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Sources of Data

Sources of Data

The sources of data can be classified into two types: statistical and
non-statistical. Statistical sources refer to data that is gathered for
some official purposes, incorporate censuses, and officially
administered surveys. Non-statistical sources refer to the collection of
data for other administrative purposes or for the private sector.

What are the different sources of data?

The following are the two sources of data:

1. Internal sources

 When data is collected from reports and records of the

organisation itself, they are known as the internal sources.
 For example, a company publishes its annual report’ on profit
and loss, total sales, loans, wages, etc.

2. External sources

 When data is collected from sources outside the organisation,

they are known as the external sources. For example, if a tour
and travel company obtain information on Karnataka tourism
from Karnataka Transport Corporation, it would be known as an
external source of data.
Primary and Secondary Data
1. Primary Data
The data collected by the investigator from primary sources for the
first time from scratch is known as primary data. This data is
collected directly from the source of origin. It is real-time data and is
always specific to the researcher’s needs. The primary data is
available in raw form. The investigator has to spend a long time
period in the collection of primary data and hence is expensive also.
However, the accuracy and reliability of primary data are more than
the secondary data. Some examples of sources for the collection of
primary data are observations, surveys, experiments, personal
interviews, questionnaires, etc. 

2. Secondary Data
The data already in existence which has been previously collected by
someone else for other purposes is known as secondary data. It does
not include any real-time data as the research has already been done
on that information. However, the cost of collecting secondary data
is less. As the data has already been collected in the past, it can be
found in refined form. The accuracy and reliability of secondary data
are relatively less than the primary data. The chances of finding the
exact information or data specific to the researcher’s needs are less.
However, the time required to collect secondary data is short and
hence is a quick and easy process. Some examples of sources for the
collection of secondary data are books, journals, internal records,
government records, articles, websites, government publications,

Types of Data
A) Primary data

 Primary data means first-hand information collected by an

 It is collected for the first time.
 It is original and more reliable.
 For example, the population census conducted by the
government of India after every ten years is primary data.
B) Secondary data

 Secondary data refers to second-hand information.

 It is not originally collected and rather obtained from already
 or unpublished sources.
 For example, the address of a person taken from the telephone
directory or the phone number of a company taken from Just
Dial are secondary data.

Primary data-collection methods

As mentioned above, primary data collection  involves gathering

original and first-hand source information. Primary data-collection
methods help researchers or service providers obtain specific and
up-to-date information about their research subjects. These methods
involve reaching out to a targeted group of people and sourcing data
from them through surveys, interviews, observations, experiments,

You can collect primary data using quantitative or qualitative

methods. Let’s take a closer look at the two:

Quantitative data-collection methods involve collecting information

that you can analyze numerically. Closed-ended surveys and
questionnaires with predefined options are usually the ways
researchers collect quantitative information. They can then analyze
the results using mathematical calculations such as means, modes,
and grouped frequencies. An example is a simple poll. It’s easy to
quickly determine or express the number of participants who choose
a specific option as a percentage of the whole.

Qualitative data collection involves retrieving nonmathematical data

from primary sources. Unlike quantitative data-collection methods
where subjects are limited to predefined options, qualitative data-
collection methods give subjects a chance to freely express their
thoughts about the research topic. As a result, the data researchers
collect via these methods is unstructured and often nonquantifiable.

Here’s an important difference between the two: While quantitative

methods focus on understanding “what,” “who,” or “how much,”
qualitative methods focus on understanding “why” and “how.” For
example, quantitative research on parents may show trends that are
specific to fathers or mothers, but it may not uncover why those
trends exist.

Drow explains that applying quantitative methods is faster and

cheaper than applying qualitative methods. “It is simple to compare
results because quantitative approaches are highly standardized. In
contrast, qualitative research techniques rely on words, sounds,
feelings, emotions, colors, and other intangible components.”

Drow emphasizes that the field of your study and the goals and
objectives of your research will influence your decision about
whether to use quantitative or qualitative methodologies for data

Principle Difference between Primary and

Secondary Data
 Difference in Objective: The primary data collected by the
investigator is always for the specific objective. Therefore,
there is no need to make any adjustments for the purpose of
the study. However, the secondary data collected by the
investigator has already been collected by someone else for
some other purpose. Therefore, the investigator has to make
necessary adjustments to the data to suit the main objective
of the present study.
 Difference in Originality: As the primary data is collected
from the beginning from the source of origin, the data is
original. However, the secondary data is already present
somewhere and hence is not original.
 Difference in Cost of Collection: The cost of collecting
primary data is higher than the cost of collecting secondary
data in terms of time, effort and money. It is because the
data is being collected for the first time from the source of
origin. However, the cost of collecting secondary data is less
as the data is gathered from published or unpublished

Below are some examples of primary data-collection methods:

1. Questionnaires and surveys

While researchers often use the terms “survey” and “questionnaire”

interchangeably, the two mean slightly different things.

A questionnaire refers specifically to the set of questions researchers

use to collect information from respondents. It may include closed-
ended questions, which means respondents are limited to predefined
answers, or open-ended questions, which allow respondents to give
their own answers.

A survey includes the entire process of creating questionnaires,

collecting responses, and analyzing the results.
2. Interviews

An interview is a conversation in which one participant asks

questions and the other provides answers. Interviews work best for
small groups and help you understand the opinions and feelings of

Interviews may be structured or unstructured. Structured interviews

are similar to questionnaires and involve asking predetermined
questions with specific multiple-choice answers. Unstructured
interviews, on the other hand, give subjects the freedom to provide
their own answers. You can conduct interviews in person or via
recorded video or audio conferencing.

3. Focus groups 

A focus group is a small group of people who have an informal

discussion about a particular topic, product, or idea. The researcher
selects participants with similar interests, gives them topics to
discuss, and records what they say.

Focus groups can help you better understand the results of a large-
group quantitative study. For example, a survey of 1,000
respondents may help you spot trends and patterns, but a focus
group of 10 respondents will provide additional context for the
results of the large-group survey.
4. Observation

Observation involves watching participants or their interactions with

specific products or objects. It’s a great way to collect data from a
group when they’re unwilling or unable to participate in interviews
— children are a good example.

You can conduct observations covertly or overtly. The former

involves discreetly observing people’s behavior without their
knowledge. This allows you to see them acting naturally. On the
other hand, you have to conduct overt observation openly, and it
may cause the subjects to behave unnaturally.

Advantages of primary data-collection methods

1. Accuracy: You collect data firsthand from the target

demographic, which leaves less room for error or misreporting.
2. Recency: Sourcing primary data ensures you have the most
up-to-date information about the research subject.
3. Control: You have full control over the data-collection
process and can make adjustments where necessary to improve
the quality of the data you collect.
4. Relevance: You can ask specific questions that are directly
relevant to your research.
5. Privacy: You can control access to the research results and
maintain the confidentiality of respondents.

Disadvantages of primary data collection

1. Cost: Collecting primary data can be expensive, especially if

you’re working with a large group.
2. Labor: Collecting raw data can be labor intensive. When
you’re gathering data from large groups, you need more skilled
hands. And if you’re researching something arcane or unusual,
it might be difficult to find people with the appropriate
3. Time: Collecting primary data takes time. If you’re conducting
surveys, for example, participants have to fill out
questionnaires. This could take anywhere from a few days to
several months, depending on the size of the study group, how
you deliver the survey, and how quickly participants respond.
Post-survey activities, such as organizing and cleaning data to
make it usable, also add up.

Secondary data-collection methods

Secondary data collection involves retrieving already available data

from sources other than the target audience. When working with
secondary data, the researcher doesn’t “collect” data; instead, they
consult secondary data sources.
Secondary data sources are broadly categorized into published and
unpublished data. As the names suggest, published data has been
published and released for public or private use, while unpublished
data comprises unreleased private information that researchers or
individuals have documented.

When choosing public data sources, Drow strongly recommends

considering the date of publication, the author’s credentials, the
source’s dependability, the text’s level of discussion and depth of
analysis, and the impact it has had on the growth of the field of

Below are some examples of secondary data sources:

1. Online journals, records, and publications

Data that reputable organizations have collected from research is

usually published online. Many of these sources are freely
accessible and serve as reliable data sources. But it’s best to search
for the latest editions of these publications because dated ones may
provide invalid data.

2. Government records and publications

Periodically, government institutions collect data from people. The

information can range from population figures to organizational
records and other statistical information such as age distribution.
You can usually find information like this in government libraries
and use it for research purposes.

3. Business and industry records

Industries and trade organizations usually release revenue figures

and periodic industry trends in quarterly or biannual publications.
These records serve as viable secondary data sources since they’re

Previous business records, such as companies’ sales and revenue

figures, can also be useful for research. While some of this
information is available to the public, you may have to get
permission to access other records.

4. Newspapers

Newspapers often publish data they’ve collected from their own

surveys. Due to the volume of resources you’ll have to sift through,
some surveys may be relevant to your niche but difficult to find on
paper. Luckily, most newspapers are also published online, so
looking through their online archives for specific data may be easier.

5. Unpublished sources
These include diaries, letters, reports, records, and figures belonging
to private individuals; these sources aren’t in the public domain.
Since authoritative bodies haven’t vetted or published the data, it
can often be unreliable.

Advantages of secondary data-collection methods

Below are some of the benefits of secondary data-collection

methods and their advantages over primary methods.

1. Speed: Secondary data-collection methods are efficient

because delayed responses and data documentation don’t
factor into the process. Using secondary data, analysts can go
straight into data analysis.
2. Low cost: Using secondary data is easier on the budget when
compared to primary data collection. Secondary data often
allows you to avoid logistics and other survey expenses.
3. Volume: There are thousands of published resources available
for data analysis. You can sift through the data that several
individual research efforts have produced to find the
components that are most relevant to your needs.
4. Ease of use: Secondary data, especially data that organizations
and the government have published, is usually clean and
organized. This makes it easy to understand and extract.
5. Ease of access: It’s generally easier to source secondary data
than primary data. A basic internet search can return relevant
information at little or no cost.

Disadvantages of secondary data collection

1. Lack of control: Using secondary data means you have no

control over the survey process. Already published data may
not include the questions you need answers to. This makes it
difficult to find the exact data you need.
2. Lack of specificity: There may not be many available reports
for new industries, and government publications often have the
same problems. Furthermore, if there’s no available data for
the niche your service specializes in, you’ll encounter
problems using secondary data.
3. Lack of uniqueness: Using secondary sources may not give
you the originality and uniqueness you need from data. For
instance, if your service or product hinges on innovation and
uses an out-of-the-norm approach to problem-solving, you
may be disappointed by the generic nature of the data you
4. Age: Because user preferences change over time, data can
evolve. The secondary data you retrieve can become invalid.
When this happens, it becomes difficult to source new data
without conducting a hands-on survey.
 Direct Personal Investigation: As the name suggests, the
method of direct personal investigation involves collecting
data personally from the source of origin. In simple words,
the investigator makes direct contact with the person from
whom he/she wants to obtain information. This method can
attain success only when the investigator collecting data is
efficient, diligent, tolerant and impartial. For example, direct
contact with the household women to obtain information
about their daily routine and schedule.
 Indirect Oral Investigation: In this method of collecting
primary data, the investigator does not make direct contact
with the person from whom he/she needs information,
instead, they collect the data orally from some other person
who has the necessary required information. For example,
collecting data of employees from their superiors or
 Information from Local Sources or Correspondents: In
this method, for the collection of data, the investigator
appoints correspondents or local persons at various places,
which are then furnished by them to the investigator. With
the help of correspondents and local persons, the
investigators can cover a wide area.
 Information through Questionnaires and Schedules: In
this method of collecting primary data, the investigator,
while keeping in mind the motive of the study, prepares a
questionnaire. The investigator can collect data through the
questionnaire in two ways:
Mailing Method: This method involves mailing the
questionnaires to the informants for the collection of data.
The investigator attaches a letter with the questionnaire in
the mail to define the purpose of the study or research. The
investigator also assures the informants that their
information would be kept secret, and then the informants
note the answers to the questionnaire and return the
completed file. 
Enumerator’s Method: This method involves the
preparation of a questionnaire according to the purpose of
the study or research. However, in this case, the enumerator
reaches out to the informants himself with the prepared
questionnaire. Enumerators are not the investigators
themselves; they are the people who help the investigator in
the collection of data.
Sources of Collecting Secondary Data
1. Published Sources
 Government Publications: Government publishes different
documents which consists of different varieties of
information or data published by the Ministries, Central and
State Governments in India as their routine activity. As the
government publishes these Statistics, they are fairly reliable
to the investigator. Examples of Government publications on
Statistics are the Annual Survey of Industries, Statistical
Abstract of India, etc.
 Semi-Government Publications: Different Semi-
Government bodies also publish data related to health,
education, deaths and births. These kinds of data are also
reliable and used by different informants. Some examples of
semi-government bodies are Metropolitan Councils,
Municipalities, etc.
 Publications of Trade Associations: Various big trade
associations collect and publish data from their research and
statistical divisions of different trading activities and their
aspects. For example, data published by Sugar Mills
Association regarding different sugar mills in India.
 Journals and Papers: Different newspapers and magazines
provide a variety of statistical data in their writings, which
are used by different investigators for their studies.
 International Publications: Different international
organizations like IMF, UNO, ILO, World Bank, etc.,
publish a variety of statistical information which are used as
secondary data.
 Publications of Research Institutions: Research
institutions and universities also publish their research
activities and their findings, which are used by different
investigators as secondary data. For example National
Council of Applied Economics, the Indian Statistical
Institute, etc.
2. Unpublished Sources
Another source of collecting secondary data is unpublished sources.
The data in unpublished sources is collected by different government
organizations and other organizations. These organizations usually
collect data for their self-use and are not published anywhere. For
example, research work done by professors, professionals, teachers
and records maintained by business and private enterprises. 

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