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Simplified High-Frequency Model for AC Drives

Eugenio Gubia-Villabona, Pablo Sanchis-Cidrpide, Oscar Alonso-Skdaba, Antonio Lumbreras-Azanza,

Luis Marroyo-Palomo
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universidad Publica de Navarra
Paniplona 31006. S P A N

Abslracf - The development of simulation models that describe for the whole system. This paper proposes a complete system
the high-frequency behaviour of all the componenls in an model based on lumped parameter structures (Fig. I). It is
electrical drive, c m be considered as a very useful tool. The shown that from this simple model, the system behaviour can
usefulness of these models exceeds the description of the be reproduced accurately enough. In addition, it is proposed a
disturbances caused by the drive elements (overvoltages, parameter calculation methodology based on tests made
bearing currents, EMI, etc.). From these models, the influence
of the system elements on the disturbances can be evaluated. under similar conditions as those produced in rated
This paper proposes a complete model consisting of simple conditions. This methodology is applied to a driver that
structures representing every drive element: motor supply consists of a 4kW commercial converter, a 60m-long 14
cable, ground system, electrical machine, electronic converter AWG three-wired cable, and a 3kW AC machine.
and power line. A complete system model allows the
development of mitigation techniques that take into account all 11. CABLE MODEL
the perturbations. I n addition, the proposed methodo1og:y allows
calculating values for the different system parameters derived Cable parasitic elements cause transient overvoltages in
from tests carried out with the converter. The results sbow that the machine terminals. The magnitude of these overvoltages
the model is accurate enough to describe the high-frequency depends on both the cable length and the rising time (t,) of
drive behaviour. the inverter output wave voltage pulses. Current IGBTs show
Index terms - High frequency models, motor drives, lransient small rising times that can make the machine terminal blocks
overvoltages, EMI. voltages double even for cable lengths lower than Ism. The
non-uniform distribution of the overvoltages across the
I. INTRODUCTION winding turns due to their parasitic capacities can cause a
IGBT power converters have been broadly used in the last premature wear of the insulation 141. Besides, these
years for low and medium power drives up to IMlN. New overvoltages amplify system parasitic currents, and therefore
IGBT generations are characterised by their low switching contribute to EM1 increase.
times, lower than 100ns. This fact has led to a pro,gressive The cables used in the three-phase electrical drives usually
increase in the switching frequency (>2OkHz). Main include either three or four wires (the fourth used for the
advantages of these operating frequencies are the lack of ground connection). These cables can also be shielded or
audible noise and the dynamic performance improvement. armoured. In some facilities, the induction machine is
However, the high rate of voltage rise due to the small directly connected to a close ground, being thus not
switching times excites distributed elements of the drive necessary to include the fourth wire. In case of using a
components. This fact increases the influence of the shielded cable, the shield will be connected to the ground.
distributed elements on the system: overvoltages on the Therefore, this shield will be considered as a part of the
motor terminal blocks, bearing currents and EM1 generation ground system that could even be the sole ground
Ill PI.
In the last years, a big research effort is being doing on the A . Theoretical descriplion ofthe cable
analysis of these phenomena and on the development of new The precise description of a cable is made by means of the
mitigation techniques. The distributed nature of the elements wave transmission theory. From this theory, a cable model
leads to very complex models that require high calculation that consists of an infinite series of RLC networks is used
times. Because of it, mitigation techniques have been (Fig. 2). When applying to the cable a voltage pulse, it
traditionally proposed for each single phenomenon [3]. travels at a speed that is defined by the values per meter of
However, all these phenomena are related, being therefore the inductance and capacity (L' and C', respectively). The
interesting their global analysis with the aim of aohieving wave reaches the motor terminal blocks after the so-called
global solutions. A model is thus required that includes every propagation time (Ip), which depends on the cable length (IJ:
system component: utility grid, converter, cables, e'iectrical
machine, and ground system. The exact analysis of the whole
system requires the use of distributed parameter models.
Simplifying these models leads to less accurate results. In
spite of it, the use of simplification models can be an
interesting choice to make easier the design of efficierit filters

0-7803-7474-61021517.00 02002 IEEE 1144


.................. ............................
iDB Irmk It i_
............................. s ................................... ............................ ....
Rpp= 2.6 Q R p p i2 kR CbR=10.3nF Ri. 4.6 R Rig= 13.2 R C,= 270 pF RDm=2964 R~
Lg8= 2 pH Lp,rlOOllH C,,h 108pF LF9.73pH LjS=33.3pH CnZ=2.56nF R=
., 1.1 R
R,p0.03 R Cp,r 3.2nF CIF 1.38 nF CIF 347 pF =
,, 162 pF L,= 4.94 mH
Fig. 1. Complete system model

Due to the different impedance of the motor in

comparison with the characteristic impedance of the cable, (4)
the wave is reflected when it reaches the machine. For
values of 1, lower than 2$, the voltage across the motor The cable series resistance RI contributes to damp the
terminals is provided by the following expression: oscillations. Due to the fact that the frequencies of these
oscillations are usually above lOOkHz, the value of the
41 = vbus (i+r) 1 (2) cable resistance is increased by both the skin and
where r is the reflection coefficient whose value depends proximity effects. The influence of the parallel resistance
on the ratio between the cable characteristic impedance (Rg=I/Yp)is often much lower than the one of the series
and the motor impedance. This value is close to the unity resistance, and therefore can be neglected.
in most of the motors. When the reflected wave reaches the The addition of this cable model to the rest of the system
inverter, it is reflected back to the motor with a reflection leads to an important increase in complexity. Because of it,
coefficient of -1, because the impedance of the inverter is more simple schemes have been proposed based on a
almost cero. These multiple reflections produce voltage lower number of RLC networks [ 5 ] . This number
oscillations whose period is four times the value of fp. The determines the model accuracy in respect to the wave rise
angular frequency is given by: time across the motor terminals. However, the accuracy is
hardly influenced by other aspects such as oscillation
(3) amplitude, frequency and damping. Due to this fact, a
single RLC cable model is proposed (Fig. I). The main
Voltage and current in the cable are related by the cable constraint of this structure is that it does not allow to
characteristic impedance Zo. analyse the voltage distribution across the motor turns
during the rise time of the incident wave.
This model is characterised by the values per unit length
of the inductance L'<, capacitance C'< and resistance RXc
Due to the low values of the cable damping coefficient 8,
the model step response can be given by:
4 c
Fig. 2. Differential model for thc cable

1 I45
This angular frequency is to he matched with the one
given by the wave transmission theory, and therefore:
a. Cable test b. Ground system test
Fig. 3. Ground system and cable test

The value for the model impedance (when 6=0) is: 4) Total resistance (R): It is obtained by means of the
damping coefficient and the cable characteristic impedance

As the impedance of the distributed model and the one

In every converter switching, the current flows through
ol'the lumped model are to be matched:
a line and returns to the converter through the other two.
Therefore, the parameters for each conductor are:
Cll = 0.5.C. LI = 2 / 3 L , RI = 2/3-R
In order to achieve the same value of the damping The waveforms given in Fig. 4.h have been obtained by
coefficient (S), the resistance has to be also scaled: testing the 60m cable. The calculated values for the
parameters were shown in Fig.1. Simulation results with
K , = Z R *d c ' K p ' K r ' (9) this model are outlined in Fig. 4.a. As it can be observed in
these figures, the oscillation amplitude, damping and
where Kp and K, are the proximity and skin coefficients, frequency, are accurately achieved. However, as it was
respectively, and R 'd, is the DC value of R:. pointed out before, the rise slope is worse estimated.
The previous expressions can he used to calculate the C. Ground system parameters
model parameters from the values per unit length 'of the Both the direct method of section A and the test
cable (L:C',R'). described previously can he easily applied to a cable that
B. Experimental test to calculate the cable model includes the ground line. For a different ground
connection, for instance with shielded wiring, the
When the characteristic values of the cable are parameters can be obtained from a common-mode test. As
unknown, they can be obtained from testing. In order to do it is shown in Fig. 3.b, one branch ,of the inverter is
it, the une side of the cable is connected to the inverter and connected to the three phase conductors and another one to
the other side is left in an open-circuit condition, as r;hown the ground. The values of L, C and R a r e calculated in the
in Fig. 3a. The tuning of parameters is made by means of same way as used in the previous section.
both the voltage VI,and current il waveforms (Fig. 2.a):
The total inductance seen by the inverter is the addition
I ) Damping coefficient (4: This coefficient is defined of the ground line inductance and one third of the phase
by the decreasing voltage: line inductance:
L = -.Li
+ Ls (14)

where n refers to the considered pulse, and Mu,is the peak The total capacitance is three times the capacitance
value of this pulse (Fig. 4). It is not recommended to between each phase line and ground.
consider the first voltage pulse due to its high distortion.
2) Total capacitance (C): It is determined from the ratio
between a voltage peak (Mu") and the next peak cif the
current (Iin):

<v4 'in (11)
mn Mun-vDC

3) Total inductance (Lj: This inductance is calculated

from the oscillation angular frequency md:

a. Simulated b. Experimental
Fig. 4. Cable voltage and current: 5 Aidiv and 250 Vidiv

I I46
c = 3..C,#

the phase line resistance:

The total resistance is, similarly to the total inductance,
the addition of the ground line resistance and one third of


111. MOTOR MODEL a. Experimental set-up b. Equivalent circuit

Fig. 5. Motor test and common-mode model
Each motor phase consists of a set of series-connected
turns, which form coils that are placed in slots. This layout
with C = Cng + C, (18)
originates distributed parasitic elements: capacitances,
inductances and resistances. The precise modelling of each The last expression can be shortly written as follows:
phase requires thus a distributed parameter model.
Different models are proposed that often consist of several Uc --U P .e-S.m.-' .sen(od . I + w) (19)
staged RLC tank circuits or even a single tank circuit [ 6 ] .
From the tests that have been carried out, it has been Once Ci has been calculated, the other parameters can he
found that a non-symmetric x circuit can accurate model estimated with help of the last expression as it is shown
each phase of the motor (Fig. I). The corresponding through the next steps.
common-mode model is shown in Fig. 5.b. The common- B. Calculation Procedure
mode capacity across the motor terminals C (), models the I) C
, and C:, Firstly, C , can be obtained by means of
distributed capacity of the first turns that are excited during the wave shape of both current (imK)and voltage (V,). C, is
t,. Because of it, its value is lower than the capacity calculated from the voltages across both capacities.
between the neutral and ground, which models the
distributed capacities of the rest of turns. The parameters 2) Oscillation period and yl angle: Both are calculated
of this model can he obtained by means of the test using the zero crossings of the voltage V,:
described here below. 2n
T = 2 ( f 2- I , ) Od =- (20)
A . Test Description T
The inverter is common-mode supplied by means of
connecting one of the inverter branches to the three stator yf="-od=
f 2- a d / ' (21)
phases and another one to the motor frame (Fig. 5.a). Fig 3) Peak value,U,: From the initial condition:
6.d shows the ground current waveform (img),the voltage
between the neutral and the frame (V,), and the voltage
between the stator terminals and the neutral ( V J Fig. 6.h
presents the evolution of variables in Fig 6.d at the
4) Naturalfrequency onand damping coefficient S. The
beginning of the pulse (time expanded). The initial current
peak is due to the charge of the distributed capacity of the value of the product 6.w. can he estimated from any non-
first turns, which corresponds to the capacity C1=3.C, in
the proposed model. The integration of the current peak
gives the amount of charge in the capacity C,, from which
this capacity can be evaluated.
~. ~. ~~ ~~~~ ~~

After this first transient, C, has no influence in the motor . .

current and voltage wave. The step response of the rest of . ,
: ,
the circuit is as follows: . .

a) I Ndiv. 125 V/div b) I Ndiv, 125 V/div

" d = 0" .m
&I:. ..... I

zero point of the voltage V, given by (19). In particular, if
the chosen point is the one at the minimum voltage (Imior
Urn,"),the following expressions are obtained:

6 . 0 . =---.In
"j :, "p
[ .43,mj" +VI)

02 =o: +(6.0,)2 (24)

t I
5) L: From (1 7), and neglecting R, in comparison with
a. Connection b. Experimental results
Rd: Fig. 7. Inverter test
1 branch where the semiconductor is installed and the
L=- (25)
c.0: medium point changes in a magnitude of Vlx. This voltage
step is applied to the series circuit formed by, ,C and the
6) R,: This parameter is obtained by directly measuring parallel of Cbgwith two Csw As ,C , is much lower than
the winding resistance. If necessary, the proximity and skin CbE, C, can be neglected in the parallel circuit. The
coefficients will be used. relation between both capacities can be calculated from
7) Rd: From (17), it can be derived: their voltage steps:

Rd = 1 (26)

C. 2 . 6 . 0
Fig. 7.b gives the waveform obtained in this test.
C. Results Changes in voltage vbg due to the switching of one of the
The values calculated as described above for the 3kW three phases can be noted. Voltage V,, shows the less
motor, where given in Fig. I . On the other hand, Fig. 6 significant influence of the other two phases switching.
showed the simulated and experimental results. As it can
be observed, both the first transient peak value of the V. POWER LINE MODEL
current (Fig. 6.a and 6.b) and the rest of this wave :shape
A generic power line model has to consider the high and
(Fig. 6.c and 6.d) are modelled with good accuracy.
low frequency behaviour of the transformer, and both the
IV. INVERTER MODEL phase and ground cables to the connection point.
Differential-mode high-frequency disturbances generated
. One of the main aspects concerning the overvoltages is by the inverter are filtered by the DC bus capacitor.
the rise time 1,. Therefore, the model has to be atile to Therefore, in order to model the high-frequency behaviour,
reproduce it as accurate as possible. it is enough to take into account the common mode circuit
Besides, the inverter has several parasitic common- model. The common-mode capacity lies mainly in the
mode capacities that influence the system EMI. One of transformer. On the other hand, the transformer neutral is
them is the parasitic capacity between the heat sink and the ground-connected. A simple model can therefore be used
DC: bus (Cbz).This capacity appears in parallel with the for the power line consisting of three tank RLC circuits
mains common-mode impedance, modifying thus the with the electromotive force in series (Fig. 1).
system common-mode impedance. The other capacity is The values of the model components depend on the
the parasitic capacity between the semiconductor and the connection point. Due to the inaccessibility of the model
heat sink (C-). This capacity is charged and discharged in points as well as other factors such as the dependence on
every semiconductor switching, sourcing a common-mode other connected loads, these values are not easy to he
current that flows through the return path given b y the obtained. In spite of this, some tests can be made to
parallel connection between the mains and the capacity estimate them.
cbr The values for the inductance (LPJ and the resistance
All these points are included in the proposed model of (R,,) can be obtained from resonance test using known
Fig. I . Time I, can be modelled by means of an ideal capacitors connected in differential-mode to the power line
switch with a low on-resistance and a high off-resistance, leads. Next, the common-mode connection of these
in parallel with a capacitor. The capacity ,C , is usually capacitors allows Lm and Rpgto be estimated. The resonant
given by the manufacturer in the data sheets. frequencies of these tests clearly have to be low enough to
The value of Cb8 can he determined by means of the neglect the influence of Cpi. Finally, Cp, and Rpi are
following test. The inverter is connected to the grid ground obtained by means of a high-frequency test. The inverter is
and is operated in an open-circuit condition (Fig. 7.2). In connected to the power line, including ground, and is
each semiconductor switching, the voltage between the operated in an open-circuit condition. Now, Lpiand R,, can
be neglected in comparison with C,, y Rpl. From the

resonant frequency and the current damping, the values of
C,, and Rplcan be estimated. .. .. . .. . .. . .~..
In order to verify the performance of the complete
model, the system has been simulated. In this simulation, a
2kHz switching frequency and a 50Hz voltage
fundamental component have been used. .. ... ... ... :. .: :. .. .. . .
t I
m". n
Fig. 8 shows both the simulated (Fig. 8.a) and r*,

experimental (Fig. 8.h) waveforms for the converter output a. Simulated b. Experimental
current (i,) and the motor line voltage (VI,). In spite of the Fig. 10. Ground currents. 1 Aidiv.
simplicity of the models, amplitudes and frequencies of
drive. Because of it, the simulation times are highly
both voltages and currents coincide to a high exempt. Main
reduced. Comparison of the simulation waveforms with
discrepancy can be found in the slopes of the current and
those obtained experimentally, validates the used
voltage pulses, as well as in the delay of the actual voltage
approach. With this scheme, the different disturbances can
waveform when it travels through the cable. Both effects be together analysed, and the performance of the
were already foreseen when the cable model was defined
mitigation techniques can be evaluated.
by means of a single RLC network. These discrepancies
can be observed in Fig. 9, which shows in detail these VIII. REFERENCES
variables during a switching.
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a. Simulated b. ExDerimental
Fig. 9. Current ( 5 Aidiv) and line voliage (250Vidiv)

I I49

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