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Scripts Sophia’ Hello, hello, This is Sophia speaking~ Valerie: Hey, girlies. Valerie here~ Melody Hi, besties, It’s Melody~ Regina; It’s Regina speaking! I can’t believe we have our own podcast! Angel: Hello, Angel here, and let me just Say I’m Super excited! Shiena’ Hey, it’s Shiena! To our listeners, welcome to our very first episode called. cove Sophias Podterial Gworls~ Let’s play our Song and get into our topic for ta-day! *Material Girl plays* Shienag Okay, Let’s get right into it. TIKTOK, Melody3 Ohhh okay I know EXACTLY what you want to address regarding this popular Social media app. Sophia’ For the listeners out there who are confused, this is a wider perspective of discrimination about sex and genders, our podcast aims to talk about gender- Sensitive, miSogynists or Sexists, and disappointingly— but not surprisingly— a lot of Tiktokers out there use their platform to express hate or negativity towards women! Angels Right?! I mean, an example of a Tiktok that I came across yesterday is when a commenter asked this guy why his girlfriend likes to wear revealing clothes3 He replied, “when women Show Skin, 199 they’re asking for attention! Sophias That assumption that we dress for male validation will never fail to annoy me. If that wasn’t enough, I saw a Tiktok that was deleted by the user as Soon as he was getting backlash on it. Basically, he went on arant about how he finds girls who wear ‘tight’ clothes to the gym repulsive and icky. Valerie: You know, based on those examples, and probably the thousand other Similar content out there on the internet, it’s Sad how to this day, there are still people out there who are pressed about what we women choose to wear, It’s never been their business, and will never be their business, Regina: And it’s almost degrading in a way because if you really look at it, these types of men that define us based on what we wear is equivalent to them seeing us as these mere objects rather than a fellow human being deserving of common decency. They act as if sexual harassment, catcalling, and all these other unacceptable things girls have experienced is understandable if they were showing off Some Skin. Shienag Correct! And going back to these men who create these questionable Tiktoks, Sometimes, it’s not even because they’re bothered by our choice of clothes. Some of these men just HATE women and want to DEGRADE them on the internet with the hopes of making us girls feel a certain way. This is blatant misogyny! Melody: True! And I will never get why they Just carelessly say things like “Women can't do this” or “Men can do it better” because gender has nothing to do with your capabilities! Angels So many women have been proving Society wrong for Such a long time now, and it’s funny how these men that look down on uS women are mostly just guys who Stay in their bed all day or can’t even contribute to group work when needed! The irony is as clear as day! Regina’ Yeah! And I think some of our listeners have been thinking this for a while now So let me just address the elephant in the rooms Yes, we are aware that men go through oppression, abuse, and discrimination too, A lot of Tiktokers who are lowkey against women Speaking up always use this card, But, if you’re only going to use this argument whenever a girl expresses what they've been through? Then you don't actually care for male victims, You only care about making women feel invalidated, Melody: PREACH! People on the internet will make us girls who want to Say Something about these misogynists feel like we’re being too Sensitive or selfish for not thinking that men go through the same things, but So many statistics, research, and statements have revealed on multiple instances that 90% of the time, it’s always a woman who has to go through all these unfortunate things. Valerie: Right?! We're well aware that men can be victims too, and we also fight for their rights, but please, when it’s oppressed women we're talking about, don't try to make it about males, Don’t try to invalidate this issue women face. Sophia’ It’s important to talk about stuff like this, especially on an influential app like Tiktok, because it’s not okay to be Sexist, It’s not true and it’s not funny. Never will be. We have to put these misogynists in their place. Shienas True! And what’s funny is, the moment Someone duets a miSogynist’s Tiktok video and roasts plus educates the heck out of them, these guys delete their video right away. They can’t handle the hate, They can't defend themselves, And that’s exactly how it Should be! Sophias Yeah! So let’s all duet a misogynist’s Tiktok today! Make fun of them and let them know how dumb they are! They'll delete the video Tiktok and the world will be a better place! Angels HAHAHAHA! Yeah let’s all do that the moment this podcast ends! Speaking of this podcast ending, I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today’s episode girlies! Melody: Awww and we were just getting warmed up! Valerie: But before we end, let’s answer this question that a misogynistic Tiktoker asked us women? “Why do you women think they’re So Special?!” Allg Because we are~ Sophias Always have. Always will be. That’s just the way it is. OK, I heard nothing but facts! Thank you, besties, for tuning in to “Podterial Girls”. We hope you enjoyed and learned a little something for today’s episode, Bye bye~! *Material Girl Plays* end,

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