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Last lesson, I analyzed and learned about the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776

and its author, Mr. Thomas Jefferson. As far as I know, this is the most famous work of Mr.
Thomas Jefferson. That text conveyed the eloquence with strong legal language, defending the
position of the American Revolution. It also affirms belief in the natural rights of all. These ideas
are largely not new, for, according to Mr. Jefferson, his aim is to put the conscience of mankind
into consideration of the subject, in words that are both simple and determined to make people
feel. agree, and that text is also a way of describing the American spirit of independence.
And during the lesson, I also gave my opinion when analyzing pathos, ethos, logos after reading
throught it. Jefferson uses ethos by presenting the American cause as serious, well-
conceptualized and worthwhile, all qualities made clear by the honest tone and intellectual rigor
of the declaration. He uses pathos to appeal to the shared roots and blood ties between the
Americans and the British. Besides, he also uses logos. An example of this from the Declaration
of Independence is when he writes about the king of Great Britain changing things. “For taking
away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of
our Governments”.
And from the point of view of convergence of Thomas Jefferson, I am also analyzed and
compared with the views of other philosophers such as Hegel, Marx. For Hegel, freedom is the
natural laws that are perceived. Hegel said that the more accurately, clearly and comprehensively
people perceive the necessity, the more freedom there is. That is, Hegel brought freedom from an
instinctive state to Freedom in relation to the necessary. As for Marx, freedom is not just the
freedom of thought of an individual who wants to think whatever he wants, regardless of external
objective laws, but freedom must be the recognition of necessity and the following. that
Each philosopher has a different view of freedom, through all 3 points of view I draw that
freedom always comes from our instincts, we long for freedom, live comfortably and do what we
want. love, but also have to follow certain rules and regulations. We are free to live, but we
cannot violate the law, this is an inevitable law.

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