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Chapter 1

- Three-year BSP treasury bill

purchased three months before
Cash the date of maturity
 Includes money and other - Three months time deposit
negotiable instrument that is - Three month money market
payable in money and acceptable instrument or commercial paper
by the bank for deposit and
Classification of investment of excess
immediate credit
 Checks, bank drafts and money
orders a. Three months or Less – cash and
 Postdated Check – Not cash cash equivalents
Unrestricted Cash b. Three months with in 1 year –
 No specific standards dealing with short term financial asset (CA)
cash c. More than one year – long term
 Pas 1 par 66, which provides that investment (NCA)
an entity shall classify an asset as However, if investments
current when asset is cash or cash become due within one year the
equivalent unless it is restricted end of reporting period,
to settle a liability for more than reclassified as current or
twelve months after the end of temporary investment
the reporting period.
Measurement of cash
Cash items included in cash
- Face value
 Cash on hand – undeposited cash
- Cash in foreign currency – current
collection and other cash items
exchange rate
awaiting deposit
- If bank or FI holding funds is in
 Cash in bank – demand deposit,
bankruptcy – net Realizable value
checking account and saving
if the amount recoverable is
account which are unrestricted as
estimated to be lower than the
to withdrawal
face value
 Cash fund – set aside for current
purposes such as petty cash fund, Financial Statement Presentation
payroll fund and dividend fund
 Cash and Cash equivalent – first
DEF. OF CASH EQUIVALENTS line item under current asset
 Details should be disclosed in the
Examples of Cash equivalents
notes to financial statements
- Three-month BSP treasury bill
Cash fund for a certain purpose balance that must be maintained in
connection with a borrowing arrangement
 Long term Investment – Set
with a bank
aside for use in noncurrent
purposes or for payment of Classification of Compensation Balance
noncurrent obligation
- Deposit is not legally restricted as
 Examples- sinking fund,
to withdrawal – informal
preference share redemption
compensation balance agreement,
fund, contingent or construction
of property, plant and equipment
- Legally restricted- formal
Bank Overdraft compensating agreement – “Cash
held as compensating balance”
 Overdraft- cash in Bank that has
current assets if related loan is
a credit balance
short term
 Results from issuance of checks in
- If loan is long term – noncurrent
excess of deposits
 Classified as current liability and
should not be offset against other Undelivered or unreleased check
bank accounts with debit balances.
- One that is merely drawn and
 Generally, Overdraft are not
recorded but not given to the
permitted in the Philippines
payee before the end of the
Exception to the rule om overdraft reporting period
- Unreleased checks drawn are
- When an entity maintains two or
included in cash
more accounts in one bank –
allowed to offset Postdated check delivered
- Overdraft can also be offset
- Check drawn, recorded and
against the other bank account if
already given to the payee but it
the amount is not material
bears a date subsequent to the
- Under IFRS, bank overdraft can
end of reporting period
be offset against other bank
- Postdated checks drawn are
account when payable on demand
included in cash
and often fluctuates from positive
- Postdated checks received from
to negative as an integral part of
customers are excluded from cash
cash management
Staled Check
Compensating Balance
- Check not encashed by the payee
Generally takes the form of minimum
within a relatively long period of
checking or demand deposit account
Chapter 2
- Reasonable period of time after If no claim – miscellaneous income
issue – depends on entity policy Cash shortage or over 10,000
- Staled checks drawn are included Miscellaneous income 10,000
1. Demand Deposits
in cash If found to be the money of cashier –
- current account or checking
- Staled checks received from Payable to cashier
account or commercial deposit
customers are excluded from cash Cash short or over 10,000
where deposits are covered by
Payable to cashier 10,000
Accounting for Cash Shortage deposit slips and where funds are
Petty Cash
withdrawable Fund by
on demand
Where the cash count < balance per book
drawing checks against the bank.
Cash short or over 10,000 - Is money set aside to pay small
- non-interest bearing
Cash 10,000 expenses which cannot paid
- some banks allow as interest
If cashier or cash custodian is held conveniently by means of check
responsible – due from cashier - Two methods
2. Saving Deposits
Due from cashier 10,000 o Imprest Fund system –
- Depositor is given a passbook upon
Cash short or over 10,000 usually followed
the initial deposit
If fail to disclose the cause of the o Fluctuating fund system –
- Passbook is required when making
shortage – Loss from cash shortage checks drawn to replenish
deposits and withdrawals.
Loss From Cash shortage 10,000 the fund do not necessarily
- Sometimes may require notice of
Cash short or over 10,000 equal the petty cash
Accounting for Cash Overage - Interest bearing
3. Time Deposits
Where the cash count > balance per book
- Similar to saving deposits sense
Cash 10,000
that it is interest bearing
Cash short or over 10,000
- Evidenced, however by the formal
agreement embodied in an
instrument called certificate of
- Preterminated or withdrawn on
demand or after a certain period
of time agreed upon
- Necessary only for a demand
deposit or checking account
- To show specimen signatures to be
used in the check
- So that any unfamiliar with a
depositor’s signature can test
o NSF or no sufficient fund
- If depositor is corporation, will checks / DAIF or drawn
pass a resolution authorizing against insufficient fund
certain officers o Bank service charges –
- It is a statement which brings interest, collection,
into agreement the cash per checkbook, and penalty
balance per book and cash o technically defective
balance per bank checks – absence of sign,
- Prepared monthly erasures not
Bank statement countersigned, mutilated
- Monthly report of the bank to the checks, conflict between
depositor amount in words and figure
- Attached there to the depositor’s o reduction of loans – dep
canceled checks owes to the bank and owes
Canceled checks to the bank and which has
- Issued by the depositor and paid already matured
by the bank during the month Bank reconciling items
- Canceled by stamping or punching c. deposits in transit
to show that they have been paid – collections already recorded by
Reconciling items the depositor as cash receipts but
Book reconciling items not yet reflected on the bank
a. Credit memos statement
- Items not representing deposits o collections already forwarded
- Credit by the bank to the dep. acc to the bank for deposit but
- Not yet recorded by the too late to appear in the BS
depositor as cash receipt o undeposited collections – cash
- Affect of increasing the balance on hand
o Notes receivable d. outstanding checks
o Credited to depositors acc - recorded by the depositor as cash
o Bank loan disbursement but not yet
o Matured time deposits reflected in bank statement
b. Debit memos o checks drawn
- Not representing checks paid by o certified checks
bank Forms of bank reconciliation
- Charge or debited by the bank 1. adjusted balance method
- Not yet recorded by the - book and bank balance are brought
depositor as cash disbursement to a correct cash balance
- Decreasing bank balance - preferred over the other two
2. book to bank
Chapter 3
- book is reconciled or adjusted to
equal the bank balance; Two-date Bank Reconciliation
3. bank to book method - Literally involves two date
- bank balance is reconciled or - Becomes complicated only when
adjusted to equal the book certain fact or data are omitted
balance Computation of book balance
Preforma reconciliation - Bal per Book-beginning add book
Adjusted balance method debit. Less Book credits = BPB end
- BCD, BDO  Book debit
- Errors are reconciling items which - Cash receipts or all items debited
committed them to cash in bank acc
- CM always added, DM always  Book credit
deducted to/from book balance - Cash disbursement or all items
- DIT always added, OC always credited to the cash in bank acc
deducted to/from bank balance Computation of bank balance
- Book and bank are adjusted to - Bal per bank- beg add bank credit,
equal the correct cash balance less bank debit = BPB-end om
- CM already increased in bank but  Bank credits
no effect in book balance - All items credited to the acc of
(understated in relation to depositor which include
correct cash balance) acknowledge by bank Credit memo
- DM decreased in bank but no - Deposits acknowledge by the bank
effect in book balance  Bank debits
(overstated in relation to correct - All items debited to the account
cash balance) of the depositor which include
- DIT increased the book but no deposits acknowledge by the bank
effect in bank - Checks paid by the bank
- OC decreased in book but no Computation of deposits in transit
effect in bank DIT – beginning
Book to bank method Add: Cash receipts deposited
- B CO DD B Total deposits to be acknowledge by bank
- Reversed in the adjusted bal. m Less: Deposits acknowledge by bank
- Book balance is adjusted to equal DIT – end of month
the bank Computation of outstanding checks
Bank to book method OC- beginning
- B DD OC B Add: checks drawn by the depositor
- Reversed treatment Total checks to be paid by bank
- Bank balance is adjusted to equal Less: checks paid by bank
the book OC-end of month
Computation of book and bank balance
Balance per book – January
Add: book debits during feb
Less:book credits during feb
Balance per book – February

Balance per bank – January

Add: bank credits during feb
Less: bank debits during feb
Balance per bank - February

Proof of Cash
- Expanded reconciliation in that it
includes proof of receipts and

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