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1. Which of the following implies a self-image problem?

Answer: Believing that a fair-skinned individual is beautiful, yet you are dark

2. When does self-image become a problem?

Answer: When your looks does not match your beauty standards

3. Which of the following implies a Halo effect?

Answer: Buying cosmetics from a pretty seller

4. Which of the following describes the difference between sexual orientation & gender
Answer: Sexual orientation is a person’s emotional and erotic attraction towards other
individual while gender identity refers to one’s sense of being male or female.

5. A young teenager tells the school physician that she plans to use the Rhythm Method
of Birth Control The physician is aware that the success of the Rhythm Method
depends on which of the following?
Answer: Regularity of the menses

6. Which statement explains the relationship between body image and self-esteem?
Answer: If you have a positive body image, you probably like and accept yourself the way
you are, even if you don’t fit the popular notion of beautiful/handsome.

7. Flittle was asked by her professor to discuss Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
Which of the following, if stated by her, would indicate poor understanding about the
topic being discussed?
Answer: “These diseases can be transmitted through intimate kissing”.

8. Which of the following factors affect identity?

Answer: Social relations of power and symbolic image of the world
9. The following are some main features & characters on consumer culture as outlined
by Slater (1997) EXCEPT
Answer: Consumer culture needs are controlled and regulated

10. Which of the following TRUE about consumerism?

Answer: All of the above

11. In the afternoon, just before their wedding night, the Yakan couple spend together,
each of them will be given a separate bath so that children will not only be born clean
but also stay clean throughout life.
Answer: Ritual

12. St. Lorenzo Ruiz was tortured by being hung upside-down over a pit. His arms aware
tied with one hand was left free so he may signal his desire to recant, leading to his
release. Despite his suffering, he refused to renounce Jesus & died from blood loss &
suffocation. Upon his death he said. “I’m catholic & wholeheartedly do accept death
for God; Had I a thousand lives, all these to Him shall I offer”.
Answer: Spiritual Experience

13. Jesus Christ is wholly present under the appearance either of bread or of wine in the
Eucharist. Furthermore, Christ is whole present in any fragment of the consecrated
Host or in any drop of the Precious Blood.
Answer: Belief

14. The following statements differentiate religion from spirituality EXCEPT

Answer: Religion gives the individual autonomy over his or her interpretation of the soul or
spirit, whereas spirituality implies participation in a communal practice and interpretation of
divine belief and worship.

15. Pabasa is a Catholic devotion in the Philippines popular during Holy Week involving
the uninterrupted chanting of the Pasyon, an epic poem narrating the life, passion,
death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Answer: Faith & religiosity
16. The trauma of the Mindanaoans ones have suffered in the aftermath of the successive
earthquakes, the majority of people still smile, laugh and joke
Answer: Joy & Humor

17. Dr. Fe del Mundo developed a bamboo version of modern medical incubator for rural
communities that is less expensive and easier to assemble.
Answer: Creativity

18. The following are reasons why do people engage in self-presentation EXCEPT
Answer: Enables individuals or groups to express sexual desires

19. What is the difference between sincerity and authenticity?

Answer: Sincerity refers to the exposure in public of what one feels privately. On the other
hand, unauthentic person is one who takes action based on some internal standards and takes
responsibility for this freely chosen action

20. The following situations imply impression-management strategies EXCEPT

Answer: Angela stayed with her company until her retirement

21. The following are functions of the left brain except

Answer: Right side of body control

22. The following are the functions of the right brain EXCEPT
Answer: Left side of body control

23. The following are TRUE about metacognition as a system EXCEPT

Answer: Students demand their teachers to take the primary role in their learning

24. Which of the following students has strong metacognitive skills?

Answer: Beatrix has a poor math skill, so she availed peer tutoring program at school.

25. in MAI, knowledge of cognition involves the following EXCEPT

Answer: Monitoring & controlling learning

26. Arrange the steps in creating a concept map

1) Identify the key Concept
2) Construct a focus question
3) Construct a map.
Answer: 2-1-3

27. After discussing the methods in family planning and sexually transmitted infections
in class, teacher Miya asks her students to translate their learnings in vernacular
Answer: Directed paraphrasing

28. After discussing the methods in family planning and sexually transmitted infections
in class, teacher Miya asks her students to summarize the topic in a single sentence.
Answer: One-sentence summary

29. During the discussion of the methods in family planning and sexually transmitted
infections Teacher Miya conducted a bowl of Yes or No to the topic that contraception
is solely for the married couples. those students who were mistaken in answering Yes,
were given time to convince their Classmates that their answers are correct the poll
was conducted again by teacher Miya to assess mastery.
Answer: Concept tests

30. During the discussion of the methods in family planning and sexually transmitted
infections, teacher me conducted a poll of Yes or No using the application Kahoot.
Answer: Classroom opinion polls
31. “I will be a Marine Biologist”
Answer: Specific

32. “I will finish Marine Biology with an improvement of my GWA from 82% of the
previous semester to 85%”
Answer: Measurable

33. “I will finish Marine Biology within the span of 4 years”

Answer: Time bounded

34. “I will be graduating with Latin honors”

Answer: Attainable/assignable

35. “I will be graduating on time”

Answer: Realistic

36. Which situation applies the theory of self-efficacy?

Answer: Balmond is an obese man. His recent diagnosis of diabetes melittus and other lifestyle
disease became a wake-up call to lose weight. Despite many difficulties he is determined to be
back in shape within a year.

37. Harley learned magic from his sister Lesly through observations and return
Answer: Vicarious experiences

38. Harley became proficient in magic under the tutelage of his sister Lesly.
Answer: Enactive mastery experiences
39. The encouragement of Lesly to pursue his passion made Harley the best mage in
Answer: Verbal persuasions & allied type of social influences

40. Harley under Lesly’s watch made sure he is physically and mentally ready to learn
Answer: Emotional and physiological states

41. Granger was orphaned during the war between the Moniyan Empire and the
Southern Monsters. He was picked up by the Imperial Army, and then sent to the
Monastery of Light.
Answer: Love&Belongingness

42. Khufra went for a hike at the western desert and got lost. He was deprived of food
and water for a week and was later found dead
Answer: Physiologic

43. For the sake of the country and the safety of its people, King Aurelius II had decreed
to expand the Imperial Knight’s Order and set up fortresses within the outskirts of
Answer: Safety

44. Gusion is known to use a sword in the battle instead of magic, thus he was merely
considered as insubstantial weaklings and dim-witted fools by his family in the Land
of Dawn
Answer: Esteem needs

45. To avoid physical confrontation, Hanabi walked away upon witnessing her husband
Hayabusa having an affair with her friend Kagura.
Answer: Cognitive coping
46. After seven years of irreconcilable differences, Hanabi left his philandering husband.
Answer: Problem-focused coping

47. Hanabi sought the help of a psychiatrist in dealing with stress brought by her failed
Answer: Emotion-focused coping

48. Lancelot lost his job during the onset of this pandemic. His family business also
suffered extreme financial loss, which prompted his wife Odette to leave him for
another man. The disappointment and stress that he faced drove him to commit
suicide as a means of escape
Answer: Altruistic suicide

49. Lancelot lost his job during the onset of this pandemic. His family business also
suffered extreme financial loss, which prompted his wife Odette to leave him for
another man. The disappointment and stress that he faced drove him to commit
suicide as a means of escape
Answer: Anomic suicide

50. Esmerelda has always considered herself a loner. She has very few friends and spends
most of our time in her home watching television. She is unmarried, has no friends,
and does not work. Lacking future goals and direction, and feeling like she has no
purpose in life, Esmerelda decides to commit suicide.
Answer: Egoistic suicide

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