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Rai Sean Jean B.





1. How does sexual reproduction lead to transmission of genetic information?

When the sperm cell of the father and the egg cell of the mother meets, this may lead to the egg cell
being fertilized which is called a zygote, thus resulting in an offspring which has the sets of genetic
information of both parents from their chromosomes which is from sexual reproduction. The father
releases semen which contains sperm during sexual climax inside the vagina of the mother which
results for the sperm cells and egg cells to meet thus making them meet and unite into a zygote.

2. What is the function of a male reproductive system?

The male reproductive system is able to produce testosterone which is the male sex hormone and
produces sperm which is the male gamete. The male reproductive system is able to release semen
which contains sperm cells, making it a key in reproducing a new individual. For a zygote to be
formed, there is a need for the sperm cell to fertilize the egg cell because without the sperm cell, the
fertilization of the egg cell cannot happen.

3. What is the importance of the female reproductive organs?

The female reproductive organs are essential due to the fact that it produces the female sex
hormones that maintains the cycle of reproduction. The system produces female egg cells that are
needed for sexual reproduction which are called oocytes or ova. The system transports the ova to the
site of fertilization. The fertilization of an egg by a sperm usually occurs in the fallopian tubes and
results in a fertilized egg or zygote which is then implanted into the walls of the uterus marking the
first stages of pregnancy. If the fertilization does not occur and is not implanted in the uterus, the
system is designed to menstruate which is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining.

4. How can you avoid and/or treat sexually transmitted illnesses?

To avoid such sexually transmitted illnesses, we should always be always clean when it comes to our
body especially our sexual organs. We should also be more aware of such sexually transmitted
illnesses to know how to prevent these from spreading which will help may people as well. For the
people who have sexually transmitted illnesses, they can be treated by means of antibiotics which is
often given in a single dose and these can help cure many sexually transmitted illnesses such as
Syphilis, Gonorrhea and many more.

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