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Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020


Name: eGlobe G2 Diagnostic Data Tool

Category: eGlobe G2

Description: This solution provides a step by step guide how to run the eGlobe G2 Diagnostic Data tool.
System Data and sensor inputs will be collected.


 On request by Customer Support team
 Unit exchange or Hard drive exchange (Advanced preparation)
 Slow operation of the ECDIS Panel PC
 Sensor problems or other abnormal behavior

Note: the tool should be started only when both units are running.

1 Provided software

The software can be provided in 2 ways:

 Via FTP link (step 1.1)
 As zip file via e-mail (step 1.2)

1.1 FTP download

FTP Link ( click on the link)

 after download continue with step 1.2

1.2 Extract the zip file with password “service” (small letters).

1.3 Copy the file eGlobeG2-Diagnostic-Data-Tool V3.exe” to a blank USB medium.

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

2 ECDIS Stations

 Have both Master and Backup running.

2.1 Go to Master Station and exit the Navigation Mode (follow next pictures).

2.2 Insert your USB medium.

Options are:
 external USB socket
 direct to the panel pc.

 External USB socket:

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

 Direct to the panel pc (please do not use the port labelled “1.1”)

2.3 Click on Update Software.

2.4 Select the file.

2.5 Click on Install.

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

2.6 Click on Yes.

2.7 Wait until a new information window appears and click on OK.

 If the unit has HDD’s then it might take a few seconds longer.

2.8 Enter the Case number given by ChartWorld / job scope.

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

2.9 Enter Vessels name and click on OK.

2.10 Enter your name and click on OK.

2.11 Enter Vessels IMO number and click on OK.

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

2.12 A new information window will be shown. Click on OK.

 The system will now record every comport for 2 seconds. Please be patient and wait until a new
information window will be shown.
2.13 Click on OK.

 The system will now collect all files and does some other background testing. Please be patient
and wait until a finish window will be shown.
2.14 Click on OK.

NOTE: Leave the Master station running with Integrator window. Do not shut shutdown the unit.

ChartWorld International Ltd

Version 4.0


DATE: 10/07/2020

2.15 Go to Backup station and repeat steps 2 to 14.

2.16 Shutdown Backup Station.

2.17 Shutdown Master Station.

2.18 Start Master Station and wait unit Navigation mode is loaded and green info labels are

2.19 Start Backup Station and wait unit Navigation mode is loaded and green info labels are

2.20 Check that Master and Backup labels are shown.

2.21 Acknowledge the network alert on both stations.

3 Reporting

 On the USB medium you will find a new zip file.

Please send all zip files to .

E-Mail Subject: “eGlobe G2 Diagnostics / Vessel Name / Case number (if available)

Further information is welcome:

 Name of ChartWorld contact person who asked for the diagnostic data.
 Reason of request.

Note: ZIP-File attachments can be also sent by web download links.

Example Google-Drive, Microsoft-OneDrive.

End of Instruction……………………….

ChartWorld International Ltd

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