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Minggu ke-10:

Analisa Outlier

Dr.Eng. Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar, S.T., M.Eng

Dr. Diva Kurnianingtyas, S.Kom
Outlier and Outlier Analysis

Outlier Detection Method


This slides are based on the additional material provided with the textbook that we use: J. Han, M. Kamber and J. Pei, “Data Mining:
Concepts and Techniques” and P. Tan, M. Steinbach, and V. Kumar "Introduction to Data Mining“.
Outlier and Outlier Analysis
What Are Outliers?

● Outlier: A data object that deviates significantly from the normal

objects as if it were generated by a different mechanism
○ Ex.: Unusual credit card purchase, sports: Michael Jordon,

Wayne Gretzky, ...

● Outliers are different from the noise data
○ Noise is random error or variance in a measured variable

○ Noise should be removed before outlier detection

● Outliers are interesting:

○ It violates the mechanism that generates the normal data

What Are Outliers?

● Outlier detection vs. novelty detection: early stage, outlier; but later
merged into the model
○ In "novelty detection", you have a data set that contains only

good data, and you're trying to determine whether new

observations fit within the existing data set.
○ In "outlier detection", the data may contain outliers, which you

want to identify

● Various applications of outliers detection

Application of Outlier Detection

Credit Card Fraud Detection Telecom Fraud Detection

Application of Outlier Detection

Medical Analysis Customer Segmentation

Distribution of
outlier data

Distribution of
normal data
Types of Outliers (I)

Three kinds types of outlier: global, contextual and collective outliers

Global outlier Contextual outlier Collective Outliers
(Point anomaly) (Conditional outlier)

Global Outlier

● Definition:
○ Global outliers are data points that deviate significantly from

the overall distribution of a dataset.

○ Object is Og if it significantly deviates from the rest of the data

● Example:
○ Intrusion detection in computer networks

● Causes:
○ Errors in data collection, measurement errors, or truly unusual

events can result in global outliers.

Global Outlier

● Impact:
○ Global outliers can distort data analysis results and affect

machine learning model performance.

● Issue:
○ Find an appropriate measurement of deviation

● Detection:
○ Techniques include statistical methods (e.g., z-score,

Mahalanobis distance), machine learning algorithms (e.g.,

isolation forest, one-class SVM), and data visualization
Global Outlier

● Handling:
○ Options may include removing or correcting outliers,

transforming data, or using robust methods.

● Considerations:
○ Carefully considering the impact of global outliers is crucial

for accurate data analysis and machine learning model

Global Outlier
Contextual Outlier

● Definition:
○ Contextual outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the
expected behavior within a specific context or subgroup.
● Characteristics:
○ Contextual outliers may not be outliers when considered in the entire
dataset, but they exhibit unusual behavior within a specific context or
● Detection:
○ Techniques for detecting contextual outliers include contextual
clustering, contextual anomaly detection, and context-aware machine
learning approaches.
Contextual Outlier

● Detection:
○ Techniques for detecting contextual outliers include

contextual clustering, contextual anomaly detection, and

context-aware machine learning approaches.
● Contextual Information:
○ Contextual information such as time, location, or other

relevant factors are crucial in identifying contextual outliers.

● Impact:
○ Contextual outliers can represent unusual or anomalous

behavior within a specific context, which may require further

investigation or attention.
Contextual Outlier

● Handling:
○ Handling contextual outliers may involve considering the

contextual information, contextual normalization or

transformation of data, or using context-specific models or
● Considerations:
○ Proper understanding of the context and domain-specific

knowledge is crucial for accurate detection and interpretation

of contextual outliers, as they may vary based on the specific
context or subgroup being considered.
Contextual Outlier
Collective Outlier

● Definition:
○ A subset of data objects collectively deviate significantly from

the whole data set, even if the individual data objects may not
be outliers

● Applications:
○ e.g., intrusion detection: When a number of computers keep

sending denial-of-service packages to each other

Collective Outlier

● Detection of collective outliers:

○ Consider not only behavior of individual objects, but also that

of groups of objects
○ Need to have the background knowledge on the relationship

among data objects, such as a distance or similarity measure

on objects.

● A data set may have multiple types of outlier

● One object may belong to more than one type of outlier
Collective Outlier

● Definition:
○ Collective outliers are groups of data points that collectively

deviate significantly from the overall distribution of a dataset.

● Characteristics:
○ Collective outliers may not be outliers when considered

individually, but as a group, they exhibit unusual behavior.

● Detection:
○ Techniques for detecting collective outliers include clustering

algorithms, density-based methods, and subspace-based

Collective Outlier

● Impact:
○ Collective outliers can represent interesting patterns or

anomalies in data that may require special attention or further

● Handling:
○ Handling collective outliers depends on the specific use case

and may involve further analysis of the group behavior,

identification of contributing factors, or considering
contextual information.
Collective Outlier

● Considerations:
○ Detecting and interpreting collective outliers can be more

complex than individual outliers, as the focus is on group

behavior rather than individual data points.
○ Proper understanding of the data context and domain

knowledge is crucial for effective handling of collective

Collective Outlier
Challenges of Outlier Detection

● Modeling normal objects and outliers properly

○ Hard to enumerate all possible normal behaviors in an

○ The border between normal and outlier objects is often a gray

● Application-specific outlier detection
○ Choice of distance measure among objects and the model of

relationship among objects are often application-dependent

○ E.g., clinic data: a small deviation could be an outlier; while in

marketing analysis, larger fluctuations

Challenges of Outlier Detection

● Handling noise in outlier detection

○ Noise may distort the normal objects and blur the distinction

between normal objects and outliers.

○ It may help hide outliers and reduce the effectiveness of

outlier detection
● Understandability
○ Understand why these are outliers: Justification of the

○ Specify the degree of an outlier: the unlikelihood of the object

being generated by a normal mechanism

Outlier Detection Method
Outlier Detection I: Supervised Methods

● Two ways to categorize outlier detection methods:

○ Based on whether user-labeled examples of outliers can be

■ Supervised, semi-supervised vs. unsupervised methods

○ Based on assumptions about normal data and outliers:

■ Statistical, proximity-based, and clustering-based

Outlier Detection I: Supervised Methods

● Outlier Detection I: Supervised Methods

○ Modeling outlier detection as a classification problem
■ Samples examined by domain experts used for training &
○ Methods for Learning a classifier for outlier detection
■ Model normal objects & report those not matching the
model as outliers, or
■ Model outliers and treat those not matching the model as
Outlier Detection I: Supervised Methods

● Challenges
○ Imbalanced classes, i.e., outliers are rare: Boost the outlier
class and make up some artificial outliers
○ Catch as many outliers as possible, i.e., recall is more
important than accuracy (i.e., not mislabeling normal objects
as outliers)
Outlier Detection II: Unsupervised Methods

● Assume the normal objects are somewhat ``clustered'‘ into

multiple groups, each having some distinct features
● An outlier is expected to be far away from any groups of normal
● Weakness: Cannot detect collective outlier effectively
○ Normal objects may not share any strong patterns, but the
collective outliers may share high similarity in a small area
● Ex. In some intrusion or virus detection, normal activities are
○ Unsupervised methods may have a high false positive rate but
still miss many real outliers.
○ Supervised methods can be more effective, e.g., identify
attacking some key resources
Outlier Detection II: Unsupervised Methods

● Many clustering methods can be adapted for unsupervised

○ Find clusters, then outliers: not belonging to any cluster
○ Problem 1: Hard to distinguish noise from outliers
○ Problem 2: Costly since first clustering: but far less outliers
than normal objects
■ Newer methods: tackle outliers directly
Outlier Detection III: Semi-Supervised Methods

● Situation: In many applications, the number of labeled data is

often small: Labels could be on outliers only, normal objects only,
or both
● Semi-supervised outlier detection: Regarded as applications of
semi-supervised learning
● If some labeled normal objects are available
○ Use the labeled examples and the proximate unlabeled objects to
train a model for normal objects
○ Those not fitting the model of normal objects are detected as
Outlier Detection III: Semi-Supervised Methods

● If only some labeled outliers are available, a small number of

labeled outliers many not cover the possible outliers well
○ To improve the quality of outlier detection, one can get help
from models for normal objects learned from unsupervised

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