UNIT Test Icf 4th Quarter

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Fourth Quarter Examination | ICF 7 |

DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. What is the basic text-editing program and its most commonly used to view or edit text files?
a. Notepad b. WordPad
c. Word d. Notepad++
2. A text file is a file typically identified by what file name extension?
a. doc b. txt c. exe d. png
3. For WordPad to open, we click the _________ button in the taskbar.
a. Start b. All Programs
c. Accessories d. My Computer
4. What button are you going to click to open Notepad?
a. All Programs b. Format
c. Accessories d. Start
5. When you are finished making font selections, what are you going to click?
a. Font b. OK c. Style d. Size
6. To duplicate and paste it another location what are you going to click?
a. Cut b. Copy c. Undo d. Delete
7. To undo your last action, what are you going to click after edit?
a. Cut b. Copy c. Undo d. Delete
8. An example of how your font how your text look like is called ___________________?
a. Font b. Style c. Size d. Sample
9. What are you going to click if you want to move your text to another location?
a. Cut b. Copy c. Undo d. Delete
10. All of these can be done in Notepad, except:
a. Cut b. Insert Picture c. Paste d. Copy
11. Which of the following is not included in making your selections?
a. Font b. Style c. Format d. Size
12. Which of the following is a very simplified version of the Microsoft Word Program
a. Notepad b. Paint c. WordPad d. Calculator
13. Who has freely given us the application WordPad?
a. Steve Jobs b. Charles Babbage
c. Ada Lovelace d. Bill Gates
14. Which makes the text thicker?
a. Italic b. Font c. Underline d. Bold
15. Once WordPad is open, we can start what action?
a. texting b. printing c. saving d. typing
16. Which tells us where the text will be entered into the document?
a. Blinking bar b. Blinking Button
c. Blinking Border d. Blinking Cursor
17. What is the 2 way to move text?
a. Cut and Paste b. Backspace
c. Click and Drag d. Delete
18. When we want to start a new line or paragraph, we click on the _______ key on the keyboard.
a. Enter b. Close c. Maximize d. Border
19. Which draws a line under the text?
a. Underline b. Font c. Bold d. Italic
20. What is the correct procedure in opening WordPad?
a. All Programs – Accessories – Start – WordPad
b. WordPad – All programs – Start – Accessories
c. Start – All Programs – Accessories – WordPad
d. Accessories – Start – WordPad – All Programs
21. This application can use to draw, color, and edit pictures.
a. Paint b. WordPad
c. Notepad d. Microsoft Word
22. Which is the area where you work in MS Paint?
23. Which toolbar allows you select your drawings from.
24. Which of the following is creates a rectangular cut out?
a. Free Form Select b. Rectangle
c. Polygon d. Select
25. Which of the following draws a shape that can have any number of sides?
a. Polygon b. Line
c. Curve d. Brush
26. Which of the following will not let you make a variety of straight, curved and squiggy lines?
a. Line b. Pencil
c. Brush d. Rectangle
27. Which creates a free form line with thin outline.
a. brush b. Airbrush
c. Pencil d. Text
28. Which lets you add a words or letters, numbers or special characters.
a. Shape b. Text Tool
c. brush d. polygon
29. Which is a handy collection of drawing tools?
a. Color Box b. Ribbon
c. Toolbox d. Menu
30. Which lets you draw a straight line?
a. Pencil b. Brush
c. Line d. Airbrush
31. Which fills a bordered area with the selected foreground color?
a. Color 1 b. Color 2
c. Color box d. Fill with color
32. Which will allow you to magnifies a selected area?
a. Magnifier b. Rectangle
c. View d. Zoom Slider
33. Which allows you to create a circle?
a. Rounded Rectangle b. Oval
c. Rectangle d. Polygon
34. Which of the following uses it as your foreground or background color?
a. Pick Color b. Color Box
c. Color 2 d. Color 1
35. Which of the following draws a straight line and make it as letter S?
a. Line b. Curve
c. Brush d. Pencil
36. Which of the following removes the last change you have made?
a. Redo b. Undo c. Copy d. Save
37. What is the correct procedure in opening Paint?
a. All Programs – Accessories – Start – Paint
b. Paint – All programs – Start – Accessories
c. Start – All Programs – Accessories – Paint
d. Accessories – Start – Paint – All Programs
38. Which of the following icons is Microsoft Paint?

a. b. c. d.
39. Changes the foreground color to the background color.
a. Select b. Eraser
c. Line d. Curve
40. Which of the following is used to fill a shape?
a. Color 1 b. Color 2
c. Color box d. Fill with color
41. Which of the following statement is not true about Microsoft Paint?
a. Microsoft paint allows you draw.
b. Microsoft paint allows you play games.
c. Microsoft paint allows you insert shapes.
d. Microsoft paint allows you color your drawings

42. What is the name of this tool?

a. Eraser b. Fill with Color c. Pencil d. Magnifier
43. To zoom in on a section of your picture, you should use?
a. Magnifier b. Free-Form
c. Brush d. Eraser
44. Which is used to enter typewritten words or text in the picture with a different background style?
a. Pencil b. Text tool c. Brush d. Airbrush
45. Which of the following indicates the current foreground and background colors?
a. Eraser b. Color Box c. Pencil d. Magnifier
46. To select any square or rectangular part of the picture, which toolbox will you use?
a. Line b. Fill with color c. Free-form select d. Select
47. Which is a drawing program you can use to create drawings or edit digital pictures using different file
a. MS Word b. WordPad c. Paint d. Movie Maker

48. Which of the following shapes is used to draw traffic lights?

a. Oval b. Oval and Rectangle c. Triangle and Oval d. Rectangle
49. Which of the following is used to copy color from one figure to another.
a. Color Picker b. Fill with Color c. Selection Tool d. Free Form Select
50. The _____________ option is used to make duplicate copy of selected part of the drawing
a. Copy b. Cut c. Crop d. Undo

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