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In the previous session, I discussed the American legal system, a topic that brought a lot of

advantages and benefits to my field of study. As a student of the joint law program between the
US and Vietnam, discussing this topic has helped me gain more useful background knowledge.
The first is the topic of natural law and the Declaration of Independence, with the situation when
I live on an island alone with some other people what law will I make? I have expressed the
opinion that a law that does not infringe on the health, life, and privacy of each individual is most
important. And this applies to everyday life as well because all people are born equal; they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; among them are life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. And to secure these rights, governments are formed among men, deriving
their rightful powers from the consent of the ruled; whenever any form of government becomes
destructive to these ends, the people have the right to change or abolish it and form a new
government, laying its foundation on those principles. and organize its powers in such a manner,
which seems to them more likely to affect their safety and well-being.
Besides, I also discussed some examples in the Bill of Rights such as lad freedom of speech,
freedom to own weapons, and freedom to privacy. I am most impressed with the freedom to own
weapons because in Vietnam we do not have this law. In Vietnam, we cannot freely own
weapons, but in the US, the right to own guns is enshrined in the US Constitution. Lawmakers
consider gun ownership a basic human right, second only to freedom of speech. This is a bright
spot in American law, although I find that sometimes this law is still loose because it can't be
controlled, leading to a lot of attacks and painful killings in this country. However, I think that
each country has a different background, different people, and different development, so the law
is nothing to worry about in the US, just need to control it well to not affect the network human
life is fine.
After the discussion, I learned more rights and more laws in America. I also compared it with the
law of Vietnam - where I live and also draw a lot of valuable experience.

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