Unit 4. Governors

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MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines.


Unit 4. Governors

1. Introduction

A governor is a device used for maintaining a constant mean speed of

rotation of the crank-shaft over long period during which the load on the
engine may vary.

When the load on the engine increases, the speed of the engine will decrease.
The governor will act in such a way that it will increase the supply of
working fluid.

Similarly when the load on the engine decreases, the speed of the engine
increases. Then the governor will act in such a way that the supply of
working fluid decreases.

Thus the mean speed of rotation of the engine will be maintained constant as
closely as possible over a long period.

Difference between a flywheel and governor:

The function of a flywheel is to limit the fluctuation of speed during each

cycle which arises from the fluctuations of turning moment on the crank-
shaft. The flywheel does not control the speed variations caused by a
varying load.
The function of governor is to control the mean speed of rotation over a
long period due to the variation of load. The governor has no influence over
cyclic speed fluctuation.

2. Types of governors
The following are important types of governors:
(i) Centrifugal governors and
(ii) Inertia governors

In case of centrifugal governors, the two or more masses known as

governor balls are caused to revolve about the axis of the shaft, which is
driven by the engine crank-shaft through bevel gears. When governor balls
ere revolving at uniform speed, the centrifugal force on the balls is equal to

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

the inward controlling force. The inward controlling force is provided by a

dead weight, a spring or a combination of the two.
In case of inertia governors, the governor balls are so arranged that the
inertia forces caused by an angular acceleration or retardation of the
governor shaft, tend to alter their positions.

2.1 Centrifugal governors

Fig.1 Centrifugal governor

A centrifugal governor is a specific type of governor with a feedback

system that controls the speed of an engine by regulating the flow of fuel or
working fluid, so as to maintain a near-constant speed. It uses the principle
of proportional control.

Fig.1 shows the line diagram of a centrifugal governor, which consists of

two balls of equal masses (the balls are also known as governor balls)
attached to the two arms. The upper ends of the arms are pivoted to a
spindle, which is driven by the engine through bevel gears. The lower arms
(or links) are connected to a sleeve which is keyed to the spindle. The sleeve
revolves with the spindle, but can slide up and down. The two stops S1 and
S2 on the spindle prevents the upwards and downward motion on the sleeve.
The sleeve is connected by a bell crank lever to a throttle valve, which
controls the supply of the working fluid. When sleeve rises, the supply of
Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda
MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

the working fluid decreases and when sleeve falls, the supply of the
working fluid increases.

Working principle

When the load on the engine decreases, the speed on the engine increases.
As the spindle of the governor is driven by the engine, hence the speed of
the spindle also increases. This will increases the centrifugal force on the
governor balls and the balls will move outwards. Due to the movement of
balls outwards the sleeve will rise upwards. The upward movement of the
sleeve will operate a throttle valve at the other end of the bell crank lever
to reduce the supply of the working fluid by reducing the throttle valve
opening and thus the engine speed is decreased.

Similarly when the load on the engine increases, the speed of the engine
decreases. Also the speed of the spindle of the governor decreases. Hence
the centrifugal force on the governor balls will also decrease. The ball of the
governor will move inwards and hence the sleeve will move downwards.
The downward movement of the sleeve will increase the supply of the
working fluid by increasing the opening of the throttle valve and thus the
engine speed is increased.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

2.3 Type of centrifugal Governors

The following are the classifications of the centrifugal governors:

Centrifugal governors

Pendulum type Loaded type

(Watt governor)

Dead weight governor Spring-controlled


(i) Porter governor (ii) Proell governor

(i) Hartnel governor (ii) Wilson-Hartnel (iii) Hartung (iv) Pickering

governor governor governor

2.4 Watt governor

Fig.2 shows the simplest form of a centrifugal governor, which is known as

watt governor it is the original of the governor used by watt on some of his
early steam engines (although now obsolete).
It consists of a pair of two balls which are attached to the spindle with the
help of links or arms. The upper links (or arm) are pinned at point o whereas
the lower links are fixed to the sleeve which is free to move on the vertical
spindle. The spindle is driven by the engine. As the spindle rotates, the balls
takes up a position depending upon the speed of the spindle.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

Fig.2 . Watt governor

m  Mass of each ball
w  Weight of each ball  mg
T  Tension in the arm
  angular velocity of the balls , arms and the sleeve
r  Radial dis tan ce of the ball centre from spindle axis i.e radius of the path of the rotation of the ball
V2  2r 2
Fc  Centrifuga l force acting on the ball  m   m  m2  r
r r
h  Height of the governor i.e the vertical dis tan ce from the centre of the ball to the po int of
int er sec tion of the upper arms along the axis of spindle.
  Angle of inclinatio n of the arm with the verical (i.e spindle axis)

With the increase of the speed, the height of governor (i.e h) decreases,
whereas with the decrease of the speed, the height h increases.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

Assuming the weight of the arms, links and the sleeve to be negligible as
compared to the weight of balls, each ball will be in equilibrium under the
action of following forces:
(i) the centrifugal force, Fc acting on the ball where Fc  m   2  r
(ii) the weight of ball, w where w  m  g
(iii) the tension T in the upper arm.

There will be no tension in the lower link if sleeve is assumed to be massless

and also friction is neglected.
Resolving the forces acting on the ball in horizontal direction,
T sin   Fc  m   2  r
Resolving forces in vertical direction,
T cos   w  m  g
Dividing equation (i) and (ii), we get
T sin  m   2  r  2  r
 
T cos  m g g
2 r
tan   ......................................................................................(iii )
But from Fig.2, we have
tan   .............................................................................................(iv )
Equating the two values of tan , given by equations (iii) and (iv),
2 r r

g h

rg g
h  2 .............................................................................(1)
r  2

If g is taken in m/s2 and w in rad/s, then h will be in meters. If N is the speed
in rpm, then

9.81 60 1
h  9.81  ( ) 2  2 ( g in m / s 2  9.81)
2N 2 2 N
( )

h ..............................................................................................................(2)

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

From equation (2) it is clear that height of a watt governor is inversely

proportional to the square of the speed. Therefore at high speeds, the value
of h is very small. For example if N=50rpm then h   0.358m  35.8cm .
50 2
But if N=300 then h   0.0099m  0.99cm . Hence this governor works
300 2
satisfactorily at low speeds i.e from 50 to 85 rpm.

Calculate the change in vertical height of a Watt governor when its
(i) increases from 50 rpm to 51rpm., and
(ii) increases from 200 rpm to 201rpm

2.5. Porter Governor

(a) (b)

Fig.4 (a) shows the diagram of a Porter governor. In a case of Porter

governor, a central heavy load is attached to the sleeve. The central load and
sleeve moves up and down the spindle.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

M  mass of central load

W  weight of central load  M  g
w  weight of each ball  m  g
m  mass of each ball
h  height of governor
r  radius of rotation
Fc  centrifuga l force on the ball  m   2  r
  angular speed of ball  rad / s
N  speed of ball in rpm

T1  tension in upper arm

T2  tension in lower link
  angle of inclinatio n of the upper arm to the vertical
  angle of inclinatio n of the lower link to the vertical
F f  force of friction between sleeve and spindle

The force of friction always acts in a direction opposite to that of the motion.
When sleeve moves up, the force of friction acts in the downward direction.

Then the total force acting on the sleeve in the downward direction will be
(W  F f ) .

Similarly when the sleeve moves down, the total force on the sleeve will be
( W  F f ).
In general, the total force acting on the sleeve will be (W  F f ) depending
upon whether the sleeve moves upwards or downwards.

The relation between the height of governor and angular speed of ball

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

Fig.4(b) forces acting on left-hand half of the governor

Fig.4(b) shows the forces acting on left-hand half of the governor i.e on the
sleeve and on each ball.
Firstly, considering the equilibrium of left-half of sleeve, we have

W  Ff W  Ff
T2 cos   or T2  ......................(1)
2 2 cos 
Now, considering the equilibrium of the left ball, which is acted upon by

(i) Centrifugal force ( Fc ),

(ii) weight (w  m  g ) ,
(iii) tension in upper arm (T1), and
(iv) tension (T2) in lower link, we have

Force in vertical direction

T1 cos   w  T2 cos  .....................(2)

Force in horizontal direction

T1 sin   T2 sin   Fc ..................(3)

W  Ff W  Ff
T1 sin   ( )  sin   Fc  From equation (1), T2  ( )
2 cos  2 cos 

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

W  Ff
T1 sin   Fc  ( )  sin 
2 cos 

W  Ff
T1 sin   Fc  ( )  tan  ......................(4)
The tension T1 can be eliminated from equations (ii) and (iv)

Dividing equation (4) by equation (2)

 W  Ff 
Fc     tan 
T1 sin   2 

T1 cos  w  T2 cos 
W  Ff
 T2 cos   from(1)
 W  Ff 
Fc     tan 
tan    2 
 W  Ff 
w   
 2 

W  Ff  W  Ff 
(w  ) tan   Fc    tan 
2  2 

W  Ff Fc  W  Ff  tan 
(w  )   
2 tan   2  tan 
tan 
Let  k , then the above equation becomes as
tan 
W  Ff F  W  Ff 
(w  )  c   k
2 tan   2 
But from Fig.4 (b), we have, tan  
Now the above equation becomes
W  Ff Fc  h  W  F f 
(w  )     k r
( tan   )
2 r  2  h

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

 W  Ff  m   2  r  h  W  Ff 
 w       k ( Fc  m   2  r )
 2  r  2 
 W  Ff   W  Ff 
 w    m   2  h     k
 2   2 
M  g  Ff  M  g  Ff 
(m  g  )  m   2  h     k
2  2 
( w  m  g and W  M  g
M  g  Ff M  g  Ff
m g    k  m2  h
2 2
M  g  Ff
m g  (1  k )  m   2  h
M  g  Ff
m g  ( )(1  k )
 
2 2 ...........................................................................(5)

(Multiplying and dividing by g)

M  g  Ff
m g  ( )(1  k )
2 g
2  
m g h

W  Ff
w( )(1  k )
2 g
  2
 ...................................................................(6)
w h

From equation (5), the height of governor (h) is obtained as

M  g  Ff
m g  ( )(1  k )
h 2 ..........................................................(7)
If there is no friction between sleeve and spindle, then Ff (i.e force of
friction becomes zero and hence equations (5) and (6) reduces to
M g
m g  ( )(1  k )
2  2 ..........................................................(6)
w (1  k )
2 g
2   ...................................................................(7)
w h

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

(i) In equations (5), (6) and (7), the force of friction (Ff) is taken with
positive sign when the sleeve moves upwards (or the speed of governor
increases). If sleeve moves downwards (or the speed of governor decreases)
then negative sign is taken with force of friction Ff.
(ii) From equation (7), it is clear that for the same value of h, there will be
two values of ω.
(iii) In these equations the value of “h” should be taken in meter and value of
“g” as equal to 9.81m/s2.

Instantaneous Centre Methods [Refer to fig.15.4 in Goupter]

In this method, the equilibrium of the lower arm AC is considered. The

forces acting on the lower arm AC are:
(i) Centrifugal force Fc through A,
(ii) The weight of the ball (mxg) through A, and
(iii) Half of the weight of the sleeve i.e .

First, the instantaneous centre of the lower arm AC is obtained.

As the point A moves along a circular arc which has O as centre and AO as
radius and point moves parallel to the axis of the governor, the instantaneous
centre I lies at the point of intersection of OA produced and a line drawn
through C perpendicular to the governor axis.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

Taking moments of forces  i.e.Fc , mg and

 acting on lower arm AC, about
 2
the point I,
Fc  AD  (m  g )  ID   IC
Fc  (m  g )   
 (m  g )  tan    ( IC  ID  DC)
2 AD
 (m  g )  tan    
M g
 (m  g )  tan   (tan   tan  )
(  tan  ,  tan  and W  M  g )
M g tan 
 m  g  tan    tan  (1  )
2 tan 
M g tan 
 m  g  tan    tan  (1  k ) ( where k  )
2 tan 

M g
 tan  [m  g  (1  k )]
But from triangle OAB, tan   and Fc  m   2  r .
Substituting these values in the above equations, we get
r M g
 m   2  r  [m  g  (1  k )]
h 2
M g
m g  (1  k )
 2 2 .........................................................................................(7 A)
If k=1 which is true when tan   tan  , the above equation becomes as
m  g  M  g (m  M )  g
2  
m h m h
But  
2N 2 (m  M )  g
( ) 
60 m h
(m  M )  g (m  M )  g  3600 m  M 9.81  3600
h   
2N 2 m  4 2  N 2 m 4 2  N 2
m( )

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

m  M 894.56
h  ...............................................................................(7 B)
m N2
In the above equation, h is in meter.
If frictional force at the sleeve is taken into consideration, then total force in
general acting on C when sleeve moves upwards or downwards is equal
to ( M  g  F ) . Then equation (7A) becomes as
(M  g  F )
m g  (1  k )
2  2
The above equation is same as equation (3).

Calculate the minimum speed, maximum speed and range of the speed
of a Porter governor, which has equal arms each 200mm long and
pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 4kg and the
central mass on the sleeve is 20kg. The radius of rotation of the ball is
100 when the governor begins to lift and 130mm when the governor is at
maximum speed.

6. Proell Governor

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

Fig 9(a) shows the line diagram of a proell governor, which is similar to the
Porter governor having a heavy central load at the sleeve. But is differs from
Porter governor in the arrangement of balls. The balls are carried on the
extension of the lower arm instead of at the junction of the upper and lower
arms. The action of this governor is similar to the watt’s governor. An
increase in the speed of rotation increases the radius of rotation and raises
the sleeve, thus reducing the amount of energy supplied to engine.
Conversely a decrease in speed results in decrease in radius of rotation, thus
lowering the sleeve and increasing the amount of energy supplied to the
The Proell governor may also be analysed by considering the equilibrium of
the lower arm AC. The instantaneous centre I of the lower arm Ac is
obtained by producing line OA and by drawing a line through C
perpendicular to the governor axis as shown in Fig.9 (b). Taking moments of
all forces
 M g
 i.e.Fc , mg and  about I and assuming the extension AG of lower arm to
 2 
be vertical, we get
M g
Fc  GD  m  g  ID   IC
Dividing both sides by AD, we get
GD ID M  g IC
Fc   m g   
M  g ID  DC
 m  g  tan   ( )
2 AD
( IC  ID  DCand  tan  )

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

M g ID DC
 m  g  tan   (  )

M g DC
 m  g  tan    (tan   tan  ) (   tan  )
2 AD

M g tan 
 m  g  tan    tan  (1  )
2 tan 
M g tan 
 tan  [(m  g   (1  k )] ( wherek  )
2 tan 

AD M g
Fc   tan   [m  g   (1  k )]
GD 2

But from triangle OAB, tan   in which r=radius of governor and
Fc  m   2  r , here r=radius of rotation of ball. Hence substituting these
values in the above equation, we get
AD r M g
m2  r   [m  g   (1  k )]
GD h 2

AD r M g 1
2   [m  g   (1  k )] 
GD h 2 m r

M g
m g  (1  k )
AD 2
 [ ].................................................................................(8)
GD mh

If k=1 which is true when tan   tan  , then the above equation becomes as

AD m  g  M  g
2  ( )
GD mh

AD (m  M )  g )
 ....................................................................................................(9)
GD m h
Comparing equation (8) with equation (6) of the Porter governor, we find
that the angular speed of Proell governor reduces for a given values of m, M
and h. in equation (8), GD is more than AD. We can also say that for same

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

MEE3261 Dynamics of Machines. Governors

angular speed for given values of M and h, the balls of smaller masses can
be used in Proell governor. In equation (8) and (9), the radius of the
governor is equal to the radius of rotation of balls.

Calculate the minimum speed of a proell governor, which has equal
arms each 200mm and pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of each
ball is 4 kg and the central mass on the sleeve is 20kg. The extension
arms of the lower links are each 60mm long and parallel to the axis
when the minimum radius of the ball is 100mm.

Governors. Prepared by Dr. Bernard B. Munyazikwiye, University of Rwanda

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