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Everyone hates to hear the word corruption. We all dream of a corruption

free world. Corruption has been prevalent in India since time immemorial
in one form or another. Corruption in India is the result of nexus between
officials, politicians and criminals. In earlier days, bribes were given to do
wrongs, but now bribes are given to do the right thing in society. Recent
corruption seems to be a respectable thing in India, as high-ranking
leaders are involved in it. Social corruption such as wrong weighing of
produce, adulteration of edible items and various forms of bribery are
constantly prevalent in the society.
Content Description
In the present scenario, if a person wants a government job, he has to pay
a huge amount to higher officials despite fulfilling all the eligibility
criteria. In almost all offices the candidate has to give money to the
concerned employee or arrange some source to work. Adulteration of food
and fake measurements of products in civil supplies department are going
on by heartless workers who cheat the consumers by playing with the
health and life of their own countrymen. Officials always find loopholes in
property tax assessment and recover money even if the house is properly
constructed as per government rules and regulations.
Political corruption is the worst in our country. A major cause for concern
is that corruption is dehumanizing the body politic and degrading the
paramount importance of law governing society. Nowadays politics is only
for criminals and outlaws, and these criminals are meant to be in
politics. Elections in many parts of the country are associated with several
criminal and brutal activities. Forcing voters to vote for a particular
candidate or physically preventing voters from going to polling booths is a
frequent occurrence in many parts of the country, especially among
weaker sections of society such as tribals, dalits, downtrodden and rural
A corruption free India is possible if we are willing to clean up the system
starting at our own individual level. Strong and determined steps are
needed to prevent the calamity and create an environment where good,
patriotic, intellectuals come forward to serve the country with honesty and
sincerity for the welfare of the people of the country. Let's do our part to
keep India corruption free and one day we will surely see corruption free
Causes of corruption in India
Lack of job opportunities
Jobs in the market are less compared to the number of qualified
youth. Nowadays many youths are wandering without any job while others
take up jobs which are not commensurate with their qualification. The
resentment among these individuals and their quest to earn more leads
them to take corrupt paths.
Lack of harsh punishment
In our country people are freed from corrupt practices like giving and
taking bribes, non-payment of income tax, following corrupt ways of doing
business. There is no strict law to monitor people's activities. Even if
people are caught, they are not punished severely. This is the reason for
the increase in corruption in the country.
Lack of education
A society full of educated people is likely to face less corruption. When
people are not educated, they use unfair and corrupt means for their
livelihood. In our country the lower classes undermine the importance of
education and this leads to an increase in corruption.
Greed and growing competition
Greed and growing competition in the market is also the cause of growing
corruption. Nowadays people are very greedy. They want to earn more
than their relatives and friends and in this mad rush they do not hesitate to
use corrupt means to fulfill their dreams.
Lack of initiative
Everyone wants the country to be free from corruption and criticizes that
the government has not done anything in this regard. But are we trying to
curb the problem at our level? No, not us. Knowingly or unknowingly, we
all contribute to corruption. No one is willing to take initiative and work as
a team to drive this evil out of the country.
How to prevent corruption
● Accountability – A sense of revenue accountability should be imparted
by all workers at all levels to prevent bribery
● Vigilance- Anti-corruption officers should be alert
● By conducting anti-corruption awareness campaigns, a sense of
responsibility should be inculcated among bribe givers.
● Stringent and firm laws are in place
● Continuous monitoring and surveillance of office premises
● Monitoring and following irregular financial levels of the employees in
Ways to make India corruption free
Lack of education is the main reason for increasing corruption. Many
people belonging to uneducated class use illegal and corrupt means for
their livelihood. Spreading education can help curb this problem to a large
extent. The government should formulate policies to ensure that every
child in the country goes to school and secures education.
Severe punishment
Strict laws should be made against people involved in corrupt practices
like taking and paying bribes, using illegal means to expand their
businesses, hoarding black money etc. Such people should be punished
Conducting sting operations
The media and the government should join hands to conduct a sting
operation to expose the corrupt in various sectors. Such sting operations
not only expose the corrupt but also discourage others from indulging in
such practices.
Follow the correct course
Each of us should take it as our responsibility to follow the right path
instead of offering bribes to get things done quickly or to avoid penalties.
Build confidence
People in India are afraid to go to the police even to file a complaint
against someone. They avoid going to the police station for fear of getting
caught under the guise of police interrogation and bringing a bad
name. Procedures of Police Station Those who want to help the police
should not face any inconvenience.
If we eliminate the problem of corruption our country can develop and
grow better. So, let us all do our best to solve this huge problem.
The joint efforts of individuals, media and the government will contribute
to the creation of a corruption-free India. They should take it as their
responsibility to join hands to make the country a better place to live.

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