
The increase in biodiesel production should also lead to an increase on the population quality of life, especially those located around the
in the residues resulting from the production process, among them production areas [73]. The manipueira is the wastewater originated
glycerin, which represents about 10% of the total mass resulting from from the pressing of cassava for the production of flour or the waste-
the process. Glycerin or glycerol has several applications in the cos- water of the starch. In this case, it is diluted with the water extracted
metics, pharmaceutical, detergent, resin manufacturing, food industry, from the starch. Even though diluted, the manipueira still has a high
food and beverage industries, such as soft drinks, candies, cakes, meats content of organic material and, in this way, there is a need for treat-
and animal feeds [57]. ment so that it can be released into the environment without causing
Glycerol can be degraded by the anaerobic digestion process, re- damage [73].
sulting in the production of a biogas composed mainly of methane and Anaerobic digestion is presented as a viable option for the treatment
carbon dioxide [58]. Table 4 shows the potential for generating biogas of this content, because in addition to reducing the organic load, it
from pure crude glycerol, and presents the estimated energy generation results in biogas and fertilizer [76]. The biogas produced in the plant
through this material, which would be about 4 GWh per year for the itself can be used to dry its products during cassava industrialization, in
state of Paraná [3]. order to minimize another environmental problem caused in this pro-
cess, which is the use of non-renewable fuels for the generation of heat
3.2.3. Residues from the dairy industry
Data obtained by the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied
The whey derived from the manufacture of cheeses is considered to
Economics (CEPEA) in the "Survey on the performance of the cassava
be one of the main residues of the dairy industry [62,63]. The large
starch industry in Brazil in 2012" indicate that the total volume of
volume of whey produced daily is one of the biggest problems faced by
starch produced in 2012 was 519.67 thousand tons. As can be seen in
the producers. About nine liters of whey are produced for each pound of
Table 6, 374.3 thousand tons of cassava starch were produced in
cheese. Because it has several nutrients and organic substances, re-
Paraná, representing 72% of the total national. Mato Grosso do Sul
presented mainly by lactose and proteins, the whey has a high value of
ranked second, with 88.2 thousand tons produced and 17% of the total.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) [64–66]. Because of that, the whey
In the state of São Paulo, production totaled 48 thousand tons, 9.2% of
discarded in the environment it behaves as a pollutant agent [67].
the total. In addition, the states of Santa Catarina, Pará and Bahia
It is estimated that 50% of the world's production of whey is treated
produced 9 thousand tons, representing 1.7% of the national total.
and transformed into several food products, of which almost half is used
Between 2011 and 2012, Paraná had the biggest advance in terms of
directly in liquid form, as in the production of milk drink [68]. In
production [78].
Paraná, 76.5% of the whey is donated to the rural producers, who use it
Table 7 presents the potential of biogas and energy generation from
as supplementation in animal feed. This procedure is carried out mainly
the manipueira, which would contribute 0.72 GWh per year to the state
among the smaller dairy producers, since for 35.7% of the establish-
of Paraná.
ments classified as medium-large and for 50% of large establishments,
in addition to returning to the farmers, the serum is sold to the whey
powder processing industries and for milk-producing industries [69]. 3.2.5. Citriculture waste
For calculation purposes, it was considered that 50.0% of the whey Citriculture is one of the most outstanding Brazilian agricultural
production is destined for processing in Paraná, and, therefore, that the industry, it is considered as a highly organized and competitive sector.
remaining 50.0% are currently discarded, but could be used in anae- Brazil is responsible for 60% of the world production of orange juice.
robic digestion [3]. Table 5 shows the cheese and whey production More than 18 million tons of the fruit are harvested annually in the
data, with estimated biogas production, which would generate about 1 country, or 30% of the world fruit harvest. To maintain its leadership in
GWh of electric energy per year in Paraná [3]. the sector, the Ministry of Agriculture invests in supporting the

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Table 6
Total production and state participation in national starch production between 2010 and 2012 [78].
States 2010 2011 2012

Production (t) % of total Production (t) % of total Production (t) % of total

Paraná 404,248.50 74.6% 365,989.25 70.5% 374,336.09 72.0%

Mato Grosso do Sul 80,802.81 14.9% 88,536.25 17.1% 88,246.82 17.0%
São Paulo 50,728.33 9.4% 55,383.17 10.7% 48,027.86 9.2%
Santa Catarina 5860.75 1.1% 6797.50 1.3% 4760.00 0.9%
Pará – – 1650.00 0.3% 3000.00 0.6%
Bahia – – 800.00 0.2% 1300.00 0.3%
Goiás 560.00 0.1% – – – –
Total 542,200.39 100% 519,156.17 100% 519,670.77 100%

Table 7 industries [84]. However, a large part of the waste remains unused [3].
Potential energy of manipueira resulting from cassava processing [3]. The potential for biogas production from yellow water is presented in
Annual Annual Annual Energy Table 8, and the power generation capacity, which would be 8.31 GWh
Production of Production of Production of Potential per year in the state of Paraná [3]
Cassava Starch Manipueira (ton)b Estimated (m3)c (GWh/year)d

3.2.6. Waste from brewing
374,336.09 123,530.91 506,476.73 0.72 Brazil ranks third in the world beer production and consumption
BRAZIL ranking, behind only China and the United States [85]. The Brazilian
519,670.77 171,491.35 703,114.55 1.01 production of beers in the period 2005–2013 grew at an average annual
rate of 5%. As it has an important multiplier effect in the economy, its
a operation moves an extensive productive chain that is responsible for
Conversion rate: 0.33 m3 manipueira/t processed cassava [79]. 1.6% of GDP and 14% of the national manufacturing industry. Ap-
Conversion rate: 4.1 m3 biogas/m3 waste [76,80]. proximately 14 billion liters of beer are produced per year [86].
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47]. In 2011 Brazil had about 170 micro-breweries and 30 medium-sized
regional breweries [87]. The majority of microbreweries in the country
adoption of more efficient systems, such as integrated production, with are concentrated in seven states, according to Table 9.
measures to reduce costs, improve and increase the commercialization The brewing industry generates relatively high levels of residues
of the product, among other initiatives [81,82]. such as malt bagasse, yeast and hops [88]. Malt bagasse, also called Wet
One of the main problems faced by the orange juice processing in- Brewery (RUC) [89–91] is the most abundant residue in the brewing
dustries is the large volume of solid and liquid waste daily produced. process [92]. Malt cake produces, from anaerobic digestion, 58–65%
After the extraction of the juice, the solid residues of the orange in- methane gas [93]. The reuse of biogas for power generation in the
dustry, consisting of the husks, seeds and pulps, are generally trans- brewery itself is also possible and may partially support the demand of
formed into animal feed. Among the liquid discharges, the "yellow the industrial plant [94], and contributes in the generation of energy in
water", formed by proteins and essential oils, pectins, sugars, organic the range of 25–70% of total consumption [95,96].
acids and salts, is the one that most concerns, due to its high organic There is the possibility of converting into gas the remains of malt,
matter indexes, which makes it an agent of high pollutant potential hops and yeast, which are the main brewing ingredients. For each one
[83]. liter of the drink occurs the consumption of 100 liters of water, con-
The citriculture residues have significant commercial value. Of note sidering both the manufacturing process and industrialization [97]. In
are the essential oils (fruit peel) used as inputs in the food, beverage, such a way, each liter of beer generates 0.16 kg of waste. Paraná stands
cosmetic and perfume industry; aromatic essences obtained by con- out in the production of strong beers and experiences a moment of
centrating juice; citrus pulp meal intended for the production of feed appreciation of handcrafted companies in the branch, with 18 manu-
(food for animal) and orange pulp used by the food and beverage facturers in operation in the year 2014. In addition to micro-breweries,
the state has two large breweries [3].
Considering that each liter results in 0.16 kg of waste, it can be
Table 8 estimated that, monthly, 4.1 million tons of biomass are generated,
Energy potential of yellow water resulting from the manufacture of orange juice representing a biogas energy potential of 8281.04 GWh per year in
[1]. Paraná [3].
Annual Annual Annual Production Energy
Production of Production of of Biogás Estimated Potential
Orange 2012 Yellow Water (m3)c (GWh/ano)d
(ton)a (m3)b Table 9
Distribution of microbreweries in Brazil [87].
913,214.00 273,964.20 5810,780.70 8.31 State % of total national
18,012,560.00 5403,768.00 114,613,919.30 163.70 São Paulo 24
Rio Grande do Sul 17
Note:. Santa Catarina 13
[34]. Minas Gerais 10
b Rio Janeiro 8
Conversion 0.3 m3 water of orange/m3 water of orange. Considering 70%
Paraná 7
of orange production of the country and state are used for juice [74].
Goiás 5
Conversion rate: 30.3 m3 biogás/m3 water of orange [61]. Others 16
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Table 10 Table 12
Energy potential of wet brewery waste [3]. Energy potential of black liquor resulting from the manufacture of paper and
cellulose [3].
Annual Production of Annual Production of Energy Potential
beer 2014 (m3)a Biogas Estimated (m3) (GWh/year)b Annual Annual Production of Biogas Energy
Production of Pulp liquids and black Potencial (m3)c Potential
PARANÁ and Paper (ton)a liquor (m3)b (GWh/year)d
306,306,000.00 5790,937,920.77 8281.04
14,137,049,858.00 267,271,219,337.79 382,197.84 3153,000.00 510,786,000.00 468,646,155 670.164
Note:. 24,078,000.00 3900,636,000.00 3578,833,530 5117.732
No recent surveys on beer production were found in Paraná, for which the
production of the state's main producers was considered. Note:.
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47]. [105].
Conversion rate: 162 m3 waste/t paper and cellulose [74].
3.2.7. Waste from slaughterhouses Conversion Rate: 0.9175 m3 biogas/m3 waste [106].
biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].
In the slaughterhouses (abattoir), the animals are slaughtered,
producing carcasses (meat with bones) and edible viscera. Some units
also boned the carcasses and produced the so-called butcher cuts, but establishes the production of these residues in Paraná and Brazil, as
they did not industrialize the meat. The slaughterhouses, in turn, can be well as the energy potential of using the resulting biogas, which would
divided into two types: those that slaughter animals, separate their contribute more than 700 GWh per year for each state [3].
meat, their viscera and industrialize them, generating their byproducts,
i.e., they do all the processes of slaughterhouses and also industrialize
the meat, and those who do not slaughter animals – buy the meat in 3.2.8. Waste from the paper and cellulose industries
carcasses or cuts, as well as viscera, from other slaughterhouses for The pulp and paper industries are characterized by the intensive use
processing and generation of its derivatives and byproducts, so they of energy in their production processes, with a 4.3% share of total
only industrialize meat [98]. consumption in Brazil in 2014. Although energy-intensive, most of the
This industry generates a large amount of effluents, both solid and energy consumed by the sector Is generated from renewable sources,
liquid. The liquid residue consists of 80–95% of the water consumed. by-products of their production processes. In 2014, 71% of the energy
These effluents are mainly characterized by having: high organic load; consumed by the sector came from renewable sources, with the parti-
high fat content; high nitrogen content; phosphorus and salt; significant cipation of 63% of thermal and electric energy generated from biomass
amounts of various curing salts and, optionally, various aromatic and black liquor (residual liquor in pulp of wastewater after the
compounds; fluctuations in pH and temperature. In this way, the waste bleaching process) [101,102].
has high values of biochemical and chemical oxygen demand, para- In addition, the segment requires a water supply of 100,000 l/ton of
meters used to quantify the organic pollutant load in effluents, sus- manufactured paper. In addition to consuming many resources, the
pended solids, greases and floatable materials. Fragments of meat, fats industry is responsible for generating a large amount of waste. Solids
and offal can usually be found in effluents. Therefore, there is highly have well established destinations, such as composting, production of
putrescible material in these effluents, which decompose in a few hours ceramics and wooden pallets. However, liquids still do not have a
after their generation, especially the higher the ambient temperature particular purpose. The black liquor, effluent generated during the
[98,99]. One of the ways to reduce the polluting potential of these production of the paper, is quite toxic and it was believed that due to
wastes is in anaerobic treatment, with biogas production. Table 11 this characteristic, it was not subject to biological treatment, because it
inhibited the actions of the microorganisms. However, recent studies
indicate that, mixed with other wastes and under correct conditions, it
Table 11 can be treated anaerobically and generate a significant volume of
Energy potential of residues resulting from the slaughter and processing of meat
biogas [103,104]. As demonstrated in the Table 12, the pulp and paper
from bovine, swine and poultry [3].
sector could thus contribute more than 670 GWh per year to the electric
Industrial Annual Annual Biogas Potential Energy matrix of Paraná [3].
Sector Production of Production of (m3)c Potential
Processed Waste (m3)b (GWh/
Meat (t)a year)d

Bovine 497,084.50 6462,098.50 55,444,805.13 79.29
Swine 590,426.10 7675,539.30 66,393,414.95 94.94
Poultry 3863,517.37 50,225,725.81 396,783,233.90 567.40
Bovine 11,862,879.00 154,217,427.00 1323,185,523.66 1892.16
Swine 3027,802.95 39,361,438.35 340,476,441.73 486.88
Poultry 12,759,627.90 165,875,162.70 1310,413,785.33 1873.89

Conversion Rate: 13 m3 effluent/t processed meat [74].
Conversion Rate: 8.58 m3 of biogas/t bovine meat 8.65 m3 of biogas/t pork
meat; 7.9 m3 biogas/t chicken meat [74].
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43kWh/m3 [47]. Fig. 5. Energy recovery technologies of urban solid waste (USW) [110].

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Table 13 Table 17
Energy potential of urban solid waste (USW) [3]. Energy potential of CEASAs waste [3].
Annual Production of Biogas Potential (m3/ Energy Potential Annual Production of Biogas Potential (m3/ Energy Potential
USW (t/year)a year)b (GWh/year)c CEASAs Waste (t/year)a year)b (GWh/year)c

2552,538 255,253,822.17 365.01 12,904.55 5725,293.36 8.19
59,109,898 5910,989,797.80 8452.72 Nota:.
Note:. b
Conversion rate: 0.4985 m3 biogas×kg−1 volatile solids (VS). [122] Waste
It was considered only the population living in urban areas [112]. Con- with 89% of VS. [123].
version rate: 0.746 kg/hab.day (Paraná), 0.963 kg/hab.day (Brazil) [110]. c
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].
Conversion rate: 100 m3/t. The rate ranged from 100 to 200 m3/t. [108].
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47].

Table 14
Percentages of sewage treatment in Brazil in 2013 by region [29,114].
Region Percentage of sewage treatment (%)

In relation to generated sewage In relation to collected sewage

North 14.7 85.3

Northeast 28.8 78.1
Midwest 43.9 64.3
Southeast 35.1 78.9
South 45.9 91.6
Brazil 39.0 69.4

Table 15 Fig. 6. Estimation of the energy potential of the produces waste in the state of
Potential energy of the sewage [3]. Paraná.
Urban Annual Production of Biogas Potential Energy
Population in Sewage (m3/year)a (m3/year)b Potential establishes that solid waste, after exhausted all possibilities of treat-
2010 (GWh/year)c
ment and recovery by available and economically viable technological
PARANÁ processes, they must have an environmentally adequate final disposal,
8912,692 520,501,212.8 19,779,046 28.28 observing Operational Standards to avoid damage or risks to public
BRAZIL health and safety and to minimize adverse environmental impacts
160,925,792 9398,066,252.8 357,126,518 510.69
Note:. There are several routes for the energetic use of Urban Solid Waste
Urban Population in 2010 × Sewage Production per capita per day (USW), by thermal or biological treatment. The main technologies for
(0.16 m3/hab day) × 365 days [118]. heat treatment are incineration, gasification and plasma. The most well-
Conversion rate 0.038 m3 biogas/m3 sewage [126]. known technologies for the biological treatment of waste with energetic
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47]. use are from biogas and landfill gas in anaerobic reactors [108]. Fig. 5
presents the energy recovery technologies of USW.
Table 16 Considering all the solid waste collected in the country, only 58.4%
Energy potential of sweeping and pruning waste [3]. is classified as landfill, the remaining 41.6% is sent to dumps or con-
trolled landfills [110]. Landfill is defined as a disposal technique in soil
Annual Production – Biogas Potential (m3/ Energy Potential
Sweeping and pruning waste year)a (GWh/year)b that does not cause damage to public health and safety, minimizing
(ton/year) environmental impacts. It must have protection of air and soil, as well
as treatment of leach and gas from the landfill. Controlled landfill is an
inadequate form of final disposal of wastes, in which the only precau-
1143,654.50 200,139,537.50 286.20
tion is to cover the landfill and waste mass. It has no soil protection and
20,887,745.50 3655,355,462.50 5227.16 contaminates groundwater. Dumping is also an inadequate form of final
disposal of waste, which is characterized by simple discharge, on the
Note:. ground, without measures to protect the environment or public health
Conversion rate 175 m3/ton [61]. [111].
Biogas conversion rates in energy 1.43 kWh/m3 [47]. The rate of recovery of landfill gas, in general, is about 50% of the
total produced. However, it is now possible to provide anaerobic di-
gestion technologies with a minimum of 150 t/day of urban solid waste,
3.3. Energy production through urban waste
with a minimum of 250 t/day being more convenient [108]. In order to
evaluate the biogas generation potential from municipal solid waste,
3.3.1. Urban solid waste
the urban population of Paraná and Brazil was considered, as well as
The National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) – Law No. 12,305/2010,

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Fig. 7. Potential for the generation of biogas and energy by sector of the economy of Paraná in percentage terms [3].

the indices of per capita waste degradation [3]. the Brazilian Program of Modernization of “Hortifrutigranjeiro”
According to Table 13 the state of Paraná would be able to record Market. The CEASAs are present in 52 major Brazilian cities [120].
about 365 GWh per year of electricity from urban solid waste. Values from the federal government indicate that about 30% of all food
waste in Brazil is due to the lack of structure and waste management
3.3.2. Sewage energetic use plan in CEASAs [120].
In the year 2013, the collection of sewage reached only 48.6% of the With a purpose to reuse, the NSWP currently obliges those re-
Brazilian population: more than 100 million Brazilians did not have sponsible for agricultural activities, which include those responsible for
access to this service. The situation is aggravated by the fact that 39% of CEASAs, to develop their own solid waste management plans (PGRS).
sewage was treated in the country [113]. These plans should include measures such as: conditioning, reduction,
Sewage treatment is fundamental to guarantee sanitary conditions reuse, recycling, treatment and final disposal. Table 17 presents data for
for habitation, but even simple collection is crucial for environmental the production of biogas and electricity from the digestion of waste
degradation issues [115,116]. It allows to reduce the content of con- from CEASAs in Paraná. There is no comparison with Brazil due to lack
taminating agents, making possible the use of the by-products resulting of national data. Only organic waste data was considered [3].
from this treatment or, even, the return to the environment [117]. From the data presented, Paraná would have an energy production
Table 15 indicates that Paraná could use the domestic sewage to con- of 8.19 GWh per year through the digestion waste from CEASAs [3].
tribute to almost 30 GWh of the energy matrix to the state per year [3].
3.4. Summary of the estimated energy potential of waste generated in the
3.3.3. Urban cleaning waste State of Paraná
Urban cleaning and solid waste management are known as a “set of
activities, infrastructures and operational facilities for collection, Figs. 6 and 7 presents a summary of the energy potential in GWh per
transportation, shipment, treatment and final destination of household year of the waste generated in the state of Paraná, in the agriculture,
waste and garbage originating from the sweeping and cleaning of public livestock, industry sectors, as well as the waste generated in urban
places and streets”[119]. Table 16 shows the biogas potential from the areas.
sweep and pruning residues in Paraná. The data showed that the elec- In the livestock sector, confined animal waste (poultry, pigs, dairy
tricity generation capacity reaches almost 300 GWh per year in the cows) was considered. In the agriculture sector, the harvesting of the
state. main agricultural products grown in Paraná (sugarcane, corn, soybean
and cassava) was considered. In the industrial sector, wastes generated
3.3.4. Waste generated in Supply Centers in the manufacture of sugar and alcohol (vinasse), beers (wet brewery
The Supply Centers, better known as CEASAs are state-owned or residue), biodiesel (glycerol), paper and cellulose (bleach). As well as,
joint venture enterprises in order to promote, develop, regulate and residues generated in the processing of cassava (manipueira), in the
organize marketing of product in a particular region. They are part of manufacture of cheese (whey), in the processing industries of orange

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

juice (yellow water) and residues generated in slaughterhouses. In the equipment installations;
urban sector, urban solid wastes, residues generated in urban cleaning • Market Limitation: Lack of qualified Brazilian companies in the
(sweeping and pruning), liquid effluent (domestic sewage) and waste various stages of the biogas production chain;
generated in the supply centers (CEASAs) were considered. The nu- • Professional Qualification: Scarcity of technical knowledge of pro-
merical data presented in Fig. 6 were adopted from the "Opportunities fessionals with project and practical knowledge to perform the op-
of the biogas production chain for the state of Paraná". Further details eration of biodigesters.
are available in Tables 1–17. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of biogas
production potential in the surveyed sectors in percentage terms, in Although Brazil is beginning to explore this resource, there is the
order to show the impact of each activity on the generation of the understanding that biogas will play an important role in the coming
electric matrix based on this fuel. years. Among the primary sources for biogas production are waste from
Fig. 6 highlights the energy potential of produced waste in the rural, urban or industrial interventions. Agricultural residues (manure,
agricultural sector. In the state of Paraná, the waste generated from straw and washing water), urban (sewage, garbage, sweepings and
sugarcane harvesting presents, in terms of energy, a greater advantage pruning) and industrial waste (effluents, leftovers and products not
in comparison to other crops. This can be justified by the fact that the validated by quality.
production of sugarcane is superior compared to other plant species. The production of renewable energy from biogas is an alternative
According to the data presented in Table 1, the total production of for the diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix, which is very
sugarcane, for example, it is almost five times more than maize [124]. dependent on hydroelectric plants. It can be observed that the gen-
On the other hand, sugarcane has a lower conversion rate than corn, eration of electric energy by means of biogas is still not very re-
soybean and cassava. This conversion rate is equal to 0.54 for su- presentative in the country, with less than 0.05% of participation.
garcane, 1.42 for corn, 1.40 for soybean and 0.186 for cassava [27]. According to the Energy Research Company (EPE), the potential of
This means that for each ton of sugarcane produced there are 0.54 t of 687.7 GWh per year corresponds to the electric energy consumed by
waste. 264,000 inhabitants, equivalent to the population of Foz do Iguaçu/PR.
From Fig. 7, it can be observed that agroindustry is among the ac- Therefore, combined with the biogas generation potential of livestock,
tivities, the main potential source of electric energy generated from agroindustry and urban waste, 12,481.4 GWh per year would be gen-
biogas in the state. The 9947.12 GWh/year potentially generated by the erated, enough to supply the demand of 4793,151 inhabitants.
waste from the activity in one year correspond to 79.7% of the potential The lack of specific laws and regulation of the sector in Brazil de-
of electricity generation from biogas in Paraná. It can be seen that li- prives producers and consumers of taking advantage of the biogas
vestock farming accounts for 14.8% of the potential for biogas and chain. This scenario, however, is close to being modified. At the end of
electric power generation. Finally, it is verified that urban waste is the 2013, there was the creation of the Brazilian Biogas and Biomethane
third largest potential source of electric energy generation from the use Association - ABiogás, an organization that works on a national policy
of biogas. proposal for the sector. The evolution in the legal scope must open
many opportunities for sector development, consolidating the tech-
4. Conclusions and future direction nology in Brazil. In this way, fueling the entire biogas chain, from the
equipment manufacturers to the users, through the training of specia-
Growing concern about sustainability has provided the development lized labor in Paraná. At the same time, economic incentives are also
of clean technologies for obtaining renewable resources, including en- growing, but funding sources are still few in the country. The Low
ergy. Among the promising technologies in Brazil, there is the pro- Carbon Agriculture, Pronaf Eco and eventual ANEEL and Financing of
duction of biogas that is still in the process of adaptation and adjust- Studies and Projects (FINEP) programs are now the only access op-
ment. Due to the diversity of technological arrangements, scales and portunities, all linked to the government sphere. Moreover, the lack of
raw materials available to obtain biogas, this makes the regulation and regulation of the sector, both in relation to production and marketing,
standardization process more complex. However, as an alternative form the lack of fiscal incentives and the large bureaucracy to obtain en-
of decentralized energy generation, biogas provides economic, social vironmental licenses hinder the development and popularization of
and environmental benefits. Where, the main deficiencies for the im- technology.
plantation of the productive chain of biogas in the state of Paraná are This paper describes through data collection a favorable scenario for
presented below: the technical feasibility of the use of biomass for the energetic use of
biogas for power generation. The distributed generation of electricity
• Potential mapping: Need to create a database containing informa- from the use of biomass could help Brazil in the preservation of the
tion on the potential for deployment and existing technologies for environment as well as contribute to the diversification of the energy
biogas production; matrix, economic development and broadening access to energy in
• Technological Limitation: Necessity of adaptation of the Brazilian isolated communities. In Brazil, the high urban density, the expressive
electrical system (centralized) to new technologies and network agricultural, industrial activity generate large amounts of waste that are
concept (Distributed Generation); not used. Since much of this residual biomass that is wasted today could
• Technical Limitation: Development and improvement of national be used to generate electricity and thus reduce greenhouse gas emis-
technology with guarantee and security of maintenance and sions.

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Appendix A

See Fig. A1

Fig. A1. Estimation of biogas production potential (milked cows).

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Appendix B

See Fig. B1

Fig. B1. Estimation of biogas production potential (Pigs in fattening).

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Appendix C

See Fig. C1

Fig. C1. Estimation of biogas production potential (Piglets).

L.R.A. Ferreira et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 440–455

Appendix D

See Fig. D1

Fig. D1. Estimation of biogas production potential Pigs (Matrices).

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