Assignment #1

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1. Cite strong points why Rizal is a chosen national hero. (at least 2 reasons)
Jose Rizal is a chosen national hero of the Philippines due to his significant
contributions to the country's history and the two strong points that stood out are his role in the
Philippine Revolution, which sparked the desire for independence among Filipinos and his
advocacy for national unity and reforms through his writings and actions.

First, his literary works, such as "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," exposed the
injustices and corruption in the Spanish colonial government, leading to a sense of national
consciousness among Filipinos. These works inspired many Filipinos to fight for their rights and
eventually led to the Philippine Revolution. The second strong point is his advocacy for
education as a means to uplift the country's socio-economic status. He believed that education
was the key to freedom and progress, and he himself was an exemplary model of how
education can transform one's life and inspire others. Rizal's advocacy for education and his
belief in the power of knowledge to bring about positive change have had a lasting impact on
the country.

2. Weak points why Jose Rizal should be replaced by Andres Bonifacio as the Philippine greatest
national hero.
Some people argue that Andres Bonifacio should be the Philippines' greatest national
hero instead of Jose Rizal. One weak point of Rizal is that he did not actively participate in the
Philippine Revolution, while Bonifacio was one of its leaders. Another argument is that
Bonifacio's emphasis on the importance of the masses in the revolution aligns more with the
values of modern-day Filipinos.

While Andres Bonifacio made significant contributions to the Philippine Revolution and
fought for the country's independence, there are weak points in the argument that he should
replace Jose Rizal as the greatest national hero. Rizal's writings and ideas had a profound
impact on the Philippine Revolution, and he was a key figure in the movement for reforms and
national unity even before the revolution. His execution by the Spanish colonial government
also made him a martyr and symbol of the struggle for independence. While Bonifacio played a
crucial role in the revolution, he was not a unifying figure and his leadership was challenged by
other revolutionary factions.
3. The salient points of R.A.1425.
R.A.1425, also known as the Rizal Law, is a Philippine law that mandates the teaching of
the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal in all schools in the country. The law aims to promote
patriotism and nationalism and to inspire students to emulate Rizal's ideals and principles. The
salient points of the law include the inclusion of Rizal's works in school curricula, the
establishment of a Rizal Committee in every province and city to oversee the implementation of
the law, and the requirement for all schools to celebrate Rizal Day every December 30.


1. To rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom, courage, fortitude

and patriotism.
2. To pay tribute to our Dr. Jose Rizal for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino
3. To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal’s life, works
and writings.
4. To recognize the importance of Rizal’s ideals and teaching in relation to present
conditions and situations in the society.
5. To encourage the application f such ideals in current social and personal problems and

4. Describe the socio-economic and political setting of the world when Rizal was born in the
19th century
When Jose Rizal was born in 1861, the world was in the midst of significant political and
social changes. In the 19th century, the world was experiencing significant changes in socio-
economic, political contexts, and was marked by the rise of nationalism and colonialism, as
European powers expanded their empires through colonization and exploitation of other

The Industrial Revolution also brought about significant changes in the economy and
society, as new technologies and modes of production transformed the way people lived and
worked. The Industrial Revolution led to the rise of capitalism and the growth of urbanization,
while imperialism and colonialism were still prevalent in many parts of the world. In the
Philippines, Spanish colonial rule was the dominant power structure, which led to the
exploitation and subjugation of the Filipino people. Rizal was born during this period of turmoil
and oppression, which influenced his views and advocacies for reform and independence.
5. Name at least 2 philosophers whose political thoughts are found in Rizal's work.
Two philosophers whose political thoughts are found in Rizal's work are John Locke and
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rizal's ideas on democracy, human rights, and government reflect
Locke's social contract theory, which states that individuals have natural rights that must be
protected by the government. Locke's ideas on natural rights and the right to rebellion can also
be found in Rizal's belief in the right of the Filipino people to fight for their independence and
self-determination. Rizal also advocated for the empowerment of the masses and the
establishment of a just and equitable society, which aligns with Rousseau's ideas on social
justice and equality. Rousseau's ideas on social contract theory, which emphasizes the
importance of the consent of the governed in the formation of a just government, can be seen
in Rizal's advocacy for reforms in the Spanish colonial government Rizal's works also show the
influence of other philosophers, such as Jose Marti and Thomas Paine.

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