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People are gathering at a table to listen the leader presenting a project

A boat is floating in the water

After coming to the destination, they are reviewing the menu to choose dishes
The woman who wearing a formal clothes are talking on the phone

When the passengers are waiting the vehicle to go the workstation, the train surfed
Question 6-7: Respond to a written request
Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an email. Your
response will be scored on:
* the quality and variety of your sentence
* vocabulary, and
* organization
You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email.
Email 1
From: A. Chae, General Company
To: Fine Prints
Subject: Printing accident
Sent: May 2, 10:32 a.m.
Dear Fine Prints,
Your company recently prepared letterheads for us. However, I’ve just noticed that you printed our
old address by mistake. I have to send out hundreds of letters to our customers for a new promotion.
Please email me about this as soon as possible.
Thank you,
A Chae

Dear Mr Chae,
I’m an employee at Fine Prints. First, I apologize to your company for this mistake. After looked into
this problem i found that i’m so negnigant to make the mistake. I have checked the new address and
printed the letterheads again. It will be finish and send them as soon as. You can receive them within
2-3 days. In this time, we’ll try to inform your customers about the new address. Or if you are in
urgent situation we’ll refund the money and reimburse so you also do it in other company.
Once again, I sincerely apologise for my mistake. I hope that we until collaborate, have good
relationship in the future!
Thank you,

Directions: Respond to the email as if you are an employee at Fine Prints. In your email, make 2
suggestions for how to handle the problem and provide one piece ò information you think will be

Email 2
From: Bull Britten, Teachers’ Association Chairman
To: TA Members
Subject: Summer Concert Participant Recruitment
Sent: May 28, 3:45 p.m.
We’re going to hold our annual summer concert festival from July 7 to 11. If you have any students
interested in playing in our orchestra, please give us their names and the instruments they play so
they can join in this wonderful event. Please reply by email no later than June 6.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Directions: Respond to the email as if you are a member of the Teachers’ Association. In your email,
ask TWO questions and give ONE piece of information about the event.
Dear Mr Bull Britten,
I’m so glad to receive your invitation. I’m a member of the Teachers’ Association. It’s really a vibrant
and well- known festival so i think my students will interested in taking part in this festival. We have 3
students, all of them play orchestra very good, they have trained for a long time and joined in many
summer concert festival. We saw lots of feedback about them. I’m going to send an email including
their names and the instrument for you. And I have a couple of question, can you answer help me?
First, where is concert festival will take place? Second, how long will it last?
I look forward to hearing from you,

Question 8: Write an opinion essay

Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to
state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a
minimum of 300 words. Your response will be scored on
- whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples
- grammar
- vocabulary, and
- organization
You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.

Topic: Some workers must work at night. What are the advantages and disadvantages of night-shift
work? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

I think this is a realistic topic to discuss. In 4.0 era now, people must do many works to do for a
living and raise their children. With huge work, they have to spend much time and concentrate on
their schedule. From my perspective, work at night has its pros and corns. Firstly, let’s talk about
the advantages. With people who often stay at late, when work at night or night - shift is one of
their habits, they will work more productivity. At night, the atmosphere is very quiet they can work
concentrate on theirs works without noisy such as vehicles, baby cry. Besides that, work overnight
makes you feel more comfortable because you have plenty of time to prepare or finish your duties
until the next morning. Almost people also work at night or night-shift, if you have questions or not
understanding about something, you can discuss with your colleague, they are willing to help you.
On the contrast, it also brings many drawbacks especially affects in your health. After 11.pm, this is
rest time for a tired day from morning. Your brain actives less effective, your skin won’t be beautiful
as you want, your stomach can be hurt and you have to heal these problems . Work at night it
means that you can’t wake up early in the morning. So you can’t enjoy the fresh moments of new
days, spend time for doing exercise, making a plan,... With myself, after experienced work at night
to meet the deadline, I can’t concentrate on my duty and be distract because of feeling asleep. My
health isn’t as well as before. I also become angry with simple reason and i can’t manage my time
Inconclusion, work at night has its pros and corns. The important thing is which way be effective for
work, so you need to manage your time and follow the schedule to have more time for relaxing and
look after your family.

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