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-Week 4: Day 2: Persuasive essay

Why Should You Go Back-To-Basic?

Do we really need to save the Earth? Can’t it save itself? Why should we follow going back-to-basic: eco-
awareness? Do we really have to follow these? Going back-to-basic: Eco-Awareness, is an act where we
do stuffs like maintaining a clean and healthy environment to save the Earth and preserve the beauty it
holds. Earth is the only planet which can sustain life and that’s what make it necessary for us to generate
a sense of urgency to save it.

How can we practice going back to basic? We can start by conserving water. This is because the less
water you consume, the lesser the wastewater we got that eventually goes to the ocean and pollutes it.
Not only that, it also harms the underwater animals that can lead to their endangerment or worse,
extinction. You can also try using light bulbs that lasts longer, long-lasting light bulbs or energy efficient
bulbs reduces greenhouse gas emissions that causes global warming, also, don’t forget to switch the
light off if you are leaving the house.

Practice reduce, reuse and recycle together with tree planting activities. I can say that this combo is the
best among all the ways, why? Because as you lessen the garbage that pollutes the land and oceans you
also do something to lessen the pollution in the air by planting trees. And as a believer of chain
reactions, I believe when you constantly do these a lot of people will be encouraged to follow what you
do and when this happens, pollution in all forms will be lessened.

Be a volunteer and educate. With these steps, we can proudly say that I helped and did something to
save the Earth. Whether it is a clean up drive or tree planting session, as long as you participate
voluntarily you should be proud of yourself because what you do speaks a lot about you. And educate,
when you have great understanding over a specific matter don’t forget to educate other people, this
way the lessons you learned will be passed from one person to another and might be a reason for
people to start valuing the importance of nature.

What I am implying here I that, being a leader or a follower doesn’t matter when it comes to saving the
planet, we live in. What matters is that we do something to save it from destruction. Let’s all follow
going back-to-basic: Eco-Awareness to save the Earth and ourselves too! Start saving water in your
homes and practicing 3Rs. Always remember that change and growth start within ourselves so if you’re
not willing to change now, when? Who will do what you are supposed to?

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