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DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  Saliva – which is secreted by the salivary glands,

contains an important enzyme known as salivary

Intracellular digestion – digestion in simple animals
amylase that facilitates breakdown of starch into
which occurs within food vacuoles in simple animals (i.e.,
in hydrae, captured food is enclosed in a food vacuole
 Bolus – chewed food shaped into a ball that
and lysosomes containing digestive enzymes then fuse
moves through the pharynx and into the
with the vacuole break down the food).
Extracellular digestion – digestion in more complex  Peristalsis – waves of contraction that push the
animals which occurs within a digestive tract (i.e., in food through the esophagus toward the stomach.
grasshoppers, food passes through specialized regions
of the gut, the mouth, esophagus, crop, stomach, rectum, Stomach – thick muscular sac that temporarily stores the
and anus). ingested food, partially digests protein, and kills bacteria.

THE HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM  Gastric juices – contain digestive enzymes and
hydrochloric acid (HCI).
Consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small o Pepsin – breaks down proteins into smaller
intestine, large intestine, and accessory organs (liver, peptides.
pancreas, gall bladder, and salivary glands). o HCI – kills most bacteria.
Four groups of molecules broken down by the digestive  Mucus – protects the stomach lining from the
tract: acidic juices.
 Chyme – partially digested food by the churning
 Sugars
action of the stomach.
 Proteins
 Fats Small intestine – where all foodstuffs are completely
 Nucleic acids digested by peptidases for protein and maltase, lactase,
and sucrase for carbohydrates.
Mouth – also known as the oral cavity where digestion
begins.  Has three regions: the duodenum, the jejunum,
and the ileum.
 Mechanical digestion – chewing, softening, and o Chyme moves into the first region, the
breaking up of food. duodenum, through the pyloric sphincter.
 Villi and microvilli – these are folds that increase How air gets into the body:
the surface area of the small intestine for food
1. Air enters through the nose or mouth.
2. The nose leans, warms, and moistens the
o Lacteals are lymph vessels that absorb fatty
incoming air and passes it through the pharynx
acids within each villus.
(throat) and larynx (voice box).
Pancreas – secretes a number of enzymes into the small 3. Air enters the trachea which has a special flap
intestine through the pancreatic duct. called epiglottis that covers the trachea when
swallowing thus preventing food from going down
 Trypsin and Chymotrypsin – break down proteins the wrong pipe.
to dipeptides 4. Trachea then branches into two bronchi, the left
 Pancreatic lipase – breaks down lipids into fatty and right. The said passageways break down into
acids and glycerol smaller tubes known as bronchioles, which ends in
 Pancreatic amylase – breaks down starch into a tiny sac called alveolus that enables the lung to
disaccharides have an enormous surface area.
 Ribonuclease and Deoxyribonuclease – break
down nucleic acids into nucleotides Transport of Oxygen
 Bile – acts as an emulsifier which mechanically  Hemoglobin – iron-containing protein in red blood
breaks up fats into smaller fat droplets; made in cells which transports 97% of the oxygen
the liver and stored in the gall bladder throughout the body (3% is dissolved in the
Large intestine – reabsorbs water and salts plasma).
 The %O2 saturation of hemoglobin is highest
 Harbors harmless bacteria that break down where the concentration of oxygen is greatest.
undigested food and, in the process, provide  Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in oxygen-rich blood
certain essential vitamins such as Vitamin K. leaving the lungs and dissociates from hemoglobin
 Feces – leftover undigested food that moves out of in oxygen-poor tissues.
the large intestine through the rectum.
Transport of Carbon Dioxide
 Most of the carbon dioxide enters red blood cells THE HEART
and combines with water to eventually form
bicarbonate ions (HCO3).
 Blood leaves heart’s left ventricle through aortic
Mechanics of Breathing
semilunar valve and enters aorta (largest artery).
 Inspiration – process of taking in oxygen which  Aorta branches out into different arteries to
involves the increase in volume of the lungs thus arterioles and eventually to capillaries.
allowing air to rush in.  Gas and nutrient/waste exchange occurs between
 Expiration – process of breathing out carbon blood and the tissue through capillary walls (blood
dioxide out of the lungs. become deoxygenated).
 Chemoreceptors – controls respiratory rate (i.e.,  Deoxygenated blood travels back to the heart from
as blood pH decreases, chemoreceptors send capillaries to venules and then through larger
nerve impulses to the diaphragm and intercostal vessels called veins.
muscles to increase respirator rate)  Blood comes back to the heart through the
superior vena cava and inferior vena cava into the
right atrium.
Functions:  Blood travels from right atrium to the right ventricle
through the right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid).
a. Supply body with nutrients and oxygen
b. Get rid of wastes  From right ventricle, blood will go out the heart
towards the lungs (pulmonary circulation) to
Types of circulatory systems: harvest oxygen and dump carbon dioxide.
Open circulatory system – blood is carried by open-end  Once the blood is oxygenated, it will travel back to
blood vessels that spill blood into the cavity (e.g. in the heart’s left atrium and enters the left ventricle,
arthropods, blood vessels from heart open into internal ready for sending oxygenated blood again into
cavities known as sinuses). body tissues.

Closed circulatory system – blood flows continuously PULMONARY CIRCULATION

through network of blood vessels.  Deoxygenated blood leaves right ventricle via
pulmonary artery.
 The pulmonary artery branches into right and left c. The action potential spreads from AV node to the
pulmonary veins that carries blood to the lungs. bundle of His and then to the Purkinje fibers in the
 Gas exchange occurs between capillaries and walls of both ventricles.
alveoli of the lungs.
 Once the blood is oxygenated, it returns to the
heart’s left atrium through pulmonary veins. The Contents of the Blood – all blood cells are made in
the bone marrow
Thermoregulation – homeostasis; maintenance of
stable body temperature regardless of external 1. Plasma
conditions. 2. Cells and cells fragments suspended in the fluid
a. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) – contains
 Endotherms – warm-blooded animals; hemoglobin (specific protein that actually
regulates internal temperature; conserves heat carries oxygen and carbon dioxide); mature
through countercurrent exchange (arrangement RBC lacks nucleus.
of arteries where arteries carrying warm blood b. White blood cells (leukocytes) – fight and
are right next to veins carrying cold blood in the protect the body against foreign organisms
opposite direction) c. Platelets – responsible for blood clotting.
 Ectotherms – cold-blooded animals; gain and
lose heat by the way of the environment. Blood types – a specific blood type contains specific
antibodies that will destroy blood of different blood type
Heart cycle – contraction of the heart transfusion.
Systole – part of the cycle where contraction Type O – universal donor
Type AB – universal recipient
Diastole part of the cycle where relaxation occurs
a. Beat begins in tissues in the right atrium called
sinoartrial (SA) node. Lymphatic system
b. Impulse spread through both atria and conducts - Made up of network of vessels that conduct lymph
directly to atrioventricular (AV) node. (fluid from intestinal fluid).
- Lymph vessels are found throughout the body d. Inflammatory response – a series in response
along the routes of blood vessels. to antigen invasion or physical injury
- Plays and important role in fluid homeostasis.
Types of immune cells:
Functions of lymphatic system:
- Collects, filters, and returns fluid to the body by the
- Made in the bone marrow and matures in thymus
contraction of adjacent muscles.
- Activated upon encounter of T-lymphocytes with
- Fights infection using lymphocytes (cells found in
cells infected with pathogens and recognize major
lymph nodes; lymph nodes form and swell during
histocompatibility (MHC) markers on the plasma
membrane of the infected cells.
- Removes excess fluid from body tissue.
- After being activated (referred as cell-mediated
IMMUNE SYSTEM response), T-cells multiply and give rise to clones
(some become memory T-cells, helper T-cells, and
Immune system
cytotoxic T-cells).
- Defense system of the body o Memory T-cells recognize bacteria or
- Foreign molecules such as virus, bacteria, and viruses that they have encountered before.
chemicals are called antigens and stimulates a o Helper T-cells activate B-lymphocytes and
defense mechanism upon appearance in the body, other in response to the infected cells.
producing antibodies. o Cytotoxic T-cells recognize and kill infected
- First line of defense of the body includes the skin cells.
and mucous lining of respiratory and digestive
tracts. B-cells
- Other nonspecific defense mechanisms include: - Activated when B-lymphocytes encounter antigen-
a. Phagocytes – engulf antigens, presenting cells (like macrophages) with foreign
b. Complement proteins – lyse cell wall of MHC markers, leading to production of clones
antigens, (some become memory B-cells that rapidly divide
c. Interferons – inhibits viral replication and and can produce plasma cell after an infection has
activates surrounding cells that have antiviral been overcome)
- Plasma cells produce antibodies that bind to THE HUMAN EXCRETORY SYSTEM
antigens that originally activated them.
Kidney – major organ that regulates excretion in humans;
- Helper T-cells are also involved and produce
each kidney is made of million nephrons.
Nephrons – functional units of the kidney; consists of;
Note: both memory T-cells and memory B-cells are
responsible for long term immunity. a. Bowman’s capsule – found in the renal cortex
(outermost section)
b. Proximal convoluted tubule – found in the renal
- Acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome cortex
- Attacks helper T-cells, preventing the body from c. Loop of Henle – found in the renal medulla (inner
defending itself section)
- Individuals afflicted with AIDS do not die of AIDS d. Distal convoluted tubule – found in the renal
but rather of infections due to their compromised medulla
immune system. e. Collecting duct
EXCRETORY SYSTEM How a nephron works:
Nitrogenous wastes – waste products containing nitrogen - Blood enters nephron at Bowman’s capsule
- Renal artery leads to kidney and branches into
When cells breakdown, one of the by-products is
arterioles, then tiny capillaries
ammonia (NH3), which is toxic to the body. Organisms
Glomerulus – a ball of capillaries that “sits”
thus have to develop ways to convert this to a less
within a Bowman’s capsule
poisonous substance:
- Blood is filtered as it passes through glomerulus
Ammonia Uric Acid Urea - Plasma is forced out of capillaries. Plasma is now
Fish Bird reptiles Most mammals called a filtrate.
- From Bowman’s capsule, filtrate passes through
the proximal convoluted tubule, then loop of Henle,
Examples of excretory organs among invertebrates:
then the distal convoluted tubule, and finally the
nephridia (earthworms) and Malpighian tubules (found in
collecting duct. As it travels along the tube, filtrate
is modified to form urine.
- Concentrated urine moves from collecting ducts to  Aldosterone – regulate sodium reabsorption at the
ureters, then into bladder, and finally out through distal convoluted tubule
How urine is made:
Skin – gets rid of excess water and salts from the body;
Urine is produced in the nephron by three processes: primary function is to regulate body temperature.
 Filtration – blood is filtered as it passes through The skin has three layers:
glomerulus to Bowman’s capsule.
 Epidermis – covered by a layer of dead cells
 Reabsorption – as filtrate moves through the
(stratum corneum) that form a barrier against
proximal convoluted tubule, some materials are
invading microorganisms.
reabsorbed; small solutes leave proximal
 Dermis contains sweat glands, blood vessels,
convoluted tubule and are reabsorbed; small
nerves, sebaceous glands.
solutes leave proximal convoluted tubule and are
 Subcutaneous tissue (or hyperdermis) – bottom
reabsorbed by peritubular capillaries; remaining
later of skin; mostly fat.
material tubule is urine.
 Secretion – as filtrate moves through convoluted NERVOUS SYSTEM
tubules, some substances are secreted from
Nerve net – the simplest nervous system; made up of a
surrounding capillaries into the tubule.
net work of nerve cells, the impulses of which travels in
Hormones of the kidney both directions; found in the hydra.
Two hormones regulate the concentration of water and Ganglia – clumps of nerve cells; like primitive brains
salt in the kidneys:
Neurons – specialized cells in brain
 Vasopressin – or antidiuretic hormone; allows
Schwann cells – supporting cells that wrap around
water to be reabsorbed from collecting duct;
the axon of a neuron.
controls volume of urine
o Low fluid intake: ADH concentrates urine Myelin sheath – produced by Schwann cells;
o High fluid intake: ADH levels will be low; insulates the axon
dilute urine
NEURONS smission of an impulses depends on the ionic
gradients that exist across the axonal membrane.
Neurons are the functional unit in the nervous system.
They receive and send the neutral impulses that trigger The resting potential arises from two activities:
organisms; responses to their environment.
 The Na+K+ATPase – this pump pushes ions (K+)
Parts of neuron: into the cell for ever three sodium ions (NA+) it
pumps out of the cell which leads to a net loss of
 Cell body
positive charges within the cell.
 Dendrites
 Leaky protein channels – some potassium
 Axon
channels in the plasma membrane are “leaky”
Types of neurons: allowing a slow diffusion of K+ out of the cell.

 Sensory – receives impulses from the environment Note: Both Na+K+ATPase and leaky channels cause a
and bring them to the body potential difference between the inside of the neuron
 Motor (effector) – transmits impulses to muscles or and the surrounding interstitial fluid. The membrane
glands to produce a response; muscle responds potential is inside of the neuron and the surrounding
by contracting or gland will secrete a substance interstitial fluid. The membrane potential is always
 Interneurons – links between sensory neurons and negative inside the cell, and the neuronal membrane
motor neurons; found in the brains or spinal cord is said to be polarized.

How neurons communicate Action potential – all-or-none response

- Dendrites of one cell pick up the impulse sent from If a stimulus has enough intensity to excite a
the axon of another cell neuron, the cell reaches its threshold (the
minimum amount of stimulus a neuron to
Resting potential respond), creating an action potential (change in
- T membrane potential that produces a nerve
r impulse).
a In an action potential,
 Cell’s tiny “gates” open the cell in the period after an action potential called the
 Sodium ions rush in refractory period.
 Polarity of cell changes – axon is now positive
inside, negative outside
At the point where the axon connects to the cell body, tiny
gated sodium ion channels open up and allow sodium Summary:
ions rush into the cell. The interior of the cell changes its “resting” neuron is polarizes (more negative inside than
polarity from negative to positive charge (depolarization). outside)
Note: action potential makes the cell depolarize.
Repolarization When action potential comes along, neuron transmits an
Once sodium ions have flooded the neuron, sodium impulse down its axon
channels close then potassium channels open. As
potassium ions inside axon rush out, electrical change
reverse again. Inside of cell becomes more negative than Voltage-gated sodium channels open, allowing sodium
outside, or the change has returned to its original ions to rush in (depolarization) – (neurons become more
polarization (repolarization). positive inside, more negative outside)

The Refractory Period

Although change has returned to its original state, at the Sodium channels close and potassium
end of action potential, ions are now on wrong side of
axonal membrane (sodium ions inside; potassium ions
outside). The neuron re-establishes order of ions through Channels open, which restores its negative charge
sodium-potassium pump. The pump kicks three sodium (repolarization)
ions out of the cell for every potassium ions it brings into

Neuron enters refractory period

Norepinephrine – peptide neurotransmitter that is
released between neurons within the central nervous
Neuron re-establishes ion distribution with sodium-
potassium pump
GABA – neurotransmitter that is secreted in the central
nervous system and acts as an inhibitor
When impulse wants to reach end of neuron (axon bulb),
1. Central nervous system – all neurons in the brain
axon releases a neurotransmitter into the space between
and spinal cord
the two neurons (synapse). The neurotransmitter diffuses
2. Peripheral nervous system – neurons outside
across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the
brain and spinal cord
dendrites of the next neuron.
a. Somatic nervous system – controls activities
This triggers an action potential in the second if the e.g. movement of eyes across a page
synaptic membrane is excited. The impulse then moves b. Autonomic system – controls involuntary
along the second neuron from dendrites to axon. activities e.g. heartbeat, digestive system
i. sympathetic nervous system – controls
Acetylcholine is an example of a neurotransmitter.
the “fight-or-flight response
ii. parasympathetic nervous system – brings
 Is released from the end of an axon, when Ca 2+ body back to homeostasis after a threat has
moves into the terminal end of the axon passed
 Is picked up almost instantly by the dendrites of Parts of the Brain
the next neuron
 Can stimulate muscles to contract or inhibit Cerebrum Controls all voluntary activities;
postsynaptic potential receives and interprets sensory
 Is released between neurons in the information; largest part of human
parasympathetic system brain.

Acetylcholinesterase – enzyme that breaks down extra Consists of outer gray matter (cerebral
acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft cortex) and inner white matter.
Cartilage – found in embryonic stages of all vertebrates;
Corpus callosum – thick band of nerve lacks nerves and blood vessels
fibers of white matter that enables the
Bone – connective tissue that contains nerves blood
right and left side of the cerebral
vessels; dynamic tissue that changes shape when
hemisphere to communicate
osteoblast (bone-building cells) and osteoclast (bone-
Cerebellum Coordinates muscle activity,
breaking cells) remodel it.
refinement of movement
Hypothalamus Regulates homeostasis; refinement of Bones are made up of:
 Collagen
Medulla Controls involuntary actions (e.g.
 Calcium salts
breathing, swallowing, heartbeat,
respiration) Joints – holds bones together
Pons Connects parts of the brain with one
Ligaments – tough connective tissue that hold joints
another and contains respiratory
Midbrain Centre for visual and auditory reflexes Tendons – connective tissue that attach muscles to bone
Thalamus Main sensory relay center for
conducting information between the
spinal cord and cerebrum Sarcomere – functional unit n a muscle cell’
consists of two proteins;
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM  Actin – thin filaments
 Myosin – thick filaments
Exoskeleton – support worn outside; a hard covering or
shell e.g. insects have ans exoskeleton made of chitin TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUES
Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
Endoskeleton – entire skeleton is inside; possessed be
Location Attached Wall of Wall of
to digestive heart
the blood
Type of Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary
Striations Yes No Yes
Multinucleate Yes No No
Speed of Rapid Slowest Intermediate

What happens when muscles contract?

1. Acetylcholine is released by a mo

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