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-He decided to pursue his studies to Spain after he completed a 4-year medical course in University of
Santo Tomas.
-Upon going to Spain, He use the Name Jose Mercado (cousin name form Binan)

Timeline of Rizal
May 3, 1882 – Rizals Departure for the first time to Spain (Salvadora Ship)
May 9, 1882 – He docked in Singapore (He transfer to the Ship Djenmah)
May 17, 1882 – Djenmah reached Point Galle
June 11, 1882 – Rizal Reached Naples
June 12, 1882 – steamer docked in French Harbor of Marseilles
June 15, 1882 – Left Marseilles, Board the train to Barcelona

June 16, 1882 – Rizal arrived at Barcelona

August 20, 1882 – Published the Amor Patrio in Diarong Tagalog (1st Article he wrote abroad)
September 2, 1882 – Rizal enrolled at Universidad Central de Madrid
Oct. 4, 1882 – He was asked to deliver a poem
November 2, 1882 – He wrote an article Revista de Madrid
November 29,1882 – Rizal received sad news about cholera ravaging in Manila.

March 1882 – Rizal joined Masonic lodge called “acasia”

June 17 – August 20, 1883 – Vacation in Paris
June 18 – He visited a hospital

September 28, 1883 – He enrolled for second course
June 2, 1884 – He finished his studies with a grade “ approvado”

April 22, 1886 – wrote a poem “ A Los Flores de Heidelberg”

Europe Visit
Postdam – May 11, 1887 with Dr. Viola
Dresden – Met Dr. Jagor
Leimeritz, Bohemia – May 13, 1887
Prague – Visit the tomb of Copernicus
Geneva – June 19, 1887 -
Italy – Visited Turin, Florence . June 27, 1887 to Rome

Return to Manila
August 15, 1887 – Arrival in Manila
September 1887 – He decide not to leave his family

February 3, 1888 – Left Manila
February 8, 1888 – Arrived in Hongkong
February 19, 1888 – Left Hongkong to Macao (Kui Kiang Ship)
Feb 22, 1888 – Left Hongkong to Japan

Yokohama Japan
February 28- April 13 , 1888 - Rizal arrived in Japan

United States
April 28, 1888 – Rizal visited America

London, England
December 1888 – The Propagandist meet
December 31, 1888 – The association of La solidaridad was inaugurated
Feb. 15, 1889 – Graciano Lopez Jaena Founded La Solidaridad
March 19, 1889 – left London to Paris

Brussels, Belgium
Wrote the continuity of El Filibustirismo and article to La Solidaridad.

With the Bousted in Biarritz, France

March 29, 1891 – He finished the El Filibustirismo
May 30, 1891 – He Finished the rivision

Sept. 18, 1891 – El Filibustirismo came of the press

2nd Homecoming
June 26, 1892 – arrival at the Philippines (Don Juan Boat)

Last Trip Abroad

August 26, 1896 -

Last Homecoming and Trial

Nov.3, 1896 – the Colon arrived in Manila
Dec. 26, 1896 – mock trials begins
Dec. 28, 1896 – approval of Rizal’s execution

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