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12 Health Optimizing

Physical Education
Quarter 3 – Module 1

Self-assesses health related fitness (HRF)

status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It aims to discuss the
nature and background of different recreational activities as well as to impart the
benefits we get in participating in those kinds of actions. This module hopes to
encourage you to start living a more active lifestyle that will contribute to your
overall wellness and appreciate various outdoor recreational activities we can do in
different parts of our country.

The module was arranged to guide you about the:

• Introduction to Outdoor Recreation

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss the nature and background of different recreational activities

2. define outdoor recreation

3. cite examples of outdoor recreational activities

4. recognize the benefits of outdoor recreation

5. self-assesses health related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity

assessment participation and one’s diet in relation to outdoor recreational

What I Know
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read the following questions/or descriptions
comprehensively. Write the letter that corresponds to your correct choice on your
answer sheet.

1. What word was derived from the Latin term recreare which means to be
A. Sports C. Activity
B. Recreation D. Remembering

2. The time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other
personal care.
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

3. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather

conditions. What principle of the Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the
statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

4. It refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work,
doing household chores, and for students, hours spent in school, and school
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

5. Below are examples of land-based recreational activities, which among the

following does not belong to the group?
A. Mountaineering C. Parasailing
B. Camping D. Canyoneering

6. The hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans is called .

A. cortisol C. androgen
B. estrogen D. testosterone

7. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at
work. This translates into efficiency at the workplace. What kind of benefit
does the statement show?
A. Physical benefits C. Spiritual benefits
B. Economic benefits D. Mental benefits

8. Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food.

What principle of the Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

9. Which of the following is a sample of “Leave No Trace Policy”?
A. Pick up plants in going home C. Feed animals you come across
B. Carry non-biodegradable materials D. Bring home with all your waste

10. What do you think is the least thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor
A. Plot the place, setting and period of departure and arrival
B. Carry pets in your travel
C. Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip
D. Bring first aid and necessary kits

11. What does the wilderness ethics means?

A. Shout and cheer when you reached you destination
B. Carve and leave markings to know you've been there
C. Leave no trace policy
D. No id no entry policy

12. Listed below are examples of common barriers to participation in

recreational activities, which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. I do not have the time C. I do not know how
B. I am always tired D. I am motivated

13. When camping, cat holes are dug _ deep for human waste and
covered just the same with soil and weeds or leaves on top.
A. 6-8 inches C. 11-12 inches
B. 9-10 inches D. 4-5 inches

14. In proper waste disposal, dishes should be washed feet away from
lakes or rivers and use biodegradable soap.
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200

15. Below are common barriers to participation in recreational activities,

which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. I easily get discouraged C. I have enough money
B. I lack willpower D. I am not motivated

Nature and Background of
Outdoor Recreation

What’s In

According to Wikipedia, outdoor recreation or outdoor activity refers to recreation

engaged in out of doors, most commonly in natural settings. The activities that
encompass outdoor recreation vary depending on the physical environment they
are being carried out in. These activities can include fishing, hunting, backpacking,
and horseback riding — and can be completed individually or collectively. Outdoor
recreation is a broad concept that encompasses a varying range of activities and

Learning Task 1: WORD GAME

Directions: Copy the word game below on a separate sheet of paper and look for
the names of recreational activities done in our country. Mark your answer by
encircling your found words. Lastly, answer the questions that follow.












1. What was your initial reaction to the activity? Why?

2. Did you experienced some of the listed outdoor recreational activities? If yes,
write a short paragraph narrating your involvement.

What’s New

Did you know that the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National
Park or Puerto Princesa Underground River was officially recorded on
January 28, 2012, as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature? It is one of the
protected areas of our country located about 80 kilometers (50 mi) north of
the city center of Puerto Princesa, Palawan. It is the longest navigable
subterranean river in the Philippines. Before this, it has also been declared a
World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

What is Outdoor Recreation?

Consider the following activities: bird-watching, caving or spelunking, camping,

and snorkeling. When and why do people engage in the mentioned activities? What
is the common factor among them? Answering these questions will lead to
answering what outdoor recreation is all about. Were your answers the same or
close to the following?

- Done during vacation or school break

- They want to have fun
- Done outdoors with nature
Putting the answers together, outdoor recreation is an organized activity done
during one’s free time for his/her reasons, where an interaction between man and
an element of nature is present.
Let us break down the ideas to have a common understanding of the terms.
When we hear “free time”, what does it mean to you as a student? “No classes”
easily come to mind and consequently will be able to use the “free time” to do
things which you want to do but have been able to do so because of the “lack of
time”, such as continuing a project or undone homework, or perhaps, going out
with friends to watch a movie. A day can be divided into three (3) parts according to
Clayne R. Jensen (2006): the existence time, subsistence time, and free time.
Existence time is time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and
other personal care. Subsistence time refers to the hours spent for economic
purposes such as going to work, chores, and for students, hours spent in school,
and school work. Free time, therefore, is all the remaining time after. How one
decides to spend free time varies from person to person. Perhaps, to those who

have been very busy with workload or schoolwork, this is the best time to do
recreational activities, to relax, to rejuvenate.

Recreation is derived from the Latin word recreare which means to be refreshed.
Choices for recreation vary from person to person. What makes one happy may not
be so for others. Therefore, recreational activities depend on one’s interests,
pursuits, and needs which may be reflective of one’s beliefs and level of
gratification. For example, a natural park may serve as a bonding place for a family
to have a picnic, a great fitness area for a jogger, and a place to commune with
nature or meditate for others.

The outdoors in a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed area. Narrowing it

down, outdoors, as used in this discussion, includes the natural environment and
resources which comprises the land, water, wildlife, vegetation, open space, and
scenery. The outdoors may be in its most natural state or “semi-natural state”,
which is a state where it had gone through some human modification but has
retained its natural features.

People engage in outdoor recreational activities for varied reasons. Some do it

for personal satisfaction and enjoyment. Perhaps, it is a time away from the day-to-
day routine. Others do it to be in touch with nature, which they rarely have the
chance to do, especially for those who reside in highly urbanized areas. Many do it
for personal pursuits such as photography, collecting seashells, reaching the top of
Mt. Apo, conquering the rapids of the Cagayan River, or attaining a fitness level.
Some individuals or groups do it as part of outdoor or environmental education,
such as bird-watching, plant naming, etc. whatever reason they may be, people
engage in outdoor recreational activity for their own sake and pleasure, voluntarily,
and of their own choice.

In this unit, different outdoor recreational activities will be presented and

discussed to encourage you to start living a more active lifestyle that will contribute
to your overall wellness.

What is It

What are the different outdoor recreational activities?

The Philippines is rich in natural resources. Despite being a relatively small

country, it is surrounded by all kinds of land formations and natural water resources. It has been listed in The World

Land Water Air

Mountaineering Swimming Parasailing

Trekking/Hiking Snorkeling Skydiving

Camping Diving Paragliding

Backpacking Surfing

Picnic Canoeing
Bird-watching Kayaking

Mountain Biking Whitewater Rafting

Orienteering Sailing

Canyoneering Fishing

Rock Climbing Bamboo Rafting

What are the benefits of outdoor recreation?

Fun and pleasure are perhaps the immediate answers of the majority who
have experience outdoor activities. However, there is more to it than just the fun.
Studies have shown that being close to the natural environment is healthy. Aside
from the fresh air and the amazing sight of nature, the outdoors has positive effects
on the general wellness of an individual most especially if it is done with regularity.
Wellness encompasses the general state of a person (physical, social, psycho-
emotional, and spiritual) and in the end, contributes to a better quality of life.

Health Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

1. Improves your mental wellbeing

Your mental wellbeing greatly improves when you exercise outdoors. One of
the reasons for this is the awareness that your mind has throughout the exercise,
particularly with the changing terrain and weather.

Unlike in the gym where the floors are flat and benches evenly positioned,
the terrain outdoor includes winding paths, hills, woods, and valleys. You are
forced to be focused and alert at all times and that alone benefits your mental

The mental health benefits of being outside, in general, are exponential and
there is an array of options for you to choose to spend your time doing.

2. Best way to get Vitamin D

Your bones and blood cells need a lot of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D
for them to be healthy. Working out under the sunlight helps your body to absorb
these minerals seamlessly. Also, getting 5-15 minutes of sun at least once every
two days gives your body all the Vitamin D it needs.

3. Boosts self-esteem

Your self-esteem increases exponentially when you spend time with friends
doing different outdoor activities. This effect is particularly strong when you spend
time near water, green areas, and within sounds of nature such as waterfalls.

Walking along nature trails, fishing, and gardening, among other moderate-
intensity physical activities, are important for your esteem as well. Playing with
paintball guns or laser guns is another worthy activity as it gives you a renewed
sense of accomplishment, which is a major confidence boost.

4. Promotes memory

Nature walks have shown a significant relevance in memory retention among

humans. Walking around trees, for example, promotes your memory by more than

5. Stress-reduction effects

Cortisol – The hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans- reduces
greatly when you spend time in the forest, say, watching birds and taking part in low-
intensity outdoor activities. Camping in the woods, for example, is a far much better
activity than spending time in the city, especially for people who suffer from anxiety.

It has also been scientifically proven that people who spend more time in the
wild have a better heart rate than those who spend hours sitting in front of screens
or city traffic.

6. Reduces anxiety

As we have mentioned above, something about the outside calming down an

anxious mind. You will attest to this fact even if you aren’t fond of going out -you
have experienced the calming nature of Mother Nature even if it is through a house
plant or pictures of nature.

Many offices nowadays have nature wall arts hanging on office walls as a
way of calming down angry, stressed, and anxious employees. If that works, then
you can imagine the significance of being in the presence of that waterfall or
mountain you see in office wall art.

Nevertheless, if you continue having anxieties and the episodes don’t stop,
you can hire the services of a life coach training who can provide assistance and
help you find calmness.

7. Improves the quality of your sleep

Your sleep cycle is dependent on the accurateness of your internal clock. If

the clock isn’t working right, then you will have a hard time regulating your night's

The clock works right when the cells in your eyes get enough sunlight during
the day, particularly before mid-day.

That is why you need to be out as many minutes as possible in the morning
hours. This requirement becomes more important as you get older.

8. Boosts your immunity

Morning sunlight boosts your Vitamin D levels. The more the Vitamin D
your body gets, the stronger its immune system becomes.

On top of that, being within outdoor plants helps you leverage the health
benefits of the phytoncides and other organic compounds that plants produce.
These compounds boost immune function in humans.

9. Helps burn some unwanted fat

When you play outside – say, while out doing water activities, you burn tons
of calories and unwanted fats. And because being outdoor during the day helps you
to sleep better, coupled with the fact that better sleep facilitates faster weight loss,
the role of outdoor time in your physical fitness can never be overemphasized.

Social Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor activities are ways for families to become closer. They can be a
“family-bonding activity” as each family member participates in an activity,
achieves a common goal, and goes through the same experience.

Spending time outdoors allows one to meet and interact with others who
share the same passion for outdoor recreation. Participating in a team will help
form lasting friendship and develop a community.

Outdoor recreation also promotes stewardship. Activities done outdoors in

the natural setting help in making people realize great things that nature provides
mankind. Increased knowledge and appreciation help them understand how
personal actions can strongly affect the environment. Thus, people’s feelings and
connection with the nature are the greatest motivation for them to care for the
natural environment and advocate its preservation.

Economic Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at
work. This translates into efficiency at the workplace.

“It’s more fun in the Philippines!” as the Department of Tourism slogan goes.
Indeed, it is more fun as well for everyone involved in ecotourism activities in the
Philippines. It has been rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in our country
created jobs and other economic activities which have, one way or another,
contributed to our economic

Spiritual Benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values. Being one with
nature brings certain calmness within a person. It strengthens an individual as it
heals, rejuvenates, and soothes the body and soul.

What are the important things that should be remembered when

participating in an outdoor recreational activity?

It has been established earlier that outdoor recreation is an interaction

between man and nature. The interaction should come with care and respect. It is
important that in using and enjoying what nature offers, an equal responsibility in
conserving and preserving it must be consciously employed by the people. This
way, everyone can continue to go back and have future generations experience the
great things in nature that the current generation has. The “Leave No Trace Seven
Principles” is a set of universal outdoor ethics that guides one in the activities to do
with nature. It also provides the framework for making decisions in outdoor
recreation. Taken from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics’ official
website, the principles are as follows:

Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

- Before going to a place, check if your planned activity is permitted. Make

sure to know the rules, guidelines, and safety procedures they have set.
Some places require certain permits or clearances.

- Make sure you have the needed equipment for your activity and the skills
needed to undertake the activity.

- Plan how to cope when emergency arises.

- Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather


- Learn when areas are most crowded and try to avoid those times.

- To minimize environmental impact and for safety reasons, keep group

numbers small.

- Repack food to minimize waste.

- When trekking, maps and compass must be used to avoid markings or
leaving of marks on rocks and the like.

Principle 2: Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

- Walk, run, bike, or camp on durable surfaces like established tracks, rocks,
gravel, and dry grasses.

- Avoid walking on soft surfaces like soft plants. You might be trampling on a
young tree or pasture and this will cause vegetation damage.

- Use existing trails or campsites, no need to build a new campsite that will
alter the environment.

- To avoid erosion, walk in single file in the middle of the trail.

- Avoid places where impacts are just beginning to show.

- When camping, keep the campsite small and discreet.

- Camp at least 200 feet from the lakes and rivers to protect the waters.

Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly

- “Pack it in, pack it out” means everything you brought should be brought
back with you including left-over food or fruit peel. Nothing should be left.

- When camping, cat holes are dug (6-8 inches deep) for human waste and
covered just the same with soil and weeds or leaves on top.

- Dishes should be washed 200 feet away from lakes or rivers and use
biodegradable soap. Scatter strained dishwater.

Principle 4: Leave What You Find

- Examine archeological structures, old walls, and other heritage artifacts but
do not touch nor leave marks on them.

- Leave nature as you found them. Do not take any plant, rock, plants, or
marine animal with you.

- Avoid introducing non-native plants and animals.

- Do not build structures, furniture, or dig trenches.

Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts

- Use lightweight stove for cooking; campfires can cause lasting impacts.

- If fires are permitted, use fire rings or mound fires that are already set-up.

- Keep fires small and use only sticks from the ground that can be broken by

- No burning of plastics or other substances that emit toxic fumes.

- Burn all wood to ash and make sure fires are completely out. Scatter the
cool ash.

Principle 6: Respect Wildlife

- Observe wild animals from a distance and they should be avoided during
sensitive times such as mating, nesting, or rising the young.

- Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food. The food
might damage their health or alter their natural behaviors and even expose
them to predators.

- Protect wildlife and protect your food as well by storing and securing the
trash well.

- In case you decide to bring your pets along, make sure it is allowed and you
can control them. Otherwise, do not bring them with you.

Principle 7: Be considerate of Other Visitors

- Respect people who live and work in the countryside.

- Respect other visitors and let them have a momentous experience as well.

- Allow the sound of nature prevail, not your noise or radio.

- Be courteous; yield to others on a trail.

- Camp away from trails and other visitors.

What’s More

Learning Task 2: LIST THEM DOWN!

Directions: List down ten (10) benefits we get in participating in outdoor recreational activities.




What I Have Learned

Learning Task 3: LET’S SUM IT UP!

Directions: In this activity, summarize the learning that you had about the nature
and background of outdoor recreational activity by creating a graphic organizer on
your answer sheet.

What I Can Do

Learning Task 4: COMPLETE ME!

Directions: Below are different outdoor recreational activities done in our country.
Identify the health-related components of physical fitness you think will be
developed if you’re going to participate in it. Write a short explanation of your
answer on the space provided on the table.

Outdoor Health-related Explanation

Recreational components that will be
Activities developed

1. Camping

2. Hiking

3. Snorkeling

4. Kayaking

5. Parasailing

Learning Task 5: LEFT A TRACE
From your observation, whether first hand or from other sources like news,
documentary shows, narrated by friends, etc., which among the Leave No Trace
Seven Principles is usually not being observed in the Philippines? Explain your
answer. You may cut and post a news article or a personal picture to back up your


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read the following questions/or descriptions

comprehensively. Write the letter that corresponds to your correct choice on your
answer sheet.

1. It refers to the hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work,
doing household chores, and for students, hours spent in school, and school
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

2. Below are examples of land-based recreational activities, which among the

following does not belong to the group?
A. Mountaineering C. Parasailing
B. Camping D. Canyoneering

3. What word was derived from the Latin term recreare which means to be
A. Sports C. Activity
B. Recreation D. Remembering

4. The time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping, and other
personal care.
A. Existence time C. Free time
B. Subsistence time D. Recreational activity time

5. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather
conditions. What principle of the Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the
statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

6. Which of the following is a sample of “Leave No Trace Policy”?

A. Pick up plants in going home C. Feed animals you come across
B. Carry non-biodegradable materials D. Bring home with all your waste

7. The hormone that indicates the level of stress in humans is called _.

A. cortisol C. androgen
B. estrogen D. testosterone

8. People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at
work. This translates into efficiency at the workplace. What kind of benefit
does the statement show?
A. Physical benefits C. Spiritual benefits
B. Economic benefits D. Mental benefits

9. Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food.

What principle of the Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the statement tells?
A. Principle 3: Dispose Waste Properly
B. Principle 6: Respect Wildlife
C. Principle 7: Be Considerate of Other Visitors
D. Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare

10. When camping, cat holes are dug _ deep for human waste and
covered just the same with soil and weeds or leaves on top.
A. 6-8 inches C. 11-12 inches
B. 9-10 inches D. 4-5 inches

11. In proper waste disposal, dishes should be washed feet away from
lakes or rivers and use biodegradable soap.
A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200

12. Below are common barriers to participation in recreational activities,

which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. I easily get discouraged C. I have enough money
B. I lack willpower D. I am not motivated

13. What do you think is the least thing you need to do in preparing an outdoor
A. Plot the place, setting and period of departure and arrival
B. Carry pets in your travel
C. Pick your partner of best buddy on the trip
D. Bring first aid and necessary kits

14. What does the wilderness ethics means?
A. Shout and cheer when you reached you destination
B. Carve and leave markings to know you've been there
C. Leave no trace policy
D. No id no entry policy

15. Listed below are examples of common barriers to participation in

recreational activities, which among the following does not belong to the group?
A. I do not have the time C. I do not know how
B. I am always tired D. I am motivated

Additional Activities


Directions: Listed below are common barriers to participating in outdoor

recreational activities. Create a short explanation on how you are going to solve the
barrier and write your answer on the space provided for.

Barrier Solution

1. I do not have the time

2. I do not have enough money

3. I am always tired

4. I am not motivated

5. I easily get discouraged


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