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● Assembly

● Speech by ma’am

● IYP introduction

● Introduction of chairs

● Seating arrangements

● Agenda and procedures

What is Lok Sabha?
● The Lok Sabha is the house of the People or the lower house. It is composed of
representatives of people chosen by direct election on the basis of Universal Adult
● The primary responsibility of the Lok Sabha is to pass Indian Laws. It can introduce bills
and resolutions, discuss them, and then pass them. The Lok Sabha consists of 550
members of which 530 members represent the states and 20 represent the Union
● The Lok Sabha unless dissolved has a term of 5 years while in case of any emergency it
can be extended.


What is Rajya Sabha?

● Rajya Sabha is the Upper house or the Council of States of the Bicameral legislature of
India. It is composed of members elected from Vidhan sabhas or the individual state
legislatures by the members.
● Rajya Sabha protects the rights of the state. It consists of 250 members, where 238
members are chosen from Vidhan Sabhas and 12 members are elected directly by the
president from people who have contributed to art, science, literature, etc. A quorum
(minimum number of members) of 1/10th of the total strength is required to conduct
business. The quorum requirement is of 25 members.
● Rajya Sabha is a permanent house that is never dissolved. Each member is elected for
a term of 6 years and 1/3rd of its members retire every 2 years.
A motion is a formal proposal by a member of a deliberative assembly that the assembly
take certain action.

● Adjournment Motion - The Adjournment motion is introduced for discussing an
important and urgent issue.It needs the support of at least 50 members to be
introduced.It can only be introduced in Lok Sabha and not Rajya Sabha.
● No-Confidence Motion - The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible for the
Lok Sabha and if the House passes a No Confidence motion then the Council must
resign.It needs to be signed by a minimum of 50 members for consideration.It can be
introduced only in the Lok Sabha.
● Censure Motion - The censure motion is a main motion expressing a strong opinion of
disapproval that could be debated by the assembly and adopted by a majority vote.

A bill is the draft of a legislative proposal, which, when passed by both houses of
Parliament and assented to by the President, becomes an act of Parliament.There are 4
types of bills which are :-

● Ordinary Bills - Ordinary bill is a bill that is presented by any house of parliament and is
passed by both houses of parliament. It is concerned with any issue other than financial
● Money Bills - Money bills are those bills which are concerned with financial matters like
taxation, public expenditure, etc.This bill is presented only in Lok Sabha. This bill cannot
be amended or rejected by Rajya Sabha.
● Financial Bills - Financial bills are those bills which are concerned with financial
matters but are different from money bills. The Finance Bill forms a part of the Union
Budget, with details about all the legal amendments required for the changes in taxation
proposed by the Finance Minister of the country.
● Constitutional Amendment Bill - This bill is concerned with the amendment of the
constitution. It is concerned with amending certain parts or portions of the constitution
● The first hour of every sitting during a Parliament Session is called the Question Hour.
During 'Question hour' Questions are posed by members to specific government

There are three types of Questions which are :-

● Starred Questions - Starred Questions are those for which an oral answer is expected.
● Un-Starred Questions - Un-starred questions are those for which a written reply is
● Short Notice Questions - Short notice questions are those which are asked on matters
of urgent public importance and thus, can be asked on a shorter notice of less than 10
days. These questions can be answered orally and supplementary questions can be

● Opening: 7:00 to 8:00

● Motions: 8:30 to 9:30

● Zero Hour: 9:30 to 10:30

● Short break: 10:30 to 10:45

● Bills (making, presentation,general discussion,voting,

passing of finance bill): 10.45-12.45

● Break: 12:45 to 1:15

● Joint Session: 1:30 to 3

● Motion of entertainment: 3-3.30

● Closing ceremony/ awards: 3.30-4.35

● Dispersal: 4.45-5.15

1) What is the joint session?

● The Parliament of India is bicameral in nature. The consensus of both houses is required to
pass any bill. However, the framers of the Constitution of India anticipated situations of
deadlock between the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha.
● Therefore, the Constitution of India provides for Joint sittings of both the Houses to break the
● The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President of India (According to article 108)
and is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or, in their absence, by the Deputy
Speaker of the Lok Sabha, or in their absence, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

2) What happens in the joint session?

● Presentation of bill- The house presents a bill to be implemented. The bill presented can
be any type of bill, except a Money Bill or Constitutional Amendment Bill
● General discussion- A general discussion is held based on the bill presented. Members
ask all sorts of questions to the presenters of the bill.
● Debate- A debate takes place between the presenters and opposing members of the
● 3 round voting with amendment- The bill in a joint sitting is passed by a simple majority.

The Agenda for the Lok Sabha this year is ‘UNIFORM CIVIL CODE’
~ One nation, one code.

Uniform Civil Code is observed as the same set of secular civil laws so as to govern
all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe. The need for such a code
was felt to take into account the constitutional mandate of securing justice and
equality for all its citizens.In simple words, Uniform Civil Code was defined as a
proposal in which the personal laws of the country should be replaced on the basis
of the scriptures and customs of each major religious community in India with a
common set governing every citizen.

The Uniform Civil Code in India refers to a proposed set of laws that would
govern personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption,
uniformly across all religious communities. Currently, personal laws in India are
based on religious customs and traditions, resulting in different rules for different
religious groups. The idea behind the Uniform Civil Code is to promote equality
and secularism by providing a common set of laws for all citizens, regardless of
their religious affiliations, sexuality or orientation. However, its implementation
has been a subject of debate and controversy due to concerns regarding cultural
and religious sensitivities.

The Agenda for the Rajya Sabha this year is ‘ONE EARTH, ONE FAMILY, ONE
~G20 Presidency: India's Tryst With Destiny

India is hosting more than 200 G20 events in over 50 cities across the
country. Top business executives of G7 countries have endorsed India's
G20 theme of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future' and said it is essential
to achieve sustainable growth that is compatible with the protection of the
global environment.
Is the G20 Presidency helping India's economic growth? If so, how? Should India
focus on world affairs or pay attention to the issues within the country? What is
India's future going to be like by undertaking the G20 Presidency? What could be
the reason that India did not take up the Presidency offered to them in 2020 but
taking it up in 2023 instead?

Adjournment: It is merely the ending of a sitting of the house. The presiding officer, that
is, the speaker is vested with powers to adjourn the house.

Prorogation: It is the end of a session of the house. The President of India has the
power to prorogue.

Motion: In parliamentary procedure, a motion is a formal proposal by a member of a

deliberative assembly that the assembly take certain action.

Question hour: Question Hour is the first hour of a sitting session of India's Lok Sabha
devoted to questions that Members of Parliament raise about any aspect of
administrative activity. The concerned Minister is obliged to answer to the Parliament,
either orally or in writing, depending on the type of question raised.

Zero hour: Zero hour begins soon after the question hour, at 12 o'clock and continues
till lunch break at 1. During zero hour members raise all types of questions without
permission or prior notice. The presiding officer controls the house during heated debates.

Quorum: The minimum number of members to be present to enable the house to

conduct the business. The quorum of The Lok Sabha is 1/10th of the membership.

Vote of no confidence: It is a motion expressing lack of confidence in the ministers.

The ministers are collectively responsible to members of the Lok Sabha. The moment a
vote of no confidence is passed against them, the entire council of ministers along with
the Prime Minister has to resign.

Bill: A bill is the draft of a legislative proposal, which, when passed by both houses of
Parliament and assented to by the President, becomes an act of Parliament.

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