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The purpose of this assignment is to discuss about the importance of Information Technology and its

applications in our life.

ICT 的解释

信息和通讯技术(ICT), 它是信息技术相融合而形成的一个新的概念和新的技术领域。以往通

21 世纪初,八国集团在冲绳发表的《全球信息社会冲绳宪章》中认为:“信息通讯技术是 21 世

信息和通讯技术是人类社会 20 世纪下半叶,尤其是 20 世纪 90 年代以来,最具影响力的技术。在

此期间,不仅 ICT 的开发,制造及服务得到迅猛发展,而且 ICT 的应用越来越广泛。ICT 已经渗透
济和社会的发展以及人们生活水平的提高,又对 ICT 产生了更多的需求,从而进一步促进了 ICT 的
The importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the communication industry
cannot be ignored. ICT, or information and communication technology, is the backbone of the modern
communications industry. They enable the transmission of information and data in a variety of ways,
including through telecommunications, the internet and social media.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of ICT in the communications industry increased significantly.
This is due to the fact that ICT has become essential to enable people to stay in touch with each other,
access information and conduct business during the pandemic.

For example, ICT has been used to facilitate remote working, online learning and telemedicine. They
have also been used to provide information about the outbreak, such as news updates and health
advice. In addition, ICT has been used to conduct e-commerce, which allows businesses to continue
operating during the pandemic.

Here are some articles that discuss the importance of ICT in the communication industry during the
COVID-19 pandemic:

• "The Importance of ICT in the Communications Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (2020) by the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

• "ICT and the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Technology is Helping Us Stay Connected" (2020) by the World
Economic Forum

• "The Rise of ICT in the Communications Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (2021) by Harvard
Business Review

All of these articles highlight the importance of ICT in the communications industry during the COVID-19
pandemic. They also discussed the various ways ICT has been used to enable people to stay connected,
access information and conduct business during the pandemic.
Overall, the importance of ICT in the communication industry is clear. ICT has become essential to
enable people to stay connected, access information and conduct business during the COVID-19
pandemic. As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, ICT will continue to play an important
role in the communications industry.

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